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Nation Building Decendants of Mars - The Plague (OPEN + ACCEPTING)

@Jarkov Malachai @NeoLeaf @Shireling @Anaxial

CS is up! Remember that the specifics for what happened after the Earth got nuked hasn't been wrote yet but go on the assumption that your colony was formed either during the first series of revolts (early 2300s), the second series (Late 2400s) or anywhere past that (or before if you want, just will need a reason)
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Oh yeah well, I don't think you're that great! >:C
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Anaxial said:
Oh yeah well, I don't think you're that great! >:C
Anscisl, for the Henson Corporation I was thinking they could have control of an outer rim colony or two, would make sense for them. This RP is a but different than last time
NeoLeaf said:
Can I have a civ on Venus?
It would be damn hot and the atmospheric pressure could crush you. not the most hospitable place.

BUT! Humanity has the tech to colonize it (not terraform it much) but just remember to add those little details into your posts and stuff about how they dela with it :D

Scifi-Fantasy + Realism = Pure gold
Bobisdead123 said:
It would be damn hot and the atmospheric pressure could crush you. not the most hospitable place.
BUT! Humanity has the tech to colonize it (not terraform it much) but just remember to add those little details into your posts and stuff about how they dela with it :D

Scifi-Fantasy + Realism = Pure gold
What idiot would want to live on the surface of Venus? I am making cloud cities.
NeoLeaf said:
What idiot would want to live on the surface of Venus? I am making cloud cities.
how you live in clouds? The thick atmosphere would make you blind and choke you.

Describe these sky cities, sounds interesting
Ah bobby,

do you mind having a district in the Martian Federations capitol city?

It acts as an embassy and cultural center for my civ and yours.
NeoLeaf said:
Ah bobby,
do you mind having a district in the Martian Federations capitol city?

It acts as an embassy and cultural center for my civ and yours.
yeah no problem
NeoLeaf said:
Ah bobby,
do you mind having a district in the Martian Federations capitol city?

It acts as an embassy and cultural center for my civ and yours.
also, The Federation use to control all colonies until the second revolts. Then they lost control bur they will attempt to re asset themselves
Btw - If I were you I'd get rid of the tags at the ICR and temporary put 'open' to the title to get more people to apply.
I'm thinking of having the Neptunian moons be outposts of the Plutonians populated by human dissidents as well as Plutonians.
Oh man. I can't wait to interact with those Plutonians.
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