First Try: Submission Arrangement and Commentary


A couple Charms from the submissions pending page have been approved and moved into the Charms section under the format we are currently considering for submissions and ratings.  You should be able to vote and comment as you desire on each individual submission in question.

This system is would only be until we get a proper mechanized system in place.  Report here what your thoughts are on this temporary system, if any.

Note that if you want to ALTER your submissions based on commentary after it's been approved, you'll have to PM someone capable of approving submisisons, so it will be moved back into pending submissions for your editting.  Then you'd PM again when it was done, and assuming it's still fine, it will be put back.  This prevents rubbish from sneaking into the system.

Note that to be approved the submission has to follow the proper formatting (which is almost invariably simple and intuitive, and spelled out in the pendings section), and have reasonable spelling and grammar (it wouldn't hurt to run it through a spell/grammar check).  

Check it out, then comment.
Since the posts ended up being in your name, you might want to make it more explicit that they're written by Mempo. At a casual glance, people might get confused.

Stillborn said:
Since the posts ended up being in your name, you might want to make it more explicit that they're written by Mempo. At a casual glance, people might get confused.
The most I could fit into the title was (Mempo), the titles seem to be extremely limited in length.  

Options are to either expand the length possible for titles, or an "Author" heading at the top of the content of the post could be added.  Or both.
From the looks of it, the topic length is hard coded into the forums.  While it's conceivable that I could hack the php to increase the limit, it's probably easier just to include an author credit in the post.

Author credit will now be included in the first line of each post until or unless something gives in the system.  Given some users names, combined with the titles of their submissions, will simply be too long I ditched the parenthesis in the title.

Everything should be clear.  Of course, it will be far MORE clear when we get a cool, shiny navigable submission system.
Stillborn said:
Since the posts ended up being in your name, you might want to make it more explicit that they're written by Mempo. At a casual glance, people might get confused.
Who was right?  *does the hustle*

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