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Nation Building Decendants of Mars - The Plague (OPEN)


Recently Resurrected Divine Feline Entity.
Hello and welcome to Descendants of Mars! This will be a detailed character driven roleplay revolving around human colonies in our solar system, an alien race on Pluto (because why not), their inner conflicts and the enemy that threatens them all.

This is NOT your typical nation building roleplay. Your goal is NOT to conquer the other layers. Your goal is NOT to be the best the most powerful, etc. The goal is to create a unique an enjoyable story through the eyes of our characters and watch as they grow and develop. If you simply want to conquer everyone else this is NOT the roleplay for you.

In order for you to understand what the fuck is going on in the world you MUST read the background. Its long I know, boohoo I had to type the damn thing, you can read it > :P



The current year is 2585... Humanities history is littered with petty wars and unfounded destruction. The last 500 years have been no different...

In the primitive year of 2015, the Chinese government successfully built a nuclear submarine rivaling the abilities of United Sates nuclear submarines. The following year the Chinese government continued to modernize its army with supplies purchased form their equally rowing and threatening ally Russia. The Chinese government unveiled two more nuclear submarines the following year, beginning one of the greatest arms race since the Cold War.

The United Sates government and its European allies felt threatened by the militarization of the allied Russia and China and began expanding their own militaries. In response China and Russia doubled their efforts, creating an atmosphere in which even the smallest incident could erupt in all out war.

This arms race, like the Cold War, lead to many other races and many other fields. One notable and quite important race was the Second Space Race. In the year 2035 the Chinese Space program successfully launched a manned space craft to Mars and successfully completed several orbits before safely returning home. The Russian government completed the same task the following year. This shocked the respective government of the US and Europe for at the time it was believed their space programs were quiet primitive. This prompted the USA and its EU counterpart to expand their own space programs, reaching the red planet by 2042.

This Space race only intensified as each nation competed against one another to be the "first". From the first to orbit the Martian moons, to the first to land on the Martian surface, no rock was left unturned. During all this no clear winner emerged, yet the never ending race would continue for more than a century.

While no winner emerged fro the space ace, a clear winner was emerging from the Arms race. In the year 2053 the United Sates government unveiled a new and revolutionary weapons- the rail gun (This is currently being developed, and quiet successfully). This weapon utilized electro-magnetic properties to launch a projectile with unimaginable force. So powerful, no modern armor could little more than slow the deadly round.

This unveiling frightened the Chinese and Russian government. The Chinese governments response was a massive cyber attack against the United States, in which designs for the weapons and other sensitive information was stolen. This attack was responded with the immediate declaration of war on the parts of the United Sates government. The nations of Europe however, fearing the consequence of such a war immediately declared neutrality and sought to resolve the issue peacefully. Peace Talks between the three warring nations went successfully, but would set the stage for the four sided confrontation that would ultimately destroy the Earth as we know it.

The Russian government, fearing being dragged into what it called "An unjustified and foolish attack" ended its alliance with the Chinese government. The nations of Europe maintained their neutrality, fearing the consequences of being dragged into the growing conflict.

Despite this conflict, peace continued for the following century, along with the Arms and Space race. By 2095 landing ion the Martian surface was as regular as visits to the International Spaceship are today and talks of a Martian colony began. The first nation to achieve such a feat was Russia, whose orbital colony named "Vostolk" became operational in 2115. Chinese, American and European stations would soon follow and the race to the surface would begin.


By 2150 each nation had its own fully functioning surface colony on mars. By 2189 civilian colonization of Mars began was the United States leading the charge. Somewhere around this time the space programs of South Korea, Canada and several other nations joined the race as minor players, with smaller and less advanced colonies. By 2218 there was an estimated 1 million civilians living full time of Mars- humanity had done it. What was once only an dream had become a reality.

But humanity would have little time to celebrate their achievement. in 2246 the supreme leader of the Chinese government was assassinated by a Chinese rebel. Upon investigation the Chinese government claimed to of linked the rebel to a United Sates plot. In response the Chinese blockaded the western coast of the United Sates. The United Sates at first tried a diplomatic solution, but when talks broke down the USA declared war and launched attacks against the blockading fleet and followed up with an invasion of mainland China.

This war turned into a stalemate with the front at a standstill near the coast of China. This stalemate would end however, when the Russian government joined the war against China on the side of America. This sudden attack cuased the Chinese army to falter and ultimately retreat deeper into China. The combined Russian and American forces proved too much for the Chinese Army, who in a final act of desperation launched a nuclear strike against the Russian government. Although the attack was a single missiles in Tiberia, an attempt to dissuade Russian and American Forces, it was met with an American and Russian counter attack, in the form of a massive nuclear missile strike. In turn the Chinese government launched a nuclear strike of its own. The combined power of the nuclear arsenal of the three superpowers wiped out all three countries and irradiated the planet. In the blink of an eye the Earth was gone. All that was left of humanity were the 5million on the Martian surface. (Earth destroyed in 2250)

One would think humanity would learn its mistakes and begin anew. Nothing could be farther from the truth...

(2250-2251) The "Unification" of Mars - Birth of the Federation

With the collapse of Earth, the situation on Mars deteriorated almost immediately. Start up colonies, mostly from lesser program could not survive without shipments of supplies from Earth and most cold not survive more than 3 months without resources from Earth. These colonies looked to the larger colonies of the EU, Russia, China and the USA for help. Most were turned down and a blind eye was turned as many ran out of supplies and died. Those that died survive were either forced to pledge loyalty to the "mother" colony that saved them, or merged with other minor colonies in order to share resources and survive, those these were few and far as most colonies were quite spread out. In total, within 4 months of the collapse of Earth an additional 300,000 people died. But they would certainly not be the last in this downward spiral.

The alliances from Earth had carried over to the Martian Colonies. The aligned colonies of USA, and Russia, using military supplies shipped to them during the rising tensions before the war launched an all-out assault against the Chinese colonies. The Chinese colonies, similarly armed but outnumbered, fought back, but were overwhelmed by the joint Russian and United State's forces. The aligned forces were brutal in their attack. What colonies they could'nt storm by force, they sabotaged, killing almost anyone inside. After half a year of a one sided and bloody conflict the aligned forces captured the last Chinese colony. Another 200,000 lives lost to human greed.

The aligned forces renamed themselves the "Martian Federation", stating that only together the colonies of mars could survive. The Federation offered to help the EU and other minor colonies in return that they merge into the federation. The EU, which had formed a union with the minor colonies, denied the offer stating that it and its allies had no intention in joining a federation built on the bodies of the dead.

Things were seemingly quiet for a while, but as all now by now humanity is either at war or preparing for it. And so it was no so surprising when the Federation declared war on the EU and its allies, sending out militarized rovers against their colonies. The EU and its allies had spent the time too busy with maintaining their colonies to prepare for such an assault, and in the battle the followed the Federation came to rule over al, for the small price of another 100,000 lives. 500,000 more lives lost within a year of Earth's demise. Humanity's true nature exposed...

(2251-2320) A new Frontier

Some would say the Federation united Mars, in truth it only divided it further. The joint US and Russian forces created a democratic system for the Federation, stating that it "would not make the mistakes of the past". In fact, it already had. The society which it had formed was heavily divided between the victorious first class citizens (The USA and Russia) , the oppressed majority (The Chinese) and the ignored minority (EU and minor colonies). The congress is made up of purely Americans and Russians. Sure they are a few Chinese and a German in it, but not enough to make anything happen. This as you can imagine lead to numerous problems. Legislation favoring American and Russian colonies, unequal rights, unequal treatment and blatant discrimination within the government.

This division lead to much unrest among the oppressed people and finally this unrest exploded in 2300 when government negiligance of a minor colony led to the shutdown of it's ventilation system, causing the resident's untimely deaths. This incident sparked protest and riots among the peope,many of which wished to break away from the Federation. Fearing the result of a full out civil war the Federation made a huge announcement: Using technology developed here on Mar's they claimed it would be feasible to start a multitude of colonies on the nearby planet of Jupiter and beyond. The Federation offered to sponsor any group who was large enough and met certain criteria to form a colony in the outer solar system.

This proposition, backed by the first manned orbit of Jupiter and Saturn the following month, grabbed at the attention of the revolutionists, many leaped at the opportunity to leave the corrupt Federation without bloodshed and large groups, sometimes even entire colonies signed up. By 2331 colonies had been built as far as Saturn and Venus. 500,000 people had left the Federation for these colonies and the unrest died down. For now...

(2378) The Second Revolution

Even though the unrest died down, it did not end. The Federation's offer to sponsor the establishment of colonies abroad only allowed the most outspoken of the rebels to leave the planet. It was a temporary fix only, many still opposed the Federation and the underlying cause of their feelings was more present than ever. These feelings only built up as Federation negligence of minor colonies only continued. While the Federations major colonies lived in large Biodomes and enjoyed luxuries such as hover rovers, Earth gravity and space commutes to outer rim colonies, the minor colonies were stuck with what they had in the beginning.

This lead to another uprising, which was again met with an offer from the Federation to sponsor more colonies, even those reaching as far as Pluto and beyond followed by the first manned orbit of Pluto and manned travel to the Kuiper belt. Many jumped at the offer, only this time it wasn't enough. Even as people left Mars for the outer rim, other took to arms and a rebellion began. This rebellion was met with the latest advancements in military technology. Exo-suits, Mech suits, orbital bombardments, Plasma, etc. Let's just say the Rebellion did not get anywhere fast. This complete annihilation of the initial rebellion subdued many, who opted to travel to start up colonies in the outer rim instead.

(2433) The Colonial Revolts

These colonies, were semi-autonomous. The colonies were allowed their own legislature but were ruled by a governor selected by the Federation legislation. This was alright at first for the colonists, who greatly enjoyed their new found freedoms. Sadly, give a man and inch and he will take a mile. This was not enough for the colonists, nor was it enough for the Federation. The Federation demanded more power while the colonists likewise did the same. This struggle for power lead the colonists of many colonies to unite in alliance and subsequently declare their independence form the Federation. By this time many colonies had become completely self sufficient and so they did not need the Federation.

The Federation did not take kindly to this of course and so a fleet was sent to destroy the leading colonies in this rebellion. The colonies had little in the way of defenses, no real fleets and few weapons. The rebellion should of been crushed as fats as it had started, but when the fleets arrived to destroy the colonists they did not fire. The Federation fleet was sympathetic to the colonists and in reality shared many of the same sentiments as the colonists. This gave the colonists an advantage, which they used. The fleet that was suppose to attack the colonists instead returned to assault the Federation. In the resulting battle that followed, the Federation fleet was destroyed and they were forced to let go of the colonies in order to defend their home planet. The colonists were free, yet good times were still far in the future...

Modern Day Federation

The Federation, while still the single most powerful human colony is only a shadow of tis former self. Corruption and unrest is widespread. The Congress is too busy fighting amongst themselves to fix the problems and the gab between the Americans and the Russians only grows larger, as the formerly united people now divide themselves with no remorse. The minorities still living on mars are yet again demanding an end to the Federation, and this time they have the support of even Russians and Americans. All the while the Federation seeks to reestablish it's control of the colonies.

The Plutoniana - First Contact

Humanity has always looked to the stars, wondering who or what was out there. Many looked to mars, believing it to hold alien life forms. Sadly, as technology advanced and the first probes were sent to the red planet it became apparent this was not the case. Other candidates for lie in our solar system were then put into question, and one after another they found nothing. By time the New Horizons probe reached Pluto in 2015 it was theorized alien life di not exist in our solar system. But picture sent from the New Horizons probe brought the theory into question. Structures, seemingly man made were found on the planet's surface. This structures were labeled as rock formations by astronomers and scientists but it created many conspiracy theories revolving around alien life on Pluto. These theories and conspiracies eventually died down and became what the Roswell incident is today- a crazy tale of people wanting to believe soemthign that isn't true.

Except it was. In the year 2130 a Russian colony was contacted by an odd space ship. At fist they believed it was a supply drop from the motherland, but what stepped outside was not human. A seemingly human cyborg with human features but made of metal. The colonists had no idea what to think and hid inside their colony. The alien, now known as the Plutonians merely studied the colony before leaving. Probes traced the ship to the planet Pluto and governments and researches around the world pointed their telescopes and radio arrays towards the planet. 8 hours latter a seemingly human voice came in reply. The first confirmed extraterrestrial contact had been made. Surprisingly enough the first actually point of contact was Roswell New Mexico, 1947.

Not much is known about the Plutonians. They appear to only inhabit Pluto and its moon and have seemed to have been here long before mankind. Their technology seems to be a century or more in the future and their society is seemingly close to a Utopia as they have no recorded wars and crime is low. They only real contact that occurs between mankind and the Plutonians is a ambassador in the Federation who maintains the non-aggression pact signed between the Pultonian and mankind. Scientists wish to know more about the Plutonians but as f yet the Plutonians have maintained a strict isolationist policy.

The First Mega-Corp

Founded back on Earth, Henson Corporation is a Mega Corporation of unprecedented power, specializing in Arms dealing they were a major player and profited significantly from the Arms race that arrived in the coming years. Back on Earth, it was argued that they were more powerful than the Nations they did business with, often times pulling the strings behind the scene, corrupting politicians and world leaders to allow them to establish such a Monopoly. When humans began colonizing Mars, Henson Corporation jumped on the opportunity and began sponsoring colonies. They founded many colonies and before any official Government existed on Mars, Henson Corporation was already taking over. Directly responsible for much of the ecological devastation on Earth, the Corporation made sure enough people and enough resources existed on Mars for them to seamlessly migrate to the Red Planet. They began work on the Byzgot Superstructure to house Employees, security, and to serve as the Economic powerhouse of Mars.

As Earth began to degrade, the Corporation suffered as well. Despite the Corporation's involvement in the arms race on Earth, they corporation share holders predicted another Word War, likely a nuclear one and began the process to abandon Earth.

During the collapse the Corporation pulled all it's resources and businesses back into the Byzgot Superstructure and some would argue they were a major factor in the severity of the economical and scale of the devastation on Earth and the following troubles on Mars. When the dust settled, the Corporation was a shadow of it's former self, it's reputation ruined, many factions had risen on Mars and their absolute power was shattered. However, their vast influence and monopolies on many industries allowed them to establish their own faction, not nearly as powerful as it once was but a force to be reckoned with. They began expanding their trade and selling weapons and various other equipment to the other factions to recuperate losses.

The Mongols

Fanatics that have been around since the first colonies formed on Mars. Though it was only recently after the several civil wars that they rose to the height of their power. These fanatical radicals believe that humankind is far behind the Technological and Sociological curve. They come from all walks of life and are almost always cybernetically enhanced and despise any form of controlling Governments. Their cybernetics have never been more advanced and they've never been more deadly. Mongols are a threat to all that leave the safety of their colonies- and to the colonies themselves. The Mongols are believed to have set up a colony somewhere in the Kuiper belt from which they orchestrate their raids on outer rim colonies.

The Mongols are also believed to have a base on mars as their have been multiple attacks n the past centuries but no evidence of any base has been found, although the Federation has had periodic engagements with Mongol forces.

Brief details on world today:

Colonies stretch as far as the Kuiper belt and as close as Venus. Citizens can easily travel between colonies due to advanced drives utilizing gravity manipulation. Despite this it is very uncommon for ordinary citizens to have any form of starship as only rich citizens can afford them. Major colonies (more like nations now) along with the Federation have their own militaries equipment and starships and control their respective areas. Despite this all are threatened by the Mongols, who have a knack for attacking without warning and at the most inconvenient times. Smaller and newer colonies and threatened even more so by the Mongols. They much rather be attacked by pirates than the Mongols. Oddly enough, colonies that have a heavy Henson corporation presence seem not to get attacked by the Mongols, but this is only speculation. The Henson corporation in generally is quiet shady and not trusted but no concrete evidence points to any crimes they have committed and they are so vast and powerful any colonies and people are forced to buy their products as their are no alternatives. The Henson Corporation ahs a large presence in the federation through control of the Byzgot Super Structure and their arms contracts with the federation military.

Humanity and the Plutonian live in peace, not really even associating with each other much. The plutonians tend to keep to themselves save for some ambassadors sent to major colonies and the Federation.

The Plague (Boss Plot)

Hello! This shall be the main boss in the rp that will tie everyone and everything together. AT first, your characters will have no idea what the plague even is and so this information must NOT be used IC. This is purely OOC and for your understanding of the boss. Of course as time goes on your characters may learn about the plague/boss.

The "boss" Is a semi sentient neural parasite that spreads like a fungal disease. Infected release "spores" that will float through the air and stick to any surface. Even the smallest skin contact can infect you (although humans are immune).

The neural parasite essentially seeks to take control of its "host" and controls the hosts body as it own. From there it only seeks to spread the disease.

The infected work together to spread the disease and obey the "higher ups" without question. The highest "ranked" in the swarm essentially control the ideas, allocating resources and orchestrating attacks like the generals of a nations military would.

The swarm will use the weapons, technology, ships and resources of each nation it destroys and acts like a military race bent on engulfing all life within it's ranks.

History of the plague:

The Kyrs (The ones who unleashed it and became infected. They comprise of most of the plagues soldiers)

The Kyrs are a race of humanoid aliens hailing from the planet Kyrsa Prime, the seventh satellite of a main sequence star in the Sagittarius Constellation, near the Galactic Centre. The Kyrs were once peaceful technocrats that made use of advanced technology to explore and catalogue the stars and act as peacekeepers in minor galactic conflicts. This all changed with the Infection.

In about 1600 in Terran years, the Kyrs were hit with a severe outbreak of a fungal infection that doctors catalogued simply as Pathogen-1181 and largely ignored, prescribing anti-fungals and promoting good hygiene. When the infections failed to subside and hosts began developing blisters and growths on their skin, quarantines were put in place and space travel was banned, but by then it was too late. A large portion of the scientific and government officials of the Kyrs had been infected, and the pathogen had used these hosts to override the quarantine orders and travel bans. The entirety of the Kyrs race was infected within a century.

Ever since, the pathogen has used the Kyrs as unwilling hosts to spread themselves throughout the Galaxy and infect every possible host, as well as locate their creator race and gain control over the biological killswitch which could easily destroy the entirety of their species.

Pathogen-86-43b, AKA The Black Parasite (Or The Pathogen)

Pathogen-186-43b was first created in a lab on a unknown world in and unknown system presumably a long time ago. They were designed to be used as a biological weapon against the enemies of their creators, but for whatever reason the project was scrapped, leaving the first spores of the Pathogen abandoned in cryostorage for untold centuries.

The Pathogen itself was meant to imitate a fungus and spread through the air. Although simple lifeforms, they were designed by their creators with sentience, utilizing a tiny, biomolecular computer system as a brain. Instead of replicating DNA, their cellular nuclei replicated biomolecules that could be used as part of the fungus's inter-cellular consciousness.

Around the year 1600 (Terran relative), the laboratory where the Pathogen lay dormant was excavated by Kyrsian archeologists who inadvertently released the spores into the atmosphere, where they were inhaled by the dig team and thus the Infection that toppled Kyrsian society began.

When the Pathogen infects a host, it hijacks their neurological systems. It is unknown whether the host retains their consciousness or is completely destroyed. The body of the host will develop blisters, legions, and growths that can explode when desired by the pathogen and spread spores through the air. The pathogen retains access of the memories of the host, and in some instances their emotions and temperament as well.


Humans/Plutonian CANNOT get infected by the disease, although the brutal methods of the disease and too much of it "pollen" can cause lung damage and subsequently kill ta human.

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Disease Name: Pathogen 86-43b "Black parasite"

Disease type: Fungal Neuron Parasite

Origin: Site 106j - Unknown Laboratory

Basic Description: Semi-Sentient Fungal like parasitical microbe that infects a host, travels through the hosts bloodstream to hosts brain and takes control of all neurological systems. Host loses control of all bodily functions and parasite takes over, controlling the body in a intelligent manor. Parasite's only goal seems to be to spread the pathogen. Infected hosts seem to work with other infected in an organized manor. Signs of swar intelligence. Alpha's appear to be present within the swarm.


Stage One - Contraction: Host organism is infected with pathogen. Pathogen digs through skin, causing a red rash and irrational, before digging through skin tissue and entering the blood stream.

Stage Two - Spread: Parasite begins to travel through the bloodstream, heading towards host organism's brain. Host organism experiences sweating and blisters begin to form on skin

Stage Three - Brain Contraction: Parasite reaches the brain and the spores latch on to the main frontal lobes. Host experiences "voices" inside mind, headaches, more blisters and shrinkage of meat and skin tissue.

Stage Four - Spread in Brain: Parasite begins spreading along the outside and inside of the brain and begins taking control of the host's body. Host experiences extreme headaches, temporary loss of bodily functions, extreme blister formation and continue of tissue contraction.

Stage Five - Brain infected: Parasite has taken complete control of the host's brain and body. No signs of the original host are traceable in the affected host. Host's body functions as normal, Parasite seemingly takes control of body and acts in a sentient manor.

Approx. total time: 8-12hrs.

Spread: Parasite seems to spread through the blisters that form on infected's body, which explode sending pus and floating clumps of the parasite which stick to anything it contacts, waiting to lathc onto a host body and begin the infection.




Disease Name: Pathogen 86-43b "Black Parasite"

Disease Variant: 86-43b-1

Variant name: Swarmer

Basic Description: This variant of the "Black Parasite" pathogen seemingly creates a almost mindless infected host with only minimal intelligence and basic problem solving skills. This infected is distinguishable by its extremely shrunken tissue and large amount of blisters and open sores. Swarmers tend to operate in large groups, displaying swarm intelligence and swarm tendencies. Swarmers chase down non infected in search of new hosts to spread the disease to and physical assault the potential host, either killing the potential host through blunt force trauma or spreading the disease through biting and open sores leaking onto the hosts skin. Swarmers have been seen using basic weapons and objects as clubs.

Disease Name: Pathogen 86-43b "Black Parasite"

Disease Variant: 86-43c-2

Variant Name: Soldier-Grunt

Basic Description: This variant of the "Black Parasite" pathogen creates a even stranger infected host than the "Swarmer" variant. This variant, distinguishable by its seeming normal intelligence and slightly blistered and shrunken skin and body, is just as dangerous as the Swarmer. Where the Swarmer is seemingly a mindless creature bent on spreading the disease through contact, these "Soldier-Grunts" seem to be used in a army-esc manor by the swarm, killing pockets of resistance too strong for the Swarmers and even disabling our defenses, as if they knew to do so. These creatures can apparently think logically and solve complex problems and use guns, explosives and devices of all sorts. Although like the Swarmer they seem to only have the diseases interests in mind and when not doing anything to help spread the disease they simply do nothing at all, just stand there awaiting "orders".

Disease Name: Pathogen 86-43b "Black Parasite"

Disease Variant: 86-43d-3

Variant Name: Swarm Commander

Basic Description: This variant of the disease seems to create "Alphas" within the swarm that controls segments of the swarm, giving it orders and dictating its movements fully. This variant appears to be more intelligent and having a higher level of sentience than it "lower" variants. Power seems to be distributed unevenly among the swarm, yet no infighting occurs and all works together to further the disease.

Disease Name:
Pathogen 86-43b "Black Parasite"

Disease Variant: 86-43e-4

Variant Name: Swarm-Worker

Basic Description: This variant is similar to the "Soldier-Grunt". The only difference being that this variant seems to work on equipment and even ships stolen by the Swarm, serving as mechanics

Disease Name: Pathogen 86-43b "Black Parasite"

Disease Variant:

Variant Name: Swarm Queen

Basic Description: This is truly the most bizarre variant of the disease. This variant, rather than shrink becomes extremely bloated and covered in puss filled blisters. This variant seems to be extremely rare as only one has ever been recorded. This variant also seems to "control" the swarm, giving it orders and even assigning "commanders". From what research has be done it appears to be extremely intelligent and fully sentient. Unfortunately subject escaped before further testing and subsequent termination could begin.

Tech and other restriction:

1,000 meter long ships max - can be more if you pm me about it

Kinetic, laser and Plasma weapons only. Only small arms will be Kinetic weapons. Tanks and use can use all three. Lasers use lots of power while Plasma uses power + gas to work, but less power than lasers.

Stealth drives are a thing, but they aren't super duper mega drives, you aren't 100% undetectable.

Gravity manipulation is a thing and is used in grav drives. No singularity canons though, Gravity launchers would be the weaponized version (using gravity to speed up a projectile)

You cannot leave the solar system as current Grav drives don't work outside it

Terraforming on a large scale is not very plausible as we can't jumpstart a planets magnetic field or create a massive artificial one. Bio domes would be your best bet and basic Terraforming.

Mech suits and exo suits are a thing, but you don't have massive 100 story tall ones. Exo suits are expensive, but not so expensive that no one would have them. For example the Federation has 1000,000. A Mech suit on the other hand a extremely expensive and the Federation only has 30 of them. You colonies could have these things but take in not their costs. Regular soldiers would use advanced armor but not mech or exo suits.

By exo suit I mean a skeletal like system that enhances your physical abilities. Exo suits have no armor, save for any armor the person is wearing.

Mech suits are suits like power armor. Enhances you physically AND gives you protection.

Most soldiers would probably have partial or full exo skeletons and standard-esc armor

Ion propulsion can provide sufficient thrust because fusion reactors are a thing
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Disease Name: Pathogen 86-43b "Black parasite"

Disease type: Fungal Neuron Parasite

Origin: Site 106j - Unknown Laboratory

Basic Description: Semi-Sentient Fungal like parasitical microbe that infects a host, travels through the hosts bloodstream to hosts brain and takes control of all neurological systems. Host loses control of all bodily functions and parasite takes over, controlling the body in a intelligent manor. Parasite's only goal seems to be to spread the pathogen. Infected hosts seem to work with other infected in an organized manor. Signs of swar intelligence. Alpha's appear to be present within the swarm.


Stage One - Contraction: Host organism is infected with pathogen. Pathogen digs through skin, causing a red rash and irrational, before digging through skin tissue and entering the blood stream.

Stage Two - Spread: Parasite begins to travel through the bloodstream, heading towards host organism's brain. Host organism experiences sweating and blisters begin to form on skin

Stage Three - Brain Contraction: Parasite reaches the brain and the spores latch on to the main frontal lobes. Host experiences "voices" inside mind, headaches, more blisters and shrinkage of meat and skin tissue.

Stage Four - Spread in Brain: Parasite begins spreading along the outside and inside of the brain and begins taking control of the host's body. Host experiences extreme headaches, temporary loss of bodily functions, extreme blister formation and continue of tissue contraction.

Stage Five - Brain infected: Parasite has taken complete control of the host's brain and body. No signs of the original host are traceable in the affected host. Host's body functions as normal, Parasite seemingly takes control of body and acts in a sentient manor.

Approx. total time: 8-12hrs.

Spread: Parasite seems to spread through the blisters that form on infected's body, which explode sending pus and floating clumps of the parasite which stick to anything it contacts, waiting to lathc onto a host body and begin the infection.




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