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Realistic or Modern 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕙 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕞𝕖 (𝕠𝕠𝕔 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕)


hello everyone and welcome to the on-site OOC thread for the pirate roleplay, French perfume!

Here, you can chat with each other, ask me questions, talk about potential character ideas, tell me what role you’re thinking about applying for, that sort of stuff!

Have fun everyone!
Ehh meep here, thinking about going for the royalty.

Kind of interested in doing a Nepalese prince, they just started having a true Kingdom of Nepal around this time period, and having a crown prince who wanted nothing to do with this would be kind of fun to play. So partially based in history as well.
Heyoo, I have two characters already lol.

A Madwoman, (Think a female Jack Sparrow, Persona-Wise) Which is the one I'll be auditioning for as first mate.

Elise "Eli" Atherton


Then this guy, Idk who he's gonna be but I'm going to incorporate him being partially blind in a battle where he lost his wife.

Sebastian "Sebbie/Bastian" Bramwell

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My character idea for the Surgeon is most likely going to be a Southeastern Asian man that has practiced traditional and modern medicine. Very blunt, bit of a bookworm and more on the calm side.
I'm bringing back my character that was in this in the past. She joined the crew looking for her father after he disappeared one day without a word. Most likely going to make her the Lookout.

Those ideas all sound amazing!

I would love to apply for the cook. Still working on the concept but I was thinking an older, matronly, wine-loving French woman. I am of course open to suggestions (:
Loving all of these character ideas so far c:

Finally decided which OC of mine I want to drag in here. Djdjdjdkd
Thinking 'bout applying for the carpenter

Someone who loves treasure and the ship
The crew being 4th on their list of very important things
He's the type to complain very loudly about a particular person and then stab you in the hand as soon as you even think of touching them XD
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The crew of the Dragon’s Ghost has been together for 4 years

I would imagine they picked up the royal fairly recently, around a few months.
I would like to be a Chinese man named Xingyun Jian as the Gunner! I'm thinking of making him an orphan wildchild who survived by hunting and eventually grew up to just hunt for others. I want him to be great at aiming, but he has a hard time setting up a gun or cannon so he sometimes just relies on a bow and arrow when he feels like he needs to. Because it'd be funny if the gunner was better with a bow and arrow than a gun.
You don’t have to use a code! It’s optional, just as long as you have the information that is listed in the form ^^
Everybody's character applications are amazing! Excited to see who else will apply to join this merry band!
Man, looking at Mimi makes me wish I didn't choose a conventionally attractive person as my faceclaim, but I couldn't find one that fit 'cause I stink at finding face claims. I'm used to drawing them
Man, looking at Mimi makes me wish I didn't choose a conventionally attractive person as my faceclaim, but I couldn't find one that fit 'cause I stink at finding face claims. I'm used to drawing them
Your application looks great and the back story intrigued me! Nothing wrong with being beautiful either, it doesn't take anything away from your character ;)
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*Faints* I did so much writing today @~@
But on the bright side, I should have a sheet finished soon XD

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