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Scourge of Humanity
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
The year is 2077. The megalopolis of Arcane, New California is held in the vise-like grip of SynthRise.

A technological behemoth, the corporation has dug its cold unfeeling fingers deep into the fabric of society. Everything from hologram billboards to plastic flip flops showcases their logo. Its headquarters, a citadel of steel and glass, serves as the epicentre of power. Beneath the facade of innovation and progress, the corporation operates a dark and twisted agenda.

Within the sterile halls of SynthRise labs, sinister events had taken place. Children, stolen from the streets of Arcane, were subjected to experiments that blurred the line between man and machine.

Stripped of their humanity, these children were reborn as cyborgs—half-human, half-robot. Coded chips implanted in the brain stem ensured absolute obedience, turning them into mere tools for SynthRise. Some had been trained to carry out assassinations, some primed for covert espionage, and others were simply made for warfare. No matter what their purpose, they have all been raised to be the perfect weapon.

All seemed to be working according to plan, until one of their own broke free from their control…

Now, a rebellion is in the works, comprised of the few cyborgs and occasional robot who have been reawakened. They hide in the shadows, biding their time, waiting to strike.

On the other side, SynthRise prepares. Operatives are sent to hunt the rogues, more and more of their militia patrol the streets, and there are even rumours that they are working on something entirely new…

The fate of Arcane and its citizens hangs in the balance.

You may be part of the Rebellion, an affiliate of SynthRise, or even the guy selling artificially enhanced vegan hot dogs on the street corner. The choice is yours.

-No Godmodding/Powerplay ect.
-No one-liners, minimum 3 sentences
-Multiple characters allowed, max amount is 3
-Time-skips will only occur if everyone or a majority agree to it
-Perms to heavily injure/kill

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