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I'll have a new post up tomorrow. Been working late nights the last few days and didn't have enough energy. Lol
yes, im still up for it! i just assumed everyone was bust
Busy season is starting to wind down on my end/ my boss is back in full swing as well so I should be able to hop back soon. I'm not sure if I can make it back before the next stroy progression post so feel free to progress if need be
Take your time, I'm not wanting to rush anyone. lol But yeah, especially this time of year, schedules go crazy and holiday stress always takes over.
bit of a clunky slide back in but I should be good in terms or rl going forward since our busy season has ended. If anyhting needs fixing let me know since I was unsure how how much to summarize/interact with for the previous posts.
sorry for the radio silence! ive been getting ready for graduation and today's finally the day. i hope everyone is doing well. I'll try responding some time in the next few days. also happy holidays! πŸ¦­πŸ’œ
Yeah, congratulations on passing another level of schooling! And happy holidays to all you guys, hope this year wasn't bad for anyone. And here's to a great 2024! 🀘

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