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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC Chat) - Chapter Eight

Like now. Good night! *cuddles into bed and takes a nap*
I get to hang out with Dann and Blue quarantine for the next week too. ^;3^ I'll make sure to help him stay fed, hydrated, warm, and rested. But he's actually pretty good at doing that himself, I just get to help!
Oh, no!

Get some rest and keep your strength up. We don't want to lose our favorite Dannigan from this damn Covid. Get better soon!
Psychie Psychie Worry not, Psychie, for Kaerri and I are vaccinated! My life is not in danger, nor hers. I've even kept my sense of smell and taste and I'm in a really good spot, all things considered. I just can't stop eating and drinking to give my body the proper fuel it needs to fight it all! My body has fought its own wars all of my life, especially when I was much smaller. As Sherwood can personally attest, I have survived far, far worse than this. Thanks, though! You are sweet! =)
*continues to drop more healthy things down his hatch.* "Food! Liquids! Vitamins! Come to me! For I have napped and its time to nom!" Rawrz!
Okay, let's see if I can move the story along just a little without robbing anyone out there of their posting opportunities! =)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Time for some shop talk! Oh boy! Just to let you know a little of what I'm up to on my side of the GM screen here:

1. I'm looking to get your questions answered before mission start (because once it starts, well, you know...). Any questions that have been touched upon are free to be "retouched upon" if you get my meaning. In other words, if you've something to ask, ask. All subjects are open to discussion. I personally thought Hercules's idea of towing the command ship to a safer spot was brilliant. Too bad the Broadsword is just too small. No frigate is going to pull a battleship like that.

2. Captain Sharp wants all four tanks in (Toothgnasher, Toothgrinder, Freke, and Gere I'll put here to remind myself of their names). Each of them (in part thanks to Mario's request) can carry not 1 but 2 Cyclones for a total of 8. That way, if you lose 1 or 2, you'll have back-up.

3. The Logans are prototypes so it doesn't make sense to throw those in here because if you lose them, they're gone. Until all of the bugs in them are worked out, they are the only two prototypes you have, but also, they happen to be the only Logans you have. Sorry, Ylva (whom if memory serves prefers the Logan).

4. That leaves the AJAX and the Veritechs. The miniature Robotech Factory inside the Broadsword can recreate either of those if you've the materials, and some of those were obviously used up in bringing Freke and Gere into your arsenal.

Anyways, I'm still trying to piece together Eadric's prologue into words and it's taking longer than I'd like, but I won't put out garbage if I can avoid it, and so I "toil on" in this labor of love. Gives a Dannigan something good to do when he's home with COVID-19, right?

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
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3. The Logans are prototypes so it doesn't make sense to throw those in here because if you lose them, they're gone. Until all of the bugs in them are worked out, they are the only two prototypes you have, but also, they happen to be the only Logans you have. Sorry, Ylva (whom if memory serves prefers the Logan).
Waitaminute... you do have 2 of them. If you guys wanted to 1 along, that could fly. As long as 1 remains. Yeah! 1 can go! Huginn or Munnin - "Thought" or "Memory" - take your pick!

Thoughts on any/all of this?
So, just to clarify, we are taking all four of the Mjolnir tanks, and possibly a Super Logan? I think that the OOC thread is a good spot to determine just which pilot is in which vehicle. Let's make a list.

Toothgnasher - Mario / Toph
Toothgrinder - Hercules (I am guessing you want a tank, right?) /
Freke - Cera /
Gere - /

Super Logan - Ylva

Who's left over, and which mecha will they be assigned to go with?
Mecha information is found here. =)

You're missing Shirley (of all people) and the possibility of Unit One. MechaKitten, of course, wants to come along.

I wouldn't assign any PC anywhere until we directly hear from them. I don't know for certain that Sil wants Ylva in a Logan where you're going.
I hadn't forgotten about our illustrious squad leader; I just didn't know where she'd feel most confident being placed. If we are to take all four Mjolnirs, she'll have to be flying solo in one. Or, since Mario actually has the MECT for the Mjolnir, he can be pretty effective in one by himself if Toph and/or Ylva want to double up in the last two tanks, giving them extra use of the weapons if things get hinky inside the ship. Does Cera have the MECT skill for them, too? If she does, and Silanon Silanon wants to pilot the Super Logan, I'd suggest that Toph and Shirley team up in one tank. That's my thoughts on this.
The only Wild Card that spent a Skill (to my knowledge) in MECT: Mjolnir is Mario. Everyone else appears to be relying on technopathy.

Shirley, if she's going in a tank, prefers to ride with the inventor, Cera.

"Totally rad." Shirley taps a finger. "Team, start thinking of who you'd like to team up with now. I'll ride with Cera. I'd prefer our Wild Card tankers in different vehicles, but you're welcome to figure out who rides with who amongst yourselves."

What I don't know is - who wants to team up in a Mjolnir and who wants to ride alone in a Mech of their choosing?
Well, it's too late to get a real post up, but since I can't sleep I might as well comment on the ooc-stuff - the real post is hopefully following tomorrow, I've had it on my list of things to do for too long already.

Just intuitively, Ylva would probably be most comfortable either in a Super Logan, or in a tank with someone else. Both are somewhat unfamiliar to a degree, but Logan are her thing, so she'd be fine improvising with one or relying on someone who kinda knows what they're doing. I like both options - I like the cooperation in a tank, but bringing a Logan has its perks, too. Hard to say, really. Well, that doesn't really help, does it?
It does eliminate Ylva being in a tank by herself. ^;3^

Assuming Mack rides with Cera, it looks like Ylva's specific options are:
- Ride with Mario
- Ride with Hercules
- Ride with Toph
- Fly alone in the Super Logan.
Silanon Silanon Heh! Well, I think letting us know how you feel is cool either way. =)

The Super Stealth Logan Prototype is far and away superior to any Logan Ylva has ever flown. It's faster, far better armed, and has stealth capabilities that puts the base model "Flying Cat" that Ylva is used to to shame. Also, it can't carry a Cyclone on it.

The Mjolnir tank is far better protected but less mobile and can carry Cyclones on it. Plus, in the Mjolnir, one is a commander/pilot and the other is a gunner if you go with two. The commander/pilot has access to some of the guns while the gunner is the trigger behind that massive 120mm cannon.

I guess it falls back on what kind of mood you're in? What seems more fun? Huh!
Also, it can't carry a Cyclone on it.
But all the Mjolnirs have at least one person in them, right? So there's room enough for 8 Cyclones regardless of what Ylva wants to take.
I'm not sure if I want to put one of the Logans at risk at the moment - losing one means having only one left, and that means that one misstep is all it takes to lose access to the tech. I'm not sure if we need the extra options of the Logan enough to risk that. I mean, we almost know nothing at all, it feels like...

Think I'm preferring the tank right now for that reason plus the teamwork, but I'm not quite sure. If we bring a Logan, Ylva is happy to take it. Question is if we need a Logan, team, I can see her arguing both ways. Thoughts?
I am liking the idea of having the extra missile payload of the Super Logan, but you do bring up a good point. I would vote for all of us to stick to the four Mjolnir tanks, and you can pair up with Toph.
That would sound good to me - think I'd prefer her to pair up with Toph over bugging our experienced tankers.
Oh - and there's a new prologue, too - yay! Guess I know what I'll read in the morning...
Hands behind his back, he just stared at the shooters like some disapproving god or wizard from ancient fables of old.
You Shall Not Pass Lord Of The Rings GIF
I mean, we almost know nothing at all, it feels like...
This is one huge reason Captain Sharp holds briefings - to get the questions asked and pull everything you do know together. Besides, if you knew everything, it wouldn't be an adventure! But yeah! Ask, ask, away! =)

Oh and Eadric's prologue is the biggest I've yet written - a four-parter! But it'll get Eadric into the game sooner rather than later. =)
Totally unrelated to anything, but this needs to be said: Just had one of the worst nights in a while, just couldn't find any rest at all. And it was awesome to have stuff to read and do here and over in Rifts, just to keep my mind busy and off other things. So - thanks for the entertainment here, folks, stay awesome.

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