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"How dare you!" Misuka rushes over to the tv standing by the couch, the once calming smile has been wiped clean away. "Do you even care for life? It is the only thing keeping you a god! Without my children you wouldn't have any love!" Her tone harsh and fierce, as her blue eyes staring into Jorah's. The fire worries her deeply as this god could give the client and his destinys a tragic end.


(Your luck ran out.)
He laughed and said "And without death, I would have too much to love. There would be no balance. My dear, Life. You speak of yourself as you keep the world going...No darling, it is not quite so. If any of us were to disappear, it would cause havoc." He took a sip of wine, realizing it was going low he decided to just gulp the rest of it. The liquid heaven going down his throat and caressing each part of his body. The feeling of warmth after made him smile, satisfied as he said "You should try my god brew...It is surely good." He then flicked his fingers as the wine appeared, he put it in front of Misuka saying "Come on...Sippy sippy. Drink it! It'll make you feel so much better. Why doesn't life ever lighten up. Always so grim, people would think you were Death by tone...And trust me, living or dead. Souls are still hot."
"I won't have my temple stained by that deadly drink." With that said, she pushes the away using her index finger as she continues to watch the client on the TV. Maybe life should be happier, It is a joyfull pride to be alive. Like a new born baby, seeing the world for the first time. Having it's future so wonderous to what may happen. As a child is born into the world it's eyes are blue. Blue, a wonderful color indeed. Even so blue can be tainted by many sorrows. Alcohol, guns, every thing man created to send it spiraling down. Life will find away to overcome this, as it always has. Now, Misuka has more pride and faith Micheal will choose the happier destiny. That faith sparks her turquoise blue eyes as they seem to be even more blue than before.
Ambrosia sighed as she glanced around the room. These games always became boring after the initial tests.

She laughed internally as she looked at the occupants of the room.

They were all so prideful, and oh so sure of themselves.

They couldn't see what she saw. They would go mad if they did.

Every second of every day, Ambrosia saw murder, rape, and war. Every act of hate that was ever performed was seared into her brain, playing on a constant loop.
While the others fought over petty things, Mortimer focused on their client, Michael. He was ready to make his move.


Black smoke started coming out of his mouth and setting on his hands, forming a small ball. He then blew on it, and as it dispersed into the air, his power started making effect.

Since his power didn't seem too strong, Mortimer wanted to concentrate it on the client.

The day of the deal, Michael's back will hurt terribly. The pain will be strong, but he will have to endure it, in order to get the job done. Once he arrives at the deal, he will see his rival, Antoine waiting for him. The man will want to punish Michael for entering in the drug deal business and stealing his clients. Suddently, a group of thugs hired by Antoine will come out their hiding spot, and proceed to beat Michael to death.

Mortimer's job was done, now he wanted to see the results, but first the other gods had to make their moves. He took a cigarette out of his coat and lit it, before relaxing on the couch and starting to smoke.
What a fool! His life is presious!" She spouted out at the god who had put the clients life in danger. The outcome of his life was fading from happiness to despair as she glared at death for only a moment like a mother to a child in trouble. She left the room to stand outside and take a deep breath of the lively atmospher. The exhale from the calming breath reminds her of the wonderful moment of life being given for a new life to begin. A child taking it's first breath, She begins to see image clips of when micheal was a child and his first breath, first word, first walk, first life. The only thing that micheal has ever done is live. He chooses the choices he makes from the gods mistakes. Drugs began from ecstacy when love wanted something more. Murder began when I went on vacation and Death was left to his imagination. "I will never forget that.. and I will never go on another vacation to Atlantis, thats for sure." she thinks to her self. At that moment three police cars pulled up to the scene and arrested over half of the thugs and took Micheal to the hospital. His injuries were minor thanks to the call of a girl who had seen the group attack micheal. She walks back inside and leans her hips against the kitchen counter with a polite smile at the gods.

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