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Close your eyes and dream

Alex smiled nervously and shook his hand, feeling oddly uncomfortable. "It's okay, I just have a messed up history- trust me, you don't want to know."
Artur cant contain it he bursts out laughing "listen if you want a messed up history i will tell you all about my life" he said as he looked away as if his mood changed everything
Alex, despite the uncomfortable feeling in the air, laughed. "Maybe we should tell each other about sometime."

She grinned at him and walked away, only to realize about an hour later that she had basically said that they wold know each other for a long time.
artur went home and started to recall his past... he was depressed once again so he smoked and attempted to cheer himself up he tried to play more then a feeling but ended playing stairway to heaven. he was depressed and the worst part is that he knew he made plans with her tomorrow.... dam he did not want to be a downer in front of this amazing girl...
Alex walked to her house- which actually was not her house, but all of the band members lived at the guitarist's place- and kicked the door open, shouting, "I'm home!"

She was greeted with a loud cheer, and 3 other people rushing to meet her. They fist bumped- no hugging allowed.

Alex plopped her bag down on the kitchen table, and opened it up. "I got the groceries. We're running short on money, so go easy."
"and shes buuuyyying the stair way...to heaven..." he finished the song more miserable then ever he drank his boose and smoked a whole pack of cigarettes
Alex had kind of lied to Artur. They rehearsed every night, whenever they could for hours at a time. But she didn't want to hint that they all lived in the same house, so she had told him that they had a rehearsal the night after this one.

They ended up singing and playing about 22 songs, and hit the sack at about 5 in the morning.
Artur didnt sleep, nothing new to him, he stood up in his slight hungover state and walks to his normal cafe to get a coffee "hey artur here" the owner walks over and hands him a check for him playing last week "let me guess 6666" he said with a smile as he opened the check to see money he had, once again nothing new. he drank his coffee and began to walk to the park so he can smoke once again
At about 10 am, a very tired Alex came stumbling into the park and sat down on the bench, and plucked the smoke out of his mouth. "Stop that."
"good morning to you to" he said with a smile "i smoke to calm down and to kill myself" he said with a big laugh "how are you this fine morning"
Alex raised an eyebrow. "Fine morning? Prove it."

She sighed closed her eyes. "Tired. Very tired. I told the band that you would be coming, and they all came to my place to meet you before hand."
"for starters i didn't sleep so don't complain and to its fine because i get to talk to such a beautiful woman" he said with a smile " can i have my smoke back?"
Alex blushed, and flicked the smoke into the garbage, and dusted her hands off, looking at him with a smile.
They walked a block away to the apartment building where he lived, his room was on the top floor with a view of the park "home sweet home" he said as he took his shirt off and went to the bathroom "make yourself at home" he screamed from the other room
Alex looked around a little skeptically, and sat down on the couch, and kicked off her shoes.
artur sang in the shower "come as you... owch" he said as he cut himself while shaving then came out as good as new "let me make you a cup of coffee" he said as he brewed a cup of coffee and gave it to her. " ready?"
Alex sipped the coffee and cracked her neck. "Can we stay here for a bit?"

She didn't say it, but she was getting sick of the drummer, who thought that he had claimed her as 'his girl'.
"umm sure" he sat down and grabbed a soda and drank it "hey im sorry if i am stepping on any toes but why cant you handle hugs?" he said in a concerned tone
Alex glanced at Artur and took another sip of coffee. "I already told you- im not a touchy person."
Alex reached over and pulled the neck of the bottle up, and picked it up and hid it behind her back. "Fine."

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