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Realistic or Modern ✴ | déjà vu



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stardust galaxy x weldherwings combining braincells again.

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déjà vu

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have we met before?

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© weldherwings.

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fate takes no notice or consideration for your plans.

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chapter one.

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fate on tracks.

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© weldherwings.

My exhausted footsteps remain alone. Lost with nowhere to go. Like the sunset in the sky. Call me. Awaken me. Yeah, you make me back

bailey seo (서범)

Swallow, convulsive pants escaped past his quivering, bleeding lips. With each passing jagged breath, he could feel his lungs thicken. The sense of dread enveloped his every being. He was safe – for now. Curled up in a ball, his hands upon the top of his head as he tucked into the corner of his bedroom. Small as a mouse. Stay as small as a mouse his thoughts began to flood through. In doing so, he felt like there was a weight on his chest, crumbling and cracking his ribcage as his lungs struggled to inflate and deflate with each gasp. Compulsive tears formed in the ducts of his eyes, slowly flowing down his blemished purple tone cheekbone. He was meant to be safe – for now.

But he didn’t believe it.

Because he knew that come tomorrow, they’d just come back again. They’d kick the wooden frame of the door down and pin him against the wall. They’ll threaten him with knives and guns and claim that he stole their money. Their money. It wasn’t his fault that the supply he had delivered to them was stolen within minutes of the transaction. Once those packages left his hands, they were out of his hair and out of his mind. It wasn’t his fault that man he had handed it over to had been whacked in the head with a hammer when he was younger, resulting in only five brain cells to rub against each other. If there was anyone that they needed to blame, it would be themselves for thinking that they could hire a junkie like that with the process of the delivery. Never get high on your own supplies was the motto, was it not?

You can’t stay here.

The voice was right. It continued to echo throughout every fibre of his being. The sense of dread was only growing worse; so much so that it led him out of the corner of his bedroom and down the hallway into the bathroom. Leant over the toilet seat, every sense of nerves, dread and guilt came flowing from his mouth, splattering against the porcelain of the toilet bowl. No matter how much of it came up though, his body still withered in fright. You can’t stay here. Resting up against the bathroom wall, feeling his chest heave up and down, and staring off into oblivion, he knew that voice was right. You can’t stay here. They’ll come back. They’ll take everything valuable. They’ll burn this place down. They’ll leave you begging, pleading as you watch every memory of you and your brother crumble before you. And finally, they’ll kill you.

You can’t stay here.

He was in a panic. All the red flags were flying in front of him, and the alarms were deafening his ears. He had to pack up. He had to decide what was worth keeping and what he could finally let go of. After he cleaned himself up and examined his bruised cheek, he was finally ready for his progress. He cracked open every picture frame on the wall and took the polaroids and films to place safely into a document wallet, continuing his passport and a variety of other documents. He downloaded every single item that was on his main computer onto a hard drive before bringing it out the back and destroying it himself. He filled a backpack with the essentials that would help him get by for the next few days – a toothbrush, chargers, a laptop, and plainclothes that would get him by. Finally, he took out his suitcase and began to stash it with all the money that he had earned. This was his money. Not those dim-witted thugs.

The house was still full of furniture, clothing, items, and memories. But as he left the front door, the taxi driver already shouting at him to hurry up, he took one last look back on the past that he and his brother had created from scratch. He knew that it was time to finally let go. He would have to find a way to explain to his Hyung how all of this even came about. But that was for another day. For now, he needed to make sure he was safe. Because he was safe – for now.

Into the taxi cab – not without the driver complaining about the size of his suitcase – he had finally settled on where he could go. Somewhere where he had always wanted to go to - Busan. His parents had always mentioned one day living by the beach. Maybe he could find a way for that to be possible. The train station was nearby; maybe there was a train that could lead him straight there? When they had finally arrived, he wondered the station with his head held high, dragging his suitcase behind him and his backpack on his back. His eyes trailed and glistened as the screens illuminated the possible destinations. And there he saw it: hope.

Busan – Leaving in 10 mins.

The way his heart screamed with energy was unfathomable. Only over an hour ago was he curled up in a ball, praying and crying to himself. Now, here he was, racing through the train station with the largest grin on his face and with travelling to Busan igniting his soul. He was able to secure a seat thankfully, considering most of the spots on the train were full. It was all quite a blur, filled with adrenalin and a glimpse of a future of happiness. Before he knew it, he was pushing his suitcase and backpack in the order head carry before sitting down by the window seat. It felt like he was sitting on a chair completely made of water. He could’ve soaked into the chair at that moment with such tranquillity. He slid his eyes closed followed by a deep exhale as he allowed himself to be enveloped in the comfort of the chair. This was it. Everything was going to be okay. They were going to Busan, and he wouldn’t have to see those thugs ever again. He was going to be safe.

Well… for now.

mood | I'm finally safe...

location | On the train to Busan. Please no zombies.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

My exhausted footsteps remain alone. Lost with nowhere to go. Like the sunset in the sky. Call me. Awaken me. Yeah, you make me back

moon soo-ah (문수아)

Being at the top always brought consequences no matter what, the constant pressure of everyone around you to not fail and the ones that desired the most to see you break down under the pressure. And that was what Soo-Ah experienced at that moment; her head full of insecurities after her failure. It wasn’t the end of the world, but it felt that way. She could just move on from that competition and look forward to the next one and set her mind to stand up again in the first place on the podium.

But it wasn’t as easy even if she tried to. The memories of that day still felt as if they were from yesterday. Maybe she should have known that something was wrong; when her grip didn’t feel as firm as always or how she didn’t notice the slight wobble in her standing position; rookie mistakes that Soo-Ah knew she couldn’t let herself do. But perhaps it was messing up more with her was that gasp that everyone in the audience left out when her bullet hit the ring with the number three, taking away her chances of even standing up in the podium getting to the fourth place. There was always a first for everything. But that first felt like the end for Soo-Ah, whose everyone set their hopes and dreams on her. How could she even look them in the eye now?

She needed an escape and maybe that’s why she accepted without thinking when her friends proposed this trip to Busan; the girl that always wanted to have everything planned and under control was finally letting go of a desire to get away from her everyday life and the surrounding people that would constantly remind her of her failure, even if it was just in her head.

But it was her decision to go and now she couldn’t go back, not even when she was already regretting coming when they barely made it to the train despite having already the tickets and knowing at what time they were supposed to be; with a train almost full of passengers that were going to the same destiny. As quickly as they could, Soo-Ah and her friends set their suitcases in the head carry and took their seats, taking notice of a guy already there. It seemed he was traveling alone from her perspective.

“He is cute, and he looks like your style. You should talk to him. Since you want to try new things, make some sparks fly.” Minjun, one of Soo-Ah’s friends, said to her. “What are you talking about? Besides, he is probably asleep. We shouldn’t bother him to begin with." Soo-Ah replied, embarrassed that the guy was a heavy sleeper.

mood | we barely made it

location | train

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

My exhausted footsteps remain alone. Lost with nowhere to go. Like the sunset in the sky. Call me. Awaken me. Yeah, you make me back

bailey seo (서범)

Inhale… exhale… Inhale again… exhale…

As he allowed himself to be enveloped by the comfort of the seat he sat in; his eyes remained closed as he silently calculated his breathing pattern. It was still on a high from the adrenalin of running through the train station and leaving behind every fibre of his past. In a way, he could re-invent himself now. Say goodbye to every living particle that created the man known as Bailey Seo and become an enigma in the shadows of the beach town of Busan. With each positive, pleasant thought like that came the harrowing afterthought of his brother and the mess that had been left behind. Well, Chan still had another eight years in prison. It was plenty of time to clean up the mess that had unravelled before Bailey’s eyes.

Inhale… exhale…

The sounds of chatter and emerging footsteps were making it difficult to focus on the soothing breathing techniques he was forcing himself to participate in. Each clunk that echoed on the flooring was triggering the thoughts of what if it’s them. No, there was no way that they could’ve found him that quickly as easily. They also wouldn’t have come onto a train to try and kill him. Despite the reassurance, there was still horrific thoughts playing in the back of his mind. His beating heart, the one he was trying to currently calm down, started to pick up once more.

Inhale… exhale…

The footsteps around him only grew louder. His ears twitched and a low humming sound reigned in his eardrums. What a time to start having some sort of panic attack. Honestly – especially while he was trying to calm himself down. The sounds of suitcases going into the overhead lockers caused him to flinch ever so slightly, no matter how muffled they were to his ears. This was it. He was going to run off the train and pray that these people didn’t chase him off, hunt him down and kill him. Bailey was almost too scared to open his eyes, his hands quivering with anticipation. It was time, wasn’t it?

He is cute, and he looks like your style. You should talk to him. Since you want to try new things, make some sparks fly.

Wait… what?

What are you talking about? Besides, he is probably asleep. We shouldn’t bother him to begin with.

Were they… were they talking about him?

The slight bounce of the chair next to him brought on the realisation that in fact, they had been talking about him. That this wasn’t the mafia who was hell-bent on taking down his life just because they hired some dude who couldn’t count money without using his fingers. Trying his absolute hardest, he allowed a soft, shaking exhale to slip past his lips – praying that none of the girls had heard the sweet sigh of relief that came with it. He could actually relax… and maybe it would be prime time to keep pretending to be asleep. He didn’t want to bother these girls, nor did he want them to bother them. After all, it was an absolute pleasure to know that he wasn’t on these girls' hitlist for now.

For now

Oh, I left my iPad in my suitcase – I want to use it for the ride

One of the girl’s voices was clear as day. However, as she arose, her foot found itself stomping down on top of another foot; Bailey’s to be exact. Jesus Christ was this girl Barney the dinosaur or something because her foot weighed a thousand kilos. His eyelids shot open like ballistic pull-down curtains. His mouth agape from the pain that was radiating from his foot, trailing up his leg. “Aiiiish!” he hissed, bringing his foot up and cradling it with his hands. Maybe they weren’t the mafia, but he had a feeling that maybe they were still strong enough to take him down. Like Godzilla foot here, stomping up and down to get her iPad. She too was frozen, her mouth and eyes wide and watching in disbelief that she had just awoken the stranger before them.

Was she not even going to apologise for practically breaking his foot? How rude


location | On the train choo choo

outfit | Blue hooded jacket, gray shirt, dark jeans and black converse

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

My exhausted footsteps remain alone. Lost with nowhere to go. Like the sunset in the sky. Call me. Awaken me. Yeah, you make me back

moon soo-ah (문수아)

Soo-Ah knew perfectly that Minjun was messing up with her in a joking way, just to see the collected Soo-Ah flustered once in a while. Still, she wanted to avoid the uncomfortable situation they would be in if the guy hear them. How could they act naturally as they traveled together with no option of choosing another seat?

Soo-Ah took a glance at the guy and he seem unbothered, well at least they were up to a good start with no troubles. That was until Hae-Won announced she was going to grab her iPad for the ride; an innocent action that wouldn’t cause any trouble or disturbance. That was until she got pushed by a passenger’s bag that was making its way towards his seat, making her lose her balance, and stepped on the sleeping guy’s foot.

The sudden reaction of the guy took everyone by surprise, although it was understandable because someone stepping on your foot wasn’t a pleasant thing to go through. But if looks could kill, Hae-Won would already be gone from this realm as the guy expressed his discomfort as he reassured that his foot was alright. The group of friends was frozen, not knowing what to do, and the poor Hae-Won was red from embarrassment, a deer in the headlights and Soo-Ah felt bad for her friend.

“Hae-Won, you have to apologize.” Soo-Ah murmured to her friend, making her finally be able to move after the accident as she bow to the guy “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that. I got pushed, and I lost my balance. It was an accident, I promise.” Hae-Won admitted flustered before taking her seat, not wanting to cause more trouble.

While Minjun tried to cheer up Hae-Won, Soo-Ah talked to the guy. “Is your foot alright? We are really sorry. The last thing we wanted was to disturb you.” Soo-Ah said as the train moved. This was for sure going to be a long trip.

As the train headed to its destiny, boredom was visible in the group of friends who wondered what would they really do without bothering their seat partner. That was, until Minjun took out the deck of cards she brought with her. “Do you want to play cards with us?” Soo-Ah asked the guy, while her friend go through her bag searching for the deck of cards. “By the way, I’m Soo-Ah and you already know Hae-Won and the owner of the cards is Minjun. I promise you this time there won’t be any accidents of someone getting hurt.”

mood | a great start...

location | train

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

My exhausted footsteps remain alone. Lost with nowhere to go. Like the sunset in the sky. Call me. Awaken me. Yeah, you make me back

bailey seo (서범)

How was he meant to react? To confirm to the girl that it was okay and accidents happen. Because being completely honest, he wanted to rip into this girl and ask her if she had hooves for feet. His foot throbbed as he continued to hold onto it, and the girl continued to apologise as she took her seat. The sudden jar of movement indicated the beginning of their journey as the wheels began to turn against the track lines. The girl who sat next to him asked him if his foot was alright and apologised once more. I suppose he was going to have to take the apology if he wanted this journey to be a least a bit pleasant.

It’s okay,” he muttered under his breath, bitting down the side of his mouth softly as he attempted to wiggle his toes within his shoes. Okay, maybe he was just being a little bit over dramatic now. They seemed completely fine. Gradually, he brought his leg and foot down and placed his hands back into his jacket pocket. “It’s fine” he said in a more controlled, relaxed tone before turning his gaze back out the window. With each passing second, he was beginning to feel all the anxiety and tension start to drip away. Each centimetre away from the station was another centimetre away from the impending doom of his future.

As his thoughts travelled along with the scenery, he heard a voice that was directed to him. Ripping his attention from the bright future in front of him, Bailey gazed at the girl who sat next to him, asking if he wanted to play. Not only that but… introduced herself and her friends.

A cascade of thoughts flooded through his mind at the mention of names. Soo-Ah, Hae-Won and Minjun, he thought to himself and continued to repeat the name to the face as he attempted to memorise them. But now they had given their names, it was only right for him to give his own, was it not? Although, how was he to know if these people were searching for him? They could’ve been a lure, and the people after him would be the ones standing with the end of the fishing line, waiting to reel him in.

He thought about the different names he could give them. The community knew him as King Roo or Roo when it came to his dealings. His English name, one which he used most often, was Bailey – but they would know that by now if they had people in higher places. Finally, his Korean name was Beom. Once again, if they had access to his information – which, no doubt, they probably did – they would know it too. So, his brain began to flood with names and for some odd reason, it landed on;


Really? Really? Out of all the names he could’ve possibly faked with, he picked one of the most popular names in the idol industry? “Park Jungkook,” he said with a bit more confidence this time, nodding his head as if he was agreeing with himself. “What uh… what game are you thinking of playing?” Bailey asked, motioning towards the cards in Minjun’s hands as she shuffled them. “Are we talking just a normal game, or are we putting things up as wagers?

mood | ok, are we gambling here orrr??

location | On the train choo choo

outfit | Blue hooded jacket, gray shirt, dark jeans and black converse

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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