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(Closed)Shadowrun 4e: Laserchurch 😎


Devil's Food
“Do ya believe in salvation, children?” A man in a flowing white robe with long curly brown hair spoke into an earpiece on the stage. “Do ya believe this whole world is an endless pit of Hell with no bottom in sight? Oh have I been there. Drugs, sex, and Hot Sims. I’ve done it all, but none are like the high I feel preaching the Lord’s gospel! Tune in every Friday night for our streamcast, and don’t forget to donate. You’re helping me spread the good word to everyone across this sinful city of ours, trying to make it a little piece of heaven.”

The holoscreen paused. Mr. Johnson, a wide and bald businessman sat at his desk while showing the video to the two shadow runners he was looking to hire for an unusual operation.

“His name is Michael Monroe, the leader, or we assume leader, of this internet cult called Laserchurch. We have found no records of him before he made this video. We can only assume he’s SINless, and originally from outside of Nova, but his streams are being uploaded here, so we believe he’s broadcasting in the city.
My representative is willing to pay each of you eight hundred nuyen a week on the condition you can bring us new pieces of intelligence about this cult. No news, no nuyen. That’s how it works. I hope we can come to an arrangement on this?”

His drab and tiny office was like a coffin. It was impressive he could fit himself in here, much less a desk and chairs. It was a glorified broom closet located on the 15th floor of Donovan Peak, an important player in the Nova City commercial district.

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