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Fandom Fallout rp interest check!

Fox of Fate

Junior Member
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At this stage I don't think I need to go into a full explanation of the Fallout universe. That being said!

The setting will be the East Coast of the US in what used to be New York State, the western areas of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The Institute was defeated, but not destroyed, by a combined Minutemen, Railroad and Brotherhood force. This was only achievable with the General of the Minutemen helping to bring one of their own into prominence in the Brotherhood to eventually challenge Elder Maxson and take over the leadership of the Brotherhood. Brotherhood scribes were placed inside the Institute to keep the technological advancements coming, especially out of Advanced Systems and Bioscience, but with the SRB being closed down completely.

The General of the Minutemen, who helped for the People's Commonwealth of Manhattan and Long Island, then lead her forces into a conflict against the Gunners, and New Outcasts, lead by Lancer Captain Kells. With the GNN Plaza eventually under Commonwealth Provisional Government control, and 10 years of economic and military growth, the People's Commonwealth of America as it was now called, could turn their attentions to fully reclaiming western Massachusetts and upstate New York, but the Gunners and New Outcasts have moved into those areas, as well as Connecticut and Rhode Island, both quickly taking over western Mass, upstate NY and Connecticut, with Rhode Island holding out against overwhelming odds. Now the People's Commonwealth is going to finish what was started those 10-odd years ago.

So yeah we'll basically be fighting in that conflict, among other things. More information will be given as asked for, or in the OOC.
Two questions, how many people do you want and how wacky is this roleplay going to be because Fallout has wacky stuff.
iโ€™d be keen! would this rp plot be set after the main plot of fallout 4 takes place? just modified?

sorry if those are dumb questions haha, just being sure!
Okay, so I've been playing fallout since the days of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel on the PS2. I've played all the way until Fallout 4. But I'm not gonna lie, all my gameplay in Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 have mostly been with me doing the murder hobo thing. I didn't really follow the story much, and most definitely did not fan out to explore multiple factions.

My big question for this RP (as Fallout is definitely one of those fandoms I'd look for in a Group), is Could I roleplay as a Raider in this setting?
How many people? As many as are interested, and there'll be wacky stuff yes XD

The plot is set 10 years after the end of Fallout 4 just without the Sole Survivor being explicitly mentioned or as heavily involved in the factions (they disappeared after they got the info they wanted)

And sure you can be a Raider. I'm thinking that some of the military are reformed Raiders, or ones who saw joining as simply going where the power was. Or however you want to play it, I wont dictate your character XD
Thos could be intresting have to dust off my old characters

I think a wandering tribal beastmaster that lives in wild wasteland on 11
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How many people? As many as are interested, and there'll be wacky stuff yes XD

The plot is set 10 years after the end of Fallout 4 just without the Sole Survivor being explicitly mentioned or as heavily involved in the factions (they disappeared after they got the info they wanted)
Okay, but what if I never actually finished Fallout 4? lol
I love the fallout setting, but tbh my lore knowledge is nominal at best.

I mean, I figure as long as I make a character that isas ignorant to Fallout in-world history I should be good, yeah?

And sure you can be a Raider. I'm thinking that some of the military are reformed Raiders, or ones who saw joining as simply going where the power was. Or however you want to play it, I wont dictate your character XD
Right... and what if I don't want to RP as military though (or reformed)? Because I didn't catch that vibe as a requisite to the RP.
Oh I was just giving those as suggestions XD But yeah you could be a normal raider might be fun to have one who isn't as mindless as they are portrayed in the games...or one that is even XD It'll add some fun to the RP XD And no worries on not knowing all the lore I don't even know all the lore XD And with the changes I made for the plot the vanilla ending wont factor in XD
Oh I was just giving those as suggestions XD But yeah you could be a normal raider might be fun to have one who isn't as mindless as they are portrayed in the games...or one that is even XD It'll add some fun to the RP XD And no worries on not knowing all the lore I don't even know all the lore XD And with the changes I made for the plot the vanilla ending wont factor in XD
awesome. So is there a CS template to fill out or... we still waiting on more interest to gather?
There will be one in the OOC thread. And yeah I'm waiting for a bit more interest to come up but it should be some time this weekend
There will be one in the OOC thread. And yeah I'm waiting for a bit more interest to come up but it should be some time this weekend
cool. I'll keep a lookout for it then. Prolly go and scour pinterest for character references in the meantime.
Lol okay might look into other odd ones. That the least crazy of her backstory and life anyways
I'd be interested. I was thinking something along the lines of a sorta tribal/raider who's actually more of a tech guy, joins up with the current Militia since he isn't dumb enough to try and take on an army of robot soldiers with a ragtag group of junkies and thugs. Think Mechanist but without the delusion that he's a super hero.

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