Science Does your dog paw at your door, or bark if they want to be let in?

What does your dog do?

  • Bark

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Paw at the door

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 10 24.4%

  • Total voters
My old dog used to press her nose against the door when she wanted in. She would leave nose prints all over the glass.
My dog threw up on my brother's bed 3 times in a row. He also digs in the trash can when everyone is gone. I hid in the bathroom once, walked out, and caught him in the act. Guess what he does when he needs to go to the bathroom?
Well, it depends how quick you are. First, she’ll paw. If you don’t answer, she’ll whine, and then after about 2 1/2 minutes, she’ll start barking.
Well, it depends how quick you are. First, she’ll paw. If you don’t answer, she’ll whine, and then after about 2 1/2 minutes, she’ll start barking.
He literally does like none of that. He doesn't bark, he just kinda runs around you, which could mean multiple things.
Mine gets on her hind legs, stares at me through my window, then goes paw at the door. Kind of freaky.
Mine barks, claws and finally throws herself against the dog while sliding onto a resting positions that says “I ain’t leaving until you let me and give me some leftovers”
Door Slightly Ajar: politely paws her way in/out
Closed Door: mills around and loudly sniffs under the frame, then lays there until she detects someone coming to open it - and then begins pawing
Wants Out of My Room: hovers close by as distractingly as possible until I get up
Out to Potty: jumps at the door leading outside
I have a german shepdard mix. So she is always on alert and keeping tabs on every single noise in the house up to the mail box. It got to the point that she was constantly getting up from my bed/room and wanting out that I've perma had to keep my door partially open so she can come and go as she deems necessary lol.
Now, I have four dogs. My dad has one, and my mom has three.

My dad's dog, Rocko, usually just stands on the porch. I was going to say his breed, but I really don't know what it is at all.

My mom has one Belgian Malinois named Kevin and two Blue-Nosed Pitties named Peter and Polly (which I love them both soooososo much). Kevin is the only one we let out without a leash or anything because he's super good with not straying too far from our house, so we take him out for a pee/poo/whatever and call him in.

Pete, however, just absolutely screams when he wants to be let in, no joke. He's a weirdo. We take turns and put him and his sister Polly individually on one of those leashes that you can just tightly tie onto one of those pet stakes, so we can leave them out for a good five-ish minutes. They don't really want to come in on sunnier days so we keep them out a bit longer during those. Back to Pete, he usually barks super loud, but it's just so high-pitched it sounds like screaming. Other days he'll just sit and stare through our window until we notice. Polly is pretty quiet and doesn't ever want to come inside. I'll try and get her inside but she's too busy sniffing for chipmunks. Though as of lately, a good chunk of deer have been passing by due to the fact winter is just around the corner.
If she wants in my room she very politely paws at it, once every few seconds. If she's outside, she'll bark to make sure we hear
I got a big pup and if we leave the door unlock he will jump on the door and slam it open 😂😂

Usually it’s not to even come in, he just stares in the door way at us because we had the audacity to close it—then he will walk away and go back to laying outside 😂😂

It’s quite funny until it’s like super cold out
Not a dog but train your animals! (A picture of my scratched up door was supposed to show up idk what happened)
My dog has since become a Both, I gotta change it from Paw door
my pitbull just stares at me and might point with his ears, but if i’m not moving fast enough then he might vocalize a bit. a little “rrroooo” growl. my shepherd will jump at the door or grab his leash, and his son will just piss on the floor.

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