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Fantasy Behind the Seal - OOC

IC Codes New
  • adropofdew- adropofdew- Graceling Graceling Aura-Slash Aura-Slash Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples

    From time to time, there will be codes sprinkled into Bookie and/or Narrator posts

    These codes (with the exception of the one Bookie used for Meera) will contain hints about what's going to be happening in the story and so those who manage to Crack the codes will get a little advantage later on (again, without the exception of the one Bookie just wrote) as they'll know what's coming down the tubes in advance

    If they decide to make ot public knowledge, that's fine. If they decide to keep it to themselves. That's also fine. If you have a guess on what the code might mean, private message me and ill let you know of youre correct.

    This, once again, doesnt apply to code Bookie sent Meera. That was more to introduce the idea and let you all start preparing for things coming down the tubes.