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Active [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine

Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

saxon saxon Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein winced as his dash came to a complete stop with the fireball hitting him squarely on his chest, making him skid backwards for 5ft and fall on his knees. While the projectile itself hadn't caused any injure to him, it didn't mean that it was painless. Gasping for air and his crimson eyes widening. The worse of all, however, was hearing the hint of joy coming from the priestess Eris' voice, as she addressed all that were participating in the training. The teen magus did his best to keep his outward composure, albeit, internally, he cursed the woman, having a latent desire for retribution.

As he was getting up, he was at least glad that he didn't fall into the lava, right below the narrow bridge he was on. That would certainly have been a horrible experience. His crimson eyes narrowed, looking at the warrior clad in armor from top to bottom, who had suffered the same fate as him, urge him to get to continue, while addressing Adelhein as 'mage boy'. "Hmph, I didn't come to this shabby university to give up, warrior." He scoffed, taking a moment to look at the healer woman, who was dressed in all black, who was near them, as well as Saber who was slightly behind the trio, not interfering with the training.

Despite his pride and arrogance, the young magus wasn't against working with others during this exercise, much on the contrary. If pieces are available on a chessboard, they ought to be used. "Perhaps the bird will give us information... or will simply rush to the end. We shall see." Adelhein added to Marcus' commentary about Griffin, wondering if the creature would actually want them if there was anything suspicious in the next chamber, which he managed to get into.

Since he had managed to advance 25ft in the first time, the teen magus decided to repeat the procedure once more. Putting his arms up for his own defense, he began dashing towards the exit of the room, hoping he could at least cover 30ft more before being hit once again.

Saber Alter stands silently, observing the training exercise with a critical eye. She watches as Adelhein, her Master, takes a blow from the fireball, but quickly regains his footing. A small, almost imperceptible nod of approval crosses her lips at his resilience.

"Well done, Master. You show promise, though there is still much for you to learn." Her deep, authoritative voice carries a hint of approval, though her expression remains stoic. "This is merely a taste of the trials that await you. If you hope to conquer the challenges ahead, you must push yourself to your limits and beyond."

She shifts her gaze to the other participants, her golden eyes narrowing slightly. "The others show potential as well. However, they are merely obstacles to be overcome. Your focus should be on your own growth, not their performance." Saber Alter's tone is laced with a subtle undertone of disdain, betraying her belief in her own superiority.

As Adelhein dashes forward once more, Saber Alter follows closely, her dark armor gleaming in the ethereal light of the chamber. Though she does not intervene, her presence is a silent reassurance, a reminder that her power stands ready to be unleashed should the need arise.

"Proceed, Master. Prove your worth, and I shall ensure that your efforts are rewarded. The path to victory is yours to forge."

HP: 2/2
Armor HP: 1/1

1 - Recovered from being prone
2 - Adelhein brought his guard up Vitality E + Heavy Armor F = 3 + 1 (from Companion) = 4
3 - Ran 30ft along the path and towards the end of the room

An explosion of faux magma.

Had to have been at least half a dozen people thrown to the dirt in the blast. Some weathered the storm unphased either by relying on their armor or evading the worst of the effects. Others caught a light burn from the simulated fire hazard. Ordella was, unfortunately, in the latter category as as her back hit the ground. She groaned as she sat up to assess the damage to her body. And Marcus' voice cut through the noise like a hot knife.

"Yes, yes. On my way..."

No time for proper magic here. Ordella had a feeling that she was going to have to brute force this task, and she needed to focus most of her effort on running. First, she got on her feet. Then, she gathered a bit of smoke into her hand, slapped it against her chest and performed a [Quick Heal] on herself to undo the burns before running ahead as quickly as she could. She came with no armor and wasn't particularly agile. But, if she could continue making steady progress and keep herself in good health, then she'd make it through to the third challenge in due time.

Actions (3/3):
1) Recover from being prone.
2) Use
[Quick Heal] on self to recover from light burns. Not a magic spell.
3) Run forward 30 ft.

Quick Heal- Healing E, Energized E- Ordella quickly heals either herself or anyone that she can physically touch. Through far more limited in range and area than her other healing abilities, she is able to cast this without the use of a catalyst or proper magic.- Grade E- 5ft range- 0 post cooldown.

Aedrianna rubbed her face glancing around the room that she'd been directed to. It figured that she fell unconscious. What was she even doing here trying to prove something? What did she have to prove any ways. The girl blinked and quoted her before as the sweat already started to drop from her forehead. They had to run the party and avoid the magma balls? She tried standing and counting the intervals but she soon found it was pointless. Her chest was tight with fear. The thought of feeling her flesh melting off of her skin did not sound pleasant at all. She gulped, trying to bolster her confidence. Then she looked at the path, memorizing the turns in her head. Finally with a deep breath, she ducked and hurried forward to the first turn. And upon reaching the first turn, she tried to dash the rest of the way as fast at she could.

1.: duck and run to the first turn
2.: use Fast F to make the last stretch

saxon saxon

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: saxon saxon

Kota would grunt as the Aoe knocked hhis body prone, the light burns feeling painful however he had no time to focus on it. Quickly the kitsune would get up as fast as he could, with the exit in reach he would make a run for the final stretch, making use of his physical abilities while doing so.

1. Get up from a prone position.
2. Run 20 feet towards ‘safe zone’ making use of [Acrobatics F] to maneuver effectively.
3. Run an extra 10 ft for good measure
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense LightningJay LightningJay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Eris nodded her head as the door in front of Griffin opened, revealing a stairway that went down further into the machine or was it all a dream? Well that could be determined later maybe. As he descended the stairs he would notice that the air was cooling rather quickly to a more comfortable level. He would continue down for several minutes until he reached the next floor. There was a bright light at the end of the small sub level. Though as hard as he tried to look through the doorway the harder it was to see what was on the other side. The light currently hiding whatever was on the other side. On either side of the passage way there was writing: In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through he doorway and be judged.

"Hey! Who are you calling demonic? You knew the risks!" Eris retorted back as John attempted to rush the rest of the way, which was working right up until the last 10 feet where a fireball landed in front of him, knocking him back five feet and increasing the burns from F to E. Marcus would narrowly escape almost getting blasted again as he had successfully managed to get to the safe zone and would also be able to follow the stairs that Griffin had taken to get to the next part of this test of the new training device. Eeriel would be able to clear the last bit of the path with no issue and would also be allowed to go onto the next trial or wait for the others. Adelhein would start his charge and this time he made it almost to the end but was knocked prone again this time sustaining F grade burns from the fireball making it 50 ft before he was once again knocked back 5 feet.

Ordella was the next to attempt to try their luck at getting to the otherside of the testing grounds. However, she almost made it to the end before she was hit by another AOE fireball, knocking her ironically, this time forward into the safe area. She, however, would not receive any burns from his attack and would be able to move on to the next test if she chose to do so. Kota would also ironically jump over the fire ball that had blasted Ordella however that also meant that he had passed the test and was in the safe zone and could go onto the next test. Then that was when the two who were on the first test arrived; Baharius's heavy footsteps echoed through the testing area. Even the people who chose to move on the next test would be able to hear it as if it was right next to them and feel the vibrations that were caused by it. However the large lizard man would only make it 30 feet before he was pushed back 5 feet by the explosion of a fireball however he would not receive any burns.

Then it was Aedrianna's attempt as she rushed forward using her Fast skill. She was able to make it 50 feet before an AOE fireball caught her and knocked her five feet backward and went prone. However, she was less lucky than Baharius as she would receive F-grade burns until they were either healed or another treatment was sought for them.


| saxon saxon | Moonberry Moonberry |

As Baharius continued turtling down the path, a fireball would erupt from the pit and crash into the ground before him. Steeling himself, he felt the explosion's shockwave ripple against him as he skidded back a few feet. Thankfully, he would remain unharmed; his defenses taking the brute force of the damage. However, the woman he entered with from the previous room - who was close by - would unfortunately receive some burns. The saurian immediately wanted to help her, but understood this was a trial to be undertaken regarding every man for himself. Still, he wouldn't continue forth without saying anything at all.

"Stand strong!" he called out encouragingly to Aedrianna, as he readied his guard up once more, "You can do this."

With that said, Baharius continued his stalwart advance accordingly, now beginning to catch the rest of the testers up ahead.

  1. Gets Guard Up = [Heavy Armor D] + [Strength C] + [Vitality B] + [Giant Great Sword D] (For Blocking) + [Natural Weapons D (Tail)] (For Stability/Balancing)
  2. Proceeds 30 Feet.
  3. Proceeds 30 Feet.

Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human


An Obstacle in Our Path

"Hmph, I didn't come to this shabby university to give up, warrior."

"Very good, Mage Boy." Was all that he said. While the boy came across as haughty and arrogant, he have some resolve yet. Though Marcus' opinion of the somewhat shady character only changed somewhat as he went forward his own way.

Another explosion


Yet this time was a different result. Marcus stood there -- staring directly at the explosion. Blast waves washed over his armor, yet he was not close enough to meaningfully shift his position or do any damage. Instead, he waited. The explosion ceased in a split second. The moment the flames were clear, it was time to move forward. Once he did -- he made into the safety zone. His eyes looked upon the stairs that lead to the next area for a moment.

Yet once he looked over the rest of the room, he would turn to look behind him.

Another explosion and Ordella was hilariously, blasted into the room, landing somewhere near Marcus' feet. "Welcome." He said simply, holding out his hand to help her to her feet yet again.

"It seems our other healer is hurt." Marcus could visibly see that Aedrianna, who had been hurt. He also noticed the dinosaur, who'd obviously been taking his time a bit and yet proved steadfast. And there was the boy mage still and the one who'd whined, yet persevered.... getting blasted again. Beneath his helmet his eyes.

"But she is close." While Marcus did not offer much in the realm of encouragement, he offered patience. He simply watched Adrianna regardless of whether or not the others chose to move on. In his stead -- the reptile offered assurance, his voice thundering across the room towards her.

"The reptile yet speaks true." He says to her, hoping to give her the will she needed to make what could be just one last push.

In spite of his biases, he almost felt himself wanting to wait for the reptile. Who ironically appeared far more noble in its nature.

3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
1/1 (F Grade Armor)

Actions: 0/3


(No actions taken. Marcus waits in the safe zone.)


F - 0 Posts Remain
Last edited:

Eeriel was relieved when she finally arrived at the other side of the room. No threat of fireball on her ass anymore! She spent a bit of time licking her slightly singed fur from the fireball splash before while watching the others struggle to cross the pathway. Though she soon lost interest and strolled to down the staircase.

In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through he doorway and be judged.

She read the writing on the wall. A clue for the next trial? The cat didn't think much of the writing as she entered the next section.

1) Proceed to the next level​
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

saxon saxon Maverick Six Maverick Six Moonberry Moonberry LightningJay LightningJay

This time around, as Adelhein was just shy of 10ft of reaching the other doorway to the next chamber, another fireball coming from the lava below hit him, making him skid backwards 5ft while he attempted to block it. However, instead of not sustaining any damage, he could feel the burning sensation on his arms, making him clench his teeth momentarily as he found himself prone against the ground once more.

He let out a pained chuckle, as the droplets of sweet which have been forming on his face started to drip on the floor. Using his hands to prop himself on his feet once again, he took a moment to look around him, noticing the those were near him. First, there was the girl, Aedrianna, with bright, colored hair, the healer, which in the first room had ended up fainting after trying to use her healing. It appeared she was quite fragile, which was curious. Not even the teen magus, apparently being younger and certainly shorter than her, had such a pathetic constitution. And then there was the male with rather simple clothing, John, who had, just a moment ago, voiced his complaints to the priestess Eris.

"While magi don't usually have the best of constitutions, you better shape up, since you appear to have potential. Don't go squandering your talents like that." His words were directed at Aedrianna, in a mix of condescension and honest caution. "And you..." He turned to John next, his crimson eyes narrowing. "... the best way to show anything to the priestess is completing this training." The 15-year-old told him with a cool voice, trying his best to keep a level-head despite the high-stress situation. Letting the mana flow freely through his body, opening his magic circuits, he concentrated as he made the energy come manifest into world, targeting himself, Aedrianna and John in his mind. "Alma Gaia..." He uttered, as the soft wind began to blow during his attempt to heal all the three of some of the injuries sustained.

Next, he would target John, specifically, the breeze blowing softer than previously. "Mitis Tactus..." He uttered. While he didn't know the success of his healing magecraft, he knew he had pushed himself to the limit for now and had to wait until he could attempt to proceed. Without knowing if all the chess pieces would be necessary for the checkmate, it would be foolish to squander them so soon.

HP: ?/2
Armor HP: 1/1

1 - Recovered from being prone
2 - Alma Gaia - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Allies] F, Healing F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five members of his party, up to 30ft. A gentle breeze blows near them, in a greenish hue, lightly healing them, further expanding to other allies in a 15ft radius of the original targets - Grade E Cooldown 0 - Targeted Adelhein, Aedrianna and John
3 - Mitis Tactus - Magic F, Energized F, Healing F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to one member of his party, up to 5ft. A gentle breeze blows near them, in a greenish hue, lightly healing them - Grade F Cooldown -1 - Targeted John

Another explosion of magma at her back sent The Undertaker hurtling in the safezone; lying on her back once more.

She was unharmed, yet still very glad to be done with that obstacle course. And, when she looked up, the knight had a hand extended to help her to her feet. With a sigh of relief, she accepted his help.

"Thank you."

And once she was back on her feet, she glanced back at the other who'd still been making their way. She found herself smiling a bit as she listened to them encouraging one another. As the mage put more focus towards healing and defending those around him.

But, even at a glance, she could tell that the burns on the boy clad in armor were demonstrably worse than the others. He also seemed to be within range of her own sorcery. So she'd gather a bit of smoke in her palm, blow it in John's direction, and let the purifying smoke work to heal his burned flesh and return his strength to him for the challenges ahead as she cast [Respite] on him. Perhaps it would help, perhaps not. Perhaps Adelhein's healing was more than enough for all three of them. But, she wanted to answer their goodwill with even more goodwill.

Ordella didn't have much to say that hadn't already been said. She was just pleasantly surprised by how well some of the "test takers" had been treating one another. Enough so to wait for the last few to cross the finish line.

At least for a moment.

Actions (1/3):
1) Cast [Respite] on John.​

Respite- Magic E, Magic Range F, Healing E, Energized E- Ordella can channel a death-warding spell into the smoke produced by her lantern to heal either herself or those around her. The smoke can travel up to 30 feet away from her to bring respite to her allies- Range 30ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

“WAHHHHH!” John shrieked again when he got blasted before making it to the end. The fire burnt away at his body, leaving serious burns on him. When he got out of here though, that priestess was gonna be mincemeat! That was when he heard some advice coming from Adelhein about how to deal with the priestess. “Hell yeah, this much ain’t enough to bring me down!” He grinned at Adelhein, although wincing a little from the pain. For some reason, both Adelhein and Ordella started healing him rather than choosing to go on to the next round themselves. John was shocked by their kindness, and realizing that he didn’t need to fight this battle alone after all a single tear would streak down his face. “Thank you kind strangers!”

Now he really couldn’t afford to be held back here. Putting up his usual guard, he’d make his way to the end.

  1. Set his guard up with [Block, or something] = Heavy armor C + Vitality B + Ability F
  2. Moves forward 30ft
  3. Moves forward 30ft

• Block, or something - Energized F, athletics F - user raises their guard up - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: saxon saxon

Griffin walked down the stair case as he made it towards the next trial, he saw Eeriel climb on down as well. It was a relief to know people were making it down at the very least. He read the clue…or was it a warning? At first thinking on what it could possibly mean. ’In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through he doorway and be judged’ he did not know what kind lf judgement he was expecting. But regardless he pushed past the door.

Action 1: walks through the door

Aedrianna Belmonte
The searing agony that coursed through Aedrianna's body was overwhelming, a torrent of fire that seemed to consume her very essence. Her body instinctively curled in on itself, and a raw, unbridled scream tore from her throat, echoing off the chamber walls. Tears streamed down her face, their salty trails mingling with the soot and ash that clung to her skin. She bit down hard on her lip, desperate to stifle the cries that marked her pain—adventurers did not scream like frightened children, no matter how intense the torment.

Still, the pain was excruciating.

With a whimper, Aedrianna struggled to push herself back up on the narrow path suspended above the roiling lava below. Her muscles trembled with the effort, and every movement sent fresh waves of agony through her burned flesh. She heard Baharius's deep, resonant voice, filled with encouragement and strength, reverberate through the haze of her suffering. She flinched as she wiped away the tears, refusing to glance down at the scorched remnants of her dress and the raw wounds marring her skin. She knew she could heal herself, but the pain was a relentless reminder of her vulnerability.

Drawing a shaky breath, she attempted to hum, to summon her healing magic. The melody faltered on her lips, her voice trembling with the remnants of her cry. Then, she felt a soothing warmth envelop her, a gentle cocoon of magic that wrapped around her injuries. Aedrianna blinked in surprise, looking up to see Adel, the young boy ahead of her, his face a study in concentration and determination. Despite his youthful appearance and haughty demeanor, there was an undeniable kindness in his actions.

Sniffling, she nodded her gratitude to both Adel and Baharius. Their support reignited a flicker of resolve within her. With renewed determination, she pushed herself up, ignoring the lingering pain, and began to traverse the remaining stretch of the path. Each step was a battle against her own fear and the lingering echoes of the fireball's impact, but she pressed on, her eyes fixed on the goal ahead. The path was long and perilous, but she would not falter. Not now. Not ever.
1. Get up and try again. [Fast]

Mentions: saxon saxon Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense LightningJay LightningJay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Aedrianna was quick on her feet as she made it to the safe zone, she would be able to move onto the next area along with the others as the stairs would now be accessible. John would be able to make it to the other end in the last bit as well as he didn't really need to hold up his arms but none the less, the stairs would now appear for him as well and he would be able to move onto the next part of the trial. Adelhein on the other hand while he had earned some moral points, he had remained still and was unlucky enough to have two fire balls hit him and knocked him back another 5 ft prone once again receiving E grade burns. Baharius once again started to move forward and took a fireball within the first couple of steps due to his size, however, knocking him forward as he gained a whopping 15 feet.

Meanwhile, a few of the other testers were kind enough to wait for the rest of the group to attempt to finish. However, again despite the distance from Baharius, they could still feel as if the vibrations were right next to them as the behemoth walked.

For Eeriel and Griffin, as they both walked through the light, they entered a pitch black room. The room was as dark as night to the point one could not see their hand in front of their own faces or in Eeriel's case her paw. After a moment, a Lantern appeared 10 feet from them. However, if they were to approach and enter the light of the lantern, they would notice that the other was not with them. After few seconds later, Eris walked out of the darkness and entered the light and bowed her head. "Greetings, I'm Eris, the High Priestess of the Goddess of Reincarnation and guide of souls. My lady has an important task when it comes to deciding on if a soul is reincarnated. Upon reaching each judge, this trial is similar: speak what you believe to be true, and you shall move on. However your actions here under this lantern are judged." Eris explained that for Eeriel and Griffin, it was like they were locked in their own rooms; however, Eris would appear to both and speak the same words of greeting.

Where it would change is the question they were asked, for Griffin his question was:
"A child is born with a cause that brings misfortune to everyone around them. Shoudl the child be exiled to protect the community, or should efforts be made to find a way to break the curse, despite the dangers?"

For Eeriel her would would be this: "A Dragon terrorizes the kingdom, but its revealed to be a sentient creature acting out of grief and loneliness. Should the heroes slay the dragon to protect the kingdom, or find a way to understand and help it regardless of the cost that may follow?"
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
Adelhein felt the brunt of both fireballs hitting him, this time not even having the benefit of being able to block them. Feeling both impacts against his chest, he felt the scorching pain that came with it. There was a pained grunt that left lips as skin and burnt in tandem. Yet, despite the excruciating pain, his resolve didn't weaver, and he pushed himself to his feet once more.

Through clenched teeth and narrowing eyes, he looked at the path before him, ready and determined to make it through and complete the whole challenge. It would be shameful for a magus of his lineage not be able to do it. This time around, he would make use of a more mundane healing, before starting to rush towards the end of the path. There was no hesitation, for that had to be done.

HP: ?/2
Armor HP: 1/1

1 - Recovered from being prone
2 - Healing - Healing F, Energized F - Healed self in a mundane way - Grade F Cooldown 0
3 - Ran once more towards the end of the path and towards the next chamber

Aedriana and John made their way over to the safe zone. Baharius was approaching at a steady pace. Adelhein caught a few more burns but, given the spirit he'd shown in assisting the others, she was confident that it wouldn't be long before he, too, could advance to the third trial. Ordella turned to Marcus.

"I think we've lingered here long enough. Feel free to catch up when you're ready. I'm pressing forward."

With that, The Undertaker advanced. She descended down the long, winding stairs; the air slowly growing cooler as she approached the bottom. There, a door stood before her with a vague inscription. "In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through he doorway and be judged." Funny. Ordella felt pretty confident that she didn't. Not fully. I mean, the entire reason why she'd come here to face these trial in the first place was to learn a little more about herself before she got in too deep.

A light sigh slipped through her lips.

"Alright. Here's to hoping it's just a riddle."

She would advance through the door to meet whatever awaited her on the other side.
Actions (3/3)
1) Exit the safe zone.
2) Descend the stairs.
3) Advance through the door to begin the third trial.

In the final stretch, John finally made it across the finish line alongside another short lady. “Woohoo! We made it!” He beamed at Aedrianna, while still panting heavily from all the running. He then raised a hand to offer her a high five. There was the witch who had healed him earlier too, who was already making her way to the next round. “Thanks again strange witch lady! Heck, if we do happen to reach the end together, I’ll treat you to a meal.”

For some reason, something felt amiss. Where was the other kind person who had healed him earlier? John glanced at the others at the finish line, but couldn’t seem to spot Adelhein. Turning around, he’d watch as the poor guy was getting blasted by fireballs! Did he sacrifice his own progress just so he could help others?! “Come on brother, you can do this! Once we get beat this lil game, drinks are on me!” He yelled out encouragingly, although he wasn't sure if the guy could make it with those serious burns.

Anyways, moving on John would head to the next round. He started by reading the inscription on the door. Seemed like some sort of riddle thingy. He wasn't really good at this stuff, but oh well! Without a second thought, he walked through the door.


| saxon saxon | Moonberry Moonberry |

The lumbering saurian, big and heavy as he was, would find his trek interrupted within a mere couple of steps! A fireball would emerge yet again, though it looked to be a big one! Baharius braced for impact, raising his blade and curling his tail forward in anticipation. It would miss him, barely streaking over him before exploding directly behind him! Taking the big lug by surprise, the shockwave was able to push the 300+ pound saurian FORWARD by a good couple of feet; staggering him for a considerable distance before being able to regain his balance. He roared in surprise as it happened. Keeping his tail on the path and his blade digging into the ground before him, he was mercifully able to keep himself from falling into the magma.

A VERY close call.

Yet the blast had actually helped him advance to his benefit instead of his detriment. It was a miracle he didn't even get burned. Still, the fact he was hit just moments after moving was already a sign that he had to move quickly. While the blast helped him this time, he couldn't trust the next to be so forgiving. That being said his turtling technique had been able to keep him practically unharmed. The question now was how long he wanted to be here; should he continue slowly making his way to the end or hasten it a bit more? So he proceeds to do the latter. Propping his blade on his shoulder, Baharius proceeds to run towards the exit as fast as he could; still prepping his blade in the case he needed to block a rogue fireball or two.

  1. Hastened Guard = [Heavy Armor D] + [Strength C] + [Vitality B] + [Speed D] + [Giant Great Sword D] (For Blocking) + [Natural Weapons D (Tail)] (For Stability/Balancing)
  2. Proceeds 30 Feet.
  3. Proceeds 30 Feet.

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: saxon saxon

Griffin had to think about that one for a minute. Perhaps he was over thinking the question a bit, however he was stubborn on figuring out an answer to it. He wasn’t expecting this kind of judgement when he came through the door. And it made the construct wonder what they were being tested for anyway. He mulled over the question.

“This is a very specific question Miss.Eris, perhaps…Make efforts into finding a cure? Not without it’s precautions of course. The child should stay in a room or a form of safe confinement allowed an area to wonder be given food and water, so it limits dangers of the curse while also granting an opportunity to try and find a cure.”

Action 1: Answer the question


Eeriel walked forward calmly even as her surrounding shifted, leaving her in a thick darkness alone. The warning before did say they would be alone so she's prepared for this much. What she wasn't prepared was Eris appear in front of her claiming to be a high priestess of reincarnation goddess. For some reason it pissed the cat off, probably because she had no fond memory about the Gods and thought whoever was in charge of reincarnation on this world would either be dumb, slacker, sadistic or dead. Whatever. She grumbled to herself that she would play along with the scenario and sat in loafing position, trying to make herself comfortable within the dark void.

"Didn't expect personality quiz to be included here, heh." Eeriel quipped as she tried to think of a good fitting answer, though it didn't take a long time before she gave up and just blurted out whatever she was thinking. She didn't care enough to fabricate some smart answer.

"The Gods already introduced conveniences for something like this, isn't it, priestess? Criminal titles. If the dragon's criminal titles are high enough to warrant execution then so be it. Who am I to judge when the divines already labeled the creatures they deem not worth living?" The cat answered, though there's a thick tone of sarcasm on her last sentence.

saxon saxon

Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human


As Aedri's scream rang through the air -- it echoed about Marcus' ears. If one watched closely, they could see him yet flinch. It almost reminded him of conflicts long past. Yet flinch was all he did as he stared on in a patient silence. He watched as she struggled to her feet as other voices of encouragement rang on.

The other mage had shown himself a healer, yet he did not move. As a result, he was struck. Noble, but it was a mistake to stay still too long. Two fireballs struck him and Marcus considered entering the room.....before he saw him getting up to run to the finish line once more. He was being accompanied by a knight and the reptile began to run into the room, soon to catch up.

It was only when Aedri crossed the finished line that his silence would break. "Good work. There is strength in you yet." He would pat her shoulder. "Hold your head high, for you have completed the task set before you."

His head turned as Ordella said she would go forward. Ultimately as a Hospitaller, his job had been to protect healers -- as difficult as that was to do in the room. As she moved, ultimately he would decide to go forward.

One last look backward before he started down the staircase to the next area.


Heavy metal footsteps signaled his approach into the unknown. There was a message inscribed.

"In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through he doorway and be judged."

I know myself.

The message had only halted him for a moment. He entered the light not too soon after Ordella had disappeared. He looked about for the others in this dark place in vane, seeing only a lantern. And he would be greeted with the same sights and messages as the other three. Marcus had no word at the moment for Eris.

A metallic sound would be briefly heard as he nodded, and he waited for his question.

3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
1/1 (F Grade Armor)

Actions: 1/3

1. Marcus moves to the next room.


F - 0 Posts Remain
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna's heart soared with a jubilant thrill as she crossed the threshold of the perilous pathway. The realization that she had persevered through pain and adversity filled her with a profound sense of accomplishment. She tried to temper her excitement, glancing back to greet the boy who had healed her and the towering dinosaur who had encouraged her. However, her joy quickly turned to dismay as she witnessed Adelhein struck by a fireball, the agony etched on his face mirroring the pain she had recently endured.

Empathy surged through her, a visceral reminder of her own searing wound. Determined to help, she lifted her chin and extended her hand, willing her healing magic to flow. Yet, as she stared at the boy with her hand outstretched, the magic eluded her. Frustration and guilt gnawed at her as she felt the knight’s greave pat her shoulder, a silent commendation that did little to ease her conscience.

She blinked up at Marcus, her eyes heavy with weariness and reluctance. Adelhein had given her aid, and now, in his moment of need, she was powerless to return the favor. Bowing her head towards the boy in silent apology, she scurried after Marcus, feeling much like a lost duckling trailing behind.

As they approached the door, the inscription before them prompted a wave of uncertainty. “In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through the doorway and be judged.” The words resonated deeply, stirring a maelstrom of doubt within her. Did she truly know herself? Which self should she be familiar with? Were there two distinct selves or one combined entity?

For a moment, Aedrianna stood frozen, caught in the throes of her indecision. The question gnawed at her, unraveling her confidence. She hesitated, the uncertainty weighing heavily on her mind. Finally, she hurried to catch up with Marcus, her steps quickening with nervous energy. As she glanced around, her heart pounded with anxiety, the shadows of self-doubt lingering like dark specters.
Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six saxon saxon

Actions: 1. Follow Marcus​
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense LightningJay LightningJay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Notes: Note for those on the third trial if you fail here you will not be allowed to continue due to the nature of this trial.

Actions: Divine Smite- Magic ???, Magic Range ???, Magic Area of Effect ???, Divine Affinity A, Selective Magic A - An area is selected within ??? and with an area of effect of ??? Ft the area experiences a explosion of divine magic targeting anything deemed as the target. Effectiveness of 15 to beat.

Eris watched and looked at Griffin. To her, it seemed like the creature was stuck in thought or was contemplating. She was about to speak when the Griffin answered the question. She glanced over at the lantern that was floating in the air as the lantern didn't react she looked back over at Griffin. "You started off shakey; please reset your resolve on your answer," Eris stated as she took a few steps and now stood directly next to the floating lantern.

"One without sound judgement might mean well but in the end will only hurt themselves and those around them. Hardly material for an adventurer in hard times of need," Eris explained as she nodded her head and waited for the cat to continue to speak, as no answer had been given as of yet. As the cat spoke, Eris's face remained neutral. She looked at the lantern, which turned from a warm yellow light to a bright red one. At which point, there was an explosion that engulfed the whole room in light as Eeriel was then knocked unconscious but still alive medics would rush into the room as the cat would notice now that the darkness of the room was gone and in fact she had not moved a single spot since she had entered the room and could see the others standing in a trance like state. "Good effort; however, one must take action, and one that simply lets something causes chaos and death for those around them; while the gods may have a plan for us, we still have free will to do what we believe to be right," Eris spoke as the medics reached the Eeriel.

Bahrius, with his perseverance, would make it to the safe zone and would be able to join the others and go down the stairs to the next trial. If he turned around, he would notice the fireballs were no longer leaping onto the path now that everyone else had managed to get across the chasm. Adelhein would make it to the end of the path without taking any more attacks from he fireballs and would be able to join the others in the next trial.

Ordella now appeared before Eris and the lantern, "An ancient spell can revive a fallen hero crucial for the upcoming battle, but casting it requires a life sacrifice. Should the spell be used, and if so, who should be sacrificed?"

John was the next person and once again Eris followed the same pattern of appearing, "A group of adventurers discovers a dark artefact that can grant immense power but corrupts the soul of its wielder. Using it could defeat a looming evil but at the cost of the user’s humanity. What would you do?"

Next it was the Paladin's turn and Eris spoke, "A knight discovers their king plans to betray an allied kingdom for personal gain. Reporting this could lead to civil war, but staying silent means allowing the betrayal. What would you do?"

Then finally it was Adrianna that stepped into the dark room void of light expect for the lantern and Eris standing there waiting. "Is it ethical to bind spirits, demons, or other magical entities to one's service?"

Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human


Before Marcus entered, he would look back to see Aedri was following him. This did not stop him of course. After all, he desired to be a shield. "I'll go first." He told her. He wanted to go forward into the light and tell her to come in. But once he was inside, he could see nothing behind him. He couldn't have told her it was safe to come in even if he wanted to.

Whether or not Aedri was to enter the light was going to be a decision she was going to have to make.

"A knight discovers their king plans to betray an allied kingdom for personal gain. Reporting this could lead to civil war, but staying silent means allowing the betrayal. What would you do?"

The question posed caused Marcus to pause. Not out hesitation but out of contemplation. Clearly, it had been a question worth considering. One could see little of his face, but his eyes narrowed, squinting as he stared at Eris'. He thought of the war which raged in his home of the Eastern Empire and the See of Fae. And he thought of the faces of those at the monastery which he lived.

However, once his answer came -- it came unending and without a stutter.

"I choose silence." He said firmly.

"I think of myself as the knight. Perhaps I will try to sway the king if our allies have been good to us. But my heart lies with my home. My family. My gods. My country. I have seen the effects of War firsthand and it threatens my fellows even as we speak. My brothers and sisters. In the end, I will choose them long over distant allies. As I know to plunge a country into civil war will endanger them. In an ideal world, all should be able to live in peace and harmony. But we do not live in an ideal world. I cannot afford to prioritize other people over my own, to care for them as I do my own. even if I do not agree with the King."

While one could hardly see his face, they might see the clenching of his fist.

"And I would NEVER knowingly betray my people. If that makes me a demon, so be it. Thus, again, I choose silence."

He repeated, in case he wasn't clear. His eyes looked about suspiciously for any ambush....before locking onto Eris as she stood before him.

3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
1/1 (F Grade Armor)

Actions: 1/3

Other - Marcus answers Eris' question


F - 0 Posts Remain

Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna smiled weakly as each of the contestants finally made their way past the pathway, offering them quiet cheers as they walked through the door. But as each participant disappeared into the darkness, her nerves began to grow. Perhaps it was just the waiting. When Marcus looked back at her, she tried her best to put on a brave face, pushing her shoulders back, lifting her chin, and smiling warmly at the armored man. He told her he would go first, and she nodded, holding her hands in fists in front of her as if to wish him luck.

For a moment, she was stuck in place. Part of her rationalized that she was waiting for the man to come back and tell her it was safe to proceed. But the truth was too close to ignore. None of the others had poked their heads back through the darkness after they’d gone. Why would Marcus be any different? She was just stalling. The question above the door weighed heavily on her. She hadn't ever really thought about her "Self" that much. She was herself. She always had been. In this life and in the last. She’d always donated to charity with her concerts on Earth and been an advocate for animals and children alike. She’d been blessed with a stage and a voice to spread the information needed. And this life was no different. She had a voice, and there were plenty of stages to stand on. This world had a lot of things that needed to be righted, and she would do everything in her power to make it so. Because that's who she was.

With a deep breath and a new resolve settling upon her, she stepped into the darkness. At first, the feeling of the darkness was unsettling. There was a bit of vertigo, and she wobbled uncertainly. When her eyes finally adjusted to the faint light of the lantern and Eris, she perked up. A split second of relief washed over her as she started to call out to the woman. However, Eris spoke before a single word left her mouth. She listened, blinking. The woman’s words were resolute and resounding. They seemed to hover around her for a moment, and Aedrianna contemplated for a good ten seconds. There was a quirk of her eyebrow and a tilt of her head.

"Well of course it's not ethical. First of all, if it's binding a spirit or demon or magical entity against their will, even if you are strong, you'll be constantly struggling for dominance in the relationship. More than likely the entity would take over the vessel after biding its time long enough. And honestly, forcing anything or anyone to do things against their will is wrong. The slightly more acceptable approach would be using a contract where both parties are of equal respect. But even so, such a thing is likely to cost far too much. For example, some demons might require sacrifices. Or a spirit might insist that their forest be returned to them, which means an entire kingdom has to be wiped out."

She crossed her arms and sighed, shaking her head a little and closing her eyes as if deep in thought. "There might be some cases where it could come out to a happy end, but such cases are rare and special. It should never be a common practice... in... in my opinion..." She’d been speaking clearly and confidently, all the way up until the end, where she realized she might have gotten carried away. A slight tint to her cheeks was all that showed as she fell quiet and awaited her judgment.

Mentions: saxon saxon
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