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Completed Chapter IV: Forgotten Sands

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Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina blinked at the question. Her body felt heavy. "I could, but I have no herbs with me to help me with anything bigger than a scratch I'm afraid." she said while getting to her feet. She smiled at Violet quickly to let her know she was fine and went to accompany Meric.

She didn't rush, was too tired to. Part of her was happy about the possibility of being usefull, the other was desperate to be just that. This was the second time she couldn't use her power well enough to make any difference at all and she had no other weapon to use. She really hoped she could do something for the wounded drakkar. Now insecurity and doubt crept about her mind making her feel worse every time she thought about doing something. Was there any hope for her? A queen-to-be, useless and insecure. At least I caused no harm up until now. But was that true? Dina's heart sunk into her heals and her head jerked up to Meric's face as she remembered... There was some harm. To protect her, a life was lost in Ridge. Dina did her best to shake the thought out of her head. There were more important things on the agenda now. Like that feeling of surprise? Much like that call for help from Ridge? Dina shook her head again. That was something she had to see to, but not NOW. She stopped in her tracks holding her head. Get yourself together, girl.
A few hours later, somewhere nearby...

If it weren't for the large fire in the middle, the camp would have been just as dark as the rest of the desert. There were no stars, and no moon.

The fellowship was set up in a small clearing surrounded by rocks under the clouded night sky, close to the field of battle. There were ten people present; seven of the fellowship, Feyn, and two more wounded drakkar of which one succumbed to his injuries. They didn't know it yet, but the other one wouldn't make it through the night either. For now, he was still cared for by Dina who did all she could with what she had. It was unwise that they brought no medical supplies, having stopped in two towns on the way. The drakkar company did pack some most basic stuff, but it wasn't enough to make the needed difference.

The pleasantries had been exchanged. Conversation was poor, and Meric did most of the talking as usual. The food passed along was meat - game Violet and Meric hunted down and killed before crossing over into the desert. Their provisions from Ridge were already spent.

"So, Feyn." Meric made another attempt at conversation. The drakkar wasn't particularly talkative. She expressed thanks for the help and vaguely outlined her presence here, but nothing else. Who could blame her? She had just lost her entire company, with the last survivor at death's door. It was not a good day.

"What's the story behind the name of your band of outlaws? If you don't mind me asking."

The knife eared wizard had fallen, a Dwarven hatchet buried to the hilt in the bastards chest. His death may have been without sound but it was not without weight. He had killed several of her closest friends and allies, nothing she could think of would have been a good enough death for him. The bond she had built, shattered and now simply a gaping hole. If one lived off of fury and emotion, when your fall eventually comes it only hurts that much more. Pain was nothing new to the Drakkar though, not a tear would be spent over them. Just the knowledge that they died for the freedom of the species.

Staggering over, her world still a haze of fading bloodlust and exhaustion, Feyn kneels beside her friend Reav. She knew his wounds and knew he would not make it. Reav had the gift of tongues, a strong flowing voice that carried tales of the Old Drakkar like none she had ever heard. He had been instrumental in forming the Split Wings and as he choked back blood, she knew his speech was gone. Hand on his chest, he nods to Feyn who proceeded to tear a scale off of him. In her tongue she whisper to him how they have won the battle and shall not stop until they've freed their people. He coughs something up and closes his eyes. Breathing steady but saying no more. The Drakkar body often outlived the mind and soul. It was who they were, what they did.


Clean up and scavenging had been rough. Refusing treatment other than having the arrow removed from her shoulder, Feyn milled about the battlefield. She spent most of the time replaying the battle in her mind, noting effectiveness of traps versus the large amounts of imperials. She was the last Split Wing standing now and it was up to her to continue their fight. She'd need anything she could carry. Spitting on the corpse of some Imperial, she limps her way back to camp. Temporary allies who had intervened and given her unwanted aid. They didn't need to know anything other then the basics. Especially harboring Elves and Humans among their group. Along with an arsehole of a Drakkar. She'd heard the tales about a 'Xenthriss' before. When he spoke his name, all she could do was express displeasure at him not being as tall as she'd heard before. Myths and false rumors, Feyn lived for reality not foolish tales.

Tossing a scavenged pile of swords outside her tent, Feyn needed to rest before gathering more. It was a dark night and the fire was screwing with her eyes, reflecting the light back and illuminating the reptilian slits. She could feel the ache growing in her head. And this...Meric was not helping.

"What's the story behind the name of your band of outlaws? If you don't mind me asking." He asked again. Ire rising she finally deems it time to respond.

"We are not outlaws fool. The Split Wings are a rebellion against the oppression of the Drakkar. It was founded by myself and Reav and we built a strong group that was betrayed. The name should be obvious or is your group blind as well as poorly equpped." Feyn snarls, quiping at the fellowships lack of medical supplies.
The elf didn't flinch.

"Please do not misunderstand me. These are hard times. Fighting the Sorceress makes you an outlaw unfortunately, but it's something to be proud of. We are outlaws as well, in that sense." As expected, there was some resistance. Perhaps he shouldn't have pushed it. The wounds, literal and figurative, were still too fresh.

"I get the apparent reason." he said, "What I meant was the full story behind it. I've never..."

"He wants to know who clipped your wings." Xenthriss interrupted, with a grin. As if to taunt, he stirred his own tattered wings into motion. "So how'd it happen?"

It remained to be seen how having another drakkar around would affect Xenthriss' behavior.

"The whore Empress. At least that's where they ended up, either as a trophy or some sort of potion for the bitch. What in the Hells happened to yours or were they always that small?" A sharp tongue and an even sharper look respond to the ebony scaled Drakkar, spite and anger conveyed in every syllable. Self consciously the muscular remnants on her back twitch, still trying to move the conspicuously absent wings. "The full story isn't for ears as pointed as yours anyways elf. You can read the wanted papers if you so wish. I truly don't care." It was hard to tell who the anger was directed at now. The outsider elf or the seemingly delighted Drakkar. Either way it was obvious Feyn was irritated and in little mood for a social hour.

It would have been in her best interest to speak with less venom to these interlopers but right now logic wasn't powering Feyn. She seemed to seethe anger and frustration at anyone nearby. Pain keeping her from sleeping off the mental wounds she had been afflicted with.
"I like her." Xenthriss chuckled.

A broad man some distance to Feyn's right drew attention at that moment. He had long, black hair and was leaning against a large sword in a sitting position. The blade gleamed in the firelight, inscribed with an unfamiliar script. His voice was deep and his tone steady. Feyn believed she could remember someone referring to him as Silver-something earlier.

"What are your plans now?" he asked. Everyone, including Meric, suddenly went quiet, eagerly expecting the drakkar's response.

What was Feyn supposed to say? That she didn't know, that she'd forget the Split Wings and rebuild anew? Or better yet was she supposed to be gung ho and spout nonsense about taking down the Imperial presence by herself? For a while, Feyn doesn't say anything, keeping the harsh look up at Xenthriss to let him know he hadn't won anything. It gave her some time to collect herself and possibly sound like she knew what she was doing.

"What are my plans? Is that what you all want to know?" Feyn stands up, looking around the camp full of busy bodies . "Well why don't you all come in close then so you don't have to hear it in the shadows like the eavesdropping cretins you are!" She holds a hand over her wounder shoulder while gesturing angrily with her uninjured arm. "I am going to kill who betrayed the Split Wings, I am going to take Henvt when he recovers from your clumsy medical assistance and I'm going to keep fighting to free the Drakkar from this Imperial glove around all of our necks. That is my plan. Are you all happy now? Full of questions from the pitiable Drakkar rebel. May all of you be screwed by the sandworms."

She throws away the last bit of gauze from her shoulder, letting the blood flow from her wound again and storms off into the darkness to collect more supplies from the battlefield. Muttering curses through the soft night air.

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina was not happy at all with what she could do for the wounded drakkar and the attitude of this one was not helping her one bit. After Feyn was done talking Dina got to her feet. "Well, I am very sorry for doing whatever I can!" her tone spoke of hurt feelings and held the edge of sadness. "And thank you for your good wishes." she added. Dina understood exactly how the drakkar must be feeling. Losing your close ones hurt like thousand daggers, but Dina still felt that some gratitude was in order. And this was not it at all. She kept her gaze on Feyn and tried to make it as hard as rock.

Dina was indeed in no mood to take this from someone who would have been dead without their help. She had some frustration to vent of her own. There never seemed to be time for her to deal with her own problems. Was she clinging to the past too much? Enough! Everyone has to live through the rough times to get someplace. I have to stop doing this to myself. Yes, I should've thought about my medical supplies. Noted for the future. Instead of thinking about the bad I should be focusing on the good. I have grown, I saved a life, and I'm not running away from dangers which my path brings. In the end, I must not bring myself down anymore. All this Dina had to repeat to herself again. She had had moments like this since the beginning of their journey, but this time she made a vow to herself to remember it well. Her train of thought took a turn and went to the spectrals. Are Ilhirel's hounds hot on their trail? Was there some advice they would be willing to share concerning her power? She will have to get back to it some other time. A wave of tiredness washed over her.

Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

Tainted Scholar

Somewhere in the dark, the wizard nestled against his pack, clutching fast his traveling mug. Long ago the desert had gone dark. As sense returned to the wizard, he felt the blessed cool creeping up his poor, scorched flesh. Wonderful. The desert had become hospitable again. He could hear the crackle of a fire, smell the lovely scent of meat, and...

...damn the eyes. The wizard looked back down at where he suspected his mug was, and took a sip. Some sort of tea, very strong, rather pungent. Otherwise, palatable. Paired rather well with the coarse scent of that brush-meat. Then it couldn't be pine-leaf. Henvei racked his brains, considering what kind of tea he had brought with him: a warm fuzz, an odd sense of euphoria, and a startling lapse in memory. Certainly not something to be paired with meat. Raising his head from his stupor, the wizard sniffed in, hoping to catch what kind of small animal had given its life for the glory of the Folk. His dazed look soon sprouted into a bemused grin when the smell of fresh blood and tears came floating back. Now wasn't that an odd sort of smell. Old wounds sliced cleanly open with the nasty bite of a disagreement, yes? But hadn't he crushed everybody with his signature ultimate rock attack? Ah, wait...those people! Yes, they would know what sort of meat was cooking. By the smell of it, they were roasting each other, and the wizard had no mind to sit out a perfectly good argument.

The wizard returned to the land of sand just as the argument at the campfire finished its course. The dim light of the fire seemed a mile away, but the Folk could hear the thudding plod of angry footsteps - and could smell the aroma of resentment. He stumbled after the new voice, waiting until the crackle of the fire had faded a bit to pipe up."I... might be a cretin, but at leasht I haven't forgotten my manners." Henvei smiled, a lot less toothily then he usually remembered it being. He then thrust his mug (which he would later recall to be his thirty-fifth helping of the decidedly inebriating blood-leaf tea) out into the darkness of the night. "Drink? Cool your throat after such hot tempersh."
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"Don't beat yourself over it, Dina." said Meric once Feyn had left the campsite. "No matter how wrong she might be, it doesn't change what she's been through. She needs time." He smiled reassuringly.

And then it was quiet for a while. That's when the scholar sprung back to life. Alas, for in this environment Henvei could be nothing other than a night creature. No one bothered to remark when he left the camp and followed into the darkness after the drakkar, if they noticed at all.

Except Silverlane, who was sitting opposite from the now misplaced scholar. He noticed, and as he looked at the now vacant spot he seemed to take an interest in one particular object. Lying against a bag of provisions was the ancient sword Henvei had brought back from the ruins outside Ridge. Silverlane rose, crossed the campsite, and knelt by the sword, carefully examining it. It had been with Henvei the whole time during their journey, and mostly the company just forgot about it. Silverlane hadn't even gotten a good look at it, until now.

"Uncanny." he said out loud.

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina gave a long sigh and then returned Meric's smile. "Is it alright if I get some rest?" , she asked, "Also, if I remember correctly, you agreed on training me? So I could use a sword? I was hoping there would be some time for it, but I was naive to do so. I would like to try incorporating it into our journey, if that's alright." she remembered. Dina felt her eyelids closing and it was hard to keep them apart.
Meric's face brightened. "Of course. I think you'd be more apt in archery, though you should have some skill with blades. At least a dagger. Violet has the only bow around here," he looked at the elf at that point, "So if she agrees perhaps you could use it for practice. We'll start first chance we get."

"Meanwhile get some rest. You've been through a lot today."

Violet Robbins

The Magpie Archer

Violet couldn't help but sympathize with the drakkar, knowing the very same pain she was going through right now. She remained quiet during the girl's tirade, knowing that she would have been, no, had been the same when she had gone through the same thing. So, she waited. She let girl vent her rage and storm away from the camp. After what she thought was an acceptable time, she rose. Before she could follow though, Henvei went off after the girl; stopping Violet short. Out of all the people to go after Feyn, the last person she would have guessed to do it was the frigid folk.

Chewing her lip, she decided to switch her attention to Tharos; hearing him mutter something. Walking over to the man, she asked, "What are you lookin' at Tharos?"
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Feyn had stomped some distance away, eventually coming to a halt on one of triggered traps. Her calloused hand slides down the carefully set device. It had been a rush job to set up, parts of it exposed above the sand but still it had managed to get the job done. The sharpened spikes still coated with the dried blood of Imperials. If only there had been more time to set up more like it, to funnel the enemy into them like earlier battles. The entire ordeal had been a blow to her pride that she was still reeling from.

She pats the trap and moves on, collecting the few remnants of use she could find. She could hear her follower before he spoke. Nobody in this party knew how to walk in sand, 'cept Xenthriss but that Feyn was still amazed that he hadn't been slain yet. Glancing back, she sees it is the scholarly one that followed. He seemed to be plodding along, the gait of a drunken man. She snorts, taking in his scent while expressing her disapproval. He smelled mostly human. Mostly though. That little gamy scent of something feral almost annoyingly present. Whatever and whoever this was, he was something a bit different.

"I... might be a cretin, but at leasht I haven't forgotten my manners." And like a drunk in a bar he pushes his mug towards her "Drink? Cool your throat after such hot tempersh." Glowering, Feyn approaches him and snatches the drink away. Her snout slips into the mug, taking a deep breath and pulling back with a look of surprise. "How are you not dead yet. This is from the blood leaf." The near poison slides down her throat, combating the natural dryness of her throat as well as dousing her ire slightly. "I did not know humans could stand drinking this stuff. What do you want?"

Meanwhile, back at the camp, conversation sparks between Violet and Tharos Silverlane.

The bulky man raises his head, still in a kneeling position by Henvei's pack. Something about his eyes made them look old, older than he himself looked. "The wizard's sword." he said, and then looked at it again. He seemed distracted. "I just glanced at it a few times until now, and something about it seemed... interesting. Where did he say he got it?"

Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

Tainted Scholar

Henvei felt a slight tinge of remorse as the Drakkar snatched away his cup. Blood leaf? Mmm, blood leaf. Normally the wizard would be loathe to part with such an exquisite blend, but the night was cool, and the sands actually felt quite nice when they weren't so hot. Hell, there were probably stars somewhere up in the pitch darkness of the sky. Henvei sighed, more content than usual, and strode a few paces from where he heard the growling of the Drakkar, arms flailing as he struggled to navigate. "Want? I'd like a chair. A table. Maybe a proper tea sset." The wizard went quiet as he tried to take a sip from his mug. "I'd be happy with another mug, if anything. But...mosht of all I would like nothing more than to keep things civilized around here."

"You'll have to forgive my companions." Henvei gestured off in the direction of the campfire. "Brave adventurer typess. Swinging swords and shhooting bows..." Henvei shot an imaginary bow, or at least, did what he figured would pass for drawing a bow. Arm here, pull like this... "We are thoroughly exhausted from our travels and I suspect it's caused them to forget their manners. I'm here to remember them...and, ah, to shhare a little tea, if you don't mind." The wizard placed a delicate weight on shared, sniffing hopefully into the night air for the return of his missing mug.

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina smiled at him again. "Oh, I'm sure she won't mind." she looked from Meric to Violet and back. Her eyes held tired curiosity. "I'm looking forward to it." Dina said as she went to lie herself on the warm sand without breaking eye contact with Meric. "Keep me safe, please." she said softly just before her eyes fluttered shut.

Violet Robbins

The Magpie Archer

The elfen woman joined Tharos in kneeling over the mage's pack, take a good look at the sword. It wasn't the usual fair that was for sure. Violet was fairly familiar with sword as a result with working around so many, so she knew a little. This blade however was unlike most any weapon she had seen. Staring over it as she did, Violet replied, "I'd like to say that he mentioned finding in some ancient ruin that he had investigated while we were in Ridge. Aside from that, he didn't elaborate."
"As you command, my Queen." said Meric, grinning at Dina and watching as she was drifting away to sleep. It was the first time anyone actually called her by that title.

Meanwhile, Violet and Silverlane were studying the sword. It was truly a remarkable weapon, brandished in an almost otherworldly design, and meant for single-handed combat. There were runes inscribed all over the blade. "Lighter than I'd expect," noted Tharos as he picked up the sword and weighted it. "If it were a dagger, I'd say it's ceremonial only and thus probably not too durable, but somehow I don't think that's the case here. And these runes, all across the blade itself... Uncanny. They remind me of -"

And that's as far as he got with his examination.

There was a dreadful roar through the night, and something large dropped out of the dark sky and landed right in the middle of the campsite, by the fire. The winged lion beast flapped its wings, assuming a threatening pose and snarled, jerking its head left and right as if trying to decide whom to eat first.

Meric was the first to give name to the death staring at them. "Manticore!" he shouted, reaching for his sword.

Out in the dark battlefield, Feyn and Henvei heard the beast's roar as well. A native of Daskárd, Feyn could immediately tell what it was.

"Brave fools, I knew the fire was far too bright." Here she went again, second guessing herself and drawing more parties into danger. Her wounded were still at the camp and there existed no reality where she would leave them to the beast. Feyn shoves the cup back into the hands of the addled man, shouting as she runs. They needed to make themselves bigger and seem too much a threat for the creature. That way the creature would move on to easier pickings. She picked up the pace, yelling back to Henvei as she runs "Such is what human civilization brings!"
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Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina was jerked wide awake by the roar of something feral. There was a beast not that far away from her, and a terrifying one at that. Her eyes darted from the beast's jaws, to claws, and that wild eyes. Panik grew in her mind and spread like wildfire. Dina screamed at the top of her lungs while stumbling to her feet.
The manticore growls, filling the night with horror. There is fear written even over Meric's face as he rises with a drawn sword and rushes towards the beast twice his size. Towards death. The others may not be able to see it, though. The fear is overwritten by courage. Genuine courage. Or madness, for what its worth.

The elf takes a swing at the manticore. He knows he has to protect Dina. But before he can do it, the manticore lunges forward at him. The sword is at the wrong angle; the beast harmlessly cuts itself on it while at the same time causing the elf to lose grip on the weapon. Meric falls on his back onto the sand. The manticore places its heavy paw on his chest, preventing escape. Its head jerks left and right, trying to get at him while he uses only his bare hands to keep it off him.

For the moment, it doesn't seem to notice, or care, for the defenseless girl nearby or any of the other people present.

Violet Robbins

The Magpie Archer

Violet nearly fell on her rear from her crouched position as the manticore bounded into the camp. Once she recovered her balance however, her battle instincts kicked on to full as the air was shattered by Dina's scream. As she pulled out her bow, Meric went to attack the beast only to be disarmed and trapped beneath. Drawing two arrows at once, the archer drew her bow, crouching so that she was at the same level as its head. Once she had a good idea of her shot, she barked at the creature then she waited for her target to look in her direction., "Hey, furface, over here!!" Once it did, she would let loose her arrows right into its eyes.
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Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina watched as Meric charged and as Violet raised her bow. Her head seemed a little clearer now than it was when the beast first invaded their camp. I'm the predator's natural choice. The weakest among the group. If I made a move to run away it should draw its attention. With that thought Dina made for Violet, planning to draw the beast's attention there, so Violet gets a clear shot at its head, and hopefully forgets about Meric. She ran in a wide circle about the beast. While at it she was scanning the ground for some rocks she could throw at the manticore. Once she makes it to Violet's side she would shout and make as much noise as she could.
Violet's taunt did not seem to be effective on its own, but with Dina's assist the two of them succeeded in drawing the manticore's attention. Meric took the chance and kicked at the beast as strong he could. The staggered manticore backs off, roars at the elf and then without a second thought jumps over the fire, heading for Dina.

At that moment Violet readily unleashes her two arrows. Both hit the manticore, mid-air; one buried itself into the left eye and the other one pierced its left wing clean through. When the beast landed on its feet, merely feet away from Dina, it was roaring in searing pain but it was far from incapacitated. In fact, one might say that they just made it angry.

The monstrosity looms over the girl who hadn't yet made it past Violet. Things seemed to slow down for Dina. She sees Violet reaching for another arrow. She sees the manticore, an enraged lion with an arrow sticking out of a bloody eye socket. And she knows she doesn't have enough time to escape the imminent attack. Fortunately, she doesn't have to.

An otherworldly shriek fills the campsite. It was the manticore, with a gaping jaw - and nearly two feet of sharp steel protruding from it. The large beast collapses down to the ground as the huge sword is pulled out of it from behind, until finally the manticore lies motionless, dead, at Xenthriss' feet. The drakkar chuckles as if he just stomped a scorpion.

At that moment Feyn re-enters the campsite, where everyone was still frozen in their final positions.
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