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Fire Emblem: Destiny

The day was young, and the sun had just started to rise. Tendrils of golden sunlight began to reach across the paling, greying canvas of the sky. Even the brightest of stars was beginning to fade. Dawn had just arrived, sweeping bright tendrils across the land, reaching from the horizon. A small breeze wafted through the rebel camp ground. Even though dawn had only just broke, many of the soldiers had already gotten up. Some were sleepier then others. Not all soldiers in the group had been soldiers for a very long time. But the rebel forces needed every valuable fighter that they could get. All who could fight, were encouraged to fight. The rebels' system wasn't perfect, but the imperial system ripped those not built to fight away from their homes. Ruthless and cold, that's how the kingdom of Zephyr was now, due to the leadership of Aloysius. No one in the rebel forces had actually seen Aloysius's face... No one knew what he looked like, or even what he acted like.


This... is annoying.

Gwyn looked all around the clustered camp. The white-furred taguel really had no mind to be dawdling. Even though there was no sign that the imperials would be coming to this camp any time soon, it would never hurt anyone to be cautious. However, an ever-persistent young man had bothered and badgered him into waiting up... He had said something that Gwyn didn't really pay attention to. Something about eating breakfast together. The other leaders of this specific division really didn't want to discuss strategy today. They were determined to believe that the imperials wouldn't be arriving today. The very thought made Gwyn wear a bitter frown. If the campground wasn't secure, then there would be a heavy, heavy risk of more lives being lost. Therefore, Gwyn had taken it upon himself to order more preparations and guards. Their scouts had not directly detected any enemy movement in their direction.

But those were scouts. They didn't even have many scouts. As far as he was concerned, the enemies could be approaching them at this very second. So why were the other leaders dawdling? Because they were fools. He would be pleased if they died, so he could take over their positions. Or so they could be replaced. Senile old men living in the glory days of former wars didn't belong controlling the reigns of any army. Gwyn had no respect for them, if they did not care for the lives of their soldiers. Which they apparently didn't, because they were not taking any time to prepare. Still, the sun continued to rise steadily. The weather would be clear today and there was no sign of any clouds on the horizon. There was hardly any wind, either.


Auburn had perhaps gotten up just a tiny bit late... Or an entire fifteen minutes late. But he got ready twice as fast! That's what mattered, right? Effort was definitely the most important thing here... Unless you were on the battlefield. Because luck and skill mattered there. Sighing as he stumbled out of his tent, the small taguel bent down a bit and put his hands on his knees. To think he had been late on such an important day! Gwyn had agreed to eat lunch with him today! After looking around for a moment, the tiny taguel spotted his friend standing in the middle of the campground. He had a rather cross expression on his face, too. But Auburn wasn't anywhere near deterred. He began to jog up to the other, wearing an expression that was waaay too happy for such an early time of day.


"Gwyn!! Gwyn! I'm over here!" He waved excitedly, and called out in a voice that was unnecessary loud. Although many other soldiers turned to him with an irritated look, Gwyn did nothing of the sort. What was utterly unique about Gwyn, at least to Auburn, was that the white-furred taguel never turned away from him, never told him to quiet down or to change himself. That was one of the innumerable aspects that Auburn valued about Gwyn. Gwyn looked down at him in a casual and passive manner, and his demeanor didn't change even after Auburn slipped his hand into one of the white furred taguel's own. "Let's go eat breakfast now!"

"You're late..." Gwyn sighed, looking down to Auburn with a deep frown. But he continued walking with the brown haired taguel anyways.


Leopold was perhaps the earliest to wake that morning. And every morning before. The young wolf laguz even usually woke up before those who had cooking duty. But currently, soldiers were swarming all around the camp, mostly leaving him alone. He was usually alone, which wasn't genuinely what he wanted. He wanted friends. It wouldmost likely come to a surprise to most, but Leopold very much disliked being on his own all the time. But he had never been quite sure about how to interact with others, was the issue. There were so many humans that he felt as as though he was routinely at risk of being discriminated against. The teal-haired young laguz let his eyes drift over the camp, sometimes looking at the faces of soldiers that hurried by. Leopold was never much in a hurry to get anything done. He preferred to be continuously at ease most of the time, and was good with keeping calm...

@Altheaire @InsaneAsylum @LordDarks @ChristinaXIV @Homage @Orikanyo

Indeed, the sun was coming up above the horizon on this day, however the resident dragon was not awakening to the rise of it, but he was already awake and ready to face the day. What for might you ask? Indeed that is a good question, the answer to such is he was tasked with procurement of breakfast, and what else would a good man such as him give to his fellows but a certain interesting breakfast food he had recently heard of, and promptly gathered the recipe for. it was a rather simply process really, with two plates, which ahd to be made in a certain way for the food to be molded in a appetizing and tasty way!

He had also gathered quite a few wild berries that, apparently, went quite well with the "waffle" in question. Theo whipped his sweat away, his aged face in a look of contentment with the smell of the already prepared dishes, people would be coming soon enough to taste his creations, which he hoped they enjoyed, seeing how he was cooking since the early hours in the morning. "At last, the final one, surely this must be enough to sate those hungry mouths, who would have thought I would succeed in this job, truly my skills in cuisine have no faltered in my time away." he sensibly chuckled to himself as he began to clean his equipment, no sense getting it damaged after the first day of use after all!

The first group, a few people he hadn't met before.. the numbers of such people were higher then one thinks really, seemed to cautiously take their share "What kind of breakfast is this? Ain't never seen it before..." one of them asked as he went to eating... Swiftly coming back for another as the first was gone quite quickly. "Ohohohho~! Good to see it was a success!" he chuckled, quite happy his work was enjoyed by the masses, atleast this part of it.

(Power of waffles, connecting people of all races. Also i did some reading up.. they are really damn old really.)
Avril had woken up what she felt was slightly earlier than usual. She was awoken by the other soldier's movements around the camp. They made quite a racket in her opinion, and they often told her she woke up late. Goodness, Avril was extra grumpy in the mornings. Avril now sat on a short wooden stool, holding a mirror in one hand and a brush in the other. Her hair was always a terrible crime scene in the mornings, so she spent around ten minutes brushing her hair each morning. She held the mirror out in front of her as she gently stroked her soft cinnamon hair. Avril had not yet gotten dressed for the day either. She currently wore a long white shirt that was much too big for her. It was what she normally slept in. Once Avril finally finished correcting her bed hair, she rummaged around her tent to find her clothing for the day.

The tent's entrance parted, and Avril emerged, fully dressed. The young woman wore her favorite purple kimono today. the flower design on kimono consisted of random placements of golden flowers throughout the cloth. She also had a flower shaped bow in her hair that was also purple. The bow was oriented to the right, on the side of her Parietal bone. Her kimono barely avoided dragging along the ground, so it was unknown to everyone what she was currently wearing under the kimono. Avril wore tight black leggings, and a tight fitting white shirt under the purple kimono. Her kimono's sleeves were much smaller than the traditional. Her kimono stayed tight on her biceps and triceps, and abruptly flared over her hands. Avril did not bring her bronze sword with her.

Avril took a look around camp, she saw some guys hustling to get to their duties, and others having a slow morning. Avril didn't have any real duties in the camp, but she occasionally assisted with cleaning, or cooking. "I'd much rather be sleeping right now. I do hope today won't be too stimulating." She whispered to herself.

Avril soon found herself eating a waffle. It was made by some Old guy. Avril took a small bite out of the waffle after cutting the piece off with her fork. "This is great!" she exclaimed. Avril quickly cut off a larger piece to eat. She hadn't ever eaten a waffle before, but she was glad she was now.
It had been a long night for Marian Beloa. Her eyes were barely open due to a total lack of sleep, her stomach was growling due to an equally terrible shortage of food, and every part of her body was sore since she'd been both walking and flying for two straight days. Her clothes were covered in dirt, her hair was a mess, and above all the smell was barely tolerable. But she had no knowledge of a local river, stream, or even village. She was a foreigner speaking with a foreign accent with no experience of the land she was residing in.

But finally, despite exhaustion, starvation, thirst, and so many other terrible feelings Mari saw it: A campsite, filled with activity as people prepared for the day. She hoped for food, shelter, maybe even a place to wash off, all before her need of information. The rising dead could wait, Mari needed to keep herself alive first and foremost.

It took her another twenty minutes to reach the campsite, but before she could get too close a pair of patrolling human guards managed to get in the way of her break. They immediately looked like they smelled death itself, and neither bothered trying to hide the fact that they were covering their noses. She didn't try arguing or calling them out on it, she knew that the smell had to be overwhelmingly bad. "I'm sorry about the smell, I've been travelling without rest for the past few days. Do you have a place I can clean up?" Mari had no doubt she'd come across as some travelling beggar, but she really didn't want to bother explaining things too much. She could explain later, after taking care of her body.
Burning, everything was burning, the air, the steel against her body in repetitive slashes, the stress in her brain building up to a certain point of forgetfulness, the forgetfulness of time, the warmth of her own blood roaring from her veins to stabilize her breathing was enough to let her know, she was dying. The crackling of fire and collapsing of the burnt wood in piles around her ensnared her, she was choking, hacking up ounces of her blood in the process. The men were gone, but the house was still there, slowly falling apart, mocking her.

She turned her head to the right, reminiscing in what she felt were her last moments. What face looked back at her would have horrified any normal child, and indeed, she was normal. However, those faces had been staring at her for several hours upon end, their scent now becoming a common air as death carried itself through her nostrils, settling even in her stomach. Her crying had been done with, now her soot stricken face was streaked with the drying tears, the heat kept her too exhausted to move, to exhausted to anything, there was no hydration in her throat, and certainly no ease to her mind. Her body was shaking as no breath escaped with a rasp, to make things all the more worse, the collapsing hunks of wood made escape impossible, leaving the only view of the world a small opening to the moon.

The light flashed upon her face as a stranger amid the orange glow of the flames. For what felt like ages she sat there, covered in the aging blood of those she once held dear. Her eyes skimmed across Festus's face, his charming smile no longer there, instead, a glimpse of horror stricken upon him, blood stained across his face, his jaw detached from the rotting and charred skin. Next her other brother, the younger one, Chris, a sparkling angel who'd been in her life and driven her to be the best person she could be, and they were only in their pre-adolescence. I'm sorry, for the both of you, I should have... I should have... The tears began to form in her eyes as her eyes darted down to the figure in her arms. Mirian, her younger sister, the one who remained clean along with her.

It had been the smoke that killed her, and soon Amélie would be joining her. The soft blond hair of the sisters were like a shield on either end of their bodies, their backs pressed against the violence that had recently transpired. She clenched her hand tight around her head as the salty tears began to stain the soot covered face beneath her, she pulled Mirian close to her chest and began weeping. "I loved you all! I want mommy and daddy here!" She choked, grasping her throat as her vision faded to black, the last thing in range was the moon, shining down upon her, radiating on her soot covered face.

The afternoon prior to the event had been peaceful. A blissful afternoon that only buffeted a gentle breeze the blew through the oak trees in the forest. The river beside her house flowed through the small little town just barely north of where she lived. Perhaps an few minutes of galloping to achieve this short time. The trail was beaten and dusty, a perfect ride if you accounted for the series of wild animals you'd encounter along the way. Though, that afternoon Amélie had found herself sitting at her usual spot underneath a willow tree, reading and finding herself in comfort among her imagination.

The beat of hoofs had awaken her from a dreaming world as her older youngest brother hopped off, walking over to her and plopping himself down. Chris raised his hand to move the book out of her's. "Hey, what've you been doing all day? Don't you want to come down to the trail and do some horse racing or some swimming?"

"Is Geoff going to be there?"

"I think so?"

"Forget it!"

"Aww, c'mon sis, why do you have to be so uptight all the time?"

He looked around with a rather solemn gaze, "This is a nice view, isn't it?"

"Yes. And I enjoy my peace here."

"Why's that?"

"Because, it's away from you all, don't get me wrong, I love you all to death, and would prefer to be down there, but I am entitled to alone time. Time I'd rather spend to my thoughts."

"Jeez, you're a cynical older sis, you know that?" He hoisted himself up into the tree and kicked his feet playfully at his horse.

"Yes, I suppose sometimes I am, but at least being cynical allows me to clear my thoughts, though, admittedly I'd prefer the term, isolated." His words had stung her and were seeping in, so the only way she knew how to respond was by running her fingers through her tied back hair and doing anything and everything in her power to make her brother leave without inflicting the same emotional pain. "Please, just go, I'm sure the rest of you would have so much more fun without me."

Chris paused, rubbing his head as he slid down onto his horse, "You sure?"

"Yes, I just want to relax today, maybe tomorrow?" She cocked a half-witted smile.

"Alright, tomorrow!" He smiled back before nudging the horse with his heel and spurred off with some hollering.

Timed had passed and evening spun itself around, the once lush environment had now turned red as the setting sun was casting its last glances on her quieting home. They all sat around the table, the six of them, her brothers, sister, mother and father. Dinner was rather usual, the boys chattered, her sister and mother ate in silence and there she was, all alone, left to talk to the quieter voice in her head that often enough begged for adventure. But soon those voices would be begging for something else entirely. There was a pounding at the door, then silence. The next thing she recalled was blood.

Her eyes flashed open as the choking grew progressively worse, she extended her arm out for the soft light that was just barely coming through now as the fires still roared in her ears. With no warning, a firm grip around her hand hauled her body from the trapped location, and with it, she lost the last ties to her family. She couldn't see the figure, however, she could feel the grip, strong and firm. She was hauled out onto soft grass and felt something heavy drop of her stomach, only later did she realize what it was.

Shortly after her rescuing, she heard a grizzly voice speak, "Come and join the rebellion, but first, survive." She fell back into a state of unconsciousness and awoke the next day with the overbearing sun above her a stream next to her, and a sheathed sword to her side. It had begun. The bitter hatred, rage and loss filling her mind with resentment and acting in her upon taking up that blade, but that, is where the dream ends.


The stars had indeed faded, leaving a sun barely tipping the grayish-blue of the east, the horizon its mountain that had been toppled in a sequence at the same time every twenty for hours. Light had awaken rather slowly that morning, the bare essence of the chill air nipping her nose as the faint light began to rise over the camp, becoming more and more radiating with the passing seconds. Her fair skin felt the invigorating and rejuvenating chill, sending a vibration up her spine and forcing her body to move. Her hands came up to her bare sides as her hair fell gently on her back, the soft golden locks tickling her sensitive and cold nerves.​

With a subtle gesture. She peeked out from her tent at the silent camp, ideally there was the gentle bustling of an occasional cook attempting to awake from slumber, an early riser, or a soldier who was out doing a run, but today, it was lacking even that. There were very little people. She decided since her nightmare had come back that she would be one of the ones up and at it before. She dressed herself in armor and emerged, keeping her sword tight to her back as she walked out among the few that moved at this time, as soft breeze picking up. "Something's off..."

The breeze carried 'that' feeling about it, ominous emotion quickly filling her heart as she gazed up into the sky, "Something is going to happen, and soon. It's on the wind... It's close."
(I can delete this if it turns out I was not actually accepted, but I think the confirmation that my corrections were good was the acceptance. I could be totally wrong though)

It isn't hard to wake up in the morning when you barely sleep at night

Chester almost always volunteered for the night watch. He hated sleeping. Really, he hated anytime he had to remove his mask. If he did sleep, he slept while they moved from camp to camp, and rarely around others. Even more rare was sleeping in the camp itself, that only happened when he was suffering too many side affects from sleep deprivation.

As his father always said, there was a time and place for everything.

After dinner, Chester would eat his own portion in the guard tower

Through the night, he would keep his crossbow leaning against the rail, exactly a foot from his right hand. The alarm bell, 2 feet to his left. His telescope in his hands at all times.

Just before the dawn, Chester would go to the food stores and take a small amount of food, before whoever was on cooking duty was up, and return to the tower to eat.

Today wasn't supposed to be any different, but something didn't feel right. Even when the day watch soldier came, Chester was hesitant to leave his post.

"Something wrong. The air feels heavy, y'know? Eyes up, ears and nose open, kid." He said, the mask's smile and the tone of his voice not matching the words he was saying. He hopped off the edge of the tower, landing perfectly, crossbow slung across his back.

"I should talk to the others about this..." He mumbled to himself, looking around for some of the few people he trusted, but only seeing an outsider approaching the camp. I guess that could wait for now... He thought to himself, walking across the camp to the other side. As he got close, the smell of death, a smell very familiar to him, overwhelmed him. He waved the guards off. "Go ahead and eat your breakfast. I'll take care of this." he said, approaching the girl and waiting for the guards to get out of earshot

"We do have a place you could clean up, but first, I'd like to know why you smell like rotting corpses. And don't lie, please. I happen to hate liars." He said simply, Mask and voice as cheerful as ever.
As if she had an internal alarm clock, Melvia instinctively woke up once it reaches dawn and had already heard footsteps just outside her tent. Her eyes twitched a bit before finally flickering it open and raises herself to be in a sitting position. Wearing a simple brownish pink long-sleeved cotton t-shirt and matching pants to sleep, she searched for her usual dress to get changed along with wearing pantyhose. Her hair was in a bun in which she released to let it flow and put on her diamond-patterned headdress but could not help play with the decorative bells on it for a little while. Once she puts on her boots, Melvia exited to tent and decided to have some breakfast to fill up her empty stomach which had been making soft growls ever since she woke up.

She walked through the campsite to see a portion of the soldiers getting ready while another were already prepared. In high spirits, she was wearing a smile all the while and wondered on the planned activities for today. Reaching the supposed place, Melvia could tell that it was waffles that is being served for the day and sat down on a random spot.

Placing a whole bite inside her mouth, Melvia heard a positive comment about the waffles from just beside her. Once she turned her head to the source, a girl whom she considers to be a beautiful person was sitting near also enjoying the served waffle. "Good morning. Did you have a nice sleep?" she greeted her with a warm smile while fiddling with the fork in hand and was waiting for her reply.

Avril did not process the question at first. She simply looked to her left, and saw a very small girl. They both were eating waffles, then she realized that she had been asked a question. "Oh! Yes, I'm well rested." Avril said with the tone of a noble. Avril didn't recognize the girl. She looked to be an adolescent. "What's your name?" Avril's noble tone backed off slightly. Avril began to cut another piece off the waffle. She was careful not to let any crumbs fall on her outfit. Observing this girl, Avril noticed that she wore some very nice clothing, that looked very well kept. Hah, maybe I should call her princess, that is a nice dress. It's a nice day today, hope nothing bad happens. I'd like to enjoy today.

(Btw, in your CS you said your short at 5'11. Did you mean 5'1? I'm 5'11 in rl, and people don't consider me short.)
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Arious stood outside the rebel camp and enjoying the morning suns rays. His skin glistered with sweat form his work out, he usually wakes up before anyone else does and goes out to train. This morning was different than any other it felt almost foreboding to put it mildly. *Growl* Arious was brought out of his thoughts by his hungry gut. "It's almost past breakfast time. I should get going.

Arious now dressed in his mercenary armor and his sword strapped on his hip. Made a bee line for spot where everyone gathered. He meet Leopold a few months ago when he was out scouting in the forest for food when the two meet...let just say the rebels had a lot of fire wood that day.

Approaching the kitchen Arious greeted Leopold. "Hey Leo-Leo. How the Kitchen duty going"

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