Beta's Character Resume


RPN's Most Hated
Yeah... not really sure where this sort of thing is supposed to go. Should it need moved, I will do so. But for now... prepare yourselves for a mass character exodus.

Incoming characters! :3

Name: Carlos Ortiz Zamora

Nickname: Shrike Thrush

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 181lbs


I prefer to use real people for DMWL CS's... but nothing I could find really fit for Carlos.

Likes: Sex, Tasteful Violence, Drugs, Greek Food

Dislikes: Racists, Judgemental People, American BBQ

Strengths: Incredibly quick on his feet, Quick Witted, Very Physically Fit

Weaknesses: Not Terribly Tough, Quick to Anger

Hobbies: Wood-Carving, Cooking

History: Carlos was a poor child, living in NYC. As with most hispanic children growing up on the streets of the metropolis... Carlos was approached by the gang known as the Latin Kings. And like many kids, he readily accepted their offer. Initially, he was relegated to things like delivering messages or small amounts of drugs and contraband to other area gang members... but on his 16th Birthday, one of the bigger names in the local 'chapter' of the Latin Kings gave Carlos a tattoo on his wrist, a weapon, and then told him it was time to pull his weight for real. By this point, of course... Carlos was ready and eager to do just that, and gladly accepted the task of strong-arm robbery.

A few years later, Carlos was a big name in the NYC Latin Kings. And when some punk who had murdered his family and fled to America was brought to him, Carlos told the kid the following. "Your tough, and not afraid to kill. I can see that much, my friend. But that alone doesn't get you my respect. You got to earn my respect, guy. Until then, you're just another face to me." Despite Carlos' standing on Nero and his recent and bloody history, many of the LKs had a fair amount of respect for the new face. Something Carlos expected. People who were proven hard-asses often garnered respect regardless of their deeds in a gang. It wasn't long before Carlos had nothing but respect for the young man, though...

One Year Later... Carlos and a few of the other big-name Kings planned a meeting to discuss one of their larger drug operations. Unbeknownst to the rest... one of those in attendance was a police informant. The meeting went very badly very fast, and guns were soon sounding off in an unmistakable staccato of rat-tat-tats that anyone and everyone associated with a firefight. Nero had been driving Carlos' getaway car, and even managed to hold his position despite two police cruisers posting up nearby and peppering the young man's vehicle with gunfire. Carlos himself came out and dove into the back seat, bleeding from several gunshot wounds. Nero fired off an entire clip from his pistol, climbed into the driver's seat, and took off. Several hours later, Carlos awoke in a safe-house with Nero standing guard near the door despite having seevral bleeding wounds himself. It was then that the young man had earned Carlos' unwaivering respect.

A few years passed and Nero fled the city. Carlos refused to pursue him despite the normal course of action being to kill gang members that left. He had saved Carlos' life... and Carlos thought it fitting to spare his now. Little did he know that doing so would cause several of his underlings to turn on him. Carlos was in the middle of being transported to prison, when an incident similar to the "Red Hole" that had occurred in Tokyo... exploded into existence over the Bronx in NYC. This caused the gang member to be exposed to the Nameless Worm, though he did not know it until later. Charges went through without a hitch... 21 counts of Armed Robbery, 13 counts of extortion, 12 counts of Murder ( of 1st and 2nd degrees ), 6 counts of Drug Trafficking, and 1 count of Possession with Intent to Distribute. The Death Penalty was almost instantly layed down on the man. But due to the intervention of an as-of-yet unknown party... Carlos was transferred to the Deadman Wonderland Facility in Las Vegas, Nevada... where he met up once again with Nero, oddly enough.

The two were happy to see one another, of course... and were soon making schemes to get out of the place and start anew on the outside. To make things easier... the two often conversed in Spanish, much to the disdain of those around them.

Branch of Sin Name: Exquisite Toxin

Branch of Sin Description: Carlos' namesake of Shrike-Thrush was given to him for a very specific reason. His Branch of Sin contains a potent batrachotoxin and is nothing to be trifled with. His foes should proceed with caution.

Branch of Sin Abilities: 3 Max

Name: Shrike Bomb

Rank: A-Rank

Description: Carlos forms a small ( one to five inch diameter ) ball of blood, and hurls it at his foe. Due to his manner of throwing, by flicking his wrist at the end of the throw... this attack is rather fast. The ball explodes on impact, dealing damage out to a range of about five feet per inch of diameter of the ball.

Name: Shrike Talons

Rank: B-Rank

Description: Carlos forms a small ( same as above ) ball of blood and throws it at his foe. The ball does not explode or splatter, but rather thins and extends outward in a ten-foot spike ( 1 spike per inch of diameter ) in a direction according to Carlos' will. He may throw several of these without expanding them, in order to create a trap for his enemy.

Name: Great Shrike's Wrath

Rank: S-Rank

Description: Carlos can only use this technique if he is at least moderately injured and/or bleeding from several places. This attack causes several "Shrike's Talons" spheres to form and then conform around his body. Should the foe initiate close-combat against him while this technique is active, he skewers them with several of the poison-laced spikes. The drawback of this tech is that is slows Carlos down quite a bit, and he is no longer able to zip around the arena as he normally would.

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