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Dragon's Legacy: Community builder where your a Dragon.

Overlord Chou

Junior Member

1: Be Civil

2: Have fun

3: If Player vs Player occurs, GM referees with dice rolls.

4: No worries of that in NPC fights.

5: The map will be detailed prescriptions.

6: Your Dragon can evolve/buff up/ gain things with time, rewards for game play and just doing enough stuff.

7: No copying your fellow Dragon Lords minions.

Plot: Dragonkind is being wiped out in the Old war with new weapons and magics. So you ( 9 pcs) have the genius plan of ditching that stuff and go to find new found land. Using treasure to pay for loyal armies and such.

Now, you reached the shores of a new land. Make something out of it and maybe, dragons will rise again.

Sections: Below are point picks to making your dragon with points provided in the roll. All Dragon point stuff is 120 to spend.

Please note color does nothing, just an addition of choice. Breath weapon, power and etc up to the player.

Physical: Dragon’s body stuff.

Strength: How physically strong your dragon is. 5-30. At 30, can destroy mountain ranges with strength alone and toss castles.

Speed: Not flight speed, but speed in regards to using limbs, tail, head, and biting. Maybe swimming, running, and digging but yes, mostly combat to lay hits and dodge. 5-30. At 30 can leave after images in speed.

Toughness: how hard it takes dragon to get hurt. 5-30. At 30, takes serious major siege weapons to stand a chance.

Size: How big your dragon is. 5- horse. 10- dinosaur. 15- bigger dinosaurs. -20, a whale. 25, a modest kaiju. At 30? Godzilla. Yes, Godzilla sized. Enhances all stats including hp. Though need to eat a lot to get around, prey, plant, sacrifices, or energy if picked that.

Intelligence: Figuring out riddles, languages, skills, and so forth.

5-20. Each five levels that much smarter. At 20 can master mind insane plots that likely work.

Stamina: How much energy/health/fight off disease.

5-20. More the better.

Flight: Wings of any type, otherwise go to Ether. If not using flight you actually gain 20 points to point pool or could buy a Boon with it for a extra boon point (Instead of max 3, its now 4.)

5: Slow flight.

10: Better flight.

15: Can now go so fast leaves a boom.

20: Such super speed flight can cross oceans in less than a hour and half a day can go around the world.

Breath: Breath weapon if pick one.

1: Heat: 15. Launch a invisible wave of raw heat that can burn, or even boil water of huge amounts.

2: Fire: 20. Make a breath blast/cone or line of fire. To engulf targets in flames.

3: Fire Balls: 20. Launch (Die roll) of massive burning energy spheres that explode.

4: Poison Mist: 15 make a cloud of deadly gas that poisons.

5: Acid: 20 launch a liquid burst of acid that melts stuff down. Can burn things too.

6: Ice: 20 Instead of heat, now cold that can freeze people to death or water turns to ice.

7: Lightning: 25 Fire off lightning bolts from mouth to fry/shock/explode things. Can catch things on fire too.

8: Force: 30 Massive spiraling energy of death that plows through darn near everything. So much power have to cool down for 1-3 turns. It is all damage and it does just that.

9: Sonic Cleaver: 25 roar, condensing the energy into a tiny thin line of energy. Cuts right through things.

10: Radiation: 30 Powerful green or blue blast. Burns and grants sickness. Anyone killed by blast either reduced to dust or burning toxic sludge.

11: Plasma: 30 Super hot blast of heat akin to a Sun that burns the holy hell out of targets.

12: Gravity: 30 Crushing or pushing targets away for messy results.

13: Roar: 5 Roar. May cause knock back, knock down and fear. Can pick another breath weapon if picked this. (Only multiple heads can cast multiple blasts not counting roar.) Oh and it boosts allies too.

14: Energy: 25 Blank white energy, hurts everything equally.

15: Negative Energy: 25 Negative purple energy that saps the strength out of living targets.

16: Blast Breath: 25 Invisible brute force blast that can smash down mountains or reduce human armies to red mist and paste.

17: Radiant Breath: 20 A brilliant Light that blinds and burns and slams targets.

18: Light Arrows: 15 Homing projectiles of light that stab and explode afterwards.

19: Arcane Breath: 30 Magic breath, random effects on what happens to whom when hit.

20: Flare Breath: 30 Biggest blast breath. Causes nuke level explosions without radiation.

21: Disease Spit: 10 like acid but only living tissue or contaminate inanimate. Super diseases!

22: Positive Energy: 25 A energy blast that heals allies, and can damage only undead.

23: Solar Blast: 20 A energy blast powered by solar energy reserves, in day light with ton of Sun, can use this a lot. At night or cloudy days more limited and weaker.

24: Stellar Energy: 30. This baby pitches out the power range of a small star in a condensed area, talk about scorched earth. And Sun Light and Star Light help empower it.

25: Molten Matter: 20. Vomit forth a short range Molten Matter Strike, Burma Like lava/napalm.

26: Prism Laser Of Death: 25. Taste the rainbow. It hurts and is immune to energy barriers and does not count as magic.

26: Vortex to suck up prey as lunch. 5. Can use roar, this and another. Noted to be used on smaller life forms based on size of dragon. Eating targets for go

27: Psionic burst: 15. Need psionics, raw mental energy channeled forth. Hurts minds and bodies. Can spam blast, but not that damaging.

28: Energized shrapnel: 20. Your dragon is a magic shotgun as breath Weapon is glowing sharp manner to shred/Kill thingsz

29: Ticked off Souls: 25. Causes fear, souls ignore defense and leech life. Can pick projectile path.

30: Gas that destroys organic materials: 30. Hurts organically at contact and very lethal if breathed in.

31: Elemental Energy: 30. Can power it up by tapping into planet sphere. Also can pick flavor of damage.

32: Blade Beam: 25. A cousin of Sonic Cutter. A vibration roar that manifests akin to a sword and dragon can arc/move the blast akin to swinging a sword. If sword blade is breath and holy being the mouth. So while Sonic Cuttr needles through things in a line, this sweeps and cleaves.

33: Shadow: 25. Causes blindness to army in question, also ignores defense.

34: Hunger: 15. This counts as breath because mouth and magic/soul is used. Your dragon BITES into fellow gigantic critter and it destroys toughness score over time with bites and one gains life vampire still. If done to open air, dragon tears into space time to rip out “food.” Because this dragon has a hunger streak ( instead of just gaining hp in feeding on matter, but Mp too.) Same deal as Roar/vacuum.

35: Swarm Breath: 25. This launches a shower of fire balls, homing fire balls to lock onto and burn as many targets or bomb one target as many things as possible.

36: Mutating Wave: 30. Creatures equal to size or greater are immune. Also inorganic and magical immune too. What does it do? It strikes the genetics of the target and breaks them down to be failing lumps of flesh/cancer growths to die horribly in on the spot.

37: Transmutation Breath: 20. A ray of energy force, that can be resist with strong will and luck. If fail though? Changed. TO whatever inorganic material the user thinks of.

38: Dimensional Blast: 30. Using mouth as a conduct, channels intense energy to make a portal, from said portal a beam of raw, chaotic dimensional energy that distorts everything for hideous damage.

39: Notes of Destruction: 30. A roar or song, if one is hit by it, their very atoms/mass is damaged, can reduce lesser beings to dust, crack strong armor, and cause the mighty to bleed.

40: Roar of Time: 30. A wide range, limited field attack. It ages the target instantly. To point of dust or so old and weak they lose stats depending on target. (Even dragons start getting weak at certain ages. The 20K and above crowd.)

Perks: Pick 6 power ups from below. These boons add bonus tricks for your dragon.

1: Empower Ally Magic: In your dragon’s presence. Ally magic users have more potent magic effects.

2: illusions: Can cast illusions to trick and deceive.

3: Beast Control: Command vermin and wild animals.

4: Weather Control: Able to change the weather on a whim.

5: Regeneration: Dragon constantly repairing damage that is done, can regrow even if just one body part is intact.

6: Arcane Powers: This dragon is a regular magic user too. Depends on GM to what used and system. Once a day casting or magic points to spend out.

7: Mutagenetic Presence: Being around dragon can mutate other life forms to be more dragon like.

8: Ether Flight: No longer need wings to fly, soar on energy waves akin to Super Man.

9: Teleporting: Disappear and reappear within eye sight distance.

10: Energy Field: Have a barrier/force field to turn on. Endures to a point before breaking, can turn a new one on. Takes time though.

11: Dream Collector: In sleep can copy magic spells of other races. Up to three. (GM offers list.)

12: Spell Immunity: With this, attacks with magic do not hurt dragon.

13: Create Life: From your life force, can conjure new life forms on the spot.

14: Telepathy: Can speak with one’s mind, read minds, and even attack minds and take them over.

15: Protective Prophecy: The only way to die is by prophecy. GM rolls 1-12. Each number represents a different fate. GM drops hint to what could do it. But has to be vague.

16: Female: your female. You can magically lay eggs without need of a male. So can insure future generations of them.

17: Shape Shifter: Your dragon can go as small as a flea, and up to size with original form or greater. (Nothing bigger than class 5 size, despite shape.)

18: Rite of the Restless: Basically, your dragon is a necromancer.

19: Extra Cash: Start off with far more cash than most dragons dream off.

20: Imperial Bane: Have a habit of toppling kingdoms and empire. Better rolls in military action against organized beings.

21: Proud Parent: Roll 1-3 die. The single roll, number? How many pure breed dragon offspring you have.

22: Pact: Made a deal with a being not of this Earth, call favor on occasion, but do need to return in favors.

23: Ancient: Old, like over a thousand years old. Positive modifiers due to life experience.

24: Multiple Heads: Roll 1 die 6 sides. Add said rolled number for extra heads. Biting attacks, speaking, or multiple breath attacks (Different ones pre head or all same type.)

25: Weapon Stock Hold: Invested your horde to having many weapons for your soldier minions for use.

26: Magical Item(s): Roll 1/3. Number is how many magic trinkets you have. Decide with GM/ST your ideas.

27: Knowledge of Tongues: Can speak in all languages.

28: Eater of Energy: Sun Light, fire, exposure to intense heat, lightning bolts, magic attacks, and sound/radiation/energy. Picking this boon means no longer need to eat food (You can though.) But instead can feed off three of what is listed here. Also can use said energy absorb to empower spells, stats, and breath attack.

29: Invisibility: Turn invisible so sneak around or harder to hit.

30: Psionics: Mind overattsr Powers That do not depend on magic points.

31: Ablative Armored Hide: Have extra layers of armor that needs to be shed before soft flesh is ready to be struck. Takes a few turns to restock it.

32: Mana Node Knowledge: Know how to detect nodes, points on which universal Mana is pumped into this world. Channel it to master it and build up stock powers.

33: Natural Weaponry: Start with it, this makes it more lethal.

34: Nature Powers: Able to tap into energy of the World/Nature directly. Note that opposing it will turn the land to waste land if exploited too much.

35: Propulsion: Have mystery organ(s) That when declared boosts speed via like jet engine for travel or devasting body slams.

36: Biological cannons: Can once every three combat turns. Reveal some strange organs that deliver deadly rays of light, pressure cannons, or spheres of destructive light.

37: Digger: Bonus to claw damage, extra defense and be the bane of underground kingdoms. Dig as travel and do it fast to reach resources or stuff.

38: Amphibious: Can breathe water and air.

39: Clones: Can make Clone army based off yourself. They are weaker and such though.

40: Self Resurrection: Can be some three times but got to prep for it If one is slain, but to prep is to channel magic and not abuse it/breath attack at moment of demise.

41: Creation: Can make inorganic material from thin air.

42: Dragon Heart: Like Self resurrection. Your soul is in a rock, as long rock is safe will keep going back to life. If destroyed though one dies, for good on spot alive or not in moment.

Minions: Pick three. Can give them whatever “race” you want. Just these are stereotypes they will be. Each race can have one perk. If want two perks, must pick a flaw.

Magic Scholar/Masters: Masters of magic. For mage/wizard race deal.
Elemental magic zealots: Magic capable warrior race.

Great Warriors: Can kick butt without magic.

Hard Workers: Work very hard, get great works done.

Sea Faring Folk: Handy with water/naval aspects.

Natural Explorers: Better die results/modifiers for adventuring.

Amazing Inventors: These people know how to invent stuff! Roll, can get successful roll, cool stuff.

Supernaturally gifted: Excellent in all skills.

Faithful: Loyal to the end and have faith in your leadership.

Rich: These minions are already rich.

Amphibious: Can live in water or land.

Rock Dwellers: Can dig deep, for more minerals or living room.

Can fly: These minions can fly! Great for scouting.

Flaws list for greedy double perk picks.

Weak Willed: A tad easy to trick, mind control, and lie to.
Pampered: Not used to harsh work/treatment/ combat. Makes them less likely to survive without help.
Hated: These beings have a bad reputation.
Vain: Think they are hot stuff, in reality makes them easier targets.

Cowardly: Faint of heart, they go have to pass will test or flee.

Self-Serving: Out for their group. Or group having own works as well. Shifty buggers.

Lazy: They rather not do anything and hate having to do.

Blood Thirsty: Eager to fight, maybe too willing to get in a fight.

Known Dragon Enemy: The ones you hired for this job have had a history of slaying dragons.

After 9 Dragon sign ups, the adventure begins in IC.

Name: Lothair
Age: ~5,800
Color: Blueish White
Back story:

Physical: Dragon’s body stuff.
Strength: 10
Speed: 10
Toughness: 10

Size: 15
Intelligence: 15
Stamina: 10
Flight: 15

Breath: Breath weapon if pick one.
13: Roar: 5 Roar. May cause knock back, knock down and fear. Can pick another breath weapon if picked this. (Only multiple heads can cast multiple blasts not counting roar.) Oh and it boosts allies too.
24: Stellar Energy: 30. This baby pitches out the power range of a small star in a condensed area, talk about scorched earth. And Sun Light and Star Light help empower it.

Below are Dragon powers to make your dragon stand out. For sake of fun can have 7. You are a big, bad ass dragon and need all the help you can get. (Considering your going to a new land full of new monsters, and the Dragon Slaying Empire may follow you to new world.)

5: Regeneration: Dragon constantly repairing damage that is done, can regrow even if just one body part is intact.
6: Arcane Powers: This dragon is a regular magic user too. Depends on GM to what used and system. Once a day casting or magic points to spend out.
14: Telepathy: Can speak with one’s mind, read minds, and even attack minds and take them over.
15: Protective Prophecy: The only way to die is by prophecy. GM rolls 1-12. Each number represents a different fate. GM drops hint to what could do it. But has to be vague.
21: Proud Parent: Roll 1-3 die. The single roll, number? How many pure breed dragon offspring you have.
23: Ancient: Old, like over a thousand years old. Positive modifiers due to life experience.
28: Eater of Energy: Sun Light, fire, exposure to intense heat, lightning bolts, magic attacks, and sound/radiation/energy. Picking this boon means no longer need to eat food (You can though.) But instead can feed off of three of what is listed here. Also can use said energy absorb to empower spells, stats, and breath attack.


-Magic Masters
-Amazing Inventors

-Great Warriors
-Blood Thirsty

-Hard Workers
-Supernaturally Gifted
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Name: Unnamed, is satisfied being called Leviathan.
Age: 567
Color: Grey
Physical: Lung Dragon

Back story:

Strength: 10
Speed: 15
Toughness: 15
Size: 20 (Long)
Intelligence: 20
Stamina: 10
Flight: 0 (No wings)

Breath:Elemental Energy: 30. Can power it up by tapping into planet sphere. Also can pick flavor of damage.


Below are Dragon powers to make your dragon stand out. For sake of fun can have 7. You are a big, bad ass dragon and need all the help you can get. (Considering your going to a new land full of new monsters, and the Dragon Slaying Empire may follow you to new world.)

4: Weather Control: Able to change the weather on a whim.

5: Regeneration: Dragon constantly repairing damage that is done, can regrow even if just one body part is intact.

8: Ether Flight: No longer need wings to fly, soar on energy waves akin to Super Man.

35: Propulsion: Have mystery organ(s) That when declared boosts speed via like jet engine for travel or devasting body slams.

34: Nature Powers: Able to tap into energy of the World/Nature directly. Note that opposing it will turn the land to waste land if exploited too much.

38: Amphibious: Can breath water and air.


Islanders(Humans):Seafaring, Faithful, cowardly.

Saurians: hard workers, rock dwellers. Hated

Mer-folk: Amphibious, supernaturally skilled. Hated.
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: Another mark down.: 7.

If you pick Female, due to Dragon magic can lay eggs, said offspring will be all female though ( Got that Boon idea, because some lizard species do that in real life.)
Hmm, that would make females pretty OP. Just plop em in a cave and have em putz out eggs constantly. Have each one do the same.

Blam. Zerg rush the enemy.

I think I'll go with male, for the sake of making the challenge of finding a proper mate.

It is enticing though. If female is chosen, would there be a point in finding a Male counterpart?
Oh it is 120. : Going to look over numbers again.:

As for female being Op: Oh sure, dragons can keep existing. The issue there though is if generations keep it going, they lose the benefit of being true dragons and become weird plan amphibious reptiles with no culture or magical properties.

Every boon has a angle.
It is 120. But I thought it said gain an extra 20 points if your char doesn't have wings.

Though, not sure if that stat applies to the ether flight boon.
Clearing it Up:

Having dump stat of flight does not grant extra points. Your just not spending them there which frees up other purchases.

Truth is the other stats ( except breath if trying to just be s Dinosaur Thing) has to be bought.

Strength and size and so forth.
Switched protective prophecy to nature powers. Felt it was fitting given his breath power.
Well a huge update for this and all my games: I am going to be doing some serious traveling in the upcoming weeks so may not get much time in works.

If no one else signs up, I sign myself up and we play. And if we get npced or PvP killed can keep playing as long the map has room. And if Newbie dragons show up, will place them accordingly.
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It was the beginning of the end. For dragon kind. Despite being on the apex of the food chain since Creation. The Empire was winning.

They took remains from slain dragons and made weapons, dragon bane weapons. As they died the smart ones headed west, as others dig deep within the Earth. This is the story.

The story of How dragon kind is trying to survive.


As the sky clears, your scales shine like stars in the dawn sky, with your son and daughter as the fleet below slowed down, up ahead was dry land with apartment ruins. Ruins of whom or what is the true question.

Off to a good start as the boats made land fall and your family of three still in the Heavens. What are you to do?


The water was dark and murky, due to dragon senses navigating it with ease. Long and powerful body going around a maze of rocks. As the sailors above cursed and sweared as lots of close calls with rocks and mists, until o e of your main vessels hits a rock. Now being delayed due to this crisis. As you peak your head out of the waves and using the serpentine body to free the ship and wear it on your back as land hoy.

For you guys it was creepy, some skeletons, wicked rocks, dark jungle and in the bay region below waves were large animal bones. What kind of animal? Nothing you have seen before.

( Place holder will do more.)
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As for the great serpentine dragon Ayreis. It was along the middle of the east coast. As your forces head for shore, there are two things to note.

There are buildings with lights along shore as it is Night. Also with your keen dragon senses, detect something of impressive scale, just not scent of a dragon though.

( sorry for late delays everyone. Real life has been kept clinging my ass. And well still doing this hobby of mine. Hope it continues, because this rpg is supposed to be like Godzilla, just more magic and community building.
Oh hell
Yeah man. Still openings for dragons.

As for response ( I hope others respond to keep their plots going.)

As the Lung dragon morphed into a elf. The others noted him as one among them spoke.

“ Master, Your amongst us, I guess it be best to not scare the natives aye? Or maybe dragons are common here.”

Another replied. “ One does not know the creatures of this land, but we will son enough. Should we use fire works to announce ourselves? Or just stroll to their shore?”

As the other two fleets still doing their thing.

As for the presence, a notable magic user felt it. “ Wevescaping dragon skates and we are going into a Dragons domain. Well, at least this is not boring.”
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