• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Frontier] Knife Eared Tears


The Swiftest Shot In The West
Narrative Post 1

In the velvety darkness of the Fae See, where the ancient trees whispered secrets and the air hummed with an otherworldly energy, a somber camp had taken root. The Eastern Empire had mobilized a small yet formidable force to undertake a mission that resonated with an air of foreboding destiny. The target: a quaint elven village nestled near the front lines.

Captain Aliquem, a figure shrouded in both mystery and martial prowess, stood before her assembled troops in the shadow of the ancient trees. The murmurs of the forest seemed to hush in deference to her presence as she prepared to deliver a speech that would set the tone for the ominous task ahead.

The reason for this mission was clear yet unsettling – an old elven seer, dwelling within the targeted village, held knowledge that the Eastern Empire deemed too perilous to exist. The seer's visions, a threat to the empire's plans, had marked him for annihilation along with the village that sheltered him.

As the moonlight filtered through the foliage, Captain Aliquem's voice cut through the stillness, carrying a weight that matched the gravity of their mission. The soldiers, their armor gleaming in the ambient glow, listened intently, the aura of the Fae See casting an ethereal backdrop to the captain's words.

"Soldiers of the Eastern Empire," Captain Aliquem began, her tone commanding and resolute. "Tonight, we embark on a mission of paramount importance. The elven village before us harbors a seer whose visions threaten the very fabric of our empire. His knowledge must be erased, and the village along with him. This is not a choice but a necessity for the greater good of our homeland."

She paused, allowing the weight of her words to settle among the troops. The air itself seemed charged with a tension that mirrored the gravity of the task at hand. Captain Aliquem's gaze, unwavering, met the eyes of each soldier before her.

"We move with precision and swiftness. Our success is non-negotiable. Remember your training, trust in your comrades, and let not the mystique of the Fae See deter you. Tonight, we reshape the course of destiny. For the Eastern Empire!"

With those words hanging in the air, the soldiers, fueled by a sense of duty and the charismatic leadership of Captain Aliquem, prepared to march towards the elven village shrouded in the mystic embrace of the Fae See. The fate of the seer and the village rested in the hands of this small yet formidable force, their journey marked by shadows and the weight of an empire's unyielding will.​

  • You may use this round to introduce your character and how they might have ended up fighting on the Eastern Empire's side in this conflict. The next post will mark the start of combat.​
  • Advanced rules are in effect.​
  • This RP takes place in a warzone and as such criminal titles shall be handed out only in accordance with such.​

Karmilla was leaned up against her cart in the back of the camp, keeping an eye out for when the commander would finish her rallying speech.

'Eastern empire? Couldn't care any less. I'm in this for money, and I got paid upfront. I'm no Merc', we lose this battle and I simply leave onto the next highest bidder.'

It was then the commander finished her speech when Karmilla climbed over her horse in preparation for departure, the words 'Kerberos' inked in black upon the side of her cart. Sure she could defend herself if needed; but Karmilla wasn't stupid-- she had to pick smart battles this time.

~Luisa O'Sullivan~

Luisa stood among the soldiers, her armor adorned with the insignia of the Eastern Empire, her expression stoic as Captain Aliquem's commanding words resonated in the shadowy embrace of the Fae See. The ethereal glow of the ancient trees cast an otherworldly aura, and Luisa, well-versed in military discipline, absorbed the gravity of their mission without a flicker of hesitation.

The seer's impending eradication and the village's annihilation were framed in Luisa's mind as matters of strategic necessity. Duty eclipsed any potential moral quandaries, and the charismatic call to reshape destiny for the Eastern Empire resonated with her as a clear directive.

"For the Eastern Empire," Luisa echoed resolutely, her voice carrying the weight of unwavering allegiance. Her gaze, a steely reflection of the moonlit night, betrayed no internal conflict. Instead, it mirrored the disciplined focus expected of a seasoned soldier ready to execute a mission of paramount importance.

As soldiers began to stir and prepare for the march towards the elven village, Luisa moved with purpose. Her footsteps, synchronized with the ambient sounds of the Fae See, echoed a determination to fulfill the empire's will without the encumbrance of moral ambiguity. In the velvety darkness of the Fae See, where shadows played among ancient trees, Luisa marched as an embodiment of disciplined resolve, a soldier committed to executing the empire's unyielding will.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C
Zyn Erolam

Zyn crouched in the hastily built fort. Most soldiers had already packed their travel tents, but Eo kept his. With some hesitation, he removed his helmet, after ensuing none where secretly watching. Zyn placed the helmet atop his great sword- Requiem.

"May my valiance in battle push me further to regaining what little honour a half breed and a criminal needs. May the gods continue to guide me to redemption, and the restoration of the Erolam house- Glory to the Chosen Warlords. May my enemies die with honour."

Zyn rose, donning the furs of a Greatwolf, the beast he had slain in the hunt, not as glorious as some who had slain demons and dragons for their transformation into warriors for the Empire- not the Eastern Empire Zyn served in order to survive and claw his way out of the title of Honourless, Zyn's allegiance would always be too the empire first, then his House and whoever hired him until he could return to his homeland.

Zyn put on his helmet, only pausing to find the most prominent blemish on the beautiful armor. The majority of the breaks in the armor had been healed, either by his forefathers or himself, but in the center, the crest had been removed, marking Zyn as Honourless. Every other mark on the armor held a story of pride, passed down and engraved in miniscule writing, tales of battles and quests, while the mark was left empty. Zyn was forbidden to repair the chest piece, it would still be effective in battle, but he was still identified as Honourless. Zyn raised his blade, feeling the glyphs of his forefathers- Lady Zl Erolann, the first female peasent to start a House of the Third Order; Huntsman Zal, first to slay a dragon during his first hunt- and finnally Zyn, Halfbreed and Murderer.
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Karmilla noticed everyone start leaving, and so she climbed atop her carriage and drove to the middle, making sure to endanger the goods as little as possible.

'fools marching to their deaths for glory and country.'

She scoffed loudly, thinking to herself as she examined the marching men and women. Karmilla might have felt pity-- if that capability existed within her rotten excuse for a heart. She could smell it already; their meaningless lives ending by a meaningless quest. A meaningless death. A boring one too-- Karmilla always believed dying by beasts is much more interesting than by intelligent beings.

Izzy shifted, untightening the lid to her canteen as she listened to the words of the charismatic captain. The woman had a way with words, that much was clear. The soldiers morale around them was buzzing. The mob was ready to strike. And it left a bad taste in her mouth. The lid finally came offf, and she raised it to her lips, to spill the amber liquid past her lips, and numb herself for the task ahead. She was healer, a doctor. She was meant to help. But hardly anyone trusts a drunk as a doctor. And going dry just wasn't something she was ready for. So her next best option was to work as a hired sword so to speak. An offer for pay and food, in lieu of services rendered. Somehow, it turned out the offer was coming from some Human supremacists. Luckily she was human herself. But the idea of hunting someone down and destroying them...just because they weren't the same. It left a really bad taste in her mouth, and she was drowning it out with the burning amber liquid.

When the march finally started, she wiped her mouth with her sleeve, screwing the cap back on and falling into line quietly. Trying hard to focus on the job ahead, and hopefully earn her pay.
Zyn Erolam

Zyn pushed open the war tent, a bag of his possessions over his shoulder as he took down the tent- an attendant or apprentices job, though he was now ranked below the lowest class of apprentice, in his land at least.

Zyn shoved past a squad of spear men, his armored figure inspiring fear instead of the disgust his people would feel. Zyn stayed silent as he marched towards the line of soldiers- he wouldn't be payed unless he was witnessed in battle.

Zyn paused when he heard the words of a passing carriage driver. She wore what Zyn could guess may be a uniform, with a ragged cloak and wide brimmed hat on it. "And profiting off war is any better Merchant? At least these men would die for their gods."
Kikimura Kikimura
Karmilla looked over to the armored man on her left, who seems to be challenging her perspective. She then tipped her hat and parted her lips.

"Gods? If your god demands your death it is not one worth praising."

She scoffed as she trotted along.

"Besides, at least I don't lie to myself. These people here are about to commit genocide and they fashion themselves the good guys. Life is kill or be killed, morals, ideals, gods-- all of those are crutches for the weak who are too scared to revel in their monstrosities."

She paused and pulled her blade slightly out of it's sheath.

"Difference is, I'm not scared of the man in the mirror." Karmilla spoke to her reflection before going silent and sheathing her blade back with a swift sound of shing! Clearly, a well taken care of blade.

Gears Gears
Narrative Post 2

As Captain Aliquem led her contingent of soldiers toward the elven village nestled in the heart of the Fae See, the ethereal beauty of the ancient forest belied the ominous intent of their mission. The moonlit path ahead seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, casting long shadows that danced in the night. However, the tranquility was soon shattered by the sudden emergence of a contingent of elven guards, their silhouettes appearing like ghosts among the trees.

The captain, a flicker of surprise crossing her stoic expression, halted the advance of her troops. The elven guards, silent as the night itself, emerged from the foliage with an eerie grace. Their presence seemed to materialize out of the very shadows, a testament to their mastery of the enchanted landscape.

As the guards encircled Captain Aliquem and her forces, their bows at the ready, the tension in the air thickened. The captain's keen eyes scanned the elven warriors, recognizing the deadly precision in their movements. There was an unspoken understanding between the two forces, a clash of intentions beneath the moonlit canopy.

Without a word, the elven guards, armed with bows adorned with ethereal designs, began to launch arrows with supernatural speed and accuracy. The forest echoed with the twang of bowstrings, and the air was filled with a deadly rain of enchanted arrows that whistled through the night.

Captain Aliquem, her reflexes as sharp as her blade, raised her shield, deflecting the first barrage of arrows with an almost preternatural agility. Her soldiers, however, were not as fortunate. The enchanted arrows found their marks, and cries of pain and surprise erupted from the Eastern Empire forces as they attempted to shield themselves from the unforeseen assault.

A chaotic dance unfolded amidst the moonlit glade as Captain Aliquem rallied her troops. "Form a defensive line! Shields up! Protect your comrades!" she bellowed, her voice cutting through the turmoil. The soldiers, despite the initial shock, quickly organized into a defensive formation, their shields forming an impenetrable barrier against the relentless volley of arrows.

As the elven guards continued their assault, Captain Aliquem observed their tactics with a calculating gaze. The enchanted arrows seemed to carry not only physical harm but also a mystical force that unnerved the Eastern Empire soldiers. The forest itself seemed to lend its magic to the elves, making the defense a formidable challenge for the empire forces.

In the midst of the chaotic skirmish, Captain Aliquem weighed her options, her mind working swiftly to devise a strategy that would turn the tide in their favor. The elven guards, however, remained a formidable barrier, their arrows continuing to rain down with a supernatural precision that hinted at a deeper connection to the Fae See itself.

"O'Sullivan! Stop messing around! Brake the encirclement already! I can't protect everyone and attack at the same time! The rest of you stand strong! Focus on defense and healing!"

The fate of the mission hung in the balance as the clash between empire and elves unfolded beneath the moonlit canopy, the ancient trees bearing witness to a conflict that reverberated with the echoes of an unforeseen battle in the heart of the enchanted forest.​

Combat has begun
Advanced Rules are in effect
You have 3 actions to spend per narrative round

11 Effectiveness required to defend.
Passive effect: Those under E Grade will be under the effects of 'Intimidation', you will receive a -1 to effectiness.

Advice: work together to defend from the arrows.
Kikimura Kikimura Gears Gears Moonberry Moonberry

HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3

1. Ability name - [Skill1], [Skill 2] - Ability description - Grade of ability (This is the same as the highest skill used so in your case F).
Effectiveness: (Grade of Precision for guns or Strength for swords) + (Sword or gun grade) + Ability F = regardless atm its going to be 2 + 1 +1 for 4.



Example Ability.
Seductive Gun Play - [Fighting Style Hells Barrel] [Seduction F] - With seductive movements and glances Karmilla aims to catch her opponent when distracted with a well-timed shot - F Grade.
Effectiveness: Precision E + Shotgun F + Ability F = 4)

F - You get 1 F grade ability per narrative post.

HP: 1 (F Grade Character)
Armour: 1 (F Grade Heavy)

Actions: 0/3

1. Ability name - [Skill1], [Skill 2] - Ability description - Grade of ability (This is the same as the highest skill used so in your case F).
Effectiveness: (Grade of Precision for guns or Strength for swords) + (Sword or gun grade) + Ability F = regardless atm its going to be 2 + 1 +1 for 4.



Example Ability.
Heavy slash - [Fighting Technique: Warlord of the Third Order- Path of Swords] [Super Strenght F] - A heavy blow with enhanced strength - F Grade.
Effectiveness: Strenght D + Greatsword E + Ability F = 6
Bulwark - [Barrier F] - Using his armor and barrier to his advantage, Zyn makes himself ready to defend against an attack - F Grade.
Effectiveness: Vitality E + Heavy Armour F + Ability F = 4 temporary hp

F - You get 3 F grade abilities per narrative post with energized F

HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3

1. Ability name - [Skill1], [Skill 2] - Ability description - Grade of ability (This is the same as the highest skill used so in your case F).
Effectiveness: (Grade of Precision for guns or Strength for swords) + (Sword or gun grade) + Ability F = regardless atm its going to be 2 + 1 +1 for 4.



Example Ability.
Doctors Touch - [Medicine F], [Healing E] Grade E - The character inspects wounds and gives basic medical aid to the target. Grade E - 1 post-Cool Down.
Effectiveness = restore 2 hp

F - You get 1 per narrative post
E - You must wait 1 narrative post after use before it can be used again
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"Death is for the weak, my gods don't tolerate the unworthy" Zyn said as he heard the sound of pulled bowstrings, quickly pulling the sword from its sheath, hand raised to defend the open faceplate, leaving his eyes exposed, his gray eyes barely visible underneath.

As arrows flew among the bodies, he ran forward, bellowing out a war cry in his language, that of the call of Vengeance. It was cowardly to use the bow and arrow, just as this world firearms, and the use of magic enraged Zyn- Casters where monsters, worse than the Honourless and Undying.

Zyn reached to grab a shield from a dead soldier as he charged the nearest archer.

HP: 1 (F Grade Character)
Armour: 1 (F Grade Heavy)

Actions: 0/3

1. Brilan Rage (Energized F, Superstrengh, Duration Reduction F) As a half-blood Brilan officer, Zyn can manifest additional Energy, strength, and resilience after speaking a series of words, though he is weaker than full blood Brilans- Grade F, 0 post Cooldown.


F - You get 3 F grade abilities per narrative post with energized F
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Izzy had fallen inline and kept her nose down in the march. She'd found herself naturally gravitating towards the pair bantering about gods. She listened absently, snorting inwardly at the folly of it all. When the company came to a halt, she stood with her hands beside her and ready. But when the volley came down, and the screams around her came out, she let out a sound of frustrated surprise. One of the soldiers beside her cried out as an arrow lodged itself in his forearm. He started to wobble, looking strangely disturbed, for a trained soldier and one arrow. She didn't have much time to think about it though, as another volley was already being lined up again. Her arm shot out and she grabbed hold of the soldier, Pulling him down to a crouch beside the cart.

"Bloody Fochn'....Oi" She looked at the woman that had been speaking to the man in platemail. " 'Elp me turn th' cart o'er fer some cover. They're pickin' ahs'ahf." She yelled before using all of her strength she began to try and flip the cart. When Captain Aliquem called out "O'Sullivan" Izzy gave a moment of pause, as a slight flicker of curious possible recognition began.

HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 2/3

1. Grab the soldier and dive down towards the cart.

2. Try to Flip the cart


Mentions: Uasal Uasal Kikimura Kikimura
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As the barrage of arrows suddenly struck against the force, Karmilla let out a sigh. She looked to the chaos that followed in its wake and quickly disconnected her horse from the cart, driving forth.

"I ain't no stool!" She called out in her heavy southern accent, viciously kicking an injured soldier who stopped to lean against her horse in order to pull out an arrow. She spat, riding past the injured and scrambling men up to the front with Commander Aliquem. As she rushed her horse past she pulled out her shotgun and aimed, releasing two consecutive shells aimed at two approaching Elven warriors, finally reaching Aliquem's position.

"I'm thinking we use ol' Betty here for a counter-maneuver," Karmilla explained, clearly insinuating she wants to take a small party and get behind the elven forces and split their attention with a surprise attack.
HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Unlactch the cart

2. Ride towards Aliquem

3. Double it - [ Steady hands - F ], [ Fighting Style Hells Barrel - F ] [ (CONDITIONAL) Riding - F ], Even while mounted Karmilla retains steady aim, able to hit even the most difficult headshots, she uses both of her shells to down two enemies. - [ Ability grade - F ]
Effectiveness: (Precision E) + (Shotgun F) + Ability F = 4

F - 1

Mentions: Uasal Uasal
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~Luisa O'Sullivan~

Amid the elven onslaught, Captain Aliquem's urgent command cut through the chaos. The enchanting glow of the Fae See seemed to intensify as Luisa, undeterred by the elven resistance, raised her Grimoire high with a nod. Arcane symbols illuminated its pages, casting an eerie radiance that blended seamlessly with the mystical ambiance of the ancient forest. "Pawns, Knights, push forward. Kill all the fae who stand in your way, brake through this damned encirclement! Rooks, Bishops lend your aid to the soldiers! Show them what it means to oppose the glory of the Empire!"

With a swift incantation, Luisa summoned her minions with a burst of ethereal energy. From the magical vortex emerged her pawns, knights, bishops, and rooks, each materializing with an otherworldly grace. The pawns, wielding deadly iron knuckles, advanced with a relentless determination, their presence a formidable force on the moonlit battlefield. The knights, devoid of steeds but clad in a mix of armor and spear, moved in sync with practiced teamwork that mirrored the elven guards, forming a strategic counter alongside the charging pawns.

The bishops, enigmatic and attuned to the arcane, emanated an aura of mystical energy that would help heal and alleviate the damage dealt to the eastern soldiers. Lastly, the rooks, possessing an innate resilience, fortified the empire soldiers' defenses, turning the tide of the skirmish. Their presence acted as a shield against the supernatural onslaught, granting Captain Aliquem's forces a momentary respite.

As the battle raged on, Luisa maintained her focus, orchestrating her summoned allies with precision. The outcome of this unforeseen clash in the heart of the enchanted forest remained uncertain, but the alliance between empire soldiers and magical minions forged a formidable front against the elven resistance.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Summon Legion (Imperfect): Minions F (Pawns), Minions F (Knights), Minions F (Bishops), Minions F (Rooks) - Summons forth a single type of Construct Minions under the wielder's control for a single turn unless constantly cast in rapid succession. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.
2. Ordered knights and Pawns to advance and break the encirclement. Killing all Fae in their path.
3. Ordered Bishops and Rooks to aid the other soldiers

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - (Active)
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C
Narrative Post 3

The clash between the empire soldiers and the elven guards intensified as the summoned minions under Luisa's command entered the fray. The enchanted forest echoed with the clash of steel, the twang of bowstrings, and the ethereal hum of arcane energies. The Fae See, bearing witness to a battle that transcended mortal conflicts, seemed to pulse with a magical energy that wove through the very fabric of the skirmish.

Izzy, having successfully overturned the cart for cover, gestured for the injured soldier to take shelter behind the makeshift barricade. The chaos around her was momentarily tempered by the protective barrier, allowing her a moment to assess the situation. The air crackled with tension as the elven guards, now facing not only the empire forces but also the summoned minions, found themselves engaged on multiple fronts.

Karmilla, riding with a fierce determination, unleashed the thunderous report of her shotgun, the pellets finding their mark among the elven warriors, downing two of them. Her proposal to employ a counter-maneuver met Captain Aliquem's disapproving nod. "You're simply a hired gun, you hold neither the rank nor the standing to lead eastern troops.". Looking to the air and the oncoming onslaught of arrows, the captain swung her sword with incredible force and speed. Sending a burst of air upward that knocked all around her, including Karmilla to the ground with recoil. Destroying the majority of the arrows in the process. "Once the encirclement is breached you will have your chance to pay those fools back. For now FOCUS ON DEFENCE!". Captain Aliquem's voice cut through the chaos, a beacon of command that rallied the troops.

With the support of the summoned minions, the Eastern forces began to regain their footing. The elven guards, now facing a multifaceted assault, were forced to adapt to the unexpected synergy between the mortal and magical elements opposing them. Lowering the amount of arrows that could be fired freely at the group.

The summoned minions pressed forward with relentless determination, their forms weaving through the moonlit battlefield with reckless regard for their own lives. Slaughtering any who attempted to halt their advance. A terrifying and barbaric sight to be sure.

As the skirmish unfolded beneath the ancient trees, the outcome remained uncertain, hanging in the balance between the enchantment of the Fae See and the strategic prowess of Captain Aliquem's forces. The clash of steel, the crackle of arcane energies, and the determined shouts of soldiers and summoned minions blended into a symphony of conflict that echoed through the mystical glade, leaving an indelible mark on the heart of the ancient forest.​

Thanks to the combined efforts of the Captain and the rooks all arrow damage this turn has been negated.

7 Effectiveness required to defend.
Passive effect: Those with cover will get +1 effectiveness.
Warning: The captain will not aid in defense this turn

Gears Gears you must outline your actions or your character is presumed to have stood still. A template has been provided for your ease of use.

Kikimura Kikimura Moonberry Moonberry


As soon as the cart was flipped over, Izzy turned towards the soldier she'd dragged down with her. She grabbed his arm rather abruptly, Growling out a "Keep still ahmoment!" Before breaking off the upper half of the arrow shaft. She worked as quickly as she could to wrap the entry wound with a gauze. Which she'd pulled from her bag, to tie it off and slow any bleeding. "Ye'll no' be able t' use et much." She reached for his shield and moved to try and strap it to the injured arm. y'might have t' switch hands ef yer' left handed. " She managed to risk a glance over their cover, noticing the chess like pieces in the brawl not so far away from their defended position. The familiarity tickled at something in the back of her mind, but at the moment she was more focused on the battle at hand. "When they start tae noch the arrows again, we ought t' try an' push forward. " She suggested, not looking at the soldier. When the "Twang" of the bowstrings rung out, she flinched and moved to try and share the soldiers shield.

Hp 2 (E Grade Character)
Actions 3/3
[Doctors Touch] Medicine F, Healing E, : Grade E - Character inspects wounds and gives basic medical aid to target. Grade E - 1 post Cool Down
2. Attempt to strap shield to Soldiers injured arm.
3. If Soldier allowed the shield to be strapped, attempt to share the cover for this round.

Mentions: Uasal Uasal Kikimura Kikimura Gears Gears
The captain's attack threw Karmilla off her horse, letting out a surprised grunt as her back violently connected with the ground. The captain was right; Karmilla wasn't paid to think nor make decisions. Smart. A smirk made its way onto her lips as she got back up, strapping her shotgun back to her back pulling out her pistol and using her Horse's back as a plank to steady her aim before blasting another bullet in the way of the oncoming army of elven guards.
HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Get up

2. Switch guns

3. Shoot a bullet at an oncoming elf.

Mentions: Uasal Uasal Gears Gears

~Luisa O'Sullivan~

As the arrows descended upon her, propelled by the elven guards with deadly accuracy, Luisa's instincts kicked in. With a swift motion, channeled the power of her battle suit through her clenched fist. With a forceful punch, she sent a burst of air rippling outward, creating a shockwave that dispersed the incoming arrows with an explosive impact.

The arrows, once hurtling toward her with lethal intent, now scattered like leaves in a tempest, their trajectory disrupted by the sudden burst of power. The air crackled with the residual energy of her feat as the forest echoed with the resounding force of her defense.

Luisa's action spared her from the imminent threat and allowed her to maintain her focus on the unfolding battle. With the arrows diverted, she turned her attention back to the fray, her determination unwavering as she continued to command her summoned minions with precision and purpose.

As the clash between empire soldiers and elven guards raged on, her prowess in battle remained a formidable asset, ensuring that the Eastern forces would not falter in their quest to overcome the mystical resistance of the Fae See.

Dashing forward toward her minon's and the breech, Luisa became the spearhead of the counter-offensive.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Summon Legion (Imperfect): Minions F (Pawns), Minions F (Knights), Minions F (Bishops), Minions F (Rooks) - Summons forth a single type of Construct Minions under the wielder's control for a single turn unless constantly cast in rapid succession. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.
2. Regal Left Hook: - [Fighting Style E] (Regal Beatdown), [Enervation E], [Blight E] (Blunt Force Trauma), [Penetrating F], [Range F] [Targeted F] - A Strong and lethal Left Hook that generates enough air pressure to hit even foes at range. - E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown.
3. Rushed the front line with 30ft movement.

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - (Active)
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C
Narrative Post 4

As the battlefield echoed with the clash of forces and the distant sounds of Karmilla's gunfire, Izzy stole a glance over their makeshift barricade. The chess-like pieces, summoned by Luisa, were in the midst of the brawl not far from their position. The familiarity of their presence tugged at the edge of Izzy's consciousness, but the chaos of battle demanded her immediate attention. Meanwhile, Karmilla, after being thrown off her horse by the force of the elven onslaught, quickly regained her footing. Her resilience, a testament to her combat prowess, allowed her to adapt swiftly.

However, despite their valiant efforts, both Izzy and Karmilla were not immune to the relentless barrage of enchanted arrows. The air around them resonated with the haunting melody of the Fae See as arrows found their marks. The impact was swift and unrelenting, and both Izzy and Karmilla succumbed to unconsciousness, their forms slumping to the cold and muddy earth that lay beneath them.

With blinding speed and precision, Captain Aliquem struck down the fae troops that found themselves displaced and disoriented. Each swing of her sword seemed to cut through the enchanted air, leaving a trail of dispersed magical energies in its wake. The chess pieces, under Luisa's command, coordinated their attacks, further destabilizing the elven guards.

The tide of battle shifted as Captain Aliquem and Luisa's summoned allies exploited the opening in the encirclement. The Fae See, witness to the clash of mortal and mystical forces, pulsed with an otherworldly energy as the ancient forest bore witness to a confrontation it had become far too familiar with over the past months.

As the night turned into the early morning, Karmilla and Izzy would find themselves slowly regaining their consciousness. Both women would find themselves among other wounded members of the party, laid out on a tarp to keep them just barely off the ground. The women themselves as well as those like them had clearly recieved medical treatment, evident by the bandaging and lack of arrows puncturing their skin. Clearly, magic and actual medical skill had been used in tandem, Izzy being able to tell the medical aspect of which had been done by none other than an expert.

Looking even further, one would notice the remains of a burnt village in the distance, once hidden beneath trees and foliage now naught but ash and rubble. The East had claimed victory. they had raized the village and killed their target.

But a look toward a nearby tarp would reveal it had not been done without losses.

Final Round. Speak amoung yourselves before I close. you may post as much as you want in the coming week.​

Izzy woke with a start, nightmares of old mixed with new traumas tormenting her rest. When it finally registered exactly where she was, she put a hand to her head and groaned. She'd been taken care of but, having lost consciousness she felt a little useless. Especially when she saw the tarp of corpses. Not that she'd even known any of the men there. But it always hurt to see so much loss of life. After a moment of wandering around, she pulled herself back around a corner to peek a glance. She could have sworn she'd seen pink hair. But when she looked again, there was no sign. At this point she was chasing ghosts. Besides, even if the wench was here; she'd be surrounded by her people. And it wasn't like she wanted to cause any real damage to the woman. Mostly she wanted one good punch as to pay her back for tossing her into the sea. But such things were trivial right now. The last job had been a bust, and this job hadn't looked much better. She sighed, reaching for her flask and realizing it wasn't there. Another grumble passed her lips, before she stomped back to the tent she'd woken up in. looking to gather any belongings that she had before she took her leave. Zeke had asked her to meet up with him after this job. She wasn't entirely certain that meeting up with him was a great idea. But it was the only other prospect she had, and their goals were aligned. As she neared the tent again she glanced at the unconcious white haired woman. She looked about as patched up as herself. With just a touch of gentleness, she nudged the woman with her boot.

"Oi, gidap. Thought'yesed ye're no' ah stool"

Mentions: Uasal Uasal Kikimura Kikimura
With sudden vigor Karmilla grabbed at her pistol and instantly shot in front of her, luckily only hitting the tree infront as the bang echoed through the fields. "Ah, crap! I gon' done did it again..." She said with a heavy southern accent, wincing at the pain of the fresh sutures struggling to keep together against her sudden movement. It was a habit she picked up over the years, out in the desert being unconciouss meant you arnt dead--and that means kidnapped. "Yeah now stop yer yappin' interrupted my nap clearly." She giggled, teasing the young girl to her side and examining her badnages "Well," she paused for effect. "A few more scars to a long-standing collection."

Karmilla had then gotten up, dressing in her torn coat and painfully walking over to her horse, making sure it is okay.

Mentions: Uasal Uasal

Izzy scrabbled back in shock, falling back down onto her rump as the womans reflex kicked in. She grumbled, pushing herself up with a glare. Figured, as of late anyone she talked to seemed to be out to kill her somehow. A hand came up to scrub at her long wavy brown hair before she growled out in frustration again. Glaring at the woman.

"Sa'glad ah decided tae' wake ye' n'stead've lettin'em put ye' on th' tarp." Her dry tone gave the slightest hint of wry amusement. "Ah'm headin' oot. On'tae th'next jahb. Ye' look oot'fer yerself. Dunnae shoot tat er'one tha'tye see!" She waved her hand at the woman's pistol with a touch of distaste. She secured her bag to her shoulder and gave a two-finger salute to the woman before heading out, towards the edge of the encampment.
Narrative Post 5

With the mission complete the Eastern army held a small and quick prayer for those they had lost before setting the deceased alight. Following this they mobilised quickly and began the long trek home to their side of the border.​

Thanks for taking part! I hope you both learned even a little about the advanced system. Be sure you pay attention to Area dangers in future and utilise your defensive actions.

Moonberry Moonberry Kikimura Kikimura
Isekai Hell Grade

Word of the attack has reached the Fae Capital, and letters of reprimand have been sent to the commanders along the front lines informing them of the sitaution and punishing them for the failures to spot the attack. With the death of the seer what the Fae could have gained has been lost. The destruction of a village is a whole other matter, more scouts have been ordered to watch the front from here on out. While the Eastern Empire has started to celebrate this victory in the war.


Luisa- 25 Points

Karmilla- 7 Points
Acquired Optional Asset- Solder E This character has proven themselves to be an ally of the Eastern Empire Military and has proven they are capable.
Acquired Mandatory Title- [Holy Fae See Fugitive E] - the character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in the Holy Fae See.

Izzy- 10 Points
Acquired Optional Asset- Solder E This character has proven themselves to be an ally of the Eastern Empire Military and has proven they are capable.
Acquired Mandatory Title- [Holy Fae See Fugitive E] - the character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in the Holy Fae See.

Zyn- 5 Points

mentions: Uasal Uasal Moonberry Moonberry Kikimura Kikimura Gears Gears Novama Novama

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