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Fantasy Duimmer City Nights [OOC]



Cuddly enby auntcle
This is the out of character thread for Duimmer City Nights.

For questions about the roleplay or lore, please post your questions here.
eh iv seen worse. once a player gave me 9 pages of A4 format filled with just the background/backstory....
for a oneshot, and it was written in the font 8... that was a pain to read.
yep, but my revenge was sweeter, since the backstory for my character for his campaign ended up being essentially "What if a D-Class personnel from SCP foundation somehow survived every single of his tests while being constantly given amnestics until he goes a little insane, end decided to pretty much do a site scale break of every scp in the site, when he ends up dying in the process only to wake up on some random beach in another world."
and let me just say reflavoring everything that character could do as him borrowing abilities from SCP's was the nail in the coffin for him.
Everyone at the table loved the character [except the dm]
will make a post on friday. since i will be off grid the whole of tomorrow and this evening

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