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Fantasy I Was Reborn as a Demon But Getting Revenge Will Be Difficult OOC

I felt stress just imagining it going off like an amber alert. Those things are scary
I was a bit unsure about using a portal, I didn’t know what would constitute as dark magic in this world or what would be allowed
I was a bit unsure about using a portal, I didn’t know what would constitute as dark magic in this world or what would be allowed
Like portal magic needs a lot of mana. If the Belmont clan is still on the island, it should still be doable. However if you want to go to the frontline, you'd need at least a day of uninterrupted concentration or a bunch of mages.

And portal magic, I wouldn't really say it would be a specific magic type. But maybe different magic types have their own portal types.
Also I’m sorry, I should’ve put more thought into the magic when I created my character

1. I wonder if Soreiel decides to go full on human extinction, would anyone try to stop her?

2. You said dark magic consists of like enhancement spells right? Or is it more along the lines of a sort of corruption where only the most twisted of individuals could use it.

3. How long has the war been going?

4. What are the limits of summoning?
1. Maybe the others. Asa would maybe try to say to spare at least the non-hostile ones such as children and slaves. But Asa wouldn't necessarily step in.

2. Dark magic is mostly status effects such as blind and curse, destruction magic such as decay and necrotic flame/black flame and shadow teleportation. Also being evil doesnt make dark magic stronger as dark magic itself isnt evil. For stuff amplified by evil, you need death magic or abyssal magic.

3. The war has lasted for at least a couple decades.

4. The limits of summoning are summoning hundreds of people/demons. The more you summon, the longer you need and the more mana you need. You can offset the mana requirement by just taking forever to activate the summoning. So basically if your mana regeneration needs a couple days to summon something big, you will have to hold out that long. Reasons why the human attack that just happened will take a long time until they will be able to make another.
1. Maybe the others. Asa would maybe try to say to spare at least the non-hostile ones such as children and slaves. But Asa wouldn't necessarily step in.

2. Dark magic is mostly status effects such as blind and curse, destruction magic such as decay and necrotic flame/black flame and shadow teleportation. Also being evil doesnt make dark magic stronger as dark magic itself isnt evil. For stuff amplified by evil, you need death magic or abyssal magic.

3. The war has lasted for at least a couple decades.

4. The limits of summoning are summoning hundreds of people/demons. The more you summon, the longer you need and the more mana you need. You can offset the mana requirement by just taking forever to activate the summoning. So basically if your mana regeneration needs a couple days to summon something big, you will have to hold out that long. Reasons why the human attack that just happened will take a long time until they will be able to make another.

Sweet, I can put my plan for Soreiel’s old human family in place. 😈 I’m elated.

And I didn’t mean evil, cuz evil is a matter of perspective, but I mean twisted as in a psychopath. Or a monster.
Sweet, I can put my plan for Soreiel’s old human family in place. 😈 I’m elated.

And I didn’t mean evil, cuz evil is a matter of perspective, but I mean twisted as in a psychopath. Or a monster.
Like from the standpoint of humans, while the demon society would not be evil if they knew how it was like. The protagonists of our story certainly may be evil towards the humans.
Though Asa is more of the kind "make the humans weak and do not let them have their own sovereignity anymore and eventually when there is a peaceful coexistence between humans and demons, can humans rule themselves again".
Yuta is more. "cull the church, raze them to the ground. for other humans, it depends, but generally prefer not to kill slum people cause he was one when human. and for after war, never let humans have complete rule over their territories, like at least a demon chancellor or something is needed. to make sure those dumb asses don't pull something like that again."
I noticed that in the original post in the main thread, I forgot to add the forbidden/taboo magics (abyssal, necromancy, death/blood). If it is not an issue to retcon, I'd add those as possible "evil" magics with death magic and blood magic being summarized into one type of magic. Abyssal magic would be known so to humans, but to demons it would be known as taboo magic with one of the forbidden spells being "demonification" and "enthrallment". Demonification would have a voluntary spell where the subject can only be turned into a demon if they desire it, while there would also be an involuntary version that forceably turns them into a demon. "Enthrallment" would basically be forceable subordination of weaker beings. Basically, abyssal magic would be anything from morally questionable to absolutely terrifying.
I noticed that in the original post in the main thread, I forgot to add the forbidden/taboo magics (abyssal, necromancy, death/blood). If it is not an issue to retcon, I'd add those as possible "evil" magics with death magic and blood magic being summarized into one type of magic. Abyssal magic would be known so to humans, but to demons it would be known as taboo magic with one of the forbidden spells being "demonification" and "enthrallment". Demonification would have a voluntary spell where the subject can only be turned into a demon if they desire it, while there would also be an involuntary version that forceably turns them into a demon. "Enthrallment" would basically be forceable subordination of weaker beings. Basically, abyssal magic would be anything from morally questionable to absolutely terrifying.

Wonderful 😈 must think on actions now…

CasualTea CasualTea whats the status? Do you still need time or can you get to a post this round or next?

Also to the others, should we just continue with everyone basically rushing home and preparing, eventually meeting the next day? I would have said while many in the village volunteer for military service, only a few join Asa for a clan/kin unit, because a number of clansfolk would rather do a supporting role than a fighting role.

CasualTea CasualTea whats the status? Do you still need time or can you get to a post this round or next?

Also to the others, should we just continue with everyone basically rushing home and preparing, eventually meeting the next day? I would have said while many in the village volunteer for military service, only a few join Asa for a clan/kin unit, because a number of clansfolk would rather do a supporting role than a fighting role.

The next day Soreiel was going to ask them if they wanted to join her unit. And of course I mean only the player characters, lol

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