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Fandom DC Batfam OOC

Yeah so we don't have to use character pages for that
So chat and plot here
so brianna was born around that time, they thought it was Dick but the DNA test was negative, so she still hasn't found out who the father is.
i currently don't have one for her so i kind of worked her backstory around it till i could find one that fit
You've still got the point that Harley wouldn't have abandoned her child when she currently has one of his children with her which shows she wouldn't
when I made the backstory for her i didn't know that Harley already had another child. So it kind of made sense until I found out about the other kid.
You've got to pay attention to the character forms as he's there, though later on I don't make people make more forms for new ocs just faceclaims
Got to figure out something for her
So when she was young she witnessed a fight between Harley and joker and it scarred her. Later that night she was so done with all of the fights and hitting that she snuck out and was taken in by an orphanage till bruce found her 3 years later.
It can help sometimes and I sometimes work with them along the way, that's how I handle OC's

But you can go along with that
I have noticed it makes my character feel a bit more organized. most of the time i work along the way and kinda make it up as i go

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