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Fandom Fall out : Into the Light [Lore]


Fallout Universe Lore


The Great War
The Great War lasted just two hours but without a doubt, changed the world. Nuclear bombs devastated the United States and other parts of the world, turning vibrant cities into wastelands. This event led to the creation of the Vaults, underground bunkers meant to protect a portion of the population from nuclear fallout. The aftermath not only changed the land, but the humans who lived there. New social political groups were formed, as well as mutated creatures due to radiation exposure.

Factions in Fallout 4
- The Minutemen: Volunteer militia dedicated to helping the Commonwealth's settlers through community defense and support.
- The Brotherhood of Steel: Militaristic collectors of pre-war technology, prioritizing human survival through technological superiority.
- The Railroad: Secretive organization fighting to free synthetic humans from the Institute's control.
- The Institute: Technologically advanced group beneath MIT, creators of synths, often seen as antagonists.
- The Atom Cats: A gang idolizing pre-war hot rod culture and Power Armor.
- The Gunners: Mercenaries hostile to almost everyone, heavily armed and dangerous.
- The Children of Atom: Radiation-worshipping cultists, can be peaceful or incredibly hostile.
- The Triggermen: 1920s mobster-style gangsters involved in various criminal activities.
- Diamond City Security: Protectors of Diamond City's order. Some are fair, others are crooks.

[Others can be created; dm to give ideas and for them to be added!]

Significant Locations
Key locations across the Fallout universe include:
- The Capital Wasteland (Fallout 3): Centered around the ruins of Washington D.C.
- The Mojave Wasteland (Fallout: New Vegas): New Vegas.
- The Commonwealth (Fallout 4): Massachusetts
- Appalachia (Fallout 76): West Virginia based area

Locations inside the Commonwealth

-Diamond City:
  • Often referred to as "The Great Green Jewel" of the Commonwealth, this fortified settlement is built within the remains of what used to be Fenway Park. It's a major hub of trade and a major must for most Commonwealth citizens.
  • A place of safety for the downtrodden and those shunned from Diamondcity. It's known for its acceptance of ghouls and is currently led by one known as John Hancock. Much of his past is unknown, although there have been rumors of his relation to a certain other Mayor...
  • A settlement consisting entirely of Mister Handy robots who tend to the crops grown in the greenhouse atop the overpass where they reside. Pretty docile unless aggravated.
University Point:
  • A pre-war town with a significant scientific research facility, now mostly destroyed and overrun by a LOT of mirelurks.
  • A small coastal town known for its history of witch trials even before the war. There's been plenty of rumors attached to the area.

For the purpose of this rp, we'll be basing things in The Commonwealth. There's sure to be potential for more places to be added if the group became big but for now it'll be easier to manage.

Who lives in this world:
- Humans:
  • Settlers and Traders: Regular inhabitants of the Commonwealth, usually just trying to survive. They include farmers, merchants, barkeeps, etc.
  • Raiders: Lawless groups and bandits that prey on others, often found in abandoned buildings and makeshift outposts.
  • Gunners: A mercenary group that is more organized and heavily armed than raiders.
  • Scavengers: Individuals who roam the wasteland looking for technology and supplies to sell or keep.
- Synthetic Humans (Synths):l:
  • Generation 1 and 2 Synths: More robotic in appearance and function.
  • Generation 3 Synths: Indistinguishable from humans, often unaware of their true nature; they can have unique personalities!
- Ghouls:
  • Non-Feral Ghouls: Humans who have been irradiated but retained most of their intellect and humanity. They're often looked upon disdainfully by none radiated folks.
  • Feral Ghouls: Ghouls who have lost their sanity and turned into hostile creatures. Are usually met with violence.
- Super Mutants::
  • Created from humans exposed to the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV), these beings are generally larger, stronger, and less intelligent than humans although there have been rare cases...

Miscellaneous Lore

Disclaimer: This is all based on the lore Wiki's provided. Please free to contact me if you feel something is incorrect!
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