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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

He nodded. "Well then lets go talk to her."
Emily quickly turned to Earl at what he had said. "What?!....we can't you know McGonagall she has mad up her mind.....who dose she care about two students that want to gather on a common room.....she will mention that there are plenty of other rooms throughout the whole school in and outside which we can do that..." Emily replied
Emily quickly turned to Earl at what he had said. "What?!....we can't you know McGonagall she has mad up her mind.....who dose she care about two students that want to gather on a common room.....she will mention that there are plenty of other rooms throughout the whole school in and outside which we can do that..." Emily replied
"Well what's the harm in asking?" He asked.

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