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Completed Chapter II: Blades in Motion

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Eltheron Delioss

As the rest of the group made way for the east wing Eltheron followed a few steps behind, picking up rear guard.

There were plenty of his people he could forgive for cowing to Ilhirel's dominion. The commoners, the poor, the weak... the ones who had little else in the way of choice when a legion of demons and damned knock at your door. But Her... that... that despicable thing; Eltheron was ashamed to count her as one of his kin. Shadowleaf's betrayal had been a hard hit to the moral of the Shadow Elf nation, and the atrocities she had performed since that time... Eltheron just hoped he could be there to watch Shadowleaf die, preferably slowly and painfully.

His grip was tight on his blades as he caught up with his companions. He was silent still, focusing his rising anger, remembering the teachings of his father, to control his emotions. When he looked over at Laurolf he could see a similar anger upon his brow, he knew well the Dwarves had stuffed heavily at the scheming of Shadowleaf. "Worry not Laurolf, one day soon we will kill that bitch, Shadowleaf."
Leaving the reception room behind, the fellowship passed through the hallway into the east wing and emerged into the library archives. The room expanded on both sides, being quite large, with a second floor gallery above them. There were two access staircases, diagonally opposite one another on far sides of the room. Impossibly tall bookshelves covered almost every part of the walls, except for the east side which was windowed - wide, tall windows that let in plenty of light. The center of the room was a small fountain no longer in function. Water once flowed from a jug held by the statue of a library keeper. There were more of these statues, in similar variant, lined along the walls here and there. There were old, sturdy wooden tables in the middle part of the room. Books, quills, papers, and other items were everywhere. Some things in the archives were damaged, and most were in disrepair. It was sort of sad to see the Great Library in such a condition, so far from its glory days. The place smelled heavily of old age. Aged books, worn out papers, ink. It could have used some fresh air.

Unfortunately, there was no time to explore. The sound that just came from the direction of the hallway that led to the reception room clearly belonged to that of a door being breached. And then there was silence, for a while.
Dina Ailsa

"No..." Dina gasped turning around for a second. They are here, we must run away. She was desperate to move out of this building, out of this city, out of this land. She raced for the windows and looked out. Even though every moment was crucial she couldn't just bull rush through them. There was hope in her heart even with all that horror around her. She was terrified, yes, she was never in a situation like this before and hoped for the similar not to repeat ever again. Probably the impossible request... There had to be a safe route out of this, or almost safe. The shape and size of the windows were just right for all of them, but how long will be their fall? Could they make it?
One look out the window told her, and anyone else who might have approached, everything they needed to plan their escape. It wasn't much of a drop. A meter. Maybe more. The sun grew high outside, achieving that golden quality of late September. One could almost smell the leaves from here.

Actually, Dina could. It came to her subconsciously, crept up while she was unaware. Of course it wasn't really the actual scent penetrating the glass panes, but rather the thought of a scent. She could feel it on another level. There seemed to be some passive aspects of her ability. She was on the road to becoming one with the nature that surrounded her. But was she frightened? Perhaps.

Treading lightly along the stone floor, Meric came up to stand beside her. The elf put his right palm against the window. "This is as good an exit point as we'll find. Is everyone ready? I think I can hear footsteps." True enough, there were the faintest of footsteps echoing through the hallway that got them to the archives.

The window overlooked the Main Street leading towards the docks. One couldn't actually see them due to imposing structures along the way, but it wasn't far. It might have occurred to the elves that they didn't have to trek all the way to the main port. There were smaller docks on its outskirts as well, much closer.
Dina Ailsa

We can use this, the drop is not so bad. Dina thought while trying to suppress memories of Fall. The leaves a crunchy and colorful symphony under her feet. The scent of them was so distracting...wait...the scent? How could she feel it? But it was somehow a different sensation. She brushed the thought away. This is no time to concern yourself with such minorities. Dina looked over to Meric. She was ready to move but backed away from the window deciding that she should let her male companions deal with the breaking of it. Dina half-expected the drakkar to ram through the window. That would be useful and he probably wouldn't get hurt in the process. Maybe some scratches.
Eltheron Delioss

"Well are you going to break the window or caress it all day?" Eltheron stepped over to the window slamming the butt of his blade into the window pane, letting the shattered bits scatter as they may. With a single fluid motion he sheathed his blades and removed his rough travel cloak. He used the course material to clear away the sharp edges from the framing and draped it over the sill. "Ladies first..." he said, offering one hand to Dina, the other hand drawing a blade once more.
Dina Ailsa

Well, it looks like I was wrong. Dina thought seeing that it was Eltheron who cleared the way. His movements were fluid, elegant in a way. In comparison, Dina thought of the way water moves. Then, a hand was held out for her to take. Oh, I'm in a presence of a gentleman. She took Eltheron's hand blushing slightly, flooded by the feeling of self consciousness. "Thank you." She said before leaping through the window frame.
"Allow me to take point." said Meric as he jumped after Dina. He risked a glance behind the corner, and reported: "The street is nearly empty. A few guards have been posted outside the main entrance. Problem is, the moment we advance on the road, we will be in their line of sight."

"A run for it, then." said Xenthriss, looming from the broken window. "Not exactly my style, but it will suffice." Then he jumped down. He stared at Dina with a quizzical, suspicious look, as if wondering just how much of a burden she was about to become.

Dina Ailsa

Dina felt that someone was watching her, she turned her head and met the gaze, drakkar's. Was there something wrong with her? She looked down at herself. Nothing changed since the last time she'd done the same. Her beloved potato bag, simple light shoes and a thin line around her waist holding the dress in place.

I guess I'm not really dressed for anything other than a walk or garden-work.

Luckily, her shoes weren't high heeled ones.

They will survive a sprint. I REALLY have to find something else to wear. Something more suited for traveling. And running, and hiding...

She thought sighing.


Eltheron Delioss

"Henvei! Laurolf! You two are next, hurry before we get trapped facing enemies on two sides." Eltheron had both hands on his blade, a defensive posture taken as he faced the door they had entered through. We have no more time for delays...
Finally they were on the move.

The sounds of feet from inside the library faded away as they gained some distance, but it was like Meric said. The guards posted at the library's entrance were alerted to their escape within moments. It was hard to tell from this distance, but it looked like at least one went in to fetch the others. The remaining guards engaged in a pursuit. Three of them, to be precise.

"Don't stop until we reach the docks! We take the first ship! Beggars can't be choosers!" yelled Meric as they ran through the street. The Main Street was half empty, or half full if you like, and they had to push their way through at some places. This didn't win them any points with the passersby, but hopefully the guards would encounter equal difficulties.
Dina Ailsa

Don't look back. Run for your life! Dina thought. She was doing her best to keep up with the rest of them hoping this won't be a long run. There was only so long a girl could keep up her sprint. The guards must be chasing after them by now, Dina didn't dare look back. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Keep it up, just a little longer. They did gain some distance, but how much longer until they reach the docks? To Dina time seemed to pass unbearably slow. I've just began this mission! I won't fail crossing the first obstacle in my way! She pushed herself more giving it all she got.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron kept pace with the others, he didn't want anyone getting left behind, not now when such an occurrence would mean certain capture, torture and most likely death. He ran with his hands on the hilts of his sheathed blades, ready to draw at a moments notice, his cloak billowing behind. He stole a look over his shoulder, there was no doubt that they were being pursued, but for the moment at least they weren't very close - that could change at any moment.

Eltheron looked over to Laurolf, "Having fun yet?"
Meric led them down the first street which broke off from Main Street, a left turn which curved towards the northern docks. The harbor itself was on the other side of town, but they needed a fast escape. They were in luck. The first dock that came into view, the farthest one to their left, had a decent sized ship anchored by it. Anyone familiar with ships or sailing could identify it as a brigantine.

Brigantines were medium sized, general purpose combat vessels, slightly favoring speed and maneuverability over firepower, and just about average in all relevant aspects when compared to other ships. A ship like that could usually host up to twenty cannons and a crew of at least one hundred. This particular one looked somewhat smaller than your average brigantine, but only someone with experience could tell that.

The only other vessels along the shore were boats and small ships. "None of those will do for a voyage across the Shallow Sea, and it would be too risky to try for the harbor." said Meric. "I vote we go for the big one and hope it's not more trouble than it's worth." He pointed at the anchored brigantine.

They were just a hundred meters away from the docks. There weren't as many people here as one would expect, but then again the proper harbor was further off south. Up here came those who either couldn't get a spot in the harbor, or didn't want to, for some reason.
Laurolf Fangür

"'N 'ere I was hopin', we'd be takin' a bloody battleship!" Laurolf said sarcastically, then turned to the others. "Eltheron, how 'bout ye' be a good lil'le elf, an' take care of yer future Queen, eh?" With a grin, Laurolf looked to Meric and Xenthriss, "How 'bout it, lads? Shalt we be showin', 'ese children how it's done?" He asked, though didn't wait for an answer as he started running for the brigantine, his battle axe lifted and ready.
Xenthriss laughed and followed right after Laurolf. For a moment back there, that might just have been a glint of respect for the dwarf. The name of the ship they were boarding was Sunrise - it was carved into the side of the hull.

When they emerged on the deck, Meric falling in behind them, the three of them were the only ones around. The ship looked well maintained, though it was clear it had seen its share of fighting in the past. Their pursuers had just made it to the curve on the road from which the fellowship first spotted the ship. Only three soldiers, but more would come soon.
Violet Robbins

Violet announced her presence with the purposeful shutting of the cabin door and the creak of her bowstring. Notched onto it was a trio of arrows, one for each of the brigantine's new "passengers". In an authoritative tone, she said "The three of you have ten seconds to explain your presence on this ship before I plant an arrow in each of you."

In her head, Violet assessed each of them in turn. None of them looked like minions of the hag Ilhirel, but she wasn't about to take any chances. The drakkar was a truly gruesome creature with a sword to match its owner. It worse came to worse, she would have to take him out first. That wasn't to say that the other two were pipsqueaks. The dwarf bore an ax that easily cleave her in half and the elven man didn't look like a pushover either. If this did lead to a fight, she would have to be on the top of her game.

Dina Ailsa

Yes, you couldn't follow even if I wanted to. Hopefully, no one is aboard. Dina thought maintaining her speed, but she was close to slowing down. She was tired and hungry. Keeping an eye on the trio she ran to join them. You'll be able to rest soon, just a little more. Dina encouraged herself. They were on the deck now, but they weren't alone for long. There was a new figure that emerged, holding a bow it seemed. They can take him on, three on one. Should be alright. She thought but found herself questioning it. The silhouette was elven, but there was more, it seemed to be feminine and Dina felt hope fighting to assure her there might be a chance it as her. Is there even room for this kind of hope? What are the odds? Dina pushed herself to run faster for the last time, getting closer. Even though it's nearly impossible that it's Violet before them a shout could distract the bow-woman. She thought and then shouted: "VIOLET!!!"
Everything seemed to stop for a moment when Dina crossed the boarding plank, halting there at the edge of the deck in disbelief. The elf woman who emerged from the cabin was still holding a bow with no less than three arrows notched. The drakkar chuckled. He wasn't wearing a hood anymore - it fell back during the escape - but he was apparently still unrecognized. Meric had taken a step forward, showing Violet his empty palms in the air and was about to say something, but paused when Dina interfered.

The surprise was to both parties, it seemed.
Dina Ailsa

It IS her. "It's really you!" Dina shouted half in disbelief and half in joy. There will be time for this later, we must escape. And right now would be perfect. Her face changed, now it was serious but pleading. "They're with me, and you have to help us, Violet! Please, we must sail across the Shallow Sea. I'll explain everything, I promise. Once we are on our way there will be plenty of time for it." Dina was only half consciously aware of her own breathlessness, she really gave her all in that run. Also, she became aware of the firm grip she maintained on the notebook this whole time, releasing is slightly. I hope I didn't damage it...That would be just great after all this trouble.
Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

This was ridiculous.

What, to count the ways? Well, start with the loss of precious knowledge as contained in that secret chamber. Sure, it might be safe. But when again would such a ripe opportunity present itself? When again would one of the few who could appreciate such a hallowed spot of learning chance upon its rooms? No Folk for miles, and the scholar did not trust non-Frigids to understand anything within that room.

Even the loss of countless history books and precious artifacts, contained in the main library, and already (most likely) destroyed. The scholar had only been able to recover a few books (well...minus the...special one) and a few vials of rare ink. Ah! He could smell the scent of burning, the loss of such secrets lost to time forever. To think, what a fate to befall such a sacred place.

And now this nonsense. How. Utterly. Ridiculous.

"Indeed we are." He said, boldly, countering Violet's authoritative jab with his own cynical frustration. "Of one party, one goal, and one grave, if not this ship is embarked in a timely manner. Unless the notion of a dance with death is pleasing, and mind you, death's steps are unerring, I advise away with the bow-strings, up with the sails, and enough of the questions." The scholar finished with a scowl, baring his teeth as his metaphorical foot stomped down on the deck. Have at it. He would endure the silly tittering of an elf, if it meant he would walk another day. Now was time for action, and later, mourning.

Just in case, he opened his hands and took a careful stance. It was a wild and senseless warrior who attacked a Frigid mage without caution...but had such a barbaric bow-slinger even heard of the race? Most likely not...the scholar figured that to err on caution trumped that to err in judgement.
Violet Robbins

Taking a moment, struck by both the sudden appearance of Dina and the strange folk's little speech, she returned to the door and yelled in "Change of plans gentlemen, we ship out now. I want this boat on its way to the Shallow Sea, now! We've got soldiers coming and they're not about to give a surprise party."

From below, there are heard some cries of protest. These are silenced with a single "Now!" from Violet. Having taken care of that, the elven woman unnotched her arrows, placing them back in the quiver on her back. Ignoring the others for the moment, she walked over to Dina and gave her a stern look.

However, her true feelings showed through her scowl broke into a broad grin and she swept Dina into a hug. Releasing the girl, she asked "What in the world are you doing here? I was going to visit you once this assignment. I picked up this little blue dress that would look absolutely adorable on you; I can't wait to give it to you. But, anyway, why are you here?"

Dina Ailsa

Dina smiled sweetly and then laughed when Violet hugged her. "You can't even imagine how glad I am to see you." she said, procrastinating with her answers. This time she was the one to hug the other girl. She was indeed a sigh for Dina's sore eyes. Dina broke the hug. "Could we get inside? To get comfortable? I have a lot to tell you. A long story." Dina glanced over her shoulders, looking at the guards she was running away from. And I don't want to pour my heart our here in front of everyone. She thought, giving Violet a certain look, look saying please, protect me. It's a good thing you didn't visit that place...there is something I have to tell you... Dina felt that it was time, this was the best chance she could get to have a breather, and Violet knew her mother. She could tell everything to her, and Dina really needed to say it out loud, otherwise she won't be able to let go.

Dina backed away from Violet for a second, she extended her arms, holding out the notebook to the eccentric mage. "I would like you to take a look at this, see what you can make of it." She said.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron quickly made his way up the boarding ramp, having been standing at its base while the others had charged up; he had over heard the exchange of words and now stood there looking at Violet, "With all due respect ladies I hate to break up the reunion but we have a contingent of Reindir knights on their way with Shadowleaf at their lead... we might need to be ready to repel boarders." he said, drawing his swords and turning back towards the city.
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