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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

He swallowed hard as he held Rory to him tight as he possibly could, kissing his head until Rory complained it was too tight. “I’m sorry bud…. Oh I just love you so much.” He murmured, kissing his head again. “You be so good for grandma and grandpa. Do lots of fishing and exploring… have fun okay?” He murmured, hearing his mom say their taxi was there and just nodded, hugging him tight one last time and kissed his head again. “Have fun okay?” He murmured, swallowing back tears until they had left and he just broke down sobbing. He knew he didn’t have much time left at this point and it wasn’t fair on Rory to have to see anymore but it wasn’t fair to know he was never gonna see his son again either.

Carmen was being huffy. She’d been on Noah’s case for the past couple weeks about getting his room finished and it still wasn’t done so now she was pissed they were bringing him home before his room was ready. “Eden did you enjoy the water park yesterday baby?” She asked her. She was slowly on the mend still and able to move a lot better, finally able to eat a little more as well which she was glad for, desperately wanting to get some weight back on again
Max held him and sobbed as well as reality really started to sink in. She took a shaky breath after a few minutes and held him close to her "Its going to be okay. We'll....we'll be okay." She whispered

Noah parked the car and helped Eden out of the car "You ready to meet your brother?" He asked her happily. She hadn't been able to see him because of the infection so he was happy to now have them meeting eachother "I know he is going to love his big sister."
He frowned and just leaned into her tiredly until the doorbell went and he let her go get it, assuming it was his hospice nurse but frowned a little hearing her Mom's voice first outside the door then coming into the house and just groaned a little, his head starting to hurt bad on top of everything else.

She sighed a little as she watched Eden nod excited, getting out and walking a little ahead of Noah, crossing her arms until she felt his arm go across her shoulders "Don't. Cause I'm not gonna cave about this Ii'm not happy about it Noah. Ypu had two whole weeks." She muttered
Max went wide eyed when she saw her mother on the other side and shook her head "Uh uh, no we are not fucking doing this right now. You need to leave." She said seriously as she glared at the woman.

Noah sighed a bit and removed his arm from her shoulders "I'm sorry alright, I got distracted." He said trying to not laugh about it. This was playing out perfectly and he just hoped she'd love his surprise.
She rolled her eyes a little and muttered under her breath, turning to reach for Eden's hand while they walked through the hospital, "Did you see Vinny's text by the way?" She asked Noah as they got in the elevator, "I want to go out and help her but not right now." She sighed some.

HEr Mom brushed past her and shook her head "What do you mean not doing this? I've just popped over to see my grandchildren and my daughter. Where's Rory?" She asked her, "I got him a present." She told her, setting her bag on the table in the lounge and rifled through it to find the cuddly toy she'd picked up for him. "And I got one for Iris too." She smiled, frowning when she heard a weird noise from upstairs "Oh don't tell me he's still having you wait on him hand and foot. You should kick him to the curb Maxine, he's gonna milk you for every ounce of sympathy you got." She muttered, shaking her head when there was a loud thud. "Always knew how to pick the dramatic ones."

Ricky had tried to get up as best he could to go help her, not really thinking straight about it but he was already feeling weird and by the time he was halfway out of the bed he fell the rest of the way, landing on the floor and starting to seize
Max glared at her and shook her head again "I told you Rory was leaving today to spend the summer with Ricky's parents." She muttered but stopped dead in her tracks when she heard what she said about Ricky "Leave, get out of my fucking house NOW." She spat before getting up and rushing to Ricky when she heard a thud. She gasped seeing him on the floor and quickly started doing all the steps she needed to before calling his nurse.

Noah gave a nod and sighed "Yeah I did, I somewhat know what she's going through. I was going to ask if you could call her and see if they needed anything so we could send it to them." He murmured shaking his head a bit.
She sighed a little and nodded "I'll text her in a little bit." She told him quietly, smiling down as Eden was stomping with her light up sneakers she'd talked Noah into nuying for her "You having fun there?" She asked her. She was worried about her though seeing as the past week or so she'd gone back to being adamant that she didn't want to go to school and throwing tantrums left right and centre but they were trying to look into it for her.

She arrived as soon as she could and went up with Max to find he was out of the seixure now at least, helping her get him back into bed and frowned, doing her checks and the normal routine with him until he fell asleep and she headed downstairs to see his wife "He's just fallen asleep... He's not very responsive though after that one, pupils weren't reacting well either.... It's not going to be long now. Maybe another few days but I don't know if he's going to be able to talk again after that seizure." She told her gently. "But we'll make sure he's comfortable all the way through." She promised her.
Max took a shaky breath and gave a small nod "Right uh....alright thank you." She said quietly walking her to the door. Once she was gone she broke down sobbing not even paying attention to her mother coming back into the room from the restroom.

Noah chuckled softly as Eden nodded happily. He was just as worried about her as Carmen was and part of him wanted to talk to the school. He had this nagging feeling that they weren't fully telling them the truth about how she was doing there.
She frowned and shook her head "I told you that you were wasting your time with this guy." She muttered, leaving the toys for the kids and walked out of the house, muttering to herself.

Ricky woke up a couple hours later and looked over seeing Max walking into the room, flexing his fingers to keep trying to reach for her, wanting her as close as possible right now after hearing her mother earlier, wanting to comfort her but he was struggling to get any words out so just had to wait until she finally came to sit with him, smiling a little when he saw her pull out their photo slbum they'd started putting together when they'd got home from their fancy wedding shortly after Rory was born.

Carmen walked out with them, going in to the NICU and making Eden sanitise her hands, getting Noah to pick her up though as she still wasn't quite strong enough for that. "Here he is baby, here's your little brother." She murmured, going over and reaching down to hold his hand seeing him being restless "Oh I know, we're gonna break you out of here today." She smiled at him, in the moment not worried about him not having a room, just feeling relieved that he was finally coming home
Max sat with him in bed and cried quietly as she looked over the photos "Oh remember this? I was late because Rory was hungry and we didn't have time to heat a bottle." She said giving a small laugh as she looked at the photo of her nursing in her wedding gown.

Noah smiled widely as Eden looked at him in awe "You wanna hold him?" He asked softly chuckling as she nodded her head vigerously "Alright you gotta sit down okay?" He murmured getting her sat in a chair with a pillow on her lap so she could rest her arms on it.
He smiled a little and looked over everything with her, running his fingers down one of the ones of him on stage, frowning a little and soon just leaned against her, wondering if Vinny would be able to make it down one more time or if he would stay away now, closing his eyes again as his stomach growled a little

She moved to crouch by Eden and helped her hold Keaton once Noah had passed him over, "There you go, Keaton this is your big sister.... What do you think?" She asked Eden, kissing her cheek, not noticing Noah starting to take photos of them
Max frowned softly and gave a small sigh "Do you want to see any of them?" She asked quietly getting up as his stomach growled "You hungry? Smoothie sound good?" She asked quietly

Eden smiled widely down at him "He so tiny, like a baby doll, but I know he is not a baby doll." She assured Carmen giggling as he yawned and stared at her "He got no hair, he look a little silly with no hair. I love him Mommy." She whispered smiling widely at her brother
She smiled and nodded. “Yeah you had a lot more hair but that’s okay he’ll get his hair eventually.” She murmured, taking him back when he started getting fussy and just rocked him gently before setting him back in his crib. “We gotta go through a few bits with his nurse okay? Then we can go home.” She promised Eden, turning to see Noah was coming back with her. “Finally the day.” She smiked.

He nodded a little and closed his eyes. He’d started going in and out a couple days before but it seemed every time he was awake for less time now.
His nurse smiled widely at her and gave a small nod "It seems like he knows it too, he has been very active today." She explained before handing them a few papers "We've also sent you a few canisters of the formula he has been receiving here, we printed his appointments out for you too." She explained smiling at Keaton "Bye little buddy, it was so great to know you." She said sweetly to him.

Max dialed Vinnie's number when he fell asleep and gave a heavy sigh "Hey...I uh...I was wondering if you could come by? I think he'd really like to see you." She said softly hoping he wouldn't say no.
She nodded as she listened, going over everytjiing with her twice before finally getting him into his carrier and letting Noah carry it to the car while she held Eden's hand, frowning a little as she had gone a little quiet "You okay baby?" She asked her gently

He frowned a little and sighed "I uh.... I don't know Max.... I don't think I can do it again... How long they think he's got now?" He asked her
Eden looked up at her mom and frowned some "Is he loud? He coming home now and he is gonna cry..." she said softly the reality of it kind of setting in on her.

Max gulped quietly choking back a few tears "Days....maybe." she whispered out truthfully to him
She frowned and gave her hand a little squeeze. “Maybe sometimes. But it’s gonna be okay. He’s gonna be in mommy and daddy’s room alright? He’s not gonna be in your room.” She promised her, helping her get buckled in when they got to the car, opting to ride in the back in between their seats this time to keep an eye on him, watching Noah get him sorted and sighed a little. “This is the hard bit now.” She smiled at him.

He nodded and frowned. “Okay…. I might be able to come up tomorrow but I got a couple appointments in the morning anyway so I’ll see what I can do.” He told her quietly.
Noah gave a small chuckle and nodded softly "We got this though." He murmured happily before he got in the driver's seat and started off towards home. He smiled widely when he took a different turn than normal "Don't worry, I saw this place had an open house this weekend and I thought it would be fun to look at."

Max nodded and gave a small sigh "Alright sounds good." She said softly before hanging up and going to get Iris up from her nap.
She sighed heavily and shook her head. “Noah I’d kinda like to just get him home today. Why don’t we come back tomorrow if it’s all weekend?” She suggested, shaking her head when he waved her off, rolling her eyes a little but looked down at Keaton. “What is your daddy getting us into already?” She murmured, looking around though as they pulled past the security at the front gate of the area and sighed. “That would have been nice seven months ago.” She mumbled.

His mom called her again when they had landed and smiled. “Hey, we just got to Seattle, Jeff is on his way to pick us up, he was so good on the flight, how’s everything there?” She asked her
Noah waved her off as she protested and kept going. Once they were through the security gate he took them into the neighborhood and towards a secluded house entering the gate number to it as well "Well the outside sure is nice huh?"

Max gave a faint smile when she heard how good Rory had been "Thats great." She said softly before taking a small shaky breath "My mother showed up this morning....and he had a seizure....the nurse came around and said his speech might be gone now and it could be any day now..."
She smiled a little and looked around as they pulled up to the house, frowning when she saw no other cars. “Did they not advertise an open house?” She muttered. “It’s beautiful.” She smiled, getting out with Eden and let Noah get Keaton out, taking her hand while they walked inside, soon hearing Eden get excited cause she could see a pool out the back. “Where’s the realtor?” She asked Noah, turning to face him and frowned. “What’s going on?”

She frowned and nodded. “Alright. Keep us posted okay? Call if you need anything too.” She told her quietly and spoke a little longer before hanging up.

Rocky was awake again the next time she came up and looking a little uncomfortable, just reaching for her weakly.
Noah helped them in and smiled "I got us a private tour, realtor was a real nice lady." He said as he walked with her through to the kitchen "Nice big back yard, got a pool and still enough grass for a playset and even a dog." He said biting his lip hard "What do you think?"

Max sat with him with Iris in her arms giving a soft smile "You need anything baby?" She asked softly while she adjusted his pillows and let Iris cuddle him.
He shook his head and just held them both as much as he could, "Love you." He slurred to her quietly, frowning when Iris started crying as he held her hand, not knowing that his own were really cold and it had scared her a little, passing out again before she'd even been moved away.

Carmen looked around, taking Keaton out of his carrier when he was already getting fussy, holding him to her gently, "Good size kitchen.... Pool isn't very kid safe right now though... It feels like it could be a home though. I didn't know you were looking." She told him, bouncing Keaton gently and let him show her the rest of the place "What time were we meant to meet the realtor?" She asked him frowning, turning back around in the master bedroom to see the grin he had on his face "Noah you're being weird what's going on?"
Max moved Iris away and started to cry quietly as he fell asleep again. She took her down to eat and just did a few things around the house trying to distract herself.

Noah smiled widely and led her around the house some more getting more giddy as she started to say how much she liked it. "Okay I can't hold it in any longer." He said as hw went over to her and handed her a set of keys "I couldn't stand seeing how uneasy and upset you were in our current house. So I started looking a few months ago, this place came up with a great deal and well.....this is our new home." He told her happily hoping that she would be okay with it "And you don't have to worry about the pool, they're going to install a gate around it. Oh! Oh! And you haven't seen the kids rooms yet!" He told her excitedly
Carmen looked at him in shock, "This... Noah.... It's already our house?" She asked him seriously and hugged him tightly from the side "Is this why you didn't finish his room?" She asked him, letting him show her to the kids room, "Eden come here baby.... you wanna see your new room?" She asked her, watching her come up the stairs.

Ricky slept through the rest of the night after that but by the early hours of the morning he'd started making more noise with his breathing and when he did eventually wake up he really wasn't there at all, hearing Max on the phone to his nurse and just watched her, trying his best to hang on still

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