Heaven vs Hell

Scythe Meister

God of Luck and Tricks

Name: (Be creative)


Gender: (Male, Female, Other)

Appearance: (Pictures are much appreciated but descriptions are good too)

Race: (Angel, Demon, Human)

Side: (Heaven, Hell, Michael, Lilith)

Personality: (At least 5 sentences)

Likes: (At least 3)

Dislikes: (At least 3)

Weapon: (Doesn't apply if you're human)(Pictures please)

Abilities: (Doesn't apply if you're human)

Sexuality: (Staight, Gay, Bi, Other)

Other: (Anything Else)​


Name: Lucifer

Age: Ageless

Gender: Male



Race: Fallen Angel

Side: Hell

Personality: Lucifer is a quirky person. He's capable of being nice if he wants to be and is quite a jokester. He can also be extremely cruel at times when you cross him. He loves his father and siblings. Lucifer has even developed an interest in humans though if you ask him, he'll deny it. He is not happy with his radical group and is trying to find a way to stop Lilith and the others. He prefers Lucifer to Satan. Also, he acts like a child when he's with his trusted advisors as they're his only true friends.

Likes: Fire, Blood, Jokes, his family to an extent, certain Humans

Dislikes: Most Humans, Lilith, certain Angels, people that defy him, radical groups

Weapon: He's a sword or dagger type of person but can use a gun when he wants to


Abilities: As the ruler of Hell and a Fallen Angel, Lucifer has many different abilities. He's capable of possession and can create new demons. As an Angel, he can heal himself and others, can fly and bring someone back to life, and he can also strike fear into anyone by a simple look. One of his other abilities is to shape shift into other people, Demons, or even Angels but it takes a lot of power

Sexuality: Bi

Other: He's kinda bubbly and weird. He also has a pet dog and cat respectively named Gunner and Spike.
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Name: Calix

Age: 214

Gender: Female


Race: Demon

Side: Hell

Personality: Calix is fearless and is not afraid of adventure. She is always ready to fight. She is tough, but that doesn't mean she isn't caring. She does show kindness towards some people.

Likes: She loves cats, night sky, and adventure.

Dislikes: Holy water, things humans and angels might find beautiful, crosses.

Weapon: Machine Gun.

Abilities: Walk through walls and walk around without being seen.

Sexuality: (Other)

Other: If she has a goal she makes sure no one will get in her way.

@the-lich @Marvelous Chester (Come join this rp plz! :) :P )
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MagicalFlower said:
Name: Calix
Age: 214

Gender: Female


Race: Demon

Side: Hell

Personality: Calix is fearless and is not afraid of adventure. She is always ready to fight. She is tough, but that doesn't mean she isn't caring. She does show kindness towards some people.

Likes: She loves cats, night sky, and adventure.

Dislikes: Holy water, things humans and angels might find beautiful, crosses.

Weapon: Machine Gun.

Abilities: Walk through walls and walk around without being seen.

Sexuality: (Other)

Other: If she has a goal she makes sure no one will get in her way.
Nice. You're accepted. We can begin after a few others join :)
I'm sorry but I'd rather not join. My religion believes in this kind of stuff and I'd rather not roleplay in it. Thank you for tagging me anyways! If you find something I might like go ahead and tag me. :)
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]I'm sorry but I'd rather not join. My religion believes in this kind of stuff and I'd rather not roleplay in it. Thank you for tagging me anyways! If you find something I might like go ahead and tag me. :)

I understand. It's all good :)
Name: (Be creative)Shi

Age: 666

Gender: Male


Race: Demon

Side: no side

Personality:Shi is a very upbeat, who seemingly is as eccentric as just about everyone. . He is rash, impulsive, and determined to do everything his way, whether for good or bad, In battle,Shi comes off as his his more serious, cold and steely side, and as an intimidating scene. Shi is a self-proclaimed genius and is very proud of himself, in particular his fighting abilities.

Likes: night sky, adventure,and fire

Dislikes: Holy water,water,and people who are mean to him

Weapon: the for dagger that you see on him in the picture

Abilities:able to control lava and fire

Sexuality: Bi

Other: (Anything Else)
[QUOTE="Blood dog]Name: (Be creative)Shi
Age: 666

Gender: Male


Race: Demon

Side: no side

Personality:Shi is a very upbeat, who seemingly is as eccentric as just about everyone. . He is rash, impulsive, and determined to do everything his way, whether for good or bad, In battle,Shi comes off as his his more serious, cold and steely side, and as an intimidating scene. Shi is a self-proclaimed genius and is very proud of himself, in particular his fighting abilities.

Likes: night sky, adventure,and fire

Dislikes: Holy water,water,and people who are mean to him

Weapon: the for dagger that you see on him in the picture

Abilities:able to control lava and fire

Sexuality: Bi

Other: (Anything Else)

Yay! Really cool. Smart thing for age, was not expecting that. You're accepted :)
Name: Cordelia

Age: 313

Gender: Female



Race: Demon

Side: Hell (but makes an exception for her sister)

Personality: Cordelia has a dark and sadistic personality that she gets a kick out of. Her personality is such like Lilith's in a way that Lilith tried to recruit her into her little groupie BS. But Cordelia thinks Lilith is a prude and a bitch in general. So she mainly keeps to herself and is kind of a loner in her own way. But she does like playing little trickster jokes on the smaller demons though sometimes they get a little out of hand. Blood certainly doesnt bother in fact she thinks Queen Elizabeth Bathory had the right idea of using it to stay young forever, but finding virgins in hells is pretty slim.

Likes: Blood, fighting, dark cloudless skies, the full moon (Or blood moon for that matter), steak, playing tricks, piercings and jewels, her sister

Dislikes: Anything sweet, god, most angels, bright lights, Lilith

Weapon: Her tail (Pictured above) And her bow and arrows


Abilities: After lots of practice she is finally invulnerable to intense heat (Some demons think its funny to throw fire at people) She can also see heat signatures at will

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Other: She is usually found chilling out on the ledges of cliffs or other rocky structures.

Name: Lorelei

Age: 89

Gender: female



Race: Angel

Side: Heaven (exceptions for her sister)

Personality: Lorelei is like any young respectable angel, she is cheerful and kind and loves to help people where she can. But she is also clumsy and a space cadet among other things. She is focusing and training to be a guardian angel after help from some of the arch angels. So she has to be pure spirited and gentle, though she had deep anger for many demons. Her sister is the only one she cares about but thats because she hopes theres a way to save her.

Likes: Ice cream, flying, sunsets, sunrise, classical music, her guardian training

Dislikes: Demons, fire, the dark, thunder storms, hot foods

Weapon: Michael helped her configure her own sword though it is nowhere near as cool as his


Abilities: She can read minds

Sexuality: Straight as a stick

Other: She gets permission to go visit her sister Cordelia often but she is only aloud to in short intervals

MorticiansDaughter said:
Name: Cordelia
Age: 313

Gender: Female



Race: Demon

Side: Hell (but makes an exception for her sister)

Personality: Cordelia has a dark and sadistic personality that she gets a kick out of. Her personality is such like Lilith's in a way that Lilith tried to recruit her into her little groupie BS. But Cordelia thinks Lilith is a prude and a bitch in general. So she mainly keeps to herself and is kind of a loner in her own way. But she does like playing little trickster jokes on the smaller demons though sometimes they get a little out of hand. Blood certainly doesnt bother in fact she thinks Queen Elizabeth Bathory had the right idea of using it to stay young forever, but finding virgins in hells is pretty slim.

Likes: Blood, fighting, dark cloudless skies, the full moon (Or blood moon for that matter), steak, playing tricks, piercings and jewels, her sister

Dislikes: Anything sweet, god, most angels, bright lights, Lilith

Weapon: Her tail (Pictured above) And her bow and arrows


Abilities: After lots of practice she is finally invulnerable to intense heat (Some demons think its funny to throw fire at people) She can also see heat signatures at will

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Other: She is usually found chilling out on the ledges of cliffs or other rocky structures.

Name: Lorelei

Age: 89

Gender: female



Race: Angel

Side: Heaven (exceptions for her sister)

Personality: Lorelei is like any young respectable angel, she is cheerful and kind and loves to help people where she can. But she is also clumsy and a space cadet among other things. She is focusing and training to be a guardian angel after help from some of the arch angels. So she has to be pure spirited and gentle, though she had deep anger for many demons. Her sister is the only one she cares about but thats because she hopes theres a way to save her.

Likes: Ice cream, flying, sunsets, sunrise, classical music, her guardian training

Dislikes: Demons, fire, the dark, thunder storms, hot foods

Weapon: Michael helped her configure her own sword though it is nowhere near as cool as his


Abilities: She can read minds

Sexuality: Straight as a stick

Other: She gets permission to go visit her sister Cordelia often but she is only aloud to in short intervals

Finally! An Angel! Nice profiles, you're accepted.

Name: Aziraphale

Age: 711

Gender: Male



Race: Angel

Side: Heaven (friendly with Lucifer though)

Personality: Aziraphale is actually a friend of Lucifer's though he's mostly loyal to Heaven. He's the one that takes care of new recruits and trains the Guardian Angels. He's a Guardian himself of a particular human (someone else can make this person) and he's fiercely protective of them. He is use to Lucifer's antics and most often the one to tell him off. Aziraphale was once also close to Michael but after he became a radical, they separated. He's a kind person but he's rather blunt in speech and doesn't understand much about human culture or nature

Likes: Other Angels, Lucifer, Heaven, goodness, God, his charge

Dislikes: Hell, Demons, death, blood, Michael's radical group, war

Weapon: He has a pair of twin daggers


Abilities: Aziraphale is a healer and can also calm people down with a single touch

Sexuality: Asexual

Other: Lucifer is like the thorn in his side he can never get rid of.

@MorticiansDaughter. We can start now if you'd all like :)
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Name: Shohiro Tusukiyomi

Age: 100

Gender: Female


(Half with left demon wing and right angel wing)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-184.jpeg.3fadf06d12c5060aeb6b58b7d78b85db.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-184.jpeg.3fadf06d12c5060aeb6b58b7d78b85db.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Angel)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-14-16-53-45-210635877.jpeg.24228617b983cc5964f83b4a7751f59f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-14-16-53-45-210635877.jpeg.24228617b983cc5964f83b4a7751f59f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Half-breed ( Angel and Demon )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-124.jpeg.303e6ad8e62348db11721905ba3f182d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36862" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-124.jpeg.303e6ad8e62348db11721905ba3f182d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Side: Wanderer ( till now )

Personality: Shohiro is very Brave and Stubborn and when you mess with people she Cares for all hell breakes loose and her inner demon takes over but if she is Content and Happy expect a little angel to smile and laugh having a good time but watch out shes a clever little girl with a quirky, fun, mixed personality that anyone would enjoy

Likes: Sweets, Music, Animals and Battle

Dislikes: Holy water, Solitude and Imposters

Weapon: Can use any weapon but she prefers Crimsion Rose

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-113.jpeg.83bc91cd756be79a271ad2e7879e6d42.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-113.jpeg.83bc91cd756be79a271ad2e7879e6d42.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Element Maunipulation


Major Senses, Strength and speed

Sexuality: Strait

Other: She adores Adventure<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-139.jpeg.42e043974646265c3b378ac308263459.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36864" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-139.jpeg.42e043974646265c3b378ac308263459.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Wild Born]Name: Shohiro Tusukiyomi
Age: 100

Gender: Female


(Half with left demon wing and right angel wing)View attachment 91420 (Angel)View attachment 91423 (Demon)View attachment 91422

Race: Half-breed ( Angel and Demon )

View attachment 91421

Side: Wanderer ( till now )

Personality: Shohiro is very Brave and Stubborn qnd when you mess with people she Cares for all hell breakes loose and her inner demon takes over but if she is Content and Happy expect a little angel to smile and laugh having a good time but watch out shes a clever little girl with a quirky, fun, mixed personality that anyone would enjoy

Likes: Sweets, Music, Animals and Battle

Dislikes: Hily water, Solitude and Imposters

Weapon: Can use any weapon but she prefers Crimsion Rose


Element Maunipulation


Major Senses, Strength and speed

Sexuality: Strait

Other: She adores Adventure

Nice! You're accepted. Start anytime
VeeTheAbnormalOreo said:
Name: Leda
Age: 221

Gender: Female


Race: Demon

Side: Hell

Personality: Leda is quirky, she can be very happy at some times or very mad. Usually she is know to be tough, but she is really a softy. She is always serious about her work. She is pretty witty.

Likes: Music, jokes, climbing.

Dislikes: Unorganized stuff, certain humans, being locked up.

Weapon: Dagger

Abilities: Mind reading, controlling elements.

Sexuality: Bisexual
You're accepted. Love the picture.
Name: Zetherian

Age: ageless

Gender: Male

Appearance: normal form:


True demon form:


Race: Demon

Side: no side

Personality: Zetherian has always bin calm, calculating, at times deceatful and caring to a extent. He follows the old ways of honor while also seeing light in adaption to new codes of life. While his heart has bin darkened with the passage of time he still holds some compassion. Due to hus demonic nature zetherial does crave power. Zetherial is a loyal ally if you prove worthy to him.

Likes: shadows, consuming souls and those with honor.

Dislikes: dishonorable beings, disrespect and betrayal.


Shade is an ancient blade zetherial forged in his own blood. It posseses some of his power to manipulate dark energy.

Abilities: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Primordial_Darkness_Manipulation

Sexuality: straight

Other: lives in the human world in japan where he teaches kendo in a famous dojo called" house of Shadows".

(I know thats a lame name, but honestly could not think of anything lol.)
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i do not know if this goes against my religion or not, but i would like to join
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Name: Zetherian
Age: 999

Gender: Male

Appearance: normal form:


True demon form:


Race: Demon

Side: no side

Personality: Zetherian has always bin calm, calculating, at times deceatful and caring to a extent. He follows the old ways of honor while also seeing light in adaption to new codes of life. While his heart has bin darkened with the passage of time he still holds some compassion. Due to hus demonic nature zetherial does crave power. Zetherial is a loyal ally if you prove worthy to him.

Likes: shadows, consuming souls and those with honor.

Dislikes: dishonorable beings, disrespect and betrayal.


Shade is an ancient blade zetherial forged in his own blood. It posseses some of his power to manipulate dark energy.

Abilities: darkness manipulation or dark energy manipulation.

Sexuality: straight

Other: lives in the human world in japan where he teaches kendo in a famous dojo called" house of Shadows".

(I know thats a lame name, but honwstly could not think of anything lol.)

Accepted and I'm all for cheesy name ;)

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