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Realistic or Modern Espionage Wars V9: Migration Edition

14-16th of September, Nykøbing, Denmark

Meytus contractors joined the NSU forces at their big push in the town of Nykøbing, around 200 contractors had joined the frontline, operating in both their own small sections and in NSU infantry units.
The Meytus contractors utilized IED's and other explosives, that was planted days ago before the push to inflict heavy damage on unaware Danish and allied forces, Meytus contractors also stashed a lot of weapons like rocket launchers and heavy machine guns along with ammo in various buildings, so they wouldn't have to carry it and be slowed down when changing positions.
The total casualty count of Meytus reached 52.
16 KIA
36 WIA

An alleyway being cleared by Meytus Contractors

Contractors ambushing GDS troops attempting a counter attack

17th of September, Nykøbing

After the big push, and the capturing of Nykøbing, some mercenaries from Legio Fortvna PMC was still stranded in the town, Meytus made a deal with the NSU that they would be the ones dealing with the Russian mercenaries, to avenge the 26 men that had been killed in a big raid on a Meytus hideout a week ago.

Meytus contractors engaging stranded Fortvna mercenaries in a parking garage.
9 men from Fortvna dead and 1 captured
3 men from Meytus dead and 3 wounded

Lviv Oblast Military Proving Grounds, Volhynia

Volhynia's military industry has been booming lately, new aircrafts and weapons has been adopted by the Army and Airforce of Volhynia, today a new IFV called "Voyaka-1" was introduced into the Volhynian Army, as part of the BORKA program made for a second modernization phase for the Volhynian Army.

The new IFV is designed by the orginially Ukrainian Morozov Design Bureau, it uses a more modern design from likes of the German PUMA, the Swedish CV90 and the American Bradley, as the BMP design is old and generally very cramped and not fit for the modern Volhynian soldiers body and kit. The Voyaka is currently only replacing the BMP in the 11th Guards Division and the 102nd Grenadier Guards.

Officers from various Army, Marine and Airmobile units viewing the new IFV in action.

Grenadiers from the 102nd performing a live fire demonstration
September 17th 2021 3:57AM
Nearing Falster

"We are here, Fog Group is reporting radar transparency. ECM flight ready on you."
"In position and tuned in, jam in 3."
"Commence the attack, if you miss your mark keep flying. We aren't here to fist fight."
TPAF Falster Strike 1.png
"Got that tunnel locked" ,then over the radio: "Tunnel E47 locked, try to hit near either entrance to flood it."
"Bridge 9 Falster locked."
"Bridge 9 locked."
TPAF Falster Strike 2.png
"Bridge 153 locked."
"This is Fog Group, we just dodged a SAM after flying over Bridge 153. The secret's out!"
"ECM Group here, flight is locked. Payload release."
"Payload release!"
TPAF Falster Strike 3.png
"Impact one."
"Impact two"
"Miss three"
"Impact fou-five"
"Bridge 9 Falster three hits."

falster strike 2.png
"Bridge 9 Falster four hi"
"Bridge 9 toppled over repeat Bridge 9 has collapsed"

falster strike 3.png
"Tunnel E47 impact two entrance East"
"Impact three semi submersed entrance West"
"Impact three entrance East"
"Target E47 is flo"
falster strike.png
"Fog Group begin your exit, full throttle until we're back over land"
"Missile Evaded!"
"Impact four, two miss two hit"
"Bridge 153 destroyed!"
"Impact five, miss."
"ECM group here we have begun exit turn."
"Impact seven, miss"
"Squadron begin exit turn towards the South and floor it"

After what seemed to be a quiet deployment, the Tchvonian Ministry of Defense announced noon Friday that it had carried out an early morning airstrike against the NSU by targeting three bridges that help connect the conflict area. "We have a duty to our allies, and we will stand by them. This morning forces of the Tchvonian People's Air Force successfully bombed three major targets that will prevent or hinder NSU movement as they continue their senseless war of aggression." Defense Minister Bulganin said during the press conference, "We will continue to combat the NSU until an ultimatum is reached, what happened this morning is only the beginning if they continue to fight."

And so the fight continues I finally learned green screening

September 17th
Barcelona, Principality of Catalonia

What people thought would be a normal day, turned into a day that would see many loved ones depart this great nation. As the nation watched the breaking news of the Tchvonian airstrikes and the encirclement of Samogitian troops in Nykøbing, the broadcast was interupted by a screen never seen before. The countries emergency broadcast system played for the first time in it's life, the apocalyptic feel it gave off was something only thought of in games or movies, and yet here it was playing on every television in Catalonia.

The silence breaks, his Majesty himself appears before the whole nation;

"My dear people, my loyal nation. I come before all of you at a short notice, we have all seen the news of the recent developments in Denmark. Our Samogitian allies need our help, and after long delay, Catalonia must play it's part in the IPA and protect its allies. As of now the wheels of war are in effect, we will be joining the coalition response against the North Sea Union by contributing military forces to Denmark. For this I have enacted a new legislation introducing National Service, all men fit for service aged 18 to 30 must serve for 2 years in the armed forces. Essential workers, people with medical conditions and people not able to fight due to their religion will have an exemption. Catalonia must answer the call, we must answer the call to battle."

The broadcast ends, everyone is silent. Something anyone would have expect after you've just been told you have to go fight in a war. Although it is a war that must be fought. But the Patriotic flame burns stronger than ever, the nation that helped and supported the independence of Catalonia needs their help. They owe them that much.

The active personnel have been given the order to pack up and move to Denmark. 1 Mechanized
Brigade Combat Team (MBCT) and a squadron of Eurocopter Tiger Attack helicopters will make the first landfall and mark the first milestone in the Catalonian military intervention in Denmark.

Reservists will be called to action on the 20th. Most of whom will be tasked with logistical support to the operation in Denmark both in Catalonia and overseas in Denmark.

Draft letters are being printed and sent, mail services have been told to give full priorty with delivering these over other parcels.

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Draft Letter sent to citizens who are eligible and must serve.

On the roads later that afternoon, Columns of armoured and soft skinned vehicles are seen travelling toward Catalonia's largest airbase. Preparing for the flight to Samogitia and then to Denmark. The Catalonian troops will spend the next 2 days travelling to Denmark stopping off in Samogitia to link up with GDS troops and pick up supplies heading towards Denmark. A total of 4,500 troops from the MBCT will enter Denmark as part of the first phase along with 40 personnel to support the Attack helicopter squadron.

Vehicle crew from B Coy 1 Battalion 111st Cavalry Regiment on their way to embark to Denmark

Catalonia is expected to field more troops as time goes on.
September 15th, Kahzakstan-Kergisktani "FOB Junktown"


“My platoon has assigned to a new FOB located near the Frontline between Shalkar and our controlled zones, And arriving here I thought it would be gloomy and depressed like I saw back in the trenches but no, apparently everything here is the opposite everyone seems confident and are doing a lot of recreational activities.

You got guys playing football or cooking up barbeque head chef apparently offered me some but I told him nah, reporting to our new FOB commander the man in charge seems very foolhardy told me to sit down and relax since apparently our Airforce has gain air superiority of the sorts and have been bombing Shalkar to hell and with the ERR bombers arriving soon to assist he said we did not need to do much.

And after reporting to our barracks I’ll be honest, I don’t believe him I feel like the kahzakstani’s got some sort of plan cooked up why are they basically letting our air force pound them with minimal resistance it’s very out of character for them but nonetheless I can’t really do much than await what the future’s got installed for us.”

-TSgt. Nurbol Faustin, 1st Platoon, 202nd Mechanized corps

With kergikstani forces arriving at their respected lines, spirts are all high with the supposed air superiority gained over the days pounding shalkar, along with reports of a high speed Unidentified flying object speeding into shalkar and dropping payloads then leaving at a blink of an eye, many ground troops were forming theories but nontheless most welcomed it.

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Group of Kergikstani troops watching a video which happens to be videos leaked from the conflict over in denmark.

Democratic Republic of Brakhovt

An agreement has come between the kergikstani government and the Brakhovt government for sales of Bulk AK-12's which were being slowly phased out due to complaints made by a unified number of Kergikstani Logistical personal and the redundency of having an 5.45 Caliber rifle next to an 5.56 Rifle, the bulk sale costs was unspecified although the price was enough that it was cheap and plentiful to warrant an purchase for upcoming upgrades for the Brakhovt army, ab C-130 landed with a small number of kergikstani soldiers showing the Brakhovt soldiers there the example model and amount. The bulk sale included the most up to date AK-12 kergikstan has including various attachments and parts along side ammunition.

Kergikstani Soldier Listening to a Brakhovt Commanding officer on comments for the new rifle.

September 17th, Kaztalovka Airbase, Democratic Republic Of kergikstan

Arbour Industries and the by extension the Kergikstani drone programe was contacted by the Volhynian government and expressed discreet interest on the new drone, and recently arranged an procurement officer to look and inspect the drone and see it's capabilites, After arriving the Officer was picked up by Kergikstani Soldiers and driven to the Kaztalovka Airbase to check out the new drone, After arriving the officer was shown various videos before given a front seat on the drones live fire tests on targets showing off it's Speed, Payload and Air to Air capabilities, the company managed to reach an agreement with the Volhynian Officer on an lend lease programe with the blank cheque untill said otherwise along with the agreement to have Arbour Industry Anylysts, Drone controllers and small maintenance team to help with any problems the drone has on the lend lease programe.

Volhynian Airforce Colonel Anton Hodiak, being briefed by an Drone program official on the capabilities of the XQ-00 UAV.

September 19th, FOB "Point E-38", Kahzakstan

Today Kergikstan troops and arriving ERR forces have been finally given the official battle plan for the upcoming battle for the city of Shalkar and Karabutak, Troops are briefed on the plan with it mostly involving the Joint ERR-Kergikstani Air raid campaign on the cities and the surrounding area's to soften up resistance with ERR and Kergikstani Tanks and Mechanized infantry leading the spearhead into the city, Although the attack was to commence once the big air raid begins.

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Kergikstani and ERR tank crews in a briefing on the upcoming battle.

Location: Domus et Senatu (House of the Senate), Adrianople, ERR

It's been several months since the Junta gave back the voice to the Senate, they may sound their grievances, their desires, their lust for power. But with a warning, if the old ways of corruption, oligarchy and stagnation return in the political scene, than the Junta will once and for all remove the current political system and install a permanent military dictatorship, but not only install such a regime - purge the Senate and entire political class, as the Legates mark "The snakes that linger in the den.". However, even with political power brought back to the sly and turned face politicians, old man who only dream of having a purpose. The Junta watches from the shadows, along with the Frumentarii maintaining balance and order to the Republic - carefully not allowing disaster if possible. As they know that enemies still circle overhead the vultures waiting to pick the flesh of the state.

Once the Republic's Senate resumed, old faces reappeared and new ones surfaced - the NRP reformed after its massacre by Islamists in 2017 members had to be replaced. Multiple parties merged to form the reformed movement, from industrialist in politics, the old guard, to militarists. Along with the NRP, new political forces have emerged in the Senate - Et Augusti Foedus (The League of Augustus) a political faction comprising of most of the extreme elements inside the Senate. FC sympathizers, Liber hardliners, and more recent rise of Nicaenism extremists. Although, opposition is strong even with leveraged support for the NRP - the Nova Populares Pars a socially democratic coalition has grown, from groups wary of the extreme authoritarian regime, pro-democracy politicians and even former political opponents. This forces has grown to be a thorn in the NRP and even the Junta, once again politicians bicker, stagnation occurs and the Junta sits in the shadows impatiently listens.

However, in the dark of night, members of the military council and of the Frumentarii State Security met for the first time in months to discuss the current situation. Both sides will semi-annually have secret meetings on matters how power is divided in the Republic, to ensure stability but also gain on both sides. The shadowy figures have always been blamed for directly destroying the democratic process in the ERR, but it is seen differently - from having the state move to the edge far too many times, this unholy alliances has and will keep order, and power at all costs.

With the Senate being stalled to pass needed orders issued by both the military and Frumentarii. Instead, the joint council signed all needed orders in one sitting in a quiet room in the general headquarters of the military council.

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Legates Leaving the Senate Chambers

The orders signed were;

Wartime Directive 21-6:
specific wartime directive to give full dictatorial power to the Supreme Legatus with no end term, if the Supreme Legatus is unavailable than the role would be passed on to the head of the Frumentarii. If the ERR mainland is attacked, all men and woman from age 16 to 55 who are not in the conscription service or professional legions would be drafted into local paramilitary cohorts to fight in their own localized sectors. Also, using the extensive military network in the ERR to support their homeland war the localized paramilitaries will begin to destroy all infrastructure that could be used by hostile forces, a general scorched earth policy would be employed. This would lead to a long grinding insurgency in hopes to wear down the hostile force.

Legio Denuo Act: An order given to regional districts to acquire more resources to recruit additional legionaries to bolster ERR military legion numbers - the quota would be set for an overall increase of 300,000 for each yearly quarter, with the goal to reach five million strong in a few years. This is to help reinforce the DMZ in Turkey and be used to aid in international efforts to help ATO allies. Also, conscription service has been extended from two to three years due to the ongoing insurgency in the east - while professional service is now 4 year contract with renewal up to 45 years of age, where then legionaries can retire with full benefits and a special pension, along with special state treatment.

Deus Magnus Est Act: With the rise of the Order's influence and spread of their ideology of Nicaenism it was in popular favor to enact for the first time in ERR's history religious laws. The first is the officially embracing of Nicaenism as a religious movement in the ERR, while also giving benefits and charitable donations to any Order representatives that were not covered in the 2016 accords. Also, all religions outside of Christianity are restricted, with a state policy of "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" where they are not banned but are not totally embraced publicly. However, some sects that fall under "Cults" in the eyes of the Republic, such as; Scientology, Mormonism, Yehowah Witnesses, and Krishna followers are banned from practice anywhere in the ERR or it's territories. Further, Adultery and other heretical social acts are now punishable under ERR law.

Ex Imperio Augustus: English for "Rule of Augustus" it is an order of the Senate, if the Republic is directly threatened the Senate may do a quick vote to give emergency powers to the highest ranking military official. They will normally than directly control all matters of state, while often using a military council to help govern certain aspects of society. However, if there is a breakdown in order and decapitating of the leadership, this order will automatically come into effect if the 80% of the governing body of the ERR is elimenated by any means.

Even though the Ex Imperio Augustus has been in effect since the Islamist attack, the Legates agree with the Frumentarii to extended once again emergency powers to the Supreme Legatus for an additional year and a half. Even though the Senate was reformed, the indecision with internal politics have forced the Legates to keep the order in effect to ensure stability in the time of insurgency in the East.

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Legionary Legate Signs the Orders in the Frumentarii Headquarters.

Numerous other smaller trade deals were pushed through with the Tsardom of Volhynia, as well for the trade agreements with the Democratic Republic of Brakhovt - with an opening of a diplomatic mission in their capital.

Wartime Directive 21-6
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19th of September, St. Petersburg, Dem. Republic of Brakhovt

Recent intel gathered by the Volhynian State Security indicates that an attack on Volhynian embassies in the Eurasian region could be a possibility in the near future, as response the threat level has been raised to maximum, which has strengthen the security in the embassies in the Republics of Brakhovt and Kergikstan.
Additional 20 experienced men from both the Army and 5 cossacks from Spetzgruppa "Vitaly" has been sent to each embassy.

The embassy guards are also now equipped with heavier gear and weapons and concrete barriers has been placed on the permitter fences surrounding the embassies. Important embassy personnel has also been ordered to stay at the embassy until the threat level has been decreased.

The Volhynian government has also requested that local security forces are to be stationed at the embassies.

Security personnel at the embassy in St. Petersburg
15th of September - 20th of September
Taragona Proving Grounds

Catalonia fields a fairly modern MBT, it is expected to be in service until the 2030s. With hopes of keeping the vehicle up to date the Ministry of Defense gave Taragona Land Systems the task of designing and producing a prototype of a MBT that could;
  • Use interchangable parts with IPA allies and/or the existing Leopard 2CAs
  • Be in service alongside the Leopard 2CAs
  • Must have an autoloader but also use a loader incase of breakage.
  • Have increased protection
With these requirements in place, the Catalan Military turned to Samogitia who had an excess of Leclerc parts for repairs. With this 1 Leclerc S2 turret was sent to Catalonia for testing. The turret was then placed onto the hull of a Leopard 2CA.

C-MBT Example fitted with the Enforcer RWS and SLAW for the Gunner. Pictured at the Taragona Proving Grounds.

Further development throughout the next 5 days consisted of further increasing the protection of the vehicle by adding composite blocks to the sides as well as adding ERA to the side inside of bags. The bag would mean quicker and easier installation of the ERA to the tank. Other design ideas featured, a Self Propelled variant, a SPAA variant and a ARV variant. These other variants would come into light only if the base tank itself passes the trialling stage.

Once all the modifications had been made, the prototype was ready for it's inital trials.
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Seen above is the C-MBT fitted with the Addon Armor. Catalan Infantry surround the tank as an Officer give a talk on the tanks capabilities.

For the whole day, Armoured Infantry units got familiar with the tank, the biggest difference being the lack of a 4th crewmate. With further trials to continue on the tank, the Ministry of Defense is looking likely to approve the production of this vehicle if the trials are successful.

With the eventual deployment of armoured units to Denmark the C-MBT could see themselves fighting on the frontlines if all goes to plan...
Relaxing morning

A Prideñan Soldier wakes up to a blue sky, his buddy's shift ended so now he's looking out into the coast, of course they're actually using radars but there's barely been anything to worry about since nobody really goes after Spain.


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"What did they say?"



"What do you mean 'negotiation is off the table'? What did the Samogitians say?"

"Shit, alright. Tell Nielsen to convene the General Staff immediately, we'll need to counter before the Catalonians get here in force."

"Can ... can we still win the war? What kind of question is that? Of course we can still win the war, but only if you shut up and do what I fucking told you!"

Mr. Andersen-Müller hung up the phone. The Foreign Minister of the North Sea Union breathed heavily and looked around his office, until his gaze met someone waiting for him at the door, Prime Minister Olsen.

"The Samogitians and IPA wont negotiate?" Olsen asked.

"Not anymore, and no one I ask is willing to mediate an end to the conflict."

"Son of a ..." Olsen gripped his forehead in his hands.

"I talked with Nielsen. We've told the troops to dig in and start fortifying, we're going to try and hit the Catalonians before they can build up too much strength. It should be a while before their national conscription service builds up. We told them that victory is still in sight, but they just need to hang on for a little longer."

"Do you believe that?" Olsen asked. "Do you actually believe we can still win?"

Andersen-Müller sat back into his chair. His normally stern expression became somber, vulnerable. But he didn't say a word.

"Stefan." Aleksander Olsen took a deep breath and forced himself to ask the dreaded question.

"Have we lost the war?"​

01:30, Leeuwaarden Air Force Base, 23rd of September

SB-2: "SB-2 Fueled and loaded, proceeding to runway 2 for take-off."

LAFB-ATC: "Solid copy, SB-2. Attach to MH-2 until detachment zone Alpha. Good hunting. LAFB-ATC out."


02:36, North Sea, 23rd of September

SB-2: "SB-2 to MH-2, SB-2 is detaching and redirecting course to target site Bravo. Good luck at Charlie, out."

02:53, 12,100m above Stavanger, 23rd of September

LAFB-ATC: "LAFB-ATC to SB-2. MH-2 confirms multiple positive hits on Kristiansand, how copy?"

SB-2: "Solid copy, preparing to drop payload on target-site Bravo, out."



SB-2: "SB-2 to LAFB-ATC, package has been delivered, returning to base."

Republic of Prideña

The Republic of Prideña is a nation located in the mediterranean coast.
While it was originally part of Spain, it had no intentions of staying after seeing Franco's Dictatorship. It is currently neutral, meaning it has needs of other territory or starting a war, that being said it has expanded it's military a lot since.
Prideña's form of goverment is democracy it strongly advises against communism and capitalism.


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Leyte, Late September...
Immediately after the bombings in early September, a statement was released from the Free Waray government to various worldwide news outlets...
Barerra: "As many of you know, from the 7th to the 9th of this month, the Filipino government carried out a series of air strikes on the city of Ormoc. Many of the targets struck were civilian installations, and held no value as strategic targets. This was purely an act of merciless terrorism aimed at the people of Leyte by a desperate and cowardly administration. The Free Leyteno cabinet has adopted a minimal collateral damage stance from the start, and has actively gone out of its way to improve the standard of living for those under our protection. The city of Ormoc has had power and running water for months now, yet our Filipino counterparts see fit to destroy that yet again. I will however state that this attack did not go without retaliation, and several of the enemy's aircraft were successfully shot down during the raid. At this moment we currently are holding two pilots in custody, and we assure that they are safe, unharmed, and have been provided with food, drink and dry clothing. We are not willing to negotiate for their release after this most heinous attack, but we give our solemn guarantee that no harm will come to them until the end of this conflict. As of now all chances of peace have been dashed, and we are left with no choice but to forcefully eject the murderous Filipino military from our lands. Justice for those slain will be swift, and it will be complete. This I promise."
The broadcast would end.


Since before even the start of the Battle of Ormoc, Cordoba had given his most trusted and battle-tested leaders the directive to each choose 40 of their best soldiers. These soldiers would be sequestered from the rest of their brethren and be left under the supervision of some of Whitman's most elite mercenaries and those with the most military experience from the FWA's ranks. They would be subjected to the most relentless training regimen that could be established in such a short amount of time and provided with the best equipment the FWA could acquire. By the time the Battle of Ormoc had come to an end, the first generation of Waray commandos would be ready for action.

Their first test was assisting with intel gathering operation for the mine raid that had taken place in MacArthur province some time back. After proving they were more than capable of clandestinely performing their duties, it was decided they were ready for their first true major operation. Two platoons of commandos would be inserted into different areas around MacArthur province to coordinate Irregular forces in the area. They will soften the area for future offensive operations by sabotaging infrastructure targets and cutting off key routes of transit.

The FWA's looted chopper will prove vital to the commandos' operations, so the best pilot for the job is selected from their (considerably tiny) pool of candidates. The man picked for the task is one Eduardo Garcia Cho, a half-Mandarin former pilot for a now-defunct island tour company. (By "best man for the job" it's more that he was the only one crazy enough to actually volunteer to do it.)

Arriving in MacArthur a few days later, the commandos make their way to the captured mine and meet up with undercover Irregulars there. They get the lay of the land and prepare to disperse to put their plans of attack into action. It couldn't help but be noticed that while there the workers were busy loading their captured train with many barrels and crates of various volatile substances that had been rigged up with detonators. When asked about it, the guerrillas simply gave a coy smile and refused to elaborate.

One of the first key targets the commandos hit is local broadcast stations around the island, covertly seizing them so the Irregulars can rig them up to broadcast Rebel Rock Radio's pirate signal further around the island.

Meanwhile to the north of Valencia, FWA forces continue to face harassment from Filipino choppers. The weather has been far less severe than was expected and has not provided quite the reprieve from air assets they had hoped for. Despite having access to anti-air assets, the Filipino pilots are no slouches. Coming in pairs, the first chopper will fly low in an obvious pattern to draw the attention of AA before popping its countermeasures, at which point the second chopper will take advantage of the window to strike the source of the lock-on. So far the FWA has only managed to shoot down 3 enemy choppers in direct combat due to the effectiveness of these tactics.

After the appalling string of losses in their first few encounters with the Filipino military, FWA high command has mandated that training regimens be improved significantly. Soldiers now back at the airfield now find themselves with far less free time on their hands and more time practicing small unit tactics and basic battle drills. Thankfully a decent number of FWA members are former Filipino military and have been able to provide a comprehensive training program. In particular troops have been focused on running urban combat drills with promasks. This has led many soldiers to speculate that something very big is in the works...

"It isn't over yet."
"Catalonia is joining the war, Brittany and Tchvonia are bombing our fucking families, Samogitia and Denmark aren't even open to negotiating anymore. How could you even think we can win, Sven?"
"Once those bitches see how hard we can fight, they'll back off."
"You have to be braindead to think like that, dude. I'm sorry, but it's over. I hear Stavanger is already about to tell us to stand down. If we don't give up now - "



"It isn't over. No it isn't over."
"I've lost friends too! But we can make sure we don't lose any more. It'll be tough but we'll pick up the pieces and come back from this."
"I've been talking with some of my friends over in the Army of Norway. They're eager to fight the Coalition. We held them back on our own, with the AoN we can push them back."
"Sven, I'm sorry, but they're not going to deploy the AoN. They're going to tell us to stand down, ... and then we're ... we're going to surrender. And we'll see our families again."

"I ain't surrendering to those pigs. I don't give a damn what Stavanger tells me to do."

"... And I'm not the only one."​

"We think the Omsk group is going to be backing up the GDS near the Southwest quadrant of the city."
"Legio Fortvna is not a legitimate target, they're only attacking Meytus contractors, don't - "
"I don't give a fuck."

"Enough with the tough guy act, Sven!"
"I am getting really fucking sick of you acting like a little bitch, Erik."
"Do me a favor and say that again."

"Guys, stop!"

"I should have shot you when I got the chance."

"Shut up, damnit!"


"If you're so tough, shoot me then!"

"You don't mean that, Erik!"


"It's bitches like you that are costing us the - "


"... due to ... overwhelming circumstances we are faced with ... actions ... painful now, but are necessary for the future benefit of our nation and our people. We should not shirk our responsibility to accept reality, but do so with pride, for it is to the strongest of warriors that Fate delivers the toughest of burdens. I hereby announce, at 2117 hours, local time, the North Sea Union government has officially reached out to the Coalition leadership and sued for peace."

"As the representative for the NSU Foreign Office, I hereby declare the Emergency Mobilization Act 2020 to be null and void, and for all North Sea Union forces operating in Denmark to stand down immediately."
"Thank you."
*Static noises*



"Well, that's it then. It's over."





"The war is over."​
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November 4th, 0557; Leyte, 3 Miles South of Tacloban City...
It's a relatively calm, muggy morning on the island of Leyte. A thick haze of humidity hangs in the air, permeating the environment with its moisture. A lone train grinds to a halt just before crossing a rail bridge. One of the cars' door slides open, and four armed occupants pour out. After saying a few goodbyes, the men collect their gear and disappear into the jungle as the train resumes its journey. Aboard this train are 12 FWA Irregulars and 2 tons of improvised explosives. They are to enter Tacloban City disguised as an ore shipment inbound from MacArthur and seize control of the central train yard. Their mission: to take as many enemy combatants with them as possible before they themselves are killed. These men have volunteered for a suicide mission to show the Filipino government that the Free Waray Army is capable of hitting them in their backyard without warning and are more than willing to bring the fight directly to them. When they have been dispatched to nearly the last man, the survivors will detonate the bomb and destroy the train yard.

Ormoc Airfield, 0600...
Through the previous months the ranks of the FWA have continued to grow. At this time the amount of front line troops is around 2300+ with another 4000+ support personnel. Their pool of vehicles has grown too, with 4 functional M113s in service and over 50 different military 4x4 vehicles, as well as uncounted numbers of technicals. With the buildup rumors have been flying in every direction, with the majority of them saying that they're about to move out for something big. Well it's finally here. All the weeks of constant training, maintenance and waiting, their patience has finally paid off. At 0500 the soldiers of every available front line FWA unit were roused from their bed and told to assemble at their assigned staging areas by 0600. Their assumptions are proven correct when the word finally comes down; the FWA is going on the offensive. After giving various rousing motivational speeches the men are ordered to embark and prepare to move out. By 0630 the motorpools are abuzz with constant streams of vehicles heading out. It will be a two-pronged offensive, with the main force heading south to link up with Irregular forces around MacArthur and completely secure the province, fortifying their southern border against any future incursions. At the same time a second prong will move to the northeast and secure Heaven's Peak; a local hilltop which will provide a significant strategic vantage point for whichever side controls it. The offensive will begin once the Tacloban irregular force has completed their mission and detonated the bomb.
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Tacloban City, 0644...
The train comes screaming into the station at Tacloban City. Before anyone is aware of the suspicious nature of the situation, the doors slide open and the guerrillas within spring into action. The sleepy guards are quickly overwhelmed and the irregulars move to clear the rest of the station and take up defensive positions.

By 0715 local police have brought in tactical response teams to deal with the situation. The guerrillas seem to be armed mostly with pistol-caliber small arms, making the tactical teams' approach relatively easier. The teams deploy tear gas but it does little good as the guerrillas are equipped with promasks as well.
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The floor to floor fighting is brutal and claustrophobic, though the government tactical teams prove to have the upper hand with their higher quality armor and larger caliber weapons. Despite making them pay for each floor, eventually the 12 guerrillas are whittled down to a mere 4. 3 stay behind to sacrifice themselves so that the 4th can activate the bomb.
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Making it to the bomb with only seconds of life left in him, the dying guerrilla performs his last defiant deed...
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By 0807, the bomb is detonated. The train yard is destroyed along with several adjacent blocks. Thankfully the station was far enough into the industrial sector that civilian casualties were minimal, with no housing districts being affected by the blast. Once the dust settles the casualties are initially estimated at: 13 police officers killed, 27 wounded, 10 civilians killed, 58 wounded. All 12 guerrillas KIA.

Just before the attack commences, every television station in the local area suddenly drops their regular broadcast. Instead of their typical programming, viewers are greeted with an eerie message courtesy of the FWA's Rebel Rock Radio.

With the offensive underway, Irregular cells around MacArthur province begin to go on the attack. Many Filipino military positions are quickly overwhelmed by the surprise attack, though as the night goes on the defenders begin to consolidate and put up a stiff fight.
Heaven's Peak, November 6th...
By the 6th FWA forces have managed to fight their way to the outskirts of Heaven's Peak. Before taking the hill itself, they will have to secure the outlying village as an FOB.
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Fighting their way into the village is no easy feat, as the FWA encounters fierce resistance on every street. Fighting at night is even more difficult since most of the village is without power, and the monsoons once again make visibility a nightmare.
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As a final goodbye present, the FWA train had dropped off a number of commando fireteams around the outskirts of Tacloban. They've been keeping themselves busy ambushing government reinforcements attempting to move south to push back the offensive. By the morning of the 7th they've done as much damage as they possibly can. As soon as they appeared they were gone, moving back south to link up with FWA forces and receive new orders.
Allow me to kick off the new year.

Leyte, Mid November...
FWA forces fight their way into the center of the Heaven's Peak village and finally secure the sector. A few armored vehicles are lost in the twisting mazes of dark streets. Spotters on the summit itself kept the flanks of the village sighted and negated any chance friendly forces would have of circumnavigating the urban area.

By the end of November FWA forces had managed to secure the
summit itself and cleared out the enemy spotters, though the battery itself was still on the other side of the hill behind considerable enemy defenses. With their forces beaten and ragged, the FWA has no choice but to dig in with what they have and await support once the weather clears, enduring interminable barrages along with the pouring rain.
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December, Eastern Leyte...
December came and the fighting continued. By this time the FWA has been procuring enough enemy equipment that their troops are more or less on par with the average Filipino soldier. Most Regulars are wearing up to date plate carriers and NODs are becoming a common sight among their squads. Casualties continue to pour in though, but with the help of two new liberated police helicopters the process of getting them to comprehensive care is made much more expedient.

Despite being able to move casualties faster, the level of care they receive is variable. The situation behind the lines in Ormoc is tenuous as most of the city is still reliant on generators for power, making rolling blackouts frequent. Most of the power has been allotted to critical establishments such as the hospitals and police stations. Waray hospitals are in a bad way as most of them are on emergency power and only able to allot power to certain wings of the building depending on priority. In addition the supply of drugs such as painkillers and muscle relaxers is critically low thanks to the previous jihadist occupants. Thankfully the jihadis were only interested in taking what they could get high off of, leaving a decent supply of antibiotics and other life-saving medicines. Due to the mass influx of military casualties civilian care has been made a secondary priority as entire hospital wings are repurposed for combat casualties. Cases of malaria, dysentery and other tropical diseases are starting to become very frequent among the civilian population.
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Along the eastern side of Leyte the FWA continues to assault MacArthur. The Filipino navy has begun indiscriminately striking targets as friendly forces advance, making progress agonizingly slow. The FWA has managed to keep the western coast of Leyte relatively secure thanks to a combination of jury rigged naval mines and favorable weather conditions, though once things clear up their cities may become easy prey for lurking frigates.

In addition to this, a brigade of Filipino marines have been deployed to the south of the advance in order to strike the column's flanks and hopefully slow them down.
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Having managed to finally catch a ride with a column moving up to the front, Kenneth Farraday has been documenting the brutal urban fighting that has been taking place as the FWA isolates and destroys pockets of Filipino resistance.
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Northwest Leyte...
With the advance stalled at Heaven's Peak, the lines have more or less stabilized to the north by late December. Fighting along the eastern line is relegated to mostly small skirmishes, with FWA gun barges proving instrumental in keeping the frontier safe from enemy intervention.
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Christmas and the New Year...
Christmas brings a period of brief respite for both sides. Now that the FWA's ranks have grown from Cordoba's initial band of fighters, Catholics make up the majority of both sides of the conflict. That being the case, a sort of unspoken ceasefire has occurred on both sides. Despite no formal orders being given by higher ups, troops along the front cease patrols and remain at their post for a few days of silent prayer. This unofficial armistice lasted through Christmas and on to the New Year. Hostilities have yet to resume as of January 3rd.

Back in Ormoc, a troubled Barerra seeks the council of his close friend. He can be found with a new group of commandos in the middle of an Eskrima lesson.

Barerra: "Ignacio, I need to speak with you."
Cordoba: signals to his men to continue without him "Sure thing boss."
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The pair walk along a while, smoking and conversing about pressing matters...
Barerra: "Look I know it's a war and collateral damage can't be avoided but that bombing was reckless."
Cordoba: "You signed off on it, isn't it a little late to be having buyers' remorse? Besides, we did it as clean as we could; minimal civilian casualties."
Barerra: "I know, but we have to think of our public image. We pull more stunts like this and all it's going to do is give the government more ammunition to paint us as terrorists. We need to keep doing this as by the books as we can."
Cordoba: "By the books can only get us so far Constantín, we might be growing as we advance but we're still hardly a match for the enemy. The only thing that's been saving us this whole time is the weather and it's not going to last forever. We keep grinding away at the enemy like this and they'll wear us down long before we do them."
Barerra: "Look I've made up my mind, no more of these terror raids you understand? I won't have us turn into the same warmongers as the Filipinos."
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They continue to walk until Barerra comes to the entrance of his underground command center, stopping at the entrance to give Cordoba one last address
Barerra: "Just have faith Ignacio, things will turn in our favor I promise you that. By the way, go find Whitman when you have a chance, he has something in the works and could use your help with it."
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To be continued...

02:25, PSMC Post Camp Casey, January 30th

Unidentified Major: "You've been briefed, Lieutenant. Remember, NO radio contact once you pass over the border. Get your unit loaded up and proceed to your objective, ASAP."

Unidentified Raider Lieutenant: "Lima Charlie, Major."


03:21, 14,200m above Rural Pyongyang, January 30th

Intercom: "Approaching LZ Charlie, guns up."

Unidentified Raider Lieutenant: "You heard the woman, too late to catch a ride back now!"


03:35, Outskirts of Pyongyang, January 30th

Unidentified Pilot: "Use that SAT-phone to call for a ride once you're done here, Lieutenant. Good hunting!"


03:55, Potonggang-guyok District, Pyongyang , January 30th

Unidentified Raider 1: "Man, this place is fuckin' dead. Not a single civilian in the capital city at all?"

Unidentified Raider 2: "Capital city of North Korea? Capital city my ass."

Unidentified Raider Lieutenant: "Cut the chatter, we're in deep shit if Kim's cronies find out we're here."

Unidentified Raider 2: "Kim? That fat fuck's dead, LT."


04:25, Potonggang-guyok District outskirts, Pyongyang , January 30th

Unidentified Raider 1: "Holy fuck - Lieutenant! Looks like we found our missing population! They're all mangled and shit... where the fuck are their limbs?"

Unidentified Raider 2: "Jesus fuckin' Christ, you think those wack-job wanna-be Haji fucks could've done this?"

Unidentified Raider Lieutenant: "Oh Christ, I'm gonna be sick. Film this shit and pack it up, I'm calling for exfil."


14:30, Joint Military Service Base, Sacramento , February 2nd

Unidentified General: "Mr. President, Director, they're here."

President Gallagher: "Very well, let's get started."


(please feel free to constantly remind me that their vests say police in Ukranian instead of Russian)
Omsk Oblast, sometime between now and New Year's...
Lately citizens of the city of Omsk and the surrounding area would notice increased police activity day in and day out. Attentive folks would note that aside from patches simply saying "police" they bore no distinguishing markings on their uniforms or vehicles. Many city streets and country roads would be shut down as columns of unmarked 4x4s would mill about performing some unknown purpose...

The rural locals would be used to the sounds of periodic gunfire, though from the occasional bolt action rifle or shotgun fired off by hunter or some rowdy youngsters. Now however the constant chatter of automatic weapons fire could be heard coming from various depths of the forests. Unbeknownst to the locals, everone's favorite mercenary rats from Legio Fortvna have been hard at work clearing out various criminal compounds and other bases of operation...
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Through the course of a few weeks, Fortvna systematically hunts down and eliminates a number of low and mid-level crime families in the oblast. By the time they're finished, only the strongest of the families, the Stetchkov Syndicate, finds itself standing. The common theory among the underworld is that the Stetchkovs have hired extra muscle to facilitate a hostile takeover of the oblast. That is until...

Somewhere 15 miles outside Omsk city limits...
3 cars roll along a snowy country backroad. Near-blizzard conditions make visibility less than ideal...
Danil (backseat left): "Hey Arkedy, stop hogging that shit and pass it already."
Arkedy Stetchkov (front left seat): "Fuck man hold on, I just barely hit the damn thing."
Ilya: (backseat right): "Guys your father is gonna be pissed when he finds out we took his import for a spin in this weather."
Arkedy Stetchkov: "Nah Ilya you worry too much. Besides we got our escort posse with us, just follow the lead car and we'll be fine."
Anatoly Stetchkov (driver seat): "Hey Sascha's car is slowing down, I think there's a roadblock up ahead."

The trio of cars would indeed roll to a stop upon encountering a snow plow blocking the entirety of the road and a single crew worker holding a stop sign...
Danil: "What the fuck is this? I thought they already plowed the roads."
Ilya: "Something isn't right, why the hell would a road crew send one guy out here in these conditions?"
Anatoly Stetchkov: "Hey guys? This feels weird, I don't like this..."

Suddenly the road worker would drop his sign and produce a weapon from behind his back, several more armed men appearing from snowbanks on either side of the vehicles as the lead bodyguard car is completely lit up with automatic weapons fire. A few men approach the Stetchkov twins' car with weapons raised, motioning for them to shut the engine off and shouting at them to get out of the car. Arkedy would pull a weapon up from by his feet on the passenger side...
Arkedy: "Holy shit Anatoly, back the fuck up go go!"
Danil: "Oh fuck man what the fuck is going on out there oh Jesus Christ!"
Ilya: "Come on Anatoly drive! Fucking back into Dimitri's car if you have to just go!"

The twins and their trail car managed to turn and flee, not long after they find themselves being pursued by a group of snowmobiles, armed riders pumping fire into the second bodyguard car, quickly killing the driver and causing it to spin out. Arkedy hanging out the passenger window emptying his magazine at anything he can see in the maelstrom...
Arkedy: "Fuck man go faster! They fucking got Dimitri, go goddammit go!"

Eventually one of the snowmobiles manages to land a shot on one of the car's rear tires, causing it to spin out and jump the embankment into the woods...

Shortly after their airborne venture is cut short as they roll to a stop against a tree. Thankfully the majority of the party sustains only a few bumps and bruises as the car only rolled once and landed against a relatively deep snowbank. All except for the passed out man who forgot to put his seatbelt on...

Anatoly: looking into the car at the crumpled form that had shot forward from the backseat and broke his neck upon impact as he helps drag Danil out "Oh fuck is that Misha..? Is.. is he..?"
Ilya: "Don't look at him man, he's dead. Come on help me get Danil out we gotta go before they find us."

The group would trudge along through the freezing snow, Ilya being the only armed one of them now...
Arkedy: frantically checking his phone "Oh shit man, SHIT! I can't get any fucking signal out here!"
Ilya: "Turn that fucking thing off already before someon-"


Before he can finish his command a shot rings out and catches Ilya in the lower torso, he drops to a knee as the others dive behind a nearby snow bank...

Distant Mercenary: "Hey, I saw them heading to the east! I think I tagged one of em!"
Anatoly: "Oh shit! Ilya come on man! Crawl to me, let's get out of here!"
Ilya: "Fuck... no, just go.. I'll buy you guys some time...
Arkedy: "Bro come on you heard him. Let's fucking go!"
Anatoly: "I'm so fucking sorry man... I'm sorry!"
Ilya: "Fucking run!"


Behind them in the distance one last shout could be heard before a pair of rifle shots reverberate through the forest, eventually the air falls still once again. Before long the last remaining trio round the bend, only to find...
Off-screen Merc: "Put your fucking hands up right now. You little cocksuckers do anything stupid and we'll blow your brains out, got it?"

3 Days After the Kidnapping of the Stetchkov Twins...
After losing contact with his sons for 3 days and his searches turning up nothing, the uncertainty of his boys' fate has been eating away heavily at Josef Stetchkov, head of the Syndicate. Finally, a new development as one of his henchmen enters his private chambers...
Henchman: "Boss, this just arrived for you at the front gate.." the henchman would produce a USB drive from his pocket and place it on Josef Stetchkov's desk. A simple note of "to Papa" would be written on it...
Josef Stetchkov: "This must be from some fucking animals trying to use my sons as bargaining chips. So help them God if they hurt my boys..."

Josef would insert the USB drive and play the only video file within. An image of a dark, dingy room illuminated by red emergency lighting would come into focus. In the foreground would be a large man wearing tactical gear and a cowboy hat along with a bandana around his neck. Behind the man would be two similarly-clad figures, one holding a lead pipe. Besides these men, chained to pipes along the back wall, would be the Stetchkov twins. They're beaten and bloody, but still very much alive. The man in front would exhale a cloud of smoke from the cigar he was attending to, then would flash a pearly white grin at the camera. He would speak fluent Russian, though his accent doesn't sound native, in fact it's almost entirely impossible to place what exactly this man's accent is...
Cowboy Mike: "Howdy there Mr. Stetchkov. You can call me Mike, Cowboy Mike if it strikes your fancy. First off I'd like to start by saying that I got nothing against you and your kin here, hell I even admire some of the things you've pulled off over the years so this is strictly business, nothing personal. Unfortunately the people that I represent feel that it's about time for a new sheriff in town, so they sent me on down here to have a little pow-wow with you and your boys. So this is how we're gonna resolve this here pickle: As it is right now your boys are guests of my 'hospitality' and they'll remain kickin and spittin so long as you play along like a good little dog for your new bosses. At the end of this video you're gonna get instructions for a meet-up. You'll go to the location at the time specified and meet a contact there, and you two will finalize the transfer of all your assets to our organization. You WILL come alone, and don't get no funny notions about bringing some sneaky backup because we'll know. You fail to follow instructions to the letter as we write them, and I will personally mail you both your boys' scalps. You'll be hearing from us again very soon Mr. Stetchkov, don't disappoint my employers." the video would then end...



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September 19th, 2021, Atyrau City, Kergikstan

Although embassies were always protected by 24/7 Police response, D.S.S Interior Security operatives and private security, due to security reasons they were recently augmented by reserve members of the 67th Shock Battalion troops and 20 experienced men from both the Volhynian Army and 5 cossacks from Spetzgruppa "Vitaly".
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Security forces protecting the embassy in Atyrau.

September 25th, Pyatimar proving grounds

With the outbreak of the war the military industry in kergikstan was starting to boom, Eventually comes the development of a second domestic product. Created as a response to a planned doctrine change by the army, Arbour Industries subsidiary Iron Nomad Industrial formerly introduce it's first AFV called the "CS-01 Lynx".

The AFV was designed for low intensity warfare, fire support vehicle and a tank destroyer in some circumstances. The AFV took many inspirations from the South African Rookiat, B1 Centauro and the Stryker MGS. It was shown off in the Pyatimar proving grounds with spectators from the ministry of defense and various generals. It was announced after the show that it will formerly adopted as the "KMCV-01" and had ordered 40 to arm new tank units that were to be sent to the frontlines that were put on standby.

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"CS-01 Lynx" About to perform a stress test in Pyatimar proving ground.

November 31st, Kulsary City

The recent sandstorm that hit central asia struck Kulsary and the surrounding cities, villages and towns the hardest resulting in an increase of property damage and chaos, rioters who were less keen on taking the government forces head on were now being more foolhardy in attacks with rioters outright ambushing squads of police officers, Fortunately for the security forces president zelensky has finally authorized a military response, Army trucks alongside the D.S.S National Catastrophe Relief Auxiliary were.
were seen entering Kulsary from Koy-sary and setting up a perimeter rations were being distributed by the N.C.R.A while the army moved in wards to kulsary to reinforce
the already overwhelmed KCPD and CDF forces.

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Members of the 1st Reservist battalion deployed alongside the CDF keeping a watch on East street.

A briefing paper given to KCPD officers during the armies arrival for the evening shift.

December 31st, Kulsary City, Bakay Park district

A new years celebration setup was foiled by a joint CDF and KCPD task force that raided the park, multiple shots were fired and numerous people were arrested by security forces. The raid was controversial as many of the people present in the park weren't anarchist rioters and there was no proof of rioters trying to start trouble. Many of the rioters in New Karaton used the recent raid as proof that Kergikstan was a "facist state".

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CDF personal recorded by a bystander before being tackled, the footage was leaked to the internet despite the media blackout

Febuary 21st, Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan Border

Although at the start of the war, refugee's were becoming a problem especially since the fall of Aketobe, however the recent major sandstorms which brought fighting to a halt a few times, the shelling of the major area's in Shalkar and a drought in the farmlands in kazakhstan resulted in largest refugee convoy's spreading across Kazakhstan with many attempting to flee to the rest of Central Asia, However news reports from some countries suggest a large number of refugee's were attempting to flee to Eastern Europe through Russia as reports say Kergikstan was refusing to house anymore refugee's and are currently turning them away. Political analysts in Europe suggest that if countries don't attempt to mitigate the crisis. The possibility of Europe facing another large refugee crisis maybe inevitable.

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Refugee's arriving at the closed off Uzebekistan-Kazakhstan border.
20th of Febuary, Kergikstani Air Force Base, Kulsary

At around 10 AM, 1 Brigade made up of units from the 58th Armoured Guards and the Carpathian Light Infantry arrived to the Democratic Republic of Kergikstan to help the war effort against Kazakhstan.
The brigade consists of 4 mechanised battalions equipped with the newly made Voyaka-1 IFV, and 1 reconnaissance company.
The mechanised infantry will assist the Kergikstani Army forces on the frontline, while the recon company will be attached to the Kergikstani special operations.
The commading officer of this brigade is the experienced Colonel Taras Ubyivovk, who has previously served in the Ruthenian Conflict and the anti-insurgency operations in Ukraine.

Due to the unrest in Kulsary, the Brigade was quickly made ready to be moved to the frontline and was escorted by local authorities out of the city.

Ubyivovk greeting the CO of the Kergikstani AF Base in Kulsary

Volhynian convoy driving on the highways of Kergikstan
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Febuary 21st, Outskirts of Shalkar

With the confirmation of Volhynian reinforcements, and under the assumption ERR Bombers were now being prepped for the assault, Coalition forces in their respective lines had finally ordered the assault. Artillery, Rocket and drone strikes were used on the dugged in kahzakstani forces for first three hours, before a white phosphorus strike was ordered on the main command post of the Kahzakstani trench network. After that Mechanized forces and attack helicopter units were ordered to charge directly on the weakened kahzakstani trench network. neighboring towns that were close to shalkar were taken with no serious losses and were now occupied. During the assault however kahzakhstani AT units managed to knock out multiple kergikstani and ERR IFV's and tanks and irregular forces who were augmented with the government forces apparantly threw themselves onto kergikstani in a desperate suicide attacks which made taking the trenches easier, With the defense line broken it's only a matter of time before coalition forces secure the trench network and attempt to surround Shalkar on all sides. While it is unknown how many losses both sides took it's estimated to be heavy on the Kazakhstani's and light on the coalition forces for now.

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Kergikstani 202nd mechanized corps with an Kergikstani leopard pass by a knocked out BMP-2.

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Members of third platoon of the 203rd Mechanized corps, finish off a kazakhstani trench before moving on to the next.
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21st of Febuary, Outskirts of Shalkar

Volhynian forces joined the assault on the Shalkar defence line with the Kergikstani and ERR forces, the new Voyaka-1 proved successful with its suprior hull and armor which made it easier for Volhynian soldiers to dismount and stay mostly safe once inside again. The assault went better than expected and only 1 IFV was disabled, unfortunately the crew was killed along with 50% of the passengers, the trench clearing went slow and without suffering any casualties.

All in all the casualties was 11 KIA and 13 WIA, with 4 being in critical condition.

Volhynian Mech-inf squad from the 58th dismounting to assault the enemy positions.

Volhynian soldiers clearing the Kazahk trenches.

Volhynian soldiers counting up the dead after the battle was done.

January 30th 2022 - Tchvonian Ministry of Defense reveal the BMPT20 Corsac IFV
The ministry of defense revealed Tchvonia's new infantry fighting vehicle and announced that there will be a starting production of 200. Several mechanized units have already received the new IFV which will replace their current BMP-2T's.
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Further field trials have exceeded everything required of the program and the order was raised to 350.
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February 17th to March 1st 0700 2022 - Tchvonian People's Navy ARCTEX 2022
The Tchvonian People's Navy conducted their largest ever arctic exercises which included several aircraft carriers, two nuclear cruisers, ballistic missile submarines, and a plethora of other surface ships. Leading the exercise was Tchvonia's flagship TPN Mikhail Veselov along with TPN KDM05 and TPN KDM06 which was previously commissioned by a foreign navy only to have it return to Tchvonian ownership. After these exercises KDM06 will have a naming ceremony and then become Tchvonia's Pacific naval arm as CTF6.
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