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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC Chat) - Chapter Ten


Fix the scene.
Looking good! Hey everyone (except Dann who wrote it), if you read Dann's last IC post before his last OOC post, re-read! It's quite different (but equally amusing!) now.

"Oh God!" murmurs Captain Sharp's armor.

"I understand it wouldn't be the first time it's happened," remarks the melted pile of Captain Sharp's armor.

And no worries on the goof, Dann! Stuff happens and it's been quite a while since then. I wasn't looking to correct you, I was actually looking to verify my memory that the new voices are Elinor's fault. 😂
And no worries on the goof, Dann! Stuff happens and it's been quite a while since then. I wasn't looking to correct you, I was actually looking to verify my memory that the new voices are Elinor's fault. 😂
Kaerri Kaerri =) Please correct me, Darlin'!

Take this from my perspective. If it we're not for you and your post, I would still be under the illusion that I was under.

At the risk of sounding too serious here, I need people like you in my life to point these things out to me. Else, my oddly-wired brain and I might go on for who knows how long under a wrong impression.

Plus, there are people out there who will flat out tell me and alert me to something like this (God bless 'em!), and there are people who, for reasons I will likely never understand, simply won't. They'll see my mistake, they'll know it's a mistake, and they won't say a thing to me about it.

I can't stand it! Just tell me! How am I supposed to fix it and improve if I don't know?

It is even worse when I realize my mistake later on my own, and I look around at all the people who definitely knew, and no one said a damn thing. It shakes my trust in them. Thankfully, that hasn't happened in a long while. But it still burns.

You tell me! It is one of the reasons I love you so much! You have proven time and time again that I can depend on you.

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
OOC note: Eadric's accent isn't French or Québéquois, but English-Canadian (Edmonton specifically). To American ears it would sound close to that of someone from Montana or the Dakotas.
I love it when PCs add these details because I honestly have no way of knowing otherwise! I mean, how am I supposed to know something like that unless you tell me and who else knows but you? Thanks, Kaerri! =)

Eadric wants to roll his Lore: Zentraedi/Meltrandi 98% (+5%) (total 102%).
A little Shop Talk here: I ask for my PCs to keep their True skill values instead of just capping them off at 98% for reasons just like the one I am about to tell you - there is a hefty negative to this roll because Eadric knows nothing of Ura-Meltrandi versus what he knows of Lord Dolza's generation of Zentraedi and Meltrandi. Right?

So I put the negative not against the top-end of 98% (which one might reach at 4th level... or 14th!) and put it against Eadric's True Skill percentage of 102%, reflecting (what I want to be) the PCs real chances at making this roll! =)
Something else I'd like to point out concerning Technopathy experience? Like RP points, all of it gets collected into one big pool and distributed evenly among all of you. This way, no one's having to fight over Technopathy experience in-character.

"It's my turn!" "No, it's my turn!" Nope! None of that is necessary because it is all of the Wild Cards together who are earning it. =)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Heya Gang! As you guys solve the mystery of how to get Captain Sharp safely out of his melted mega-suit, I have some questions concerning the not-too-distant future for you:

1. Just to shake things up a little bit and because something happened in the Antarctica battle that I did not see coming (GM's get surprises too!), Mack won't be leading the Wild Cards for a little while. Who besides Psychie (hugs!) would you guys like to lead the Wild Cards if rank were not a factor? I say "besides Psychie" because she is either the leader in every other game or she's running every other game we're in. Time for someone else to lead the Wild Cards for a while. If you haven't guessed why already, you'll find out in-game soon. =)

2. Cera is in my head telling me she would also like some time off to start design on a new Veritech. This would take the Wild Cards down two spots, but she won't take that break if you guys would rather her stay.

3. Either way, with Mack out of the picture for a little while, do you guys like the idea of having a firecracker of an Adamantium-trained Broo on your team for a while? Do you think that would be fun? Or no? Or would you rather have more data before deciding or possibly be surprised?

4. Finally, what would you guys like to do with your time now that you're in post-mission? I am asking as a team, and not trying to find out how many different ways you guys can run amok like cats in a catnip-filled playground ( because that's what players do when left to their own devices; I am guilty of it too)! 8D. Seriously, what sounds like fun to you guys?

So, in short:
1. Who is leading?
2. New Veritech/break for Cera?
3. To Broo or not to Broo?
4. What are your plans as a team?

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
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1. Who is leading?
2. New Veritech/break for Cera?
3. To Broo or not to Broo?
4. What are your plans as a team?

1. Rank aside, I think Hercules would be good, if Captain is up for it. (Side note: Eadric would probably make a good leader, but he's so brand new to the team he hasn't even joined yet. 😂 Doesn't exactly make him the first name I would reach for, if I were a Wild Card.)
2. That sounds interesting! I'm good with her taking a break to work on her new design.
3. Broo!
4. Now that we've (finally) gotten proper introductions, Eadric would like to know more about, well, everything. I think it's been overlooked/forgotten that he knows practically nothing about the Wild Cards, the Broadsword, and everyone on the ship. (Or everyone's focused on the immediate situation instead, which is understandable. And it is fun thinking up how someone who knows nothing would react to all of this coming at once. But it's going to get old soon.) Once he's up to speed on the generality of things, he'll want to get learning specifics -- again, about everything. Especially the Wild Cards and Technopathy. Hopefully, the latter is going to involve doing as well as talking. We could all use more practice, right? It would also be good to plan out whatever our next step is in the Grand Goal of saving the world (including finding out what that next step is).

I hope this is not an "amok cats" answer because all of it involves being with the team. ^;3^
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So, in short:
1. Who is leading?
2. New Veritech/break for Cera?
3. To Broo or not to Broo?
4. What are your plans as a team?
1. Either Mario or Hercules would be fine with me for the job of leading this band of misfits for a time. It sorta depends on what their players think, too.
2. We have a new toy for the tankers of the party; why not a new flier for the rest of us? Let's see what Cera can come up with!
3. And we can see what trouble we can Broo up. See what I did there? Ha!
4. As far as a plan for the team, I am at as loss to know what our next step should be. Toph has her mother restored, and that is a big thing for her. Now what? I don't know.
1. If it is ok with Captain, I don't mind Hercules being the one to call the shots.. Mario is next up on that list.
2. Having Cera take some time and come up with a new mecha is fine with me.
3. Having a Broo in y team is ok with me.
4. I would like to find a way to be proactive in our efforts against the bad guys instead of just reacting to them. Finding a way to put it to the Zeki is high in my list.
2. We have a new toy for the tankers of the party; why not a new flier for the rest of us? Let's see what Cera can come up with!
Who said it was a flier?

3. And we can see what trouble we can Broo up. See what I did there? Ha!
Ah! I love it! 8D

4. I would like to find a way to be proactive in our efforts against the bad guys instead of just reacting to them. Finding a way to put it to the Zeki is high in my list.
Yes! =)
Who said it was a flier?
He got you there, Psy! Maybe it's a new Cyclone. That would be pretty sweet to add to our arsenal. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what she can come up with!
So, in short:
1. Who is leading?
2. New Veritech/break for Cera?
3. To Broo or not to Broo?
4. What are your plans as a team?
Okay, so:

1. While I appreciate almost everyone's votes to make The Man Who Makes Mount Olympus Look Like A Molehill the team leader, I have my own misgivings. Firstly, I've come to understand Herc's mind pretty well (especially during that period of unintentional downtime I took following Booty's unexpected death) and he and I both feel that he's a little too meek to take the top seat. He might be able to punch holes in M.D. materials (nearly), but if he's confronted by a domineering person (or, you know, a lady) I feel he'd crumple and capitulate. Secondly, and I see this as the lesser issue, Hercules is a Petty Officer surrounded by Lieutenants, a Gro-Po trying to lead Flyboys (and girls). It'd be an odd thing for an NCO to be giving orders to COs, but I'm sure there are ways around that. So in summary, while I'm not averse to the idea of taking the lead, I feel it would be a full weather change for Hercules to go from being a follower to a leader and I think he'd need a lot of persuading to make it happen.

2. Cera should do what she likes! She's as valuable with a spanner and blowtorch in her hands as she is behind the controls of a Veritech.

3. Having a Broo in the team might help Hercules to control Beema the next time she surprises him in the heat of battle!

4. Once Sharp is safely unshelled, I agree it's time to start taking a pro-active stance. We've taken a passive stance while getting the Broadsword back to fighting fitness, between thawing out the crew, updating the Sams and Samanthas, then restoring the Commander as well. Time to start making a difference with our advantages, both in terms of tech and knowledge of what threats are to come.

Captain Hesperus
Politely, Eadric looks first at Commander Kirin, then at her daughter. "It does seem likely that simply asking it to open would fail. However, since we've a few minutes to wait anyway, may I try? I might learn something useful even if it can't open of itself." He smiles. "It's rather my speciality to communicate with who -- and what, I suppose -- others find difficult to reach or understand."

Psychie Psychie
Psychie Psychie

I don't mean to nag, but if you get the chance anytime soon, is Toph going to answer Eadric's question? Or is she leaving that to her mother or something?
Silanon Silanon Since you've posted today in Sharseya as Aldrin, should I hold back and give you more time to post as Ylva? Or move ahead? What's your preference, oh creative one?
I don't mean to nag, but if you get the chance anytime soon...
(Ellipsis mine)

Kaerri Kaerri I don't mean to nag but I'm going to hold on Kaerri until she's able to post as Eadric! (Hee hee! I mean why just bump when you can be silly?)

Dog Waiting GIF

I got distracted by LOTRO's character-appearance upgrades, but I did mean to post tonight! Now that I've got LOTRO-Kaerri all pretty again, I have brainpower to spare for Eadric!
Hi. I’m a cat wandering through other people’s RPs. Just wondering, won’t Gandalf be sad when you call him fat? :(
Hi. I’m a cat wandering through other people’s RPs. Just wondering, won’t Gandalf be sad when you call him fat? :(
Rekai Leon Rekai Leon This Gandalf takes that nickname as a huge compliment. (See what I did there?) =)

Heya Rekai Leon! I remember you from Wolf Rawrrr's Amaranth! Good to see you! =)
Silanon Silanon Since you've posted today in Sharseya as Aldrin, should I hold back and give you more time to post as Ylva? Or move ahead? What's your preference, oh creative one?
Sorry, alerts screwed me over - didn't see this one. I'm hoping to get an Ylva-post up over the next few days, but that one's less straight-forward than the other one. Feel free to continue if you have a post in mind. I'll answer the questions above once I'm back home!
Sorry, alerts screwed me over - didn't see this one. I'm hoping to get an Ylva-post up over the next few days, but that one's less straight-forward than the other one. Feel free to continue if you have a post in mind. I'll answer the questions above once I'm back home!
Silanon Silanon Will do! Thanks for the update, you!
So, in short:
1. Who is leading?
2. New Veritech/break for Cera?
3. To Broo or not to Broo?
4. What are your plans as a team?
1. Just like Eadric, Ylva might have some potential, but it feels like she hasn't been in the team for long enough. Plus, her player happens to be less reliable than I personally like, these days. As a note though, I really liked her in the more communicative role in that last fight. That mostly leaves Mario, Herc, or Toph. Toph being the doctor and Psychie leading elsewhere kinda leaves Mario or Herc, and I actually see neither of them naturally in the leading role. Either of them could grow into that position, but thus far they both felt like great soldiers in that they followed orders, not gave them. Maybe that's just me, though.

2. NEW VERITECH! Plus, let her follow her passion for a while, we won't regret it. Though I'll miss her different view on problems.

3. To Broo. Not even a question.

4. This one's weird for me - my only plans at this point are to get Ylva back into action. I'd go for something that gives us more intel - we just used lots of time to get the commander back, now we gotta give her a foundation to weave her magic.
Sherwood Sherwood Thanks for the Well Written on my last post, bud! That makes me feel great! 8D

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