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Chapter Six: Roundabout!

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"I... no." Wolf shakes his head. "Well, a quiver is an essential part of my gear and does not need replacing as often as the bow, but all equipment is eventually thrown away in favor of new. And despite its usefulness it is definitely not my favorite thing." He looks somewhat dismayed as he concludes: "I don't believe I have anything favorite, when I think about it. Sorry. It is alright, though."
Despite hanging back from the group (after all, he knew he had gained quite a few boons from the sylvan spirits), Otiorin chipped in, "What about the enchanted dagger you carry? Or indeed. the armor you wear? Both are special enough to my eye to warrant you not discarding them so swiftly. Perhaps one of them might be worthy of the Daughters' gift?"
The ranger looks over to Otiorin, saying: "The dagger's light spell is useful at times, and the chain shirt has saved me from severe injury more than once. I wouldn't eagerly part with either, but I don't consider them all that special. I'm not sure what to say."
While Luna is trying to keep her head in the conversation, she is quite taken with her newly magiced up spellbook. Like a child with a new toy, she is flipping pages to see the firelight effect and the bullseye light.
"I do understand, Wolf. You don't place any dependence on anything but yourself, because so much can be stripped from you, like when we were captured by Bilal. Mayhap the Daughters might have a blessing for you personally?", Otiorin replied, glancing around the other Wanderers for support.
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]"Mayhap the Daughters might have a blessing for you personally?", Otiorin replied, glancing around the other Wanderers for support.

The Daughters of Summertime burst into a tiny chorus of cheers and clapping. "Sure we do!" "We have great ideas all of the time!" "Yeah! We're terrific! We just need a little... um.... outside point of view?"

Powerpaw pads over to the woodland faeries, drops to all fours, and watches the tiny creatures in cat-like curiosity, his white and black tail flitting back and forth. "You means common senses?"

"Um, that too!" "But we can really be creative!" "Watch! We'll think of something neat for Wolf!" The three girls grab each other around the shoulders and huddle together, hugging and chatting quickly. Extremely quickly. In fact, those of you who are familiar with the Sylvan language might have never heard it spoken this quickly before. Speaking that quickly usually involves taking deep breaths in between sentences. Not so for the Daughters of Summertime...

"There!" "We have an idea!" "Now we need some wisdom!" They all turn to Otiorin with clasped hands and hopeful expressions. "Yeah! Let's ask him!" "Wait! He'll have to be our second choice! We have to find a druid for something like this, don't we?" "Uh, huh! Um...."

Melshaef, hearing all of this, takes a couple of steps toward them. "Did you need a druidess for something?"

"Oh!" "Hey!" "It's Melshaef!" "Boy, are we cotton-heads to forget she was here all along!"

Melshaef opens her furry paws. The Daughters see this invitation and accept it. In moments, they are leaving glittering trails behind them as they race up to her paws. Once there, they lounge lazily. "We have an idea but we're not allowed to do something like this unless someone super-wise and fantastic is here!" "Yeah! So, that's you!" "Can we talk with you about it?"

"This sounds serious. Perhaps we should have this conversation in private?"

"Yeah! It's about Wolf after all!" "We sure don't want him knowing what we're talking about!" "Wouldn't that be something!"

Melshaef cringes in surprise when the Daughters speak thusly. Quickly, she scoots away to a free corner of the Great Pool room. There, a tremendous amount of whispering ensues...

For those watching, Melshaef does a lot of watching and listening, and finally, some decision making. Then the Daughters seem to point at Melshaef who, in turn, points at herself as if to make certain of their meaning. The Daughters nod, then Melshaef returns the nod. Then she returns to Wolf, not the worried mother from a far-off and mysterious land, but as a true lover of nature and all those who protect and nurture Her.

Melshaef stands tall and speaks seriously. "Ranger Wolf, it is in my authority to grant you the Daughters' gift by way of a spell they have provided me. Do you wish to receive their gift? If so, please take Pecker and stand before me. As you do, speak of your love of nature and the forest. If not, please close your eyes and shake your head. The decision is entirely yours."

Then she adds in a hurried whisper as the Daughters suddenly begin another round of sack-and-tackle-your-sister. "I cannot tell you the details! I... must ask you to trust me in that I believe it is a fitting gift, if a life-changing one. And I believe you worthy of it, from what the Daughters have told me."

Melshaef looks to Wolf from her superior height without looking down on him. "What is your decision, young Ranger of Dalsus?"
Luna finally looks up from her book to the conversation going on. "Wolf, the fairies are a bit . . . capricious, but they do not mean any harm. I would think that their gift will be one that you can find useful."
Wolf takes a long pause before he finally briefly nods and looks at Melshaef. "I accept. Pecker!" he summons his animal companion with an outstretched hand. Only when the falcon has landed does the ranger give his speech.

"Speaking of love of nature and the forest comes easy to me. As easy as following a track on a cold, misty morning deep into the glades. I have always found it so. When I walk underneath the treetops to the song of swallows and the scent of moss I feel like I am supposed to be there. Like I belong. I will never not be in awe at that sense of greatness in the air around me. Sometimes I feel like those are the only moments when I can really, truly breathe. With the flora and fauna of the wilds as my witnesses. I know you can understand, Melshaef."
he smiles at the druidess in the end.
Bren listens to the conversation, but has little to add, so he simply remains quiet for the time being. Otiorin has provided useful advice, better than any the big human can come up with.

He smiles, hearing Wolf speak of his love of the woodlands. He, too, knows the delight of walking in deep forest, but his own heart has always followed two paths, and he doesn't see that changing soon.
I believe Loreena McKennitt's excellent song, "The Mystic's Dream" sets this scene nicely.

Pecker hears Wolf and hesitates just long enough to stick out his tongue at Sparkle. Sparkle flaps dismissively at him with her wing. Pecker then takes to the air and lands obediently on Wolf's arm. The lively falcon does not voice his ever-present curiosity; he tends to keep quiet when the protectors of nature act in very serious manners, as now. Vardadraug, on the other paw, watches with complete curiosity. Along with him, Bria and Powerpaw, hand in paw, watch in wonder.

Melshaef stands, arms folded, gazing at Wolf and Pecker. You have never seen her holding herself with this manner of authority, but here she is, both gentle and calm as a placid lake, yet holding the seriousness of a storm. "This spell is ancient, so the Daughters tell me. I do not know if it will work today. It has been many of our lifetimes since they have called upon it, yet they do now for you. I am called to be the instrument that gives life to the spell, voice to the song. With this well-earned reward, may Mother Bast and Generous Mielikki bless the both of you this day and ever after."

Melshaef glances to the Daughters. She nods. The Daughters in turn leap silently from her hands and make glittering trails in the air before the Felane druidess, but this time, you can recognize the trails as written language. What the letters and symbols mean, only the druidess before you can say, but that they are there, hanging in the air like dozens of multi-colored stars strung together, makes for a fascinating sight. Mamapaw recites the words with great fervor, all the while looking solemnly upon Wolf and Pecker.

Many are the spells that require physical components. Some call them foci. Melshaef touches each of the Daughters with her left foreclaw as if they were foci, and as she does, they curtsey and hold in mid-flight, part of the mystical transmutation that comes forth. The words fade into the air...

"Leonard Wolf of Dalsus!" she calls. "Mielikki has lovingly placed inside of thee the heart of a ranger with the soul of the beast firmly and forever locked inside! I now call that power forth! You can walk as wolf or as man! Leonard Far Fang, today you become your namesake in body as well as in spirit!"

A gentle, cloaking gray mist suddenly surrounds Wolf and Pecker along with the scent of evergreen. As the cloud quickly dissipates and the evergreen leaves you with its memory, there stands before you not Leonard the man, but Leonard the Wolf. His coat is healthy and shiny, his tail sure and straight, his fangs white and strong - and his hazel eyes full of life.

All of the things Wolf wore have vanished. Pecker has vanished too. But Wolf is not without accessory, for there around his neck, hung by a simple and sturdy leather cord, is a pendant. It looks much like this:


(Image credit: www.pinterest.com)

Wolf is now much lower to the ground, his eyes do not see colors in the way his human eyes do, yet his senses are keener than the huntman's knife, especially his sense of smell.

"Wolf, you may shift forms with but a few moments of concentration. There are rules to this, but most are yours to discover and not mine to preach. I will only provide you this: You may shift forms as often as you will for as long as you desire. What form you sleep in will be the form you wake in. As for Pecker, much the same way that Sparkle is safe when inside Luna's spellbook, or Vardadraug in his statuette form, Pecker lies inside thy pendant until called forth. Know you that Mighty Mielikki, The Forest Maiden and Queen of Shandra's Evergreen, is ever pleased with the both of thee..."


(Image credit: novawuff.deviantart.com)
As the grey mist and scent of evergreen subside, Wolf stands there dumbfounded for a long while. Something is off. This is the only thought he makes up before he is struck with an assault on all of his senses.

His vision seems both worse and better at the same time. He finds himself suddenly and very keenly aware of all the movements in the space around him, no matter how little, especially those in front of him. He also realizes that his peripheral vision is wider now. On the down side, he can no longer make out as many details as he could before. It was as if he was now shortsighted. Not to mention that something had drained most of the colors from the world, leaving behind a much bleaker-looking environment. At the same time, he discovers more shades of grey than he knew existed.

His hearing is even more of a shock. It seems to him that he can now hear everything - and it all comes at him at once. Powerpaw's loud breathing. A rodent scratching away at the wood of the wagon in some unseen dark corner. Birds from the outside, their calls louder and more distinguishable than ever before. And other things, things he never heard before unless he was right beside them. All of this seems almost like an invasion on his ears until he slowly starts adapting.

And finally his sense of smell. This subtle aspect of the change - in comparison to the sight and hearing which he was more used to relying on - actually seems to have developed to a greater extent than those two. He barely believes it but he can literally smell it all. The earthly scents from Melshaef before him. All the varied foods up on the table. Sweat, dust, wood. And... Luna. Even that scent of evergreen from before seems to still be around.

When he recollects himself Wolf ponders what exactly happened, starting from why it seemed like he was now at least two times shorter than before. He only really heard part of Melshaef's explanation but it seemed to suggest that he was now...

"A wolf. I'm a wolf." he thought out loud. "Wait."

Though something was telling him that he should face Melshaef and say something fitting in regard to this life-changing event that just took place, Wolf busied himself with studying his front paws, clearly too amazed to be reasoned with for the moment.
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Vardadraug is the first to approach Wolf in his new form. Oh, you are going to want a mirror! He pads up and sniffs Wolf's adult-sized whiskers. You can most certainly hear me in your mind, for I do not sense any resistance. How about you? Look at me. Focus your mind. Project thought to me... How does it feel to be a wolf, Wolf?
Wolf focuses his full attention on Vardadraug and tries his best to do what is asked of him. He delves deep into his eyes and after a period of concentration tentatively throws a thought his way.

You mean like this?
Vardadraug's little ears and tail rise in excitement. Yes! Just like that! He turns to Melshaef. He can project!

Druidess Melshaef clasps her paws and stands proudly. "The spell worked after all! Did you hear him?" she asks her son.

"What da...?! Mom, I haz a Wolf-face in my face! Uh, I mean, head!" Powerpaw stares at Wolf, his jaw hanging, revealing sharp teeth. "Waz dat youse?! Do it agains! Mooooar!"

Vardadraug whirls back to Wolf and runs around happily in circles. You can project! This is amazing! If your projection skills work as mine, those you wish to communicate with will have to be in relatively close proximity to you to hear your thoughts! In my case, it does not mean you have to be looking directly at them; unless there is a solid object between you and them, you will be able to project. Anyone who does not wish to hear my projection can simply shut me out. On the other hand, this is completely soundless communication that cannot be easily interrupted and cannot be overheard! Do you understand?

Sparkle taps her claws on Luna's spellbook and adds, Well, now! We have another among the mind-speaking! And to think there are some among the arcanists back at the Knowledge College who believe, quite egotistically, that such communication was reserved only among arcanists... Humph! The little dragoness stares intently at Wolf, her gaze unblinking. Vardadraug and I appear to project in the same manner, the distance of which is about 60 feet. Anything outside of that space will simply not "hear" you. I recommend study and experimentation on your part.

Luna can tell that her familiar is using her dragon-sight upon Wolf. Luna knows from experience that Sparkle will share her findings if asked.

The three Daughters of Summertime link their hands and cheer, dancing while floating in midair. "He likes it! He likes it! Hooray!"

Bria laughs a sunny sound of joy. "Wolf! You... you really look terrific! But... how does this work? What... does this mean for you?"
Luna giggles. "I know! On cold winter nights, you can turn into the wolf-form you now have, lie down at my feet, and I can snuggle my tootsies into your fur to keep my feet warm!" She has a big smile on her face to show that she's just kidding.
I suppose that's one use for me, Wolf replies, not sounding like he is joking. He turns his head to Luna and then back to Bria. In all honesty I do not know what this means for me... but rest assured that I will find out! To solidify the claim, he lets out his first bark. It seemed to have come out alright, but he can't help but look at Vardadraug for approval. I will experiment, yes. I have to say I'm surprised to be able to do this. After all, I'm not actually a wolf or pseudo-dragon. Or at least I wasn't before. I would have thought this... projection? ability something innate.

And then he decides it's time for physical activity. Wolf moves in a circle around the Wanderers, feeling better and better as his footsteps quickly turn from unsure and experimental to sure-footed and agile as a wolf's should be. His prancing around eventually ends by the pool where he stops to study his reflection, eager to see what exactly he looks like.
Bren openly gapes, astonished by the transformation - and even more when he "hears" Wolf's voice in his head! "Oh...what a truly astonishing gift!" He wants to say more, but can't quite think of anything in the face of this most unusual occurrence.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I would have thought this... projection? ability something innate.

Hearing this, Sparkle and Vardadraug both share a wondering look between them. It is Vardadraug who replies. Projection or "sending" as it is sometimes known is... mind-speech. It is most certainly innate to a creature born with it like a pseudo-dragon, but a wolf? Perhaps there is more to the woodland creatures of Dalsus than we have been led to believe? When I speak to normal wolves, I first use our birth language when possible, not projection. Speaking in any non-projecting creature's mind like a dwarf or hawk is usually a quick way to startle them!

Sparkle stretches, her wings wide. I imagine it also completely blows your cover as a wolf puppy, too...

Oh, always. Yet that too has proven useful.

For a good while Wolf is kept busy staring at his own reflection, something that has never given him so much pause in his whole life. But in his defense, he had never looked at himself before and seen this:


His mind raced to the most memorable time he'd seen a gray wolf. It was at a forest clearing one winter years ago. As equals on separate hunts they shared a moment frozen in time. A moment as cold and piercing as that winter. Wolf had uttered no words then. He didn't need to. Fond as he ever was of wolves, even then he'd have gotten to a stage where one right look could speak volumes. And that stare radiated respect, peace, and admiration. And Leonard knew that the wolf understood.

And now, after all that time, with the memory so vivid and alive in his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what else would he have read in the wolf's eyes had he looked then like he did now. He was practically a copy of the animal he recalled, with his grey fur and black top coat. Even the patches of light brown coloring were there, covering parts of his face, ears and legs. Wolf suspected that this memory might have had an effect on the spell that granted him this alternate form. Either way he was glad that they were one of those few colors he could see.

Well, I think I'm done here, he said mentally. No, wait. I want to try something. Wolf faced Vardadraug with the intention of projecting the following only to him, and in order to really make it a test he carefully chose his words: Sparkle would never admit it, but her favorite dish is actually catfish.

He couldn't help briefly glancing over at Sparkle once having said it, but if it worked it shouldn't matter.
Luna looks on at the new form of her love with a smile. "By Boccob, I love magic! Anything is possible with it." She is so happy for Wolf, her heart feels as if it may burst with joy. This has truly been a great day for us all.
Oh, I imagine she would get you back if she heard that one! Then Vardadraug pauses and collects the facts before him, and in collecting, he comes to conclusion. Yes! You are learning, Wolf! Vardadraug's tongue lolls happily.

The cunning dragoness having already been involved in this scene, however, does not miss Wolf's glance. Just what did you say about me? she asks Wolf "aloud" with the ever-present suspicion dragons are known for.
I just thought your scales looked extra shiny today, Wolf said. Then he paused for a moment, looked around, and ran for the exit. I think I could use some time alone, if no one minds.
Bren smiles. "Of course. I imagine you have a lot to re-experience, now!"
Otiorin watched quietly as the others marvelled over their due and just rewards from the three Daughters. He was personally content with the many, many gifts they had granted him and yet he felt unworthy of them. Moonlit Edge's mystical icy sheen and his own sudden physical enhancement were more than he would have even asked for. Just thinking of the magical blade at his side made him reverently touch the ancient leather scabbard. He could feel the coolness of the weapon within, even though she was quiescent and at rest, he knew she yearned. Yearned to find that mate of her steel, lost for ages gone by.

Soon, my loyal blade, soon.
"Bye, Wolf! Please be careful out there!" Bria waves as Vardadraug and Sparkle watch Wolf leave, the latter with a knowing grin.

As Wolf makes it outdoors, the Daughters of Summertime can be seeing pointing and giggling at Powerpaw and Sabrefang. Powerpaw points at himself and looks around as if unsure. "Uhhh..."

"That's right!" "It's your turn!" "We're going to change you too!"

"Wha?! Hey!" Looking bewildered and off-guard, Powerpaw puts his guard up.

"My son..." Sabrefang steps beside him. With a touch, Powerpaw's guard drops and he relaxes. "Have you no faith in little spirits?"

"But, Mom! I don't wanna be turned inta some kinda wolfie-face!"

"And who said they were going to do that?" The druidess from distant jungles watches the woodland faeries with an expression full of admiration. She asks them, "If he does not like the gift, might he decide to do away with it?"

The sisters nod excitedly. "Sure he can! One gift only though!" "Don't turn it down! We thought a
really long time for this one!" "Yeah! It took us a whole 18 heartbeats!" "My brain is so tired..." "Mine too..."

"Aww... Okies. You wittle faerie-faces did goods by evwiebuddy else, I just izn't too keens on gettin' poofed."

"It's not that big a change!" "In fact, you could say it's a little less!" "Yeah! Because less can be moar! Did I use that right?" "Besides that, we got Melshaef's approval already so-"

"You whats?!"

And with that, once again, Powerpaw's mother begins casting a powerful spell using the instructions the Daughters provide. The runes of ancient realms again fill your sight to be read by Sabrefang with great fervor. A large wall of billowy mist envelops Powerpaw from top to tail and when it fades...

...Powerpaw is as he has always been... except
medium-sized. The bestial Felane warrior now stands just a head taller than Brendoran.

"Whoa! I iz bitty-kitty! Well... human-size kitty anywayz..." Powerpaw looks down at himself and then around the room. He is nearly two feet shorter, clearly if barely human-sized. "Uh, how oftens I kin does this?"

Sabrefang looks down to her son for the first time in years. She cannot help but smile in a motherly way. "Your limits are like Wolf's own. As for the rest, you will have to discover that for yourself. I recommend experimentation."

"Wait... Iz dat what I tink it... Oooooh hooo hoo!" Powerpaw chuckles as the white cloud dissipates. However, instead of the scent of evergreen, there is another scent not so easily identified; a distinct, grassy scent full of flavor of some kind. "I better not experiments too muches - dat misty-scent smellz soooooooo gooood! Mumumummumumoooaaar!" He positively sings this last word.

From a safe distance, Druidess Sabrefang takes one sniff. Then her eyes get really large. She gasps and looks right at the Daughters of Summertime. "You didn't say anything about catnip!"

All three of them bounce in surprise. Together they offer up the best defense such little children can:

"We didn't know!"

Looking back at medium-sized Powerpaw, you see his eyes are wide, wide, wide! His whiskers, ears, and tail are sky-high! He begins
dancing around in a silly fashion because one sniff of that catnip and your fuzzy goofy feline warrior is...


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