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Fandom Encanto: Flame Reignited [CLOSED]

student quad.
lightly anxious, amused.
isobel, elena, gabriel revalia revalia
luciana mosquera.
Luci couldn’t help but sigh in agreement at her sister’s words. Hopefully they were both right and their classes were nearby. At the next exclamation from her twin, she nodded in both amusement and agreement.

“You can say that again…” she trailed off, hand reaching up to shield her eyes as she scanned the quad. It was full of people running back and forth trying to make it to their classes on time. With a quick glance back at her sister who was still struggling with the map, she couldn’t help but laugh. As talented as her twin was with many things, reading maps was definitely not one of them.

“Do you want me to give it a try?” she joked, trading her timetable for the map in her sister's clutches.

She laughed at the exclamation of her schedule, having already had the thought herself. Luci was just so worried about not managing to do everything she wanted to before they had to leave again. Sure it wasn’t likely that they’d be forced to leave this time…seeing as they were in university now and if for some reason they needed “parental consent” or some sort, they had Uncle Santi now. But still…old habits die hard, she guessed.

“Gotta save some anxiety for the rest of us, sis. Can’t let you hog it all.” she joked, nudging her lightly in the shoulder. She was going to say something else when what looked to be a bundle of energy bounced up to them, introducing herself in a rush of air.

As Isobel was quick to respond, Luci blinked in confusion, not having expected the sudden appearance. The girl, Elena, seemed nice, surprisingly awake for it being just before the start of classes. She kind of respected it to be honest.

“Ah, yeah, um, y-you can call me Luci, everyone else does…” she trailed off, having been put on the spot. “Nice to meet you.” she hurried to add on, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear in an effort not to fidget too badly.

Anxiety and a cute girl was not a good mix, clearly.

“Uh, you wouldn’t happen to know where the Lit department would be? Or the uh, Dance studios?” she asked. She was going to explain more, mentioning that those were their first classes when the boy that was trailing behind Elena - who she assumed to be her brother, Gabriel - tripped, falling face first on the ground at her sister’s feet.

Luci’s brow raised, a small chuckle escaping her. “...Impressive.” she couldn’t help but snort at his words, as he stared up at her twin as if he’d seen an angel.
coded by natasha.
the flirt
walking cutie to class.
safe and happy
noemi saez.
Noemi sighed as Cesar told her what she already knew. She knew like herself, he blamed himself for Dani's incident, and like Noemi, he chose to become the protector of everyone he cared about. He was so easy to read but she was not. He didn't know that she blamed herself for that one night like him, he didn't know that she also wanted to protect the others because she had failed Dani, and she had failed to protect Cesar as well. "Baby, I'm telling you I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. I would tell you if there was." OK, that was a lie, she would tell him if it was important but right now it was not. She could handle it.

"Plus you have more important things to worry about than little old me, as long as I'm in your arms I'm perfect my darling cutie" She told him as she looked at him. It was true, Noemi found a home in his arms clueless that he was her boyfriend Cesar. She could stay in his safety forever, and be content but right now wasn't the time to do that. Later will be, with Dani but right now, it was time to get him in class, and for her to get back to his dorm room and wait for him to come back.

And she would wait forever for him.

"Ok whatever you say cutie" She told him as they got ready to go. "I didn't hear any complaints baby." She added that after they left the dorm, he locked the door. Noemi reminded herself to grab the key off of him so she could let herself back in. Cesar then grabbed her hand as they began to walk. She smirked at the action. "Getting bold are we now cutie?" She said with a soft chuckle as she held his hand tightly. Teasing him was so much fun. He wouldn't admit his feelings but then did things like this that proved that he cared about her a little more than the average best friend but she could wait for him to realize. He may not do it any time soon but Noemi was good with the waiting game. She knew that it was going to be worth it, to see him finally realize that he had someone right here that was completely and utterly in love with him. And would never leave him behind. She knew that they were perfect for each other. So she would wait for him. She would do anything for him.

Cesar was her favorite boy in the entire universe, nothing could ever change that.

coded by natasha.
the loving father
at the shops
happy as much as he can be.
tomas mosquera.
Tomas quickly got dressed as he knew that his heart was waiting for him. He wasn't an early bird by any means, but for Josefina, he would be awake at the crack of dawn just for her. He put on a simple shirt and jeans, as he grabbed his wallet, and a necklace. A necklace that was all very important to him, he never left home without it. It was a locket containing the last family photo before the fire, before losing Santiago. It was when everyone was still together, and the world was right. It was his most prized possession. His favorite thing in the world.

Well, next to his darling and beautiful mi corazón.

He walks out the bedroom door as he looks to see her waiting for him by the door. "I have, it was when my siblings and I moved into the new home after our parents passed. It's a way of starting over...like we are now mi amour. " He said as he took her hand and smiled at her. All Tomas needed was for her to be by his side. When he met her, she was like a life jacket, he was just a young man with a whole pressure of trying to raise his siblings and provide for them like his parents would have wanted. And here comes this mujer hermosa that caught his eyes right away. He knew that she was the one. One look in her eyes, and he was a goner. He was the luckiest man that she chose him as well.

As they walked out the door, he answered her question. "Hm, some chairs would be nice. A sofa might be a good idea as well. " Tomas walks out to the car, opening the door for her before softly shutting it after she gets in. "Mi corazón, we'll just have to look to see what fits for us. Also, a TV might be a nice addition to the living room with the sofa. We can have our date nights and watch our favorite telenovelas together you know?" He said as he started the car, and started driving down the road.

Tomas held her hand as he drove. Looking at her as they stopped at a light, and kissed the back of her hand softly. "I'm so sorry mi amour. I should have taken time for this sooner. " He told her softly. He's been so busy with work and making sure that everything was fine with his class and the move. He seemed to let the simple things go, like spending a morning with the woman that he loved so much. "I'll make sure to make some more time for you, Te amo mucho. You are my priority among everything. " He tells her as they get closer to the shop.

"How about, after shopping, go and see a movie or have a nice dinner out?Una cita nocturna contigo sería encantadora, ¿no? "[/b] He adds as he pulls into the parking lot. Tomas just wants to make her happy. That is all he ever wants to do, he would do anything to make the woman of his dreams and heart happy.

coded by natasha.
the lost one
on the way to class
happy sorta.
madicella mosquera.
Madi shooked her head again at her silly roommate. And that's why we have coffee or tea. Oreos is not one of those. She told her with a smile on her face as she looked at her rolling her eyes. And when did you ever submit your assignments on time? I think the one time you did, was with me...when we first met Bear. She signed to her and sent her a knowing look as she walked in her room. She quickly got dressed and made sure that her phone was charged and she had the books she needed.

Yea, Blake doesn't have anyone to watch them since we all have morning classes. So she asked if she could take them to class then either me or my cousins would take them during her next class. She signed to her as she made sure she had everything she needed. Well they are getting an education...through the laptops, they have of course. They'll be doing their assignments for their schooling during class. She added on, looking at Alison with a smile, as she nodded to the door. Telling her she was ready to go, as they headed out. Madi locked the door behind her.

She stopped Alison before moving forward. Bear, Andres is my priority, yes, but if you need me, you know I'll be right there for you. Madi signs to her with a smile. Plus he has his siblings too, and they gotta get some time with him too. They've been separated for such a long time. I know if I had the chance, I would jump to know my sisters again. So during those times, I'm all yours. She took her hand as they started walking. Normally Madi would flinch at human touch but with Alison, it was easy. Plus Bear worked hard to earn her trust, and Andres trusted her.

That was enough for Madi to know that she could trust her.

Pick me up after class? We could both go see the little munchkins. I know you love seeing Princess Cassie. Madi ask with a smile on her face as they walked to her class. Then, we can all go get lunch together. She loved spending time with her and honestly was dreading the moment she couldn't anymore. That day will break her heart.

...Not because she liked her anything...she's just her best friend of course.
coded by natasha.
the little one
in blake's classroom
at peace.
andres mosquera.
Blake knew it since her little princess had come in her life, that she was a sucker for her puppy dog eyes. Hell, the girl could admit to murder, and with those sweet eyes that Blacke adores. She would happily hide the body. Anything for her little girl. So when she asked if she and Andy could sleep over their misfit siblings' dorm room. She couldn't and would not say no to that. So when she set them up on the laptops and began to set up her first class which already had one of her kids in, she brought out her phone and texted the group chat.

Mama B: The kids want to sleep over with their siblings tonight. Can they?

Knowing her kids which includes Madi, and Alison, they would make it a group affair just so all of them can spend some time together. Plus she's pretty sure that Madi and Alison were the only ones that had a dorm to themselves. She was gonna get a call from Ms. Rockers about noise complaints. Since she had put herself down as the emergency contact for both girls (without Alison's knowledge of course). The moment that Cesar and Dani found their cousin and brother, and her little angel found her only good family, they became one of her protected children. Blake watches over them and makes sure they are safe because they are the misfits she couldn't save in time but will be there for now. She swore that her children would never know the loss of family ever again, and they wouldn't.

Not when she had something to say about it.

Blake finishes writing on the board and walks to her desk and chair. Taking a seat, she turns her eyes on the two children who are focused on the videos on the screen in front of them. She smirked as she saw that Andy was holding his princess's hand as they learned.

There was no way that those two children weren't ending up together.

ending of blake's/start of andres

Andres smiled softly at his princess. "Yes, Madi said so! Cause I was scared cause I wouldn't see her or anyone for a while but she told me that Cece's first class is Blakey's! He tells her with a smile taking her hand. Knowing that she hated being the center of attention just like him. Andy needed to be brave for her, needed to be strong, and a big boy just like Madi told him. So that's what he's doing. Watching the videos on his laptop as he keeps hold of her hand. Letting her know through touch that he was there for her.

Because that's what this prince will do for his darling princess.


the loving husband



distracted by loooove



the furniture store

interactions ; mentions



“But mi vida, what if I need a kiss for later? I have to keep a stash or I’ll be simply bereft of your love!” Felipe declared dramatically, returning his wife’s gentle kiss. Not that he could ever truly feel as if he was missing out on his beloved Penelope’s love when he sought it constantly. Yet it was his mission in life to keep her forever smiling and make sure he was never without her affection. (Because it was true: he would perish without her.)

And so, they were off, and Felipe was, as always, smiling so widely to be out and about with his darling wife. “I will forever endeavor to remind you how young you’ll always be to me. Why, you’re not a day over twenty-five!” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, planting a kiss on her temple. “It’s our first time shopping for furniture together, after all, so we might as well be in our twenties.”

Once at the car, Felipe took the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the vehicle, sweeping open the passenger’s side door for his wife. “My lady.” He slipped into the driver’s seat and glanced over at her with a small smile as he caught wind of the mantra she was repeating to herself. Without saying anything (for once in his life), he reached over and squeezed her hand before starting the car.

San José had one thing going for it: it was gorgeous even in January. That was probably due to Penelope’s presence, if Felipe was feeling particularly sappy. Which he always was, so yeah, it was definitely because he and his wife were here now. Practically every route to the furniture store was the scenic route, so Felipe took it easy on the way there. When driving didn’t require both hands, he used one to hold Penelope’s. What was time spent with his wife if he wasn’t holding her hand, keeping some of her warmth to himself?

Finally, Felipe pulled into the parking lot of the furniture store. He hurried around to the passenger’s side to open the door for Penelope, smiling widely. “And so we’ve arrived, mi amor!” Taking her hand, he kissed her cheek. “Let the shopping commence!”

The moment Felipe stepped inside the store, he took a deep breath. Ah, the smell of new, unused furniture. It wasn’t exactly a pleasant smell, per se, but it held a sense of promise. Almost as if there was something magical in the air. Pffft. Yeah, right. Magic hadn’t truly been a part of Felipe’s life in years. Except for Penelope, of course.

“Shall we look into the walnut furnishings, mi vida? I can already see that some of them match your eyes perfectly,” he cooed, his attention solely on Penelope. Had someone else entered the store, he wouldn’t have seen a hint of them. He only had eyes for his wonderful, beautiful wife.

♡coded by uxie♡


the broken



warm & fuzzy



dance studio

interactions ; mentions

oliver, blake (text) ; cesar, cassie, madi (directly)

“W-wait!” Dani’s voice raised an uncharacteristic third as she watched Oliver slide her bag onto his shoulder. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she glanced away sheepishly, biting her lip. “I-I hope it’s not too heavy. Sorry…” If she was going to dance class so early in the morning, followed by another class, she needed to be prepared, after all.

“Coming!” she called quietly after him, hurrying out the door and shutting it behind her. He was right, she didn’t want to be late on the first day. Especially since it was her last semester here. Whereas some students had intense cases of senioritis, Dani had little to no social life to speak of, so she was always on top of her assignments. That, and the fact that dance class didn’t really have homework.

As she followed Oliver out of their dorm, Dani’s phone buzzed. Slipping it out of her pocket, she checked her messages, finding one from Blake about the “kids” wanting to sleep over with their “siblings.” (Air quotes because technically, all of the Misfits were considered Blake’s kids, and Dani and Cesar weren’t blood-related to Cassie.) She shot off a quick response. Sure, sounds good. Madi’s dorm? It made the most sense, since she and Cesar had roommates that would otherwise be disturbed by Misfit-Mosquera shenanigans. Though the idea of a night without Chess made something in her chest tighten… Gosh, she was going to have to figure out a way to curb that anxiety after graduation, when she probably wouldn’t see Chess very often.

With that taken care of, Dani tucked her hair behind her ear and caught up to Ollie. “Um, so I might be sleeping over at Madi’s tonight, if that’s okay? I can still make dinner if you want or feed Chess if you’ve got a late class.” All this said in a relatively quiet tone, considering they were out in public now. Her roommate may have learned some ASL from Cesar, but she didn’t want to go too fast and have to repeat herself anyway. That had happened plenty when she and Cesar were first learning how to communicate without her words.

Frankly, Dani didn’t have much to talk about on the walk to class. She just enjoyed getting to walk with him. And for January, it was a beautiful day. Then again, that was to be expected in California. Still, Dani smiled to herself. She was very lucky that Oliver was willing to walk her to class like this every morning. It was almost too much luck.

All too soon, they reached the dance studio. Dani shyly reached up to Ollie’s shoulder and slid her bag off his arm and onto her own, the reverse of the gesture he’d done in their dorm. “Um. Thank you again for walking me.” She shifted her weight, a thousand other words and actions flying through her head before she settled on taking his hand in hers and looking up at him. “Seriously, thank you. I feel much safer walking with you.”

Her heart was about to leap out of her chest, and she was sure she was blushing harder than was healthy. Yet Dani had to tell him how much she appreciated him. It wasn’t admitting just how deep her feelings for him were, not yet, but it was a step. A tiny one.

That would have to do for now.

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:


the chameleon



already tired



lit class

interactions ; mentions

noemi, blake, andres & cassie ; dani, madi, ally, oliver

“Bold about what?” Cesar knew he was being teased, but he more often than not had no idea what for. Which, in hindsight, was probably why Dani called him Éstupido. But in his defense, everyone around him spoke in riddles, and while he could analyze literature with the best of them, it was much different in real life. At least metaphors made sense. Subtle teasing? Not so much.

In his pocket, his phone buzzed, and when he checked it, he’d gotten messages from Blake and Dani. “A sibling sleepover, huh? My heart.” Even though Madi had spent far more time with Andres than Cesar or Dani, it still made his heart swell to know that his little brother was warming back up to them. It almost made up for the years apart. He hoped someday that Andres would even come to him for advice. Maybe not dating advice—since he kinda had that part covered (slick jerk)—but the brotherly kind. It was his job as the elder brother to pass on his wisdom. Texting slowly, since he was still holding Noemi’s hand, Cesar typed back, You heard the lady, Madi. Sleepover at yours and Ally’s. I’ll bring popcorn. Glancing down at Noemi, he explained, “The kiddos wanna sleep over tonight.”

Cesar kept his eyes peeled on the walk to his literature class, trying to see if he could spot Dani at all. From what he’d heard, she said she was going to be fine walking to class without him, which he hoped meant her roommate was helping out in that case. Oliver was a pretty stand-up guy, even if he hated the idea of Dani liking anyone. It was gross. They were gross. And yes, he was very ten years old to say that. That didn’t make it any less true. He was forever worried about Dani, even if he wouldn’t say it to her face. “Noe, I know you’re just going to wait for me, but can you at least check in on Dani at some point today? This is the first semester I haven’t been able to walk her to class.”

Thankfully, it didn’t take long to get to class. Blake was already there, of course, along with Andres and Cassie, already set up with their videos. Cesar set his stuff down at one of the desks in the front row (farthest from Blake—he had some dignity to maintain). Letting go of Noemi’s hand with an apologetic look, he went over to his brother, crouching beside him and gently kissing his temple. “Morning, little man. Sleepover at Madi’s tonight, okay?” He smiled at Cassie and lightly tousled her hair. “Good morning to you, too, princessa.” He simply nodded at Blake, not out of a lack of respect or love, but because he knew if he gave her an inch, she’d take a mile. And there went the entire semester. Sigh.

When Cesar stood, he stretched his arms over his head as he walked back over to his desk and Noemi. “You’re going to need my key, right? Here you go.” He handed her his dorm key, since he figured Noemi would not be returning to her own room anytime soon. “If my roommate comes back, though, make sure to introduce yourself. Hate to confuse her too much after our literal collision this morning.” Because wouldn’t that just be perfect, on top of everything else?

He was definitely going to need some Márquez therapy after classes today. If embarrassment from Blake didn’t kill him first.

♡coded by uxie♡


the caring mother



elated & confused



the furniture store

interactions ; mentions

tomás ; penelope

“Then I’ll be relying on you to make sure I don’t go too overboard.” Josefina laced her fingers through her husband’s as they left their apartment and headed out to their car. “But you’re absolutely right, we’ll need a TV to watch the novelas. I miss our date nights. I’m sorry we haven’t had one in so long.” Had she not been grief-stricken for so long, perhaps they would have had more time to spend together. But if Tomás heard her thoughts, he would deny them vehemently. That was just how he was.

Josefina let out a deep breath as she slipped into the car. She had an entire day with her husband to look forward to. It would make up for the time they lost.

“Oh, don’t apologize, mi corázon. We’ve both been busy. The move, work… don’t stress about it.” She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it, much as he had just done with her, except she held his hand in both of hers. “You know you’re my priority, too. Why else would I make breakfast for you before I leave in the morning?” When she smiled at him, she tried to convey that really, she didn’t blame him. She would never blame him for something as simple as spending time together, not when she was just as busy as he was. Josefina loved him no matter what—and after the way he’d taken care of her after the fire, she had never forgotten that sentiment.

“Ooh, that sounds perfect! Una cita suena perfecto.” She unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Nothing would make me happier. Now let’s go find some furniture, yeah?” With a cheeky grin, Josefina climbed out of the car and led the way into the store.

Despite having been in plenty of stores now that she didn’t spend all of her time at school or in the Casita, Josefina was still a bit stunned by how dull and lifeless the air in a store could be. Not that it was entirely barren; the music certainly made sure of that. Still, it made her miss Encanto dearly. Such a strong sense of community there. But she and Tomás would build a new life, a different life here. She just had to keep reminding herself of that.

As she looked around, Josefina blinked. Surely she was dreaming if… She shook her head and stepped closer to Tomás, grabbing onto his arm with both her hands. “Ay, I must not have slept as well as I thought last night. I thought I just saw my sister.” That made no sense, though. Only she and Tomás had survived. There had been no other survivors. Everyone knew that.

Don’t be silly, she told her suddenly racing heart. You’re just missing her today. That’s all. And that’s what she chose to believe.

♡coded by uxie♡


the bear



silly & protective



madi's class

interactions ; mentions

madi ; andres & cassie, elena

“I’ll have you know that I submit assignments in a timely manner all the time… for classes I like,” Ally called after Ria, rolling her eyes a little. It was so like her to be snarky like this in the morning. Not that she’d ever had a problem with it. Made the mornings a little more fun, honestly. Switching to Madi’s room would never be a regret in Ally’s book.

“Lucky gremlins,” she said in regards to the young’uns. “I wish it was more socially acceptable for our age group to attend classes via laptop. Then we could spend the entire day together, Ria.” She grinned overzealously. Of course Ally was only teasing. Art class wouldn’t be the same if she couldn’t be there in person, and neither would sociology. It was fun making a point in class and watching her more idiotic classmates shift awkwardly when they realized they were wrong. Privileged assholes. (And she was one, so she could say that.)

Ally squeezed Madi’s hand. “Hey, I get it. Really, I do. Promise. Your family has to take priority sometimes. I don’t really have that, so.” She shrugged. “But mad respect to you all for maintaining that. So thank you. No need to declare your love for everyone to translate.” To cement her point, she winked, slipping her free hand into her pocket.

“Of course I’ll pick you up. Don’t be surprised if I accidentally bring my friend Elena. We usually have a lot to talk about after art class.” Ally nodded. “Hey, she may be younger, but I have a lot to admire in the little one. She escaped the evil Conways. Big ups to her for that.” Though they had only met recently, Ally had recognized Cassie and realized she was the long-lost cousin who was supposed to come stay with her and her parents. She was relieved she was alright, of course, but she was even more relieved that such a sweet girl had escaped the Conways and their idiot ways. They were only going to mess up one child, thank you.

Almost as if sensing some sort of depressing thought emanating from her best friend, Ally bumped shoulders with Madi. “Hey, no sad shit thoughts today, okay? We’ll get lunch after class with the little ones.” Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she checked the notification. “Oh, nice, Ms. Wera added me to the group chat. We’re hosting a sleepover tonight with the family. So we’re gonna have a great day, right?” She gently poked Madi’s cheek in an attempt to get her to smile again. If Ria wasn’t smiling, what was the point?

They arrived at Madi’s class, and Ally reluctantly let go of her hand. “I have to head off to art, but text if something happens, alright? I’ll come rampaging in like an actual grizzly bear.”

And she would, too. Her wrath was something to behold, especially if it was on Ria’s behalf.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Linkin Park


Noticing his compliance with her work-in-progress shopping list, Valentina, albeit listing vital things, noted she was rambling. Deep down, although she never really had any children of her own, she wanted to try her utmost with her best friend's nieces. True, she was not on the best of terms with Isobel and Luciana but she loved to think she was at least getting a bit warmer when it came to the short-haired twin. Valentina, by no means, wanted to be or replace their maternal figure but it was in her nature and instinct to make sure that they were happy. Knowing they lost and suffered so much ever since the tragedy that had hit the Mosqueras as a whole.

Valentina may have squashed her first chance terribly but she was determined to make her second chance work. Although she never really told Santi out loud of her intentions, the man was no idiot and her efforts were never left unnoticed when turned down by his nieces. If anything she was always so grateful whenever he simply was there to catch the aftermath of her pouting mess - avoiding the trigger of her men in white episodes that were slowly decreasing in occurrences ever since they moved to San Jose. That meant more brain power that could be put into helping him. Helping each other heal.

As the party moved towards the parking lot, she couldn't help but hear some faint alarm noises yet again. Buzzing. In the distance. She proceeded towards the elevator where she ended up looking around, eyes darting in hopes of locating the buzz but to no avail. However, as her darting eyes were wandering, they briefly met his which was just on her. Her cheeks slowly flushed with warmth at the thought. Val counted herself as lucky. Given the countless times she has hurt the man she cared for, the man right next to her, he always seemed to forgive her. For that, she owed him everything. They have always been a constant in each other's life ever since they met back in New Mexico when she was just a young teenager.

The buzzing stopped.

Val let her head rest against the seat's headrest, letting her nails dig into the skin of her palms in anxiety throughout the whole ride. Her mind focused on the reason they needed to get out in the first place. To get their shit together.

At that question, Valentina looked blankly at him before blinking twice. They weren't ready. It was a fight or flight scenario and that flight button was looking particularly attractive right now. But no, a warm, determined smile washed Val's face before raising a fist bump towards him.
"No. But you and me, right?"
She grinned as his fist bump met hers before exiting the car. Looking at the few people that were happily entering and exiting the shop like it has never been done. How? She envied. With that, she took the first few steps so the pair of them could enter and find the needed things on their list.

With a quick swoop, Val started looking for the less crowded areas. Pointing towards the lighting area,
"Over there, looks like some nice bedside lamps."
With that, she led them both as she started scanning along the shelves for something cheap but not too shabby. True income was not on the good side right now with the troubles of being employed and whatnot but necessities were a must and they all grew tired of sleeping in pitch-black darkness. Heck, she could not even sleep in darkness when she was alone.

The buzzing returned and this time it was getting closer and stronger. Still tolerable, Val tried distracting her thoughts by picking up a nice, dainty-looking lamp with pearl details around the fabric that covered the bulb and showed it to Santiago,
"What do you think? For the twins' room?"

The pair of friends were not far off from the entrance when a sudden draft of wind made the doors slam, a sharp pained buzz rang her brain as she shut her eyes and clutched her head in her hands,
"Ahh, shit! Where is this even coming from? Do you hear that?!"

Toppling forward, she still held to the lamp in hand to not damage it while the other hand clutched against Santiago's jacket tightly to support herself against him till the buzzing subsided, her vision blurring with that turn of events. At this point, if this was a side effect of her medication, it was doing more harm than good to her. She always had the gut feeling but now it was true. The buzzing, even though still present, was slowly decreasing. Her line of sight went towards the entrance area. Still leaning to her friend, the hand that was clutching his jacket now patted his chest to gather his attention from her to the direction she was pointing,
"Don't be alarmed..."
she muttered pointing at two couples a few feet away in front of them as they were behind the isles.
"Are those your... sisters?"
Valentina even doubted herself when she said that. Great, even she was seeing ghosts now.

It was the minute Santi looked where she was pointing. The buzzing stopped.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Ed Sheeran

Thinking Out Loud

Short hair slowly swayed sideways as she shook her head with a soft laugh at her husband's way of romantic, yet exaggerated thinking.
"Whilst you should probably have a stash, I will always be by your side to provide you with a fresh one rather than an old musty one kept in your pocket,"
she patted his shoulders from behind at his dramatic front which always made Penelope feel so light. Every time he never failed to put a smile on her face as it resembled that of the sun that was shining outside as it reflected upon her features as they headed out of the apartment.

Placing her arm around his lower back for the proximity, closing her eyes at the feeling of those lips against her temple.
"Of course, my darling but oh how I wish I was not a day over twenty-five. Try adding twenty more years to that,"
Penelope smiled brightly with a soft hum,
"... though you do make me feel like less! Especially with our first little milestone, once again in a long while. Twenty-five it is from now on."

Arriving by his car, she knew he was bestowed with the soul of a gentleman and slid smoothly to open her door to which she thanked him by placing a kiss on his cheek,
"Why thank you."
Sliding into the seat, she buckled up and felt a supportive squeeze at her hand when she felt herself emptily gazing at their apartment door, wondering if this was a good idea. That squeeze caught her attention back, it was her answer. She looked at her saviour and smiled at him. Always so supportive. How she deserved this man as her husband and the father of her children she was still unaware of but thanks God every given day for it.

The female rolled down the car window as she closed her eyes to feel the gentle warm breeze on her face, a gentle touch on her husband's lap which was accompanied by his touch from time to time, which she always smiled at. A subtle hum to Aerosmith's 'I Don't Want to Miss a Thing', one of the songs they usually played while she sang to it and they both danced like their life depended on it. It always brought her back to the day they were wedded.

Inching closer towards the parking lot, Pen resumed her mantra to keep herself from being overwhelmed before her anchor opened the door for her, hand in his she slid out of the car as her dimpled smile shone as always,
"That we are! I am both excited and, nerve wrecked. What if I cannot decide what wallpaper matches best with the furniture? We cannot have unmatched aesthetics!"
, tightly squeezing his hand she followed his lead to slowly calm down. As the doors to the store opened she was greeted by the smell of something new. Quite the opposite reaction from the love of her life.

Penelope tried her utmost to keep herself at bay, not so overwhelmed by the many isles and items that this furniture store had. Breathing in, breathing out. That should keep the weather outside nice and sunny when they get out of this store for sure.
"Ay, ay, ay... this is quite a large store..."
she muttered under her breath as she took a few steps to skim around for a place to start this journey together all over again. She almost had no courage to do so but her husband had slowly re-lit the spark that was always inside of her. He gave her something to focus on. To rebuild their tiny apartment in the memory of their family.

Her husband's voice brought some reasoning as he suggested the walnut furniture which was a few areas away.
"Ooo that does sound pretty nice! I love it! It also fits our aesthetic perfectly, mi amor,"
she reciprocated as looked at Felipe who was right by her side. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed samples of pretty curtains that were neatly hung along the walls near the entrance. The pretty shades of yellows and oranges mixed in with the blues and greens were so pretty that it was too good to be true. She did not know what reminded her more of her beloved siblings than the tie-dye patterned curtain sample that she spotted. Penny immediately jogged towards the sample as she took a few inches in her palms. It was pretty light, sheer undercover. Good for the summery weather, especially the effect the dye had on them.

Her facial features scrunched a little bit as it was not usually the style that Penelope usually opts for but a small tear threatened to escape at the resemblance of the triplet merge in a simple curtain. With a soft sigh, she unrolled more and twirled around for Felipe's opinion on the matter,
"So, mi amor, what do you think? Such a nice eye-catching colour don't you think?"

From the corner over her love's shoulder, she noticed a pair coming in. Her caramel-shaded skin paled in the usual comparison as the tear that was earlier threatening finally rolled down her blushed cheek. She blinked once, twice even to check if the couple remained. They remained. Ghosts? Very persistent ghosts? Strong emotions of grief slowly started to surface as confusion made itself appear in the form of a gust of wind that opened the front doors and caused them to slam again. All in the blink of an eye.

"J-Josefina? T-Tomás? Mi vida, are my eyes deceiving me?"
She pointed towards the direction behind him at her assumed sister and brother-in-law as she was still pretty much twirled in the curtain sample.
"No no no, it cannot be. Impossible,"
she muttered, utterly confused as a small gust of wind started forming at the top of her head she also started to untangle herself which became much harder from the actual situation she was in.

It was finally official, she had gone for sure gone mental now. A trip to the store in hopes of reminiscing turned out to have the opposite effect after all. Pen for once in her life was at a loss. All she thought to do was one thing and one thing only. Just as the figure of her supposed sister looked at her, she waved at her and yelled,

If she were imagining all of this, people would definitely think she has lost it.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Jason Mraz

Have it All

"Yeah. Yah. Yes. Oui. I say ever so sarcastically. I think I can perfectly handle myself without you, brother dear,"
she scoffed, giving her lollipop a few suckles for the desired flavour at the annoying eye roll of her hair mess. Thankfully, she never really cared. Her hair was always a curled mess. By the time they were out in public, both siblings managed to make themselves look decent with a little bit of effort given to one another.

Feeling the need to give her brother a break from her shots for a couple of minutes, it was like the universe still wanted otherwise. Even it did not want her to be kind to poor Gabriel. The perfect opportunity came in the form of these two beautiful girls that Elena so bravely approached before her own tongue almost got tied. Seeing they did not run off from her radiant energy was already a win in Lena's book.
"Nice to meet you Luci, that is such a pretty name, it suits you,"
she tried to ease the female's nerves by easing her softly in the conversation along with her sister. Noticing the fidgeting she did not want to stress her out.

"Ah a Lit student, interesting. Yes! That class is just a few rooms down from where I am heading. If you want I can show you,"
she looked down at her phone.
"We better make it quick cause we are gonna be just in time. As for the dance studios, my brother can ---"

All of a sudden, the only thing she could hear was her name buzzing in the background by a familiar male voice that she thought was next to her... before she saw his face front right in front of one of them. Classy, bro. Smooooth.

If it wasn't for the embarrassment of being related to this human being, Lena would be on the floor next to him. Laughing her lungs out. She could tell that her companion was thinking the same thing as her right now.

As he recovered she crossed her arms with a firm head shake when the only thing that came out of his lips was... wow. The internal facepalm was real. Someone, please help him. If there was anything to be saved. To her surprise, the other female simply giggled at him and offered to help him up, lowering herself to his level. Okay, maybe he was not as doomed as Lena thought he was.

"What I was saying was, my klutzy goldfish of a brother can show you where the dance studios are as he is heading there himself,"
she addressed the long-haired twin. Her gaze slowly shifted to Luci once again,
"So, shall we? I assure you, your sister is in capable hands. He dances better than he falls."

With one last jab, she winked at her brother before lifting the board on her shoulders as if she was holding a weight casually as the pair started walking away from the other pair and towards their section of the department.
"That was embarrassingly cute, Gabe never fails to amaze in front of pretty girls. I'll tell you that,"
she chuckled.
"What else do you have today? Maybe I can brief you a bit so you won't have as much trouble finding your next class,"
she offered quite kindly, hoping the girl was slowly easing into her company.

"My class is just across the hall from here,"
she blabbed out as she goofily leaned backwards with the lollipop in her mouth to see if Alison was in class yet. Her seat was empty when she did not see her best friend. With a pouty grin, she leaned forward again to meet the gaze of her adorable new acquaintance.
"My friend is not here yet, so I will gladly escort you to Literature down the hall,"
she gestured stepping to the side and for the first time in a while walking towards the literature classroom. Halting four doors down where they originally came to a halt, she bowed towards the door of the classroom that beheld the many students that were already occupying the room, including the professor.
"Looks like you are right on time here, Luce. Literature arts has always been a popular subject so I wish you all the best from here,"
she gave her a two-finger salute with her freckled smile dancing playfully on her lips. Man, she was something alright.

Elena dropped her skateboard down on the floor and hopped on, before propelling herself she called out towards Luciana,
"Elena Lopez, by the way. Feel free to hit me up on the school platform anytime. Enjoy your first day."
A couple of innocent laughs resonated as Elena proceeded to roll towards art class, kicking the board up and leaving it leaning against the door on the inside before slumming into her chair and shouldering down her pack on the floor to text Alison,
'Yo homie, where you at?'

Putting the phone in her dungaree pocket, she started to prepare her canvas on the easel and took out her palette and acrylics. Boy, Lena hoped it was a freestyle lesson. She really wanted to draw that doughnut avalanche that Ally's brain cooked up...

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Selena Gomez

Who Says

This was off to a very good start. Not.

Isobel's patience was already starting to build up which usually happened when she was already feeling things hitting down south ever so quickly. Especially when she was getting defeated by a piece of paper. Her sister's laugh caused her to frustratingly laugh as well, literally shoving the map into Luci's grasp to be freed of the burden,
"Be my guest. Here. Take it,"
she huffed as she tried to have a couple of glances around.

If there was something the sisters had in common, it was the affinity and the amount of extra time they dedicated to come prepared and make sure they had everything to standard for each scenario. Having lived the way they did. It was a guaranteed must. Only this time, they could actually be students and only students. As much as she will miss mother Luci, she was glad that her sister need not impersonate a parental figure, ever since their tio Santi became their legal guardian in the absence of their birth parents. That being said, the preparedness trait was not dying any time soon.

"Pftt, hey now, anxiety is not a good look on either of us,"
she complained as she touched her temples.
"It induces wrinkles and age lines, you know. We must moisturise after today. Got to prevent that,"
she kidded, sort of, as she swung lightly with the nudge before they got bombarded by sunshine. Or so it seemed.

Knowing her sister was not the most sociable out there - Isobel took control of their introductions. Just to get Luci's engines started. Speaking of anxiety...

As the girl, introduced as Elena started to speak and address another person, her brother... the brother appeared right in front of her and in the flesh. Only he was down face front, in front of Isobel's feet. A squealed gasp escaped her plumped lips,
"Oh my god, are you okay?!"

Isobel crouched down briefly, her arms about to grab onto him to steady him but he seemed to rest on his feet easily. Hazel eyes locked with his chocolate brown ones, for the first time in a while at a loss for words but only a smile as they connected. She noticed he was stunned especially when the man in front of her seemed to have the same effect as her. Only his was audible. At his wow comment, she could not help but giggle softly as she blushed,
"You too. I never had a hombre (man) fall at my feet before."
Isobel was of course joking in a way not to let him feel embarrassed.

As Elena spoke, the pair slowly stood up, the other pair of girls clearly continued their conversation while they were busy at ground level.
"Ahh, so you are in dance too, Gabriel? Perfecto!"
she addressed the brunette male. Iso's features slowly relaxed as she found someone in the same class she could walk with. Her mind was more at ease that Luci was also covered. These two siblings were godsent. Literally.

"I will leave my fate in your hands, Gabriel... looks like so,"
she grinned with his sister's instructions. Seeing the other pair settling to head to their part of the department, she gently nudged Gabriel so they could move towards class,
"Looks like we better get going or we are going to be late too. I hope you're okay to dance now, you have some good leg strength right there."
Isobel was amazed at how well he balanced on his feet, supporting his weight on solely his toes. The couple started motioning towards the corridor the dance class was in. Following his lead like a lost lamb, Iso studied the paths they were taking.

Whilst she was walking by Gabe's side, her other side brushed gently against a woman as they passed them by the corridor, arriving near the studio first. A woman she resembled a lot. Isobel was about to turn to apologise but as she turned she noticed that the female looked rather... familiar. So was the male that accompanied her. Isobel halted briefly, her lips parting as if to call out their names but decided against it. Turning on her heels, she looked down at her feet and ran to reach up with Gabe, who stopped when he noticed she stopped. Confusion was written over her face at what she just saw, looking at the male who inquired if she was okay,
"Yeah, yeah... well, no..."
. Isobel's concerned eyes met his again with two furrowed brows as they proceeded to enter,
"I think I just saw my departed cousin with my ex-boyfriend,"
she commented under her breath.

Great. Now he was going to think she was a pretty girl who was just nuts. It was Isobel's turn to embarrass herself now, it seems.

The couple entered class with her simply looking down the corridor and with a sigh she cleared her head of the imagination and focused on the now. Now it was dance with a new friend,
"So, how does dance work here?"

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • home (filler tab)

Miley Cyrus

Butterfly Fly Away

Cassandra was in the seventh heaven when Mama caved for her puppy dog eyes. A MISFIT SLEEPOVER! YAY!

Hugging her leg from the side briefly, she couldn't help but show the excitement that she was trying to contain so that she did not draw attention to them, focusing solely on their video lesson for the day, Mathematics: Additions and Subtractions. It was no secret, that this was not a subject that Cassie was taking an interest in even though she finally managed to learn to speak and write numbers up to fifty.

Seeing her knight emerge from the classroom door together with NoNo, Cassie's light blue eyes sparkled as she resisted the urge to simply run and give him the jump hug attack he was used to receiving from the tiny redhead. However, she kept remembering her mama's stern face when she warned her there were no hug attacks in the classroom or outside of the apartment or dorm of any of her siblings. That always earned Blake a pout from her little one as hug attacks were her favourite and CeCe was her ultimate target!

Her gaze sparkled even more as he approached his younger brother who was right by her side. A dimpled and wise smile danced on her tiny lips as she heard the location of the sleepover coming out of Cesar's mouth. Closing her eyes with a scrunched nose at the hair tousel, she giggled softly,
"Eiiii, Good morning, Cece!"
. Cassie took the time to settle her fiery locks down again to look proper.

Following the trail back to where the male walked, she taunted him by making subtle kissy faces as he sat down by Noemi. Which reminded her of her hopes of catching Noemi's attention and waving a good morning to her lady-in-waiting. She loved NoNo to bits. NoNo was so brave and she was always there when Cassandra was feeling sad and like her imagination was slowly fading. Always ready to provide her with whatever she needed to never see the seven-year-old's smile fade.

Feeling a sharp side glare from Blake, she quieted down and focused on what the video was saying as she missed a couple of minutes due to this brief interaction. If there was anything that Blake did not tolerate, it was disobeying her orders. With one look, Cassie was always silent. She rarely got in trouble unlike most of the Misfits.

Cassandra could not contain herself. The sleepover was going to be at Madi and Ally's dorm! She loved them both dearly. Madi always took care of her prince and her cousin, although she did not know her much, she was cool and funny. Cassie was just scared that her aunt and uncle would find out and would take her away from Mama. Ally did not like aunt and uncle either so Cassie trusted her a bit more.

Looking towards Andres, she returned the blushing smile,
"I am so happy Mama allowed us to stay with family tonight. I miss everyone,"
she muttered in a hushed tone as she clutched onto his hand. It calmed her down a bit to know that they were there but it was just them together. She was not in front alone but they were there together. Always so present for her, the brave prince he was. She put her mind at ease briefly before she hit rewind back to the last few minutes she missed and watched in silence as she took notes with her other free hand so that they could revise them together later on.

Cassandra could feel herself a bit unwell, needing to use the bathroom. She looked out the door and gulped as she saw students walking. Cassie squeezed Andres' hand a couple of times to signal an alert before removing her headphones and slowly removing one of his. Leaning in to not disturb the class, she placed a hand to his ear and whispered into his ear,
"I need to go bathroom. Can you come with me, please?"

Leaning back into her seat, squirming a little bit, she hoped he would say yes. Cassie would die going out there in the unknown by herself.

♡coded by uxie♡
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furniture store.
subdued, anxious.
val, the twins, penelope, josefina.
santiago mosquera.
Furniture shopping...something that needed to be done, despite it being the last thing he wanted to do. He and Val both were clearly struggling, but they were adults, and it needed to be done. Almost desperate to get started so they could leave, Santiago followed Val's lead and left the car.

"You and me." he nodded, a small smile escaping him at their bumped fists.

He appreciated the fact that his oldest friend was willing to come with him. He knew that things between her and the twins were tense after last time, and while Luciana was more open to accepting Val back into their lives, he could understand Isobel's hesitance. He appreciated it, having gone through it himself the first time. But he hoped that eventually they'd all find a way to work through everything and come together as a make-shift family. They were all each other had left, the thought of losing anyone threatened to break his already fragile and bandaged heart. He couldn't bear the thought.

Santiago sighed in relief as he followed the direction of Val's finger. A less crowded section was just what he needed and bless her for finding it so fast. He didn't understand how some people found it so easy to just exist in public. He'd had thoughts of how it could be because they weren't broken and scarred, that their problems were nowhere near as grand as his own. Of course he'd felt guilty after that thought, and instead turned back to his usual self-loathing. Because he knew how weak he was. He had to be for him to have fallen so low in his life, to have continually made the wrong choice, time after time in his youth. Surely he deserved all the pain and suffering after being so stupid?

Trying not to let his eyes glaze over as his thoughts tried to take over, he followed her towards the lighting section. At the offered lamp, he tilted his head, trying to think based on what he knew the girls had done for their room so far, even though they hadn't gotten far. "Yeah..." he agreed, nodding slowly. "I think it matches Iso's style...Luci doesn't normally care as long as it's bright enough for her to work." he explained, his voice low as he struggled to get the words out. He was trying to overcome the haze, but it was...hard. Talking about the girls was helping though, so hopefully he could find his way back so they could have at least somewhat of a good day.

At Val's exclamation, he snapped out of his thoughts, eyes widening as he leaned forward to try and see if he could help. "Val?" he murmured, hands jumping to her shoulders, ready to grab her if she fell. "No, I don't hear anything," he frowned, confused. "What do you he..." he trailed off, pausing as she patted his chest to get his attention.

"What is it?" he asked, looking up so he could look around them, trying to see if he could spot something that stood out as alarming. He was about to look over his shoulder when her words hit him.

But no. It couldn't be them. That was impossible. It didn't make sense. His....his sisters were long gone. How could he....How was he seeing them...The ghosts were back, they had to be! He'd been doing so well, only for everything to come rushing back, ruining all the progress he thought he'd made....

It...it wouldn't explain how Valentina was seeing them though. "I...I don't...." he mumbled, eyes wide with shock and horror. "You...see the ghosts too...?"
coded by natasha.
student quad, dance studio.
elena, iso, luci.
gabriel lopez.
Gabe could hear his sister laughing at him, but he couldn't bring himself to care, for what was probably the first time in his life. Let her laugh because he was clearly staring at an angel who deserved his undivided attention. "Um..."

It was all he could manage, though he frowned as he heard her exclamation of worry. Surely his angel wasn't worried for him? He was fine! Better than ever! She truly didn't need to worry about someone as unimportant as him! Her voice slowly started to filter through, causing him to smile again as he seemed to tune every ounce of his attention to her. "I've never fallen at the foot of anyone as sweet as you before," he teased back, wondering where the words were coming from. He'd never been this smooth before, and hopefully he wasn't coming off as an idiot.

Clearly his admiration of the girl before her was taking over his brain. He saw the offered hand and took it, rising off of his heels, a warmth having settled on his face as he rights himself and tunes back into the conversation. Something about...dance? Oh!

Gabe grinned as he realized what was happening. "Oh, yeah!" he jumps in happily. "I can show you no problem! Music theater nerd, so I'm there a lot." he admitted easily. "Thanks! Lots of practice." he laughed. "But you're right, we should probably get going."

Sending a look at Elena and rolling his eyes at her quick remark before they separated, he exhaled, trying to psych himself up for what was to come. He couldn't let himself blow this. A pretty girl and she seemed to think he was funny instead of annoying, and that was something truly amazing in his eyes. He did not want to say something stupid and make her hate him.

With a wave of his arm in the direction they needed to head, Gabe grinned and began to lead the way, walking beside her happily. They weren't far from the studio thankfully, so they were almost near the studio when they bumped into another student. He glanced at Iso to make sure she was okay only to see her upset expression. "Everything okay?" he asked, and when she answered, it was definitely not what he could have expected.

"Maybe you're tired? Nerves making you mistake things?" he offered hesitantly. He didn't think she was crazy, he didn't know what happened with her family, and he definitely wasn't going to pry, so he tried to offer up suggestions to help her calm herself. He wasn't sure if it worked, but she seemed to not want to focus on it, so he was more than willing to follow along with her change of topic.

"Oh! Yeah, so I'm not sure if you've had a dance class at university before, but it's pretty chill here." he began, off like a shot at the topic of dance class. "Not to say that it's not challenging, but a lot of how you do depends on how you focus. Also if we're working in partners or on our own." he rambled.
coded by natasha.
student quad, lit department.
amused, little nervous.
iso, elena, gabe.
luciana mosquera.
Sending a quick look at her sister, Luci couldn't help but roll her eyes fondly at her knowledge of beauty routines and such. She was so used to her sister telling her what products to use and what would work best with her, that she just took her word and did as she said. It was something easy to follow, thankfully, and it made her sister happy, so she didn't mind. She was just glad that her sister was passionate about everything.

She couldn't help but laugh as Elena broke down at her brother's display, finding the way they interacted to be refreshing. Clearly they were close if the way Elena made fun of her brother was an indication. It was nice to see another set of siblings get along in such an open way. "I certainly hope she is, I'm quite fond of her after all these years." she teased softly.

At the question, Luci was more than happy to adjust the books she was holding so she could offer up her schedule. "I'd appreciate any help offered," she offered with a hesitant smile. She nodded as Elena pointed out her class before starting further down the hall to find her own. "Thanks for this." she added when they stopped in front of another door, this one being her own class. "We...I really appreciate it." she admitted with a small laugh.

Watching as Elena dropped her skateboard and hopped on, she couldn't help but feel her nerves melt away. How could she be nervous with such a bright and positive person in front of her? She laughed as the other girl started to skate away, calling out to her.

"Maybe I will!" she called back, shaking her head before turning and entering the class and taking the first empty seat she found along the wall. She was maybe halfway down the length of chairs when she found one without any books on it, and quickly slid into the chair, glad to be setting her books down. Maybe...maybe everything was going to be just fine after all.
coded by natasha.
dance studio.
ready to go.
oliver matthews.
Oliver shook his head, a quiet laugh escaping him. "Don't worry about me," he laughed. "Spend time with your family, me and Chess will be fine with takeout for the night. Well, I will, she'll get her fancy cat food like always." he grinned.

He'd miss her quiet presence in their dorm, but he'd survive if she wasn't there. It wasn't that long ago that he'd constantly been left to fend for himself, so feeding himself? Not that big of a problem for him. He knew though, that Dani liked to feel useful, and as much as he didn't want her to think that he she needed to do something for him, he could admit that it was nice to be taken care of by someone who chose and wanted to over someone who was hired to.

It was...nice that he was learning the difference between the two versions.

"We'll be fine, I promise." he added, catching sight of the nervous look on her face. Leaning over so he could gently bump her shoulder with his, he smiled down at her, hoping he could help her relax. There was movement from the corner of his eye, and he tried to turn so they didn't bump into each other, but there was only so much he could do in the small hallway. Holding his hand up, in gesture of an apology, he didn't turn to look back.

A moment later a vaguely familiar voice reached his ears, though he couldn't tell who it was. They'd gained distance from any nearby students, so the voice was hard to hear, but it was bothering him that he couldn't make it out. Oliver meant to turn to try and see if he could find whoever was speaking, but his attention was stolen just as fast, and all thoughts about some random voice flew from his head.

"It's no trouble at all." he promised, letting his companion's bag fall from his arm, so she could take it and attend class of her own. His smile softened as Dani took his hand, reiterating her thanks. "Like I said," he paused, bringing her hand up to his face, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the back of her palm. "No trouble at all." he winked, gently lowering their hands before letting go. Hiking his own bag up on his shoulder, he gave a two-finger salute in farewell, and turned on his heel, heading to his own class.
coded by natasha.
the flirt
leaving cesar's class, and heading towards dani's.
noemi saez.
"Cutie if I tell you, it's just no fun for me. I gotta keep some secrets hm?" Noemi said with a smile as she looked at Cesar. Oh how she was madly in love with him, and it was obvious for everyone around but the boy in question. Even Dani had to apologized for her brother's cluelessness, not that Noemi even accepted it. She loved him with all his flaws and with everything in her soul. She knew the moment she met the siblings that one night, they were going to change her life and that they did and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Her life was better with the Mosqueras in it.

"Siblings sleepover tonight? Can I come as well or is it just family bonding time?" Noemi asked softly. She didn't want to overstep her boundaries. Ever since Andres and Madicella had come back into their lives, she has been distancing herself from the siblings. It was for the best, they needed to get to know their family again and Noemi had no place in that. She didn't, of course, make it obvious. Cesar would have worried himself silly if she suddenly acted like she couldn't stand to be near him. Plus she was only doing this so they can focus on keeping their remaining family together, and that was more important. "I know Princess, was looking pretty sad when I left to head back to my dorm. She probably just missed us, normally we are just a room or so down from her but now...we are across campus. "

"It's going to take some time for her to adjust for sure."

As they walked, their hands swung back and forth as she rubs her thumb on his hand. Noemi needed this, time with her favorite man in the world. The one that holds her heart without a care in the world. The one who she only called cutie. Seriously, this boy was dense. Does she has to spell it out for him in the sky. She wanted him, she wanted him in every possible word imaginable. Noemi was so in love with him, that sometimes it hurts to watch him look at her in the way that she knows means more but have him just call her his best friend. It was painful watching him ignore her feelings even if he had no clue that she even had them. He's her best friend, but she wanted so much more.

So much more.

"Count on me darlin', I'll swing by her class after leaving here to check on her. Don't worry baby, she's ok. She texted me back and everything. I know you get worried but she can handle herself yea? Just focus on getting smart and I'll check on our girl." It didn't take them long to get to Blake's classroom. As Cesar went to go check on the kiddos, she walked up to her mama. "Hi Mama B, I'mma go check on Dani and I'll be at Dani's dorm after that ok? Love you Mama, don't worry I'll stay out of trouble...maybe" She smirked as her adoptive mother rolled her eyes as she walked to the kids.

"Hi my darling prince and princess." She bows to them as she kisses the top of the their head. "Now you two watch out for each other like always. And Cassie...give big brother a little trouble for me." Noemi winks at her as she moves to her cutie's desk where he was waiting for her.

"Thank you baby for this. Much appeciated." She told him as she smiled at him before giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek softly. "I will, trust me, she will love me." Noemi said with a wink before leaving but before she did, she wouldn't leave without giving Cesar a proper goodbye

"Baby! Have a good class, and I'll be waiting for you at your dorm darlin'!" She shouts slightly with smirk before leaving. That should keep the girls away for a moment.

Noemi had to claim her man right?

coded by natasha.

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