News Communism & Fascism


You're literally looking at a $2,000 meme machine
With the rise of Antifa and the far right in the United States, there's of course always attention focused on the far right and its tendency to, you know, want to install Nazi Germany.exe into the US. I'm not saying this sort of thing shouldn't be brought to the national conversation, but there's very little mention or documentation of Antifa or its urge to install the USSR into the US, other than coverage from a handful of conservative websites. What I'm trying to get at here, is that when Nazism/Fascism is discussed, it's this awful thing as it should be. But why is it that Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot and their inhumane atrocities against their own people are rarely talked about vs. the Holocaust? I hate both ideologies for their oppression against my ancestor's home countries, keep in mind.

Please, please be civil.
With the rise of Antifa and the far right in the United States, there's of course always attention focused on the far right and its tendency to, you know, want to install Nazi Germany.exe into the US. I'm not saying this sort of thing shouldn't be brought to the national conversation, but there's very little mention or documentation of Antifa or its urge to install the USSR into the US, other than coverage from a handful of conservative websites. What I'm trying to get at here, is that when Nazism/Fascism is discussed, it's this awful thing as it should be. But why is it that Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot and their inhumane atrocities against their own people are rarely talked about vs. the Holocaust? I hate both ideologies for their oppression against my ancestor's home countries, keep in mind.

Please, please be civil.

Both ideologies suck! And I hate the attitude that once you criticize one, you are siding with the other.
Aaaaand laying down the last of the mines.

Both ideologies suck! And I hate the attitude that once you criticize one, you are siding with the other.

Granted, I believe communism CAN work in a small environment of no less than say, 100 people, as we can see through cooperatives, where workers share equipment and profits equally in order to spread the cost of operating the business, but even then this is kind of communism lite or really, socialism. But what Adolf Hitler did in 5 years, Stalin has done for over 20-30 years, and encouraged his successors to continue his legacy of puppet states and mass murder.
We didn't emerge as victors in a war against Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot. Therefore, instead of it being something the US "fixed", it was "someone else's problem". That's why The Nazi party is discussed more in the US.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fuck it.

With the rise of Antifa and the far right in the United States, there's of course always attention focused on the far right and its tendency to, you know, want to install Nazi Germany.exe into the US. I'm not saying this sort of thing shouldn't be brought to the national conversation, but there's very little mention or documentation of Antifa or its urge to install the USSR into the US, other than coverage from a handful of conservative websites. What I'm trying to get at here, is that when Nazism/Fascism is discussed, it's this awful thing as it should be. But why is it that Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot and their inhumane atrocities against their own people are rarely talked about vs. the Holocaust? I hate both ideologies for their oppression against my ancestor's home countries, keep in mind.

Please, please be civil.

there's very little mention or documentation of Antifa or its urge to install the USSR into the US
They aren't. That's how they still have anarchists in their membership. Though maybe you didn't mean literally and I'm being anal about Stalinism again, idk. But if you're not meaning any form of literally then I just read "Antifa are trying to be bad," in which case there wasn't really a point made to respond to.
As for there being no mention of them, there is: ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, MSNBC (though they seem to be pro-antifa,) NBC, New york Times, Las Angeles Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Newsweek, TIME (Though it's not really specifically on Antifa as a group,) US News and World Report. Idk if I'm missing anything, I literally googled "Major news agencies in the USA" and searched them for Antifa stories. Regardless, seems pretty obvious that the idea they're turning a blind eye is false. If you think I'm kidding, just search "ABC Antifa," or "CBS Antifa," etc. It was easy.

But why is it that Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot and their inhumane atrocities against their own people are rarely talked about vs. the Holocaust
They are, but Nazi Germany is more burned into our heads because they were involved in a global war whereas all those communist issues were more isolated. Everyone experienced Nazi Germany, all across the globe (though not every country,) but not so much with the others. I could also probably theorize history and how that's changed our perceptions to what they are now, but fuck it this is enough.
Lastly, it sounds like the common mentions you're referring to are in casual conversations or attempts to ryle the public. In such a case, you kind of have to consider what the people are going to be more likely to recognize;
"Oh great, another Joshua Milton Blahyi." (African general who committed numerous war crimes during the Liberian civil war, widely utilizing child soldiers. Also better known as "General Butt Naked.")
Or "Oh great, another Hitler." (I don't need to explain anything.)
They aren't. That's how they still have anarchists in their membership. Though maybe you didn't mean literally and I'm being anal about Stalinism again, idk. But if you're not meaning any form of literally then I just read "Antifa are trying to be bad," in which case there wasn't really a point made to respond to.
As for there being no mention of them, there is: ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, MSNBC (though they seem to be pro-antifa,) NBC, New york Times, Las Angeles Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Newsweek, TIME (Though it's not really specifically on Antifa as a group,) US News and World Report. Idk if I'm missing anything, I literally googled "Major news agencies in the USA" and searched them for Antifa stories. Regardless, seems pretty obvious that the idea they're turning a blind eye is false. If you think I'm kidding, just search "ABC Antifa," or "CBS Antifa," etc. It was easy.

What I meant is that Antifa is a much smaller news story compared to the Russia Investigation or literally anything happening in congress. I'm not denying that there are major news agencies in the US that covered Antifa, I'm just saying that they aren't talked about a lot in the news cycle at all.

"Oh great, another Joshua Milton Blahyi." (African general who committed numerous war crimes during the Liberian civil war, widely utilizing child soldiers. Also better known as "General Butt Naked.")
Or "Oh great, another Hitler." (I don't need to explain anything.)
I'm pretty sure nobody is going to say "Oh great, another Joshua Milton Blahyi." They might say "Another Pol Pot or Stalin or Lenin", but nobody would be that specific.
Communism doesn’t work, humans are greedy. Often devolves into a dictatorship as someone has to manage everything else.
Dictatorships don’t work, one man with too much power is bound for disaster.
Communism doesn’t work, humans are greedy. Often devolves into a dictatorship as someone has to manage everything else.
Dictatorships don’t work, one man with too much power is bound for disaster.
Communism itself is inherently flawed. Nobody owns anything and everything you eat, wear, and see, is controlled by the government, which depending on the sub variation of marxism or leninism is held by one man or a council. And if the government determines free speech is problematic or the ability to think other than what the state wants you to think, is to be discarded. So most likely 99% of the population is going to be living in shacks with Tuberculosis and potato sack clothes. That isn't really an ideal situation for millions of people to live in.
Communism itself is inherently flawed. Nobody owns anything and everything you eat, wear, and see, is controlled by the government, which depending on the sub variation of marxism or leninism is held by one man or a council. And if the government determines free speech is problematic or the ability to think other than what the state wants you to think, is to be discarded. So most likely 99% of the population is going to be living in shacks with Tuberculosis and potato sack clothes. That isn't really an ideal situation for millions of people to live in.
The idea is simple, pure equality.
That’s what communism is.
But by “equality” they mean everyone gets treated equally as bad.
Which is silly, in a way.
1. This needs to be in personal discussion.

But why is it that Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot and their inhumane atrocities against their own people are rarely talked about vs. the Holocaust?
Communist Russia got off once it sided with the allies because it was a major contributor for the defeat of Nazi Germany. The allies, US, France, UK, ignored Russia's crimes until they wanted to point out Communism's killings to asert their own ideology above theirs.

Granted, I believe communism CAN work in a small environment of no less than say, 100 people, as we can see through cooperatives, where workers share equipment and profits equally in order to spread the cost of operating the business, but even then this is kind of communism lite or really, socialism.
This doesn't take into account forgien policy. Like, trading. A big problem with the USSR post WWII was that it couldn't really produce goods like the US could, so you have SEVERAL primary sources with working class citizens in despair over a mop.

The mop desparity was that so few mops were stocked you never knew when you could get another.

Comunism works on a Utopian like idea, and it doesn't really mesh well with the societies we have today. You'll hear people (or well, other USSR leaders) grumble that Stalin's worldview was impure, as he tried to mesh Imperialism with comunism but the fact is that comunism is a really good idea, that just doesn't work.
Well let's start with the false premises.

There are resources if people are actually looking for this information rather than having their own worldviews held up.

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