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Completed Chapter III: Scales of Justice

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Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

The scholar plopped down, muttering bloody murder: a predator who has lost sight of its prey for want of a troublesome pack mate.

"If you do carry snow goose, thus. Otherwise a pheasant. Touch neither with fire or seasoning." The scholar grumbled as his turn came, casting an icy glare at the waitress. The scholar could feel his primal instincts building, and more and more he wanted nothing else then to sink his teeth into still-warm flesh, and rip it to bits.

Ugh. How uncivilized. The scholar redirected his distaste to more poignant matters: that of the party and their doings. Dinner and a dance, how pleasant. Minus the dance, and the dinner: this little adventure, a refueling stop, a maintenance check! Check yourself, scholar: you travel about on rough wave and rough trail alike, and now, expect a full dining ensemble? The scholar's inner fight, while just as harried, soon turned into conflicted dreams of two parties: a fanciful dinner party set in the heart of the Frozen Capitol, with full splendor and delectable foodstuffs, and a Frigid hunting party somewhere in the forests, where the swords were claws, and the utensils, teeth.

"Independent we are, and I still have a mind to make my own." The scholar roused himself from thought, running his traveler's claws from his brow to the table, where they tap, tap, tapped a rhythm of impatient intensity. "I speak for us all when I say that our efforts should not be easily won, and even then, for only the greatest of prizes. After all, we are...preoccupied." Henvei let his hungry hunter's gaze fall upon Violet, lapsing his control to allow a little of the animal through. To spice things up. "Unwise to talk of such matters now, but know this...my suspicions have not yet been sated."
Dina Ailsa

Dina looked at Henvei, surprised. Oh well, he'll always have something to say. And I don't mind even if only Vi and I'll stand alone against this mystery. She thought but said nothing. Dina crossed her legs, leaned against the back of the chair and placed her hands on her legs. She made a swift movement with her head causing her hair to flow in a wave of blackness behind the chair's back. And now I wait. She closed her eyes and focused on her other senses. The smell of food, the pleasant murmur of the place. A sigh wanted to present itself, but Dina didn't let it. I'll just relax, clear my mind and concentrate on sating my hunger. She wanted to sneak a peek at the object of her desire but resisted and preserved her silent, almost dreamlike state.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron had plopped himself down at the table opposite the front entrance of the establishment, an old habit that would likely never cease. However this night he wasn't in full form, he never slept when at sea, and with the last couple days being so busy, he hadn't slept much since their first assembling in the chamber of the Spectrals.

Normally his attention would be on the door and the surrounding patrons, but tonight, he was observing his fellows, these selected few who were apparently destined to save the world. One hand was of course resting on a blade hilt, the other propped up on the table. He shook the thoughts out of his head as the waitress turned to him for his order, he looked up at her with a wide eye stare for a moment. For a moment his brain simply froze and then he regained his train of thought, with a nod of agreement to Meric, he too ordered the pheasant, lightly roasted, side of sliced potatoes and a tankard of their best ale.

A moment later Dina flipped her hair adjusting in her seat, and he had to admit to himself, she did look much better in her new dress, perhaps his gaze lingered a moment too long but he tried to play it off, leaning a little more towards the table, "So what do you all make of the setup in the main square?"
Dina Ailsa

There was a question and Dina opened her eyes. Now there's an excuse to look at him. Is it alright if I speak first? She looked around the table trying to see if someone was about to speak. Come on, princess. She encouraged herself.

"The setup itself isn't enough to awaken my curiosity, but as something connected presented itself.", she gave a slight nod toward the guards' table, "It seems there is a certain amount of disbelief to it and that the man awaiting execution is a captain. Maybe we should investigate. A high ranked person in question might prove useful to us later." Dina said. Oh no, did I sound too calculating just now? She thought and looked at Eltheron waiting for some kind of reaction. She was getting more nervous by the second.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron nodded slowly, "Perhaps it's something we should look further into, I agree that such a ranked member could prove valuable, so long as they're trustworthy."
Dina Ailsa

He agreed. A small smile escaped Dina's lips. "If we are going to act accordingly, we should do it fast. As I understood it, the execution is tomorrow." she added quickly to cover it up.
The atmosphere was great, the smell of food pleasant, and it wasn't crowded. And no one was hunting them. The company was safe for the moment, taking the chance to get to know each other better through conversation. Meanwhile, the soldiers at the other table parted - precisely the young human left looking bitter and worried. The other two remained seated, though his older companion shouted what had to be his name in an effort to call him back: "Deyan!" but in vain. The man exited the restaurant into the red light of the setting Sun outside.

That was also the moment when the fellowship's food arrived, still smoking with all appropriate side dishes. With their purses still full of gold, they need not have worried about finances. Everyone's orders were accurately delivered, and the food was brought by both the waitress and the waiter. The girl addressed Laurolf then, since he had failed to place an order before.

"And for you, master dwarf," she said in a pleasant voice, "Perhaps something like pork would be better suited than poultry? We happen to have some ready. Local guards order it often enough for us to include it in the menu."

And as for the decision to become involved in the upcoming trial... It was still too early to say whether it was a good idea or not. Regardless, it was prudent to be informed, and it probably couldn't hurt to find out more. They were on a quest, sure, and their road would lead them further east and into the desert, but a few days shouldn't make a difference. If nothing else, they'd need some time to regroup, apparently - since Xenthriss disappeared as soon as they landed and Henvei was already making plans on a local level. Besides, the enemy had no way of knowing where they went. No way of locating them. But the Chosen's success that was Shadowleaf's failure would have consequences in the near future.

Yes, this could turn into an interesting couple of days, should they choose so.
Violet Robbins

Violet met the scholar gaze, showing that she wasn't about to be intimidated by some lanky, snotty mage. She tried to call on the same glare that she used on cocky hotshot recruits. It was only a few levels removed from her death glare, but it still had some had a good amount of power. After a bout a minute of that, she let her gaze return to the table with that guards. Violet followed the young guard with her eyes as he exited, a plan formulating in her head. After a moment, she brought her focus back to their table and said in a lowered voice "I think I'll see what I can get out of our friend Deyan. He seems to know a thing or two about the case. If nothing else, it might get us a lead on where to find the man we're looking for. Oh-."

Violet turned to Laurolf and asked "Before you mentioned that you had something to ask me, what was it?"
Laurolf Fangür

"Aye, pork'll be doin' just fine, lass! If ye' would, make it with a handful o' well baked taters, some butter n' anythin' else ye've got green, hmh! Oh an', bring me ye' biggest pint o' ale to drink." Laurolf said with a smile, as he lowered his hood. This tavern was much more to his liking, than the one they'd stopped by in Aboran - Ruffled Feathers seemed to have, "that something", which made Dwarven taverns back home, such enjoyable places to be. It had the smell of great food, the laughter and chatter of patrons, some more drunk than the others and while Laurolf found the feathers a.. Peculiar, choice for decoration, they reminded him of the 'Battered Pickaxe' back home- Where the walls were covered in old pickaxes, breastplates and other mementos, of friends and patrons past. Even his father's cracked breastplate, hanged on the wall, to which Laurolf and his friends would raise a mug, on the eve of Angus Fangür's death, every year.

He now turned to Violet, "Aye, lass. I was just wonderin', if ye'd ever heard of a fellow Dwarf by the name o' Raum. Jolly fellow 'at one, black beard n' curly hair- A tad shorter than me, but the rest o' 'is, features be right similar to me own." Laurolf spoke with his voice slightly lowered.
Violet Robbins

Violet pressed her hand to her lips, thinking hard on the question. She knew a fair amount of dwarves, as they were more than willing to help the fight against the witch. The name Raum definitely rung a bell, and as it wasn't likely that there were too many Raums, the one she was thinking of had to be the one that Laurolf was asking about. It was a long moment before she finally realized where she knew the name. The thought actually brought a smile to her face.

Still in lowered tones, she told the dwarf "Laurolf, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I've actually work with Raum on a number of occasions. In fact, he replaced me as head recruiter and training officer; turning out some of the best resistance fighters we've had in some time. I feel like he's mentioned you a few times, always with a great amount of respect."

Dina Ailsa

Dina got to her chicken, it smelled delicious and was so, too. Salty just the way she liked it.

Vi won't have any trouble dealing with Deyan. She spends her time around guys mostly... Maybe I should ask her for a piece of advice.

She thought while chewing. At least she looked like a real lady when she ate. Her mother did learn her how to do


. She sneaked a peek at Eltheron when she raised her glass to drink from it.

What are you doing? You WANT him to notice you looking at him, you smiling at him. You know pretty well that guys don't read minds. At least I haven't met one with that ability so far. Anyhow, think of it as a test of courage, you have to grow or you'll never be a worthy ruler.

Dina encouraged/criticized herself. It was true, she


to change. Who would see her as the authoritative figure if she stayed like this? Insecure, scared, confidence next to none, quiet...

Alright, one little step at the time. Finish your delicious meal first. It wouldn't be a nice sign if you stared at him with your mouth full.


Meanwhile the waitress returned with Laurolf's order, slowing her movements perhaps too much while she served him and smiled at Eltheron. She didn't linger though. Everyone was satisfied for those moments, eating good food and drinking good wine. Who knows when they'd get another chance like this?

Violet responded to Laurolf's question, forgetting for the moment about the young soldier whom she intended to question. Hopefully she could still catch up with him. The matter at hand, though, was of crucial importance to Laurolf. It was about Raum. About his brother.

It's been nearly two years since that fateful day when they were separated in a skirmish against Ilhirel's troops. Still bent on fighting for their homeland, they had remained within its borders even when all hope seemed lost. Their group of outlaws led by Laurolf himself ambushed an escorted convoy from Alicante just a few miles into Knalgan territory. But as it turned out, it was a trap. The tables had turned and they were forced to flee. That was when they got separated. Laurolf made it out alive, and he believed his brother did too, but what had happened to him? All his attempts to find him failed, and now almost two years later he learns from this elf woman that Raum is part of the Resistance - head of recruitment and training officer nonetheless. It was... quite a shock.
Dina Ailsa

See??? Like THAT! Dina thought turning to look at Eltheron. You don't want her! Not one wild night when you're tired! You need sleep and you need to wait! You'll see! I'll become something more, just you wait! She mentally ordered him. Then, not entirely sure what she was doing, raised from the table in one flowing motion and proceeded towards the waitress while letting her hips carry her body more than legs. "Excuse me, where is the lavatory?" Dina asked politely once she caught up with the girl.
Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

The scholar finally took a break from what had degraded into a ritualistic slaughter to partake in what the rest of the table had to offer. Wiping his executioner's claws clean, and rinsing shredded fibres of muscle from his teeth, he did his best to return to civilization before speaking again, as was proper Folk custom (despite his efforts being confounded by the tattered remains of what had once been an animal, now a destroyed testament to the scholar's more animal side!)

"Why, with such a compliment, you make the resistance to be a proper fighting force!" the scholar suddenly jabbed, directing his rapier wit at his new sparring-mate. "I've never heard of such feats from that mighty group of great heroes...could it be, then, that our archives have grown old and dusty? Perhaps we have left out some grand adventure of marvelous undertaking and glorious achievement? Pray tell, what mighty deeds have you and your crew laid to lore and legend?"

The scholar sent another toothy grin at Violet, daring her to counter his seemingly rude interruption. Had it been rude enough? The dwarf and the commander, torn from their conversation by a man of true learning - well, the dwarf was no good for true conversation. Was it, then, a waste of effort? The scholar took a moment to ponder his rusty dinner skills: sarcastic belittling and disguised insults, after all, formed a core and crucial part of every dinner. Was it overdone? Underdone? Raw? The scholar ripped another chunk from his goose, hoping for at least an amusing battle of wit.
Eltheron Delioss

By this point Eltheron had heartily dug into his plate of roast pheasant and assorted veggies, the food was good, the ale was excellent, and -for the time being at least- they had a moment's reprieve. He leaned back in his chair a moment as he took a swig of his ale, it was surely the best he'd had in quite some time.

It was at this moment the young waitress returned with Laurolf's order, and the young elf couldn't help but notice the fine form of the woman and the pretty little smile she had; Eltheron returned the smile and gave a little wink nodding his head and tilting his mug towards her before drinking again. He watched as she walked away, very fine for-... His thought was interrupted when Dina suddenly made her way from the table, and after the waitress. With the slightest raise of his eyebrows and tilt of his head, his thought continued as his gaze followed, fine form indeed.

However whatever thoughts his mind may or may not have been about to muse, the words that spilled forth from the ever aberrant folk drew his attention back to the table. Is he purposely trying to insult the woman? Though he may have had some bad dealings with individuals who may or may not have actually been Resistance, it didn't mean he thought the cause any less critical. After all, any manner of detriment brought upon the Witch was a victory in his books. "Now now Henvei, no need to be rude."
The waitress turned around, still with that same cute smile she had for Eltheron on her face, and faced the black haired girl. She managed a more appropriate expression, still pleasant, as she pointed at a door in the back of the big room. Afterwards she used the chance to cast one last glance towards the elf before she left for the kitchen, her mind doubtless on her job.

Henvei engaged in exchanging blows with Violet, but was seemingly unaware that meanwhile other people in the restaurant were exchanging looks between themselves and him. The scholar stood out. Not at first glance, mind you, but his rather unorthodox approach to food drew attention, and that attention naturally spotted more and more details that made him different. The Frigid had become the topic of at least a table or two by then.

But of course. How would these simple folk ever be used to seeing one of his kind this far south? Aside from the occasional visitor of the Academy, that is. And those could easily go unnoticed.
Dina Ailsa

Dina thanked the waitress and made her way through the door. She reached the sink, splashed some water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. "You need to calm down. You can't keep this up. Just because you like a guy, and obviously a desirable one, doesn't give you the right to monopolize him. He can do what he chooses, when he chooses and whom he chooses. This is ridiculous! You've only known him for a few days and look at yourself! This is bad...", she said to her reflection, "You must be a lady about this. And just now you stormed in here not even properly excusing yourself!". Drops of water were sliding down her face resembling tears. "I mean...It's right to fight for the one you desire...but not like this. You've got to stay calm and collected. How will it look one day?! When you're the one everyone should be able to look up to?". Even though she said those things, the face she looked at seemed to be in pain, like a face of a girl with hurt feelings. "There is no point in being like this..." Dina looked away, at the sink. "Give yourself time, that is the only way. The right way. One guy isn't worth all the pain you'll bring to yourself being the way you are." her voice was just a delicate whisper. She looked at herself again, this time a determined look was reflected back to her. "I will collect myself, walk with my back straight. This is no time to be prideful, but it sure is to be strong. You can do this. Careful just like when dealing with a venom. And those thoughts...first you have to become worthy, then if he rejects you, just then you get to be hurt." After this she took in a few deep breaths, removed the remaining drops of water from her face and fixed her hair. Dina then conjured a smile and walked out of the lavatory. She took her time in walking back to the table and seating herself. I will become the daughter my parents could had been be proud of. This I owe to them and myself.
Laurolf Fangür

Laurolf looked at Violet, hemming. "Me brother? In the resistance ye' say?" He chuckled, "Nay, perhaps ye' be mistaken- Even wit' a good reason, it'd be unlikely for Raum to be joinin' ye' lot, on a.. full-time basis at least." He glanced at the others briefly, "Ye' see, lass, we Dwarves- Especially we Fangürs, dun' care much for ye' Kingdom. While strikin' at her, be a good cause, we ain't keen on seein' yer oppressive throne reinstated." Laurolf paused, as the waitress returned with his drink. He nodded and smiled at the waitress, thanking her. Once she was gone, Laurolf took a good swig from the large wooden pint, "Mm, 'at be some good ale.." He mumbled, then wept the foam from his beard and turned back to Violet, "Don't be takin' me words with offense, though, it's just that nay' Dwarves ever wanted ye' Kingdom in Knalga. 'An it's somewhat of a.. family trait, for us to be dislikin' ye Asgard kind. The only reason I'm travelin' wit' this bunch o' merry lads and lass, is to see the lady to.. 'where she needs to be'..." Laurolf winked and grinned, "...so that I can be freein' me people, without more bloodshed n' war, hmh!"
Violet Robbins

Violet started to forma retort to the folk's jab, but stopped before the words started. There was no doubt that the scholar would love to prattle back and forth about what the Resistance had done. But, she decided to starve Henvei of what he most wanted. Standing up from the table Violet said with a sardonic smile "Maybe the question you should be asking is, what have you done to fix the problem?"

Next, she turned to the dwarf and said "Master Laurolf, as much I'd to tell you all about the situation with your brother, if I wait any longer, I won't be able to catch young Deyan. I will tell you all I know, and I apologize for cutting our conversation short, but the current situation is more pressing." and Violet leaned in so that only the Dwarf could hear "Also, I'm tired of being harassed by this half-crazed scholar. If I stay any longer, you'd have to hold me back so I wouldn't knock the grin off his pretty little face."

Standing back up to her full height, she winked at Laurolf, waved at Dina, and turned toward the door. With the pace of woman on a mission, she walked out the door an into the street, scanning the crowd for her target.
Dina Ailsa

Dina hadn't the time to wave back, but she did watch as her friend left the restaurant. There are certainly some doubts about her lingering in their minds. She thought as she eyed her companions. Maybe if I offer some answers they'll accept her faster. "Her arrival was indeed a little too convenient not to arise suspicion and I'm planing on asking her some questions about it. But I do trust her completely. Violet and I have been friends for some time, If you have something you don't want to ask her directly I might be able to answer." she said and took a sip from her glass.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron nodded and gave a little wave, a leg of pheasant still in his hand as he ate the perfectly roasted poultry. When Dina spoke up, offering to answer question on her friend's behalf, one question came fore front in his mind, "When's the last time you saw her, before yesterday on the docks that is."
Leaving Laurolf to ponder the question of his brother and evading Henvei's toxic provocations, Violet made her way outside. With the Sun low enough to only shed light on the rooftops around the square, the shadows lengthened. The crowds dispersed and left behind only small groups of people here and there. It wasn't difficult to spot the man she was looking for.

The soldier stood leaning on a nearby wall to the right, apparently staring at the center of the square where the setup was completed for tomorrow's trial. An armored figure lost in thoughts.
Dina Ailsa

Dina took her time to think, then:"It's been two months, two months and a half." . She smiled sweetly at Eltheron. How nice, you were the first to act on it.
Violet Robbins

Violet walked up besides the young man and mimicked the man's pose. She faced the same way and joined him in staring at the site that would host a trial the next day. After a few moments, she leaned her head toward Deyan and said softly "I take it from your dour manner you know the man who'll be on trial here."
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron nodded slowly at Dina's reply, chewing the mouthful of roast poultry and swallowing before continuing, "And you're positive she can be trusted? Willing to bet your life, our lives" he says motioning to those still at the table, "on this matter?" The look in Eltheron's eyes held no malice, just sincere curiosity. He took another deep drink of his pint as he awaited Dina's answer.
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