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The Ru-Ten Amalgam
Ru-Ten flag 2.png
There were many species of plantfolk living in the Ru-Ten, it was the reason they took the label of amalgam after all. Some were more like their forebears than others, needing to actually bury their young in order for them to develop into functioning beings. For Gurok, his particular peoples didn't have this problem.

He was a member of the Thalidean people, who were born as podlings that just needed relative warmth in order to eventually hatch. Their pods were strong, but easy pickings to powerful predators. What didn't help was the pheromones that they secreted in order to be easily identifiable to their mothers. The very same pheromones' seemed to drive larger animals into a hungry frenzy, and drew dangers that their ancestors probably had more trouble with then they ever would.

Those dangers were the greatest threat back when they were just starting to leave the soil, and resided in huts and caves whilst battling wildlife with clubs and wooden spears. Now their homes were sturdy, those guarding their homes were trained, and all a proper Thalidean family needed was a warm place to tuck the podlings until the day they hatched. But apparently even that wasn't enough protection.

For somehow a single Ru-Ten had managed to sneak into the residence of Gurok's kin, and nearly ended his grandchild before they even managed to hatch. Some say the Guards found Qun-Saw right as he was nearing the podling's pile of sheets and fabrics. Though he'd been caught and his punishment carried out, Gurok still found himself thinking on how close his family was to losing a piece of their legacy. Did that speak more on the capability of the murderer, or the inefficiency of those guarding his home?

As he watched the remains of what had once been Qun-Saw stumbling around from one Buried Palm monk to another, that was the major thought on his mind.

Tal-Run labeled it a Serf, a term used by old lords from ages past, and if she was to be believed the Sirewood himself was the one operating the body. The Monks kept requesting it try different methods of walking around the courtyard they were in, as the body seemed ill-suited for the Sirewood Vines pulsing under its green flesh. Given the proposed usage of the Serfs, its mobility needed correction before they could seek mass production.

With how big and diverse the Amalgam was, they'd always had a large criminal element. Through recognition of the three Strengths, this constant of life was used by generals like Gurok to challenge and improve the guards of their towns and homesteads. But criminals who failed to impress and keep ahead had always presented a problem, as many times they were unfit for forced servitude. They were often the ones ill-suited for their own endeavors after all.

Gurok had initially figured throwing them into the Oaken League would at least be able to provide the people some extra entertainment in-between contest of Body, but Pagon had soon come with the idea of simply selling them abroad. The Takrian refugees had spoken of how the Mesanians enslaved many who resisted them, and that had given the merchant ideas of just how they could price the various criminals captured in their borders. He said it would dissuade further crime if forced servitude to foreign powers was implemented, but Gurok had doubts such a deterrent would do much.

But then Tal-Run had bore witness to a Sirewood Beast being created by their liege himself, and the experience led to her coming up with the idea of the Serfs. Why waste valuable bodies by selling them or just killing them? They should be able to continue serving the Amalgam in one way or another. Where Gurok had seen it as worth investigating, his doubts towards such a thing were not hidden.

The Sirewood Beasts were natural monsters whose bodies were suitable for infestation, as their ancestors had once been controlled by the Greatwood itself. Never in history has something like the Serfs been recorded, so doubt over the functionality had always been present.

And as he watched the Buried Palm attempt to instruct the Serf on how to move, he found those old doubts returning.

"It doesn't come naturally." Tal-Run's voice dragged Gurok's gaze to the side, watching as she plopped down beside him whilst watching the proceedings "Our liege hasn't had to utilize a body like this before, but we feel as though just a little bit of practice is all that's required."

"Hmph," Gurok lowered his gaze "It was said these Serfs would make good living shields for our forces, troops sent forward to die and soften the enemy for the true attack. This creature looks far from a proper soldier."

"Like I said, just a little practice." Tal-Run patted him on the shoulder "Though I'd love to speak on the others we've lined up for infesting, my thoughts trail to our dear friend Pagon."

"Would've expected him to be here checking in on how his missed opportunity turned out." Gurok admitted before glancing at her "But aren't you two companions? I'd expect you to know more of her his current state than I."

"You know he's been trying to get into your good graces," Tal-Run leaned back "sharing trips to the Oaken League, feigning sympathy for the near disaster that Qun-Saw scenario could've been for you-"

"That still does not mean I'm to keep track of him. Why are you even curious?" Gurok shook his head

"Because the Deadlock has become more grating than suspenseful for me."

That got Gurok's attention, as he was mostly able to forget about the Deadlock in recent days. The news of it had drummed up curiosity for some time, but as the Triumvirate dragged their feet many eyes turned to more exciting happenings. With Pagon still unwilling to side with either for or against joining the Western alliance, there wasn't much in the way of progress in recent months.

And Gurok was perfectly fine with that.

It was a tactic many of the former Triumvirates had used consistently on matters they rather avoid, a deadlock in their decision-making effectively put it on hold so they could focus on other matters. As long as new events and progress were made, it was easy to let deadlock arguments slip from the mindsets of the masses. It was a tried and true method, and since Pagon didn't seem willing to budge on such a risky decision either way, Gurok had been prepared to play the long game in this particular matter.

"You mean to end it then?" he asked with doubt in his tone

"I've held many a good chats with Pagon, and know for a fact he'll remain unbending in this until we provide a scenario that vastly outweighs the alternatives." she shook her head "But what he considers a superior choice will probably fail to mesh with ours."

"So should you not be attempting to sweet-talk him?" Gurok scratched at his head "He's not a stubborn as I, surely you could-"

"Not in this matter, there's too much wealth on the line." Tal-Run stated "The resources for research are one thing, but what the alliance requires for membership would have to be either martial force or funding, as our bank of knowledge would only last so long in proving sufficient even if they did accept that in exchange."

"Then the Deadlock remains."

"Not if I can convince you otherwise."

At first Gurok had figured that Tal-Run was joking, he'd made his opposition to joining clear from the start. The Amalgam had done best without needing to interfere in another land's squabbles, and would do well not to become dependent on some petty alliance with those across the way. From what bits of info they received, the conflict over there was fierce, something they'd been spared of due to their considerable distance from the primary borders.

Gurok was fully aware of how much he might stonewall certain ideas that threatened the Amalgam, but he'd always seen such acts as necessary when considering the danger they may face. He was certain that moment the Eastern powers caught wind of them joining the west, they'd be quick to besiege their lands in order to clear their flank. It was what he would do if he heard such things, surely Tal-Run wasn't so caught up the ideas of what knowledge the West could offer that she'd think could convince him to risk such a thing.

Yet when he looked into her yellowish eyes, he found no sign that she was joking. And so he hardened his gaze in response.

"No." he stated clearly

"But our position is prime," she said quickly "whether they know it or not, we a re directly out of the way of the west's enemies."

"Don't you travel this path of thought, Tal." Gurok said carefully

"We hold the bargaining power, General." she insisted "Just think about how quickly western allies could encircle enemies if they were supplied a route through our territories. You've seen the maps, they would be foolish not to pounce at such an opportunity!"

"So you're alternative to offering scores of soldiers or funding, is to seduce the western powers with marching lanes?" Gurok shook his head "Even if that were true, it still does not change the fact that they'd need tremendous speed to outmaneuver the east before we end up taking the brunt of their vengeance. I refuse to get our people caught up in these foreign wars, and I'd hoped a scholar like yourself would focus more on the pursuit than proposing matters of martial allegiance."

But as he stood up, she stood as well.

"What of matters such as an assured position of superiority?" She asked " You yourself should know how difficult fighting on multiple fronts is, General! If we play the keystone in assuring their enemies' defeat, then-"

"I've heard enough of this," Gurok walked away "offer your suppositions to Pagon if you truly wish to break the Deadlock."

"The longer this takes the more bargaining power we lose, Gurok!" Tal-Run called after him "I will help you recognize that!"

Yomus: Capital +4 Resources +2 Population
Vineyar: Standard Settlement +3 Resources +2 Population
Gerudo Valley: Farming Settlement: +5 Resources
Rootlane: Standard Settlement +3 Resources +2 Population

Policies and Advancements
Recycling - Nothing is allowed to go to waste, anything from corpses to destroyed ruins are bounties of resources in the eyes of the Ru-Ten
Sirewood Defenses- Through use of the Vines assisting in the defense of all settlements, they gain 0/+2 except under the attack of The Flame. (Advancement lvl 1)
Photosynthesis Exploitation- The Capital gains an extra +1 Resources (Advancement lvl 3)
Streamlined Bentvine Training- For every Bentvine recruited, another can be recruited for no turn cost at an additional 50% resource cost. (Advancement lvl 1)
The Oaken League- A series of Gladiatorial Arenas set up across the Amalgam Settlements
Sirewood Serfs- Using Population, the Amalgam may construct Sirewood Serfs out of criminals. (Advancement lvl 1)
Yomus Garrison: The Seventh Sire, 5 Bentvine Skirmisher, 2 Sirewood Beast
Vineyar Garrison-5 Bentvine Skirmisher, Veximus Triumphus the First, Galixo Prime
Gerudo Valley Garrison: Veximus Triumphus the First, 1 Sirewood Beast, 5 Bentvine Skirmisher
Rootlane Garrison: 1 Gnarlroot Brawler, 4 Bentvine Skirmishers

1. (Advancement) Streamlined Bentvine Training lvl 2
2. Upgrade Yomus (Capital)
3. Upgrade Vineyar (Standard)
Action 3:
Free Actions
Exploration on Rootlane tile

Resource Transactions
Balance: 65
(Yomus 4) (Vineyar 3) (Gerudo Valley 5) (Rootlane 3) 15
Advancement: Streamlined Bentvine Training lvl 2 (6- [Strength of Mind 1 + Advanced Knowledge 2]) 3
Upgrade Yomus to lvl 2 (Capital) -5 Resources Turn 1 of 3
Upgrade Vineyar to lvl 2 (Standard) -5 Resources turn 1 of 3

New Resource Balance: 67
“Our people have been done many a sin… with the fall of what was considered our grand capital, and escape of most of the council from harm to end up here in the farm… we shall get our revenge, we shall bring forth our wrath, and we shall smite the very foe that attempted to destroy our people. For we are the Order of Kerem, the children of the Universe itself!”

Army make up:
Army 1;
- x1 Royal Guard
-x2 Giant Desert Isopod Herd
-x1 Footsoldier

Army 2;
-Adella / Hero Unit
-x1 Hunters
-x1 Tamed Lions
-x1 Javelin Warriors

Army 4;
-Brothers 3/Hero Unit
-x1 Footsoldier

Free Actions:
1. Army 1 joins Mesanian units at an attempt to reclaim the Order Capital

2. Aeschylus is executed by the Order for treason against the Embassy.

3 TBD.

Paid Actions:
1. Lvl 1 advancement: Temple of Kerem: “In order to spread word our faith with none other than the Universe itself, we must help to teach others about such, and while we shall not force them to believe such things as the utter and only truth, we must give them the consideration of such.” Capable of building a temple in another nation, which grants the nation its within an +1 to order, but if it’s destroyed, lose that bonus and instead, the host nation suffers an -1 to order

2/3. Lvl 2 advancement: The word of the Universe: “Our word of the Universe must continue forth, for our very laws cannot rely on temples alone, and we must teach them what it truly means of achieving such goals” an additional +1 order to the host nation it’s within.

Current resources: 292

Settlement: +4
Farming Settlement: +6
Trade with Mesania: +12
Trade with Oni: +12
Trade with Draken: +12
Trade Routes benefit between settlements: +26
Per Turn: +72

Expenses: lvl1 + lvl2: -6 resources

End Result: 358 resources
Turn 16:

Peace returned to Mitsura. As the rubies were removed and the Great One was free to control the forest once more things returned to business as usual. The least self-aware hoshi were already forgetting the events surrounding the demons. The leadership however still felt the aftermath.

The Red Petal, Purple Petal and Blue Petal were all dead. The last one had been killed by the niwashi for betraying the growers for rubies. So, it was only the Green and Black Petal now. Ieyasu and Iemitsu sat across each other in silence. Iemitsu was wearing his toga made of moss, while Ieyasu was naked.

“What do we do now?” Ietsuna asked. Just a few months ago they had all been sitting here, now he felt the absence of his fellow council members.

“The new plan is the old plan.” Ieyasu said. “We strive to regrow as much of the great forests of old as possible and we wait. You forget Black Petal that our time might be limited, but the Great One’s isn’t. He can afford to wait a century or two.”

The Black Petal nodded. “And the world tree we are growing?”

“We continue, the order for its growth came from me, a concession not to rebel on my part.” The Green Petal said.

“What will it do once it is finished?”

“It will protect Mitsura from all that would do it harm.” With those words the Green Petal closed its eyes and Ietsuna knew it was time to go.

Actions turn 16:

Movement: free movement only (Natural woodsmen strength gives double movement on jungle tiles)

Free actions:
20 resources are gifted to the oni for freeing Mitsura from the demonic influences.

Building wonder: The World Tree. 4/6 turns 12/18 actions, 150/150 resources

Continuing processes:
Policy: Growth of a new forest tile, 2 tiles west of capital 2/2 (4, -2 due to forest irrigation 2)
Inventor Hekron creates a new invention 2/3 (4 -1 for the Inventor’s Workshop advancement)
Complete: Borage uses action to grow forest tile 3 tiles east from capital 1/1 (4-2 due to forest irrigation, -1 due to presence niwashi)


Income Resources this turn Resources expenses this turn Resources next turn Population this turn Population next turn Population expenses
Settlements +8 - +8 +16 +16 -
Trade +6 - +6 - - -
Other - -100 +100 - - -
Overall 45 -100 59 55 61 -50

Weaknesses Effects Location
Sunlight Units in deserts or snow tiles have -1/-1, +2 to fire weakness Empire wide
Sub-Kaminoki trees If a Kaminoki tree is destroyed, all units in that tile and surrounding tiles lose the bonus they receive from Strong Magics. Those not under the affect of the tree have a -1/0 Empire wide

Bonuses Effects Location
Natural Woodsmen Double movement for units on forest or swamp tiles +0/+1 while in forest Empire wide
Population Growth Population growth +2, Max pop +5 Empire wide
Strong Nature magics Units have +1/+1 in settlements Empire wide
The Inventor’s workshop While residing in its workshop Inventor Hekron creates and invention in 3 turns instead of 4. Seicho
Forrest Irrigation 2 when adjacent to a tile with fresh water new patches of forest are grown in two turns less than the required 4. Empire wide
Tomb of Growth 3 Population can be turned into resources at ratio of 1:2 Empire wide
Blood Pits +1 order and the Kaminoki is empowered by blood sacrifice (up to gm’s discretion) Seicho
Poisoned weaponry Yari and Ite troops have +1/+0 Empire wide
Place of exchange Enables trade Empire wide
Dangerous Flora I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Dangerous fauna I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Insect and Arachnid Pheromone Control Whenever a Mitsuran army fights in a forest tile, before the battle starts, great insect swarms harass the lines of the enemy. Three random enemy units lose attack first, or if they didn’t have it, gain attack last. Heroes and Leader units are unaffected. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Fog of dreams -1 movement for enemies on swamp or forest tiles All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Guerrilla Warfare Friendly units on forest or swamp tiles are stealthed. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Hall of the Niwashi Recruiting new Niwashi only costs 1 action Seicho
Specialized Warrior Breeding pods When recruiting 1 Yari troop unit recruit 2 instead. The second is 3 resources. Seicho
Specialized Warrior Diet Yari Troop units get +0/+1. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Mist makers Yari Units a 9+ save while in the forests and swamps. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Spore growth decreases Seedlings on Asphodel to 6-10 Range and ups it to 2 Seedlings per success. Applies only to Asphodel
Hidden roads Enemy units cannot use roads within Mitsura. The hidden roads of Mitsura grow beneath one’s feet only when one holds no ill intention towards the nation. Empire wide
Budding Warriors Every turn, 1d3 Budding warriors are birthed from pods within a Mitsuran settlement Mitsuran settlement of choice

The locations of the armies are filled in after the moves of this turn have been completed

Army Units Location Stance
Army 1
  • Hero unit Borage
  • Elite unit Niwashi
3 tiles east of capital Borage uses growth ability.
Army 2 Elite Niwashi Unit Asphodel Explorers
Army 3
  • 6x Troop Yari
  • Troop Ite
  • Hero unit Large Wolf
  • Troop Flaming Shrubbery
Asphodel Siege and occupy
Army 5
  • Hero unit Hekron
  • Hero unit the Golem
Capital Specialist tasks
Army 8
  • Hero unit Asphodel
  • 2 vehicles of unholy fire
  • 2 troop seedling units
Asphodel Static, level 2 military settlement unit

Gear Effect Unit
Helmet of Mana Strength: Attack spells deal an extra 2 Damage Weakness: -1 HP Iemitsu
Sword of Isis +2/0 Strength: If wielder is killed, survives on 1 HP instead after the killer finishes all their attacks. Weakness: None
Cape of infinite strength Strength: Roll a d10 before battle 1: 0/+1 2-3: +1/+1 4-5: +1/+2 6-7: +2/+2 8-9: +2/+3 10: +3 HP, +1 Attack Weakness: On a 1-5 gains attack last
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The Winter of The Ages


(An extremely harsh winter is upon the continent, flooding even areas that would normally remain warm such as the desert. As such, all units that are not Regalia or Ogres are at -2 Movement. Regalia and Ogres can still move all units at once, but must spend a single turn action due to the intensity of the winter)

Excerpts from around the continent in the time of the Great Strife.

“We’ve won. All thanks to our great leader, Alexian. He truly is the most powerful mage and deserving to rule. All hail Alexian!”- Regalian Soldier

“Only time will tell if our leader has made the correct decision, or doomed us to a death at the hands of those who hate us” - Dwarven Refugee in Zanzir

“Peace brings with it, a cold and different feel. This strange snow is invigorating. ” - Zanzarian Citizen

“It’s looking to be a rough winter boys and ladies. Better drink up to stay warm..”- Tolouis Officer


Dymaeran Remnant
Population: 42 Resources: 21 Order: 1

Lord Jadom traveled around to his followers. He had been assisting the Zanzirians to make sure that all of his people were disarming as per the agreement that they arranged with the King of Zanzir for the safety of said people. It was a tough decision, but at this point, he didn’t really have many such options. Especially since they had to fight their way out of the Gecklicko settlement due to the Regalians trying to kill all of them. He was still troubled by all those deaths. He didn’t want it to go that way, but they had left him with no choice. His people were no match for the full might of the Regalian Army and tired from escaping through the encoching jungles.

Now, he just had to wait.

Army 1: 2 Protectors, 5 Guards, Lord Jadom, 3 Dwarven Refugee Warriors, 5 Dwarven Refugees


Draken Guard
Population: 60 Resources: 52 Order: 1

The Dragons had not been prepared for the cold, harsh winter that sprang almost out of nowhere. Their main home was much closer to the sun, but their new ground settlements, were not used to the weather and the cold, at least not this especially harsh one.

The main Army at the Western settlement continued to grow to protect all that they held dear on the ground. In case any Grounders tried to steal their hard earned goods or people again, they would not let it stand.

Due to the hardfought war with the Demons to the South, Draken Guard has sent a care package of 20 resources to Regalia to assist them.

Train 3 Dragoon in Army 3
Send 20 Resources to Regalia

Army 1: 1 Nymph, 1 Dragoon
Army 2: 2 Dragoons
Army 3: 19 Dragoons, 2 Dragon Warriors, 2 Juggernauts


Population: 44 Resources: 49 Order: 2

With the Harshness of an extreme winter upon them, it was decided to change to focus from continuing to build their large fleet as the waters had frozen over and focus instead on more practical matters, building up their nation’s capital

Increase Capital to Lvl 2

ARMY 1: De’Orleon, 1 Archer, 1 Guarde, 3 Skeleton Knights
Army 2: 1 Archer, 2 Watercraft, 5 Guarde, 1 OBL, 12 Advanced Attack Boats


The Gecklicko Realm
Population: 30 Resources: 14 Order: 1

The Winter will surely be a harsh one, thought Geckmato,a young Gecko who worked in the factories. At least it seemed as though they would have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear. Though from what he has heard from the rumor mills, now that the Regalians had finished off the Demon menace in the South, there are those that would wish to gain more independence. Some in more dangerous ways than just electing a leader that was more sympathetic to their plight.

Train 3 Swordslingers at the Capital

Army 5: Unit 01, 1 Swordslinger
Army 2 (In Capital): Garli, 1 Strider, 9 Swordslingers
Army 3 (South of Lost City) 2 Swordslingers

2 AA, Turn 17, Month 4


Population: 67 Resources: 174 Order: 1

  • Advancement Sandstorm Lvl 2 (2/2)​
  • Advancement Black Market Lvl 2 (2/2)​
  • Advancement Order of Isis (1/1)​
Sandstorm Lvl 2: Enemy Troops gain -1/-1 and attack last

Black Market Lvl 2: Selling through the Black Market grants Zanzir, contacts in the nations that purchase from the market, this creates Secret Trade Deals with Zanzir’s clients. Secret Trade Deals are formed whenever a foreign nation buys from the Black Market and Secret Trade Deals grant only +1 Resource per turn.

Order of Isis Lvl 1: The founding and publicization of the order brings about a revival of technology and magic in the desert kingdom. All Advancements cost -1 turn to a minimum of 1 turn.

Gain Dwarven Prisoners

The Oni
Population:170 (Max) Resources: 63 Order: 1

Alliance Actions

Embassy Level 3 - 3 of 3

Upgrade Road Network Level 3 - 1 of 3 actions - Increase resource gain from 2X to 3X

Build Wonder- Fountain of the Oni - Capital - 3 out of 18 Actions - 20 out of 150 Resources

Quest 4 Complete:

Reward: Ikazuchi Samurai
HP 2
Movement 2
Attack 2
Atk 2
Def 0
Lightning Strike: Count as Act First and have +1 HP, Attack and Movement. Attacks also count as Magic

Quest 5:Do not Fight for 5 Turns (Defending yourself does not count against this)

“Now that you have learned that sometimes you must take a life, you now must know when not to take one. This is the harder lesson, and one that shows that you are nearing the end of your training. One step closer to enlightenment.” - Orren

The City State of Mesania
Population: 50 Resources: 20, Order: 2
?? Slaves

Build: Temple to Zeus - Enemies adjacent to or in combat with Mesanian units roll a D10 at the start of the turn. On a 10 that unit suffers a hit, saves may be taken.

The Harmost gains:

Favour of Zeus: The Harmost has a 6+ save that cannot be ignored.

Population: 56 Resources: 104 Order: 1

Battle is won. Casualties on Regalian Side All 5 Mercenaries.

Gain new Hero unit:

Mercenary Captain Pelleas Vajor
HP 2
Move 1
Attack 2
Atk 2
Def 2
Mercenary Leadership: Mercenaries can be hired at half price to a minimum of 1 Resource and gain +1/+1
Heartier than He Looks: Difficult to kill with a 6+ Save

The Dragons have gifted Regalia 20 Resources due to the hardship of the Demon fighting.

Takrian Republic
Population: 59 Resources: 64 Order: 1

Action 1 used to upgrade Safeguard to level 2 (turn 1 of 3)
Action 2 used to upgrade advancement: Military reserve corps to level 2 (turn 1 of 1) [Added effect: adds an equal amount of archers to spawned legionaries]
Action 3 used to recruit two cataphracts in Karaz-A-Karak (turn 2 of 2)

The Ru-Ten Amalgam
Population: 44 Resources: 67 Order: 1

Advancement: Streamlined Bentvine Training lvl 2 (6- [Strength of Mind 1 + Advanced Knowledge 2]) 3
Upgrade Yomus to lvl 2 (Capital) -5 Resources Turn 1 of 3
Upgrade Vineyar to lvl 2 (Standard) -5 Resources turn 1 of 3

The Order of Kerem
Population: 41 Resources: 92 Order: 1

Alliance Bank Resources: 220

1. Lvl 1 advancement: Temple of Kerem: “In order to spread word our faith with none other than the Universe itself, we must help to teach others about such, and while we shall not force them to believe such things as the utter and only truth, we must give them the consideration of such.” Capable of building a temple in another nation, which grants the nation its within an +1 to order, but if it’s destroyed, lose that bonus and instead, the host nation suffers an -1 to order

2/3. Lvl 2 advancement: The word of the Universe: “Our word of the Universe must continue forth, for our very laws cannot rely on temples alone, and we must teach them what it truly means of achieving such goals” an additional +1 order to the host nation it’s within.

A massive fire breaks out within the the building that contains the treasury and most of it is lost. It is thought to be the work of surviving Eovians that linger within the city, causing havoc.

Resources have dropped down to 92

Population: 61 Resources: 59 Order: 2

20 resources are gifted to the oni for freeing Mitsura from the demonic influences.

Building wonder: The World Tree. 4/6 turns 12/18 actions, 150/150 resources

Continuing processes:
Policy: Growth of a new forest tile, 2 tiles west of capital 2/2 (4, -2 due to forest irrigation 2)
Inventor Hekron creates a new invention 2/3 (4 -1 for the Inventor’s Workshop advancement)
Complete: Borage uses action to grow forest tile 3 tiles east from capital 1/1 (4-2 due to forest irrigation, -1 due to presence niwashi)

Parts of the forest seem to be remain corrupted. Dark tidings and portents seem to linger in the air. Whispers are heard within the darkness and forgotten reaches of the land. Something is coming….

Population 20 Resources 20

The Ogres are hungry for combat. Not even the incredibly harsh winter can keep them at bay.​
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A Nation at Odds


“Freedom is a right, not a privilege or a commodity to be sold. From this moment on any and everyone within the borders of this desert is a free person and Zanzir will protect their right to freedom with the One God backing us.”

Tenebrous stood on a platform in what used to be the slave markets of his capital city, draped in warm fur pelts to protect him against the wrath of the winter. The desert citizens gazed up at him and his arms soldiers with confusion, admiration, and joy. Many of them wondered where the decision had come from, but the King did not make himself available for questioning. Instead he made the move to unshackle the first person himself.

“I’m sorry for the suffering you have endured. You are free now.” Tenebrous whispered to the stranger as he helped the elderly man to his feet. Lightly dressed, the man shook and his chains clattered softly. Then without warning he embraced Tenebrous and held him tightly. Though he was shocked, the King did hug the man back briefly and as tears ran down the old man’s face a blanket was thrown over him. “Here, this is for you. To start anew.” Tenebrous placed a large sack in the man’s hand.

“Set everyone free and hand out the bags.” Tenebrous demanded of his guards. Quickly they moved to carry out their orders despite being met with some resistance from the slave masters and slave owners. “Arrest anyone who stands in your way! No matter their status! It is now an act of treason to enslave a person in my desert.” Tenebrous turned away as soldiers rushed by him to free the bound people.

“Thank you, my king!” An elderly voice cried out from among the noise and confusion. Opening his bag had revealed food and funds had been given to the former slaves to help them get started.

The Throne Room

From his seat of power Tenebrous stared disappointedly at several former nobles who had ironically been bound in chains and dragged from their homes to kneel before him.

“This is an outrage! What do you think you’re doing?!” A woman barked at him.

“You are only here so that your peers may see the fate that awaits them should they disobey me or my laws going forward.” Tenebrous gestured to the sides of the room where many wealthy and high-born citizens stood spectating the event about to take place. “You seven openly refused to free the people you held as slaves after I declared it illegal. For that you must be punished, but seeing as my dungeon is now a marketplace and I’ve outlawed shackling people anyway, death is the only option left to me.” The crowd gasped audibly and the seven nobles all became flushed.

“Guards. Take them to the square and have them all hung, make a spectacle of them.” The King commanded.



“Please! Your Majesty!”

Kicking and screaming the nobles were dragged away and Tenebrous eyed the others who stood on the sidelines. “And to all of you, traitors to the throne will be treated far worse.”

Cheers erupted outside to the sound of the first neck snapping. His message to traitors would be very clear. And Zanzir would be a new nation just in time for their new foreign representatives to arrive.



One week after the executions in the capital, Tenebrous’ soldiers had spread west to the city of Sun’s Spire where his cousin and former Master of War had made his new home. Without warning the city was sacked and in the process all the nobles who supported the Order of Isis were rounded up.

“What is that sound?” Solomon said as he awoke to the moon peeking through his window and the sound of people crying and fires burning. Suddenly his doors were kicked open and soldiers rushed through the mansion. Before he could even get out of bed, a dagger was pressed to his throat as a Raven stood over him and shook its head. Tears swelled within Solomon’s eyes and his heart fell into his stomach. “P-Please...I was always on his si…” The bedroom door was kicked open and the soldiers surrounded Solomon. “The King wants you to know that you only live by his grace and the love your brother has for you. Be grateful, for others are dying in flames.” The Raven whispered to him. Then the soldiers dragged him from his bed to a carriage that would take him back to the capital


While her cousin’s city suffered a rough reform, Amanitore and her acolytes of Isis plotted, unaware of what was happening to the east. “The Order and the Oni have both refused our requests for funds, milday. We could perhaps ask Solomon to share what he is given by the capital?”

Amanitore sat with a pout on her face, hiding her disgust at the situation as she tried to think of something to do about their empty coffers. The Oni had written a disrespectful letter in response to her request and while she wanted nothing more than to crush their nation beneath her sandstorm and make them feel her embarrassment, she couldn’t do it alone.

The group's midnight meeting came to an end with the consensus that Amanitore needed to secure allies for the Order of Isis and since the west was no help she would head east.

As a boat was packed and preparations were being made for her departure, Amanitore stood on the docks waiting for everything to be ready. “Fucking westerners.” She cursed as she looked up to the moon. The falling snow...wasn’t snow at all. As the specks landed on her white fur it became clear that it was ash. Quickly she turned around to see where a fire might be burning, but there were no clear signs of one. “Leave everything. Something is not right.” As she forced her way onto the boat, Amanitore pulled her hood up over her head and sat down in the only proper seat. ”Now!” The princess hollered.

The boat had been dug out of the frozen water and now sat on hills of snow. With a deep breath she raised her hands up and the snow began to move, rising like a wave beneath the boat. The servants and guards grabbed hold of the railings and braced as the wave of snow started to carry the boat over the frozen sea.

An hour into the trip a servant pointed to a blazing inferno in the distance. “Isn’t that Sun’s Spire, High Priestess?” Amantiore rose from her seat, disbelief plastered across her face. Panic for her cousin overwhelmed her, then came the fear for her brother’s safety. “Are we under attack?” Amanitore wondered. They had so many enemies and so many threats lay beyond their walls. Dropping back into her seat Amanitore found herself more determined to head to Regalia now. If they were indeed under attack then they would need help.

  • Advancement: FIghting Pits - A bloody sport has come to the desert nation and all are invited to participate! The new fighting pits of Zanzir promote competition, trust, and fun between participating nations. With a small entrance fee for the victory pot, anyone can enter the fighting pits and during special events, rare rewards will be given to the victor(s). (For a price of 10 Resources, nations can send fighters to participate in the arena in the Zanzir capital. Winners will receive a victory pot consisting of the entrance fee money as well as prize money put forth by the King. Participants also gain access to the Buyers’ Market, allowing them to place bets on fights, battles, and even wars across the continent. Special arena events will occur once a year with great prizes.)
  • Advancement: Floating CIties - With magic stolen from the Order of Isis, technological assistance from the Takrians, and craftsmanship help from the dwarves, the King has drafted a plan to build cities that float on water. (Allows construction of cities on water tiles adjacent to land tiles.)
  • Advancement: Dwarven Influence - The Dwarves have started to rub off on their hosts and it shows in the construction efforts of the people. (-1 Turn for all construction projects.)

Diplomacy & Treaties:
  • 12 months of peace with Western Alliance (Ends Turn 27)
  • The Oni receive priority when purchasing Black Market items at twice the retail price.
  • Horn of Summoning sold to Oni for 40 Resources


Black Market Items:

  • Bow of the Ages: Costs 1Res
    • Strength: Powerful Blow: Deals 1 extra damage
    • Weakness: Unwieldy: The powerful attack makes it difficult to use. -2/0
  • Gauntlets of Strength: Costs 1Res
    • Strength: +1 Extra Damage
    • Weakness: -1 HP
  • False eye of the Prophet: Sold!
    • Strength: At the beginning of battle, roll a d6. Gain that many Fanatics.
    • Weakness: None
  • Golem Armor: Sold!
    • Strength: +1 HP
    • Weakness: -1 Movement
  • Helmet of Mana: Sold!
    • Strength: Attack spells deal an extra 2 Damage
    • Weakness: -1 HP
  • Sword of Isis Strength: Sold!
    • +2/0 Strength: If wielder is killed, survives on 1 HP instead after the killer finishes all their attacks.
    • Weakness: None
  • Cape of The Infinite: Sold!
    • Strength: Roll a d10 before battle
      • 1: 0/+1
      • 2-3: +1/+1
      • 4-5: +1/+2
      • 6-7: +2/+2
      • 8-9: +2/+3
      • 10: +3 HP, +1 Attack
    • Weakness: On a 1-5 gains attack last
  • Circlet of Glory: Sold!
    • Strength- +3/0
    • Weakness- -1 Order if battle is lost
  • Ring of Fury: Sold!
    • Strength: +1 Attack, +1/0
    • Weakness: 0/-2
  • Horn Of Summoning: Sold!
    • Strength: Summons 1d4 Sand Giants at the beginning of battle
    • Weakness: When used, the summoner and acts last in combat
  • Raven’s Heart (capital)
    • Palace
    • City Walls = 0/+1 to defending troops
    • 0/+2 to defending units
    • Black Market (Gain random items from rolls)
    • All Father Temple
  • Sun’s Spire (Standard)
  • Kerem’s Reach (Farming)
    • City Walls = 0/+1 to defending troops

Total Income: +22 per Turn
  • Base +2
  • Capital +2res
  • Sun’s Spire +2res
  • Kerem’s Reach +4res
  • (4)Trade Agreements +8res
  • (3) Resource Extraction +3res
  • (1) Secret Trade Deals +1res
  • Advancements - 9
  • Balance: 174 - 9 = 165
  • Next Turn: 165 + 22 + 40 = 227
  • Army 1
    • 1x Spy
  • Army 2
    • 4x Infantry
    • 1x Giroj Class Jumper
    • 1x Xiron Class Beast
  • Army 8
    • 1x Infantry
    • 1x Giroj Class Jumper
The Ru-Ten Amalgam
Ru-Ten flag 2.png
It was hard to describe Siredom, even to those who recognized its mechanics.

As the New Cold touched the land, most parties found themselves frozen in place, the previous winters hardships were nothing comparison. The idea of moving forces in such conditions all but impossible, with only a scant few messages being able to travel between the settlements. The people were disconnected in a way that worried merchants, scholars and militants alike, but such hardships did not befall the Sirewood.

Even as the movements of units stagnated and people became reliant on messages even moreso, he remained the same. Thanks to the Sirewood Beasts, he had eyes and ears moving throughout both Yomus and Gerudo Valley. For all other settlements, the presence of his twisting vines under the chilled soil was enough to feel the movements of larger parties. Despite the lack of a true, singular body, his reach was farther than most would admit. It was for this reason that, despite technically being trapped within the Sirewood Chambers under his castle in Yomus, he never grew bored of his placement.

Even before the method of creating Sirewood Beasts were known, all his predecessors were capable of expanding their vines to all lands they could touch. The beasts made it easier, allowing him to technically be among his people even while he was rooted in place.

It was a concept he knew was alien to most peoples under the Amalgam, the idea of being of multiple bodies at once was something he'd never be able to describe to completion. He'd tried with the Scholars of the Buried Palm, as many of his predecessors had, to at least try and document. Whereas one would find the body they inhabit the sum of their capacity for consciousness, becoming a Sirewood greatly expanded that capacity.

What he once considered his body wouldn't have even made up a finger of what he was now. Spread out under the grounds, vines trailing for miles, operating bodies that once dwarfed him in size.

The Serfs were the newest addition to his arsenal, one that he found himself working hard to get used to. For whereas he had the workings of the previous sires to learn of both the vines and the beasts, the Serfs were the first addition that would eventually become the leftovers of his reign. He had to work to master their control, not only for his sake but the Sirewood who would supplant him.

Whereas the Sirewood Beasts were large and hulking, the Serfs reminded him much more of his previous body. The difference was palpable, as the coordination of so many bodies at once was challenge even for him. Once that murderous fiend had managed to be cultivated into a more stable shape, others were prepped to join him. Soon enough, Serfdom would become a regular punishment for any Criminal unable to offer proper challenge to the Amalgam's enforcers.

But the benefits of having such a grand capacity of consciousness, was that even while training his usage of these new bodies, he was still keeping watch.

With the deep freeze, contact with locales like Gerudo Valley had become difficult for most... except for him.

The Sirewood Beast he'd sent in case he'd have to step into any disbutes with the neighbors personally had become a quick line of communication. He bore witness to the way in which the cold slammed into the neighbors. And with so many potential allies nearby the Amalgam had no choice but to loosen their approach. They didn't want their lines of communication to freeze to death, and so had offered slight aid to both the Takrian Refugees and members of the Mesanian unit docked nearby.

Both were probably still awaiting word on whether the Amalgam would join that Western alliance, but the Seventh Sire was unwilling to lean in either direction until the Triumvirate broke their deadlock. Such a matter was not one he could make alone without risking a fracture, and so he too had turned his attention to matters such as assuring their guests did not perish. Unfortunately, that same kind of oversight could not be extended to the Rootlane, as it lacked both a Sirewood Beast and the usual lines of communication as the older settlements.

He would place his faith in the Bentvines sent to locate Rom and his Gnarlwoods, while turning his attention elsewhere.

Namely, the grand construction effort.

Yomus: Capital +4 Resources +2 Population
Vineyar: Standard Settlement +3 Resources +2 Population
Gerudo Valley: Farming Settlement: +5 Resources
Rootlane: Standard Settlement +3 Resources +2 Population
Policies and Advancements
Recycling - Nothing is allowed to go to waste, anything from corpses to destroyed ruins are bounties of resources in the eyes of the Ru-Ten
Sirewood Defenses- Through use of the Vines assisting in the defense of all settlements, they gain 0/+2 except under the attack of The Flame. (Advancement lvl 1)
Photosynthesis Exploitation- The Capital gains an extra +1 Resources (Advancement lvl 3)
Streamlined Bentvine Training- For every Bentvine recruited, another can be recruited for no turn cost at an additional 50% resource cost. (Advancement lvl 2)
The Oaken League- A series of Gladiatorial Arenas set up across the Amalgam Settlements (Advancement lvl 1)
Sirewood Serfs- Using Population, the Amalgam may construct Sirewood Serf units. (Advancement lvl 1)
Yomus Garrison: The Seventh Sire, 5 Bentvine Skirmisher, 2 Sirewood Beast
Vineyar Garrison-5 Bentvine Skirmisher, Veximus Triumphus the First, Galixo Prime
Gerudo Valley Garrison: Veximus Triumphus the First, 1 Sirewood Beast, 5 Bentvine Skirmisher
Rootlane Garrison: 1 Gnarlroot Brawler, 4 Bentvine Skirmishers

1. Upgrade Gerudo Valley (Standard)
2. Upgrade Yomus (Capital)
3. Upgrade Vineyar (Standard)
Action 3:
Free Actions
Exploration on Rootlane tile

Resource Transactions
Balance: 65
(Yomus 4) (Vineyar 3) (Gerudo Valley 5) (Rootlane 3) 15
Advancement: Upgrade Gerudo Valley (Standard) -5 Turn 1 of 3
Upgrade Yomus (Capital) -5 Resources Turn 2 of 3
Upgrade Vineyar (Standard) -5 Resources turn 2 of 3

New Resource Balance: 65
Regalia Triumphs
~ 5th Quarter, 51AC ~

  • Imperium
    ~ Aspiring World Hegemon ~

    Archon of the Imperium

    Magocratic Feudal Empire


    Draken Guard



    ~ Palace of the Imperium ~
    Founders the Imperium
    Regalia can now directly communicate with all known nations without restriction
    For every three Imperial buildings built in Celest (the Palace of the Imperium not included), the Capital's level will rise by 1.


    Internal Relations
    ~ The Archon's opinion on His vassals ~

    Most Favoured
    ~ Played a Massive Combat Role in the Demon War ~
    ~ Championed the Fight Against the Demons ~

    Draken Guard
    ~ Provided Financial Aid during the Demon War ~
    ~ Willingly Accepted Vassalisation ~

    ~ Provided Financial Aid during the Demon War ~
    ~ Willingly Accepted Vassalisation ~

    ~ Rumours of Rebellion ~
    ~ Played a Minor Combat Role during the Demon War ~
    ~ Fought Against Vassalisation ~
    ~ Committed Atrocities ~


    Imperial Law

    1. Above all else, all members of the Imperium are hereby forbidden to engage in any activities the Archon has declared to be Demonic in nature, for the safety and security of all the world. Violators of this law shall be deemed as oathbreakers, enemies of the Imperium, and, indeed, enemies of All-Kind in the world.

    2. All members of the Imperium are to uphold their oaths of alligence to Regalia, the Imperium, and the Archon of the Imperium. Any who break their oaths shall be cast from the Imperium, branded eternally as oathbreakers, and named as enemies of the Imperium. The fate of all oathbreakers is death.

    3. All members of the Imperium must accept the Right of Mage Rule. Members of the Imperium, who have mages as part of their citizenry, must reform their government into a magocracy, and make it law within their land that only mages have the right to hold high office within the government. Those members of the Imperium who refuse to magocratize their government, or do not sufficiently abide by the principle of the Right of Mage Rule, will not receive official recognition as a legitimate government within the Imperium. The lack of official recognition of a member's government by the Imperium could result in sanctions or even war, which is decision left to the decretion of the Archon.

    4. All members of the Imperium shall rise to defend fellow members of the Imperium in times of war, regardless of circumstance. Any who refuse to do so, without a reason accepted by the Archon, will be subject to legal punishment. The extent of such punishment shall be to the decretion of the Archon.

    5. All members of the Imperium shall allow for trade without restriction between all other members of the Imperium. All members of the Imperium are hereby legally permitted to trade with non-Imperium nations.

    6. All members of the Imperium shall allow the Regalian military access to their nations without restriction, and all members of the Imperium will allow Regalian units to be trained within their territory.

    7. All members of the Imperium are hereby required to faithfully follow the decrees of the Archon. Violators of this law could receive legal punishment, should the Archon deem it necessary.

    8. All members of the Imperium are hereby forbidden to engage in military action against Regalia. Violators will be branded as oathbreakers, cast from the Imperium, and become the enemies of the Imperium. All members of the Imperium are also forbidden to engage in military action against other members of the Imperium without just cause. The Archon will have the decretion to determine what is a just cause for war between members of the Imperium. Should a member engage in war that the Archon has determined to be unjust, all military action must cease immediately upon the Archon's order, and the aggressor must submit themselves to Imperial Law. The aggressor will then receive legal punishment proportional to their war crimes, whilst also taking into account the appeals of war victims.

    9. All members of the Imperium are forbidden to engage in activities that bring deliberate harm and / or instability upon their territory, citizens, economy, or state of national order. Violators will be subject to legal punishment, the extent of which is at the decretion of the Archon.
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Takrian Republic

Winter falls upon the continent
Deserts of Zanzir covered in snow
This year's winter surprised everyone with its intensity, as even the scorching deserts of Kerem are covered in snow! Nations all across the continent have to deal with hostile weather, with record-breaking low temperatures recorded in Regalia. Despite some concerns regarding crop viability in these unusual circumstances, the ministry of agriculture assures us that the predicted impact on the economy will be minimal. ~ a takrian newspaper

Raven's Heart refugee camp; +1 resources +1 population
Ru-Ten refugee camp; +1 resources +1 population
Safeguard: standard settlement; +5 resources +2 population
Karak Azgaraz: standard settlement; +5 resources +2 population
Karaz-A-Karak: capital; +5 resources, +2 population
Karak Bhufdar: standard settlement; +5 resources +2 population
Policies and advancements:
Unknown horizons: Being a colonization mission sent to an unknown planet, the crew of Unity was trained in handling the dangers of unknown territory. Exploration a tile is more likely to yield a favourable outcome. [policy]
Resource extraction: Intensified prospecting and advanced mining techniques lead to more efficient utilization of mineral wealth. All settlements gain +1 resource income. [advancement; lvl 1]
Military reserve corps: Takrian military, aside from its active service branch, also operates a reserve force. Those are troops trained for combat, but not on constant deployment. Whenever combat takes place or a settlement is attacked in takrian territory, the settlement spawns Xd3 legionary and archer units, with X being the level of the settlement. Reserve troops disappear when the threat is over. [advancement; lvl 2]
Marksmanship training: Though mostly used to shower enemy troops in a hail of arrows, takrian archers are additionally trained in individual marksmanship, serving as a makeshift replacement to snipers of Nazgir in eliminating high value targets. Archers gain +2 attack when targeting heroes and leaders. [advancement; lvl 1]
Organized resistance: In an event where takrian territory comes under occupation, the government takes precautions to ensure occupying forces will not be able to use their resources to further their goals. Some of the military and civilian officials hide among the populace, and establish basic structures of an underground state, ensuring that the resistance is never smothered and always has open avenues of development. Takrian resistance does not dissipate over time. [advancement; lvl 1]
Underground contact network: Even though the government itself might be in exile, it nonetheless maintains contact with the resistance back home, the two entities coordinating their actions and supporting eachother whenever necessary. All income or resources lost to takrian resistance activity is directly translated into income for the government in exile. [advancement; lvl 1]
Underground education: Even under occupation, the takrian people take effort to preserve their society and culture. Takrian resistance cannot be suppressed or destroyed by manipulating culture or education, including attempts at resettling population. [advancement; lvl 1]
Specialist integration: Wherever takrians are allowed to establish a refugee camp, workers specialized in various fields not busy in the camp itself are loaned to the host settlement, bringing with them unique expertise and abilities. Nation hosting takrian refugee camps are affected by one takrian advancement or national strength of their choice. [advancement; lvl 1]
Refugee police: One of the first things taken care of when establishing refugee camps is restoring some semblance of a police force, to keep the refugees safe and ensure the daily life in the settlement is not negatively affected. Add 1 to all unrest rolls caused by takrian refugee camps. [advancement; lvl 1]
Army 1: Hoodoo the Crusher, 3 bandit warlords, 1 legionary, 1 archer
Detachment 1: 1 legionary
Army 2: 2 legionaries, 2 archers, 2 cataphracts
Army 3: 1 cataphract, 2 legionaries, 2 archers, President Nirki-Zuk Kuadi
Starting: 64
Settlement income: +22
Trade total (Zanzir, Regalia, Ru-Ten, Gecklicko, Toulais, Draken Guard, Kerem): +23
Road construction: -5
Advancement upgrades: -3
Final: 99
Starting: 59
Growth: +8
Final: 67
Detachment 1 moves east, rejoins army 1
Action 1 used to upgrade Safeguard to level 2 (turn 2 of 3)
Action 2 used to upgrade advancement: Resource extraction to level 2 (turn 1 of 1) [Added effect: +1 to resource bonus]
Action 3 used to move detachment 2 through snow
Free actions:
Build a road on detachment 1's starting location
Turn 17:

A terrible col seized the varied forest of Mitsura and for the first time hoshi experienced cold and snow. The less aware hoshi enjoyed the snowfall, revelling in the strange frozen water. Ietsuna however was having a rough time of it. He found that his toga did not provide the warmth he needed and he was experiencing this weird sensation where he felt hot and cold at the same time. His orifices too seemed to be affected by the strange weather.

It had taken a while, but after a concerned talk with friend Hekron his fears had been laid to rest. Apparently, he was suffering from the “common cold”. There was nothing common about it as far as Ietsuna was concerned and he asked the Great One daily to change the weather. So far, the Kaminoki hadn’t responded.

Ietsuna had tried walking it off, but to no avail. His wanderings had led him to a strange part of the forest. There seemed to be darkness in the air here. Something which should have dissipated when the priests were killed and the rubies taken away to be destroyed by the oni.

And yet.

Iemitsu touched the darkness. Instantly fear overcame him. He had to run! To get away from this accursed place! Ietsuna however did not give in. His curiosity had always been stronger than his sense of self-preservation.

“Why are you still here?” He murmured as he stared at the dark patch.

Now that he thought about it, where had the Dark Disciple found those rubies? Somewhere beneath the mountains. How had it learned of the existence of the Dark Ones? These questions milled through Ietsuna’s head.

“Riddles in the dark.” He said to himself.

If there was one thing stronger than his curiosity it was his desire to solve the questions the haunted him. Often, they kept him from sleeping during the day and he spent many hours conversing with Hekron. This riddle however, he had to solve himself.

Actions turn 17:

Movement: free movement only (Natural woodsmen strength gives double movement on jungle tiles)
  • No movement
Free actions:
  • Policy change: Growing Niwashi caste: When recruiting a niwashi a second niwashi can be recruited for 8 resources
Iemitsu investigates remaining demonic threat (maybe an exploration is possible even though Iemitsu does not really have stats?)

  • Building wonder: The World Tree. 5/6 turns 15/18 actions, 150/150 resources

Continuing processes:
  • Complete: Inventor Hekron creates a new invention 3/3 (4 -1 for the Inventor’s Workshop advancement)


Income Resources this turn Resources expenses this turn Resources next turn Population this turn Population next turn Population expenses
Settlements +8 - +8 +16 +16 -
Trade +6 - +18 - - -
Other - - - - - -
Overall 59 - 85 61 77 -

Weaknesses Effects Location
Sunlight Units in deserts or snow tiles have -1/-1, +2 to fire weakness Empire wide
Sub-Kaminoki trees If a Kaminoki tree is destroyed, all units in that tile and surrounding tiles lose the bonus they receive from Strong Magics. Those not under the affect of the tree have a -1/0 Empire wide

Bonuses Effects Location
Natural Woodsmen Double movement for units on forest or swamp tiles +0/+1 while in forest Empire wide
Population Growth Population growth +2, Max pop +5 Empire wide
Strong Nature magics Units have +1/+1 in settlements Empire wide
The Inventor’s workshop While residing in its workshop Inventor Hekron creates and invention in 3 turns instead of 4. Seicho
Forrest Irrigation 2 when adjacent to a tile with fresh water new patches of forest are grown in two turns less than the required 4. Empire wide
Tomb of Growth 3 Population can be turned into resources at ratio of 1:2 Empire wide
Blood Pits +1 order and the Kaminoki is empowered by blood sacrifice (up to gm’s discretion) Seicho
Poisoned weaponry Yari and Ite troops have +1/+0 Empire wide
Place of exchange Enables trade Empire wide
Dangerous Flora I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Dangerous fauna I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Insect and Arachnid Pheromone Control Whenever a Mitsuran army fights in a forest tile, before the battle starts, great insect swarms harass the lines of the enemy. Three random enemy units lose attack first, or if they didn’t have it, gain attack last. Heroes and Leader units are unaffected. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Fog of dreams -1 movement for enemies on swamp or forest tiles All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Guerrilla Warfare Friendly units on forest or swamp tiles are stealthed. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Hall of the Niwashi Recruiting new Niwashi only costs 1 action Seicho
Specialized Warrior Breeding pods When recruiting 1 Yari troop unit recruit 2 instead. The second is 3 resources. Seicho
Specialized Warrior Diet Yari Troop units get +0/+1. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Mist makers Yari Units a 9+ save while in the forests and swamps. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Spore growth decreases Seedlings on Asphodel to 6-10 Range and ups it to 2 Seedlings per success. Applies only to Asphodel
Hidden roads Enemy units cannot use roads within Mitsura. The hidden roads of Mitsura grow beneath one’s feet only when one holds no ill intention towards the nation. Empire wide
Budding Warriors Every turn, 1d3 Budding warriors are birthed from pods within a Mitsuran settlement Mitsuran settlement of choice

The locations of the armies are filled in after the moves of this turn have been completed

Army Units Location Stance
Army 1
  • Hero unit Borage
  • Elite unit Niwashi
3 tiles east of capital Defend
Army 2 Elite Niwashi Unit 2 tiles west of capital Explorers
Army 3
  • 6x Troop Yari
  • Troop Ite
  • Hero unit Large Wolf
  • Troop Flaming Shrubbery
Capital Defend
Army 5
  • Hero unit Hekron
  • Hero unit the Golem
  • 3x Budding Warriors
Capital Specialist tasks
Army 8
  • Hero unit Asphodel
  • 2 vehicles of unholy fire
  • 2 troop seedling units
Asphodel Static, level 2 military settlement unit

Gear Effect Unit
Helmet of Mana Strength: Attack spells deal an extra 2 Damage Weakness: -1 HP Iemitsu
Sword of Isis +2/0 Strength: If wielder is killed, survives on 1 HP instead after the killer finishes all their attacks. Weakness: None
Cape of infinite strength Strength: Roll a d10 before battle 1: 0/+1 2-3: +1/+1 4-5: +1/+2 6-7: +2/+2 8-9: +2/+3 10: +3 HP, +1 Attack Weakness: On a 1-5 gains attack last
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The Winter Draws In
Cold months lay ahead...


  • d946685cf73ede0d499e113a589e055a.jpg
    It was done, the last of the former Azeran settlements had been reclaimed and Euvoia, save for a few remaining individuals to the east, seemed defeated. It was certainly an interesting experience for the young Hiroki and his mages but they had been instrumental in breaking the front ranks of the defensive minded Euvoian’s.

    “You have done well Hiroki,” Kawada said from across the table, sipping at the tea in his hands. The younger man bowed in appreciation.

    “I am glad I could help, I never expected to be so useful to the war effort.” Hiroki smiled with a semblance of pride. “I always thought I would be one of the no named rank and file to fall at the start of battle.”

    Kawada paused, his eyes rising up towards Hiroki with a slight anger.

    “You are still young, but while you are with me I will show you what true honour and respect means. Our soldiers, our warriors are more than just rank and file. Each is key in the defence of our lands...each has a name and a family at home who will mourn their loss. To refer to them as no name rank and file is a great sign of disrespect.” The tone of Kawada was stern and in reality he wasn’t even a decade older than Hiroki but vicious battles often matured people quickly. He had seen far more battle and far more loss than the mage and it showed in the difference between them.

    “I...I am sorry...I meant no disrespect,” Hiroki stumbled, bowing for forgiveness.

    “You have a lot to learn and it does not help that the battles went so well for us. You need to understand what loss looks like…” Kawada’s eyes lit up and he turned to an attendant across the room. “Prepare our mounts, I am taking Hiroki to experience the arena.”

    The mage looked extremely nervous as he heard the words and seemed to shrink away. He had no response that he thought would get anywhere close to swaying Kawada or getting him to change his mind. He simply sat there in the realisation that he would be in the arena very soon.

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A Winter of Peace Brings Forth The Imperium


Excerpts from around the continent in the time of the Great Strife.

“The Regalian Imperium shall bring its light to the known world. And we have the honor to be the front line for that!”- Regalian Soldier

“The Zanzarians are mostly a welcoming people. Though there seems to be a sibling rivalry at the top which could cause problems down the line” - Dwarven Refugee in Zanzir

“Our position makes us an important location on the continent. Travel between both the East and West must be through here. ” - Zanzarian Noble

“Huh? We’re a part of this Regalian Imperium now? As long as I get to drink and they don’t take away my rights. I don’t think we’ll have any problems..”- Tolouis Guard starting his 4th bottle

“It was a bloodbath like I had never seen. They were monstrous and unholy. Like some kind of demons, terrorizing, killing, eating, and destroying everything around them.” -Drakenguard Survivor


Dymaeran Remnant
Population: 44 Resources: 33 Order: 1

Lord Jadom walked around the newly formed refugee quarter. It once held the Takrians when they had lost everything, and now it held his people. It seemed that what was left of the Dymarean people have relocated themselves here in the capital. He had heard rumours of a direct descendant of the Allfather being somewhere in the city limits also, but he hadn’t come across her as of late. Perhaps if he could, they could either forge out a life here for their people, or start again somewhere new. He’d have to redouble his efforts on this task.

His main issue at present was hearing of the formation of the Regalian Imperium. That stung. He had offered his people to be a part of that, only for them to be attempted to be run down such as dogs in the street.

His people were literally now caught in the middle of everything. Especially as he had been hearing rumors of a Western Alliance wanting the Lands of Zanzir so they can control the strait. It was a coming disaster. But for now, they needed to hunker down from his harsh winter. It was preventing them from going anywhere anyway.

Construct Refugee Camp in Zanzir
Build Forge to construct Powerful Weapons and Army
Train 1 DRW

Army 1: 2 Protectors, 5 Guards, Lord Jadom, 4 Dwarven Refugee Warriors, 4 Dwarven Refugees


Draken Guard
Population: 60 Resources: 86 Order: 1

The news had traveled all the way around the continent and even to the sky cities, themselves. The formation of The Reaglian Imperium. And they were to be Vassals of it? Many members of the Council were in an uproar over this news. Why would they be subservient to Grounders? It was their job to protect them and keep them safe from the ancient dangers. Not to follow their whims.

The Red Dragon Councilor merely told them that this was a way to better help the Grounders of the world. With the resources of the nation of Regalia and its other Vassals, especially with their Elven Magic tied to their own Dragon Magic, it would be an unstoppable combination.

However the dissension continued until The arrival of the Grand Sleeper, their leader, King Rex. His size was truly massive as he towered above even these large ancient Dragons.

King Rex knew the situation and in fact favored it. They were the eternal guardians of the World, its protectors. They were always a part of something bigger and now they would be again on a different scale. With others that could answer the very same call. They hunt the Demons just as we do. It would be a poor judgement to turn away from that.

Eventually the other Councilors acquiesced and diverted focus towards the final leg of their Gravity Research. Their Draconic magic will only help in making sure that not only can they ease in their travels to and from the surface, but that now their allies can move around with ease as well.


They didn’t see it coming. The massive horde from the North. As it was, they had only heard rumors of the types of Grounders that lived there. It was as though they were demonic in nature, the amount of punishment that they were supposedly capable of giving and receiving while still alive.

They attacked in the dead of night while most of the Drakenguard army was still asleep. The walls and their guards collapsed in minutes to their assault, but not before letting out the alarm. Not that it mattered much in the grand scheme of things.The army, though large in number, were ill prepared for this kind of engagement, not seen among their kind in many millennia.

As such, it was a bloodbath. When the dust had settled, only one battalion of the Brutes lay dead, while the entire First Army of Drakenguard was slaughtered in combat and the city razed to the ground. A testament to the destruction and wanton evil that were the Ogre Nation.

Twenty Three Battalions of troops against sixteen and their leaders. It was unthinkable.


King Rex was furious when he was informed as to the slaughter of his people. Even Xixus whom had assembled the First Army was almost apoplectic in nature from this utter catosphroty. They both knew that it was time for the one thing that they left in their arsenal, forbidden and almost forgotten.

The STONE GUARDIANS. They would have to be released and sent down to the land below to stop these Grounders while there was still time. The people would want to see them put down for this utter carnage and bloodbath that was put forth at their feet.

Research Gravity Lvl 3- Advanced Teleportation has been researched and allows all Drakenguard and its allies to move from one allied settlement to another as a free action

Army 1: 1 Nymph, 1 Dragoon
Army 2: 2 Dragoons
Capital City Army: King Rex, Xexis, 2 Dragoons


Population: 44 Resources: 67 Order: 2

With the forming of The Regalian Imperium, there was a restructuring within the borders of Toulais. It was all legal, mind you, just merely not what many of those involved thought they were agreeing to. And their signatures were all over the paperwork as well as it having passed through all the proper Councils. The Council of Directors became The Warden and his Cabinet at the top.

It formed a more permanent government, rather than one that was fully elected at the top and changed over every year, but they would still be maintaining the Council of Ancients and the Council of Five Hundred for legislation reforms. It was also allowed that the Members of the Warden’s cabinet could be removed by a majority vote in the Council of Ancients. The Warden could only be removed

The Directors, while losing the power that came with being one of five members of the ruling class of Directors, still remained in charge of their various bits of importance due to the grace of Warden Gibrian Armeron as a part of his cabinet. Sure, they could fight against it, but overall, not much would change with their nation and their alliance with the Regalians has proven most fruitful.

Directeur Amand Allais remained in charge of the Mint and the banks of the nation. He was a happy man as long as he was able to play with money. His only regret is that they have not been able to maintain

Directeur Jean-Marc Léon, due to his popularity with the farmers, was shifted to head of the nation’s agriculture and infrastructure. It was different for him, but due to his popularity with the farmers and the fringe races of the nation, he was planning on doing his best.

Directeur Céline Delacroix was made into General Céline Delacroix, leader of the entire armed forces of Toulais. As a noble and successful warrior, she was pleased with her new position and would take the front line if necessary to defend Toulais and now the other members of The Regalian Imperium.

Directeur Marie-Claire Trudeau became the true Spymaster that she always was, but now with the full backing of the Regalian Imperium, her spider tendrils spread even further than before. As long as she was in power at her position, their enemies had much to fear.

Directeur Gibrian Armeron was now Warden Gibrian Armeron. Given that power by the Regalian Imperium. He was settled into his new position, with all that it came with. Under normal circumstances, he knew that the country of his birth, he would never have been able to achieve this level of power, but as there were no mages or spellcasters within Toulais, he was happy to be able to find charge.

It was now time for their nation to spread its wings as a part of a larger Empire. Maire-Claire was to set things into motion with her burgeoning Spy network, while the boats were being prepared for after the winter had lifted.

Free Action: Spawns a Spy in Zanzir

Advancement: Dragon’s Breath: AAB gain a Fire attack before the start of the battle. Each AAB can attack 1 other Naval vessel. If enough damage is done with this attack to the ship to destroy it, they are lost with all hands and armies onboard. If not, each unit onboard takes 1 fire damage.
Advancement: Regional Pride- Guarde gain Attack First and save decreases to a 6+
Advancement: Every Nation that is connected by trade route is now connected to the Spynetwork.

ARMY 1: De’Orleon, 1 Archer, 1 Guarde, 3 Skeleton Knights
Army 2: General Céline Delacroix, 1 Archer, 2 Watercraft, 5 Guarde, 1 OBL, 12 Advanced Attack Boats
Army 3: 1 Spy


The Gecklicko Realm
Population: 30 Resources: 16 Order: 1

It was time for the Geckos to earn their keep. Garli, using his magic and advanced knowledge, combined with his understanding of the remains of the ancient Mechanicals beneath the city, found a way to bring one of these such beings to life with a Pilot. A suitable one was found in the young man, Getta. He was eager to please and even more eager to show off for the Regalians to help earn their place within the Imperium

Train 2 Mechanical Troopers
Train 2 Swordslingers
Advancement: Swordslinger Accuracy- Decreases Blade Swarm trigger to 6+

Army 5: Unit 01, 1 Swordslinger
Army 2 (In Capital): Getta, The Ancient Magimech, Garli, 3 Strider, 11 Swordslingers, 2 Swordslingers
Army 3 (South of Lost City) 2 Swordslingers

2 AA, Turn 18, Month 5


Population: 67 Resources: 227 Order: 1
  • Advancement: FIghting Pits - A bloody sport has come to the desert nation and all are invited to participate! The new fighting pits of Zanzir promote competition, trust, and fun between participating nations. With a small entrance fee for the victory pot, anyone can enter the fighting pits and during special events, rare rewards will be given to the victor(s). (For a price of 10 Resources, nations can send fighters to participate in the arena in the Zanzir capital. Winners will receive a victory pot consisting of the entrance fee money as well as prize money put forth by the King. Participants also gain access to the Buyers’ Market, allowing them to place bets on fights, battles, and even wars across the continent. Special arena events will occur once a year with great prizes.)​
  • Advancement: Floating CIties - With magic stolen from the Order of Isis, technological assistance from the Takrians, and craftsmanship help from the dwarves, the King has drafted a plan to build cities that float on water. (Allows construction of cities on water tiles adjacent to land tiles.)​
  • Advancement: Dwarven Influence - The Dwarves have started to rub off on their hosts and it shows in the construction efforts of the people. (-1 Turn for all construction projects.)​
A cloaked visitor finds their way to the Princess. “I have heard that you need passage to Reglia. I can get you there safely.” (Continued in the Diplomacy Chat)

The Ru-Ten Amalgam
Population: 44 Resources: 65 Order: 1

1. Upgrade Gerudo Valley (Standard)
2. Upgrade Yomus (Capital)
3. Upgrade Vineyar (Standard)

Explore Rootlane: A strange spire is poking out of the heavy snowfall (Continued in Diplomacy Chat)

Population: 60 Resources: 102 Order: 1

~ Research > Imperial Administration > Tier 3 > Unlocks: Palace of the Imperium ~ Officially founders the Imperium, the leader of Regalia will always be the Archon of the Imperium, Regalia can now directly communicate with all known nations at any time without restriction, and for every three Imperial buildings built in Celest, the Capital level rises by 1.
~ Research > Imperial Extreme Weather Training > Tier 1 > 1 of 1 > All Regalian units can now move 1 more tile during Winter, and nullifies movement penalty during Deep Winter.
~ Build > Capital > Palace of the Imperium > 1 of 1.

A cloaked figure arrives before Sparda. “I have information which could prove useful to the superiority of The Imperium, if you’ll speak to me.” (Continued in Diplomacy Chat)

Takrian Republic
Population: 67 Resources: 99 Order: 1

Action 1 used to upgrade Safeguard to level 2 (turn 2 of 3)
Action 2 used to upgrade advancement: Resource extraction to level 2 (turn 1 of 1) [Added effect: +1 to resource bonus]
Action 3 used to move detachment 2 through snow
Free actions:
Build a road on detachment 1's starting location

A cloaked figure approaches Safeguard. “I have important news for the President. It is imperative that I speak with him.” (Continued in the Diplomacy Chat)

Population: 77 Resources: 85 Order: 2

Movement: free movement only (Natural woodsmen strength gives double movement on jungle tiles)​
  • No movement​
Free actions:​
  • Policy change: Growing Niwashi caste: When recruiting a niwashi a second niwashi can be recruited for 8 resources​
Iemitsu investigates remaining demonic threat (maybe an exploration is possible even though Iemitsu does not really have stats?)

  • Building wonder: The World Tree. 5/6 turns 15/18 actions, 150/150 resources​

Continuing processes:​
  • Complete: Inventor Hekron creates a new invention 3/3 (4 -1 for the Inventor’s Workshop advancement)​
Heron Invention- Special Fertilizers- Seedinglings grow on a 4+

Iemitsu comes across the caverns filled with darkness and powerful vines. It seems to almost be beckoning him in further and deeper with a tingling sensation in the back of his mind. (Continued in Diplomacy Chat)

The Oni
Population:170 (Max) Resources: 33 Order: 1

Alliance Actions
-Assist Oni Wonder Build - Fountain of the Oni - Capital - 6 out of 18 Actions - 70 out of 150 Resources



-Recruit x2 Mole Workers - Army 2
-Army 6 - E, E - Build Road - 4 Resources
-Army 5 - NW, NW
-Army 2 - E, SE

Purchased Horn Of Summoning - 40 resources
-Strength: Summons 1d4 Sand Giants at the beginning of battle
-Weakness: When used, the summoner and acts last in combat

Sand Giants
-HP 2
-Attack 2
-Atk 4
-Def 0
-Sand Monsoon: Instead of attacking, can blanket the enemy in a sandstorm, giving them -1/-1 and Act Last. Does not stack

Quest #5 - Turn 1 of 5 without attacking


Build Wonder- Fountain of the Oni - Capital - 9 out of 18 Actions - 70 out of 150 Resources

The City State of Mesania
Population: 50 Resources: 67, Order: 2
?? Slaves

Army 1 NE - Wins back the Port Settlement


-Advancement: Production Ports - One extra ship can be recruited per action at a 50% markup
-Advancement: Grappling Hooks - Units being transported by ships attack during combat. Any enemy ships defeated this way are claimed.
-Advancement: Rams - Bireme’s (and any passengers) gain strike first

Resources 10

Policy - The Great Hunt - The Ogre capital becomes mobile as the people become Nomadic. It can move up to 2 hexes per movement action, including over water and will take all units with it even if their movement is slower. In addition, Ogres far and wide join in the hunt so two units may be recruited per recruit action with no limit to population. If battle does not take place for three full turns, D3 troops die.

-Turns Without Battle: 0 of 3

The Order of Kerem
Population: 41 Resources: 92 Order: 1

Alliance Bank Resources: 220​
One will stand...one will fall...


  • 9920bb932d2f987ce8cb6ad7caf91396.jpg
    A messenger hurried towards Kawada while he, Hiroki and the Shadowman steadily rode towards the Oni capital.

    "Lord Kawada!" the messenger called out, his horse steaming from the heat of its rapid gallop. "Lord Kawada!"

    The son of Lord Jigamundo turned to welcome the messenger but the Shadowman had already cut across his path, bringing the messenger to an immediate stop.

    "It is okay," Kawada said, the Shadowman turning to see the Lord nodding in his direction.

    "You may continue," the Shadowman told the messenger.

    The messenger said no more and simply handed a scroll to the armies leader. Kawada read through the scroll but his expression did not change. He simply bowed to the messenger before turning to his compatriots.

    "It seems the Ogre's have decided to start rampaging across the northern territories. They have reduced the Drakenguard settlement to the north to rubble. It provides us with a unique opportunity." Kawada turned to Hiroki as he continued. "The arena will be there for you in time, for now let us go to the ruined settlement and see if there is anything we can do."

    Those in earshot nodded aside from the Shadowman who spoke up.

    "If we ride it will take us months. Allow me to teleport a small contingent of us and the rest of the army can rejoin when they have traversed the snow."

    Kawada cast a glance over his men, not wanting to leave them to struggle through the snow alone, but this opportunity would not be around forever.

    “So be it,” Kawada said. “You, Hiroki, a small contingent of Azeran’s with the Ichiro mask and I will go on ahead. The rest of the army will join us when able...let us see what damage the ogre’s have caused.”

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The Ogre Uprising
~ 6th Quarter, 51AC ~

  • "What the fuck do you mean, 'the Ogres have invaded in Imperium?!'" Derin's biting words ring out of the command tent just as Sparda rushed in, woken in the middle of the night by a frantic Shieldmen, telling the commander that the Archon has summoned him with immediate haste. Sparda walks into the command tent to find the Archon, Geleon, and Pelleas standing solumnly as a storming Derin roars at an ethereal scout.

    "E-E-Exactly as I have reported, Commander." The scout swallows, "The Ogres have crossed the frozen sea and are now attacking the capital of Toulais. I am observing the battle from our outpost close to the city, but after what happened to the Draken Guard..."

    "How the fuck could the Ogres have crossed the sea so quickly?!" Derin raged, before turning to the Archon, "Spend us to the Toulaisian capital! We need to wiped them out! We show the rest of the world the fate that awaits anyone who gets in our way!"

    "Derin, enough!" Geleon barks, "You are not helping matters!"

    The Devourer simply shook his head and slinked away, giving the Archon time to think.

    "Is the Draken Guard teleportation system functional?" The Archon asks, looking to Geleon, "Has all of our settlements been connected?"

    "Yes, Your Illuminance." Geleon nodded, "Every settlement in the Imperium is now connected."

    "Then it is time to put it to use." The Archon decides, "Geleon, contact our forces garrisoned in the Gecklicko Realm and in Celest. They are to immediately prepare for battle, and teleport to Toulaisian capital upon my signal. Inform our Warden's of the incursion, and order them to gather all available forces for battle, to teleport to the Toulaisian capital along with our forces. We will hit the Ogres with the full, combined might of the Imperium, and everyone will know of our strength."

    "Derin. Sparda. Pelleas." The Archon looks to his commanders, "Prepare our forces for battle, as quickly as possible. Saving Toulais is our top priority. Now, hurry."
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Takrian Republic

Imperium under attack
Republic army deployed to relieve the siege of Toulais

Earlier this month, Regalian allied have come under attack from a previously unknown horde of bloodthirsty barbarians. In a turn of events disturbingly similar to the brutal genocide Mesanians enacted upon Unity, these new hostiles attacked Imperial allies without provocation, and razed multiple dragon settlements. Moving to repel the attack, Regalian and Takrian armies used the newly established teleportation network to rapidly redeploy forces to the defence of our allies. ~ a takrian newspaper

Raven's Heart refugee camp; +1 resources +1 population
Ru-Ten refugee camp; +1 resources +1 population
Safeguard: standard settlement; +6 resources +2 population
Karak Azgaraz: standard settlement; +6 resources +2 population
Karaz-A-Karak: capital; +6 resources, +2 population
Karak Bhufdar: standard settlement; +6 resources +2 population
Karak Azul: standard settlement; +6 resources +2 population
Policies and advancements:
Unknown horizons: Being a colonization mission sent to an unknown planet, the crew of Unity was trained in handling the dangers of unknown territory. Exploration a tile is more likely to yield a favourable outcome. [policy]
Resource extraction: Intensified prospecting and advanced mining techniques lead to more efficient utilization of mineral wealth. All settlements gain +2 resource income. [advancement; lvl 2]
Military reserve corps: Takrian military, aside from its active service branch, also operates a reserve force. Those are troops trained for combat, but not on constant deployment. Whenever combat takes place or a settlement is attacked in takrian territory, the settlement spawns Xd3 legionary and archer units, with X being the level of the settlement. Reserve troops disappear when the threat is over. [advancement; lvl 2]
Marksmanship training: Though mostly used to shower enemy troops in a hail of arrows, takrian archers are additionally trained in individual marksmanship, serving as a makeshift replacement to snipers of Nazgir in eliminating high value targets. Archers gain +2 attack when targeting heroes and leaders. [advancement; lvl 1]
Organized resistance: In an event where takrian territory comes under occupation, the government takes precautions to ensure occupying forces will not be able to use their resources to further their goals. Some of the military and civilian officials hide among the populace, and establish basic structures of an underground state, ensuring that the resistance is never smothered and always has open avenues of development. Takrian resistance does not dissipate over time. [advancement; lvl 1]
Underground contact network: Even though the government itself might be in exile, it nonetheless maintains contact with the resistance back home, the two entities coordinating their actions and supporting eachother whenever necessary. All income or resources lost to takrian resistance activity is directly translated into income for the government in exile. [advancement; lvl 1]
Underground education: Even under occupation, the takrian people take effort to preserve their society and culture. Takrian resistance cannot be suppressed or destroyed by manipulating culture or education, including attempts at resettling population. [advancement; lvl 1]
Specialist integration: Wherever takrians are allowed to establish a refugee camp, workers specialized in various fields not busy in the camp itself are loaned to the host settlement, bringing with them unique expertise and abilities. Nations hosting takrian refugee camps are affected by one takrian advancement or national strength of their choice. [advancement; lvl 1]
Refugee police: One of the first things taken care of when establishing refugee camps is restoring some semblance of a police force, to keep the refugees safe and ensure the daily life in the settlement is not negatively affected. Add 1 to all unrest rolls caused by takrian refugee camps. [advancement; lvl 1]
Army 1: Hoodoo the Crusher, 3 bandit warlords, 2 legionaries, 1 archer
Army 2: 2 legionaries, 2 archers, 2 cataphracts
Army 3: 1 cataphract, 2 legionaries, 2 archers, President Nirki-Zuk Kuadi
Starting: 99
Settlement income: +32
Trade total (Zanzir, Regalia, Ru-Ten, Gecklicko, Toulais, Draken Guard, Kerem): +23
Advancement upgrades: -5
Unit recruitment: -7
Final: 142
Starting: 67
Growth: +10
Unit recruitment: -2
Final: 75
All units arriving in Toulais attack the ogres
Action 1 used to upgrade Safeguard to level 2 (turn 3 of 3)
Action 2 used to upgrade advancement: Resource extraction to level 3 (turn 1 of 2) [Added effect: +1 to resource bonus]
Action 3 used to recruit two legionaries in Safeguard
Free actions:
All units except Kuadi teleport to Toulais capital
A nation divided

Raven's Heart

Much had changed in Zanzir within the shortest span of time, but as always the Spymaster King was there for his people and did his best to ensure these transitions were not only smooth, but quick. Raven’s played the role of average citizens across the nation and aided in the spreading of proper information to guide the communities of the desert kingdom correctly.

The ousting of the Princess became public knowledge and all across Zanzir her people were branded as traitors. Small skirmishes occurred regularly between the Order of Isis and the soldiers of Tenebrous. Their magic made capturing them efficiently more difficult than anyone had anticipated. They hid in small enclaves and captured whole neighborhoods to use as fortresses. Despite all the infighting however, things progressed according to the King’s plans.

“Where are we going mommy?” The delicate voice of a young girl inquired as a massive group of Zanzir citizens marched through the streets of the capital. “We’re following the King, honey. He has headed west and we are all going west as well to be under his protection.”

“Moving the capital? Has the King gone mad?!” An elderly man spoke to himself rather loudly, drawing the attention of several people nearby. “Raven’s Heart is our home! The heart of Zanzir!” Just behind him a young woman watched the spectacle he put on and she hadn’t planned to interfere, but he was getting too much attention. Her keen eyes settled upon him as she made her approach and as she reached out for the back of his neck a smile came to her face. “Grandpa, we discussed this. We are moving to keep us safe from the Regalians and the traitor Amanitore.” Her words came sweetly and her hand grabbed hold of his shoulder firmly. The old man could not protest any further, the look in the woman’s eyes warned him not to.

Kerem’s Reach

“Take cover!” Noise filled the air within the once peaceful farming city, now turned into a battlefield. Every other street played host to a skirmish between the Order and Zanzir. A massive boulder crashed through the walls of a nearby apartment building, bringing it down in a matter of seconds. “Fire!” Death flew on the wind and whistled loudly as a tsunami of arrows cast a dark silhouette on the street.

“Stand your Ground!”

The Order was without a commander and it showed in every fight. The spellcaster acted individually and their attacks had no strategy. As the arrows riddled the street and bodies of the magic users, many of them cried out Amanitore’s name. Another zone secured for the King.

In the ruins of what was once Amanitore’s home, Tenebrous held a meeting with his war council. Standing around a tall table, shielded from the snow by a large tent, the group discussed the current state of things.

“The Ravens report that they are making progress in shepherding the people across the land bridge. The system we devised to keep them away from the fighting has been working so far, my lord.” The elderly advisor smirked, beaming with pride at the success of his organization and their plans.

“The Order’s hold outs here in the city are dwindling. They fight without any leadership and Amanitore’s Council of Stewards is missing from every fight. We should have the city by sun down so long as things continue this way.” It was a surprise to everyone to see Solomon reinstated as the Master of War after he had been accused of siding with the traitor. But the bruises and scars across his face and the rest of his body told a brief story of how he managed to return to the King’s graces.

“Lastly, the treasury has been moved successfully.” Tut, Master of Coin declared dryly. He was happy to have his brother back in the fold and even though he had been harmed, Tut was grateful to the King for giving second chances in the first place. “The merchants from the Black Market are also en route with the citizens and they have assured me they will be eager to partner with us once things have settled here.”

Tenebrous kept his eyes on the detailed map of Zanzir as his councilors spoke. All he could think about was how far things had deviated from the goal he had set for his nation, for the continent. His mixed council was no longer possible as it was composed of people loyal to nations who would become his enemy for Amanitore. An eastern alliance had failed and now it seemed the world was gearing up for the war to end all wars. “There will be so much death in the months to come.” With a heavy sigh he directed his eyes upward, looking around the table at the familiar faces. “Focusing on defense will be the only way to ensure our losses do not climb higher than our enemy’s. Have the city ready within the month, no delays and no excuses.”​

  • Adopt New Policy: Preparation is Success - Readiness for every outcome is the only way to truly overcome the odds. To succeed in a war from within, defenses must be altered and the armies prepared. (Zanzir and its allies construct defensive buildings at -1 Turn to a minimum of 1 Turn.)
  • Upgrade City Walls in Farming Settlement (Kerem’s Reach) to Lvl 2
  • Convert Farming Settlement to Capital

Diplomacy & Treaties:
  • 12 months of peace with Western Alliance (Ends Turn 27)
  • The Oni receive priority when purchasing Black Market items at twice the retail price.
  • Zanzir joins the Great Embassy

Black Market Items:
  • Bow of the Ages: Costs 7 Res
    • Strength: Powerful Blow: Deals 1 extra damage
    • Weakness: Unwieldy: The powerful attack makes it difficult to use. -2/0
  • Gauntlets of Strength: Costs 10res
    • Strength: +1 Extra Damage
    • Weakness: -1 HP
  • False eye of the Prophet: Sold!
    • Strength: At the beginning of battle, roll a d6. Gain that many Fanatics.
    • Weakness: None
  • Golem Armor: Sold!
    • Strength: +1 HP
    • Weakness: -1 Movement
  • Helmet of Mana: Sold!
    • Strength: Attack spells deal an extra 2 Damage
    • Weakness: -1 HP
  • Sword of Isis Strength: Sold!
    • +2/0 Strength: If wielder is killed, survives on 1 HP instead after the killer finishes all their attacks.
    • Weakness: None
  • Cape of The Infinite: Sold!
    • Strength: Roll a d10 before battle
      • 1: 0/+1
      • 2-3: +1/+1
      • 4-5: +1/+2
      • 6-7: +2/+2
      • 8-9: +2/+3
      • 10: +3 HP, +1 Attack
    • Weakness: On a 1-5 gains attack last
  • Circlet of Glory: Sold!
    • Strength- +3/0
    • Weakness- -1 Order if battle is lost
  • Ring of Fury: Sold!
    • Strength: +1 Attack, +1/0
    • Weakness: 0/-2
  • Horn Of Summoning: Sold!
    • Strength: Summons 1d4 Sand Giants at the beginning of battle
    • Weakness: When used, the summoner and acts last in combat
  • Helmet of Overconfidence 10 Res
  • Strength: The wearer gains +1/+1
  • Weakness: Always hit on an 8+, no matter the normal hit chance
  • Raven’s Heart (capital)
    • Palace
    • City Walls = 0/+1 to defending troops
    • 0/+2 to defending units
    • Black Market
    • All Father Temple
  • Sun’s Spire (Standard)
  • Kerem’s Reach (Farming City)
    • City Walls = 0/+1 to defending troops

Total Income: + 15 per Turn
  • Base +2
  • Raven’s Heart +2
  • Sun’s Spire +2res
  • Kerem’s Reach +4res
  • Order of Kerem Trade Agreement +2
  • The Oni Trade Agreement +2
  • (1) Secret Trade Deals +1res
  • Construction -6 Resources
  • Balance: 227 - 6 = 221
  • Next Turn: 221 + 15 = 236
  • Army 1
    • 1x Spy
  • Army 2
    • 4x Infantry
    • 1x Giroj Class Jumper
    • 1x Xiron Class Beast
  • Army 8
    • 1x Infantry
    • 1x Giroj Class Jumper
The Deadlock Continues, but the People grow interested....
Ru-Ten flag 2.png
News had begun to spread throughout the Amalgam, starting small with caravans trudging through the trecherous snow in order to continue their business. While many were distracted by the grand architectural campaign of reinforcing settlements, word of the alliances coming to askf or allegiance had inevitably anaged to spread beyond the Sirewood and the Triumvirate. While many had surmised that the foreign nations wanted their support already, it soon became clear that the Amalgam's leadership had been tasked with deciding which of the great Alliances their nation would join.

And so guesses began to run rampant.

With many stuck in their settlements due to the cold, assumptions on what they would even do for the alliance turned into questions of what they could possibly need the other nations for. It became a popular topic of debate, with known figures throughout the Amalgam's lands giving word on the matter.

Like in Vineyar, where a crowd watched as a bloodied and battered gladiator of the Oaken League finished off his latest opponent and called for the attention of the cheering masses with one raised hand.

Once their calls had quieted enough, he pounded his chest before pointing to his slain opponent and roaring, "JUST LIKE THE ALLIES OF THE EAST, BEATEN AND BROKEN! WHAT FOLLOWER OF THE ASPECT OF STRENGTH WOULD STOOP TO THEIR LEVEL?!?"

Or like in the Capital, where a group of merchants sat around a table and gambled whilst discussing the topic.

"Those Mesanians, depending so much on slaves I hear." one chuckled whilst tossing several wooden chips forth on the table and leaning back "What a waste of effort, pricey to keep such weak servants."

"Has to be better than the east at least," another grumbled whilst fanning himself with several leaves bounded together "When are their forces not in a state of civil war? Sounds a lot like the old guard, so much wastefulness."

Or even in the Libraries of the Buried Palm, where scholars went about their research whilst discussing matters above them.

"The knowledge that such explorers could bring, just think of where folks with ships such as the Mesanians could have been to!" one chittered whilst examining the corpse of a recently slain gladiator "Temples and ruins probably dot the greater world, those with the speed to reach and investigate them have probably seen heaps of knowledge!"

"Oh I see I see," his colleague nodded whilst reading through a thick tome, "But you must admit to some curiosity to those plants up north, brother. Distant relatives, or from a completely different line?"

"Questions such as that are less pressing in comparison," he shook his head whilst examining a lacerated arm "our peoples will be long gone if the lessons of the ancients are not learned thoroughly."

And so, whilst stuck inside many began to pay attention to news from the outside world, the opinions of the masses swaying with every new bit of information gleamed.

West vs. East Public Opinion

Yomus: Capital +4 Resources +2 Population
Vineyar: Standard Settlement +3 Resources +2 Population
Gerudo Valley: Farming Settlement: +5 Resources
Rootlane: Standard Settlement +3 Resources +2 Population
Policies and Advancements
Recycling - Nothing is allowed to go to waste, anything from corpses to destroyed ruins are bounties of resources in the eyes of the Ru-Ten
Sirewood Defenses- Through use of the Vines assisting in the defense of all settlements, they gain 0/+2 except under the attack of The Flame. (Advancement lvl 1)
Photosynthesis Exploitation- The Capital gains an extra +1 Resources (Advancement lvl 3)
Streamlined Bentvine Training- For every Bentvine recruited, another can be recruited for no turn cost at an additional 50% resource cost. (Advancement lvl 1)
The Oaken League- A series of Gladiatorial Arenas set up across the Amalgam Settlements
Sirewood Serfs- Using Population, the Amalgam may construct Sirewood Serfs out of criminals. (Advancement lvl 1)
Yomus Garrison: The Seventh Sire, 5 Bentvine Skirmisher, 2 Sirewood Beast
Vineyar Garrison-5 Bentvine Skirmisher, Veximus Triumphus the First, Galixo Prime
Gerudo Valley Garrison: Veximus Triumphus the First, 1 Sirewood Beast, 5 Bentvine Skirmisher
Rootlane Garrison: 1 Gnarlroot Brawler, 4 Bentvine Skirmishers

1. Upgrade Gerudo Valley (Standard)
2. Complete Upgrade Yomus (Capital)
3. CompleteUpgrade Vineyar (Standard)
Action 3:
Free Actions
Exploration on Rootlane tile (Continued...)

Resource Transactions
Balance: 65
(Yomus 4) (Vineyar 3) (Gerudo Valley 5) (Rootlane 3) 15
Upgrade Gerudo Valley (Standard) -5 Turn 2 of 3
Complete Upgrade Yomus (Capital) -5 Resources Turn 3 of 3
Complete Upgrade Vineyar (Standard) -5 Resources turn 3 of 3

New Resource Balance: 65
Turn 18:

From the dense jungles of Mitsura a greater tree than all others rose. Its branches stretched out for a thousand feet in every direction, its roots reached every section of the great forest. It had grown out of the body of the Kaminoki, rising higher than even the eldertrees of old.

Finally, the being the hoshi called the Great One could think at its full capacity. It was turning the entirety of Mitsura into a living fortress, directly under its control. There had been a few roadblocks on the way, and it could feel demonic taints lingering. The Great One had however taken great care to ensure that the forest would live and thrive forever.

Now that it had grown this great natural wonder it only had to wait. The other nations were unstable, filled with mortals. Time would wear away at them, weakening them, while the Kaminoki only grew stronger. Alliances now were easily made, they would stabilize the region for a period of time. Mitsura could be purged of all intelligent life quite easily, the Kaminoki simply had stop growing hoshi for a generation. His servants died quickly after all. Divides in the societies of mortals were not so easily resolved. Like all trees, the Kaminoki’s greatest weapon was time.

Actions turn 18:

Movement: free movement only (Natural woodsmen strength gives double movement on jungle tiles)
  • Attach army 3 to Oni army 1

Free actions:


  • Complete: Building wonder: The World Tree. 6/6 turns 18/18 actions, 150/150 resources, Proposed effects: 1 All forest tiles regrow in 2 turns after they are burned down. 2 All forest tiles are level 1 military settlements. 3 the south-eastern lake is drained.

Continuing processes:
  • Inventor Hekron creates a new invention 1/3 (4 -1 for the Inventor’s Workshop advancement)

Current policy: Growing Niwashi caste: When recruiting a niwashi a second niwashi can be recruited for 8 resources


Income Resources this turn Resources expenses this turn Resources next turn Population this turn Population next turn Population expenses
Settlements +8 - +8 +16 +16 -
Trade +6 - +18 - - -
Other - - - - - -
Overall 85 - 111 77 93 -

Weaknesses Effects Location
Sunlight Units in deserts or snow tiles have -1/-1, +2 to fire weakness Empire wide
Sub-Kaminoki trees If a Kaminoki tree is destroyed, all units in that tile and surrounding tiles lose the bonus they receive from Strong Magics. Those not under the affect of the tree have a -1/0 Empire wide

Bonuses Effects Location
Natural Woodsmen Double movement for units on forest or swamp tiles +0/+1 while in forest Empire wide
Population Growth Population growth +2, Max pop +5 Empire wide
Strong Nature magics Units have +1/+1 in settlements Empire wide
The Inventor’s workshop While residing in its workshop Inventor Hekron creates and invention in 3 turns instead of 4. Seicho
Forrest Irrigation 2 when adjacent to a tile with fresh water new patches of forest are grown in two turns less than the required 4. Empire wide
Tomb of Growth 3 Population can be turned into resources at ratio of 1:2 Empire wide
Blood Pits +1 order and the Kaminoki is empowered by blood sacrifice (up to gm’s discretion) Seicho
Poisoned weaponry Yari and Ite troops have +1/+0 Empire wide
Place of exchange Enables trade Empire wide
Dangerous Flora I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Dangerous fauna I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Insect and Arachnid Pheromone Control Whenever a Mitsuran army fights in a forest tile, before the battle starts, great insect swarms harass the lines of the enemy. Three random enemy units lose attack first, or if they didn’t have it, gain attack last. Heroes and Leader units are unaffected. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Fog of dreams -1 movement for enemies on swamp or forest tiles All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Guerrilla Warfare Friendly units on forest or swamp tiles are stealthed. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Hall of the Niwashi Recruiting new Niwashi only costs 1 action Seicho
Specialized Warrior Breeding pods When recruiting 1 Yari troop unit recruit 2 instead. The second is 3 resources. Seicho
Specialized Warrior Diet Yari Troop units get +0/+1. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Mist makers Yari Units a 9+ save while in the forests and swamps. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Spore growth decreases Seedlings on Asphodel to 6-10 Range and ups it to 2 Seedlings per success. Applies only to Asphodel
Hidden roads Enemy units cannot use roads within Mitsura. The hidden roads of Mitsura grow beneath one’s feet only when one holds no ill intention towards the nation. Empire wide
Budding Warriors Every turn, 1d3 Budding warriors are birthed from pods within a Mitsuran settlement Mitsuran settlement of choice
Heron Invention- Special Fertilizers- Seedinglings grow on a 4+ Applies only to Asphodel

The locations of the armies are filled in after the moves of this turn have been completed

Army Units Location Stance
Army 1
  • Hero unit Borage
  • Elite unit Niwashi
3 tiles east of capital Defend
Army 2 Elite Niwashi Unit 2 tiles west of capital Explorers
Army 3
  • 6x Troop Yari
  • Troop Ite
  • Hero unit Large Wolf
  • Troop Flaming Shrubbery
Capital Defend
Army 5
  • Hero unit Hekron
  • Hero unit the Golem
  • 5x Budding Warriors
Capital Specialist tasks
Army 8
  • Hero unit Asphodel
  • 2 vehicles of unholy fire
  • 2 troop seedling units
Asphodel Static, level 2 military settlement unit

Gear Effect Unit
Helmet of Mana Strength: Attack spells deal an extra 2 Damage Weakness: -1 HP Iemitsu
Sword of Isis +2/0 Strength: If wielder is killed, survives on 1 HP instead after the killer finishes all their attacks. Weakness: None
Cape of infinite strength Strength: Roll a d10 before battle 1: 0/+1 2-3: +1/+1 4-5: +1/+2 6-7: +2/+2 8-9: +2/+3 10: +3 HP, +1 Attack Weakness: On a 1-5 gains attack last
The followers of the universe itself;

The Order of Kerem;

“Our people have been done many a sin… with the fall of what was considered our grand capital, and escape of most of the council from harm to end up here in the farm… we shall get our revenge, we shall bring forth our wrath, and we shall smite the very foe that attempted to destroy our people. For we are the Order of Kerem, the children of the Universe itself!”

Army make up:
Army 1;
- x1 Royal Guard
-x2 Giant Desert Isopod Herd
-x1 Footsoldier

Army 2;
-Adella / Hero Unit
-x1 Hunters
-x1 Tamed Lions
-x1 Javelin Warriors

Army 4;
-Brothers 3/Hero Unit
-x1 Footsoldier

Free Actions:
1. Put on the Helmet of Kerem for the Brothers 3
2. Army 1 conducts investigation within the Capital for any signs of still lingering Mesanian traitor presence.

Paid Actions:
1/2/3. Siege weaponry; “Our people are now finally on track on creating new war machines that this world had never seen before.. although we are still far from becoming our true potential, yet, we will soon prove the world the true glory of the old world and its might!” -8 resources, unlock new siege weaponry available for all nations in the Embassy to use.


HP 1
Attacks 1

-+4/0 and inflicts 3HP damage ignoring saves.



HP 1
Attacks X

-Make D10 attacks per turn.



HP 1
Attacks 0


-Doesnt attack normally. Instead, roll a D10 for each mortar before combat. On 6+, reduce the settlement defensive bonus by 1 until it reaches zero.

Every siege weapon unit costs 10 resources in order to hire

Current resources: 168

Capital: +4
Settlement: +4
Farming Settlement: +6
Trade with Mesania: +12
Trade with Oni: +12
Trade with Draken: +12
Trade Routes benefit between settlements: +26
Per Turn: +76

Lvl 3 research: -8

End Result: 232 resources

Current Embassy Bank:
The Ogre Horde has been Dispersed


Excerpts from around the continent in the time of the Great Strife.

“The Regalian Imperium will always defend its allies, especially from unruly hordes of barbarians!”- Regalian Soldier

“The Zanzarian civil war is problematic. I don’t know if we’ll be able to stay here after all.” - Dwarven Refugee in Zanzir

“Our Queen is the true leader of the Nation. She is the eldest and the rightful ruler. The King is a pretender to the throne. ” - Isis Zanzarian

“Ogres from across the frozen sea? I think I need to cut down on my drink.”- Tolouis Guard starting his 5th bottle

“We shall defend our lands to the Last.” -Drakenguard Soldier


Dymaeran Remnant
Population: 46 Resources: 35 Order: 1

Lord Jadom made sure to keep his people safe in this turbulent time. It was not easy with the Zanzarians loyal to the King retreating from the Capital to elsewhere. But he was not leaving. The refugee camps and his people were here in this city. And he wasn’t looking forward to following the fighting when it seemed to be more on its way out.
He made sure that his people were protected. While previously they were disarmed, he made sure to collect their weapons and armor to be better able to withstand any sort of danger that might befall his people.

Hopefully this Princess that he has been hearing rumors about has not left the city with the evacuation of the Zanzarians loyal to the King.

Train 3 DRW
Weapon Constructed for Sale:
Goliath’s Hammer

Strength: +2/0

Army 1: 2 Protectors, 5 Guards, Lord Jadom, 7 Dwarven Refugee Warriors, 4 Dwarven Refugees


Draken Guard
Population: 60 Resources: 86 Order: 1

King Rex would not let more settlements fall in his kingdom. Two had been more than enough. He joined the fray with an army at his back to defend and crush the invaders that had threatened his borders and the very lives of his people.They thought that they could come against the might of Drakenguard and live? They were fools who he would suffer no quarter from.

He left the Council with instructions to awake the Guardians in his absence. They would help against any other further threats that might erupt while he was away. In that time, they’d be able to unlock the First two Barriers that locked them away.

Research The Guardians Lvl 1: Unlocked the First Barrier
Research The Guardians Lvl 2: Unlocked the Second Barrier

Army 1: 1 Nymph, King Rex, Xexis, 10 Cocky Dragonkin
Army 2: 2 Dragoons
Capital City Army: 2 Dragoons


Population: 44 Resources: 70 Order: 2

The battle was fierce. Led by anyone other than General Céline Delacroix, The Toulais people might have fallen to the massive might of the Ogre horde. But with her grand tactics and ability to turn things to her favor, allowed them to hold back the endless tide until their allies had been able to arrive.

She had to admire the Drakenguard teleportation system. It allowed for near instantaneous travel from such distances in a fraction of the time that it would have taken them previously.

This horde of Massive beasts was unlike anything that she had ever seen before. They seemed to laugh off most blows, and even their mighty ships seemed to pale in comparison before their incredible constitutions.

However, one thing that made her almost crack a smile was seeing their allies, the rest of the Imperium arrive and fight in waves against the monsters. First, The Regalians, with their might and magic. Then The Takrians with their army of Fighters and Mercenaries, and finally the Geckos with their strange machines. All working together in conjunction to fight off a dangerous enemy.

The were in this instance, a true group. Like the Grand Western Alliance that she had heard tales of, The Imperium was now a unified group of multiple nations.

Free Action: Generate Spy in Zanzir

Train 4 Guarde
Research The Warden Guarde Lvl 1: Unlock Warden Guarde

Warden Guarde
HP 1
Movement 1
Attack 1
Atk 0
Def 4

Defender of Power: Warden Guarde are trained to guard the Warden or powerful persons of interest. If an attack would go to a Warden or Hero unit, attack is redirected to Warden Guarde as long as they remain on the field of battle. Gives them 0/+2

ARMY 1: De’Orleon, 1 Archer, 1 Guarde, 3 Skeleton Knights
Army 2: General Céline Delacroix, 1 Archer, 2 Watercraft, 6 Guarde, 1 OBL, 12 Advanced Attack Boats
Army 3: 2 Spy


The Gecklicko Realm
Population: 30 Resources: 25 Order: 1

Getta led to charge after the teleportation to Toulais.By the time the Geckos arrived at the battle, it was down to only small groups and the enemy leader. It had taken them some time to arrive. But Getta did not hesitate and opened fire with his giant laser at the Leader of the Ogres, scorching him before the troops rushed in. He knew that after the battle, they’d be sipping Toulais wine and being victorious.

Train 2 Mechanical Troopers

Army 5: Unit 01, 1 Swordslinger
Army 2 (In Toulais Capital): Getta, The Ancient Magimech, Garli, 3 Strider, 11 Swordslingers, 2 Mechanical Troopers
Army 3 (South of Lost City) 2 Swordslingers
Army 4 (Capital) 2 Mechanical Troopers

2 AA, Turn 19, Month 6


The Oni
Population:170 (Max) Resources: 43 Order: 1

Alliance Actions
Assist Oni Wonder Build - Fountain of the Oni - Capital - 12 out of 18 Actions - 120 out of 150 Resources



Recruit x2 Mole Workers - Army 1
Army 6 - NW - Build Road - 4 Resources
Army 1 - Molemen Burrow - Will re-emerge next turn for additional movement
Army 5 - NW, NW
Army 2 - Shadowman, Hiroki, Kawada and 1 Azeran Refugee (Ichiro) split off to form army 8
Army 2 - NE, NE
Army 8 - Shadowman teleports army to site of former Drakenguard settlement 3x NE - Explore

Quest #5 - Turn 2 of 5 without attacking


Advancement - Akemi Memorial Facility - Level 3 - Further improve saves by 1. In addition, Oni saves cannot be ignored, reduced or removed. (Two actions to complete, 1 less due to Dr Mia)

Advancement - Final Forms - Level 2 - Art of War forms begin to merge and become more refined. All previous forms are gone and all Samurai type units may choose from the below instead (still only one per turn) -

Rage - +1 Attack & 2HP damage
Serenity - always hits on a 5 & only hit on a 7
Courage - Make 1 attack only but inflicts 6 HP damage ignoring saves
Reflection - Immediately counter attacks any unit that hits them, regardless of whether they make their save or not.

Exploration: Kawada, Hiroki and co come across the remains of the razed Drakenguard settlement. They hear a cry call out and find a badly injured Drakenkin warrior buried under some rubble. (Continued in Diplomacy)

The City State of Mesania
Population: 50 Resources: 114, Order: 2
?? Slaves

-Reinforced Chassis - Level 1 - Chariots 0/+1
-Toughened Steeds - Level 1 - Chariots 0/+1
-Sharpened Scythes - Level 1 - Chariot dice explode on 9+ after the first.

Main Army wiped out

Population: 64 Resources: 103 Order: 1

> Research > Archon of the Imperium > Tier 1 > 1 of 1 > The Imperium gains 1 action point, under the control of Regalia.
> Research > Archon of the Imperium > Tier 2 > 1 of 1 > The Imperium gains 1 additional action point.
> Hire 30 Mercenaries

The Combined forces of the Regalian Imperium has wiped out the invading Ogres

The Mysterious Man sent a message that he will be returning next month with treasures.

Takrian Republic
Population: 75 Resources: 142 Order: 1

Action 1 used to upgrade Safeguard to level 2 (turn 3 of 3)
Action 2 used to upgrade advancement: Resource extraction to level 3 (turn 1 of 2) [Added effect: +1 to resource bonus]
Action 3 used to recruit two legionaries in Safeguard

Takrian Troops help eliminate the Ogre Horde in Toulais

Population: 67 Resources: 236 Order: 1
  • Adopt New Policy: Preparation is Success - Readiness for every outcome is the only way to truly overcome the odds. To succeed in a war from within, defenses must be altered and the armies prepared. (Zanzir and its allies construct defensive buildings at -1 Turn to a minimum of 1 Turn.)​
  • Upgrade City Walls in Farming Settlement (Kerem’s Reach) to Lvl 2​
  • Convert Farming Settlement to Capital​

The Ru-Ten Amalgam
Population: 44 Resources: 65 Order: 1

1. Upgrade Gerudo Valley (Standard)
2. Complete Upgrade Yomus (Capital)
3. CompleteUpgrade Vineyar (Standard)

Population: 93 Resources: 111 Order: 2

  • Complete: Building wonder: The World Tree. 6/6 turns 18/18 actions, 150/150 resources, Proposed effects: 1 All forest tiles regrow in 2 turns after they are burned down. 2 All forest tiles are level 1 military settlements. 3 the south-eastern lake is drained.​

Quest 4 Altered.
New Quest 4: Infect 3 World Leaders

“The time has now come for subtly due to the dangers of acting out in the open. Soon the time of the Eternal Night that shall bring about the Great Bloom will be upon us.”- The Dark One

The Order of Kerem
Population: 41 Resources: 232 Order: 1

Alliance Bank Resources: 321

1/2/3. Siege weaponry; “Our people are now finally on track on creating new war machines that this world had never seen before.. although we are still far from becoming our true potential, yet, we will soon prove the world the true glory of the old world and its might!” -8 resources, unlock new siege weaponry available for all nations in the Embassy to use.


HP 1
Attacks 1

-+4/0 and inflicts 3HP damage ignoring saves.



HP 1
Attacks X

-Make D10 attacks per turn.



HP 1
Attacks 0


-Doesnt attack normally. Instead, roll a D10 for each mortar before combat. On 6+, reduce the settlement defensive bonus by 1 until it reaches zero.

Every siege weapon unit costs 10 resources in order to hire

Army 1 Explores for traitors: They hear rumors of a dangerous group that has taken to being seen inside the Kerem’s Breath Tavern. (Continued in Diplomacy)
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Complete Devastation...


  • ca4993a5a4c0e4b400d0bbf54326c651.jpg
    We arrived at the site of where the Drakenguard settlement once rested and it would be fair to say that what we witnessed was the aftermath of nothing short of a slaughter. Dragonkin of all shapes and sizes lay half eaten, brutalised and their corpses desecrated for fun. There was a small spattering of Ogre corpses but even they lay buried beneath mounds of deceased Drakenguard.

    Kawada tells me that this is good for me to see, something to do with getting my stomach used to such sights. He keeps telling me that he has such sights to show me but I can't help but feel there is some sort of mischievous undertone to his words. Even so, he isn't wrong... As time goes on I can feel myself becoming more desensitised to the horrors of war. I feel like my humanity is stripping away after every fight but could that just be what the Emperor said about reaching enlightenment? Our humanity is meant to make way for our true purpose, our true calling so maybe it's just that. Although...do I really want my humanity to disappear if it means sights such as these no longer shock me?

    While we are experiencing some down time my mages and I are exploring the ruins to see if we can find anything that can help us to protect our home against whatever threats we are to face next. Kawada is preparing his men to start the burial process of the dragonkin, talking about erecting some sort of monument to remember their loss. Regardless of whether they are allied to the Imperium or not...the people deserved a tribute of some sort.
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The War Begins…

“I’m glad we are next to evacuate the city.” Said an archer as he walked along the eastern wall with his partner. “It has never been so quiet before. I cannot wait to return to my family.” The other soldier replied. Absent of all but the slowest and most sickly of citizens, the old capital was occupied mainly by military forces now with the sole purpose of surveillance. They were the nation’s early warning system as the King prepared them for a war, the scale of which he could not accurately predict.

As they watched the lifeless desert with half-lidded eyes the two archers yawned simultaneously and stretched their arms up over their heads. “Agh!” With their guards dropped the archers were easy targets for the sand creatures that seemed to appear from thin air. Then as the first guard’s head flew from his shoulders and the sound of skin being shredded filled the air, his partner cried out in desperation. “Attackers!!” Then a blade made of sand pierced the man’s torso and his body was raised up off the floor. Gasping and struggling, life slowly drained from the man and the last thing he saw were the forms of more sand creatures appearing on the wall.

Soldiers along the wall quickly sprang into action, firing one ineffective arrow after another into the bodies of the sand monsters. In no time the wall was overrun and voices of anger erupted from within the city as the remaining units sprang to life.

The infantry lined up at the city gates with their swords ready and their minds made up that they would succeed here or die trying. Then came a loud banging from the otherside of the gate. It sent splinters flying into the faces of the soldiers and a few of them questioned their choices, even if only for a second.

In only a few minutes the gates were thrown open, literally. One door flew off its large hinges and swiped through the ranks of the infantry. Dismembered bodies littered the street and swords clattered to the ground before the remnants of the unit readied themselves for a fight.

What greeted them was a giant sand golem that towered over the apartments within the city. A few of them stepped back as fear took hold, but one of them charged forward with a brave battlecry and the rest followed, infected by her courage. The group broke apart and started their assault on the monster’s legs in an attempt to destroy its foundation, but their efforts proved fruitless.

However the sand creature did finally start to crumble as a flock of Giroj Jumpers swarmed around a group of Dark Witches just outside the city. With the conjurers distracted their golem collapsed and the infantry found itself cheering. That was until another threat entered the city. The undead.

Gnarled skeletons surged through the open gates and over the sands to charge straight into the unprepared infantry. Seeing the dead move about scared many of the soldiers and those that didn’t flee were outnumbered by the relentless foe. One by one they started to fall.

Outside the city a cyclone formed and its powerful winds ripped the Giroj from the sky, stealing their power of flight to swing and suffocate the creatures. The twister dissipated to reveal the High Priestess.

Kerem’s Reach

“I expected as much.” Tenebrous said to his council, none of which dared to say anything in response to the report. He laid the pages down on the war table and leaned back in his seat.

“So it begins. The old capital has fallen and the lines have been drawn.” Said the elderly advisor. “We now have a place to target to get rid of the traitor once and for all. And from this report it does not seem that Regalia has sent her any support. A few well placed Ravens could end this war before further lives are lost.” He advised.

“Nonesense, we should mount a full scale attack on the old capital. We hold the numbers for now, but if the assassination attempt fails, all the time we spend waiting allows for her reinforcements to arrive.” Solomon knew he didn’t have the King’s trust, but he was still responsible for advising him in matters of war. “Let us crush the traitors in one moment that will end the war.”

Tut looked at his cousin, reading the expression on his face which expressed his dislike for both ideas. “Cousin?”

“Traitors will be coming out of the woodwork now to join the Order and support their High Priestess. We will give them time to do so and when they have all gathered to the capital, we will burn it down with them locked inside.” Tenebrous rose from his seat and everyone else mimicked him, standing to bow their heads. “Fortify our territories. If she launches any attacks, let her armies break upon our walls. When we have a proper army we will counter and clean our hands of their usurper’s cry for attention.” Without further instructions or questions, Tenebrous left the war tent and his council.​

  • Construct City walls in Standard Settlement (Sun’s Spire)
  • Upgrade City Walls in Farming Settlement (Kerem’s Reach) to Lvl 2
  • Recruit Archer in Kerem's Reach

Diplomacy & Treaties:
  • 12 months of peace with Western Alliance (Ends Turn 27)
  • The Oni receive priority when purchasing Black Market items at twice the retail price.
  • Member of The Great Embassy
  • Sold Silver Plate Armor to Oni for 15


Black Market Items:

  • Bow of the Ages: Costs 7 Res
    • Strength: Powerful Blow: Deals 1 extra damage
    • Weakness: Unwieldy: The powerful attack makes it difficult to use. -2/0
  • Gauntlets of Strength: Costs 10res
    • Strength: +1 Extra Damage
    • Weakness: -1 HP
  • False eye of the Prophet: Sold!
    • Strength: At the beginning of battle, roll a d6. Gain that many Fanatics.
    • Weakness: None
  • Golem Armor: Sold!
    • Strength: +1 HP
    • Weakness: -1 Movement
  • Helmet of Mana: Sold!
    • Strength: Attack spells deal an extra 2 Damage
    • Weakness: -1 HP
  • Sword of Isis Strength: Sold!
    • +2/0 Strength: If wielder is killed, survives on 1 HP instead after the killer finishes all their attacks.
    • Weakness: None
  • Cape of The Infinite: Sold!
    • Strength: Roll a d10 before battle
      • 1: 0/+1
      • 2-3: +1/+1
      • 4-5: +1/+2
      • 6-7: +2/+2
      • 8-9: +2/+3
      • 10: +3 HP, +1 Attack
    • Weakness: On a 1-5 gains attack last
  • Circlet of Glory: Sold!
    • Strength- +3/0
    • Weakness- -1 Order if battle is lost
  • Ring of Fury: Sold!
    • Strength: +1 Attack, +1/0
    • Weakness: 0/-2
  • Horn Of Summoning: Sold!
    • Strength: Summons 1d4 Sand Giants at the beginning of battle
    • Weakness: When used, the summoner and acts last in combat
  • Helmet of Overconfidence 10 Res
    • Strength: The wearer gains +1/+1
    • Weakness: Always hit on an 8+, no matter the normal hit chance
  • Silver Plated Armor: Sold!
    • Strength: +1 HP and 8+ save
    • Weakness: Goes 1 step back in the inviative order
  • Sun’s Spire (Standard)
  • Kerem’s Reach (Capital)
    • Palace
    • City Walls = 0/+1 to defending troops
    • 0/+2 to defending units
    • Black Market

Total Income: + 13 per Turn
  • Base +2
  • Sun’s Spire +2res
  • Kerem’s Reach +2res
  • Order of Kerem Trade Agreement +4
  • The Oni Trade Agreement +2
  • (1) Secret Trade Deals +1res
  • Construction -12Resources
  • Balance: 236 - 12 = 224
  • Next Turn: 224 + 13 + 15 = 242
  • Army 1
    • 1x Spy
  • Army 2
    • Tenebrous Elesham
    • 4x Infantry
    • 1x Giroj Class Jumper
    • 1x Xiron Class Beast
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Loremasters of Isis
Towards Victory!

Secured by her undead and sand conjured creatures, Amanitore had taken the city, but the battle was far too easy. Perhaps the weather restricted reinforcements from Zanzir, but she couldn’t shake the feeling they had been underestimated or had played into her brother’s hand.

Accompanied by her Dark Witched, Amanitore entered the city and made her way to the now abandoned palace. The once hidden Raven’s Vault was now wide open, but all of its shelves were bare. All her life she waited to see the inside of this legendary room, but now that she had access to it, there was nothing worth seeing. Her brother was truly gone from their childhood home. She was left with this gnawing feeling of emptiness and regret that she knew she would have to live with for the rest of her life.

“Finally...it’s mine.” With her eyes fixed upon the throne, seat of her brother, her father, and his father before him, Amanitore climbed the few steps that lead to the sovereign seat. She turned quickly to look at her Dark Witches and smuggly seated herself upon the stolen throne. “Let us announce our victory here and welcome our fellow practitioners with open arms.”

The palace started to glow a faint purple color and tongues of mana reached up from the foundation to whip at the clouds. A low rumble echoed through the city until it grew into a deafening noise that caused the ground to shake. Then a beam of purple energy climbed high into the sky, lighting the darkness caused by the blizzard clouds.

Days later…

It took no time at all for the followers of Isis to arrive in their new city, Isis, all clamoring to see the Purple Palace and the High Priestess. Very little damage had been done to the city so they were able to move right in and resume life as if all was normal.

Isis was now a magic center with spells being cast, improved, and created on every street at every time of the day. Magical lights and colors lit up the city at night and from the Palace windows, Amanitore admired the freedom of his people.

“Your Majesty.” Spoke a woman of many seasons as a group of magic practitioners entered the throne room. Amanitore turned away from the window to see that finally her Council of Stewards had arrived within the city.

“I am glad to see that you all survived the trials of the past few months. We are not out of the woods yet however.” The High Priestess moved to her throne and sat back in it. “This city was nearly abandoned when I took it, which means my brother will be preparing to take it back from us soon. We must prepare for that day.”

“My Queen we have much to do and very little to do any of it with. We must procure funds if we are to make ready for this war.” Amanitore was slow to admit magic could not secure their futures. Money was needed to pay for improvements to the city and an army. “Allow us to help you with these things, Your Grace. All you need do is plan ahead and we shall see your goals realized.”

So this is what it was like to be a Queen. To have people put their faith in you and wish for your dreams to come true. “Very well. I shall reach out to the Imperium for assistance then and see what they can lend us. Be sure to make yourselves known to the citizenry, it is important they know who my council members are.”

With deep and formal bows, the Stewards of Isis backed out of the throne room with their tasks in mind.

In the final days of the month, it was declared that the Purple Palace, as it had come to be known, would serve as the new University of isis. With help from the public many of the rooms were converted into classes and copies of the texts gifted from by Regalia were made and stored within the libraries. Teaching positions were assigned to those who were competent or experts in specific fields.​

  • Convert The Purple Palace into University of Isis

Quest: Amanitore Researches Mysterious Book


  • Isis (capital)
    • Purple Palace
    • City Walls = 0/+1 to defending troops
    • 0/+2 to defending units
    • All Father Temple

Total Income:
  • Base: +2

Expenses: 0

  • Balance: 0
  • Next Turn: 2
  • Army 1
    • High Priestess Amanitore
    • 2x Sand Devils
    • 1x Undead Soldiers
    • 1x Dark Witches
Ogre Uprising Crushed
~ 7th Quarter, 51AC ~


  • With the defeat of the Ogres, the Regalian army is finally spared from further bloodshed, and the Archon ordered the army to return to Celest at long last. It seemed that word quickly spread back to Celest, for when the army teleported back to the city, they were greeted by the cheering crowds of Regalia's people. Many within the crowd were the friends and families of returning soldiers, from spouses and children to mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters. The city guard struggled to maintain order on the streets, for the people were most eager to finally be in the arms of their loved ones again, and, looking upon the faces of the returning soldiers, the feeling was all too widely shared.

    Still, the army held to discipline, and they marched through the streets of Celest in formation with their Commanders and Archon, just as is their duty. The crowds did not end, and seemingly endless amounts of people appeared with every passing street, each more overjoyed to see the returning army more than the last. Finally, the army passed through the gates of the Central Circle, only to be met with a surprise. The whole district had been completely removed, turned into a vast garden that surrounds the Palace, and the Palace itself had been transformed. Now rather than an ancient royal castle, the Palace had become a citadel of magic, the very air that surrounds the Palace vibrating with energy.

    Once the army had ceased its march, Geleon ordered the dismissal of regiments one after another, until the last had been dismissed. Many of the soldiers walked out of the Central Circle in dignity, but some could not wait to leave and ran straight out of the district as soon as they were dismissed. Geleon did not bother to reprimand them, it has been a very long year, and no Regalian in all of the Realm's history has spent so long outside the walls of their capital city. Once all of the soldiers had gone, all that remained were Alexian, Geleon, and their Commanders. Together, they made their way back to the Palace, and stepped within.

    "Your Illuminance!" Cried a deep-voiced man, revealing itself to be that of Magister Bevenov, who approached the Archon and his entourage with a broad smile. "Finally, you have returned! You have been sourly missed, Your Illuminance! It is so good to have you back, and, as you can see, a great many things have changed!"

    Alexian could not help but look around the entrance hall of the Palace. It had changed near completely, it is far bigger than before and all traces of the old theocratic monarchy have been scrubbed away, leaving only the very dominant presence of magic. Not only was the very air thick with magic, but everything else oozed with it as well. Moving statues and paintings, floating chandeliers, and great archways that seemed to change the rooms they led into within mere moments.

    "I can see that." Alexian says, looking to Bevenov, "There is a lot of magic here."

    "Indeed. Come, let me show you around." Bevenov said, turning and leading the Archon and his entourage in a leisurely walk, "As you can see, we have completely transformed the interior of the Palace, but it is also customisable. With you being away at war, we did not know how you wanted the decor of the Palace, so we settled on a dark theme until you returned."

    The decor was dark, to be sure. The walls were a mix of dark blue marble and wooden panels, with intricate detailing showing constellations on these panels, and much emphasis was drawn to the stars. The wooden panels on the walls would occasionally hold grand portraits, but they would possess moving images. Many of them were of Regalia, the city of Celest, as well as Regalia's grand wintery landscapes. The floors were also made of marble, but they shined like crystal, and yet were not slippery. The chandeliers overhead would float rather than be chained to the ceiling, bobbing up and down, sometimes twirling slowly in place. Not to mention the statues, who did not depict anyone in particular, but were of general Regalian appearance. The statues were shaped into wearing all manner of dress, from armour to robes, and they would move in accordance to whoever stood before them. The statues would typically salute Geleon and the Commanders, and bow before Alexian. As Bevenov said, the theme to the decor was dark, or at least it was for a moment.

    "You can, of course, change the theme as you wish." Bevenov said, and with a simple bit of magic, the theme throughout the entrance hall changed instantly. From dark colours to a bright and summery palette, then in the next instant they changed again to bright whites and dark blues, providing a very wintery feel. "The entire Palace is enchanted." Bevenov smiles proudly, "It took a great deal of work, but the Palace can be changed in accordance to our wishes and needs. And not just for the decor. Come."

    "These I am particularly proud of." Bevenov says, approaching one of the many archways in the entrance hall, "We have called them Warp Gates. We have enchanted them to use a bit of mind-reading magic to ascertain the location any given person wishes to go to in the Palace, and the gate will open a portal leading straight into said location. A wonderful reinvention of the Dragons teleportation magic, if I do say so myself."

    "Go ahead, Your Illuminance." Bevenov smiles, "Approach the gate, think about where you wish to be right now, and the gate will open to that location."

    Alexian nodded, and did as instructed. As the Archon approached the gate, the room beyond instantly faded and reappeared as his personal quarters, now completely renovated. The old royal bedchamber was now transformed into the home of the Archon, complete with imperial furniture, the biggest bed ever made, and all manner of luxuries that littered the room; rich fur rugs, silver ornaments, a huge fireplace, and doorways leading into other rooms connected to this central bedroom. After spending so long away from Celest, Alexian looked at the bottles of the finest wines in the Imperium with no small amount of longing, as well as his bed.

    "I should have guessed this would have been your first thought." Bevenov chuckled, "But this provides us with a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the security of these Warp Gates. A location like your personal quarters, Your Illuminance, is a space reserved only for you. If anyone else tries to enter a restricted area..." Bevenov steps towards the Warp Gate, but an oval shaped wall piece forms in front of Bevenov, and, no matter what he does, he cannot move past it. "...the Warp Gate stops the intruder. We enchanted the Palace to have a natural sense of intuition, effectively giving the Palace a mind of its own, in a certain sense."

    "A mind of its own?" Alexian turned to Bevenov, "What do you mean?"

    "We did not want the Palace to just be a building, but the foundations of all future architecture." Bevenov explains, "The Palace not only reads our minds to enable teleportation, but it can also sense our needs and wants. There are many empty rooms in the Palace, and, by the mere wanting of it, the Palace can transform those rooms into anything we need. If we need a new laboratory, the Palace takes an empty room and furnishes it with everything needed, and opens a portal to it for us. If we need a new office for the Treasury, the Palace provides. And a room used for the accommodations for a visiting dignitary one day, can be used as a private lounge the next. And the Palace memorises and monitors our activity, saving rooms often used, never changing them, while discarding others whose usefulness is at an end. Now, the Magisterium has all the room it could possibly need to grow, maybe even for the rest of our history."

    "This is... incredible." Alexian mutters, "All of this use of magic... it must require a great deal of Ether."

    "Not as much as you may think, actually." Bevenov adds, "As mentioned, the Palace has an intuition of its own, and the Palace uses that intuition to determine what energy to use for what. The Palace is naturally warded against all manner of harm, but the energy needed to power those wards is not used until needed, saving us a great deal of Ether. The Palace has proved to be an even greater masterpiece than we ever expected. Imagine what we could do if we could replicate this with other buildings, Your Illuminance. Imagine a military facility that can intuitively understand the level of training needed for anyone, from the newest recruits to the most battle-hardened veterans, always providing a new level of challenge for our soldiers to overcome. Or perhaps a trading centre that can intuitively sense the needs of the Imperium, and divert trade and funds accordingly. Such a future is, unfortunately, centuries away, but we have already made the first step towards that future. Very exciting, if I do say so myself."

    "Indeed." Alexian says, but a measure of worry, "This seems... powerful. Are you certain we can control it?"

    "Of course, Your Illuminance." Bevenov cannot help but laugh. "The intuition of the Palace is not dangerous. In fact, it has transformed our lives here in a way and to an expect never before realised. Even if something were to go wrong, the Palace has no means to kill us, or harm us in any way. It is simply... a machine, used to make our lives more convenient. We are perfectly safe."

    "I see." Alexian nods, "Well, Bevenov, this is truly a marvel. You have outdone yourself, beyond anything I could have expected."

    "Thank you, Your Illuminance." Bevenov grins, "Please, feel free to tour the Palace, get to know it again. I am sure you will be most pleased with what we have done with it all."
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Takrian Republic

The siege is broken
Imperial forces deployed to Toulais victorious
Recent counterattack against the raiders besieging Toulais by the imperial forces was met with resounding success. With minimal losses, the attacking force has been completely broken up and routed. Few stragglers remaining in the countryside were hunted down by rear guard units without incident. ~ a takrian newspaper

The Day of Gifts

When it came time for the Wardens to bring forth their Day of Gifts requests before the Archon, Kuadi already knew what would her request be. "I have taken note of significant stocks of advanced technology Regalia possesses. If it would be possible, I would like to request an investigation into this technology. Perhaps it could be used to construct a device we could use to contact Nazgir."
Raven's Heart refugee camp; +1 resources +1 population
Ru-Ten refugee camp; +1 resources +1 population
Safeguard: standard settlement lvl 2; +7 resources +3 population
Karak Azgaraz: standard settlement; +6 resources +2 population
Karaz-A-Karak: capital; +6 resources, +2 population
Karak Bhufdar: standard settlement; +6 resources +2 population
Karak Azul: standard settlement; +6 resources +2 population
Policies and advancements:
Unknown horizons: Being a colonization mission sent to an unknown planet, the crew of Unity was trained in handling the dangers of unknown territory. Exploration a tile is more likely to yield a favourable outcome. [policy]
Resource extraction: Intensified prospecting and advanced mining techniques lead to more efficient utilization of mineral wealth. All settlements gain +2 resource income. [advancement; lvl 2]
Military reserve corps: Takrian military, aside from its active service branch, also operates a reserve force. Those are troops trained for combat, but not on constant deployment. Whenever combat takes place or a settlement is attacked in takrian territory, the settlement spawns Xd3 legionary and archer units, with X being the level of the settlement. Reserve troops disappear when the threat is over. [advancement; lvl 2]
Marksmanship training: Though mostly used to shower enemy troops in a hail of arrows, takrian archers are additionally trained in individual marksmanship, serving as a makeshift replacement to snipers of Nazgir in eliminating high value targets. Archers gain +2 attack when targeting heroes and leaders. [advancement; lvl 1]
Organized resistance: In an event where takrian territory comes under occupation, the government takes precautions to ensure occupying forces will not be able to use their resources to further their goals. Some of the military and civilian officials hide among the populace, and establish basic structures of an underground state, ensuring that the resistance is never smothered and always has open avenues of development. Takrian resistance does not dissipate over time. [advancement; lvl 1]
Underground contact network: Even though the government itself might be in exile, it nonetheless maintains contact with the resistance back home, the two entities coordinating their actions and supporting eachother whenever necessary. All income or resources lost to takrian resistance activity is directly translated into income for the government in exile. [advancement; lvl 1]
Underground education: Even under occupation, the takrian people take effort to preserve their society and culture. Takrian resistance cannot be suppressed or destroyed by manipulating culture or education, including attempts at resettling population. [advancement; lvl 1]
Specialist integration: Wherever takrians are allowed to establish a refugee camp, workers specialized in various fields not busy in the camp itself are loaned to the host settlement, bringing with them unique expertise and abilities. Nations hosting takrian refugee camps are affected by one takrian advancement or national strength of their choice. [advancement; lvl 1]
Refugee police: One of the first things taken care of when establishing refugee camps is restoring some semblance of a police force, to keep the refugees safe and ensure the daily life in the settlement is not negatively affected. Add 1 to all unrest rolls caused by takrian refugee camps. [advancement; lvl 1]
Army 1: Hoodoo the Crusher, 3 bandit warlords, 6 legionaries, 5 archers, 3 cataphracts
Army 3: 2 legionaries, President Nirki-Zuk Kuadi
Starting: 142
Settlement income: +33
Trade total (Zanzir, Regalia, Ru-Ten, Gecklicko, Toulais, Draken Guard, Kerem): +23
Raod construction: -5
Advancement upgrades: -3
Unit recruitment: -7
Final: 183
Starting: 75
Growth: +11
Unit recruitment: -2
Final: 70 [at capacity]
Detailed in free actions
Action 1 used to upgrade advancement: Marksmanship training to level 2 [Added effect: archer units now prioritize targeting leaders and heroes, in that order]
Action 2 used to upgrade advancement: Resource extraction to level 3 (turn 2 of 2) [Added effect: +1 to resource bonus]
Action 3 used to recruit two legionaries in Safeguard
Free actions:
All units teleport from Toulais to Takria. 4 legionaries, 3 archers and 2 cataphracts join army 3 in Safeguard, remaining units move to Karaz-A-Karak.
Build a road in Karak Azul
President Kuadi uses hero's welcome to give commendation to a returning legionary unit
Turn 19:

Soldiers were on the Green Petal’s mind. Mitsura needed a larger protective force and already she was running into some problems. The swarms were large, but they lacked the right weaponry. Their spears should be hardened with steel tips and the soldiers themselves with armour. Thankfully, she knew just the right person to handle these kinds of things.

The golem had been shoring up defences, but precious little else. It was getting bored. It was glad when the Green Petal called it. It broke up the monotony of its existence.

“Sit with me.” The Green petal bid it.

The golem sat down.

“I want to better arm and armour the troops. I want you to design spear tips that can better deliver the poisons to our enemies and protect us from harm.”

The golem nodded. “It will be done.”

The Green Petal had soldiers on her mind.

Actions turn 19:

Movement: free movement only (Natural woodsmen strength gives double movement on jungle tiles)

Attach army 3 to Oni army 1

Free actions:
  • Army 3 follows Oni leadership and head their orders
  • 26 pops are turned into 52 resources

  • 1-3: recruit 6x Yari units, -15 resources, -6 population, in capital

Continuing processes:
  • Inventor Hekron creates a new invention 2/3 (4 -1 for the Inventor’s Workshop advancement)

Current policy: Growing Niwashi caste: When recruiting a niwashi a second niwashi can be recruited for 8 resources


Income Resources this turn Resources expenses this turn Resources next turn Population this turn Population next turn Population expenses
Settlements +8 - +8 +16 +16 -
Trade +6 - +18 - - -
Other +52 - - - - -32
Overall 111 -15 189 93 77 -32

Weaknesses Effects Location
Sunlight Units in deserts or snow tiles have -1/-1, +2 to fire weakness Empire wide
Sub-Kaminoki trees If a Kaminoki tree is destroyed, all units in that tile and surrounding tiles lose the bonus they receive from Strong Magics. Those not under the affect of the tree have a -1/0 Empire wide

Bonuses Effects Location
Natural Woodsmen Double movement for units on forest or swamp tiles +0/+1 while in forest Empire wide
Population Growth Population growth +2, Max pop +5 Empire wide
Strong Nature magics Units have +1/+1 in settlements Empire wide
The Inventor’s workshop While residing in its workshop Inventor Hekron creates and invention in 3 turns instead of 4. Seicho
Forrest Irrigation 2 when adjacent to a tile with fresh water new patches of forest are grown in two turns less than the required 4. Empire wide
Tomb of Growth 3 Population can be turned into resources at ratio of 1:2 Empire wide
Blood Pits +1 order and the Kaminoki is empowered by blood sacrifice (up to gm’s discretion) Seicho
Poisoned weaponry Yari and Ite troops have +1/+0 Empire wide
Place of exchange Enables trade Empire wide
Dangerous Flora I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Dangerous fauna I -1/-1 for enemy units in the jungle All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Insect and Arachnid Pheromone Control Whenever a Mitsuran army fights in a forest tile, before the battle starts, great insect swarms harass the lines of the enemy. Three random enemy units lose attack first, or if they didn’t have it, gain attack last. Heroes and Leader units are unaffected. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Fog of dreams -1 movement for enemies on swamp or forest tiles All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Guerrilla Warfare Friendly units on forest or swamp tiles are stealthed. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Hall of the Niwashi Recruiting new Niwashi only costs 1 action Seicho
Specialized Warrior Breeding pods When recruiting 1 Yari troop unit recruit 2 instead. The second is 3 resources. Seicho
Specialized Warrior Diet Yari Troop units get +0/+1. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Mist makers Yari Units a 9+ save while in the forests and swamps. All forest/swamp/jungle tiles connected to the kaminoki
Spore growth decreases Seedlings on Asphodel to 6-10 Range and ups it to 2 Seedlings per success. Applies only to Asphodel
Hidden roads Enemy units cannot use roads within Mitsura. The hidden roads of Mitsura grow beneath one’s feet only when one holds no ill intention towards the nation. Empire wide
Budding Warriors Every turn, 1d3 Budding warriors are birthed from pods within a Mitsuran settlement Mitsuran settlement of choice
Heron Invention- Special Fertilizers- Seedinglings grow on a 4+ Applies only to Asphodel
Wonder: World Tree The south eastern lake is drained and turned into forest to feed the world tree. If a forest tile is burned down it regrows in 2 turns All forest tiles are level 1 military settlements Empire wide

The locations of the armies are filled in after the moves of this turn have been completed

Army Units Location Stance
Army 1
  • Hero unit Borage
  • Elite unit Niwashi
3 tiles east of capital Defend
Army 2 Elite Niwashi Unit 2 tiles west of capital Explorers
Army 3
  • 6x Troop Yari
  • Troop Ite
  • Hero unit Large Wolf
  • Troop Flaming Shrubbery
Capital Defend
Army 5
  • Hero unit Hekron
  • Hero unit the Golem
  • 5x Budding Warriors
Capital Specialist tasks
Army 8
  • Hero unit Asphodel
  • 2 vehicles of unholy fire
  • 2 troop seedling units
Asphodel Static, level 2 military settlement unit

Gear Effect Unit
Helmet of Mana Strength: Attack spells deal an extra 2 Damage Weakness: -1 HP Iemitsu
Sword of Isis +2/0 Strength: If wielder is killed, survives on 1 HP instead after the killer finishes all their attacks. Weakness: None
Cape of infinite strength Strength: Roll a d10 before battle 1: 0/+1 2-3: +1/+1 4-5: +1/+2 6-7: +2/+2 8-9: +2/+3 10: +3 HP, +1 Attack Weakness: On a 1-5 gains attack last

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