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"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
Welcome to the world of Melthas, A surprisingly old planet with a mysterious past that seems lost to those who call the world home. This lost past is on account of a mystical event that occurs once every ten thousand years, the Age of the Red moons, a time period where the three moons of Melthas turn red as blood and the world goes through a vast change. Continents are rearranged, kingdoms are brought to ruins , the old perishes, and the New rises. For ten thousand years Melthas has enjoyed abundance and growth but now the red moons rise once again and the world begins its shift, this time however a plan is being set in motion one that will involve gods, mortals , and all manner of creature. Will the world again crumble paving the way for future generations and species to come to rule the lands, or will the cycle be broken and the Era of red moons overcome?
Ten thousand years ago recorded history began. The gods returned from their exile, finding the remnants of the worlds once proud dominant species living in scattered tribes huddled together in fear of the creatures of the Abyss. Having mercy on these life forms the gods sealed away the deadly abysmal creatures and gifted four chosen races with the same magic that they themselves used. The Giants who would Gain dominion over the sky and the clouds they called home, The elves who would rule the wilds and live in harmony with nature, the dwarves who call the tunnels and mountain caves home and would rule the earth and the deep, and Humans whose short and ambitious lives always impressed the gods. These four races would come to be known as the Divine Mortals and rulers of the world, their rise was meteoric, their accomplishments grand. However as these races grew too numerous the gods began to shy away from them, no longer would they walk the streets of mortal cities as the crowds would surround them begging for this and that and seeking to satisfy their own selfish desires. Sadly less contact with the gods resulted in less adherence to their rules and suggestions, the four mortal races began to believe themselves wise enough to make their own decisions free of the divines and their intervention.

It started with the dwarves in their subterranean kingdom. For ages they dwelled in the Sprawling underground chambers and though they found more wealth the deeper they dug they were always warned not to dig into the mythril firmament beneath them. However the metal Mythril was too valuable for the dwarves to trouble themselves listening to the gods. So they continued to dig into it and for a time their kingdom grew powerful Quickly overtaking the Other three kingdoms and becoming wealthy and mighty beyond even what the kingdoms of today offer. However they finally dug too much and the cavity they had made became a hole all the way through and the dwarves were very briefly horrified to discover that beneath the firmament was the very same abyss the gods had sealed the monsters of old in. The horror was short lived as the dwarven empire fell that same day, monsters attacked in number to high to count. Ever merciful the gods granted an escape by blessing the sun so that it would burn the skin of monsters and the dwarves were able to flee to the surface where they were taken in by the human and elven empire but shunned by the Giant clans.

Eventually the Humans and elves would disobey the gods as well, though it wasn't greed that drove them to it but love. It was decreed by the gods ages ago that elves and man must keep distance between each other. The elves were given the deep forests and the Wilds, while man was given the plains and grasslands. They were ordered to never intermingle but of course the heart heeds no warning from anything but itself. Slowly but surely humans and elves grew closer and closer and eventually a hybrid was born, Rakdos the first half elf. Sadly the boy was rejected by elves and man alike, giants and dwarves also held disdain for him as his very birth was taboo. Angered at his seemingly cursed existence he sought vengeance and found it in the dark magics and advices of demons. Becoming the worlds first lich he forged a blade of undeath and used it to strike down the immortal elf king, which in turn cursed the king making the first vampire and forced him to obey Rakdos. He turned on the kingdom of man however the gods were again merciful. They forged The Holy Avenger sword a holy artifact that could strike down any evil. With it a young man was able to strike rakdos down, The Old elf king now turned vampire fled into the Subterranean chambers that once belonged to the dwarves and the kingdoms of man persevered.

Finally came the fall of the giants, as the longest living race in the world the gods tasked them with helping to rebuild the other kingdoms and leading them to greatness, however the pious giants refused this duty declaring the mortals failures to the gods and stating they alone were worthy to rule the planet. The gods were infuriated by such arrogance and so they cursed the giants with silence, taking from them their language but not just the ability to speak it. They lost the ability to read or write in it as well. Even still the stubborn giants refused to obey the gods demand, even ceasing their worship declaring the gods unjust...with body language that is. The gods were going to smite the giants out of existence but just as they were about to the Abyss finally let loose its worst beasts, the Dragons had finally awoken. Their Great size, Cruel intelligence, and natural talent at spell weaving mixed with their evil natures to make the dragons one of the greatest threats to the world, and only one race had the size, strength, and magical talent to engage them. As such the gods came up with a creative new punishment, the dragons would forever see the giants as their rival and true enemy. This lead to the Great Sky War that continues to this very day.
In the centuries since the fall of the mortals the world has changed a lot in many ways, while in others it remains the same. The Giants continue their exile and silence, however for safeties sake they wove their great cloud fortresses together forming the Floating continent nation of Thune. The Humans Elves and dwarves on the other hand formed a great kingdom called vitaros which was heavily devoted to the gods, seven hundred years ago this kingdom split with its southern most portions becoming the nation of Margoon whose people held no love for the gods and their decrees. For nearly two hundred years the two nations waged war upon each other. Vitaros seeking to bring Margoon back into their kingdom and Margoon fighting to remain independent. Though it was a long and grueling war Margoon wound up being victorious, it seemed all the blessings of the gods had made Vitaros soft, the same blessings that gave them a superior Population, a superior economy, and Superior resources, were the same blessings that made them content and weakened. Margoon was the opposite, the lands they claimed were harsh and infertile requiring three times the effort to grow crops, they were closer to the Abyss's entrance where the old dwarven kingdom once was so they grew more accustomed to combat. Margoon prooved that the one thing they had better than Vitaros was tougher people.

In the current year the world has begun to undergo drastic changes. The first of the three moons has begun to slowly change to red, as was foretold by the gods themselves they fell silent and none could rouse their attention. The blessings Vitaros has enjoyed for its entire existence have begun to dry up and their people grow restless, meanwhile the nation of Margoon finds that the monsters grow in both number and power with each passing day. More importantly however id the fact that the second born prince of Margoon, the young prince Zeed, now bears the Mark of the Red King, he can no longer access magic and instead wields a mysterious power. All the change has brought about the call for questing yet again. First the King of Margoon orders his son and a group of adventurers to seek the Red kings crown hidden somewhere in the abyss, it is the only artifact that will prevent his son from losing his identity and becoming the Red King who is destined to destroy the surface of the world, In Vitaros a quest has been given to assassinate the young prince to prevent him from becoming the Red King, all the while four powerful sorcerers trained by the gods hand picked Grand Archmage must embark on a quest to gather the components to craft a legendary artifact their master claims will save the world from all this madness. Where will you be in all this?
(Hello all, this is aimed to be a series rp with 5 volumes one of which will crossover with another rp i am running. The gist of this rp is simple. There are three quests going on, The gods are gone without a trace, armageddon winds closer and the adventurers of these three quests will determine the way the pendulum swings. There are 3 parties each player may be a part of.

~Red Crown Team~
A team of Heroes gathered by the King of Margoon. These elite heroes are the kingdoms greatest Warriors, Mages, and Rouges tasked with escorting the Marked Prince to the center of the Abyss to claim the red crown. Five MASSIVE Tournaments were held for three months prior and the winner of each was selected. These are battle hardened badasses, fighting for a promise from the king to give them whatever is in his power to give.

~Royal Assassin Team~
This team from Vitaros was selected from the King of Vitaros "Black hand" they are master assassins raised from birth in the Palace of the king and trained since they could walk to kill in a variety of ways. Many such orphaned children were taken in, but only the best 5 would become the black hand. Though they have served the king for nearly a decade, never has the entire squad been sent on a mission together.

~Archmage Team~
The four pupils of the Grand archmage and arguably the most gifted spellcasters on the planet barring their master of course. They journey forth from the walking tower in search of powerful legendary artifacts to be used for a ritual their master claimed could undo the apocalypse. Many of these artifacts are long gone and will require the slaying of mighty creatures to gain the components to reforge. Luckily these spellcasters are powerful enough to mimic the ancient magics of old

Beyond that there are infinite roles available for the denizens of Melthas, any kind of creature is playable except for Dragons and Giants. However be aware evil creatures may loose their free will to The antagonist so if that bothers you then please dont be an evil creature. Evil Humans, Elves,& Dwarves are fair game. Sadly in this universe Orcs are Evil corrupted Elves Who are invariably evil, Goblins are the same but the dwarven version, Humans become undead of many varieties. If you have anymore questions dont hesitate to ask. )​
Probably a member of the Red King gang.
Nice. Its pretty open lore so feel free to build your own backstory. The only mandatory thing is that they won the tournament already. Three months, three fights a day, weapons, magic, and armor allowed. It was brutal af, loads of people died.
Archmages <3 <3

Are they from an specific race? What kind of magic can they do?
Archmages are any Human Elf or dwarf and the magics they do are...big. Its like dnd terms and such Archmages just trained under the guy who the gods first taught magic too their Grand Archmage. They have access to his library containing literally all of the mortal races collective magical knowledge. So the real question is what cant they do.

Necromancy is off limits its not impossible for them to use or anything it just slowly turns you into an undead.

Time magic is off limits, too much shennanigans to be used in an rp.

Mind control is a no go.

No Wish magic

And any kind of instant kill or instant win spell (i dont mean no big damage spell just no casting death on people.)
Sound interesting! Is something like sapient animal allowed? (not half man-half animal, think of something like Rocket Raccoon/Winston gorilla)
Sound interesting! Is something like sapient animal allowed? (not half man-half animal, think of something like Rocket Raccoon/Winston gorilla)
Yes assuming in some way its a magical creature like a mage who trapped himself/herself in a animal body or a animal that managed to get access to a Intelligence boosting magic potion/artifact/Enchantment.
Agent23 Agent23

I was thinking about making my archmage character a magical cat that can transform into a human. My only question would be if the Master Archmage would have her as an apprentice and if there's a way she found him and not the other way around
Agent23 Agent23

I was thinking about making my archmage character a magical cat that can transform into a human. My only question would be if the Master Archmage would have her as an apprentice and if there's a way she found him and not the other way around
Sure thing on both accounts. Grand Archmage Izekiel is not hard to find at all he wanders the land in a 240ft tall tower with legs that walks around the landscape he is also a genuinely nice guy...that said you can only enter the tower by casting a fireball spell at a flame shaped rune, a lightining bolt spell at a lightining bolt shaped rune, and a frost blast spell at a frost shaped rune. And let me tell ya it has to be strong versions of each. A good example being DND Again. The average level of mage in Vitaros and Margoon would be between 2-5. The average level require to even enter the tower is about 15. So mages must be well above average just to enter. Each floor of the tower is filled with trials and there are 12 floors, each trial is progressively harder than the last. In all of recorded history of the towers existence (7000 years) only 22 mages have ever made it to the top...this Ages 4 Archmages actually represent the most successful students he has ever had in one lifetime by double. The worst part is that there was a fifth mage who made it to the top and ezikiel turned him away because he "didnt like his face....not the one on his head...the one in his heart." So yeah fickle godly mage that ezikiel.
Agent23 Agent23

Sadly, i haven't ever played dnd. I know the basics a bit.

Are we using the schools of magic from there?

I want my character to have a different aproach to magic since she has a wild origin, so before being properly taught by Ezikiel she would have learned by herself and every time she adquired new knowledge she would fit it in her own system of classification to understand it better. I'll explain in more detail on a PM if you want but it involves the 4 seasons of the year.
Agent23 Agent23

Sadly, i haven't ever played dnd. I know the basics a bit.

Are we using the schools of magic from there?

I want my character to have a different aproach to magic since she has a wild origin, so before being properly taught by Ezikiel she would have learned by herself and every time she adquired new knowledge she would fit it in her own system of classification to understand it better. I'll explain in more detail on a PM if you want but it involves the 4 seasons of the year.
Nah we arent using the magic from there as its too restricting and i want people to make up their own stuff. As long as it isnt op by too much its fine. A good rule of thumb to use as a measure are dragons. In this world dragons are smarter, stronger, older, and more magically talented than basically everything else except maybe giants. If your character has ever beaten a dragon or had a run in with one that didnt end in injury or near panic attack levels of danger than your too powerful. They arent just big firebreathing lizards here they are flying doom, like a hurricane in the flesh possessed by an evil demon. Enough to bring cities down if they arent careful. No one should be able to beat one of them alone, no one should he an army buster on their own. Magic is exhausting to use as well and the bigfer the effect the more exhausting so just keep in mind our mortality and such and we should be fine.

Also try and leave the states of matter alone . Solid, Liquid, Gas, and plasma is the theme for the Prince using the Crimson force.
The archmage's pupils would be able to use healing magic, magic missile, and etc. Heck, they would be able to use fireball. 😄
Here is a map i just doodled. Ill give a legend when im off work.
20200831_180434.jpgthe dotted lines are borders. North half is Vitaros, south is Margoon, south of margoon in the mountains is the abyss entrance.

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