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Fantasy Cytefell University: The Fortress of the Faithful [CLOSED]



An Apostle of Ghan with Fiendish Intent
Roleplay Type(s)

Welcome to all players!

Cytefell University is a game that aims to be a mix of lighthearted comedy and serious character development that takes place among a group of peers at a magical university. Though themes of loss are likely integral to most of the cast, this is a game about starting again, integrating into a different sort of small community that emphasizes mutual responsibility and respect born from the ashes of times past.

Essentially, the lot of you are magical refugees that have fled a mainland that prosecutes the use of magic that is not specifically sourced from Thiia, the Goddess of Light (that is, clerics or paladins). You have arrived at the Fortress of the Faithful (or Cytefell as it is officially called), a small city surrounded by square stone walls that houses the remnants of Citadel’s original population and those newcomers that still arrive here. Even the farmlands are within those walls; in the centre of the city, though, there’s a campus that has been built as a complex around a fortress that had nearly at some point fallen apart. Some of the buildings at its edge sat still in shambles; other small shacks had been repatriated for housing by someone or other. As the woman who handled your enrollment quipped, “The Citadel city-fell.” The dorms were in a building that had clearly once been a massive church, small rooms upstairs split into smaller rooms meant for sleeping and living minimally, common spaces sporting those high vaulted ceilings that some of them found integral to worship and two kitchens – one on each side. Life here is comfortable, but it is not luxurious. Education is free to those in the city that might consider it. There is little industry to participate in which makes it a common choice.

The setting is adjacent to Dungeons and Dragons (5e for ease of use) and many of the concepts for and abilities of characters are derived from that setting and lore. I am going to ask that all player characters have a 5e sheet at third level with a chosen subclass in addition to a brief written character sheet; while this is not a game that uses dice or abilities in a way that encourages resource restriction it will be a useful aid to streamline the relative strength of spells, affects, and skills [I am open to custom spells and abilities and would prefer to use these sheets as a guideline for relative play]. This is not a combat-heavy game but it may include action sequences. Class selection is restricted to those that have a spellcasting ability [which may be divine, excepting the Light domain]. While classes will rarely be invoked overtly, they will influence the attributes of the character you play at the table.
While the mainland is not a focus of this roleplay, you will have knowledge of the area where you grew up, or potentially about large cities like Rovelight or Tremarch. Backstory will need to be discussed with the DM for location specifics (I am willing to work with all of you according to characters you wish to play).

If it’s a part of AL-legal fifth edition, you can probably play it: with that said, most of the player characters should be from the populated South-East of the continent, which is majorly farmland and forest reminiscent of early medieval Europe. There are not ethnostates within the mainland today, except in remote locations that the Inquisition’s reach has excluded by choice, such as the high mountains and the Underdark: a wide variety of peoples can be found even within this region even if humans are most common. Reach out to me! I will help with character sheets as necessary.

Lore page will be up shortly.

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