• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Nox's NPC's



Null (Real Name: Jamal Carter)
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Nationality: American
Faceclaim: Jonathan Majors

Appearance: Null stands tall at 6'2" with a well-built physique, a testament to his disciplined physical training. His closely cropped black hair and piercing brown eyes give him an imposing presence. He typically dons his security guard uniform, concealing advanced protective gear beneath. His nano-powered suit of armor enhances his strength, speed, and reflexes.

Personality: Null is a pragmatic and reserved individual, driven by a sense of duty to maintain order and security within the facility. His jaded past has instilled a practical outlook on life, and he often maintains a focused demeanor. While his interactions may appear curt, those who work alongside him recognize his commitment to the safety of both the staff and inmates. He values teamwork and efficiency, and beneath his stoic exterior lies a steadfast determination to protect others.

Abilities and Equipment: Null wields state-of-the-art technology designed for nullifying meta-human abilities. His arsenal includes an EMP blaster, capable of disrupting electronic powers, a vibration blade for close-quarters combat, and an energy rifle for situations demanding firepower. Proficient in the use of these tools, he excels in suppressing and controlling meta-human inmates.


Name: Void (Real Name: Amina Khouri)
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Nationality: Lebanese
Faceclaim: Amber Rose Revah

Appearance: Standing at 5'8" with a lean, athletic figure, Void possesses captivating Arabic features. Her almond-shaped brown eyes and long, wavy black hair contribute to her striking presence. She predominantly wears her security guard uniform, a tactical and practical field uniform that emphasizes both functionality and a sense of authority, concealing a harness that contains her unique powers.

Personality: Void is marked by a sense of determination and resilience, forged through a troubled past and her time as a covert operative. Her experiences have cultivated a calm and collected demeanor, allowing her to make calculated decisions even in high-stress situations. While she may come across as distant, her interactions are marked by a sense of empathy, as she understands the struggles of those held within Belle Reve. Void values trust and loyalty, traits that have been essential in her line of work and continue to guide her actions as a security guard.

Abilities: Void is gifted with void manipulation powers, enabling her to create rifts in space. These rifts manifest as pockets of darkness, rendering powers and abilities useless within her designated area of effect. Additionally, she employs these rifts for instantaneous transportation, making her an indispensable asset in controlling and suppressing meta-human prisoners.

Background: Before his role as Null, Jamal Carter served as a top-tier engineer in a military tech division. He was once a promising prodigy, fueled by the ambition to change the world. However, the harsh realities of survival eventually wore down his idealism, leading him to sell his advanced weaponry to navigate a ruthless world before joining Belle Reve.

Void, formerly known as Amina Khouri, emerged from a troubled childhood into a life of crime. Seeking an escape, she joined the military but was declared Killed in Action during a classified mission. Unbeknownst to the world, this marked the beginning of her journey as a covert asset for the Indian government. Operating under the alias "Void," she conducted covert operations before her eventual capture.

Role: Null and Void were meticulously selected to manage and oversee the Suicide Squad. Their exceptional skills in nullifying and controlling meta-human abilities are pivotal in maintaining the facility's security. Working seamlessly as a team, they ensure the suppression of potentially volatile inmates, securing the prison with their unwavering dedication to the task at hand.
ISHTAR ISHTAR Both your beans, accepted! As I was reading their forms, the names Null and Void distinctly reminded me of Nuts and Volts from Catching Fire, both badass duos.
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Gore, Stalking, Self-Harm, Child Abuse (?)

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  • Basic
    FC \\ Yue Ning
    Full Name \\ 白 圓月(lit. Bai Yuan Yue). With a standard First Name, Last Name format this would be written as Yuan Yue Bai.
    Name Meaning \\ 白圓月meaning “White Full Moon”, Romanized as “Bai Yuan Yue”
    Nickname \\ Renegade (異己 which translates more closely to "Rebel"), Yue (月),
    Gender \\ Demigirl
    Age \\ 25
    Birthday \\ November 1st
    Species \\ Human
    Nationality \\ She doesn't hold herself to any particular country, but was born in Shanghai

    Role \\ Inmate
    Criminal History \\ Arson, Terrorism, and Unpaid Parking Tickets. What finally got her arrested however, was destroying the Vatican with a kryptonite and blood-infused bomb.

    Powers \\ After making a pact with an ancient demon, Renegade has gained the ability of blood magic. This manifests in a variety of ways.
    Blood Manipulation - She can shape, move, and control the properties of any blood within her proximity, though it's easiest when the blood is either visible or her own. In most cases, this allows her to manipulate speed of flow, thickness, and generation. On a few, very rare occasions, she's found the ability to control others via blood.
    Explosive Blood - Her blood has the unique property of being highly flammable and explosive. While she typically applies it to a weapon or object, she can also detonate it remotely via magic.
    Vampirism - Drinking blood (whether human or not) provides her with sustenance as well as superhuman durability, strength, and speed. Upon closer inspection, one may even notice fangs where a person's canines would normally be and sharp fingernails.
    Blood Shifting - Drinking someone or something's blood for the first time will allow her to turn into a physical copy of them for a few minutes.
    Infernal Communication - She can see and communicate with her patron, though it's often a one way call.

    Skills and Equipment \\ A demolitions expert and cold blooded killer. In her hands, anything is a deadly weapon. Her father was a mercenary who trained his children to kill from the moment they were born. Even when unarmed, her physiology and martial training are more than enough to dispatch opponents. Outside of battle, she considers herself a self-taught chemist and sells both drugs and dangerous compounds when strapped for cash.

    Appearance \\ Crimson eye shadow surround brown eyes while a heavy blush contrasts her pale skin tone. Red lipstick covers blue, near-translucent lips. Where she was once lean and muscular, her body has become atrophied from Belle Reve's strict diet. Strangely, her lack of nourishment has affected neither her face nor her hair. Loose, black waves stop at her mid-back while blunt bangs cover her forehead. Even her cheeks remain plump and blemish free (aside from a few moles). When she isn't slouching, she towers over the average person at 5'11" (or 180cm for the metric folk).
    Wardrobe \\ Far from the Victorian goth or European noble, Yuan Yue employs a variety of colors and patterns. She favors long, flowing silhouettes and opts for dresses or baggy pants. When she was still an active criminal, Renegade wore a black, waterproof and flame resistant jumpsuit beneath a bulletproof vest. Dark armor covered her knees, calves, and forearms to protect her weak points while still giving her full range of motion. Though her fangs, claws, and blood magic are her most lethal assets, she also carried sidearms, a knife, and spare magazines on a utility belt. On several occasions, she'd adorn a harness on her back to carry a sword, rifle, or a rocket launcher. Nowadays she is restricted to her orange uniform, a mask that covers the lower half of her face, and gloves to cover her fingernails.
    Scent \\ Orris, Myrrh, Black tea, Candle smoke, Amber, White musk
    Height \\ 5'11" (180cm)
    Weight \\ 120lb (54.4kg)
    Body Modifications \\ She has a scar on her back in the shape of a spade with an eye in the center and a dot at each "corner" of the head. It symbolizes the connection between her and her patron.
    Physical Disabilities \\ Prone to bouts of anemia if not sufficiently fed, Eyes and skin are sensitive to sunlight

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Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Your lil vampire bean is looking hella cool right now! Everyone on the plot thread is going wild at her character concept, so you got some pretty big expectations to fulfill, it would seem. :P
Full Name: Sophia Tucker
Name Meaning: Wise Trickster
Nicknames: Foxhead, The White Rabbit (By her gang)
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Birthday: April 1st
Species: Human
Nationality: American

Role: Inmate
Crime: Various Acts of Terrorism
Ninetail Form: Sophia can transform into a 20 foot tall giant fox monster with nine tails that possesses immense strength and durability. She can only hold this form for about a minute or so and will revert back to normal after a minute. She also can only use this form during a full moon.

Skills and Weaponry:
- Has the ability to craft a variety of different fox related masks
- Skilled Hand to Hand Combatant
- Expert Medical Skills
Allegiances: Inari Okami (Japanese Fox God)
The Rich of Gotham

One of Sophia's many crafting fox masks, she will change them constantly, so she is often wearing a different mask day to day.
Scent: Acorns and Maplewood
Height & Weight:
5'7, 120 lbs
Body Modifications: N/A
Physical Disabilities: N/A
Lucy Boynton

Fox Personality: While the fox is in control Sophia doesn't seem to talk much if at all, acting more like a fox or some kind of animal. She doesn't seem to understand words and almost seems childlike.

Sophia's Personality: Sophia seems quite giddy and even mischevious most of the time however her moods can swing wildly. She seems to believe that she made a deal with a fox demon that now possesses her body. She seems to talk to voices in her own head as well.

Positive Traits:
Gleeful, Social, Likes to talk
Negative Traits:
Chaotic, Unpredictable, Violent
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Temperament: Sanguine

Likes: Causing trouble, Pranking others, Spicy Food
Dislikes: Her Alter-Ego, Bullies, Violence
Habits: Making Masks
Fears: Spiders
Hobbies: Crafting Masks, Creating Scrapbooks, Drawing, Reading, Listening to music
Mental Disorders:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
- Split Personality Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Lycanthropy

Family: Sully Tucker (Dead) Moira Tucker (Unknown)
Pettiga Village
Not much is known about Sophia's childhood, she grew up in Pettiga Village, the same village that was on the news twenty years ago for being some sort of evil witch cult.
Sophia has been causing havok in the underbelly of gotham as a great orchestrator of a gang of criminals that wear fox masks and cause mindless destruction everywhere they go.
She was voted one of the top 10 most dangerous criminals in gotham in a recent poll. Ofcourse it would seem that she had to end up at Belle Reve somehow and simply turned herself in one day.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): None
Past Partners: None
Turn-Ons: Unknown
Turn-Offs: Unknown
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

- as many as you’d like
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Your darling vampiress is accepted! Her form looks absolutely marvelous, and I can't wait to meet her in the RP. I'll add her to the roster as soon as you come up with a name for her, but no rush. We've only just started the RP.

SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Please add a little more detail to Sophia's form, particularly in the Appearance, Personality, and Backstory sections. The first two should each have at least a solid paragraph, while the Backstory should be a little longer. Your character concept for Sophia is intriguing, and I'd like to know more about her! Some food for thought: her childhood and family, how she acquired her powers, the gang of criminals she participated in, particulars of the crimes she committed, and why she turned herself in one day.
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Your darling vampiress is accepted! Her form looks absolutely marvelous, and I can't wait to meet her in the RP. I'll add her to the roster as soon as you come up with a name for her, but no rush. We've only just started the RP.

SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Please add a little more detail to Sophia's form, particularly in the Appearance, Personality, and Backstory sections. The first two should each have at least a solid paragraph, while the Backstory should be a little longer. Your character concept for Sophia is intriguing, and I'd like to know more about her! Some food for thought: her childhood and family, how she acquired her powers, the gang of criminals she participated in, particulars of the crimes she committed, and why she turned herself in one day.
I think I'm gonna have to sit this one out. I don't got time to write up all that.
Aviator Aviator Character has been updated with names for everyone. I should be able to add family members/music later in the week but I will be busy rest of the day with a wedding.

  • Cersei Violet Hallows
    "You've never heard of me because I make it a practice not to be heard of."


    Full Name: Cersei Violet Hallows
    Name Meaning: Cersei - "Bird", Violet - "Purple", Hallows - "Hollow"
    Nicknames: She doesn't often approve of nicknames but on occasion she allows Cici to slide or perhaps Vi. When in the field she answers to the name Neith, named for the Egyptian goddess of creation, wisdom, weaving, and war, in addition to being worshipped as a funerary goddess.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 34
    Birthday: November 17th
    Species: Human
    Nationality: United States

    Role: Warden
    Crime: Like any good official she has had questionable moments but like the best of them she has managed to stay within the law or at least defensibly within the law.
    Powers: She doesn't have powers but that doesn't mean she is easy to take out or run over.
    Skills and Weaponry:
    ~Badass sniper/fire arms genius
    ~Has a gun (rifle/sniper rifle) that she has a psychic link to that grows in power the more danger she is in and can use spiritual energy as well as bullets
    =The gun which has almost a soul of its own would only bond to another being if she were to die, anyone else who tries to use it would have their brain basically melt through their nose​
    =The gun has multiple interchangeable parts that can be used to modify its power: A long barrel for power, a sniper barrel for distance, a machine gun barrel for multi-shot.​
    =In long barrel mode, the gun can also be used as a lethal melee weapon​
    =High Output Blast Blade - a blasting beam so overwhelming that it can act like a giant blade and cut anything in its path. Only in long barrel mode can this form of the gun be used to its maximum capabilities. This power is unleashed according to how passionate Cersei's emotions are and if she is not careful she can cause the weapon to over heat meaning it cannot be used for several minutes.​
    ~An equally badass warden who doesn’t blink or bend for anyone hero or villain. She has her job and she does it very well.
    ~Hand-to-hand combat
    ~Knife combat
    ~Well versed in poisons and venoms as well as antidotes
    ~Vast medical knowledge
    ~Brilliant on the piano and harp
    ~Observant and strategic
    ~Reading people and situations
    ~Clever and quick to adapt
    ~Confidently, information she does not wish to share is not shared
    ~Can sprint, balance, and even fight in heels
    ~High pain tolerance
    ~Highly persuasive and great at making deals
    ~Organized and knows how to keep her house in check
    Allegiances: This is something people who meet her cannot always figure out. Technically she is supposed to be allied to the people, the government, and so on but if the government is not doing there job she isn’t afraid to make herself the person who will.
    Enemies: In her position, too many to count.

    Appearance: Cersei Hallows is everything one might expect a woman in power to look like. Despite her height she carries herself with confidence and regality that makes her seem larger than life and as though she holds far more power than any normal human despite not being a meta-human. She has raven hair that just barely brushes her shoulders but is healthy and smooth with a slight wave to it. Her maturity has not taken from her natural beauty but rather added to it as she is quite a striking creature to behold. Her whiskey brown gaze does not ever betray what is going on in her mind and she is well practiced in controlling all forms of expressions, including body language. Her lips are naturally full and upon the top one lies a single scar that seems to flatter her appearance rather than take from it.
    Wardrobe: The infamous Warden of Belle Reve is certainly dressed to kill in just about every outfit she wears. Her suits always only serve to enhance her regality and the strength she demonstrates, even when she wears a dress or a pencil skirt. Blazers and blouses are a constant in her arsenal and each assembled attire is matched perfectly with some form of heel ranging from boots to stiletto's that she can shoot and fight in as well as some of the finest combatants this world as ever known.
    Style Examples: Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 3
    Scent: Apples, vanilla, cinnamon
    Height & Weight: 5'5", 127 lbs
    Body Modifications: N/A
    Physical Disabilities: N/A
    Faceclaim: Lana Parrilla

    Personality: She is very strategic and cunning, seeing the playing board and being a hundred steps ahead of others she is up against. Cersei also believes in necessary evils because the world is not black and white, the good guys aren’t always good and the bad guys aren’t always bad but both can be dangerous and helpful when put in the right situation. She isn’t timid in the slightest and will not cower before anyone even if her life depended on it. She isn’t absolutely heartless but she knows that the team she puts out in the field will need to accomplish their missions because no one else will. She is also more than happy to negotiate for certain benefits to make a prisoners time more enjoyable but she is not a push over and also not a fool. If you hate her that is fine, she isn’t here to be loved or to be your friend, she is here to do her job because those who ended up in her prison aren’t here simply for jaywalking. She can read people with ease, even being trained in reading micro-expressions and body language going as far as the slightest twitch to a change in the pitch of a persons voice. She has some positive traits too, being witty is one of them and a side of her that the inmates might see on occasion. Most of her finer traits are reserved for the guards and people outside the prison. Though she ALWAYS has a certain charm to her and let’s face it she is downright gorgeous. She is also an incredibly secretive woman with very few knowing anything at all about her life outside of the prison and she plans to keep it that way.
    Positive Traits:
    ~Keeps her word
    Negative Traits:
    ~Little to no sympathy
    ~Not afraid to make threats
    ~Sacrifices must be made
    ~Willing to be the necessary evil
    ~Does not see the world in black and white (could be a good trait too)
    ~Not above seeking revenge if the situation calls for it
    MBTI Type: INTJ
    Hogwarts House: Slytherin
    Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil/Neutral
    Temperament: Choleric-ish

    -Instrumental music
    -Target practice
    -Things falling into place
    -Spending time with her son (no one in the thread knows she has a son)
    -Successful missions
    -Things running smoothly
    -Spicy foods
    -Missions going haywire
    -Rogue assets
    -Being man handled
    -Anyone dangerous finding out about her son
    -Politicians getting involved in her business
    -Straightens things when she needs to think
    -Plays the piano or harp when she is stressed
    -Cleans her gun every day
    ~Anything bad happening to her son
    ~Someone dangerous finding out about her son
    ~Her ex somehow coming back from wherever he disappeared to (He was abusive)
    ~Her mother (she was abusive)
    ~Mind control
    ~Playing the piano and harp
    ~Playing sports with her son
    ~Making her own spiked cider
    Mental Disorders: PTSD

    —Father: Scott Hallows (Dead)
    —Mother: Ella Hallows (Dead)
    —Sibling(s): N/A
    —Children: Benji Hallows

    Hometown: Washington D.C.
    Backstory: TRIGGER WARNING
    Despite her parents being politicians on separate sides of the isle Cersei managed to grow up living under the radar and out of public eye. That didn't mean life was easy for her though. From a young age Cersei knew her mother DEMANDED perfection from her in all that she did and when she couldn't deliver she was punished severally. This is not a sob story though, she refused to allow it to become one. Instead she turned the fear she once had for her mother into a drive fueled by hatred for the woman and a need to find her own strength. She became a spectacle of perfection and skill that ended up landing her a job with the CIA where Cersei's many skills served her well. She was able to read her targets thoughts and feelings based on expression, tone, and body language alone. She was their top marks man who eliminated threats and provided cover for her fellow agents, saving many lives in the process and even became soul bonded to the very gun she uses today. She was a hero, or at least that is what the agency called her though for her it was just doing her job and doing it damn well. Cersei thrived undercover and could put on whatever act she needed to in order to obtain the information or assets she was sent to retrieve. All was going well in her career until the day she was sent in undercover to spy on a man named Raphael. No one knew the man was a meta-human who could control others minds and place them in trances where they were at the mercy of his every command. As far as Cersei had known for the months she had been MIA she was with the man she loved. That was until the day the illusion shattered. Raphael was attacked by an alien bounty hunter who came to collect him and during the fight as Cersei fought to protect him he lost control of his grip on her mind and reality sank in. She turned on Raphael in that instant and helped the bounty hunter take him down so he could be hauled off to some hell planet in space. Several months later Benji came into the world and any fears or anger Cersei had about loving her son vanished the moment she saw him. Now years have passed and Cersei has turned her life into what she wants it to be, into what she believes she will do her best as. She is an amazing mother but she keeps her personal life a secret due to the dangers of her work as Warden of Belle Reve.

    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Relationship Status: Open
    Crush(es): Open
    Past Partners: Raphael
    -Doesn't think she needs protection or is weak
    -Is good with Benji
    -Can handle themselves in a fight
    -Kind (because honestly she needs someone better than herself in her life)
    -Messes with her mind
    -Hates kids
    Dominant or Submissive: Dominant









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NPC form
Full Name: Kai Zheng(Zheng Jia Wei)
Name Meaning: Zheng means journey and Kai means start
Nicknames: Zheng, Burn Book, Zhang
Gender: Male
Age: 32 years old
Birthday: April 26
Species: human
Nationality: Chinese

Role: Guard
Crime: grand theft auto, and vandalism
Powers: Photographic memory
Skills and Weaponry: He's very good at acting stupid, and he can use information against people
Allegiances: Bella Reve Guards, the Bad Bitch Brigade
Enemies: Novak, people who catch wind of him talking about them, Elara(sometimes)

Appearance: Zheng has a natural resting bitch face(in spite of being quite friendly), straight black hair, a wide nose, and dark brown eyes. Zheng also has unattached earlobes and a circular face. Most noticeably, though, Zheng has small scars all over his body from being experimented on, expect for his neck, which has a large U-shaped scar running from ear to ear. He also can't seem to ever grow facial hair.
Wardrobe: outside of his guard uniform, Zheng seems to wear almost army-like clothes, often wearing tank tops and shorts, no matter the time of year. He also wears car shirts, and steel-toed boots a lot
Scent: ocean and leather
Height & Weight: 5'10 and 165 lbs
Body Modifications: he wears earrings
Physical Disabilities: he keeps on breaking his right wrist, and he has no idea why
Faceclaim:Jet Li
Personality: Zheng Jia Wei is curious, friendly, and has an offbeat sense of humor, so he doesn't fit in with many of the guards and thus is kind of ridiculed and outcasted by them. Unlike most of them, he is genuinely compassionate and has a strong moral code that he follows. He's fun-loving, can't resist bad ideas if they seem like good times, and has a knack for stirring the pot, sometimes without even trying to. Chaos follows this man like a shadow because his brain tends not to keep up with his mouth, and likely the only reason that he hasn't been fired yet is because he frequently advocates on behalf of the inmates and protects them from his more aggressive co-workers. However, Zheng's compassion is offset by the fact that Zheng has a tendency to hold grudges, but doesn't seem to ever communicate why he has these grudges with people, which leads to unnecessary conflict
Positive Traits: inquisitive, compassionate, fun
Negative Traits: reckless, gossipy, sassy, has a tendency to hold grudges
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Choleric

Likes: Auto-racing, causing trouble, talking shit about his coworkers, gossip, taking dares, switching languages mid-conversation
Dislikes: being idle, Novak, abuse, salty food, Elara, people who put rules before compassion, stuffy rooms
Habits: drinks a ton of caffeine, switches to Mandarin when he's extremely sad/happy/pissed/etc
Fears: needles
Hobbies: Sports betting, investing, hiking
Mental Disorders: none

Family: A diplomat father
Hometown: Chengdu, China
Zheng was actually the son of a rich diplomat, and as a result, traveled a lot. He didn't really settle down in one place or the other and didn't really make friends because he knew he'd be in one place for a year at the maximum. Sure, he could get along with others, but he was a bratty kid and chose to insult people he shouldn't have insulted. He was homeschooled for lack of a better word, but still managed to pick up languages very quickly. He'd insult people in one of the many languages he knew as he was allowed to run around a lot of the time and his father didn't really have time for him. He'd use this fact as an excuse for spray-painting walls and other minor crimes, but often played the peer pressure card or the dumb kid card. And because his family had money, the charges never really stuck either.
While in the U.S, Zheng committed a series of grand theft auto, and that seemed to be too much for Zheng's father, who sent him to reform school instead of going to prison to keep it quiet. It was there that Zheng got his wake-up call and his sense of compassion. While this particular reform school abused its students, it was nowhere near as bad as Bella Reve. Still, Zheng didn't like the way they were being treated and chose to defend the inmates, often getting into fights. The inmates were experimented on though, and he was one of the few inmates who gained powers from it. He used his newfound powers to keep some of the bullies in line by blackmailing them. Upon release, Zheng decided to apply to become a prison guard so that he could defend the inmates from abuse, and at the prison before Bella Reve, he became as well known for his mouth as he did for defending the inmates.
While in Bella Reve, Zheng met Caio because he heard about the latter's former career and they became friendly over that. When Caio met the Bad Bitch Brigade, Zheng got to know them to, remaining on friendly terms with them until he found out about Elara's notebook. In it Elara wrote about how Zheng used his daddy issues to excuse his behavior, and he became so angry at what he wrote that Elara became somewhat of his enemy. He later found out about Elara's escape plan, but still chose to blackmail her because he's being petty.
Sexuality: Demisexual Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Past Crush(es): Devi(she was at his reform school and they became friends)
Past Partners: None
Turn-Ons: emotional connection, kindness, willingness to bend the rules a little
Turn-Offs: power imbalance in a relationship, rushing into a relationship, jerks
Dominant or Submissive: Switch

- Troublemaker by Olly Murs
-A Life of Fight is But a Dream by Wakin Chu
-Partners in Crime by Ash Costello and Set It Off


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Full Name:
Elizabeth Caledonia Cassidy
Name Meaning:
Elizabeth meaning "God's promise" Caledonia meaning "hard or rocky land" and Cassidy meaning "Clever or Curly Hair"
Viper, Cas, king snake, Copper head
February 15,

Role: (inmate or guard)
Crime: Multiple counts of GTA, 19 successful Bank Robberies, Numerous smaller stick ups all over the united states, Charged as the leader of an outlaw gang known as the Triple V's, Multiple Rico charges, and kidnapping of the presidents 22 year old daughter
Cassidy as she likes to go by her last name has Has no abilities whatsoever
Skills and Weaponry:
Great Marksman and decent hand to Hand combatant
Master heist planner
Cassidy's go to weapons are her trusty Rifle, a small one handed double barrel shotgun, and explosives of her own design. All of her weapons have been designed to use poisons in tandem with the traditional bullets and shells they fire, Coating every shot in poison. The explosive being more of a dispersal device than an actual explosive when it goes off it spreads poisons all over the place 10m radius.
Triple V's Cassidy's gang out in Arizona that she started and leaded until her incarceration.
Law Enforcement. A few other gangs known as the dusk runners, twinz of the sun, and the Bulls

Campfire and breakfast
Height & Weight:
5’11, 146lbs
Body Modifications:
Cassidy has numerous tattoos over her body though most notably would be her neck and chest
I’m addition her Left arm has numerous different tattoos many signifying tattoos of her gang and a couple snakes
Physical Disabilities:
Her biggest physical disability which would also technically be a body mod is that Cassidy doesn’t have her right arm. Having lost early in her gang life during a heist gone sour and subsequently raided a secret DARPA laboratory in the desert. Holding the scientists and doctors hostage as they gave her a robotic arm that she can detach. (The arm is currently detached and with the rest of her things)
Haley Bennet as Emma Cullen from “magnificent 7”

Cassidy is the perfect mix of cowgirl and socialite princess. Raised as the latter and embracing the former Cassidy's that kind of girl that the last thing on their mind is chipping a nail but could also look damn perfect in a tiara and dress. She's loyal, rowdy, loud and always willing to fight dirty should it need. Being from where she is though of course Cassidy grew up on that yes sir yes ma'am southern hospitality and that combined with her clear accent have followed her through her life. When it comes to her Wife Sarah, Cassidy is the last person you want to go talking bad about her around, Even the slightest diss or even perceived lick has gotten more than a few inmates in the infirmary and Cassidy in solitary.
Positive Traits:
Southern Hospitality
Negative Traits:
Hot headed
MBTI Type:
Hogwarts House:
Moral Alignment:
Chaotic Neutral
Hot headed
Mental Disorders:

Elizabeth Clayton Cassidy (mother)
Billy Wayne Cassidy (Father)
Sarah Vi Cassidy (Wife)
Hometown: Small Ranch town in Nevada
Cassidy wasn’t always the rough and tumble gang leader she is today. Growing up in Arizona to her mother and father she was born to what could only be described as Socialites. Decently wealthy people who loved nothin more that to be regal and sociable. From time she could remember whenever her and her family weren’t on the cattle ranch they were all over the country attending regal parties and sociable gatherings. Though since Cassidy could remember she hated it, hated every party, every dress, every cup of tea or weird fake cookie. She never understood why her mother forced her to go to every single event. Granted it was probably because they wanted Elizabeth to become one as well and sadly for her parents they had the wrong child. She was a rambunctious little ball of mischief from the time she could walk. Always fitting in more with the ranch hands and cowboys than her sophisticated parents Cassidy grew up with one foot in both pools of life. In the days she was rolling in the dirt and sun with cows, horses, and her fathers ranch hands working the cattle and by night she was prim and proper dressed to impress dining with the highest of social classes. The cycle continued well into her teenage years till she turned 16 and finally took one foot out of one life and both feet into the other side. She entirely rejected her parents way of life and let them finally know when her birthday came and she celebrated it by Burning her dresses in front of the house and subsequently running off to start her life the way she wanted it.

And it wasn’t long indeed before her life started as not two months after leaving her parents Cassidy pulled her first successful robbery. Sure it wasn’t much to brag about and she needed the money more than wanted it but still Robbing a small town bank of 200k wasn’t something to turn your nose at, and she wasn’t alone. Many of the Ranch Hands from the farm followed after Cassidy when she left. Having become like the family she wanted of course they’d follow the girl they all saw as their own daughter even into that bank and the rest is for the wanted posters. Not long after that first heist they hit again, and again, and again all over Arizona quickly establishing their outlaw cowboy gang well sure it was fun, thrilling, they all became stupid rich in no time and made good use of their stolen millions But something always felt missing. Then she found what what she was missing. Coincidentally during her biggest heist yet. There she was there at a high class party trying to get information on a bank, Hating it of course but easily fitting in well among the social elite. Then she met the woman of her dreams. Truly at least in her eyes a Romeo and Juliet story the night she met Sarah. A dream night of dancing, talking, and long instances of silence and smiles were shared that night as well as a single, soft, kiss. A kiss that hooked Cassidy entirely.

Not long after she snuck her way into the White house to once again meet the girl of her dreams and of all the girls she could want it had to be the presidents daughter. Arguably The most protected women in America and there Ash was sneaking into her bedroom just to say hi again. They were inseparable whenever they could after that. Sneaking away from her detail to see Cassidy, Lying to everyone just to spend even the smallest of moments together. That is until one day Sarah showed up at Cassidy's hide out. the biggest smile on her lips and love in Sarah's eyes as shed ran away to be with Cassidy and she was all to happy to take the girl of her dreams in even if it meant hitting number 1 most wanted. After that they spent the next year on the run, hiding and moving while every last branch of government hunted for Sarah, even marrying in their time running. But of course there was only so far Cassidy and Sarah could go before they were caught up too. Cassidy was captured and Sarah "Reunited" with her family but even then. Even as Cassidy was cuffed and about to be sent to jail Sarah got to her for one last kiss and a promise to forever be hers. Honestly its what got Cassidy through the trials, through the false conviction of Kidnapping that she was put away for despite Sarah's protests and Numerous public statement's that she was never kidnapped.

At least it was missing until

Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Married
Crush(es): N/A
Past Partners: Only her Wife Sarah
Hard to get
Girls that she can’t chase
Other routy people like her
Dominant or Submissive:

- as many as you’d like
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Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving You've got some stuff missing in the Personality section, and please give Cassidy at least a few sentences to describe her Appearance and Wardrobe! Once you do, I shall gladly add her to the roster.
"You want to know something huh? No matter how hard you try to remain pure, Darkness will always eat you up from the inside."

Full Name: Oscura
Name Meaning: Oscura is Spanish for Darkness.
Nicknames: The Harbinger
Gender: Female
Age: 200,000
Birthday: Unknown (March 15th)
Species: God-like Entity
Nationality: Is assumed Spanish.

Role: Inmate
Crime: Mass Genocide, multiple accounts of Manslaughter, Kidnapping and... One count of Jaywalking.
Due to wearing the Divine Brace she has lost most of her powers and can only use a limited amount.
  • Dark Energy Manipulation: Oscura can Generate and manipulate the dark energy around her to create blasts of darkness or use it as a shield to protect herself.
  • High Regenerative Factor: Due to her God-like state she can regenerate any missing limbs that have been lost in the blink of an eye.
  • Spiritual Senses: She can sense any being that is not human to a supernatural state, making it hard to sneak up on her.
  • Telepathic Link: She shares this with her sisters and contractors.
  • Dark Magic: Having been born as a being of darkness, Shw would learn spells and to harness those powers of darkness.

Skills and Weaponry:
  • Manipulative Voice: She is good at choosing her choice of words and can have a high chance of swaying her allies into her choices.
  • Martial Arts mastery: Hey living long enough to learn Kung Fu, Tae Kwon doe, and Jujitsu.
Allegiances: Souls of Corruption
Enemies: Her sisters, Wonder Woman.
Appearance: Look Above.
Here's the divine brace she's forced to wear:
  • Smells like Rain.
Height & Weight: Stands 5'7" and 132lbs
Body Modifications: has black arcane-like markings on the right side of her face.
Physical Disabilities: Is allergic to Pollen.
Faceclaim: Kennedy Mcmann

Personality: Oscura is someone who would be quite said in four words: Chaotic Deal-making Goddess. She is a Sociopathic and quite cunning goddess with a loving for making deals with ones as she loves to tease and taunt other beings for their own mistakes finding it amusing for their failures and misfortune as she finds it gleefully hilarious, and loves to push one's buttons to see one person angry or upset to just shout at her.

The goddess is notably quite possessive of her pawns and loves using them in the ideals of her plans thinking that any lesser being is quote expendable and useful to her. Oscura loves making deals with people as she knows once she makes one she'll have wrapped around her hands as she can help when needed and takes her role as the Goddess of Darkness quite seriously.

Oscura isn't the one to cross for a goddess because of her wrathful anger but she often can't stay mad forever as her mood quite switches on a dime rendering her emotionally unstable.

Positive Traits: Helpful, Intuitive, Cunning, Smart mouthed
Negative Traits: Possessive, Aggressive, cocky, Sociopath.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Temperament: Melancholic

  • Deals
  • Toying with others
  • Dark arts
  • Books.
  • Good people
  • The color pink
  • Traitors
  • Whenever angry, Her English switches to Spanish when she shouts.
  • Being left out
Hobbies: Writing.
Mental Disorders: Bipolar ll

  • Omni: The father and creator of the four
  • Horatia: The eldest sister
  • Orion: the second eldest
  • Clara: Twin sister to Oscura.
Hometown: OmniRealm: A world where the original four Goddesses lived and stayed until more god-like beings arrived in that realm, with four parts of this pocket dimension resembling each territory for the goddesses and under what faction the other gods stay.
Backstory: A Long, Long time ago... The world was only managed by one god OMNI, the overseer and managers of the world as well over the four aspects; Time and Space, And darkness with Light. He ruled over these for many years watching over humanity until... He got lonely. So deciding to created four other beings to keep him company and manage over these for aspects in life.

This was the creation of the Four Goddesses. Oscura was the 1st youngest out of them, as originally she was only a mere playful and innocent goddess often trying to play with her own siblings. Everything was good, everything was peachy, as She got older with her siblings, things became quite complicated. Her older sisters begin to start staying away from her and managed to bring her own twin to stay away from her as Oscura was getting stronger at harnessing her powers, as she noticed and at first she was concerned about it and then straight up not happy about it.

The goddess confronted her eldest sisters about it, it ended up with a heated debate with Horatia shouting out why: "Oscura was never supposed to be with them in the first place, She wasn't like them, Divine, Graceful and pure, as she was only corruption, Chaos and Destruction as she was never Pure." Stunned at even mentioning that she immediately got angry, angry enough that she ended up declaring war on her dear sisters. Soon a great war emerged on the dear realm with gods and goddess on the different sides of light and darkness fight

Sexuality: Pan
Relationship Status: Is currently Single.
Crush(es): None.
Past Partners: Van, was her only love and her life that she used to love very much
Turn-Ons: Seductive talking, Muscles, Long hair, Rizzing, Beautiful people, Somewhat the smell of Lavander.
Turn-Offs: Bad smells, arrogant people, Bad Jokes, Narcissistic people.
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant as hell

- Phantom by Nathanwantstobattle
- Villain By Bella Poarch
- Uh Oh by Sub Urban ft Benee
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My little WIP 🥺


Full Name: Levina Noe
Name Meaning:
  • Levina A Latin name meaning thunder or lightning bolt
  • Noe meaning thunder
Nicknames: Maelstrom, The Ageless Knight, The Wanderer, The Guardian,
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Birthday: 25th of December
Species: Lightning Deity
Nationality: Valoryn

Role: Guard
Crime: N/A
  • Powers: Primordial Lightning Manipulation: A lightning so ancient it is said to be from the beginning of the universe. Can create, control, and transform into it, effectively becoming lightning incarnate
  • Atmokinesis - control all forms of weather
  • Electroportation - can transport themselves by electricity, by lightning or electronics.
  • Immortal - Doesn't age
  • Inhuman strength
  • Enhanced durability
  • Interstellar travel

Skills and Weaponry:
  • Martial Arts Expert
  • Highly proficent with Melee weaponary, bows and firearms
  • Multilingualism, Levina can speak, write, understand and communicate in any language
  • Great tactician
  • Calm under pressure

Weilds a Katana named "Storm Bringer"

Allegiances: Bella Reve, Justice League, Gotham PD
Enemies: How much time ya got? It's a LONG list

Appearance: Standing at an impressive six foot six Levina is an imposing figure to behold. With her helmet on she is often mistook for a man. However once the helm is off it is quite clear she is not. Her height however is not the first thing people take note of. Her most striking feature is most likely her face. Her smooth and delicate looking face is one, that she has been told many times, of great beauty. A smooth light complexion, strong brow and jawline and a perfectly round face, it is hard to imagne she has a knack for kicking ass. Deep Hazel eyes, which have clearly seen many things throughout her life, can draw in most people and they can't but help but feel as if she was looking directly into their souls. Steely, piercering, there is a kindness behind them if you know where to look, along with a hard resolve... And how perhaps is the rest of her? One with such a face must have a slim figure yes?

WRONG hidden under her clothing and armour is a body that was achevied via many years of dedication and hard work. Pure toned muscle ripples under that armour of hers. A solid six-pack, powerful arms and legs, she cuts the striking figure. Add her Black hair which is cut shortish, styled in a pixie cut, along with her two visible scars, one long one which runs down upon her cheeck on the left side of her face, another small scar on her right, Levina is quite an eye-catching figure that you won't soon forget.

Wardrobe: Levina is more or less always seen wearing her armour/s. Her armour is always clean and polished, however that's not to say it is pristine. It has seen it's fair share of combat and the numerous marks upon it prove that. Throughout her time upon the planet she has had a few variations for her armour, which she will change from time to time depending on her mood.


However that is not to say that she wears it all the time. Everyone now and then she wil decide to rock something more formal.

Scent: A almost hypnotic pleasent aroma
Height & Weight: 6,6 and 154lbs
Body Modifications: A large Lightning bolt tattoo upon her back
Physical Disabilities: Even though her eye is normal she is actually somwhat blind in her left eye.


Personality: Levina has a charismatic personality. She tends to usually put people around her at ease and make them feel comfortable even in uncomfortable situations as she is kind to all those around her but knows when to be stern and guide people with a steady and strong hand. Calm, elegant, and composed, Levina is the very definition of duty, discipline, and self-control. She excludes an aura of serenity and grace, unfazed by any chaos around her. Her mannerisms and tone of voice is soft and soothing, but clear and direct, gentle but purposeful. Any who have ever seen her rise to a challenge will know she is a woman with an iron will. She is somewhat humble for one who wields such terrifying power and it can be easy to forget she is a godlike being sometimes. Unlike most of the guards, unless it is called for, she will try and solve situations with inmates in a calm manner talking them down rather than using force. However if under threat she will defend herself and those she cares for with extreme prejudice. For all of her calm and kindness, she is still a powerhouse and one not to be messed with. For any who have been lucky (Or unlucky) to have seen her train and or fight will know it can be a terryfying thing.

Positive Traits:

  • Thinking on the spot to combat difficult situations
  • Able to keep others on track and coordinate different tasks without second-guessing themselves or losing focus.
  • Works well under pressure which helps them maintain composure and focus.
  • Strong willed
  • Efficient
  • Observant
  • Protective

Negative Traits:
  • Can be stubborn
  • Rebellious, even though she works at Belle Reve, she does not always agree with their methods.
  • When fighting can sometimes go... overboard..
MBTI Type: Borderline INTJ
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Temperament: Sanguine

Likes: Reading, practicing combat, exploring, training, learning new things, archaeology and history, listening to music, sweet things, having intellegent conversations with people, chess, her Katana
Dislikes: Cruelty, laxity, things going wrong, missions going sideways, tea and coffee ( Can't stand the stuff)
Habits: Running her hand through her hair when thinking, cleaning her armour
Fears: Becoming trapped somehow somewhere, being alone for eternity is not something she likes to think about.
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, meditating, studying the inmates of Belle Reve from the side-lines
Mental Disorders: N/A

Father - Lord Protector Revan
Mother - High Priestess Como

Hometown: Valtoria
Levina was born many many many MANY years ago not upon Earth but from another planet called Valorium, ruled by the Valoryn Empire. Whilst not a particularly big planet, the population only being about ten million, there were those upon the planet that were born as a deity. A godlike being with prodigious power. Now the normal population aged very VERY slowly living for millions of years, however those that were born a deity were immortal and when they reached 30 years of age the aging process stopped. Levina was born such a deity, a deity of Lightning, her parents also being deities.

The planet is mostly one of peace and prosperity and being far from any other planets, is left alone. There is another reason why the planet is left alone however. The people of Valorium are a smart, technologically advanced powerful race. Their planetary defence system can easily keep any invaders at bay and when you add the population and the deities well.. You get the picture. Levina was born to a large family household, her Mother and Father being a part of the Empires council. Upon learning that she was a deity they were thrilled, as one was born only every one thousand years or so.

From an early age she was trained to hone her abilities, even more so when she accidently blew up a tree by sneezing and blasting it with lightning when she was three years old. From then on she was taught what it meant to be a deity, the history of Valorium and the Valoryn Empire. Having reached 30 and thus hitting the point of no more aging, she became quite the prominent figure as her powers grew, as she was in short a living battery. Of course Valorium's technology was advanced but with Levina's help they could now tap into experimental nuclear fusion, which in turn provided more or less unlimited energy. Thus Levina aided in her home planet's growth and expansion, for not only was she a fighter but she was smart as well. She dedicated years to helping her planet and eventually with the help of Valorium's brightest they created finally created an infinite power source that could provide power to the whole planet.

And so Valorium entered a Golden era that lasted for many years to come. No more power problems, Levina had become an ambassador for Valorium, travelling with a small fleet from planet to planet offering aid. This went on for hundreds of years as they travelled the galaxy.

One day Levina, would travel by herself to a planet.

That planet was Earth.

Whizzing forward a few thousand years, Levina has now been headhunted to work at Bela Reve, being made a department captain, having recently joined to handle the more.. "problamtic" inmates.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): None as of yet
Past Partners: None
Turn-Ons: Strong minded people, intelligence, kind people, strength (She likes a challenge)
Turn-Offs: Bullies, cruel and coldhearted individuals, laziness, negligence, laxity, arrogance
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

- as many as you’d like
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Full Name: Unknown
Name Meaning: Since his capture, Wraiths identity has been unknown
Nicknames: Wraith, many made up titles including: The Endless Torment, Unyielding Blade, The Grand Architect.
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Sometime in spring
Species: Former Human?
Nationality: American based on accent

Role: Inmate
Crime: Mass Murder, Conspiracy, Terrorism
Powers: Shadow Manipulation, Necromancy, Immortality
Skills and Weaponry: Stealth, Long Sword
Allegiances: None
Enemies: The justice league

Shadow Manipulation: Wraith possesses the ability to manipulate the fabric of shadows themselves, being able to move through shadows and see in the dark. Another use is the ability to turn shadows into various weapons. Bright Lights both disorients Wraith and doesn’t allow him to use his abilities.

Necromancy: Wraith possesses the ability to manipulate the souls of the dead, able to search their minds for information and occasionally create undead soldiers for his own purposes, with varying amounts of intelligence and power.

Immortality: The most mysterious of abilities, Immortality allows him to both heal from previous wounds, rising from the dead, but light seems to delay his resurrection and regeneration.

Appearance: Wraith is a decaying creature, his lower jaw skeletal, though he usually wears a mask to conceal his undeath. His left arm has been replaced with a crude but surprisingly effective cybernetic replacement. He is in a constant state of decay, various wounds from battle making the rot worse. He has declined any medical help, stating that he is already dead, but he will destroy the Justice League before his body gives out, already barley surviving from the other cybernetic implants and his regeneration

Wardrobe: Custom Made Combat Gear
Scent: Decay
Height & Weight: 196 Pounds, 5’ 9”
Body Modifications: Cybernetic Arm
Physical Disabilities: Undeath, rot and decay
Faceclaim: None

Personality: Wraith is Sadistic, usually making every kill as painful as possible, torturing those he captures with creative and effective means. He is usually cold and Calculating, his intelligence almost terrifying. He will mostly be calm and collected, but when provoked (or during random or when triggered.) he will explode into a psychopathic rage, killing all he can, not caring of their allegiance.

Positive Traits: Calm, No surrender mentality
Negative Traits: Vengeful, Greedy
MBTI Type:
Hogwarts House: Azkaban
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Temperament: Usually Calm, occasionally in fits of extreme rage.

Likes: Murder, Torture, Cats
Dislikes: Heroes, Justice League, Dogs
Habits: Pacing around his cell, talking to self.
Fears: Failure
Hobbies: None
Mental Disorders: Too many to list

Family: Unknown
Hometown: Somewhere near Gotham
Backstory: Little is known about Wraith, the Justice League having no idea about his identity. Before his capture, he began a complicated war with the Justice League, seeking to both destroy their reputation and turn them against each other, nearly succeeding until he was finally stopped and captured. Psychology tests found him insane, obsessing over his plan to end the justice league, particularly Superman. He also harbors some hate towards the other super hero organizations such as the teen titans, but has stated he will deal with them later.

Sexuality: Asexual
Crush(es): None
Past Partners: One mentioned when talking to himself

- Back Into Darkness- Blacklite District
- Wishing Dead- Blacklite District
-A Conversation with Death- Khemmis
-My Demons- Starset
-Already Dead- WE ARE FURY and Telle
-The Great Ascent- Dream Cave
-Hordes- Jo Wandrini
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Full Name: Eddie Gears
Name Meaning: Found on his person when he was remanded to the orphanage
Nicknames: Mania
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: March 4
Species: Enhanced Human
Nationality: American

Role: Guard
Powers: replicate and teleportation
Skills and Weaponry: Marksmanship, Explosives, throwing knives
Allegiances: Teen Titans (Ally)
Enemies: Lex Luthor

Teleportation: Eddie is able to spontaneously or eventually travel across space. This ability has two forms, a Jump allowing him to teleport up to one mile away from his location without the need of visual assistance or energy drawing, or a Doorway, allowing him to open portals through space to a location he has seen in a recent image/video (requires an idea on where it is like coordinates) or somewhere he has been, though this is drains a lot of energy, depending on the distance. Water both dissolves his portals and can stop Jumps, along with having an acidic effect on Eddie. Additionally, a gate can be manipulated, the shape, ability, and appearance easily changed. Using this, he can make one sided mirrors or blunt weapons.

The second ability, Replicate allows Eddie to replicate any technique or fighting style he witnesses, though it is taxing on the mind and takes time, gold inhibiting this effect if it is nearby.

Appearance: Eddie possess an average build with some muscle, usually wearing common clothing but when either on patrol or working as a grid he wears combat gear with a gas mask to conceal his ability. The costume does not give much armor, with some Kevlar but the priority was to make it watertight and hard to tear, with the rainy weather in Gotham making it difficult to operate.
Wardrobe: Black Combat Gear
Scent: Gasoline
Height & Weight: 5’ 7” 184 Lbs
Body Modifications: None
Physical Disabilities: Left eye missing
Faceclaim: Alex Pettyfer

Personality: Eddie is both Obsessive and Eccentric, constantly obsessing on a single goal such as taking down a villain to the point that it is all he can think about. His inventive mind will often dominate his time, spending hours working alone, he values innocent life so often he does so away from civilization, at the cost of being lonely. Due to his past, he has issues with being hit headed, thinking he can handle anything to survive any enemy, though his vendetta against Luthor can blind him from other goals, sometimes even the safety of others.
Positive Traits: Intelligent, Good at solving problems.
Negative Traits: Hot Headed, Bad at lies, gullible
MBTI Type:
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Outgoing but can be rude to inmates (Taunting)

Likes: Books, Technology, Inventing
Dislikes: Water, Rich People, criminals
Habits: Skipping fingers, Obsessing over details
Fears: Heights
Hobbies: Reading, explosives
Mental Disorders: ADHD, PTSD

Family: None
Hometown: Gotham City
Backstory: Eddie Gears was dropped off to a Gotham orphanage as an infant, his parents unknown. He lived his child life in that orphanage, unaware of his abilities as he was neglected and abused by the staff, until one day when in the middle of hiding from one of the owners, he disappeared, finding himself in his room. After some experimentation, he got a hang of “Jumping”, he used his ability to expose the owners, sending the other kids to better homes and getting the abusers arrested. He felt great pride from helping the children, fashioning a makeshift suit and defending the area, slowly learning how to fight by observing footage from the caped crusader and the very criminals he fought.

Eddie soon came across others like him, born with abilities and wanting to protect their city from the criminal underworld, securing funding from the Wayne Foundation to form a small team, fighting crime whiteout killing or harming the innocent. About a year into their crusade, a few rival groups quickly decided to dispose of the brats, sending a bomb to their secret headquarters.

Eddie doesn’t know how they found his location, but he quickly found the perpetrators, brutally murdering each of them before he reached the leader, who confessed they had been told by one of his teammates, before he was shot. Eddie barley escaped the sniper, now with a new purpose, find the traitor and any other surviving members.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): None
Past Partners: Natalie (A team member)
Dominant or Submissive: Submissive

- Blackout- AViVA
-Guns For Hire- WoodKid
-Teeth- Five Seconds of Summer
-Mad Hatter- Melanie Martinez
-Undefeated (All Good Things)
-Skyfall- Edgar Hopp
-Personal Vendetta- Edgar Hopp
-The Resistance- Jo Wandrini
-Energy Shells- Kings & Creatures, Brandon Lau
-Together we rise- Mitchell Broom
-Night of The Drowned- Dream Cave
-Ruination- Ninja Tracks
-Who Watches the Heroes- Really Slow Motion and Giant Apes
-Flesh and Bone- Black Math
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Gears Gears Please note that this is an advanced RP, so your Appearance, Personality, and Backstory paragraphs should all be at least a solid paragraph. You should also describe in detail your characters' powers and skills, how they generally apply this power, and some limitations to it. I recommend you look at other forms for the standard level of information.

  • Kenna Grace Rose
    "Evil doesn't always look evil. Sometimes it's staring right at us, and we don't even realize it"

    TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions killing and torture

    Full Name: Kenna Grace Rose
    Name Meaning: Kenna - "fire-born", Grace - "blessed", Rose - "rose, flower"
    Nicknames: In the past, those she has been close to have called her Ken for short which she used to love but has since grown to hate because it reminds her of all she has lost. Her villian alias was Basilisk. Also known as Snake Bitch.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Birthday: April 25th
    Species: Super Powered Human
    Nationality: United States

    Role: Inmate
    Crime: The crimes Kenna has committed are not all documented and are vast in number. She has done everything from theft to murder without batting an eyelash and with seemingly no remorse for her actions. Before she was finally captured Kenna had executed leaders of nations, mob bosses, police chiefs, basically anyone who would try to hold any sort of power over her. She was known to be a true cold-blooded killer who wanted to make the world hurt for seemingly no reason. She was known to torture some of her prey before killing them, those usually being the ones tied to crimes of their own.
    Twin Serpents - She has snake tattoos on each of her arms that at will can turn into real genetically modified/enhanced (aka bigger and stronger) reticulated pythons that obey her every command without her even having to speak it. If anything happens to one of her snakes it returns to her arm and she is unable to use it for a few minutes. She can also communicate with these snakes as well as others.
    Second Skin - She can heal quicker than most due to her ability to shed the skin of an affected area allowing it to seal, scar, fully heal in a day or less depending on the severity of the wound.
    Poison Lips - She has an extremely toxic venom in her lips that can be released when she touches her lips to the skin of her prey, the venom is extremely painful and extremely deadly. The venom can also be used to coat weapons and even her claws.
    Paralysis Sight - At will, she can use her gaze to paralyze her target so long as she makes eye contact with them. Her target is thus unable to move or speak for several minutes even if eye contact is broken. If the gaze is intensified or held for too long it can result in the death of the observer and can weaken Brandish quite a bit.
    Constrictor Strength - She has enhanced strength especially when she squeezes, she is very capable of squeezing the life out of a person.
    Claws/Fang - She has powerful jaws/fangs that can be coated in her venom as well as claws that she can do the same with.
    Enhanced Senses/Snake Sense - She has enhanced senses including the ability to detect heat and see in the dark. She also has enhanced smell when she opens her mouth.

    Skills and Weaponry:
    ~Expert in hand-to-hand combat
    ~Weapons expert with knives, whips, bow & arrow, and sword (her main weapons are whips tho)
    ~Expert interrogator/torturer
    ~Animal handling
    ~Gardening and alchemy, she used to have her own garden where she grew plants she would use in her interrogations
    ~Agility & stealth
    ~Strategic and quick on her feet
    ~Expert at surviving in nature
    Allegiances: She works alone up until now.
    Enemies: Too many to count including the police, several intelligence agencies, a number of superheroes, quite a few governments, and several organized crime groups, overall she has made quite the name for herself and a list of ever-growing enemies to go with it.

    Appearance: Kenna is a beautiful young woman who carries herself with great strength and regality even during her time at Belle Reve. She has a sweet face and a smile that makes people want to trust her without knowing anything about her. Her hair is long and thick with a light brown coloring that in the sun seems to have gentle streaks of gold running through it but in some lights can also look much darker. Her soft almond skin is not unmarked and bears several scars from her past, the largest of which circles her neck and looks to have been inflicted by something searing around her throat for a long period of time. She is decorated head to toe in ink serpents that are tattooed across her body, many of which hide her scars including the one on her throat. Along her arms, you can easily spy the intricate black markings of her beloved serpent tattoos that are known to come to life if she so desires it. Her eyes are a warm whiskey gold hue that turns neon green when she is aiming to inflict paralysis or even death upon her prey. She has a small yet well-muscled and well-endowed build that she has no shame dressing to show off.
    Wardrobe: Kenna clearly dresses with great confidence in her appearance. Her attire tends to highlight her figure as well as colors that complement her hair and skin tone so she can more easily charm others but also for her own enjoyment. She loves skirts, dresses, ripped jeans, bralettes under sheer tops, shirts with open backs, etc. She also enjoys dressing to show off her tattoos. You will not often find her sporting anything that covers her neck though since she has a specific hatred for her neck being touched.
    Style Examples: Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 3
    Villain Outfit: Outfit (No cape tho), or this Outfit (without the green hair)
    Scent: Lilies of the Valley and Pine
    Height & Weight: 5'3" 124 lbs
    Body Modifications: Neck Tattoo, combat snake tattoos (arms), stomach/side tattoo, sternum tattoo, foot tattoo, hip tattoo, leg tattoo
    Physical Disabilities: Doesn't handle cold the best.
    Faceclaim: Sarah Jeffery

    Personality: Kenna is a complicated girl trapped in a complicated state of mind. She was once a sweet and loving young woman who wanted to use her powers to help the world in whatever way she could, but due to life repeatedly punching her in the gut, she changed. When held in captivity for years and tortured in unspeakable ways something inside of Kenna broke in a way that completely changed the girl for the absolute worst. Having been treated as an object and weapon for so long she became cruel, violent, and demented. Her desire for control over herself, as well as others as a sense of what is owed to her, became greater than anything else. Her kind heart was shattered and replaced with a tortured and tormented soul that wants to see others suffer as she once did, especially her family. Due to her past, Kenna has some serious PTSD from her years in captivity that can trigger episodes and flashbacks that can cause her to break down and become panicked, afraid, or violent. After certain events from her past Kenna also has a strong need to be looked at and adored, she wants to know that she is still beautiful, that she is still desirable, and that people could still want her. Because of this Kenna is an absolute demon with an angel smile. She is an amazing liar and actress, especially when it comes to flirtation and seduction. Before being captured and put on parole Kenna had been one of the deadliest and cruelest villains in the world, she took joy in torture and putting others through immense pain as she held their life in her hands and crushed it to pieces. It is hard to believe that now every once in a while little pieces of the person Kenna used to be will peek through, she will be sweet, she will care, she will feel remorse and it will crush her. The more she is forced to be around The Squad the better she becomes, meaning she will at least do some good and has mostly stopped killing and torturing innocent people as she once did when she broke free. Now she tends to target criminals, people who are like those who hurt her all those years ago, thugs, mobsters, and slave drivers, they are all her prey. There is something clearly unstable with her but there are still seeds of hope that a soul still resides within her and could be reached through hard work and with a helping hand.

    Positive Traits:
    ~Hard working
    ~Quick on her feet
    Negative Traits:
    ~Enjoys the suffering of others
    ~Looks after herself first (this could change)
    ~Clearly unstable
    MBTI Type: ESTJ
    Hogwarts House: Slytherin
    Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Temperament: Choleric

    ~Traditional Mexican food
    ~To be desired
    ~Messing with others
    ~The finer things in life (clothes, food, jewelry)
    ~Snakes (duh)
    ~Sun bathing
    ~Feeling strong, like no one could ever hurt her again
    ~Tea & Coffee
    ~Old Fashions
    ~Begging (From others, she doesn't like to beg)
    ~Serious cold
    ~The fail-safe they put in her head
    ~Being restrained
    ~Just about anything around her throat
    ~Someone having control over her (clearly not gonna be a fan of this whole situation)
    ~When people refuse to look at her
    ~People who dislike snakes (I mean come on...)
    ~Being forced to beg
    ~Her old self showing in any way
    ~People in power
    ~The color yellow (just doesn't vibe with it)
    ~Thugs, mobsters, crime lords and their businesses
    ~Having episodes
    ~Her family
    ~Traces the scar on her neck when she is feeling uncertain
    ~Will talk to herself (isn't actually talking to herself but is talking to her snakes) when she is feeling overly emotional
    ~Makes a clicking sound with her tongue when she is bored
    ~Being restrained
    ~Being drugged against her will
    ~Sleeping in general because she has constant nightmares
    ~Being powerless and becoming prey
    ~Not being in control
    ~Gardening (her garden is home to many plant species that can be used to inflict pain or kill)
    ~Taking care of animals (she hates other humans, not the poor little animals)
    ~Playing piano
    Mental Disorders: PTSD and overall just twisted tortured soul who was driven insane and made cruel.

    —Father: Andrew Rose
    —Mother: Callie Rose
    —Sibling(s): Jamie Rose, Samara Rose
    Hometown: Farmville, Virginia
    Backstory: (TRIGGER WARNINGS!)
    When Kenna was first born it was fairly obvious that she was gifted seeing as she was born with twin serpent tattoos on both of her arms that came to life in the delivery room. This as one could imagine didn't lead to the best first few moments of life when everyone is screaming and running because a baby just produced snakes. It was pretty clear for Kenna growing up that her family had one goal in mind for her and that was for her to be as normal as possible which she did her best at as she grew up secretly dreaming of becoming a superhero. She often was forced to wear sunglasses around the house to keep from paralyzing her parents by accident, outside she always wore long sleeves to hide the ink serpent marking that her conservative and religious mother and father disliked so greatly, and she wasn't allowed to have romantic relationships of any sort for fear that she might poison someone by accident. Her parents never seemed to realize that she was completely in control of her abilities from an early age so all of the rules and regulations served no real purpose. Kenna didn't complain though because she loved her parents and she knew that despite them being horrified by what she was they loved her in their own way as well, or at least she thought they did. When Kenna was 18 the preacher's son asked her out on a date and without telling her parents she agreed to go since her parents had always vetoed every date she was asked on. Things were going great until the preacher's son started driving down a back road and pulled off at a random overlook. The two began to kiss and everything was fine seeing as Kenna had complete control over her powers, but then the boy started going too far. Kenna told him to slow down but he wouldn't listen to her and in order to protect herself she fought back in the best way she knew how; she released her venom into the young man and he began to howl in pain. Alarmed and afraid Kenna regretted her actions and pushed him into the back seat so she could drive him to the nearest hospital. When they got there the boy was rushed into the ICU and both of their parents were called. Kenna was still shaken and when asked what happened she told the adults the truth, but of course, no one wanted to believe that the preacher's son would have tried anything like she described and so Kenna became the villain of the story and her family was kicked out of the church. Not only that but the preacher threatened to press charges if her parents didn't do something to contain her.

    It was soon after that that Kenna learned that the love she felt for her parents was not shared as much as she thought. A few nights later at dinner Kenna was eating in silence as her parents barely touched their food and not looking at her, she thought it was odd but figured they must still be mad at her or disgusted with what had transpired between her and the boy. Or at least she thought that until her world went fuzzy and she fell unconscious. When she woke up she was bound in the back of a moving van with several other people. Instantly she began to panic and tried to summon her serpents to help her and protect her but found she could not. Looking around in a panic she spotted blinking collars on the other people's necks and reached up to find a heavy metal collar on her as well. It was clear that these collars were built to interrupt her powers as well as the powers of the other people who she soon found out to be superhumans as well. Kenna was alarmed and began to panic which only resulted in her getting drugged into unconsciousness by one of the men in the back of the truck. When Kenna awoke again she found herself lined up at a bidding with the people she had been in the truck with. To her horror, she discovered that they were being auctioned off to crime lords, mobsters, thugs, etc. to be used as weapons, experiments, and more. Kenna fought and was sedated again but her fighting spirit caught the eye of a very cruel crime lord named Nolander. Nolander purchased her and for the next four and a half years of her life, Kenna became his property to do with as he pleased. It was at that time that Kenna experienced some of the worst pain in her life as she was tortured, experimented on, beaten, drugged, forced to kill, etc. Kenna was torn apart on every level and stitched back together by Nolander, he destroyed the kind, loving, forgiving young woman he purchased and rebuilt her as a cruel and merciless killing machine that he believed would obey him and him alone. It was Nolander who told her that her own parents had handed her over to the slave drivers because of their desire to be rid of her. That bit of information mixed with so much else destroyed her.

    After four and a half years of being Nolanders pet Kenna relished the day that she managed to convince him that she was loyal enough that he could remove her collar and let her serve him freely. She had become an expert in manipulation at that point and as soon as the collar was off and Nolander's guard was down she slaughtered him and his entire crew before breaking out of his facility. With her freedom came a reign of terror around the world as she went on what seemed to be a mass and random killing spree though it was very clear in her mind what she was looking for; her parents. The couple seemed to have vanished into thin air and Kenna was willing to go to whatever lengths necessary to find them. She tortured and killed anyone who might have had any sort of information and she terrorized entire cities attempting to seek them out. She craved their blood on her hands and was completely unhinged and ready to do anything she viewed she needed to in order to find them. Eventually, a group of superhumans managed to catch her and place her under arrest in a maximum-security shadow prison known as Belle Reve. It wasn't until recently that someone dared to cut a deal with her and placed a fail-safe in her head to make her manageable for The Squad to handle. Now she is "free" but with the fail-safe she is still a prisoner on a mission to apparently save the world.

    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Relationship Status: Open
    Crush(es): Open
    Past Partners: Open
    ~Very physical
    ~Works out often
    ~Likes a bit of crazy
    ~Lets her steal food from them
    ~Kisses her tattoos
    ~Doesn't mind being rough with her or her being rough with them
    ~Picks her up
    ~Piggy back rides
    ~Gives her lots of attention
    ~Honest with her
    ~Has an issue with snakes
    ~Tries to "fix" her
    ~Hates tattoos
    ~Tries to control her
    Dominant or Submissive: Switch

    - Control by Halsey
    - Breakfast by Dove Cameron
    - Queen of Kings by Alessandra
    - How Villains Are Made by Madalen Duke



Dang you- I was gonna use Funeral!!! (Joking)
Im tempted to make dog welder

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