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Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale


Leonard "Leo" Giovanni

Leonard was stunned at seeing such a creepy and unsettling display of a Fangmon being ripped to shreds by the same Tendrils that captured as he held the urge to barf. Meanwhile, at least physically, Dracumon seemed to be fine with this as he was mentally just disgusted. Since it broke down into digital coding... that proceeded to break down further until breaking off into multiple spools of code as one of them was being sent to his digivice which was somehow still in his hand s he looked down at this device.

"First off wh-"

He got pulled into a hug as he was going to protest he was outright kissing him on the lips as he then got shoved down. Immediately, afterward, his face instantly heated up s too many thoughts raced across his face, and his face seemed beet red as he did a high-pitched squeal. He got his first kiss, From somebody finally! He wasn't expecting it but he kissed a girl!

"SheKissedme!Shekissedme!SheKissedme!SheLiterallykissedme!" He thought to himself forgetting about the situation again and not noticing Raven approaching.

He was rolling side to side in utter joy, With Dracmon looking at his partner confused and in utter not really hidden disgust this time at Leonard as the small Vampiric Digimon groaned. "I got one, and that is... IS HE OK!?" Dracumon asked extremely confused on Leo's action as he pointed to Leo. He expected for Leo to at least have a semblance of dignity and not be gushing out like a weirdo which was making Dracmon extremely uncomfortable here, as he rubbed his forehead annoyed by this.

"It's going to be fine... This won't be a problem." He mumbled to himself as he walked away from his tamer, taking a seat as he yawned. "I'm going to take me a lil' nap." He leans on under a tree which was not far from Leo and he seemed to be asleep immediately by the snoring.

Ruth Valentine & Impmon
Interactions: Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Metal Seadramon Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

”Bingo!” Impmon cheered snapping their fingers the moment their flames made a direct hit. ”And that’s how it’s done.” He puffs his chest out victoriously. He turns around in hopes Ruth caught a perfect view of his heroic act. Instead, Ruth was preoccupied with Arii. Impmon turns to the kid beside him, leaning towards Ruth who has their arms wide open. At such a height, could be dangerous. Impmon attempted to tug the kid back, but he was too big for the short imp to balance them out. They made it worse by tipping them directly at Ruth. Impmon lets out a shriek as they fall. Out of panic, they cling onto Metal Seadramon’s strand of silver hair while the other holds Arii’s scruff. ”Sorry sea snake.” He said before slipping, and proceeding to fall.

Ruth flails her arms, and catches both of them. She looses her footing in the process causing her to fall on her back with Arii on top, and Impmon on Arii’s back. Ruth was dizzy from the plummet for a minute before she comes back to reality. She sits up helping her friend up, and sighs out of relief to have them safe and sound. “Thank goodness. You’re alive.” Tears begin to well up as emotions rise. She embraces them, the best way she knew how to express content. “I’m so glad. I’m sorry I got you into this mess. Thank you for saving me.” She pulls away realizing she might be hurting the kid than anything. “I guess now we’re equal, right?” She chirped forcing herself to be strong and smile.

Impmon groans, holding their aching head. ”Don’t worry about me. I’m just dandy.” He gives a weak thumbs up while seeing stars. Ruth surprisingly smiles softly at the digimon, then turns pale at the sight of Fangmon’s form melting like some sort of anamotronic burning alive from Impmon’s flames. It was a horrific display as chunks of it’s body fell apart revealing a creepy Fangmon substitute. The blonde knew Fangmon was bad news, but didn’t expect them to be a demon of sorts. She pulls out her purple crystal gripping it tightly while holding Arii’s shoulder for protection.

”Go away evil spirit. Rest in peace, and leave us be, please.”l She takes a couple of breaths trying to slow her heartbeat only for her efforts to be futile. The ragdoll creature was persistent in obtaining Arii. Irritated, Ruth stepped forward hiding Arii behind her by stretching her arms out defensively. ”Go away evil spirit!” The hand holding the crystal is directed at the faux Fangmon. Impmon snaps out of it, assessing the situation. Ruth’s cries were enough for him to jump back to reality.

”Oh no ya don’t! Ruth!” He calls out jumping straight at the Faux digimon charging an icy punch on their right fist. It glows a neon blue. ”Take dis! Icy punch!”

Lopmon held on as tightly, as her little paws could, around Arii as the two of them slowly glided through the air.

"Don't worry new friend! I got you!!"

And she did, barely, but she did! Her ears twirled at full speed even while she strained to hold onto the young man just keeping them from dropping like a stone to the ground.

Every passing second they grew closer and closer to the giant serpent Digimon.

"A-Almost there!"

Her ears began to tire just a little.

"H-Hold on just a little l-longer!"

Her paws began to slip from their hold around Arii.


She didn't have him. A sudden shift in weight and Lopmon found herself flying much easier than before, while Arii fell like a brick, arms and legs outstretched and rock-solid.

"....huh...guess I don't got you..."

Being so close to MetalSeadramon worked well for the young man, caught just barely by the perched Impmon, before both came crashing down onto Ruth further below.

Róisín held onto the jutting fin of the giant Digimon, pulling herself away before she could get caught up in the pile up that followed. Luckily the trio seemed alright, Ruth happily pulling Arii into a tearful embrace while Impmon stood up with a groan of both pain and annoyance.

Relief didn't last too long as Róisín watched Impmon's fire burn away at the Fangmon's eye infested tendrils, causing the large creature to first fling the belt holding Mei before making one last-ditch effort to go after its prey, even as its entire body fell away into a creepy skeleton/wireframe.

As before, Ruth was the first to put herself forward, getting between the zombie Fangmon and Arii, a crystal in her hand as if hoping to ward off the creature like an exorcism.

"God dammit....kids!!"

She hissed to herself, giving a slight tug on one the silver strands of hair to get the Digimon's attention.

"Hey!! Keep any more of those things away from the kids if they show up, okay?! And you two!"

Quickly turning her frustrated glare at Danny and Elecmon.

"Come with me, we gotta help and see if that one's fine!

Slipping down and off MetalSeadramon's body, Róisín landed on the uneven forest ground with a small thud before rushing straight for the thrown Mei. Both Lopmon and Róisín caught sight of one another, the young woman aiming towards Arii and Ruth just as Impmon launched his first towards the Fangmon.

"Ohh! Got ya!!"

Suddenly Lopmon's glide turned into a brief nosedive, threatening to slam right into the Digimon or ground, before pulling itself back up into a cushioned glide and yelling.

"Aerial Blazing Ice!!"

Like a gatling gun, bursts of the rock sized lumps of ice shot out from the little bunny, whizzing by Impmon and splattering the ground with the icy slush, hoping to cover it and Fangmon in as much difficult terrain as possible.

At the same time Róisín soon reached where Mei was and finding the, elegantly dressed, young woman hopefully unharmed from the throw.

"Hey! You good there?!"

Mentions/Interactions: MetalSeadramon Azurian Dream Azurian Dream , Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon , Ruth/Impmon Pumpkid Pumpkid , Mei/BlackGabumon galvanismgal galvanismgal , Danny/Elecmon Venchi1986 Venchi1986
As the dust settled across the beach turned battlefield, Ace's directed his gaze at Fangmon. Despite everything they had thrown at it, the beast refused to stay down. Climbing out of the dirt, it continued its mad advance towards him. Ace tried to rise to his feet and mount an escape but his legs refused to budge, when suddenly the Fangmon stopped in its tracks. From its injuries, emerged a writhing mass of familiar tendrils that proceeded to tear the Digimon apart. Ace couldn't help but take immense satisfaction in the creature's gruesome fate, in his eyes it had gotten what it deserved. As the Fangmon broke down into strings of code, Ace's digivice began to glow and absorb it but for what purpose remained unclear.

Ace attempted to stand up but once again his leg's refused to listen to him. Raven seemingly noticed his distress as she swiftly called out to him. "I'm fine!" He yelled back, waving her off with one hand. "I just need a sec!" Ace was determined to maintain a façade of strength in the face of his own vulnerability but Cutemon, knowing Ace almost better than anyone, rushed to his side, its worried expression betraying its concern. With a gentle touch, it laid its hands upon him, its Healing Glow repairing any damage. Slowly, as strength returned to his limbs, Ace rose to his feet once more. "Thanks, Cutemon."

Cutemon looked up at him, its eyes filled with apprehension. "I'm glad I could help," it replied softly. "But... I'm worried... My healing powers don't seem to be working as effectively as they should. I think it might be because you're a human, not a Digimon." Cutemon's expression turned sombre as Ace silently processed it's words.

"I see," he murmured, almost as if already knew what Cutemon was going to say. "Cutemon, don't tell the others," Ace instructed, his gaze directed firmly ahead. "I don't want them worrying about me. They have enough to contend with without adding my problems to the mix." Cutemon regarded Ace with concern and unease about his decision but didn't question it. "C'mon, let's join up with the others." Ace said, before making his way slowly towards the rest of the group, followed closely from behind by Cutemon.
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Mentions: Pretty much everyone in the scene
Interactions: Anorgos Anorgos

It seemed her plan worked but what Mei didn’t expect was how frisky the noodle dog would be as it tried to break free from the restraint. Shifting her weight about at the slightest sign of a tug Mei did a good job holding onto the belt and avoid contact with the Digimon’s gross little eye as it tried to touch her. As if it could afford to do so in this situation ugh. Their movement reminded her of those fungus ants or poor people so it would be in everyone’s best interest to not come in contact with them least they get infected.

Impmon was the first to step into the battle launching his fire bullets from his finger gun. Whatever the parasite was fire seemed to be its weakness as the flames ate away at the exposed tendrils before seeming to continue inside the creature’s body.

“Ohoho-oh,” She started before a tug ended up placing her onto fangmons back, side saddle of course, before a final buck sent her careening off. Unfortunately, unlike alligators the Digimon had no issue destroying the belt by opening its mouth once Mei lost her grip on it. As she flew Mei noticed that Arii was able to stick the landing at least. It’s a shame that she herself didn’t.

Sprawled with the wind knocked out of her Mei could only watch as the Digimon tried to yet again snatch Arii. Why would the Digimon choose them instead of her? She was clearly worth more since not to brag but Mei was taller and an educated guess would have her healthier as well. Maybe there was something her body was still missing like the creation of her servant had taken something from her. If that was the case it would make sense since Arii was the only one still eligible for a partner even if Mei always saw them hanging out with undies girl and small goth.

From her spot she witnessed the fangmon shed some of its outer shell leaving only the gross whatever it was. Apparently, the fire didn’t penetrate it enough to cleanse the beast. A pity but what was an adventure without a little hardship.

“Ara? I’m Fine,” Mei said blood trickling out along with her words to Róisín. It was fine since they had a healer after all and even with the adrenalin pumping it just seemed to be coming from where she bit her tongue in her tumble. The other Digimon pressed the advantage the group held by hitting whatever Fangmon had become with ice attacks.

Mei tried to yell, tried to ohoho even, but the only thing that left her mouth was more blood.

“Fire works,” She managed to say to Róisín while waving off any need for assistance before trying to enter the fray again. Her blackjack’s blunt force trauma would most likely just do nothing or cause the creature to burst open like a water balloon hitting a vintage dress. The best course of action she could take is trying to shield one of the Digimon fighting the former Fangmon or use her body to block any of the Digi chunks from getting on them if it decided to just explode. On the bright side it seemed Danny and Elecmon stayed back like Mei implied they should.

Black Gabumon was not having the same adventure Mei was focusing on the surrounding area in case more enemy Digimon appeared and then just focusing on not getting in the way. Thankfully Arii did not come even close to landing on their horn instead landing on the other girl thanks to the help of Lopmon. Even when Mei was getting tossed around, they stuck to their duty until the former fangmon tried to approach. Clearly Mei’s actions did not cause it to start shedding so it must have been the fire shot from Impmon.

Moving over to Ruth and Arii They took a deep breath,

“Blue Fire,” Black gabumon said before breathing out a stream of flame after the other Digimon launched their own attacks. The flame should help discourage the thing from approaching and unlike Petit Fire it would remain more controllable in case they had to redirect to a new target.
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Arii was going to throw up.

They could feel it in the back of their throat, bitter acid threatening to expel what little lunch they'd had hours ago. The only thing that stopped their fullbody spasm at just a spasm was the vague advice in the back of their mind that, unless it was poison, the worst thing they could do in a survival situation was puke.

After fumbling their landing and bowling into Ruth—somewhat indirectly thanks to Impmon, who did them the service of landing right on top of the bluing bruise across their spine—they were forced into an embrace that had their skin prickling, the fine hairs along their neck rising with the only thought in their mind blood-coated and snarling. Hunt, it taunted, their attention having locked on the eldritch entity that had stolen them and slathered the back of their jacket in drool.


Ruth's words were water to their ears, muffled under the long, slow breath they drew in.


It was damaged. They could see it. The writhing. Like fresh entrails. There were people in their space. They could feel them. One short, one about the same height as they were. The warmth of their bodies—the smell of them—the feeling of the air compressing to squeeze past. They hated it.


A hand on their shoulder. Something in front of them. They could hear it, though. they could hear the crunch of paws on grass. Their focus was all-consuming. Like falling into an old game and getting lost. Forgetting yourself. They forced themself past the discomfort to roll to their feet into a low crouch, spine arched. What little remained of their mind that was not poisoned with fear so thick and suffocating it wrapped everything in a single, cloying impulse yelled. It screamed and thrashed. Bad idea, it howled with all of its might as they shifted their stance, knees bent minutely. Stop.

There were others, they thought, and the obstacle separating them from the digimon—misted nights spent yowling with the distant coyotes—resolved itself into a person. A person who was pointing a rock at a wolf made of worms.

Their mind was clear and they were on their feet like a person again before they'd even had the thought to identify them. The wolf's head followed them as they reached up to bunch Ruth's shirt in their hand and pull her back. It kept itself low, head bowed and what was left of its lips pulled back. They were not a target of chance. They bared their own teeth, a low rattle building in the back of their throat, like a dying breath. A wheeze if it weren't so deep. They were the prey.

Animals were simple to interact with. They worked on rules that were easy to manipulate and play into. If you were hunted, you must lie through your teeth until the hunter was convince it was hunted. The first to flinch lost. These were easy and agreed upon things that made sense. But there were things in the woods that didn't follow them. Humans, perhaps, but more importantly, diseased.

The first interaction they'd had with rabies had been a distant coyote dying in a field. Their second a deer running circles around a pond convulsing all the while. Third, a raccoon caught in a trap. They remembered each one well. As vividly as they could recall any memory. Maybe more so.

This. This wolf that stared at them with empty eyes and drooled as it stalked closer, sent the same shiver down their spine.

All at once, it was engulfed in blue flames, and Arii jerked their head away to shield their sensitive eyes, impulsively using the free side of their jacket as a barrier between the glare and Ruth. The sound in their throat sputtered out with a hiss that bordered on disgusted. Their voice. They needed their voice back.

Their throat hurt when they forced it from their chest. "Ruth," and it wasn't scathing or sharp. It flowed out from between their teeth like a river on rocks, lacking the grumble they had shown earlier, even if it wasn't exactly a... pleasant tone to take. "I do not think that was a dark spirit."
Kimi watched as the group enacted her plan, with Ace and Cutemon bringing a literal stop to Fangmon, allowing her partner to make an opening for Rave and Wormmon to seal the deal. But despite it all, the Champion did not run. Fur aflame, a lame leg, a sealed snout and still Fangmon continued. Until it didn't.

Kimi lifted her goggles, her eyes wide in disbelief. She watched as Fangmon tore itself apart... no... was torn apart like an unwanted card, by the tendrils that had brought Kimi to this world. Tentomon took a few hasty steps back, unsettled by what was happening. Kimi couldn't help but share her partner's feelings as what was a Champion level Digimon dispersed into a digital code. A stream of data that steadily seeped into her Digivice...

There was a pause, as everyone soaked in what had just happened. Except for Chel. Her excited shriek snapped Kimi from her spell. "Great job, Tentomon!" cried Kimi.

Turning her head, Tentomon rushed back to Kimi, the rookies unease gone at the sight of her partner. "Did you see? Did you see? " said Tentomon, her mandibles chattering with joy. "I helped everyone, just like you asked!"

Kimi couldn't help but smile at her partners infectious glee, letting Tentomon take her hand in hers. "I know I saw! You were so brave!"

A shout from Raven got Kimi's attention. Walking hand in hand with her gushing partner, Kimi regrouped with the others
~Unusual Change of Circumstances~
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Mirai-chan Mirai-chan

Hilarious albeit a bit cruelly Chel herself didn't think nothing of the kiss she had given to Leonard as she profusely finished making some details notes in her notepad before slamming it shut as she turned to the sleeping Dracomon. Raven watched Leonard's mental reaction placing a hand on her hip as she sighed rolling her eyes as Wormmon looked confused upon what was happening to the boy. Dracomon question of his own Tamers mentally felt well earned in earnest as Chel took out her digivice, and started to fiddle some buttons around clearly up to something.

"I am sure it will pass he's just... rebooting to say the least," Raven mumbled knowing a first kiss reaction when she saw one. Yet before any further conversation could take place the little devil crashed against a tree as Ace started to near the group with Cutemon right behind him. It didn't take long for Kimi, and Tentomon to do the same as the group watched Chel activate some sort of map function on her phone.

"Alright. There they are follow me if you will don't forget to grab the lazy one," Chel exclaimed to Leonard in particular for his crashed buddy. As they followed the obivous sign of destruction trailed by MetalSeadramon they would notice bizarre happening. With each step they took it seemed like the area was correcting if not healing itself as Tree's slowly raised back up from being knocked down, dirt rolled back into place, plants destroyed started to reform as if never touched, and even things like burns, or missing chunks just reappeared without anything to work with.

"Ya, dont mind all that. After a few minutes any damaged area's from a fight fix themselves though only damage done from actually fights oddly enough anything else, and the change stays rather permanent sparingly a few unique situations," Chel mulled figuring they would probably have questions as the whole are was in movement putting itself back together with the woman treating the omnipotent potential as being a normal site upon a stroll. Realizing that it was probably best to let Chel do her think Raven turned her attention to the others.

"So that was my first fight ever. How about you guys," Raven spoke asking the odd question as given everything that had happen she couldn't really think of a normal topic to start. Though Wormmon seemed chipper enough to add to the conversation.

"Well what about that guy Derek from 3rd grade," the insect question this caused Raven to pause looking at her partner with immense confusion... how had she known about that?

"Um... well he went down without me even throwing a punch, but how do you know about my life when i just met you," Raven asked extremely baffled as Wormmon look surprised.

"Well of course I know all about you I am made from your Data, and DNA we all do from out respective partners. Memories included I mean it would be hard enough for us to try and learn about someone new in such a hazardous environment better to be equipped to know your whole existence out the gate wouldn't it," Wormmon asked as Raven remembered when she was falling her devices had shown plethora upon plethora of information on her before taking a blood sample.... so in a way didn't that mean.

"So your like... my child?"

"Well more like your clone, but with a different tilted personality set to match yours or be something to balance out yours," Wormmon explained having a bizarre out the door understand to what she was, and having no problems with the implications of it. Raven turned to Leonard, Ace, and Kimi to see their reactions on such things hoping she wasn't the only one having her mind blown at the moment that these Digimon were literally them in a sense.


~Perturbed or Unsettled~
Pumpkid Pumpkid Anorgos Anorgos galvanismgal galvanismgal ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon

"Not a problem,"
Metalseadramon spoke calmly to Impmon watched the sky fallers in action, and in truth they were performing up to standards which was impressive groups never worked this well off each other especially at the beginning. Even more so the one known as Ruth was already showing signs of emotional bonding though if that would survive the life ahead was the real question.

Yet as soon as things seemed to calm up they picked right back up... that Fangmon was still alive? MetalSeadramon growled but again with the group so close he couldn't attack again he was to big, and all of his attacks were to destructive in this form he had to let them do what Chel wanted... finish the fight by their own hands. Ruth reaction was bizarre to say the least but thankfully her partner Impmon charged the field to protect her and Arii. The Icy punch made its mark slamming the upper part of the monsters mouth back down. Yet in retaliation Fangmon swiped a claw at Impmon flinging him away halting it just long enough as Lopmon nosedived it fromabove causing it to yelp in unexpected amubush as its wire frame mouth shatter from where Impmon had frozen it.

At the same time Roisin demanded MetalSeadramon to protect the rest form any further interlopers as she rushed in... yep he took it back this group was crazy MetalSeadramon mentally thought after complimenting some of their well held sanity going full force into we got this territory. They weren't scared anymore much quicker than most by far especially on a first day of survival. Though now as Lopmon performed aerial recover he also had to admit... their digital partners seemed way more efficient out the door than usual.

Lopmons Aerial Blazing ice pelted the wolf freezing more parts of its wired frame as it stumbled side ways becoming more and more stiff yet in a attempt to resist the onslaught right as Lopmon landed near Impmon the creature opened what was left of its maw wide open. "COFFIN BLAST," the attack exploded from its mouth at a faster rate than last time as if this wired form gave it a boost in attack power. The blast was upon the duo yet do to the damage from Impmon it landed to early missing them but definitely blowing them away with the force.

Once it had dealt with the troubling mon's even though a shambled mess the Wold still attempted to hobble towards Arii, and Ruth towards the mega digimon that could swat it away like it was nothing. This fight no longer served any purpose yet the Fangmon seemed to not take notice of this fact... it was like it was without a sense of fear or awareness something that even gave pause to MetalSeadramon. This fight was over... so why was it so intent on continuing... no one would be really able to answer that question as Black Gabumon took it upon himself to end the charade than and their. The wired body creature simply looked up at Arii almost seeming to make eye contact with them as it seemed to attempt to say something, but with its delay Blue Fire made its mark blasting the creature backwards into a melting heap that shattered into numerous digital coding that quickly feed into everyone's Digivices even Arii's.

"That was well fought all of you," MetalSeadramon spoke his own senses returning after the sight that had played out had ended. Out in the distance the rest or the group Raven, Ace, Kimi, Leonard and Chel could be seen nearing them once in site Raven ran forward with Wormmon in tow towards the group waving her hands at them to let them know they were near. The two groups had been reunited...

(A few Hours later)
galvanismgal galvanismgal Twist Twist Pumpkid Pumpkid Mirai-chan Mirai-chan ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Anorgos Anorgos Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Night had settled in with a moon well arisen basking in particular on a cave front that Chel had corralled them to. With her diminished to a smaller animal Betamon in tow the big fish she had caught early had been turned into a rather well sized feast for the group as compliments from Chel to their first battle victory. Along with them all sharing their own experiences about their partners direct connection to their memories, the fight themselves, the fact what they had fought had been fake digimon comprised of those clothed tendrils that had snatched them up, and the situation they were trapped on a island biome that no one had ever escaped... well there was no shortage of conversations to be had.
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Ruth Valentine & Impmon
Mentions: Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Lopmon Anorgos Anorgos Mei galvanismgal galvanismgal Metal Seadramon & Chel Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

Ruth was suddenly tugged down behind Arii, shielding her from the blinding blast with their coat. They chose to protect her rather than give her a chance. She couldn’t understand why. It only made her feel more like a burden. Still, the blonde did not realize they probably saved them from nearly turning into a shishkebab. Arii even tried to drill it into her brain that the Fangmon was not an evil entity that would easily be warded. She knew that, but it was the only solace she had. Ruth clasps her crystal tightly to her chest. There wasn’t time for Ruth to feel down as someone else caught her attention. Impmon bravely swooped in to defend Ruth, stunning the girl as he successfully made contact with an icy uppercut at the price of being swiped down into the ground. Impmon grunted upon impact. It felt like he had fallen ten feet off the ground quickly. His body ached as he struggled to pick himself back up. Ruth watched in horror. Though she did not show much care for Impmon, the creature was still a helpful Digimon and her partner.

”Impmon!” She cried out with concern. He shouldn’t have thrown himself in the fray like that—a foolish mistake. Her eyes shift to Fangmon as it makes a second attack on him and Lopmon. Ruth couldn’t cry out in alarm, she was paralyzed with fear. Because of her silence, the blast was launched but missed thanks to the slight tweak from Fangmon, yet the duo was swept away by the force elsewhere. Ruth wanted to jump down and attend to the pair, but Fangmon’s persistence kept her in place when they limped their way over to her and Arii. It was clear they were hyperfocused on her friend, but why?

With each step, Ruth’s heart beats faster as she locks eyes with it. This was not a Digimon. This was some sort of manmade creature or a corrupted Digimon. What’s going to happen now? They were doomed. It won’t let up even with Metal Seadramon. Ruth clasped her hands together praying for a miracle. As if answered, Fangmon blasted themselves away melting more than what it once was into coding. Ruth was somewhat in awe at the collective numbers. Once they approached her, she flinched. When nothing happened, she opened her eyes and found it fazing into her bag. She pulls out her digivice, the desired place of the code being absorbed like nothing.

Ruth lets out a relieved sigh she was holding. The battle was over for now. Metal Seadramon’s compliment to the group was what she needed before curling up and hugging her knees. It was all too much. She’s glad she’s alive, but she would have been dead if not for everyone’s help. What she didn’t notice was the others on the shore had made their way over. Ruth was preoccupied with her thoughts trying to process it all in and stay calm. She inhales, and exhales using her breathing exercises to snap back to reality.

”One…two..three…breathe. One…two…three…breathe.” She repeated for at least three minutes while Impmon managed to stand on his two feet, injured and sore from the fight. He grunts but shakes off the pain. He needed to be strong to be able to save everyone next time. He needed to, for Ruth’s sake. He raises his head to find the girl huddled in her world. When climbed back up, he could hear her chant. Rather than trouble her, he sat beside her and kept quiet. At least she was safe. The same could be said about the others. He scans the area seeing the mess they caused as if it were a warzone. He hoped Lopmon, and Mei were fine. The fall was rather harsh even on him. He could be puking rainbows right now from the crash.

Night time, Ruth never imagined she would be spending the night in the digital world. She had hoped to leave the place before that. What would her parents think? Wouldn’t they freak out? If she recalled from watching the anime, time worked differently. If that’s true, then maybe it’s only been a second or a minute which meant they wouldn’t notice. Of course, they wouldn’t. What was she thinking?

A cave, so this is where she’ll start living her days out. At least she wasn't alone. There were others. Chel was rather casual about it. It is her environment after all. Thankfully, after being so blunt with them, she provided them with food cooked from the fish she caught previously as well as complimented them for their survival. She supposed she could eat to get her strength up. As she ate, she listened to Chel share her experiences. It did something to ease Ruth. The question was, is this life for her now? Living in a terrifying world where digimon wants to hunt humans? Ruth stares at the ground tuning everything around her trying her best to let it sink in, but it felt like denial every time. She looks around the room imprinting everyone’s faces. These are people she will be working with to survive. Are they trustworthy? From the battle, she would assume so. They were all beginners with no ill intentions, right?
Rushing back into the fight was a fruitless endeavor on Mei’s part. Before she had been able to return to the fray Fangmon both had launched a counter attack and then been defeated by her partner Black Gabumon. It seemed that ice attacks had been effective as well even if the fire attack had dealt the final blow. Thinking back to the fragment of an episode she saw once Mei swore elemental attributes were important but maybe it applied to a select subset of Digimon.

The string of code that was released from the defeated Digimon made its way over to Mei before it entered her breast.

Was it going inside of her? Her heart?

No, Mei's dress lacked good pockets so she had shoved the digivice into her bra. Normally she would fish it out in case it tried to injure her again like when they had arrived but fatigue from battle was setting in with the adrenaline wearing off. Sparing a glance to check on everyone Mei simply made her way back to where Fangmon bucked her off to collect the parts of her broken belt.

Black Gabumon stayed right where they were tuckered out from all the action. When Mei made her way back over the Digimon simply lifted up their arms for Mei to collect them. Even if the snuggle Mei gave was partly to wipe off the blood on their face it still gave Black Gabumon a sense of peace that everything else would be taken care of by their partner.

When the second group arrived, Mei tried her best to give off her smug aura but refrained from saying anything not wanting her mouth wound to start bleeding again. Some may realize on their way to the cave Chel corralled them to Mei could actually be…stand able and maybe even pleasant? When she kept her mouth shut. During the journey Mei simply took in the sounds surrounding her and watched the scenery. If she sensed someone needed a break, she would cause a fuss to get the group to stop though…

Mei did more picking at her fish than eating it making sure Black Gabumon ate enough as Chel droned on about her personal history. Based on the fairy tales she read with all the information Chel was sharing she was going to ditch them again or die. Given no one died yet things did not look good for Chel or her now small and for sure gun less partner. It seemed some of Mei’s theories were correct so she found herself more reassessing the heroine and group bonds that had been formed than acting shocked or worried. Most of what the other group had went though lined up with Mei's initial assessment bar Leonard since he was in a coma for the brief moment she saw him. Mei pushed him down a bit in heroine ranking placing him along side Ace and Danny in the people who the others would rally to protect category.

While Black Gabumon took a nap on her lap Mei removed her sewing kit from her stole’s tube and repaired the hole Black Gabumon’s horn had made in it. It ended up not mattering but Mei didn’t think twice about sacrificing it on the off chance it would have kept Arii from getting punctured on her servant’s horn. It needed a bit of stuffing though so Mei just…stole some fur from Black Gabumon. Its not like the fuzzballs she gathered from petting the Digimon would be useful for anything else anyways.

The belt Mei sacrificed was next on the list of things to repair. Looking at the group it was clear they had mixed feelings about the situation but also were fine fighting without looking cute. Unlike them Mei has a family legacy to uphold so she felt it would be best to have her full classy ensemble back in working order.

While she could speak first it more suited her ill intentions to let someone else start a conversation or do something for her villainess persona to call out in case she needed to cut any tension left over by the fight. Her stories taught Mei it was important the groups bonds were well established at the start otherwise trouble would develop further down the road. Especially with Arii since it seemed some evil digimon, or misunderstood she wouldn't judge yet, wanted them. Right now it seemed they were just sharing small goth with Ruth but Mei sensed trouble may be brewing under the surface.
Kimi paused with Ravens first question. She had been in plenty of card battles but in regards to the fight, Kimi had stood on the sidelines against Fangmon, so did that count as her fighting?
However a far more interesting concept came up as Wormon revealed their partners origins. She gave Raven a look of bewilderment, her face a mirror of her's no doubt. Kimi looked down at her partner, Tentomon pointing her claw at whatever intrigued her in the reconstructing scenery. What part of Kimi was the Rookie Digimon she wondered.
Tentomon happened to look up, her bright compact eyes lighting up as their gazes met. Kimi smiled softly back, her thumb running over the tiny digits of her partners hand. Well, whatever the answer it was certainly something she couldn't wait to find out.

(Interactions/Mentions) galvanismgal galvanismgal Pumpkid Pumpkid Mirai-chan Mirai-chan ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Anorgos Anorgos Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

After a long walk and the labours of setting up a camp, Kimi sat around the fire with rest of the now reunited group, keeping one eye on her partner who energetically chased the flocking firebugs nearby. She had taken a seat near Ace for her own piece of mind, still slightly worried about his injury. Gazing around the campfire, she took stock of her new companions. "What a day huh?" she said to the group.
She looked at Raven before sweeping her eyes around the group. "I think it may be good if we all introduce ourselves" Kimi suggested "We may be here for a while after all. You can say as much or as little as you like. I'll start"
Kimi cleared her throat. "My names Kimi Yaga, though some of you may know me as 'Cool Girl'" She could feel her cheeks redden with slight embarrassment."I'm from Tokyo, Japan where I live with my parents. My wonderful Grandmother, Rose, lives nearby who got me into the Digimon Card Game which I adore"
Her hand began to play with her locket as she finished her brief introduction. There was a growing pause, as Kimi waited to see if anyone else would introduce themselves..
They would not vomit. They would not vomit. They would not vomittheywouldnotvomit.

It was still standing. It was still standing. It was standing and crawling toward them, and one blast from that laser would end them. Their hand drifted to their knife, their thumb running across the bumps on the antler hilt. It was a comfort, even if they didn't draw it. Even if their lips pulled back in what was more a snarl than a smile. even if they stepped forward on instinct, shouldering Ruth behind them and using the free sides of their jacket to block the wolf's view.

In a flash of blue, it was all over.

Metalseadramon said... something that sounded like water in their ears, and Ruth collapsed at their side in a heap. They shook. They shook hard enough that their spine warped under the pressure of it, and their muscles cramped. They didn't even register the flowing data beyond harmless. When they breathed, it was a stuttering affair. In through the nose. Out through the mouth.

It felt like their lungs were laced with barbed wire, but before the group's attention had even been drawn to the half of the party they'd left at the beach, they were back to their casual stance, hands tucked into their pockets and appearance smoothed. As if nothing had happened. as if they were calm when all they wanted to do was vomit their organs on the ground. As if their hands weren't still shaking. As if their vision wasn't blurred with the remains of adrenaline.

No one ever had to know.

They helped (more like grabbed her arm and hauled her up with their negligible weight) Ruth up off the ground, and strayed to the back of the group during the walk, their attention on both the party and the woods around. The forest had healed, yes, but it was instinct to reach up and drive small—near-invisible, really—notches into the treebark, facing back the way they came. There wasn't time to lead a false trail—memories of stories. Stories that told them the scariest thing was another, desperate human—but they did their best to at least cover the group's tracks as well as they could and leave the trailmarks above eyelevel. A tail would want to search the ground and arm-level. Broken branches and such. They doubted one would look up.

In any case, by the time the group got to the river-hollowed cave—the river of which trailing on either side of the cavern like gutters on a bowling alley with the flow lessened to a trickle—they were ready to collapse and not rise until late afternoon. But the cave smelled like death, and Chel offered them a fish, and who knows how long it would take until they could find food again? A flat... enough rock served as their cutting board, and the fish—easily as heavy as they were, and they were abruptly glad it was set next to the rock so they only had to struggle for a brief moment—sat on top.

Gills to the slit in the tail. Their knife cut through scales and muscle like paper. The stench of death clogged their nose. They tried not to think about it, and breathed in through their mouth, telling themself that it was just thawed sashimi (they knew it wasn't).

They blocked out the sounds of the others in the cave. Let the conversation wash over them.

Entrails were packed into a little palm-leaf package, only the intestines and stomach. The ones they couldn't eat without more prep. They would make good bait. Liver and heart were the first to find themselves before the fire, both speared on a carefully-sharpened and stripped stick and braced against rocks to cook. They told no-one in particular to turn them once the flesh began to bubble.

The insides of the fish were washed out in the trickle of water, old-blood and bits of flesh trailing away. It was easy to fall into the monotony of meat preparation. Really easy. Like shouldering their jacket after being without it. They cut off the head, and that found itself on a stick, too, where the brain could cook in its own fluid. A slit down its spine to its tail, and they could work their blade between the largest of the bones and prize the skeleton from the meat. It wasn't a clean pull, but enough they could figure that most people wouldn't choke on the spiny ribs.

They ripped themself from the easy monotony to make a headcount, pausing only to get an accurate read on the group so they could cut the fish into even cubes divisible by the combined number of humans and digimon. They skewered most of them, but wrapped some in palm-leaves to steam, cramming the little green bundles between rocks so they wouldn't catch ablaze.

It was as they were washing their hands of the smell of fish—not that plain water did much, but there was some amount of sandy silt at the bottom and that worked well to scrub their hands red—that they caught the sound of their least favorite thing in the world. Icebreakers. They locked a groan behind their teeth, pretending to be busy washing the bones of fish. A few of the sharpest and thickest ribs found themselves trapped between rocks, where they would bend into a proper hook, and later be cured with heat. A few more, they poked thin holes in the base and wrapped them in palm leaves to be stored in their pockets for later, and more were simply gathered in a little pile at the back of the cave for later consideration.

Then, after a moment of consideration where the cave was quiet—deafeningly, unsettlingly quiet—they drew their voice from their chest, ignoring the small spike of pain that came with the huff that compressed their bruised ribs. "'Can call me Arii," they mumbled, sheathing their knife after spending what was approximately too long cleaning it. "Go to college in Cali, but I live in the ass of nowhere Missouri. Not really interesting outside of that."

Using a stick, they fished out the steamed palm leaves, checking the meat inside and ensuring that it was properly cooked. It was bland, and tasted like tilapia, but they nibbled on it as much as they could stand with their stomach still cinched tight with the all-too familiar anxiety.

They did their best to ignore the feeling of a thought they desperately did not want to address pooling in the back of their mind. They could have a... a moment later. Not right now. They shoved it back in the box where it belonged, and jammed it in the back of their head alongside such things as Fear of the Future and Oncoming heat death of the universe.
Ace did his best to keep pace with the others as they followed Chel through the slowly regenerating landscape. As they walked, he watched in astonishment as the environment around them reassembled itself, pieces of digital flora and terrain knitting back together seamlessly. Chel explained that this phenomenon was fairly normal in the Digital World. "If only it was that easy for me." Ace thought bitterly, as his mind drifted back to his injury. Cutemon could sense Ace's inner turmoil but remained quiet at his side as to not alert the others.

Raven, trying to get to know everyone, attempted to make small talk and asked whether anyone had been in a fight before. Ace had been in a few scraps at school, but never against anything like Fangmon. That had been on a whole different level.

Wormmon quickly chimed into the conversation, revealing that he had intimate knowledge of Raven's past and that everyone's partners were made from their DNA, similar to a clone but mirroring or contrasting in personality. Ace looked at Cutemon, studying the little Digimon with curiosity. "What parts of me are in you?" he wondered silently. Cutemon, feeling Ace's intense gaze, turned to meet his eyes. For a brief moment, their gazes locked, and Cutemon quickly looked away, flustered.

As night began to fall, the two groups finally met up and Ace did his best to present an air of strength to the others. Scanning each face in turn, Ace couldn't help but feel he knew one of the girls. However, the dim light and the fact she kept her head down mostly made it difficult to be certain.

Following the instructions of Chel, the tamers worked together and made a makeshift camp in the base of a cave. While Ace and the others sat around the campfire at the mouth of the cave, Arii, as he later introduced himself, prepared the fish that Chel had caught earlier for them to eat. The group sat quietly for a while, presumably trying to process everything that happened so far until Kimi broke the silence by introducing herself. Ari introduced themselves next and Ace decided to follow suit.

"I'm Alex but everyone calls me "Ace." I was born in the US but I live in Okinawa."
Róisín's hand tightened slightly into a fist as Mei waved off the hurt from her throw, blood trickling from her mouth as she spoke and informed the woman she was fine.

Frustration...Anger started to rise within Róisín very quickly at the sight of Mei's flippant remark for her own safety, forcing her to stand and turn back to the battle at hand before she'd say or do something on impulse.

The nightmarish sight of the wolf made out of thin noodle lines continued to press its luck against the combined effort of the Digimon. Impmon's Icy Punch along with Lopmon's Aerial Blazing Ice helped catch the creature off guard, unbalancing it as parts of the body froze over, but not enough before it managed to unleashing a sudden blast of power from its maw.

The power was so sudden that both Digimon had no time to move, no time for Róisín or anyone to warn them. Luckily it was off target not to cause serious harm, but close enough to send the two Digimon flying backwards.

Róisín's breath caught in her throat as she instinctively reached out her hand, nearly shouting out a name that wasn't Lopmon, but caught herself as the bunny Digimon recovered from their twirl in the air and glided back down beside Impmon. Relief washed over her, then slight embarassment, and finally, like always, tense anger at herself.

Mei's Digimon, Black Gabumon, was able to step in after the final attack of the Fangmon to unleash its Blue Fire straight onto the creature. The weakened wire form was unable to hold on any longer, falling back into itself and becoming nothing more than a melting heap of lines and vague shapes.

Suddenly the lines exploded, numbers in various states and sizes of codes flying out towards everyone present. Though her fighting instinct kicked in again as the numbers flew straight towards her, Róisín was taken aback as they started to shrink and focus specifically to her side pocket on her jacket. The stream of code ended with a small beep of sound from the same place, Róisín tentatively pulling out the phone-turned Digivice out to see the screen beginning to darken after finishing...whatever it was doing.

Her thoughts were again snapped back to the situation at hand with a combined effort of Raven's happy shouting as the Beach Group arrived, as well as Lopmon's gentle perch on her shoulder with an ear raised to shade her from the sun.

"Thanks...are you ok...?"
"Uh huh! That wasn't a very nice friend was it!?"
"No...no it wasn't..."
"Maybe the next one will!"

Silence. Róisín stayed silent in reply. Lopmon stayed silent either in response to Róisín or just obliviousness, either way the two walked in silence as the groups merged and eventually made camp in a particularly large enough cave to hold them all.


Night fell soon enough, the large fire doing its job to illuminate the entire cave while Arii was busy preparing and cooking Chel's caught fish. Speaking of the other older woman she was busy explaining, very nonchalantly, that the Fangmon weren't real Digimon, and were some kind of horrible mimic-like creature, having devoured what had-been Fangmon and was wearing them more like a suit.

The thought of something capable of not only devouring other forms, but using them as costumes to puppet around in, didn't sit right for Róisín, instinctively pulling Lopmon in a little closer as they sat in her lap watching the same Firebugs that Tentomon happily chased after.

The other two points from Chel however plagued Róisín's mind soon after. Not only had no one, as far as Chel knew, ever returned home but no one had even left the island? Was there nothing else out there...what about those who had similar Digimon like Chel's formely-called-MetalSeadramon now Betamon? Surely they should have at least tried to explore and find something.

And what about the point that their Digimon were clones/not-clones of themselves?! A mixture of DNA and memories given a unique form! It would explain how Lopmon already knew her name, and how well Róisín and Lopmon seemed so in sync with one another before...but why a Lopmon...

Róisín was drawn back to the conversation at hand after a few of the group tried to break the ice, introducing themselves and where they were from. After starting with 'Cool Girl' Kimi, the briefest of mumbles from Arii, and a rather normal intro from Ace, Roisin tried her best to phase into the rock behind her before Lopmon excitedly flapped her ears in the air like waving hands.

"Oh oh! Us next! I'm Lopmon, and this is Róisín!"

"...thanks Lopmon...yeah, I'm Róisín. Boxer in training. Come from, and hope to get back to, Ireland...Speaking of that, you seem pretty sure there's no way to get back. Why? You said no one ever left the island. What if there's a way out there?"

Leonard "Leo" Giovanni

It takes a moment for Leo to actually completely finish with his.... uh Rebooting like raven said; as of which was taking his mind a moment until he managed to snap out of it to actually hear chel's words with him getting up and grabbing his partner who woke up with a confused (and somewhat annoyed) "Hey!" from him as he was pulled up from his spot as Dracumon glances at his partner not happy at being disturbed from his nap, Despite his very recent as heck awakening for the first time. "Hey, Don't blame me i'm just gonna bring you ok?" He said picking up his partner and slinging him on his shoulders giving him an unwarrented Piggyback which of much, the imp digimon greatly enjoyed.

"Ooh, Heck yeah! Piggyback ride! I shall accept this as an honor in Extrrrrrrrrrroooodinary win!"

As Dracumon was cheering glad for a piggyback ride, with of much to his partner who didn't mind aside from him boasting him on being the one who won the battle, Oh boy was his partner much of the arrogant type. Once he gotten close to the group he heard remnants of the conversation from that green-haired girl and her wormmon partner... Clone!? Digital Clone?! Shared memories? He was confused much to his partner, he thought back to his partner before wanting to figure out something, He shrugged it off as his thoughts loomed on Chel. "Man i'm sooo gonna ask her out." He mumbles out full of hope quietly of only his partner could hear him.

"Are you sure about that? Do i got to mention about that Disaster with Juli- Mmph!"

Immediately a hand covered his partner's somewhat loud mouth after nearly blurting that incident out with Leonard immediately taking his partner off of him, as he faced away from the group staring at him with somewhat tear streaming down on his face, He didn't like the painful memory of his first and somewhat last crush who shot down his dreams of going out with a girl for prom and her ever becoming his girlfriend. It was such a sad thing for a young Adult like him, to get so brutally shot down aside from how hard he worked on asking her out... He was handsome right????

"Shush it! do not! I repeat do not bring up that incident with her...." He Requested, tearfelt; that was obvious that Leonard still have feelings for Julia even after all these years. And There goes that down the drain as Dracumon does possess his memories as well, His partner smile immediately turns into pout. "awwww come on! I knooow you still love her after all these years as woldn't that count as technically cheating on Julia?" He teasingly asked. That made Leo annoyed as he gave his partner a angry nuggie. "Aw would ya shuddit! I got over her ok!"

His partner raised both his clawed hands in a 'I yield! I yield' as he was flailing his arms around, in such a display it would caught the attention of the others.


After the fiasco and.... the walk and setting up camp, Leonard was sitting on the ground staring at the fire as he was deep in thought he was actually isekai'd into another world and this time without the help of those trucks that he seen in those animes! As he sat there he looks more and more stressed as he thought about his father and the family bakery he was worried about this as his parents would definately be worried for him and where he was now! Like seriously he was in the digital world and well, He was internally freaking out. But with his partner Dracumon who was busy chowing down on the fish as he was a hungry little fellow without a care in the world, Besides he didn't care about anything going on and rather much chow on this fish.

"Man this is some good fish!" He commented.

When it was his human's turn, who Dracumon noticed was staring into the flames mindlessly and too busy in his thoughts, so he gets up and smacks his partner on the back resulting in a small "Ow!" from the blonde young adult, who rubbed his back from the stinging pain while staring daggers at his partner. "What did you do tha-"

"Introduce yourself, Or i will." Dracumon said with a cheeky grin. He was threatening to spill every single embarassing thing about Leonardo, with the italian kiddo immediately raising his hand. "Okay, Okay! Jeez." Lenardo said, somehow knowing his partner intent since it was a possiblity of getting back at the harsh angry nuggie earlier.

"Salve, Name's Leonardo Giovanni, I'm from Naples Italy You can call me Leo for short if Leonardo is too much, I'm a second Ranker in a Regional Tournament back in italy." He introduced Formally. But he was curious based on what Rosin said. "Yeah is there a way to get back, Because I gotta get back to Padre and help with the Bakery."

Mentions/Interactions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Anorgos Anorgos Scatterbrain Scatterbrain ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Twist Twist galvanismgal galvanismgal
~The Sea of Things To Come~
ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Anorgos Anorgos galvanismgal galvanismgal Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Pumpkid Pumpkid

Chel watched Arii with a attentive focus from what Betamon had shared the fake digimon seemed obsessed to claim Arii no matter the cost much like how the one she had watched fixated on Ace. The duos seemed to have had a bad start with the new element, but why... why fixate on the damaged goods? It had been awhile since Chel had procured any form of new knowledge to chew on, and now that she did she was chomping at the little bit she had looking for any tangible prior knowledge that could hook to this situation. Alas nothing came to mind, but she knew who would have some answers as she watched the kids have their earned moment of rest. Though once in awhile she gave a glance to that Mei girl with some assessing stares.

In truth she wanted to question Arii, and Ace... yet it seemed the woman had some sense of control or at least understanding having left both of them alone for now. Though while Arii was handling prep work of other pieces of the fish Chel knew what they were experiencing at that moment... coming to terms with the new reality... thus they needed something they were use to help that process.

While Chel watched the them as elements of interest Raven watched Ruth. When they had gotten to the rescue party the girl had been a emotional wreck curled up like a ball ready to pop. She was worried about her, and the extra weight being levied from a spiritual background being heavily put to the test for the girls new life. Mei in particular was on busy work with repairing of the cloth it seemed... Raven had heard some of strange stuff Mei had spouted during their battle... she was definitely different than the rest it seemed. Yet before it could be considered that was bad or good Kimi kicked off a sharing activity.

Kimi obviously went first sharing her passion to the game thanks to her grandmother along with her dorky nickname that cause Raven to laugh a little but in a charmed way. Unexpectantly Arii went next their nerves seeming to reach a moment of tranquility if albeit for a moment they expressed some elements of a college life but nothing else they were preserved it seemed. Alex followed with a strong front short, and simple yet Raven felt like he was trying hard to hold that front his wounds undoubtable on everyone's mind.

Raven released a small chuckle as Lopmon was raring to have Roisin go next. The little bunny was definitely latched onto her partner as Roisin impressively revealed she was a professional boxer in the making. It was than followed up by a rather valid question that cause Chel to perk up, and finally turn her head to the group again.

"Well the simple answer is cause you come right back," At first that question didn't make sense until it was followed by Chel making a circular motion with her hand that caused Raven to go wide eyed.

"You mean this islands the only landmass here," Raven was baffled by that from when she was falling this place looked like a legit planet sized structure.

"More so once its out of sight it pops right back up in front of you the moment you blink. I would know I attempted the idea of their being other landmasses for me to explore with MetalSeadramon. Hits you with a nasty case of inertia like you were forcibly moved back in place, ergo you can leave. Whether or not other islands exist is unknown, and unlikely to be known," Chel expressed giving a answer that caused Raven a headache with all the ways that could be taken... was the island alive, or cursed? Maybe Ruth was actually onto something? The dilemma of theories was a headache for sure.

Thankfully that was all pulled away from as everyone heard the resounding slap of Dracumon hitting Leonard. After which the lovesick puppy gave his introduction as someone goofy yet clearly reliable it seemed... as long as you kept a hand of space in-between him, and apparently the unnoticing Chel of his affection. Yet something strange would happen to everyone as Leonard spoke the word Salve. Everyone's mind would suddenly be filled with what felt like a intrusive decipher ring


"Ahhhhhh what was that," Raven spoke up alarmed as she stood up rubbing her head from the weird intrusive moment. Chel seemed uneffected as she casually explained while making some tweaks to her fishing pull.

"Any time a language your not accustomed to is spoken the digital world processes it for you to understand the first few times its like being fed info from a second voice, but after your "seventh" day it will just come to you naturally,"
she expressed strangely putting some emphasis on the number of days they would be experiencing. Raven noticed however she was the only one left to go as Wormmon gently tugged on some of her hair strings. With that in mind, and not wanting to come off rude Raven saved her question as she stood up with a gentle warm smile.

"Raven Clow. Part time personal babysitter/bodyguard to siblings, and full time in the works astronomer. I was watching my brother about to have his match with Kimi over here before I got nabbed,"
she smiled with a salute to lighten up the mood as she gave a very homely vibe. Once she sat down surprisingly she was not the last one to give a introduction though.

"Chel Calciph. Once a program tourist guide for Londons Main Events for Muesem work/ Private Eye Archeologist debt payer. Been a survivor for.... what year is it currently," Chel randomly started to express her interests and life before pausing to ask a odd question.


"Oh? I have been a survivor for 12 years now,"
there was a bizarre pause on that info from the looks of it at best Chel appeared to be 21... no younger, nor older... as if picking up on that look Chel answered the very common question that usually followed such a answer.

"Hope you all like how you look cause you don't age here... ever. Which will be a problem for you in particular if you dont heal up quick," Chel mused as if that fact wasn't also mind numbing before pointing a ominous finger at Alex in particular.

Ruth Valentine
: Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain / Mentions: Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Chel & Raven Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Kimi Twist Twist Mei galvanismgal galvanismgal Leonard Mirai-chan Mirai-chan

The goggle-headed girl introduced herself as Kimi or “Cool Girl” which was somewhat amusing. Ruth recognized her by the name alone. She was at the tournament, the first to start the games. Ironically, she was the first to speak up as well. Encouraging everyone to present themselves. It seemed fitting to kill the silence. Things would go nowhere if everyone shut themselves out. Ruth was currently one of those people, but in truth she was processing everything. Learning a bit more about her, the fondness she has toward digimon all because of her grandmother. A wholesome story better than hers. She supposed she cannot say that or recall anything worth sharing except for her name.

Ruth curled up further at the thought. Arii was next in line. Surprised that they even bothered to say anything. Ruth hadn't noticed they were busy fileting a fish with such skill too. Her eyes focused on their work. They were the ones who put in the effort. How astounding. Arii truly was amazing. Next up was a familiar voice followed by their name and location. Alex. Could it be? No, it’s too much of a coincidence. Ruth locks eyes with the toned male and his Cutemon. No, the nickname rang a bell and it was too much of a coincidence for sure. She looks down at his injured leg. She could have helped him.

Rósín and her Lopmon spoke up before Ruth could even say anything. She recalls how helpful, and considerate the woman was. She even went as far as to ask about leaving. The area. It seems everyone has their answer. It was an endless loop of always coming back to the same island. Ruth couldn't help but wonder if perhaps it had something to do with an invisible barrier. She recalled something similar in an anime. An endless loop to keep them here, but why? There must be a source and it might be connected to the veils.

The bonk on Leonard’s head reverberated for all to hear. Dracmon, another virus type, had volunteered his partner to speak up. When he greeted everyone, starting with his native language, she could hear it translate for her. Raven seemed to notice this too and asked about it. It was a natural occurrence that would take a week to adjust. How curious, and jarring, but at least everyone can communicate despite their origin.

Lastly, came Raven. She was an aspiring astronomer. How interesting. She was at the tournament with her brother. Ruth looks around wondering what happened to them. Did they get spared or fall with her? That would be a question for another time as Chel decided to play along as well. Ruth's eyes widen. Did she hear her right? Twelve years with zero signs of aging. Is this her new life now? No! She had to go home. She can't be stuck here forever. Anxiety sweeps through her causing her to fetch her crystal and clutch it close to her chest for comfort.

Once she simmered down, she realizes Mei and her are the only ones left. She looks over to Impmon who has been watching her and the group the whole time. Ever observant. He gave her a look of:

’It’s fine if ya don't want to join in.’

He wanted her to be okay. That was the most important part for him, even if she hated his guts. Ruth felt like it was an obligation. It was common courtesy after all. Ruth takes a deep breath, and fiddles with her purple crystal. ”M-my name is Ruth Valentine. I’m from Spain, but my family and I moved to America, New York when I was young. I am a student nurse or rather studying to be a doctor.” Now that she mentioned where she is from, she is certain the group can sense her slight accent. It’s not as obvious given she is great at masking her true self. ”This crystal gives me comfort whenever I feel anxious or otherwise. I hope I can share it with all of you if you ever need a piece of mind. It might be silly but it gets the job done. You simply have to breathe and believe just for a moment.” She assured before moving over to sit near Ace. She wondered if her location and quirks gave her away, and hoped he recognized her.

”Alex, right? Are you by chance my online friend I have known for a long time?” She gives out his username and in turn tells her own. It would be a small world if he did indeed know her. ”I’m so glad I’m not alone.” She became teary-eyed, content to have another friend in the mix. One who truly knows her. She looks down at his leg. ”Whoever helped you did an excellent job.” She frowns at the fact that it’s in a splint which means medical care is needed for a proper diagnosis, but without the medical tools, there is no way of helping Alex. It was definitely looking like a grim start for him, but Ruth was not about to lose a friend. Of course they have an adorable partner to look after him, so that is the least of her worries.

Ruth adds more to the conversation by turning to Chel. ”You mentioned an endless loop of returning to the island within the blink of an eye. That is strange. If the digital world acts like a computer, do you think there might be a distortion? Like something is watching us, keeping us here. Maybe we are inside a barrier that won't allow us to trail further out into the sea. Is that a possibility? If so then the source might be a digimon or perhaps a coding?” There was no way of telling, but she had to ask and contribute a way out.

As the group began sharing information about themselves the names went in one ear and out the other. Mei would be selecting a nickname for each of them with no thought put into it. If the gods were merciful, they would be assigned a good one but if not…

First to introduce herself was the main heroine, Kimi. Of course, she was good at something in their world to earn the nickname cool girl but Mei would judge that for herself. She watched as Kimi fiddled with her locket after her short speech. It probably had some sort of emotional significance to it so it would be a shame if something happened to it. Her Digimon was some red bug. Really full of energy that one.

Arii was next. You think someone who vandalized nature and then cooked the so-so fish would be bolder in their introduction. They must still be rattled from being kidnapped but it was also possible they were just socially or emotionally stunted. At least if they were kidnapped again and separated from the group, they seemed to have the skills to survive in the wilderness. A very very bland survival though based off this meal. Honestly not even a starch? Forget dessert where was the nutritional balance in this meal. Arii should eat more fish though since the fatty acids might help their brain enough to properly makes something nest time. Chances are Undies girl would share some food with him like tee hee try some of this.

Finally the damsel in distress had a name to put to their face. The introduction was short, sweet, and unreadable. Mei would have to try and keep an eye out for them when the heroines were busy solving the mystery of this place since Ace seemed like the type of Ace a not going to tell anyone anything that bothers me in case it bothers them test. Also, would ace a fairy tale heroine test so he should take care to guard his lips from true loves kiss. Mei glanced at Cutemon. Hm. Probably not going to fend anyone off but really fit the aesthetic of a damsel’s animal sidekick.

Róisín confirmed the impression Mei got of her from the fight and it seemed her Digimon Lopmon was the talkative type. Having someone skilled in unarmed combat would be good for the group since most people shy away from beating other people up. Before the question she asked could be answered the next person in the group spoke up.

If they thought the fish was good…they clearly lacked taste. Seems like of this pair the Digimon would be the one ordering Leo around. It was good he woke up from his coma though with his introduction it seemed another group Mei was not a part of was forming which was those who were good at the Digimon card game. They also seemed to have a strong connection to their family so hopefully no Digimon could take the appearance of them and cause chaos.

The introductions took a pause as Chel shared some more information. Seems like whatever veil creature brought them here must also be capable of causing them to remain on the island. While unusual it wasn’t too uncommon in some modern takes on fairy tales when the author got tired of people asking why the characters don’t just go somewhere else so they just give a reason to shut them up. Chel seemed to be lacking the power of friendship though so it may be possible to escape by causing a glitch or something with multiple people. The power of friendship was the only thing as powerful as the power of money after all.

The revelation of the world automatically translating things in their mind made sense and explained why it was constantly going off for Mei since she didn’t speak poor.

Finally, it was time for the other girl Mei pegged as a heroine to introduce themselves and was the type to give a proper introduction. Their attempt to lighten up the mood was quaint and it seemed unsurprisingly they had a connection to the other main heroine. If the two of them liked girls it could quickly become a different genre…Mei threw ace a look of pity since he would stand no chance.

Chel must have been feeling left out with how she broke into their round of introductions. It seemed fitting she worked for an institution that refused to return artifacts to their proper homes but also that her skills would let her survive for 12 years here. It must have been hard looking as old as she did at 21 though since if it wasn’t for the digital world she would have been a prune by now…wait never mind that inter-party relationships could be the death of parties now Mei had to keep an eye out for old people trying to date down. Nothing wrong with a May December romance but it seemed most of her group were babies. It did mean Mei could just lie and play the age card by saying she was like 70 or something…if only she had her make-up kit to complete the illusion.

Mei healed pretty quickly so Chel's warning fell on deaf ears but based on how she pointed at Alex he was going to be keeping their healer really busy during the course of the adventure. It’s too bad Mei didn’t have the time before to make a stretcher since it would clearly be needed. Maybe she could just by one in the next town via careful bartering. Bland fish was still food after all and given Chel’s earlier words food was most likely an important commodity. On the other hand, not aging meant they had all the time in the world to make one and figure out the mysteries of this place before leaving it. Despite time moving at the same pace as the outside world Mei rationalized her guilt since as long as returned it would be fine since everyone else could live their lives without her.

Undies girl broke Mei out of her thoughts. Having a non-magical healer in the party would prove beneficial as well but Mei doubted her skills under pressure because of the whole fight before this. She earned a couple more heroine points by casually revealing an easy way to clock her emotions and trying to give tepid advice like some influencer would. Oh, great they she knew someone from the real world. Mei mentally went through and re-categorized the bonds between everyone. It would be interesting to see how this would affect Ruth's relationship with Arii since three was already a crowd. Chances where Ruth would ditch her small goth Digimon to solve the issue. She asked a question but Mei decided to break in before the conversation continued. She could have done it later but she had a persona to keep up

“Ara? Not going to let everyone else introduce themselves before continuing? I’m Mei Moore and this is Gabumon left parentheses black right parentheses,” she said introducing herself and her servant. Unlike her poor party members, she had status where her name could be enough to know her linage. Though with how her family controlled the press about them no one would really know any details of her life like her degree or engagement just the fact her family was as rich as she was high class and whatever rumors swirled about them. It was a shame her fiancé didn’t get pulled in as well since he knew quite a bit about computers. He may have enjoyed quite a bit about their current situation.
They tried to busy themself.

The needle-designated bones were slit slightly so they could use a spare bone to scrape the marrow out. The fish was big, thankfully, so its ribs weren't too small or fragile for their purposes. Though, the fishhooks would need work... they didn't take to the shaping as well as they'd hoped. They tuned out the bulk of the introductions while they worked. Name and voice was really all they needed.

The needles were cleaned and dried over the fire before they spent what was an inordinate amount of time making tiny, thin holes in the base of each. A check and a recheck and they strung the whole set through a loose thread on the inside of their pocket. They would need to find some sandstone or other abrasive to sharpen them later, but not in the cave. Too much dust. About the same time they finished the needles, the last of the introductions were coming in.

They cocked their head like a bird. nose wrinkled. "Why do you talk like a text-to-speech generator?" They held no recognition from "Mei", as it was, though she seemed to hold herself with a particular kind of importance. Bow, she said with the cant of her head and the set of her shoulders. They blinked back, slow and unconcerned. Ambivalence. Most people didn't even realize what they said with their stance and posture, so they didn't put much stock in it, instead turning the hook-bones around in their hands and beginning to use the tip of their knife to work a hole in them.

"Anyway, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume we can't eat digimon if they just explode into binary when they lose," their own voice surprised them, if only because of how easily it slipped between their teeth. "That means fish, vegetation, and..." their head tilted back and forth before they turned to look at Chel. "Anything else that we can eat? Small game? Megafauna?" This hookmaking would go a lot better if they had a deer leg. Besides that, iron deficiency was a dangerous thing, They had a thought, then banished it immediately. They couldn't imagine dead bodies were entirely too common around the digital world.

Mushrooms would be a good source of nutrients. They could ID the common ones in their area, but whether or not the digital world had the real-world common mushrooms... eh. They remembered the anime very poorly—they were young when they watched it—but the white ones with the gills were safe as long as they weren't growing in a poisoned area... what else...

Really, they avoided thinking about how to escape. Thinking about escaping meant unlocking the box they'd just gotten a handle on and destroying all of their work of not thinking about the rabid, diseased digimon out there who hunted like people did. No. They were not going to think about getting out. They were going to think about surviving and how to keep a group of people controlled and alive, and how to make sure that no one else found them because the most dangerous thing in the world was a desperate human.

The root they were using to secure the two sides of the hook together snapped, and they cursed something rancid before they moved to braid a couple of tiny strands of their own hair together in lieu of plant fiber. It didn't take any more than a couple of strands to make a good, strong binder.
For the next introductions, the Digimon seemed to take charge of the situation. Lopmon introduced her partner, Roisin, while Dracumon practically coerced his partner, Leo, into introducing himself. Roisin asked a question about the island, and Chel explained that, as far as she knew, there was no way off. "If you try to leave, you just find yourself right back where you started," she said, adding yet another complication to a list that never seemed to stop growing.

Ace was snapped out of his gloom by a voice in his head. Chel informed them that the Digital World automatically translated languages for them, like the Italian Leo used in his introduction, a small consolation in their otherwise overwhelming predicament.

Raven went next, though Ace already knew her name from overhearing it when she helped him after their initial arrival. Chel then introduced herself and revealed she had been a survivor for twelve years. This was bizarre, considering she looked to be around Ace's age, which meant she had been stuck here since she was roughly ten years old. Before Ace could ponder this further, Chel told them that they didn’t age in the Digital World, then pointed an ominous finger at him, advising him to heal up quickly.

Cutemon looked up at Ace anxiously, feeling guilty for not being able to do more."Like I have a choice in how quickly I heal," he thought bitterly. Cutemon was doing everything they could. His mind suddenly went to a dark place. "Weren’t they?" He looked at Cutemon, and their eyes met for a second before the Digimon looked away again.

Ace was jolted out of his thoughts by the sound of a familiar name. The young woman who had been so focused on him while they sat around the campfire was none other than his friend Ruth. He thought it might be her when he first saw her, but his mind had refused to believe it. After all, what were the chances that they would both end up here? She sat down next to him, her eyes searching his face.

”Alex, right? Are you by chance my online friend I have known for a long time?” she asked, even confirming his username.

"Shit," Ace thought. This was going to be awkward. As much as he was happy to see a familiar face, especially hers, he couldn’t help but wish she hadn’t gotten caught up in this mess. Ruth had a knack for sensing things, and unlike the others, Ace knew he couldn't keep up a brave face for long in front of her. Once she realized the full extent of what had happened to him, she would worry about him non-stop, putting herself in further jeopardy. Ace didn’t want to hurt her, but maybe it would be the best thing if it meant improving her odds of making it out alive. The question was though, could he really do that to her?

"As crazy as it sounds, I think I am," he finally admitted after a long pause. Ruth looked him over, no doubt piecing things together, her expression growing increasingly troubled. "I'll be fine, Ruth." Ace said, reassuring her with a weak smile.

Seemingly appeased, at least for now, Ruth turned to Chel, inquiring further about the fact they were stuck on the island and offering a potential explanation of her own. This caused some offense for the only person who had yet to introduce themselves, a tall ghostly woman by the name of Mei Moore. Ace was fairly sure he recognised the name, it was one of those names that popped up in the media from time to time surrounded by rumours and gossip but he couldn't say much more than that.

In response to Arii’s question about potential food sources, Ace had vague recollections of being able to find vending machines and farms that grew meat in the Digital World but refrained from actually saying it out loud. It sounded too implausible to be true, and he didn’t want the rest of the group to think he had some kind of head injury on top of everything else.
Kimi's face went through a range of emotions as the conversation unfolded. A coy smile at Ravens little laugh, surprise at the sudden learning of Spanish, a happy nod to Raven which quickly turned to utter shock at Chel's claims. Twelve years! For over a decade Chel had been stuck in the Digital World!

For Kimi, it had been a wonderful idea to find herself here but to be in the Digital World and away from her family for so long.... She held her locket tight, determined to get home. She looked to Alex beside her but he remained stoic in light of the claims.

It was about then, Ruth introduced herself. Recognising her from the tournament, Kimi lightened up, feeling a connection with the once stranger especially in light of their seemingly shared support system and love of cards. But when she sat the other side of Alex, and conversed in a tiny voice, she let her deck slip back into her the pocket of her long coat.

Kimi's brow furrowing at familiarity of Mei's name but she couldn't really place it. As the conversation turned to food, the 'Cool Girl' spoke. "Well Digimon don't eat each other from what I've seen so there must be food we can eat. Best we ask our partners?"

Kimi looked around for Tentomon who was hiding somewhere in the darkness. A crackle of lightning from her claws revealed her dancing in the darkness with the fireflies, her glow reflecting her smaller cousins. Happy to let her play, Kimi deduced that a ladybugs diet may not be the best choice for people, so she looked to the more mammalian Digimon; BlackGabumon and Cutemon before settling on the more 'human' Digimon; Impmon and Dracumon.

Of course Chel had survived here for a startling twelve years so she surely knew of food sources. Though another question came to mind for the 'Cool Girl'. Maybe we don't need food thought Kimi

"Chel? If we remain the same do we also not gain or lose weight?"
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