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Nation Building Decendants of Mars - The Plague (STARTS JAN 16)


Recently Resurrected Divine Feline Entity.
Greetings and welcome to a new age in human civilization. Ever since the beginning of time, man has looked up to the stars in wonder, grabbing for the heavens but always falling short.

Well, were stilling falling short but we grabbed onto something this time. The solar system to be exact. With the slow collapse of the Martian Federation new colonies of formerly oppressed minorities, opportunists and rogues have started to pop up around the solar system. Some as close as the moon, some as far as the Kuiper belt and everywhere in between.

You are a member of one of these colonies, maybe even the Federation itself. Who are you? A leader? A Janitor? Form where do you hail? The federation? Europa? Some outer-rim colony? That is for you to decide. Fill out the CS below and your story shall begin.

NOTES: You do NOT have to be a leader character, you do NOT have to make a new colony, you can be anyone from anywhere as long as you have the permission of the colony's owner and it follows my rules. You can be a pirate for all I care.


1. Stay within reason

2. Follow the tech rules, their very generous

3. You cannot be the Martian Federation, that is my nation

4. You must ask permission to be a character from some one else's nation

5. If you wish to be an alien, you need my express permission. This is mainly human based

[Faction Sheet]


Type of Government:


Home Planet/Moon/Station:

Dominant Colonies (If applicable):



[Character Sheet]


Rank Under Faction:






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[Faction Sheet]

The Martian Federation

Short Hand: The Federation

Type of Government: Republic

Leader(s): President Donald Trump II, Vice President Alex Teraskova

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Mars. Capital being "New Eden" and the Byzgot superstructure being a major city.

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Phobos Naval Manufactory. Diemos Military Base

Morality: Neutral Evil


With the collapse of Earth, the situation on Mars deteriorated almost immediately. Start up colonies, mostly from lesser program could not survive without shipments of supplies from Earth and most cold not survive more than 3 months without resources from Earth. These colonies looked to the larger colonies of the EU, Russia, China and the USA for help. Most were turned down and a blind eye was turned as many ran out of supplies and died. Those that died survive were either forced to pledge loyalty to the "mother" colony that saved them, or merged with other minor colonies in order to share resources and survive, those these were few and far as most colonies were quite spread out. In total, within 4 months of the collapse of Earth an additional 300,000 people died. But they would certainly not be the last in this downward spiral.

The alliances from Earth had carried over to the Martian Colonies. The aligned colonies of USA, and Russia, using military supplies shipped to them during the rising tensions before the war launched an all-out assault against the Chinese colonies. The Chinese colonies, similarly armed but outnumbered, fought back, but were overwhelmed by the joint Russian and United State's forces. The aligned forces were brutal in their attack. What colonies they could'nt storm by force, they sabotaged, killing almost anyone inside. After half a year of a one sided and bloody conflict the aligned forces captured the last Chinese colony. Another 200,000 lives lost to human greed.

The aligned forces renamed themselves the "Martian Federation", stating that only together the colonies of mars could survive. The Federation offered to help the EU and other minor colonies in return that they merge into the federation. The EU, which had formed a union with the minor colonies, denied the offer stating that it and its allies had no intention in joining a federation built on the bodies of the dead.

Things were seemingly quiet for a while, but as all now by now humanity is either at war or preparing for it. And so it was no so surprising when the Federation declared war on the EU and its allies, sending out militarized rovers against their colonies. The EU and its allies had spent the time too busy with maintaining their colonies to prepare for such an assault, and in the battle the followed the Federation came to rule over al, for the small price of another 100,000 lives. 500,000 more lives lost within a year of Earth's demise. Humanity's true nature exposed...

(2251-2320) A new Frontier

Some would say the Federation united Mars, in truth it only divided it further. The joint US and Russian forces created a democratic system for the Federation, stating that it "would not make the mistakes of the past". In fact, it already had. The society which it had formed was heavily divided between the victorious first class citizens (The USA and Russia) , the oppressed majority (The Chinese) and the ignored minority (EU and minor colonies). The congress is made up of purely Americans and Russians. Sure they are a few Chinese and a German in it, but not enough to make anything happen. This as you can imagine lead to numerous problems. Legislation favoring American and Russian colonies, unequal rights, unequal treatment and blatant discrimination within the government.

This division lead to much unrest among the oppressed people and finally this unrest exploded in 2300 when government negiligance of a minor colony led to the shutdown of it's ventilation system, causing the resident's untimely deaths. This incident sparked protest and riots among the peope,many of which wished to break away from the Federation. Fearing the result of a full out civil war the Federation made a huge announcement: Using technology developed here on Mar's they claimed it would be feasible to start a multitude of colonies on the nearby planet of Jupiter and beyond. The Federation offered to sponsor any group who was large enough and met certain criteria to form a colony in the outer solar system.

This proposition, backed by the first manned orbit of Jupiter and Saturn the following month, grabbed at the attention of the revolutionists, many leaped at the opportunity to leave the corrupt Federation without bloodshed and large groups, sometimes even entire colonies signed up. By 2331 colonies had been built as far as Saturn and Venus. 500,000 people had left the Federation for these colonies and the unrest died down. For now...

(2378) The Second Revolution

Even though the unrest died down, it did not end. The Federation's offer to sponsor the establishment of colonies abroad only allowed the most outspoken of the rebels to leave the planet. It was a temporary fix only, many still opposed the Federation and the underlying cause of their feelings was more present than ever. These feelings only built up as Federation negligence of minor colonies only continued. While the Federations major colonies lived in large Biodomes and enjoyed luxuries such as hover rovers, Earth gravity and space commutes to outer rim colonies, the minor colonies were stuck with what they had in the beginning.

This lead to another uprising, which was again met with an offer from the Federation to sponsor more colonies, even those reaching as far as Pluto and beyond followed by the first manned orbit of Pluto and manned travel to the Kuiper belt. Many jumped at the offer, only this time it wasn't enough. Even as people left Mars for the outer rim, other took to arms and a rebellion began. This rebellion was met with the latest advancements in military technology. Exo-suits, Mech suits, orbital bombardments, Plasma, etc. Let's just say the Rebellion did not get anywhere fast. This complete annihilation of the initial rebellion subdued many, who opted to travel to start up colonies in the outer rim instead.

(2433) The Colonial Revolts

These colonies, were semi-autonomous. The colonies were allowed their own legislature but were ruled by a governor selected by the Federation legislation. This was alright at first for the colonists, who greatly enjoyed their new found freedoms. Sadly, give a man and inch and he will take a mile. This was not enough for the colonists, nor was it enough for the Federation. The Federation demanded more power while the colonists likewise did the same. This struggle for power lead the colonists of many colonies to unite in alliance and subsequently declare their independence form the Federation. By this time many colonies had become completely self sufficient and so they did not need the Federation.

The Federation did not take kindly to this of course and so a fleet was sent to destroy the leading colonies in this rebellion. The colonies had little in the way of defenses, no real fleets and few weapons. The rebellion should of been crushed as fats as it had started, but when the fleets arrived to destroy the colonists they did not fire. The Federation fleet was sympathetic to the colonists and in reality shared many of the same sentiments as the colonists. This gave the colonists an advantage, which they used. The fleet that was suppose to attack the colonists instead returned to assault the Federation. In the resulting battle that followed, the Federation fleet was destroyed and they were forced to let go of the colonies in order to defend their home planet. The colonists were free, yet good times were still far in the future...

Modern Day Federation

The Federation, while still the single most powerful human colony is only a shadow of tis former self. Corruption and unrest is widespread. The Congress is too busy fighting amongst themselves to fix the problems and the gab between the Americans and the Russians only grows larger, as the formerly united people now divide themselves with no remorse. The minorities still living on mars are yet again demanding an end to the Federation, and this time they have the support of even Russians and Americans. All the while the Federation seeks to reestablish it's control of the colonies.

[Character Sheet]


Rank Under Faction: Fleet Commander

Morality: Neutral Good

Age: 71

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Tzu.jpg.ee545cd523ddeb6bb16bd4693a0844db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Tzu.jpg.ee545cd523ddeb6bb16bd4693a0844db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fleet Commander's uniform. H6a-O pistol. Slightly more beefy version of the H6-O that fires .40 rounds


Raised in the slums of New Eden by Chinese parents. Military genius never promoted or recognized due to the Federations discrimitory policies.

[Character Sheet]


Rank Under Faction: Cadet

Morality: Neutral Good

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Middle)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Dimitri.jpg.bbbd8e68ad6e12dfe3aad1635f060540.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Dimitri.jpg.bbbd8e68ad6e12dfe3aad1635f060540.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Standard issue Federation-HensonCorp Standard Issue composite plate armor covering Body/Torso, head, shoulders, legs and arms.

Standard Issue M16-A10-O, a futuristic M16 variant with a built in air chamber allowing the gun to be fired in all environments. Fires 7.62 rounds.

Standard issue H6-O Pistol (Henson Corporation 6th generation Oxygen pistol), a futuristic pistol developed by the Henson corporation for use by the Federation. Pistol has a built in oxygen chamber for versatility and has a 10 round magazine firing .38 rounds.

P2-Grenade, a Plasma grenade that packs a punch. Gopd against anything form people to lightly armored vehicles.


(Im GM so I don't need to write a 10 page backstory so fak off mates)

Dimitri was born in New Eden to Russian parents. Being fully of Russian decent he and his parents were "first class citizens" in the Federation and its society. He was able to get into the nations military academy with ease and never faced the discrimination other minorities faced.

His parents kept him separate from these "animals" and always warned Dimitri to stay away form them, particularly away from the Chinese. Despite this Dimitri still looked on in confusion and disgust at the discrimination eh saw within the academy, but as it was "normal" he said nothing.

He has recently graduated from the Federation Military Acedemy and assigned to the Federation First Expeditionary Fleet under the command of Fleet Commander Tzu.



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[Faction Sheet]

Name: Henson Corporation

Type of Government: Corporate Plutocracy

Leader(s): John Henson, CEO

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Earth

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Byzgot Superstructure, a feat of modern Engineering, the Byzgot Superstructure stands as the first example of a human "hive city". An entire city contained within the confines of a single building. The building spans several miles of surface area and shines brilliantly against the red background of the Planet. It can only be accessed through airlocks of two different sizes, smaller 'civilian airlocks, which are generally large tubes spanning from nearby cities that one could walk or drive a small motorcycle on or larger vehicle airlocks which are the primary access points for those driving and for Security/Military access. Composed of several levels, the bottom most level contains most businesses, store rooms, garages, and security checkpoints. It is generally open air and has a simulated night/day cycle as well as a light rain that falls from the higher structures. Roadways exist on the inside of the Byzgot Superstructure and allow for two lane traffic. Most people walk around the structure or take the vast tram system that can be used to reach any point within the city. The mid-level of the Byzgot Superstructure is mostly housing, contains the security HQ, oxygen farms, and manufacturing centers, the hive city is completely self sufficient and in theory, no one would ever have to leave. The higher levels are reserved for Company Officials, foreign dignitaries, is generally the diplomatic portion of the hive city.

Supported by a complex grid of oxygen farms, hydroponics farms, as well as having many plants around the housing areas and an airlocked structure, the Byzgot creates it's own climate and atmosphere.

Morality: Chaotic Neutral, the Corporation will do ANYTHING to expand it's influence, this includes funding terrorist organizations to attack other colonies, assassinating leaders, establishing monopolistic rule of trade, and using their control of economics to force others into doing as they're told.

Military: Henson Corporation has no formal military but utilizes a paramilitary force known as; the Red Axe Security Force or RASeF. These volunteer soldiers can range from the common citizen who simply wanted to serve t protect the technological marvels created by the Corporation and the way of life provided by them, or the death row prisoners looking for a way out.

Though unknown to the general public, Henson Corporation funds and directly controls a terrorist organization known as the Mongols. Their existence dating as far back as the first Colonies on Mars, these fanatical radicals believe that humankind is far behind the Technological and Sociological curve. They come from all walks of life and are almost always cybernetically enhanced and despise any form of controlling Governments. Very few Mongols are aware they are being controlled.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c712a3fb8_RedAxeSecurity.jpg.5a7b837fa79a037b3a7ca04acb2d79cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c712a3fb8_RedAxeSecurity.jpg.5a7b837fa79a037b3a7ca04acb2d79cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>A RASeF trooper in Common apparel.


With over 90% of RASeF volunteers being Ex-cons and rehabilitated Prisoners, the Security force is somewhat feared. Though incidents within RASeF personnel are historically low their bad reputation persists and many people feel that Prisoners should be transitioned out of the Security force.


On par with Paramilitary gear, RASeF utilize advanced Henson Corporation Equipment to serve as Light Infantry to a defensive extent. Their armor is

made of a composite weave of non-conductive kevlar and overlapping ablative plates. The ablative plating, when hit by concussive weapons break apart, redirecting the kinetic force from the bullet away from the soldier, leaving him totally unharmed. When his by directed Energy Weapons or Plasma, the ablative plate will boil away and fall off the soldier rather than burning him. The obvious down fall to this armor being that it can only take a limited amount of shots before being rendered useless.

Their weapons are high-tech crowd control weapons, the most common being the Tunguska rifle. A weapon that generates Sound Waves on low frequencies that vibrate the water molecules on the skin of an individuals or group of individuals and induces a burning sensation. The frequency can by amplified to make them feel as though they are engulfed with flames and totally incapacitate entire mobs of people. They can also be lowered to induce a slight burning sensation, as if they had a severe sunburn all over their body to disperse crowds before they form. It is capable of piercing any armor that isn't made of a dense material (IE Steel or Lead).

For Lethal engagements, RASeF uses rapid fire weapons designed to hit as many things as many times as possible rather than possess real stopping power. The standard issue Veyron Assault rifles come with massive magazines and fire small 7mm rounds giving the weapon virtually no kick whatsoever. They also lack true penetrating power however and most high-grade armors will stop the bullets.


The Ranking system in RASeF is a simple concept that defines seniority based on time in RASeF, Incidents on Record, and Loyalty in Service. The list goes from bottom to top;

Cadet (CA)

- First in the fight, last to leave

Senior Cadet (SRC)

- More Veteran than Cadets, but still Greenhorns

Trooper Minor (TRM)

- You're average RASeF employee

Trooper Senior (TRS)

- Squad Leaders, battle hardened soldiers

Trooper Elite (TRE)

- Platoon Leaders, these are the most veteran on the field.

Sergeant (SGT)

- Many Sergeants lead Platoons with Trooper Elites, while some move to Administrative Work.

Sergeant Major (SGM)

- If you see one of these guys on the field, someone fucked up. BAD.

Captain (CPT)

- The overall leaders of the RASeF organization. There are currently 32 Captains within RASeF.


Fanatics that have been around since the first colonies formed on Mars. Though it was only recently after the several civil wars that they rose to the height of their power. Their cybernetics have never been more advanced and they've never been more deadly. Mongols are a threat to all that leave the safety of their colonies- and to the colonies themselves.


Mongols are rogue Cyborgs and have any degree of enhancements. Some may have some simple biological upgrades while others may be full blown Terminators. They do not possess Ranks in a formal sense and instead their gear is based on the 'class' of Mongol that the individual has been trained in. This can range from light armor with Jetpacks to quickly traverse the field to heavy mech suits. All Mongols ultimately serve the Great Khans. Mongols specialize in hit-and-run tactics on convoys or civilian targets that exit the safety of their colonies. Their numbers hinder their ability to sustain large scale engagements though Mongols have been known to attack and even destroy smaller colonies.

Types of Mongols:

The type of Mongol often times determines their Equipment. Many different types enable the Mongols to handle many different situations. However their training and advanced cybernetics suggests they may be more than a simple terrorist organization...


Specializing in zero-gravity fighting, Corsairs often times board enemy ships and capture them Mongol use. Whether they jump (and use their jetpacks) to reach another ship in space or on a planet, or directly attach smaller transport ships to them and force their way in is irrelevant. Corsairs utilize light or no armor and make good use of Jetpacks to quickly traverse space or the field of battle in order to take control of enemy ships. On rare occasions, Corsairs can be seen in ground fights and are excellent at flanking enemy formations. Often times, they are biologically enhanced rather than cybernetically.


- The Common infantry of the Mongols, these men and women utilize medium or heavier armors and a vast range of weaponry expanding from simple rifles and automatic weapons, to heavy-duty missile launchers. Mamluk' are a fine example that raises the question to the Mongol's true nature. They are organized, disciplined, and ruthless.


Heavy Infantry that use advanced armor or small personal mech suits and serve as mobile artillery for the Mongols. Few have been seen, but whenever they turn up there are few survivors left. With a Zamburak at their back, a Mongol attack force can take on organized armor battalions. Their greater mobility and artillery grade weaponry making them hell for Main Battle tanks on the field. Some Zamburak come equipped with anti-air weapons and enable them to attack enemy ships that may do bombing runs or close air support during extended engagements.


The Heaviest of the Mongol forces, these living Dreadnoughts are more legend than they are fact. Only one has ever been seen (though no footage or pictures exist) during the siege of Avignon, a relatively large colony in 2303. The Colony was attacked by a massive Mongol force using a combination of outside forces and Mongols inside disguised as civilians. The Colony was breached in a matter of minutes, and within two hours the entire colony was destroyed and it's population killed (save for 13 colonists that escaped). The Mongols mutilated dead colonists and displayed them in formations that resembled their logo (a half human, half cyborg skull) and left a message painted across the town;

"To reject what we have created to better ourselves is ignorance. Feigning supremacy through purity is deadly."

The survivors reported a large machine that move rapidly but was well over 20ft tall, it was armed with enough weapons and ammunition to almost single handedly level the settlement.

Great Khan

- The only official 'leaders' of the Mongols. It is unknown how many Great Khans exist, but they each possess an army of Mongols and they often times work with one another. Their gear and cybernetics are usually top notch and often times grotesque in appearance. Great Khans are intelligent and hold no beef with one another, infighting within the Mongols is virtually unknown.

History: Founded back on Earth, Henson Corporation is a Mega Corporation of unprecedented power, specializing in Arms dealing they were a major player and profited significantly from the Arms race that arrived in the coming years. Back on Earth, it was argued that they were more powerful than the Nations they did business with, often times pulling the strings behind the scene, corrupting politicians and world leaders to allow them to establish such a Monopoly. When humans began colonizing Mars, Henson Corporation jumped on the opportunity and began sponsoring colonies. They founded many colonies and before any official Government existed on Mars, Henson Corporation was already taking over. Directly responsible for much of the ecological devastation on Earth, the Corporation made sure enough people and enough resources existed on Mars for them to seamlessly migrate to the Red Planet. They began work on the Byzgot Superstructure to house Employees, security, and to serve as the Economic powerhouse of Mars.

As Earth began to degrade, the Corporation suffered as well. Despite the Corporation's involvement in the arms race on Earth, they corporation share holders predicted another Word War, likely a nuclear one and began the process to abandon Earth.

During the collapse the Corporation pulled all it's resources and businesses back into the Byzgot Superstructure and some would argue they were a major factor in the severity of the economical and scale of the devastation on Earth and the following troubles on Mars. When the dust settled, the Corporation was a shadow of it's former self, it's reputation ruined, many factions had risen on Mars and their absolute power was shattered. However, their vast influence and monopolies on many industries allowed them to establish their own faction, not nearly as powerful as it once was but a force to be reckoned with. They began expanding their trade and selling weapons and various other equipment to the other factions to recuperate losses.

[Character Sheet] WIP

Name: Stirling Overland

Rank Under Faction: Great Khan in the Mongols Mercenary Faction

Morality: Chaotic Evil

Age: 108

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f32cff_StirlingOverland.jpg.66ec3e809480aec12bb6a545c3ce4794.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f32cff_StirlingOverland.jpg.66ec3e809480aec12bb6a545c3ce4794.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: Standing at 5'10'', Stirling is of average height among humans of the times. With well defined muscle structure and rugged, pocketed skin. Stirling is completely bald, his eyes are a steel-blue, very enchanting.

Paraphernalia: Possessing a variety of equipment, Stirling utilizes equipment common among Mongol Corsairs. Using a Jetpack, he can seamlessly fly through the battlefield and rain havoc from above.

Stirling possesses a myriad of cybernetic enhancements;


mong them is a small implant located within the ear that renders him immune to dizziness and motion-induced nausea. It also filters out white-noise and can artificially regulate loud noises essentially making him immune to sound-based trauma as well.


is entire skeletal structure is also coated in a special mesh made of composite material which makes the bones extremely resistant to trauma. Recorded events have shown Stirling falling excess of 30ft and not even cracking a bone(his flesh and muscles still tore and were bruised).


ermanently implanted over his mouth and connected to his lungs via the esophagus, is a respirator device. The device filters all known pathogens, particles, and vectors essentially allowing him to breath normally under any circumstance and rendering him immune to anything that could be harmful if inhaled. The Respirator however makes it impossible for Stirling to eat, forcing him to be directly pumped with nutrients through varying permanent IV's implanted along his backside.


is eyes have been artificially implanted with tapetum lucidum which reflects any light that passes through the retina back into the eye, thereby increasing his eye's sensitivity in dim lighting. In layman's terms, it grants him a 'cats eye' ability.

History: The first human successfully 'created' by the Mongols, Stirling is a prime example of how far the Mongols will go to ascend humanity. He was created in a lab, bioengineered from the harvested genes of several generations of 'dominant' humans. Creating a human who had all dominant genes and the perfect canvas for cybernetic enhancement. He has been an adult for all 108 years of his life.

Though the first decade was spent adapting him to normal society, teaching him the ways of the Mongols. The next one hundred years that followed are a violent blur as Stirling became a fanatic among fanatics and loyally served the Mongols despite what atrocities that may have been enacted.


Name: TRE Alhan Cailloux

Rank under Faction: Trooper Senior, RASeF

Morality: Neutral, he serves RASeF begrudgingly but has never disobeyed a lawful order and has even made considerable rank.

Age: 37

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Ahlan.jpg.d9f47ddf444e6a21426583105f836daa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Ahlan.jpg.d9f47ddf444e6a21426583105f836daa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: A tall, broad, man's man sort of look. Alhan stands at 6'3'' making him considerably taller than most other humans. Weighing in at 197lbs he is a considerably sized man and is in peak physical condition.

Alhan has jet black hair with the first signs of grey coming in around the roots of his hair and in the fuzz of his shadowed beard. Tired eyes and deep crow's feet compliment his laugh lines and give him an aged appearance, showing the strain that the RASeF has had on his life.

Paraphernalia: He wears the standard RASeF armor and environmental suit, however on his left shoulder is a velcro patch that displays his Coat of Arms for his specific RASeF assignment.

The Coat of Arms is as goes; A patch shaped like a kite shield, on the top of the shield is the name of the individual (Cailloux). Below the name in smaller characters is his RASeF designation (TRS-2104, rank and serial number). In the center of the shield is a insignia of rank. (A Kite shield with a sword pointing up over the center of the shield, the insignia is orange while the patch is black). On the bottom is the RASeF Division name (Black Wardens).

Ahlan utilizes the only Veyron Assault rifle in the Squad, 120 round drum magazine 7mm rounds.

History: Not all those who are sentenced to death or life in prison are sociopathic murderers, Alhan is one such person. His only crime was refusing to adhere to the Corporation's strict family policy, having three children rather than the allotted two. The price for his third child was his own life, and now Alhan is forced to serve in RASeF in order to protect his family.

In his time in RASeF, he's never had an incident or disobeyed a direct order so long as it seemed justified. Though he doesn't enjoy his time in RASeF, he certainly serves as if he loved the job, always giving it his all, 110% for his children.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Emeline.jpg.d42161f091547971d8cb0ab64899cd7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Emeline.jpg.d42161f091547971d8cb0ab64899cd7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Émeline De Villiers

Rank Under Faction: Trooper Minor, TRM

Morality: Neutral Good, willing to do what is necessary to protect others, Emeline abhors the use of deadly force but recognizes when it is necessary.

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: Small frame,

Émeline stands at 5'7'' and weighs only 120lbs. Do not let her small frame fool you however, she is in top physical condition and can easily topple men twice her size. She is thin and has very little presence about her.

Paraphernalia: She wears the standard armor and environmental suit of RASeF, on her left shoulder is a velcro patch bearing her Coat of Arms.

Shaped like a kite shield, the very top has "De Villiers" printed and just below it; "TRM-9812". In the center is a Buckler with two crossed daggers behind the shield, it is orange while the patch is black. On the bottom the words; "Black Wardens" is printed in gold.

Emeline utilizes a standard issue Tunguska Rifle and has a electrified baton and 9mm handgun as emergency backup weapons.

History: Born in a Henson Corporation funded colony on the distant fringes of Federation

Space, Emeline grew up to a family of simple forgers. Forging the minerals mined out of the asteroid belt into valuable and useable materials.

When she was 14, Mongols raided her colony and her mother was killed in the attack. Her father and herself managed to escape thanks to a passing RASeF Transport who interjected the attack and drove the Mongols back. For the next four years, Emeline had dreams of joining RASeF and on her 18th birthday said her farewells to her friends and father and booked passage to the Byzgot Superstructure and joined up with RASeF.


Name: Soren Mercer

Rank Under Faction: Trooper Minor (TRM)

Morality: Lawful Evil, he sees the scum of the solar system for just that, scum to be wiped clean. Especially when he's part of that scum.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Soren.jpg.1e64f20d6cf71e1ed9435a03a19b7b4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Soren.jpg.1e64f20d6cf71e1ed9435a03a19b7b4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: Of average height and build for a male of his age, Soren stands at 5'11'' and weighs 174lbs. Like most RASeF employees, he is in peak physical condition and follows the strict guidelines for hairstyles and facial hair.

Paraphernalia: He wears the standard RASeF armor and environmental suit, on his left should is a velcro patch bearing his Coat of Arms.

It is the same as Emeline's, aside from the name now bearing; "Mercer" and his serial being; "TRM-9901"

History: Born in the Federation of Mars, New Eden; he endured the residual chaos following the civil war. Raised to believe that adversity and existence were one in the same, Soren is a man who believes the strong rule over the weak and at the young age of 16 committed the murder of a RASeF officer in order to be indicted into a local gang to find belonging in the chaotic slums of the city.

For many years, Soren went unpunished for his crime, RASeF never being able to locate the murderer and Soren had become quite the bad cookie. Once a part of the gang, he became their newest mule and ran drugs between New Eden and the Byzgot Superstructure, the gang paying off RASeF employees to allow the contraband into the city. The City's zero tolerance policy on ALL narcotics (including alcohol) made even the simplest of drugs invaluable and Soren made quite the bit of coin simply running drugs for the gang.

After years of the racket, Soren was asked to murder again, a RASeF officer had been poking around too much in the Gang's business. When Soren attempted to murder the officer, the newly developed ablative plating in his helmet redirected virtually all of the force behind the bullet and left the officer unharmed. He we quickly apprehended afterwards.

Soren has spent five years in RASeF, and while he certainly doesn't LIKE following orders, he now realizes that the Corporation is one of the biggest dogs in the kennel and has decided to stick around until a new player shows face.



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Federal Republic of Seia Vlin

Federal Republic of Seia Vlin

Name: Federal Republic of Seia Vlin

Type of Government: Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy



Empress Hideyoshi Haru

King of Kings Dinuzulu Bomvuisiphepho

Kaizer Eckart Jansen von Edelsburg


Chancellor: Gunner J. McReady​


Upper House - House of Lords

Lower House - House of Commons​

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Venus

Dominant Colonies:

Marieluise Statt, Hiente Shinjuku (?? ?? ), Jeremy State & Kwanamuhla Isibhakabhaka-izwe

Earth: C.D.W.H.P Frail Lotus

Mars: Seia Vlin District

Morality: Neutral


The Founding of the 'Amber Collective'

On 2078 September 17, a fraternity if you will, had founded itself in a prestigious university boasting about ideas of improving the scientific progress and social ethics. Through the leadership of Douglas Wesley the group began to work hard and strive for their initial goal that the fraternity was built on. The core members gained influence and began to make their own branches and divisions of the fraternity all awhile still swearing allegiance to it.

In 2092, fourteen years later The fraternity experienced a boom in members due to the negative opinions from the intellectuals about the three super powers and the threat that they posed for everyone and everything. It was at that point that the fraternity changed it's goal from improving the modern world to escaping the planet. Douglas and the core members destroyed their original plan and created a new blueprint. They needed influential people, people who were on the top of their game and willing to invest in their plan, great minds and craftsmen, wealthy men and women and the support of their members.

Martian Pioneers

By 2150 each nation had its own fully functioning surface colony on mars. By 2189 civilian colonization of Mars began was the United States leading the charge. Somewhere around this time the space programs of South Korea, Canada and several other nations joined the race as minor players, with smaller and less advanced colonies. By 2218 there was an estimated 1 million civilians living full time of Mars- humanity had done it. What was once only an dream had become a reality.

Domino Effect

The fraternity doesn't exist anymore in it's timeline but the remnants influenced by them and their time still remained and continued their mission. The one who would start the domino effect of the blueprint was a nobody, an historical investigator that goes by the name of Justin Smith. By the start of 2205 Justin noticed something odd in the antiquity of the ruins of several twenty-first century educational centers and sought to solve the odd puzzle. The man began to meet people through the old objects, most of them who later were piqued by the investigator and slowly began to recollect parts of the blueprint or scripts that they've been entrusted with.

This effect had brought together a number of different individuals, ranging from dirt farmers to esteemed members of society both from Earth and Mars. These individuals would later unite and work together during the unfortunate events that would cause the next great war in 2046.

Colonization of Venus

2300 a collective of political figures and spokes people from various groups announced their sovereignty and began to work and invest themselves on colonizing Venus.

2333 The collective arrived to Venus in waves every year to a number of platforms or floating balloon stations that they've created during their time on Mars.

2345 The last wave came from Mars and the Nation of Seia Vlin was officially created.

Daniel Hans Werner

Rank Under Faction: Lord

Profession: Politician

Morality: Neutral

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Height: 6,4 ft : 195 cm

Weight: 180 lbs : 80 kgs

Hair: dark brown

Eyes: brown

Paraphernalia: Beige suits and Tan Tuxedos

History: WIP

Amagi Yukiko

Rank Under Faction: Commoner

Profession: Military Commander

Morality: Neutral Evil

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Height: 7,2 ft : 219 cm tall

Weight: 227 lbs : 102 kgs

Hair: warm black

Eyes: black

Paraphernalia: Traditional Japanese hanboks casually and her military uniform when she's on the job.

History: WIP

Trevor Black

Rank Under Faction: Commoner

Profession: Clinic owner, Surgeon, Mechanic and Engineer

Morality: Neutral

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 5,7 ft : 173 cm

Weight: 190 lbs : 90 kgs

Hair: jet black

Eyes: grey

Paraphernalia: Casual clothing like shirts, pants and over them a lab coat.

History: WIP

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[Faction Sheet]

Name: The Plutonian Nation

Type of Government: Philosocratic Oligarchy (Rule by Philosopher Kings)

Leader(s): Aslan Tonklin, the Guidance

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Pluto

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Pluto, Charon, Triton, Titania

Morality: Lawful Neutral


Sometime in the Precambrian Epoch, an alien civilization sent an automated ship to seed every world that might be capable of sustaining life in the Sol System with amino acids. The ship's automated crew gets word that their kind has rebelled against their creators and rather than finish the mission, they leave self-aware crystalline computer shards on Pluto and Charon before being attacked and destroyed by their creator's fleets.

For eons, the shards lay dormant on the Plutonian surface. Then, sometime in the Late Cretaceous, a gamma ray burst (what actually killed the dinosaurs) from a nearby star gives the shards the needed energy to begin replicating, with little prior knowledge, however, of their origins. The technology of the creator race is so advanced that the little computers can synthesize small limbs to facilitate movement and begin communicating "telepathically" through a subspace medium called the Aether (basically like cyberspace) or "verbally" by vibrating at different frequencies. They draw energy from radiation, and thus their species thrives on the radiation-bathed dwarf world. Their communications give rise to a robust school of philosophy, the principle intellectual pursuit of the race. It is through philosophy that they find their purpose in existence: to explore and catalogue the entirety of Creation. To facilitate this, they realize they will need larger bodies more suited to traversing the terrain and manipulating tools. Using primitive tools to drag and smelt the precious little ore from the Plutonian surface, they craft the first series of body suits that allow their civilization to expand and build more complex material extraction facilities with more efficient techniques, building great cities of nitrogen ice while scraping together the planet's meager resources for the space program. The first government emerges during this time period, the Directory, to oversee the construction of the first few spaceships which are sent to explore and colonize Charon, then sent on to harvest ore from Keiper Belt objects. By the 1400's AD, they have a burgeoning civilization revolving around ore extraction and the Directory, its mission accomplished, is peacefully supplanted by the Guidance, a council of philosopher-kings who are tasked with deciding the race's future. For the next 400 years, they reform domestic affairs. Robots replace live Plutonians in all manual labor fields and population control measures are put in place to ensure the population does not multiply too quickly, thus the Haven is established as a facility whose sole purpose is to manufacture Plutonians according to the needs of the Guidance. Finally, in the late 1800's, expeditions are undertaken to the Gas Giants and the Inner Solar System.

Plutonians first observe Mankind during the First World War, and watch with idle interest as their civilization grows unchecked and wages devastating war. Some scientists attempted to learn more of human kind, but these attempts prompted mass hysteria in human society, and so exploration of the Inner Solar System was banned temporarily and the Guidance's attention was turned towards aims beyond the Sol System and towards efforts to construct a faster-than-light drive.

By the 26th Century, Humankind is well-acquainted with the Plutonians' existence, but know little of them. They fear Man and his constant thirst for war and conquest, and the Guidance fears that their race does not have the resources or the will to wage war, and so have turned to stubborn isolationism. However, certain elements in the government, notably starfleet commanders, favor an aggressive foreign policy, and some even favor war against the humans while they still hold a technological edge. This faction, the Imperialists, have a different view of the Plutonian manifest destiny. While the Guidance desires to be peaceful explorers, the Imperialists aspire to be universal conquerors. It is evident that the Plutonian government is divided and whether this means war or peace forever, no one is sure.[/s
Plutonian Characters, note: use of pronoun "he" is for ease of writing, Plutonians are agendered.

Name: Aslan Tonklin

Rank Under Faction: Grand Overseer of the Guidance

Morality: Lawful Neutral

Age: 280 Terran Years

Gender: N/A

Appearance: Standard Plutonian

Paraphernalia: Governor's Robes


Aslan's life was ordinary in almost all regards as a Plutonian, growing up in the Haven. As a youth, he aspired to be a space explorer originally, but as time wore on, Aslan became more interested in the study of humans, and as a result fearful for his people's future. At his Awakening, he became apprenticed to the government official Ducem Kal before he was appointed to the Guidance's governing pannel. As Kal's apprentice, Aslan was deeply impressed with and intrigued by politics and governmental philosophy. He remained an astute pupil and even founded a philosophical club, the Original Mission Club, in response to increased Imperial sentiment in the government. When Aslan first took office as a minor government councilor of the Capital in his 40's, he used his post to further his aims of preserving Plutonian culture's pacifistic tendencies and retain its technocratic roots. He was a popular leader, and by the time he was a century old he had been appointed to a seat on the governing panel of the Guidance, his master's old one.

As time wore on, Aslan became increasingly entrenched in political battles between his own party and the Imperialist elements of the government. His efforts to place restrictions and safeguards against the military were ratified through harsh criticism. In his last actions as Grand Overseer, former Overseer Hakal appointed Tonklin as his successor, and thus at the age of 184, Tonklin ascended to the top governmental position in the Plutonian Empire. In his new post, the kind, patient, but infatigable Aslan is still engaged in political battles, mainly between himself and Admiral Ruum Krega of the Starfleet. He sees it as his duty to avert the war that Imperialist sentiment will bring down upon them.

Name: Ruum Krega

Rank Under Faction: Grand Admiral of the Plutonian Fleet

Morality: Chaotic Neutral

Age: 180 Terran Years

Paraphernalia: Officer's Uniform, Blaster Pistol


Where Tonklin is kind and patient, Krega is brash, audacious, and somewhat arrogant. Since his apprenticeship to legendary commander Ela Kaslor, Ruum was on the fast track to military command. In simulations, he scored above and beyond government supercomputers in naval strategy, and as a pilot he is unparalleled in the Plutonian fleet.

All this has led to a man with a very abrassive personality. No figure in Plutonian public life is more divicive. Some call him bold, others foolish and headstrong. Ruum is currently the de facto leader of the Imperialists within the government, and he once had the audacity to ask that the Guidance declare war on Mankind after a Plutonian ship was mistakenly fired upon in Jovian orbit. To the average Plutonian, he is a warmonger, but he is a true patriot and is willing to lay down his life for his people at a moment's notice.

Name: Andelth Kadi

Rank Under Faction: Plutonian Ambassador to the Martian Federation

Morality: Lawful Neutral

Age: 165

Paraphernalia: Diplomat's Robes


Andelth, from youth, was facinated with humans. He wanted to meet, study, and befriend all manner of humans and was very curious of their ways and habits. Where most Plutonians found humans slightly off-putting with their greed and militant tendencies, Andelth saw in these flaws a certain beauty. Romanticists might say that Andelth is one of the few Plutonians who knows what it means to be human.

This being the case, Andelth attached himself to the current ambassador to the Martian Federation at his Awakening and was whisked away across the solar system to Mars, a world he found different in every imaginable way from home. It was here that his journey in world of Man began. As an ambassadorian apprentice, Andelth was able to study both the sordid and brilliant aspects in Man, and by the time his Master retired to Pluto, he was more than eager to take his place.

Andelth is sociable, amiable, intelligent, and above all else curious of other life forms. His service as Pluto's most important ambassador makes him close friends with Tonklin, and his relationship with humans has earned him the scorn of Imperialists, namely Admiral Krega.

Name: Kracia Roma

Rank Under Faction: Director of the Watchers, Grand Overseer of the Scientific Council

Morality: Lawful Neutral

Age: 305

Paraphernalia: Scientist's Robes


As curious as Andelth, but curious about different things, Kracia Roma is one of the greatest scientific minds Pluto has produced since Tunor Kassal, inventor of the short-range jump drive. As a youth, Kracia found his calling in studying the stars, and thus became apprenticed to the Director of the Watchers, Pluto's astronomical observation group.

While there, even as an apprentice, he began making breakthroughs. Roma discovered the basic concept of impulse propulsion, allowing the Plutonians to trade in their chemical rocket thrusters for more efficient impulse thrusters. He also developed a new lens for the Large Kassal Telescope on Charon that allowed Plutonian scientists to study the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Centre with much more ease. All these accomplishments helped him to gain a seat on the Watchers Council, and later, take his master's spot as Director, which also came with the top seat on the Science Council.

Personally, Roma is intelligent but slightly icy and prefers the company of telescopes to people. He is somewhat of a political ally of Tonklin, but hates Admiral Krega with a passion.
jole875 said:


America's Homefront Enclave

For those who fuck up badly enough to find themselves in their territory they are known as the 'Enclave'.

Type of Government

Rigged Democracy


President Jonathan Lee Henry

Vice President Damion Cooper

Home Planet/Moon/Station

Asteroid Belt and a few of Saturn's Moons.

Dominant Colonies (If applicable)





Before the destruction of the United States at the hands of communists the united states set up a military program where they could easily transport troops from their main base on Ganymede to attack any Chinese interstellar outpost. When the radio went dark and Earth was dying it was declared that America would be relived through this military colony. Several rescue missions were sent to Earth in hope to save some government officials and any that were still alive. They sadly were only able to save a few thousand and a congressman who had been in Canada on vacation.

At first the newly colonized American territory would be forced into hiding if they were to live, of the twenty thousand people on Ganymede sixteen were military personnel while the other four thousand were citizens. For several decades the colony only worked on self sufficiency, all resources were drained into bio domes, housing, industrialization, and manufacturing. When self sufficiency was reached they expanded across the moon. As they began expanding outward, colonizing moons and setting up outposts in the asteroid field a great fortress was built at the north pole of Ganymede. Up to this day a little over five hundred thousand people are apart of this Enclave, which most citizens are living on Ganymede. As of now they are a very secretive and reclusive, though a few stories of the ghosts of the United States continue to become more and more realistic.


Paul Lee Henry

Rank Under Faction



Lawful Evil

"God bless America, God bless the American Citizen, God bless our courageous American Soldiers. For you I will do what I must to ensure your safety."

He will do anything he must to protect Americas last real home








He almost always, like all American citizens, carries a handgun with him along with his pocket watch


Paul like many Americans was born on Ganymede and at the prime age of eighteen left his family's Bio Dome farm to join the military, which all men were drafted to do so for at least five years. After finishing his five years of service he took another term and was based on an asteroid station which he and his many American brothers kept keen watch for Communists. On several occasions he would blast ships full of holes that came too close, all that spoke with an accent of English were warned to leave the area, though any that spoke other languages were shot on sight. After finishing this term at the ripe age of thirty he came into politics, many people saw him as a great American hero or at least that's what the military propaganda said. He has now been president for five years and continues spreading his military force thinly across the solar system, you wouldn't have to go far into asteroid belt to intercept enclave messages but you wouldn't have to go far to be vaporized either.

Ganymede was not colonized until long after the federation formed. Whole premise is null and void

Anaxial said:
[Faction Sheet]
Name: Henson Corporation

Type of Government: Corporate Plutocracy

Leader(s): John Henson, CEO

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Earth

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Byzgot Superstructure, a feat of modern Engineering, the Byzgot Superstructure stands as the first example of a human "hive city". An entire city contained within the confines of a single building. The building spans several miles of surface area and shines brilliantly against the red background of the Planet. It can only be accessed through airlocks of two different sizes, smaller 'civilian airlocks, which are generally large tubes spanning from nearby cities that one could walk or drive a small motorcycle on or larger vehicle airlocks which are the primary access points for those driving and for Security/Military access. Composed of several levels, the bottom most level contains most businesses, store rooms, garages, and security checkpoints. It is generally open air and has a simulated night/day cycle as well as a light rain that falls from the higher structures. Roadways exist on the inside of the Byzgot Superstructure and allow for two lane traffic. Most people walk around the structure or take the vast tram system that can be used to reach any point within the city. The mid-level of the Byzgot Superstructure is mostly housing, contains the security HQ, oxygen farms, and manufacturing centers, the hive city is completely self sufficient and in theory, no one would ever have to leave. The higher levels are reserved for Company Officials, foreign dignitaries, is generally the diplomatic portion of the hive city.

Supported by a complex grid of oxygen farms, hydroponics farms, as well as having many plants around the housing areas and an airlocked structure, the Byzgot creates it's own climate and atmosphere.

Morality: Chaotic Neutral, the Corporation will do ANYTHING to expand it's influence, this includes funding terrorist organizations to attack other colonies, assassinating leaders, establishing monopolistic rule of trade, and using their control of economics to force others into doing as they're told.

Military: Henson Corporation has no formal military but utilizes a paramilitary force known as; the Red Axe Security Force or RASeF. These volunteer soldiers can range from the common citizen who simply wanted to serve t protect the technological marvels created by the Corporation and the way of life provided by them, or the death row prisoners looking for a way out.

Though unknown to the general public, Henson Corporation funds and directly controls a terrorist organization known as the Mongols. Their existence dating as far back as the first Colonies on Mars, these fanatical radicals believe that humankind is far behind the Technological and Sociological curve. They come from all walks of life and are almost always cybernetically enhanced and despise any form of controlling Governments. Very few Mongols are aware they are being controlled.

View attachment 220032A RASeF trooper in Common apparel.


With over 90% of RASeF volunteers being Ex-cons and rehabilitated Prisoners, the Security force is somewhat feared. Though incidents within RASeF personnel are historically low their bad reputation persists and many people feel that Prisoners should be transitioned out of the Security force.


On par with Paramilitary gear, RASeF utilize advanced Henson Corporation Equipment to serve as Light Infantry to a defensive extent. Their armor is

made of a composite weave of non-conductive kevlar and overlapping ablative plates. The ablative plating, when hit by concussive weapons break apart, redirecting the kinetic force from the bullet away from the soldier, leaving him totally unharmed. When his by directed Energy Weapons or Plasma, the ablative plate will boil away and fall off the soldier rather than burning him. The obvious down fall to this armor being that it can only take a limited amount of shots before being rendered useless.

Their weapons are high-tech crowd control weapons, the most common being the Tunguska rifle. A weapon that generates Sound Waves on low frequencies that vibrate the water molecules on the skin of an individuals or group of individuals and induces a burning sensation. The frequency can by amplified to make them feel as though they are engulfed with flames and totally incapacitate entire mobs of people. They can also be lowered to induce a slight burning sensation, as if they had a severe sunburn all over their body to disperse crowds before they form. It is capable of piercing any armor that isn't made of a dense material (IE Steel or Lead).

For Lethal engagements, RASeF uses rapid fire weapons designed to hit as many things as many times as possible rather than possess real stopping power. The standard issue Veyron Assault rifles come with massive magazines and fire small 7mm rounds giving the weapon virtually no kick whatsoever. They also lack true penetrating power however and most high-grade armors will stop the bullets.


The Ranking system in RASeF is a simple concept that defines seniority based on time in RASeF, Incidents on Record, and Loyalty in Service. The list goes from bottom to top;

Cadet (CA)

- First in the fight, last to leave

Senior Cadet (SRC)

- More Veteran than Cadets, but still Greenhorns

Trooper Minor (TRM)

- You're average RASeF employee

Trooper Senior (TRS)

- Squad Leaders, battle hardened soldiers

Trooper Elite (TRE)

- Platoon Leaders, these are the most veteran on the field.

Sergeant (SGT)

- Many Sergeants lead Platoons with Trooper Elites, while some move to Administrative Work.

Sergeant Major (SGM)

- If you see one of these guys on the field, someone fucked up. BAD.

Captain (CPT)

- The overall leaders of the RASeF organization. There are currently 32 Captains within RASeF.


Fanatics that have been around since the first colonies formed on Mars. Though it was only recently after the several civil wars that they rose to the height of their power. Their cybernetics have never been more advanced and they've never been more deadly. Mongols are a threat to all that leave the safety of their colonies- and to the colonies themselves.


Mongols are rogue Cyborgs and have any degree of enhancements. Some may have some simple biological upgrades while others may be full blown Terminators. They do not possess Ranks in a formal sense and instead their gear is based on the 'class' of Mongol that the individual has been trained in. This can range from light armor with Jetpacks to quickly traverse the field to heavy mech suits. All Mongols ultimately serve the Great Khans. Mongols specialize in hit-and-run tactics on convoys or civilian targets that exit the safety of their colonies. Their numbers hinder their ability to sustain large scale engagements though Mongols have been known to attack and even destroy smaller colonies.

Types of Mongols:

The type of Mongol often times determines their Equipment. Many different types enable the Mongols to handle many different situations. However their training and advanced cybernetics suggests they may be more than a simple terrorist organization...


Specializing in zero-gravity fighting, Corsairs often times board enemy ships and capture them Mongol use. Whether they jump (and use their jetpacks) to reach another ship in space or on a planet, or directly attach smaller transport ships to them and force their way in is irrelevant. Corsairs utilize light or no armor and make good use of Jetpacks to quickly traverse space or the field of battle in order to take control of enemy ships. On rare occasions, Corsairs can be seen in ground fights and are excellent at flanking enemy formations. Often times, they are biologically enhanced rather than cybernetically.


- The Common infantry of the Mongols, these men and women utilize medium or heavier armors and a vast range of weaponry expanding from simple rifles and automatic weapons, to heavy-duty missile launchers. Mamluk' are a fine example that raises the question to the Mongol's true nature. They are organized, disciplined, and ruthless.


Heavy Infantry that use advanced armor or small personal mech suits and serve as mobile artillery for the Mongols. Few have been seen, but whenever they turn up there are few survivors left. With a Zamburak at their back, a Mongol attack force can take on organized armor battalions. Their greater mobility and artillery grade weaponry making them hell for Main Battle tanks on the field. Some Zamburak come equipped with anti-air weapons and enable them to attack enemy ships that may do bombing runs or close air support during extended engagements.


The Heaviest of the Mongol forces, these living Dreadnoughts are more legend than they are fact. Only one has ever been seen (though no footage or pictures exist) during the siege of Avignon, a relatively large colony in 2303. The Colony was attacked by a massive Mongol force using a combination of outside forces and Mongols inside disguised as civilians. The Colony was breached in a matter of minutes, and within two hours the entire colony was destroyed and it's population killed (save for 13 colonists that escaped). The Mongols mutilated dead colonists and displayed them in formations that resembled their logo (a half human, half cyborg skull) and left a message painted across the town;

"To reject what we have created to better ourselves is ignorance. Feigning supremacy through purity is deadly."

The survivors reported a large machine that move rapidly but was well over 20ft tall, it was armed with enough weapons and ammunition to almost single handedly level the settlement.

Great Khan

- The only official 'leaders' of the Mongols. It is unknown how many Great Khans exist, but they each possess an army of Mongols and they often times work with one another. Their gear and cybernetics are usually top notch and often times grotesque in appearance. Great Khans are intelligent and hold no beef with one another, infighting within the Mongols is virtually unknown.

History: Founded back on Earth, Henson Corporation is a Mega Corporation of unprecedented power, specializing in Arms dealing they were a major player and profited significantly from the Arms race that arrived in the coming years. Back on Earth, it was argued that they were more powerful than the Nations they did business with, often times pulling the strings behind the scene, corrupting politicians and world leaders to allow them to establish such a Monopoly. When humans began colonizing Mars, Henson Corporation jumped on the opportunity and began sponsoring colonies. They founded many colonies and before any official Government existed on Mars, Henson Corporation was already taking over. Directly responsible for much of the ecological devastation on Earth, the Corporation made sure enough people and enough resources existed on Mars for them to seamlessly migrate to the Red Planet. They began work on the Byzgot Superstructure to house Employees, security, and to serve as the Economic powerhouse of Mars.

As Earth began to degrade, the Corporation suffered as well. Despite the Corporation's involvement in the arms race on Earth, they corporation share holders predicted another Word War, likely a nuclear one and began the process to abandon Earth.

During the collapse the Corporation pulled all it's resources and businesses back into the Byzgot Superstructure and some would argue they were a major factor in the severity of the economical and scale of the devastation on Earth and the following troubles on Mars. When the dust settled, the Corporation was a shadow of it's former self, it's reputation ruined, many factions had risen on Mars and their absolute power was shattered. However, their vast influence and monopolies on many industries allowed them to establish their own faction, not nearly as powerful as it once was but a force to be reckoned with. They began expanding their trade and selling weapons and various other equipment to the other factions to recuperate losses.

[Character Sheet] WIP

Name: Stirling Overland

Rank Under Faction: Great Khan in the Mongols Mercenary Faction

Morality: Chaotic Evil

Age: 108

Gender: Male

View attachment 219718

Appearance: Standing at 5'10'', Stirling is of average height among humans of the times. With well defined muscle structure and rugged, pocketed skin. Stirling is completely bald, his eyes are a steel-blue, very enchanting.

Paraphernalia: Possessing a variety of equipment, Stirling utilizes equipment common among Mongol Corsairs. Using a Jetpack, he can seamlessly fly through the battlefield and rain havoc from above.

Stirling possesses a myriad of cybernetic enhancements;


mong them is a small implant located within the ear that renders him immune to dizziness and motion-induced nausea. It also filters out white-noise and can artificially regulate loud noises essentially making him immune to sound-based trauma as well.


is entire skeletal structure is also coated in a special mesh made of composite material which makes the bones extremely resistant to trauma. Recorded events have shown Stirling falling excess of 30ft and not even cracking a bone(his flesh and muscles still tore and were bruised).


ermanently implanted over his mouth and connected to his lungs via the esophagus, is a respirator device. The device filters all known pathogens, particles, and vectors essentially allowing him to breath normally under any circumstance and rendering him immune to anything that could be harmful if inhaled. The Respirator however makes it impossible for Stirling to eat, forcing him to be directly pumped with nutrients through varying permanent IV's implanted along his backside.


is eyes have been artificially implanted with tapetum lucidum which reflects any light that passes through the retina back into the eye, thereby increasing his eye's sensitivity in dim lighting. In layman's terms, it grants him a 'cats eye' ability.

I hope you don't mind but I'll be controlling the Mongols for plot and balance reasons

of course they still work for you
Faction Sheet


Type of Government: Patriacal Dictatorship with Agnatic-Cognatic Elective inheritance (Male ruled Dictatorship with Male preferred inherritance, voted for by important leaders.)

Leader(s): Senetor John Sedna, Govenor James Hales, Governor Chris Matts, Governess Lucy 'The Widow' Welsh and Governor Henry Kale.

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Sedna.

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Central S (Sedna 1), Sedna 2, Sedna 3, Sedna 4, Sedna 5.

Morality: MUFAFUKIN BADASS (Chaotic Good)



The Colony of Sedna was the last Colony set up by the Federation on Mars, resulting in the set up of the most frontier Colony ever to exist. Sedna was soon forgotten about after its founding as the Federation was stuck by Civil War. During this time Sedna was still meant to be tethered to the Federation for supplies and so Rationing was enforced and people were soon starving. The Colonies numbers fell by 60% during this time and everything they had was poured into hurrying along self sufficiency. However, even when they had finally managed this, small technical difficulties to minor systems such as heating could lead to hundreds dead.

[Character Sheets]


Senator John Sedna

Rank Under Faction: Senator (Leader, like a King)

Morality: Chaotic Good

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Lots of winter suits and stuff for surviving the cold. A personal armory of a wide array of weapons in his house. His own Personal Space ship, station and shuttle to get from Sedna to either of them.

History: He was the youngest of his siblings, when he was in his preteen years he never thought he would be Elected Senator, his two older brothers seemed like much better candidates. However, during his teen years, he spent the entire time working hard trying to one up them in everything. Then, when he was nineteen, his father passed and he was the brother that the Governors wanted to rule the Colony. His first year as the Senator was sketchy as his older brother, the one most colonists thought would be Senator, attempted to kill him twice before he was found out and banished to the Federation. Since then he has kept a fairly clean rap sheet and managed to improve the colony, reduce the number of heating faults and pocket some more of the Colony tax funds for himself at the same time.


Governor James Hales

Rank Under Faction: Governor, Leader of one of Sedna's minor colonies, Sedna 2

Morality: Chaotic Neutral

Age: 22

Gender: Male

A little off the wall, his supplies are a bit of everything. Unlike Senator Sedna, he likes to spend his money on anything, even women from time to time. His properties are minor since he rarely buys anything that wont get pissed away by tomorrow.

History: Unlike the position of Senator, a Governor is handed from a father to his eldest son (or, lacking any, eldest daughter) and so he was just given his power and abused it to live a playboy lifestyle.


Governor Chris Matts

Rank Under Faction: Governor, Leader of one of Sedna's minor colonies, Sedna 4

Morality: Lawful Neutral

Age: 53

Gender: Male

As would be expected of a man of his age he likes to buy big things that wont go away. Building up his own little property empire so that the Matts can grow to power, possibly one of his descendants could even take the Senate.

History: Unlike the position of Senator, a Governor is handed from a father to his eldest son (or, lacking any, eldest daughter) and so he was just given his power and spent a lot of time building it up.


Governess Lucy (The Widow) Welsh

Rank Under Faction: Governor, Leader of one of Sedna's minor colonies, Sedna 3

Morality: Chaotic Neutral

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Not a lot, just the her fathers signet ring. That and her late husbands possessions

History: While most Governors inherited the position, Lady Lucy got it in a more roundabout way. Being quite the looker she managed to marry above her station and marry Lord Davis Welsh, a 30 year old man who liked what he saw. She, however, never loved him back and most people speculate she killed him before she could provide the only child with a dynastic heir. In reality the title should have gone to John to re allocate but, well, you don't mess with The Widow.


Governor Henry Kale

Rank Under Faction: Governor, Leader of one of Sedna's minor colonies, Sedna 5

Morality: Neutral Good

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Just his families possessions, he likes to focus on improving his colony to make it safe and secure, even forfeiting his own wealth where necessary.

History: Unlike the position of Senator, a Governor is handed from a father to his eldest son (or, lacking any, eldest daughter) and so he was just given his power but tried to balance it out, make the people better off. Henry is a little bit of a Socialist.

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Name: Tyr Rugaard

Rank under Faction: Free roaming Merchant, Master Mechanist and Fabricator. Child Prodigy.

Morality: Whatever doesn’t get me shot.

Age: 30

Gender: Male


Tyr Rugaard appears at first sight to be the image of a greaser combined with a blacksmith one would see in the old Terra age fantasy books. Standing at around 6 foot or just under and weighs 240 he is a very substantial guy. His jet black hair is slicked back overtop his head (like the objection guy) with a small metal nut or bolt of some kind piercing his ear. His face is angled oddly, almost too sharp in the nose and eyes, which are arctic ocean blue, to be human though his jaw is a strong one accenting his features nicely and drawing away from the slightly inhuman glare which always seems to be upon his face which doesn’t combine well with the slight smirk his mouth is perpetually turned up in. It makes the man look like one mischievous bastard… which he is.

He is broad in the shoulders, with a deep chest which is odd considering his average voice, one would think his shout a baritone but no whilst loud it is mild in its tone. His arms are covered in burn marks, cuts and scars, with calloused hands that are no stranger to rough and harsh work

The oddest bit however, seems to be the full body tattoo emblazoned upon his back and all along his muscular body. A dragon one might have called it save for its entirely foreign configuration of arms, limb structure and six eyes which if one stares long enough they would swear those burning emerald orbs blinked back at them.

Paraphernalia: For Attire Tyr can be seen normally in a long, thick synthetic overcoat which hands open at the front and drapes about his knee’s. The outside and inside covered in all manner of pockets and holdings for materials and inside its covers are sewn various armored plates made of everything from ceramic to lead, whilst underneath said overcoat there is an actual legitimate leather molded breastplate which goes over a synthetic sleeveless form fitting shirt.

A single medallion glitters over his breast, a small little compass shaped locket, engraved with the letters A.R. Its significance is unknown to all but Tyr.

Dragons Lust – The name of Tyr’s personal Ship, a decent Cairo class cruiser with decked out capabilities though it isn’t the best looking she gets the job done right. Plenty o’ cargo space to do some space truckin’ and One of the best drives available to get one from place to place, modified by yours truly.

Arnmamenton – A little personal Project of the eccentric Fabricator. It’s a Tank, a one of a kind Arnmamenton class Medium tank which does as the name implies. Carries a fuckton of shit, mainly guns. Truth be told it’s a home away from home on the ground whenever the ship isn’t available. It started off as an All-Terrain sealed APC for one of the exploration crews who had to go to more hostile environments on the colonies but the company who asked for its construction as bought out by the Henderson Corporation who subsequently didn’t pay for the prototype.

So that basically left Tyr with an unfinished Chassis and the plans for one of the best suspension and maneuverability systems he had seen in an armored vehicle. Why not finish the job save make it yours? So he did, fixed her up, modified her, gave her a nice 100mm smoothbore cannon. Optical Camoflauge generators and orbital link up capabilities, enlarged her storage space and upped the engine before sealing her off from the outside. Again, a home away from home, perfect for the frontier life cause sometimes ya gotta get off your ass as the junkyards wont cut it and hoof it out to some remote crash site far from a colony to loot it for the good shit.

In all honesty, the design for the Arnmamenton would sell like crazy for pioneers or biological warfare response teams and if modified make a good heavy tank, but Tyr likes his baby, and has enough cash in his pocket to not really think about doing such. Besides how many people not in the military can say they have their own personal Tank? Great in parades.


Tyr Rugaard was born an orphan amongst the many colonies of the Sol system, his single mother having given birth to him on a star ship which was coming into port. She had just enough time to give the newborn his name before dying, a small smile upon her lips as she passed into the great beyond triumphant, but of just what she conquered or what trial she passed is unknowable.

Tyr Rugaard was raised in an orphanage based on Venus and through being a mischievous little bastard and blowing up the orphanage toilets was kicked out to the streets. Tyr lived a hard life, scraping a life up from some of the worst neighborhoods possible on the planet. However, the boy was, aside from being a mischievous little bastard, an intelligent and mischievous little bastard and very good at surviving. It was all he could remember, all he knew but determined to change that he spent all the time he could getting, grabbing, stealing, and scrapping every bit of knowledge he could find on the subject of fabrication, having always been fascinated by the process and idea of being able to create something new with his own hands.

Years pass and through many questionable methods, saving, and underpaid job hours later, and the establishment known as Refuge opens up. Part bar and rest stop for weary travelers and merchant men, major part serious workshop with all sorts of man toys and things capable of binary fission. Though most just call it Tyr’s Garage or The Bunker considering it was built from an old Venusian war base and had in the main garage a heavy duty star lift into a cavern underground where most of the actual work on starships, land vehicles, and other projects were stored. If there was anything left behind by the former inhabitants no one wishes to find out. Tyr blocked up the only entrance to the lower levels with a few metric tons of boulders before slamming a steel cap on top of it when he bought the place dirt cheap. But there is something else down there, Schematics available to authorities show more rock, a fuckton more rock than was needed be moved out from the excavation site during its construction for the current size on the blue prints..

To this day, Tyr Rugaard enjoys womanizing and is well known throughout the city for his roguish ways, being utterly obsessed with his work and toys when not partying, and being a genius. More than once has the comment, ‘how come THAT guy got all the brains of the current generation? What a waste’ been said. But hey, underestimate the man and that’s fine by him, arrogance has caused more than enough plans to go up in flames and again… that’s all right by Tyr.

Name: Nagashira Raad

Rank Under Faction: Illegal Alien… Fuckin’ LITERALLY

Morality: Piss Off

Age: Probably watched Neil Armstrong land on the Moon and thought it was funny.

Gender: Female definitely unless males suddenly got huge knockers.


Standard for her species of Dredge in all aspects, no abnormal limbs or adaptive genome examples save her muscular structure is the very epiphany of biology. Standing at almost 10 feet tall and clocking in at roughly one metric ton of muscle and death. Nagashira Raad is one hardened Emerald Bitch. Dull, black ish red interlocking plates of chitin cover her body of which the plates are hard and riddles with surface pores almost like Raw Iron dug from the earth. A plethora of scars and dents cover this chitin as well to its natural appearance indicating that she has seen more than her fair share of combat, even has a nice jagged scar across her plump upper lip which snakes its way down her thick throat to the top of her breast indicating one hell of a fight. Emerald eyes, cut as if by the finest of jewelers, six of them, gaze from the depths of an armored, draconic head though sadly even the best of cuts could not give life to these seemingly dead, and cold stones.

Paraphernalia: Jack shit, other than brains, muscles and wit that’s about all she has.

(shittiest CS ever? Yea I think so too but ive held it off long enough so here ya go bitches!)

Name: Anarchists

Type of Government: Social Anarchism/Kratocracy

Leader(s): Jackson Buchard and the Twelve Belt Captain's

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Ceres - Nova Station

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Asteroid Belt (contested)

Morality: Chaotic Neutral

History: The history of the Anarchists are askew, in rumour, gossip and mystery at its finest. Nobody could be certain, when the Anarchists began - or when they gained enough numbers or the name, to be called that. They could have been the original escapees of Earth to Mars, the survivors of the Federation' rise on Mars, from the outer-colonies or somethin farther away.

What people to agree-on, that after the slow decline of the Federation - the Anarchists gained their momentum and name. When the Federation' Fleet send to quell the riots and turned back to fight the Federation, one captain of the Fleet refused to carry orders to either fight or kill any side. Wishing to fight and die for their own side. After that, the reinging captain took his ship away into the Asteroid Belt. After that, and the Federation' corruptive decline, more and more ships started to join the Anarchists.

Nobody is quite certain about their full size, but they do know - that a former Federation' battlecruiser, is the lead flag-ship. And its area of control is spread throughout the Asteroid Belt, attacking any travellers or merchants that try to get by it. In some other cases, the Anarchists leave the Belt to attack other settlements - to pillage for resources, materials or slaves.

The large asteroid-planet Ceres is known to be the station and meeting point for the collection of pirates. Any attempts to attack it have failed, as the pirates respond to any attempts to exterminate them with equal might - and with an array of even more dangerous and deadly weaponry.

[Character Sheet]

Jackson Buchard

Rank Under Faction: High Captain of the Leviathan

Morality: Chaotic Lawful

Age: 58

Gender: Male




  • A cybernetic interface-set that allows Jackson to command most of the info-data of the Leviathan. If something is wrong, or damaged aboard the Leviathan, he would know. He can also use it to access other things about the Leviathan - namely the communcations, from his right-side head-set and the manual targeting for the main cannons with his cybernetic eye.
  • Captain' Suit with made of fine-leather, with titanium-threads woven into the fabric and plastic-nano mesh woven above it. Giving the suit a good shine, and offers great protection.
  • Mk. 10 Reaper Compression Handgun - a handgun, that compresses the gasses inside it; making the gun hit with the usual force of a handgun, with added heavy-degree burns for comfort.
  • Ares-class Leviathan Battlecruiser


Jackson Buchard came to be the leader of the Anarchists, much in the same way, as most other people of the faction did. They pissed off somebody, or disliked being pissed-on.

Jackson himself, had been a rising naval-captain for the Federation. He got his bars, at the astonishing age of 20 - albeit, his career sunk faster, than a de-compressing ship. When one mis-manage, with some politician ended with Jackson losing everything. Instead of being dismissed, booted-out and likely jailed for some unknown crime - Jackson decided it was a good time, for early retirement. Extra early - as he nicked a high-class corvette of some rich-politician, before making his way to the Asteroid Belt; where it was rumoured several others of questionable origin or reputation made their home.

For his ship and his skills as an officer of a real warship, Jackson got offered a seat aboard the crew of the Leviathan - the deadliest ship of the Anarchists. For 18 years he climbed the rank of the Leviathan - where only wits, cunning and knowledge got one forward.

By that time, he managed to become First Mate, and after that, murder the previous captain in his sleep - becoming the Captain of the Leviathan. For the past twenty years, he has reigned as its commander, upgrading and making it more efficient than ever before. Even trying to rally the makeshift, pirate horde into a deadly armada for the past ten years.
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Very similar to

NecroKnight said:

Name: Anarchists

Type of Government: Social Anarchism/Kratocracy

Leader(s): Jackson Buchard and the Twelve Belt Captain's

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Ceres - Nova Station

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Asteroid Belt (contested)

Morality: Chaotic Neutral

History: The history of the Anarchists are askew, in rumour, gossip and mystery at its finest. Nobody could be certain, when the Anarchists began - or when they gained enough numbers or the name, to be called that. They could have been the original escapees of Earth to Mars, the survivors of the Federation' rise on Mars, from the outer-colonies or somethin farther away.

What people to agree-on, that after the slow decline of the Federation - the Anarchists gained their momentum and name. When the Federation' Fleet send to quell the riots and turned back to fight the Federation, one captain of the Fleet refused to carry orders to either fight or kill any side. Wishing to fight and die for their own side. After that, the reinging captain took his ship away into the Asteroid Belt. After that, and the Federation' corruptive decline, more and more ships started to join the Anarchists.

Nobody is quite certain about their full size, but they do know - that a former Federation' battlecruiser, is the lead flag-ship. And its area of control is spread throughout the Asteroid Belt, attacking any travellers or merchants that try to get by it. In some other cases, the Anarchists leave the Belt to attack other settlements - to pillage for resources, materials or slaves.

The large asteroid-planet Ceres is known to be the station and meeting point for the collection of pirates. Any attempts to attack it have failed, as the pirates respond to any attempts to exterminate them with equal might - and with an array of even more dangerous and deadly weaponry.

[Character Sheet]

Jackson Buchard

Rank Under Faction: High Captain of the Leviathan

Morality: Chaotic Lawful

Age: 58

Gender: Male




  • A cybernetic interface-set that allows Jackson to command most of the info-data of the Leviathan. If something is wrong, or damaged aboard the Leviathan, he would know. He can also use it to access other things about the Leviathan - namely the communcations, from his right-side head-set and the manual targeting for the main cannons with his cybernetic eye.
  • Captain' Suit with made of fine-leather, with titanium-threads woven into the fabric and plastic-nano mesh woven above it. Giving the suit a good shine, and offers great protection.
  • Mk. 10 Reaper Compression Handgun - a handgun, that compresses the gasses inside it; making the gun hit with the usual force of a handgun, with added heavy-degree burns for comfort.
  • Ares-class Leviathan Battlecruiser


Very wry similar to the Mongols quite frankly. Obviously a coincidence and so would you like to be a great Khan, which is a leader of a Mongol horde?
I mean you don't HAVE to but it would fit your nation and the RPs setting perfectly
My High-Captain is the leader. And I wanted my group to be a bunch of 'fuck this, live for me only' people.

They pillage you for your stuff. Ahoy!

NecroKnight said:
My High-Captain is the leader. And I wanted my group to be a bunch of 'fuck this, live for me only' people.
They pillage you for your stuff. Ahoy!

Are they Anti-government (all forms) and love cybernetics and biotech?

Or are they just a band of rogue pirates?
They are anarchists, so do they dislike the government which is corrupt. A good faction of them pirates are from the Federation.

They go with what helps them live better. So not a cult-level fans, but they would do it.

They are like from the Ageof Pirates - wanting to make a living and stick it to the man.

As such - they have some 'leaders' and a big 'king' who commands them all. In reality, each ship is like its own mini-rulership with their captains.

My High Captain just has the bigger guns to stop them from killing eachother in some idiotic nonsense.

However, he has been in the process of rallying them all into a deadly armada. But its like I said - takes time. He has been at it for ten years.
NecroKnight said:
They are anarchists, so do they dislike the government which is corrupt. A good faction of them pirates are from the Federation.
They go with what helps them live better. So not a cult-level fans, but they would do it.

They are like from the Ageof Pirates - wanting to make a living and stick it to the man.

As such - they have some 'leaders' and a big 'king' who commands them all. In reality, each ship is like its own mini-rulership with their captains.

My High Captain just has the bigger guns to stop them from killing eachother in some idiotic nonsense.

However, he has been in the process of rallying them all into a deadly armada. But its like I said - takes time. He has been at it for ten years.
Aha so they aren't as cult like or radical, hating only currupt governments correct?

The Mingols hate ALL forms of government, even the feudalistic anarchy you have going. They have a government of course but its not recognized as such. It's more of they are so deep into the cult they willing follow the orders of the Great Khan to the point thy see his will as their own
Basically the Mongols are hypocrites as anyone group that has a leader has a form of government.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Bob, your going to send his shit at me aren't you?

No as I don't control his faction. I'm sending literally a pesky pirate gang just to see how you will react, you will beat them (likely). But that's just in the very beginning, who knows what I have in store

I could send the Mongols after you for all you know!
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Name: Tyr Rugaard
Rank under Faction: Free roaming Merchant, Master Mechanist and Fabricator. Child Prodigy.

Morality: Whatever doesn’t get me shot.

Age: 30

Gender: Male


Tyr Rugaard appears at first sight to be the image of a greaser combined with a blacksmith one would see in the old Terra age fantasy books. Standing at around 6 foot or just under and weighs 240 he is a very substantial guy. His jet black hair is slicked back overtop his head (like the objection guy) with a small metal nut or bolt of some kind piercing his ear. His face is angled oddly, almost too sharp in the nose and eyes, which are arctic ocean blue, to be human though his jaw is a strong one accenting his features nicely and drawing away from the slightly inhuman glare which always seems to be upon his face which doesn’t combine well with the slight smirk his mouth is perpetually turned up in. It makes the man look like one mischievous bastard… which he is.

He is broad in the shoulders, with a deep chest which is odd considering his average voice, one would think his shout a baritone but no whilst loud it is mild in its tone. His arms are covered in burn marks, cuts and scars, with calloused hands that are no stranger to rough and harsh work

The oddest bit however, seems to be the full body tattoo emblazoned upon his back and all along his muscular body. A dragon one might have called it save for its entirely foreign configuration of arms, limb structure and six eyes which if one stares long enough they would swear those burning emerald orbs blinked back at them.

Paraphernalia: For Attire Tyr can be seen normally in a long, thick synthetic overcoat which hands open at the front and drapes about his knee’s. The outside and inside covered in all manner of pockets and holdings for materials and inside its covers are sewn various armored plates made of everything from ceramic to lead, whilst underneath said overcoat there is an actual legitimate leather molded breastplate which goes over a synthetic sleeveless form fitting shirt.

A single medallion glitters over his breast, a small little compass shaped locket, engraved with the letters A.R. Its significance is unknown to all but Tyr.

Dragons Lust – The name of Tyr’s personal Ship, a decent Cairo class cruiser with decked out capabilities though it isn’t the best looking she gets the job done right. Plenty o’ cargo space to do some space truckin’ and One of the best drives available to get one from place to place, modified by yours truly.

Arnmamenton – A little personal Project of the eccentric Fabricator. It’s a Tank, a one of a kind Arnmamenton class Medium tank which does as the name implies. Carries a fuckton of shit, mainly guns. Truth be told it’s a home away from home on the ground whenever the ship isn’t available. It started off as an All-Terrain sealed APC for one of the exploration crews who had to go to more hostile environments on the colonies but the company who asked for its construction as bought out by the Henderson Corporation who subsequently didn’t pay for the prototype.

So that basically left Tyr with an unfinished Chassis and the plans for one of the best suspension and maneuverability systems he had seen in an armored vehicle. Why not finish the job save make it yours? So he did, fixed her up, modified her, gave her a nice 100mm smoothbore cannon. Optical Camoflauge generators and orbital link up capabilities, enlarged her storage space and upped the engine before sealing her off from the outside. Again, a home away from home, perfect for the frontier life cause sometimes ya gotta get off your ass as the junkyards wont cut it and hoof it out to some remote crash site far from a colony to loot it for the good shit.

In all honesty, the design for the Arnmamenton would sell like crazy for pioneers or biological warfare response teams and if modified make a good heavy tank, but Tyr likes his baby, and has enough cash in his pocket to not really think about doing such. Besides how many people not in the military can say they have their own personal Tank? Great in parades.


Tyr Rugaard was born an orphan amongst the many colonies of the Sol system, his single mother having given birth to him on a star ship which was coming into port. She had just enough time to give the newborn his name before dying, a small smile upon her lips as she passed into the great beyond triumphant, but of just what she conquered or what trial she passed is unknowable.

Tyr Rugaard was raised in an orphanage based on Venus and through being a mischievous little bastard and blowing up the orphanage toilets was kicked out to the streets. Tyr lived a hard life, scraping a life up from some of the worst neighborhoods possible on the planet. However, the boy was, aside from being a mischievous little bastard, an intelligent and mischievous little bastard and very good at surviving. It was all he could remember, all he knew but determined to change that he spent all the time he could getting, grabbing, stealing, and scrapping every bit of knowledge he could find on the subject of fabrication, having always been fascinated by the process and idea of being able to create something new with his own hands.

Years pass and through many questionable methods, saving, and underpaid job hours later, and the establishment known as Refuge opens up. Part bar and rest stop for weary travelers and merchant men, major part serious workshop with all sorts of man toys and things capable of binary fission. Though most just call it Tyr’s Garage or The Bunker considering it was built from an old Venusian war base and had in the main garage a heavy duty star lift into a cavern underground where most of the actual work on starships, land vehicles, and other projects were stored. If there was anything left behind by the former inhabitants no one wishes to find out. Tyr blocked up the only entrance to the lower levels with a few metric tons of boulders before slamming a steel cap on top of it when he bought the place dirt cheap. But there is something else down there, Schematics available to authorities show more rock, a fuckton more rock than was needed be moved out from the excavation site during its construction for the current size on the blue prints..

To this day, Tyr Rugaard enjoys womanizing and is well known throughout the city for his roguish ways, being utterly obsessed with his work and toys when not partying, and being a genius. More than once has the comment, ‘how come THAT guy got all the brains of the current generation? What a waste’ been said. But hey, underestimate the man and that’s fine by him, arrogance has caused more than enough plans to go up in flames and again… that’s all right by Tyr.

Name: Nagashira Raad

Rank Under Faction: Illegal Alien… Fuckin’ LITERALLY

Morality: Piss Off

Age: Probably watched Neil Armstrong land on the Moon and thought it was funny.

Gender: Female definitely unless males suddenly got huge knockers.


Standard for her species of Dredge in all aspects, no abnormal limbs or adaptive genome examples save her muscular structure is the very epiphany of biology. Standing at almost 10 feet tall and clocking in at roughly one metric ton of muscle and death. Nagashira Raad is one hardened Emerald Bitch. Dull, black ish red interlocking plates of chitin cover her body of which the plates are hard and riddles with surface pores almost like Raw Iron dug from the earth. A plethora of scars and dents cover this chitin as well to its natural appearance indicating that she has seen more than her fair share of combat, even has a nice jagged scar across her plump upper lip which snakes its way down her thick throat to the top of her breast indicating one hell of a fight. Emerald eyes, cut as if by the finest of jewelers, six of them, gaze from the depths of an armored, draconic head though sadly even the best of cuts could not give life to these seemingly dead, and cold stones.

Paraphernalia: Jack shit, other than brains, muscles and wit that’s about all she has.

(shittiest CS ever? Yea I think so too but ive held it off long enough so here ya go bitches!)

Denied too good of a CS

[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]
Faction Sheet


Type of Government: Patriacal Dictatorship with Agnatic-Cognatic Elective inheritance (Male ruled Dictatorship with Male preferred inherritance, voted for by important leaders.)

Leader(s): Senetor John Sedna, Govenor James Hales, Governor Chris Matts, Governess Lucy 'The Widow' Welsh and Governor Henry Kale.

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Sedna.

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Central S (Sedna 1), Sedna 2, Sedna 3, Sedna 4, Sedna 5.

Morality: MUFAFUKIN BADASS (Chaotic Good)



The Colony of Sedna was the last Colony set up by the Federation on Mars, resulting in the set up of the most frontier Colony ever to exist. Sedna was soon forgotten about after its founding as the Federation was stuck by Civil War. During this time Sedna was still meant to be tethered to the Federation for supplies and so Rationing was enforced and people were soon starving. The Colonies numbers fell by 60% during this time and everything they had was poured into hurrying along self sufficiency. However, even when they had finally managed this, small technical difficulties to minor systems such as heating could lead to hundreds dead.

Needs character info
Anaxial said:
[Faction Sheet]
Name: Henson Corporation

Type of Government: Corporate Plutocracy

Leader(s): John Henson, CEO

Home Planet/Moon/Station: Earth

Dominant Colonies (If applicable): Byzgot Superstructure, a feat of modern Engineering, the Byzgot Superstructure stands as the first example of a human "hive city". An entire city contained within the confines of a single building. The building spans several miles of surface area and shines brilliantly against the red background of the Planet. It can only be accessed through airlocks of two different sizes, smaller 'civilian airlocks, which are generally large tubes spanning from nearby cities that one could walk or drive a small motorcycle on or larger vehicle airlocks which are the primary access points for those driving and for Security/Military access. Composed of several levels, the bottom most level contains most businesses, store rooms, garages, and security checkpoints. It is generally open air and has a simulated night/day cycle as well as a light rain that falls from the higher structures. Roadways exist on the inside of the Byzgot Superstructure and allow for two lane traffic. Most people walk around the structure or take the vast tram system that can be used to reach any point within the city. The mid-level of the Byzgot Superstructure is mostly housing, contains the security HQ, oxygen farms, and manufacturing centers, the hive city is completely self sufficient and in theory, no one would ever have to leave. The higher levels are reserved for Company Officials, foreign dignitaries, is generally the diplomatic portion of the hive city.

Supported by a complex grid of oxygen farms, hydroponics farms, as well as having many plants around the housing areas and an airlocked structure, the Byzgot creates it's own climate and atmosphere.

Morality: Chaotic Neutral, the Corporation will do ANYTHING to expand it's influence, this includes funding terrorist organizations to attack other colonies, assassinating leaders, establishing monopolistic rule of trade, and using their control of economics to force others into doing as they're told.

Military: Henson Corporation has no formal military but utilizes a paramilitary force known as; the Red Axe Security Force or RASeF. These volunteer soldiers can range from the common citizen who simply wanted to serve t protect the technological marvels created by the Corporation and the way of life provided by them, or the death row prisoners looking for a way out.

Though unknown to the general public, Henson Corporation funds and directly controls a terrorist organization known as the Mongols. Their existence dating as far back as the first Colonies on Mars, these fanatical radicals believe that humankind is far behind the Technological and Sociological curve. They come from all walks of life and are almost always cybernetically enhanced and despise any form of controlling Governments. Very few Mongols are aware they are being controlled.

View attachment 220032A RASeF trooper in Common apparel.


With over 90% of RASeF volunteers being Ex-cons and rehabilitated Prisoners, the Security force is somewhat feared. Though incidents within RASeF personnel are historically low their bad reputation persists and many people feel that Prisoners should be transitioned out of the Security force.


On par with Paramilitary gear, RASeF utilize advanced Henson Corporation Equipment to serve as Light Infantry to a defensive extent. Their armor is

made of a composite weave of non-conductive kevlar and overlapping ablative plates. The ablative plating, when hit by concussive weapons break apart, redirecting the kinetic force from the bullet away from the soldier, leaving him totally unharmed. When his by directed Energy Weapons or Plasma, the ablative plate will boil away and fall off the soldier rather than burning him. The obvious down fall to this armor being that it can only take a limited amount of shots before being rendered useless.

Their weapons are high-tech crowd control weapons, the most common being the Tunguska rifle. A weapon that generates Sound Waves on low frequencies that vibrate the water molecules on the skin of an individuals or group of individuals and induces a burning sensation. The frequency can by amplified to make them feel as though they are engulfed with flames and totally incapacitate entire mobs of people. They can also be lowered to induce a slight burning sensation, as if they had a severe sunburn all over their body to disperse crowds before they form. It is capable of piercing any armor that isn't made of a dense material (IE Steel or Lead).

For Lethal engagements, RASeF uses rapid fire weapons designed to hit as many things as many times as possible rather than possess real stopping power. The standard issue Veyron Assault rifles come with massive magazines and fire small 7mm rounds giving the weapon virtually no kick whatsoever. They also lack true penetrating power however and most high-grade armors will stop the bullets.


The Ranking system in RASeF is a simple concept that defines seniority based on time in RASeF, Incidents on Record, and Loyalty in Service. The list goes from bottom to top;

Cadet (CA)

- First in the fight, last to leave

Senior Cadet (SRC)

- More Veteran than Cadets, but still Greenhorns

Trooper Minor (TRM)

- You're average RASeF employee

Trooper Senior (TRS)

- Squad Leaders, battle hardened soldiers

Trooper Elite (TRE)

- Platoon Leaders, these are the most veteran on the field.

Sergeant (SGT)

- Many Sergeants lead Platoons with Trooper Elites, while some move to Administrative Work.

Sergeant Major (SGM)

- If you see one of these guys on the field, someone fucked up. BAD.

Captain (CPT)

- The overall leaders of the RASeF organization. There are currently 32 Captains within RASeF.


Fanatics that have been around since the first colonies formed on Mars. Though it was only recently after the several civil wars that they rose to the height of their power. Their cybernetics have never been more advanced and they've never been more deadly. Mongols are a threat to all that leave the safety of their colonies- and to the colonies themselves.


Mongols are rogue Cyborgs and have any degree of enhancements. Some may have some simple biological upgrades while others may be full blown Terminators. They do not possess Ranks in a formal sense and instead their gear is based on the 'class' of Mongol that the individual has been trained in. This can range from light armor with Jetpacks to quickly traverse the field to heavy mech suits. All Mongols ultimately serve the Great Khans. Mongols specialize in hit-and-run tactics on convoys or civilian targets that exit the safety of their colonies. Their numbers hinder their ability to sustain large scale engagements though Mongols have been known to attack and even destroy smaller colonies.

Types of Mongols:

The type of Mongol often times determines their Equipment. Many different types enable the Mongols to handle many different situations. However their training and advanced cybernetics suggests they may be more than a simple terrorist organization...


Specializing in zero-gravity fighting, Corsairs often times board enemy ships and capture them Mongol use. Whether they jump (and use their jetpacks) to reach another ship in space or on a planet, or directly attach smaller transport ships to them and force their way in is irrelevant. Corsairs utilize light or no armor and make good use of Jetpacks to quickly traverse space or the field of battle in order to take control of enemy ships. On rare occasions, Corsairs can be seen in ground fights and are excellent at flanking enemy formations. Often times, they are biologically enhanced rather than cybernetically.


- The Common infantry of the Mongols, these men and women utilize medium or heavier armors and a vast range of weaponry expanding from simple rifles and automatic weapons, to heavy-duty missile launchers. Mamluk' are a fine example that raises the question to the Mongol's true nature. They are organized, disciplined, and ruthless.


Heavy Infantry that use advanced armor or small personal mech suits and serve as mobile artillery for the Mongols. Few have been seen, but whenever they turn up there are few survivors left. With a Zamburak at their back, a Mongol attack force can take on organized armor battalions. Their greater mobility and artillery grade weaponry making them hell for Main Battle tanks on the field. Some Zamburak come equipped with anti-air weapons and enable them to attack enemy ships that may do bombing runs or close air support during extended engagements.


The Heaviest of the Mongol forces, these living Dreadnoughts are more legend than they are fact. Only one has ever been seen (though no footage or pictures exist) during the siege of Avignon, a relatively large colony in 2303. The Colony was attacked by a massive Mongol force using a combination of outside forces and Mongols inside disguised as civilians. The Colony was breached in a matter of minutes, and within two hours the entire colony was destroyed and it's population killed (save for 13 colonists that escaped). The Mongols mutilated dead colonists and displayed them in formations that resembled their logo (a half human, half cyborg skull) and left a message painted across the town;

"To reject what we have created to better ourselves is ignorance. Feigning supremacy through purity is deadly."

The survivors reported a large machine that move rapidly but was well over 20ft tall, it was armed with enough weapons and ammunition to almost single handedly level the settlement.

Great Khan

- The only official 'leaders' of the Mongols. It is unknown how many Great Khans exist, but they each possess an army of Mongols and they often times work with one another. Their gear and cybernetics are usually top notch and often times grotesque in appearance. Great Khans are intelligent and hold no beef with one another, infighting within the Mongols is virtually unknown.

History: Founded back on Earth, Henson Corporation is a Mega Corporation of unprecedented power, specializing in Arms dealing they were a major player and profited significantly from the Arms race that arrived in the coming years. Back on Earth, it was argued that they were more powerful than the Nations they did business with, often times pulling the strings behind the scene, corrupting politicians and world leaders to allow them to establish such a Monopoly. When humans began colonizing Mars, Henson Corporation jumped on the opportunity and began sponsoring colonies. They founded many colonies and before any official Government existed on Mars, Henson Corporation was already taking over. Directly responsible for much of the ecological devastation on Earth, the Corporation made sure enough people and enough resources existed on Mars for them to seamlessly migrate to the Red Planet. They began work on the Byzgot Superstructure to house Employees, security, and to serve as the Economic powerhouse of Mars.

As Earth began to degrade, the Corporation suffered as well. Despite the Corporation's involvement in the arms race on Earth, they corporation share holders predicted another Word War, likely a nuclear one and began the process to abandon Earth.

During the collapse the Corporation pulled all it's resources and businesses back into the Byzgot Superstructure and some would argue they were a major factor in the severity of the economical and scale of the devastation on Earth and the following troubles on Mars. When the dust settled, the Corporation was a shadow of it's former self, it's reputation ruined, many factions had risen on Mars and their absolute power was shattered. However, their vast influence and monopolies on many industries allowed them to establish their own faction, not nearly as powerful as it once was but a force to be reckoned with. They began expanding their trade and selling weapons and various other equipment to the other factions to recuperate losses.

[Character Sheet] WIP

Name: Stirling Overland

Rank Under Faction: Great Khan in the Mongols Mercenary Faction

Morality: Chaotic Evil

Age: 108

Gender: Male

View attachment 219718

Appearance: Standing at 5'10'', Stirling is of average height among humans of the times. With well defined muscle structure and rugged, pocketed skin. Stirling is completely bald, his eyes are a steel-blue, very enchanting.

Paraphernalia: Possessing a variety of equipment, Stirling utilizes equipment common among Mongol Corsairs. Using a Jetpack, he can seamlessly fly through the battlefield and rain havoc from above.

Stirling possesses a myriad of cybernetic enhancements;


mong them is a small implant located within the ear that renders him immune to dizziness and motion-induced nausea. It also filters out white-noise and can artificially regulate loud noises essentially making him immune to sound-based trauma as well.


is entire skeletal structure is also coated in a special mesh made of composite material which makes the bones extremely resistant to trauma. Recorded events have shown Stirling falling excess of 30ft and not even cracking a bone(his flesh and muscles still tore and were bruised).


ermanently implanted over his mouth and connected to his lungs via the esophagus, is a respirator device. The device filters all known pathogens, particles, and vectors essentially allowing him to breath normally under any circumstance and rendering him immune to anything that could be harmful if inhaled. The Respirator however makes it impossible for Stirling to eat, forcing him to be directly pumped with nutrients through varying permanent IV's implanted along his backside.


is eyes have been artificially implanted with tapetum lucidum which reflects any light that passes through the retina back into the eye, thereby increasing his eye's sensitivity in dim lighting. In layman's terms, it grants him a 'cats eye' ability.

Accepted but please make a Henson corporation character (doesn't have to be a leader but can be)

And as I am taking control of the Mongols do you want me to control Stirling? I promise I'll take good care of this awsome Bane look alike
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