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Exalted Essence: The Young Exalts and the Sea IC

"And here I was thinking the flying behemoth not seen in seven centuries was the most unexpected thing fate had in store for me today," offers Ijara, deadpan, more to buy herself time to think than anything, "How delightfully naive I was." Well, this wasn't in the manual. Improvise? This doesn't feel like an elaborate prank, but elaborate pranks usually don't. You need someone to play an elaborate prank on, though, and you didn't exist three days ago. If this is a ruse, it's not for your benefit. Do you let someone know the handiwork of the Great Maker is running a drinking establishment in the western Threshold? Perhaps not. The novelty alone would see the place swamped in mysterious and improbably dressed strangers by noon tomorrow, even if it's a crater. Especially if it's a crater. You don't need to deal with that right now.

"I have to say, it's not much of a dark secret if you tell every passing stranger, but my lips are sealed." She pauses again awkwardly, "The beer. Is it... good?"
Maya let's out a laugh. "You didn't see me hurling bolts of Essence from my arm-mounted pulse cannon, then? I was hardly keeping in my disguise as I was helping Tulak and Garret fight the smaller monsters in the street." She shifts her weight around awkwardly, hoping that all of this wouldn't scare of the other woman.

"A far as my bar, the brew I made was popular enough to keep my rent paid with extra to spare, so it must have been good enough to some."
Ijara arches an eyebrow at Maya and leans in conspiratorially, "The truth is the tallest tale of them all. I don't know what a pulse cannon is, but I hurled stone butterflies and firebirds from my fingertips. I know of a spell that turns skin to bronze. Even if I cast it, no one would ever suggest I was crafted by the Great Maker millenia ago. Your secret is too incredible to be believed - few would even understand its significance if they heard it. Few even know the name Autochthon. You are, for as long as you wish it, the proud Chosen of any god you please. Breathe easy."

She finishes cleansing her hands and smiles at Maya, "Once we have a moment to breathe I'm looking forward to finding out if that beer is worthy of the Great Maker. If you'll excuse me." She nods her head and gets back to work.
EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Psychie Psychie Rykon Rykon
Seeing no objections to her suggestion, Ranei decides to expand on it.

"From what we've gathered it our research, the ship crashed down upon Akamin Island," she begins.

This is something that all three of you might find hard to believe, because each of your factions - the Realm, the Silver Pact and the Court of the Western Sea - have scouted out Akamin Island in the past, and found it to be little more than a barren lump of earth and sand. No resources, nothing for any gods of worth, and certainly nowhere an ancient airship could lie without anyone noticing for several centuries.

"I know it sounds unbelievable that the airship could've been hidden there all this time, but that's what our sources told us," Ranei continues. "So I used what means I could to give the place a secret yet thorough look-over. I had Water Aspects comb the surrounding seabed to see if the airship had crashed there, and even arranged to have parts of the island dug up, in case the airship had burrowed into the earth upon impact, or sunk down there later on. Of course, all of that failed to find anything, and I eventually decided I might as well think outside the box."

She reaches into a satchel on her belt, and takes out a hexagonal hearthstone as clear as pure water, holding it up so all of you can see it. "A Gem of Wise Discernment," she explains. "I acquired it very recently, having called in a lot of favors. By looking through it, you can see through all forms of visual deception. Invisibility, disguises, and sorcerous workings based around illusions. I had hoped to take it to Akamin Island, to see if the airship was somehow hidden through means beyond the mundane..."

Garret: 4 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Most Assurant: 3 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 1 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 1 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 8 Anima, 2/5 Motes, 2 Committed Motes
Ijara: 1 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 4 Will
Garret rubs his chin, asking, "Are we to assume that this ship is still air worthy after all this time? I personally don't know how to repair a damaged ship. Or fly one, for that matter. Other than that, it sounds like a workable plan."
Garret rubs his chin, asking, "Are we to assume that this ship is still air worthy after all this time? I personally don't know how to repair a damaged ship. Or fly one, for that matter. Other than that, it sounds like a workable plan."

"We don't know how badly the ship was damaged when it was shot down," Ranei answers. "Our goal at the start would've just been to locate it, and see what level of repairs would be necessary. That said, things made by the...by your kind prior to the Shogunate days do tend to be made from sturdier stuff than most."

Garret: 4 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Most Assurant: 3 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 1 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 1 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 8 Anima, 2/5 Motes, 2 Committed Motes
Ijara: 1 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 4 Will
Garret takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. He is trying to be civil, the least I can do is return the effort. Let it go.

"Alright. We have a hidden ship that might be able to fly, and a huge monster that will be trying to shoot us down. I suppose the next question is who goes to find this ship to take the fight to the behemoth?"
Ranei gives a shake of her head. "Right now I can't spare any men or Dragon-blooded on this, given the attack on this place by the huge monster in question. I'm going to be too busy fending off my rivals in the area once they seek to capitalize on what happened here. Loathe as I am to do so, I've got little choice but to entrust the retrieval of the airship to you and your...however you plan to define your group."

Garret: 4 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Most Assurant: 3 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 1 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 1 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 8 Anima, 2/5 Motes, 2 Committed Motes
Ijara: 1 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 4 Will
Having been silent for a good while but having enjoyed seeing the Dynasts scream at each other Tulak spoke up. "I've got no problem helping you retrieve this ship but.... if it's as large as I think it is." He held out his hands for emphasis. "Wouldn't we need a crew to man it?" He would have brought up the topic of recruiting talented sailors from across the West. But that would have made him seem hungry to have the ship in his back pocket. And he was but his time among the Western court had taught him to not make his desires so obvious.
Having been silent for a good while but having enjoyed seeing the Dynasts scream at each other Tulak spoke up. "I've got no problem helping you retrieve this ship but.... if it's as large as I think it is." He held out his hands for emphasis. "Wouldn't we need a crew to man it?" He would have brought up the topic of recruiting talented sailors from across the West. But that would have made him seem hungry to have the ship in his back pocket. And he was but his time among the Western court had taught him to not make his desires so obvious.
"Finding a crew will be your problem," Ranei answers. "From what we've gathered regarding the ship's size though, you shouldn't need more than about two dozen, since it's roughly as big as a typical blue-water vessel. You may not even need that; a number of pre-Shogunate ships made with the magical materials can function without a crew, as long as they have one Essence user willing to attune to them."

Garret: 4 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Most Assurant: 3 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 1 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 1 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 8 Anima, 2/5 Motes, 2 Committed Motes
Ijara: 1 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 4 Will
"I can sail a boat, but an ancient vessel like an airship may prove an altogether different challenge," Sojiro adds as he takes the hearthstone from the commander. "Right now though, I'm more concerned about handling the situation if the ship isn't skyworthy, but we might as well take a look and see what we're working with. Not like there are many promising alternative leads on a ship anyway." The shikari sighed, giving the stone a momentary glance of appraisal. "Hmm... If this stone works as you say, it might aid us with further obstacles after locating the airship."
"I should hope so," Ranei replies. "I had to call in a fair few favors to get hold of it. Anyway, before you leave, is there anything else you'd like to ask of me?"

Garret: 4 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Most Assurant: 3 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 1 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 1 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 8 Anima, 2/5 Motes, 2 Committed Motes
Ijara: 1 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 4 Will
Garret shakes his head. "I believe that you have covered the pertinent details." He looks over at Tulak and says, "I am going to go find that Maya woman. She might be willing to help here, and she did well against the smaller monsters." With that, he turns to leave to seek out the other Exalt.
Returning to the makeshift infirmary area, it doesn't take long for Garret to find Maya and Ijara. The work of treating the injured continues around the three of them, but things are largely under control by now.

Garret: 4 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Maya: 3 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 1 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 1 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 8 Anima, 2/5 Motes, 2 Committed Motes
Ijara: 1 Anima, 4/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 4 Will
[New scene. Dropping all Animas back down to zero, removing all committed motes.]

The next morning, having done all that you can for the people of Kyoma, the five of you set off from the battered city-state on a chartered vessel.

Finding a captain with an intact ship who was willing to take you all to Akamin Island took a while, but you eventually managed to settle on the Crowned Falcon, a swift junk currently in the service of a group of privateers. The captain of the Falcon - a tough-looking old salt by the name of Cid Lightwind - was a fair bit curious about what the five of you were hoping to find at your destination, but he didn't press too hard, and didn't think you completely crazy either. As he himself said with a knowing smile, "Sometimes things are not as they appear past the surface".

You have now been at sea for a couple of relatively uneventful days. The crew, most of them hardy mortal men, have by and large been friendly towards you, whatever they might learn of your origins and/or divine gifts. The time gives you the opportunity to study up on the airship supposedly to be found on Akamin Island, Ranei having provided you with copies of her research notes before you left Kyoma. Much to her surprise, Maya finds the vessel extremely familiar to her, as if the details had already been put into her mind at some point in the past.

At an initial glance, this First Age construction resembles a typical Blue-Water Merchant vessel in shape and size. The hull however is wood reinforced with Blue Jade, and the sails are made from cloth-of-jade. Furthermore, with the pulling of a lever on the stern near the wheel, large, wing-like sails the colour of Blue Jade fold out from the sides of the hull, and the ship gains the ability to soar into the sky.

The Blue Seahawk possesses a flying speed equal to that of its sailing speed, which in of itself is enough to outrun any mundane vessel. The upper deck also has space for the mounting of roughly five siege weapons; two on each side, fore and aft of the wings, and one at the bow (front) of the ship. Finally, the bottom of the hull has a pair of large, Essence powered Blue Jade propellers mounted on it that can provide additional forward movement in both the sky and the air.

The secret of Akamin Island is also perhaps something worth pondering. Even Ijara is unable to find any obvious answers; if asked, Fabian claims the place has always been a barren bit of sand. Should he be asked about what happened to the Blue Seahawk however, he claims that it was last known to be in the employ of the Dragon-blooded during the Usurpation, and its final flight was for the purpose of scouting out Akamin Island. For what purpose though, he cannot say.

Garret: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Maya: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Ijara: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 0 Will
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Maya finds herself drawn to the prow of the sailing vessel that they are on, looking out at the vast expanse of water as the ship knifes its way through it on their way to the island. She does her best to stay out of the way of the crew, keeping her thoughts to herself as she contemplates their next steps.
Garret does his best to not force his company on anyone that might take offense to his Lunar nature, namely the Dynasts of the group. If it were not for the sudden appearance of the flying behemoth, they would be at odds with one another, and he is slightly outnumbered by the Realm Exalted here.

Now that Maya woman is another story. She is an odd one, and there is something about her that makes Garret wonder. What kind of Exalt is she? He's no savant to know all the different kinds of Exalted that there are, but he knows that she's not anything he's come across before. She is nice enough, even if she has her secrets that she wants to keep. Ah well. Luna willing, we'll find this airship and will be able to get it in the air. Otherwise I don't know what we'll do to try and bring the fight to the monster.
From the sea a figure leaps out like breaching dolphins and landed in the deck! *SPLASH!** THUD!* “I brought dinner!” Tulak stood on deck with net full of fish to be eaten tonight or salted and stored for later. He’d spent an hour catching fish and few crustaceans. As he’d gotten tired of eating dried fish and hardtack. But a chance conversation with the ships cook revealed he knew how to make Western dishes. Eager to taste Civixi(Basically Civiche but with citrus fruits and peppers from creation) again Tulak jumped into the sea to hunt. But this was about more than just dinner. It was no question that this gathering of exalts while bound by a mutual enemy either opposed or disliked each other. He could admit it to himself that he didn’t care for the dynasts. He was neutral toward the moon mad one and didn’t know what to make of the metal woman. So he’d have a little feast for them made. Break bread and learn a little more about each other. After handing the catch off to the cabin boy he said. “Let the other exalt’s aboard I know want to have a talk with them during dinner. And tell the cook I want this..” Tulak pointed to a large grey centipede like lobster that seemed full of meat. “Sent to our table in the mess.” jaydude jaydude
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Ijara has preparations to make, for what Sidereal doesn't?

Before the ancient threat struck like a - decidedly fatal for the Satrap - bolt from the blue, she had been experimenting with training local sailors into marines capable of giving pirates a black eye. They had become so successful they had begun hiring themselves out in small bands and making piracy a significantly dicier venture in the vicinity. It only takes one in a dozen ships with a crew ready to fight to make a pirate think twice about the life choices that have brought them here. Now she has a grander purpose in mind for them. She still has contacts amongst those she trained, and she calls them together to reach out to their fellows, word passing from ship to ship, that the man who struck a telling blow on the behemoth that devastated their homes needs every able hand he can get.

Meanwhile, as fate would have it, the temple of a local god of esoteric erudition was destroyed in the assault, and while it takes some persuading, they are eventually convinced that their aiding this strange sorcerer in her research is the best way they can contribute to safeguarding their home - and securing a roof over their heads while the city rebuilds. They and their small library are loaded onto the Falcon and they face the trying task of alternating between following Ijara's arcane instructions in how to aid her in preparing for an elemental summoning ritual and researching the reports she provides them about Aigaion for further clues.

Ijara steals occasional moments to join Maya at the bow, when Garret isn't present, or pointedly not debate the finer points of immaculate scripture on the subject of consorting with Anathema with Sojiro, but is otherwise fully occupied with research, drawing arcane diagrams in a cleared section of the hold, and riding to nearby ships to recruit more able-bodied hands for the mission.

I'll buy Cirrus Skiff and League of Iron Preparation. Auspicious Recruitment Drive, the Sidereal Mode of LoIP, allows a Recruitment venture in even the most improbable of circumstances, so I'm going to recruit some sailor-marines while we sail. Maybe they can be taught to crew an airship. I'll also attempt one Summoning venture. Ijara is using Worshipful Lackey Acquisition and Fortuitous Fellowship to create two Tertiary Followers in Martially Inclined Local Sailors and Scholars of the Arcane. The former will assist her Recruitment venture, the latter her Summoning venture. There will again be buckets of dice, so I should probably roll in OoC if you approve this course of action.
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Present Day​

"Not a bad haul, kid," Cid would say to the Water Aspect as the cabin boy took the catch down into the kitchens.

The evening finds Tuyak and his fellow Exalts gathered in the mess hall, the room packed and noisy, and the food and alcohol abundant. One corner of the hall is dedicated to a small triangular stage, upon which the ship's musicians play a lively tune that somehow makes itself heard over the sounds of conversation, joking and laughter.

By some unspoken agreement, the five of you have been granted a small table of your own, close enough to the others to keep you involved in the crew's affairs, while also providing a modicum of privacy. Cid can be seen eating with his crew at a nearby table - he's not nearly enough of a snob to distance himself from those who serve him - and every now and again he glances towards Ijara, perhaps remembering the conversation the two of them had earlier.

Those of you sat down at the table, what do you do?

Garret: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Maya: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Ijara: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 0 Will
As Tulak requested the creature he’d caught had been boiled and set at their tables center. There was more than enough of it to satisfy the appetite of a chosen. Trident like forks were given to everyone so they could rip off a portion they wanted. The local alcohol, a strong wine with a citrus like taste was nearby and plentiful. And aside from that we’re smaller portions of fish and marinated in a lime like juice. “I had this little meeting set up to break bread and fully commit ourselves to the cause of slaying this beast. Because while we recognize the threat this thing poses we aren’t fully united against it. The spat I had with Sojiro not long ago and Ijara’s problems with Garret make it obvious. There are gaps in this circle. And I think if we want to get through this alive it’s best we start filling them now. I don’t expect us to love each other or swear eternal sibling-hood. But we can at least hash out our differences.”
"Hear, hear," Cid calls out from a neighbouring table, grinning and raising a tankard towards Tuyak as if to encourage the Water Aspect's attempts at fostering co-operation between the Exalts.

Garret: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Maya: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Tuyak: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Sojiro: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes
Ijara: 0 Anima, 5/5 Motes, 0 Committed Motes, 0 Will
Garret comes to the table with a dubious expression, but he sits without making any comment. Finally, he says, "I understand that there is a lot of friction here that even a behemoth attack might not overcome. I am willing to put any past grievances aside to work for the greater good of the many communities here in the West that are in danger. After that, I'll probably be moving on to avoid any . . . misunderstandings here."
Ijara rises from seiza as her cirrus skiff descends, smoothly depositing her standing on the deck as it dissolves into wisps of fog. The Captain is waiting for her, looking unamused. Ijara glances back over her shoulder at the slowly growing ragtag armada of fishing and trading vessels following in the wake of the Falcon, from one of which her cloud has presently returned.

"Volunteers, captain," she says brusquely by way of reply to his gaze, "An honour guard for the hero Tepet Sojiro, who wounded and drove off the beast that laid waste their home. You don't expect them to sit idly by and let it happen again, do you? They won't let the Hero of Kyoma be waylaid by pirates, or find himself short a few able hands on his quest to slay the beast. Dissuading them is hopeless, so I have instead used my sorcery to ensure they will keep up with the Falcon."

And by that of course she means she has tasked the Huraka Olnberin to provide them fair and favourable winds at all times, having recently brought the summoning circle painted onto some planks of wood and a few of the monks made of sterner stuff high into the sky on the Cirrus Skiff to complete the ritual in the midst of a stiff and chill wind.


Ijara is in the portion of the hold she has commandeered as a makeshift summoning chamber when she notices the cabin boy cowering down the hall, clearly hoping for all the world that if he wishes hard enough everyone will forget he was ever assigned this unenviable duty of entering the Sorcerer's lair and talking to her. She might put a hex on him. Ijara sighs and performs a much more mundane summoning, crooking her finger and telling him to stop wasting her time.

She raises an eyebrow, bemused to find herself on the guest list. "Well. This ought to be good."


Ijara makes a good show of being precisely as uncomfortable as she ought to be sharing a table with two Princes of the Earth and an Anathema. Even an unexalted Sorcerer in the legions would have the privilege of dining at the officer's table, so she can't be too uncomfortable, but few would miss the opportunity to remind her what a privilege it was. She stays quiet, minds her manners, and avoids looking at the Anathema.

She's pleased with Tulak's speech, but doesn't show it. Shale can't be much help here, but she doesn't need to be a problem, "I defer to the enlightened Dragon's wisdom on the subject of consorting with Anathema," she replies demurely but appropriately warily. Immaculate scripture doesn't leave any tactical flexibility when it comes to meeting Anathema as a mortal. You shut up, plug your ears, find the nearest Dragonblood, and do as they say. The less attention Garret pays her, the better for the both of them.
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Maya raises an eyebrow at this. She shifts about in her seat for a moment, the says, "Tell me, what does the enlightened Dragons say about the very real risk of mass extinction from a behemoth and having the tools needed to stop it, but you are too busy infighting to make use of their help when it is freely offered? I am young, and confess I don't know much about the teachings of these Dragons. But I cannot believe that they would want untold thousands to die due to the pride of a handful."

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