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Realistic or Modern bane street [cs]

r e i

-- the lost king --
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
bane street.
alias: nickname around town
age: 16 to 25
affiliation: either the west or the troubles. if none of them then n/a

virtues: (3+)
vices: (3+)
one secret:

dist. features:

theme song: (optional.)

The Wests grew up with a deadbeat mother and a father who was barely there without being high as hell. Their mother didn't care about them, and what they do. She just let them go wild and raised themselves and each other. They have been taken so many times by CPS, only to be brought back as their father did a change around that only last about an hour after they came back to the house. They are the most destructive of the families and the angriest.

The Troubles didn't have the best upbringing either. Their father was in charge of a gang and put immense pressure on them to prove their worth to him. Their mother was nothing but a wh*re and wasn't around enough to be their mother. So they were mainly raised by their father who was really abusive at times. Most of the kids either turned to drugs or drinking by the age of 10. They are the sneakiest of the families and the most violent.
jasmichelle characters - all
  • full name

    katherine trouble.

    nicknames/street names



    18 | june 1st






    middle sister of trouble family.


    camila mendes.

    hair & eyes

    black & brown.




    student/whatever makes her money

    body mods.

    belly button pierced.





    tequila. strawberries. sex. fighting. the color black.


    seafood. rejection. gold jewelry. being told what to do.


    drinks coffee at night. fiddles with necklace often.


    losing a loved one. clowns.


    to never be tied down to one thing. to be rich.


    she's been working late nights here and there as a stripper.

    fuck lemons. life better give me limes and tequila.


    describing katherine isn't always easy. she's like the little heart-shaped box of chocolates you buy someone for valentines day, minus the guide. you never really know what you're gonna get when it comes to her. she can be outgoing with a sense for adventure and inevitably danger. or you might see the crazy, blunt side who can be quite stubborn when it comes to having things her way. one thing that never changes though is her love for family. she would do anything for her siblings and even if they fight like cats and dogs there is no denying her love for any of them. she'd not afraid of getting down and dirty which is good because her attitude has landed her into her fair share of physical altercations. kat is pretty reckless due to her habit of acting first and thinking second. relationships for her are simple because she doesn't have them. she likes to flirt....a lot and doesn't see the point in settling down. this doesn't mean she doesn't get jealous sometimes when it comes to the guys she's involved with. long story short she is fierce, independent, wild, bitchy, impulsive and everything in between!


    katherine is a middle child born into the crazy, fucked up trouble family and she has the scars to prove it. a slutty mother who birthed and abandoned her children and a physically abusive father who ran a gang on the southside. picture-perfect, right? her family might’ve been dysfunctional and her parents sucked but one thing that she was grateful for was her siblings. they all took care of each other and stood up for each other which was like a sense of comfort in the sea of chaos that was their lives.

    despite his abusive nature when angry and his toxic ways, kat couldn't help but feel the need to please her father. she wanted to be daddy's little girl and so she did anything he asked of her. running his errands, hiding his stashes, and more. she would get into fights and just do anything she thought would make him proud of her but it was never enough. he was much more focused on the boys of the family since they were of more use to him and his gang.

    this only caused her to try and grab his attention any way she could, even if it meant stirring up more trouble for herself. by the time she was sixteen she had already been arrested four times; once for possession, twice for assault, and once for theft. she finally got more of her dad's attention but it wasn't the kind she wanted. kat eventually realized that her father would never care about her and that no matter what she did or said, the family would always come second to the gang. out of her siblings, she is the most likely to disobey her fathers orders (sometimes) regardless of the consequences.

    coded by natasha.
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korol characters - caydon



"If you know my family,
you better go
You were​
name: caydon ronald trouble

alias: the quiet trouble

nickname: cay, stitch, or don

gender: cis-male

age: twenty-one

birthdate: july 30th

sexuality: bisexual

affiliation trouble

occupation: mechanic

face claim: garrett hedlund
my greatest​
height: five feet and eleven inches

weight: one hundred and forty-four pounds

eyes: ocean blue

hair: light brown, almost dark brown and long

piercings/tattoos: x + x + x + x + nose piercings, and gauges in his ear

outfits: x + x + x + x
Accomplisment, my darling​
personality: Caydon is a zero-tolerance for shit boy. He's blunt, saying how he feels and why the fuck he feels it without caring about anyone else feelings. He doesn't care if it hurts people, but if it's his daughter that is hurt. He would do anything to make it up to her or if it was one of his family members. Caydon would have at least tried to say sorry. He doesn't care about others or so he tries to portray. Caydon is shy and stays to himself most of the time unless you pick a fight with one of his family or friends. He's cold and will beat anyone who says shit to his child. He keeps people at a distance and tries to stay away from them. Caydon is just not a people person. He's very adaptable, he has to be to support his daughter. He's very capable, learning what he can to make money for a good home for Lilo. He's a pretty decent and nice guy actually, When he sees someone in need, he at least tries to help, it doesn't matter if it works or not. He at least tries. Caydon is also very loyal and caring only to his daughter Lilo and his family.

virtue(s): loyal, protective, honest, caring, helpful

vice(s): closed off, blunt, distant, hateful, anger problems

habits: pacing when he's overwhelmed.

fears: losing his daugther

hopes: to be free with his family and daughter

secret: wip
My Lilo​
backstory: Caydon was born into a family that was cursed to always fuck up. His dad was the biggest ass in the family. Always expecting more, and disciplining with a fist if he doesn't get more. He was cruel and evil. Caydon hated him with everything in him. Growing up in the trouble family was sometimes hard, with their father always wanted them to do something for the gang. He's not proud of it but he did everything he asked of him. Everything. He was scared of what would happen if he didn't. Knowing his father, something bad. He grew up, being known as the quiet trouble until you get in his face and he hurts you for it. He was quiet and hidden to all but his siblings who was his light in the world.

When Caydon was 17, he got a girl pregnant, Varla. At first, he and Varla tried to be good parents and a couple but it became too much for Varla. Five months after his beautiful daughter Lilo Rose Trouble was born, she left and never looked back. His dad wanted him to give her up, to give her to the state but he refused. He made a deal with him that day. He will do anything he wanted, as long as he never goes never his daughter. His daughter was to remain protected and not involved. He agreed and now Caydon is a slave to his own father. He made a deal with the devil that day and he would never regret it. For his daughter, he would do anything and with the help of his siblings. He managed to raise a beautiful 4-year-old child, and she is his entire world.

relationships: wip

theme song: one thing right
go and run far away from here. you'll thank me.
you don't belong in this darkness."



coded by korol | note: THIS WAS HARD
proudnoodle characters - jude

virtues charismatic, daring, shrewd, crafty
vices erratic, destructive, short temptered, unstable, indulgant, obsessive.
habits a nail biter, leg jigger, pen clicker. jude has a lot of pent up energy (often nervous) and it shows in his fidgety behaviour. he tends to gesture plenty when speaking and has very animated, vivid facial expression. while most would consider this a good trait for an empath, it makes jude a brillitant liar. he slips swears into most sentences and if he's not cursing you'll find the boy chewing his bottom lip or licking them.
fears at core, jude is terrified of abandonmnent. he likes to seem invincible and maintain a big, loud presence because he thinks he needs to be someone to be loveable. while he likes to act tough, get him in a confined space and he'll freak.
hopes ruled by the sporadic nature of his poor mental health, jude doesn't have many definites plans or hopes for his future. he lives by impulse and whatever pleases or suits him in the very moment.
dreams when he has the money he intends to leave the family, leave america and his entire life. he'd like to start fresh and build his own business someplace like spain.

height 5"7
hair jet black, sleek. he has shaved sides with longer hair on the top, it naturally sits well due to the density of his hair
eyes a striking, icen gray.
dist. features aside from the obvious piercings (nose, one stretched ear) and tattoos from head to toe, he has a small mole behind one ear— the exact same as their father.
outfits despite the more slick aspects of his appearance (nice hair, cologne, thousand dollar chains and watches) jude dresses in the way most comfortable. this often means a pair of branded joggers with the same ugly slides he wears every day of the week (don't forget the socks!) and a grey, stained sweater or plain baggy shirt.

history jude got to know very little of his mother. the only person in his family who was his tight-lipped father. it took him a long while to figure out that the subject was too painful for him to tackle, something he would use to his vantage over the years. for the most part jude didn't feel a need to know more because his father gave him plenty of attention and all of his needs were met. he wanted the $700 rock racer 4wd remote control car? he got it. another xbox controller because you smashed the last one? sure buddy! his father found that meeting his demands was easier than dealing with jude's calamitous tantrums. jude soon found he wouldn't even have to ask; he learned to steal and shift the blame to others. he was naive to think he could get away with anything, and as he matured his father began to draw limits. by then the damage was already done; jude was spoiled, entitled, sly and totally unstoppable. if he didn't get his way it was a very slippery slope to violence or destruction.

that's all he'd known in his early life, but as a teen he found comfort in all the chaos. he received praise from his father for so naturally embracing his new role in the gang (something he would always rub in caydon's face) and withdrawing from school to dedicate himself to his role— or as his father would say, his family. jude would become a mule and a dealer of drugs, unbeknownst his father he was dabbling with them himself. he still got the job done, every time. his superficial allure and sneaky ways made him a perfect fit for the role but not all good things last forever; at seventeen he was arrested. coupled with a list of minor offenses jude had already piled, this was the final straw.

after four months in juvenile detention there was a drastic change in his personality. he seemed distant; jude had always been a lippy and loud boy but now he was reclusive, his humour reduced to the rare sarcastic input. he needed a lot of support from the siblings he had always taunted to come out of his shell again. he hasn't opened up about his experience yet but just wants to put it behind him, it would seem he found the discipline and introspection he sorely needed.

now, jude is a charming and sly young man. he works hard and has found a hobby to channel his oodles of energy into; stealing and jailbreaking phones. he's worn off drug dealing but still retains a position in the gang, burgling homes in the city to resell whatever he reaps. he seems cool but his temper is paper thin. he's irritable and very easily unhinged, likely to fly off the handle and become aggresive from something as small as someone looking at him the wrong way. that being said he has a strange amount of patience and self-control in other areas and is just completely unpredictable.
relationship(s) he had a secret and brief fling with Dallas West. the thing about a fling is that there's always a backlash that follows.
theme songs

made to be broken.
name: jude trouble
alias the mad trouble
nickname(s) "judy" (by his siblings, kris is the only one who gets away with it.) or jj.
age twenty
birthday october 12th
affilation second eldest of the troubles
occupation subordinate of his father's gang
sexuality closeted gay
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Goldieloxx characters - Kris


Kristina Rose Trouble





July 13







Dist. Features
Her dimples

this, also this, and this

Face Claim
Dove Cameron

passionate | intelligent | confident

sneaky | backtalker | selfish

stealing | has a bad habit of talking over others | angry cleans

losing the support of her family | drowning

to one day make it big, either in the music business or the fashion business

One Secret
makes a good amount of money selling faceless riqsue pictures

Kristina is the youngest trouble, and despite Caydon's anger issues and Katherine's bipolar-ness (Kris' words), Kristina might be the most trouble of them all. Being the youngest, she's damn well protected, and she uses that to her advantage. If Kris has a problem with you, she easily has two sisters or two brothers she can go to. So no matter your gender, you're screwed. Kristina herself doesn't like to get her hands dirty, but she will if she has to. She's been this way since she was born, living under her abusive father and absentee mother's roof. Thank god for her siblings, though, and their protection.

That doesn't mean that Kristina was coddled, though, because she wasn't. She felt the hand of their father more times than she can remember or even begin to count, and she's seen things that could make a grown man cry. Their mother didn't keep her cheating a secret, and Kristina saw her with other men multiple times, and they weren't always the nicest, either. They especially didn't want kids walking in on them, and they weren't gentleman when caught. Kristina always wanted that love and affection from her parents; who didn't? But she quickly learned she wouldn't get it.

Being a gang leaders daughter, she learned more than just to keep her mouth shut about things. She learned how to steal and lie with the best of them. She's pretty damn good at it, whether she's stealing from a store in the mall or even from a person. She has champagne taste on a beer budget, and it shows. She always has to make sure she looks good, even at the expense of others. Despite all of this, her family is important to her, and she would kill to protect them.


theme song.

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Goldieloxx characters - Ryan


Ryan Thomas West





September 21





Dirty Blonde


Dist. Features
His "charming" smirk

this, this, and this

Face Claim
Chris Zylka

friendly | open | charismatic

vain | hotheaded | critical

always carries a weapon of some sort on him | can fix just about anything

not being able to protect or provide for his family | being a dad

to never have to settle down

One Secret
Has gotten a girl pregnant before, though she dipped out and he has no idea how to get in touch with her

Ryan was born third into the West family, making him the second male child. He definitely isn't the 'caretaker' type, so him being oldest would not have been great. He does care for nad protect his family, but when it comes to maturity and responsibility? He'll pass. Growing up, he was in and out of CPS and foster homes, but he always got returned to his mother. Sometimes his father was even there, though that was a rare event. The thing is, Ryan was a terrible, god awful child. He set things on fire, he stole, he lied, and nothing any adult figure did could make him change. Mostly, he just wanted to be with his family so he was acting out, but even now, he still has a small problem with authority.

In middle school, he got so many suspensions its a miracle he passed on to high school. Maybe his older siblings had something to do with that. If it wasn't for them, he would have been lost a long time ago. Not that he'd admit that to most people. In tenth grade, he got expelled for bringing a knife to school and using it on someone who threatened his family. He didn't care; he ended up lying about his age and getting a job at a mechanics shop, which is where he met Xander. They became fast friends, and they can be quite reckless and dangerous together.

When Ryan was seventeen, he met Sara, a girl from the northside. They were fooling around, but something happened and she got pregnant. She told him, and they made a plan to go have an abortion. Next thing he knew, she'd left town. He tried calling her, texting her, even stopping by her house. But she was gone. He hasn't heard from her since, and to this day has no idea whether or not he has a child. Sometimes it still bothers him, but for the most part, he lives his life as he wants.


theme song.

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Goldieloxx characters - Cade


Xander Elliott Richards


Xan ["Zan"]



October 30



Mechanic | Gang Member | Tattoo Artist


Light Brown


Dist. Features
The tattoos covering his body

this, this, and this

Face Claim
Stephen James

determined | assertive | ambitious

cruel | possessive | jealous

usually has to be doing something with his hands (smoking, snapping a rubber band, etc)

overdosing | losing someone he cares about

to make money fixing cars and doing tattoos

One Secret
He draws for reasons other than tattoos, and has many sketchbooks that he never shows anyone

Xander was born to a set of young parents who had no business having kids. Luckily for them (maybe), he was their only 'mistake' as his father called him. Xander heard that word alot growing up, and it usually led to his father hitting him and his mother running to hide somewhere. She never protected her son, usually because she was either too scared or too high to really do anything about it. Xander's father was a scary man, and Xander lived in fear of him too, until he was old enough to start fighting back. He learned how to fight from some kids in his neighborhood, and one day he knocked the man clean out.

And then Xander ran, but of course, he eventually had to go home. Though he snuck in in the middle of the night, his father was there, busted up and bruised but very much alive and angry. He tore Xander from his bed and threw him down the stairs. The cops were called, but they looked at Xander's fathers bruises and the case he'd opened against his son and it was a wrap. They left Xander there to deal with the man, and he got the beating of a lifetime after they left. Still, Xander learned that he wasn't helpless.

When he was about thirteen, he got into his moms stash. He'd seen her take the stuff many times, and so he did exactly what she did. His mother found him a short time later, passed out on the floor. She had the wits about her to call 911, and they saved Xander's life. In his senior year, he joined a gang and dropped out of school to work for them as a mechanic in one of their garages. He does tattoo work on the side, and actually really enjoys it. He met Ryan when he was 18 and Ryan was 16. Xander knew the dude was lying about his age, but he hired him anyway, and they became good friends.


theme song.

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Goldieloxx characters - Lily


Lily Belle Garner





January 1







Dist. Features
Her usually expensive clothing

this, this, and this

Face Claim
Lili Reinhart

gentle | kind | compassionate

naive | impulsive | proud

spends money on her friends | unintentionally gets taken advantage of

being alone | the dark

to fit in

One Secret
her father was a southsider that her mother cheated on her 'father' with

Lily was born with a silver spoon practically in her mouth. Her parents are from the Northside, and rich beyond belief. Growing up, she didn't know much about the southside, as she was never allowed to go there. If they did have to go through the southside, she was told not to stare and never, ever to get out of the car. No matter what. Her parents basically raised her to believe that the southside was trash, and that anyone from that area was trash, too. So, being the good little girl she was, she believed them and never ventured into the southside for anything. After all, everything she needed or wanted was on the northside.

But as she got older, she got more and more curious. Her friends at school were raised the same way she was, but Lily had more of an open mind than everyone else, and she was wondering why the southside was so bad. It wasn't their fault they were poor, so why were they treated like it was a choice they'd made? Well, one night when she was sixteen, she ventured into the southside just to see what all the fuss was about. She ended up getting lost, and then she was surrounded by a group of guys. They were coming for her, but her screams alerted a few others.

Lily still remembers how the beautiful brunette bitched her out for being out there without some kind of weapon, to which Lily just told her that she didn't know how to use one. From that moment on, she and Kat were friends, and they just got closer as time went on. Lily grounds Kat, and Kat helps Lily to fly. Lily spends as much time as she can in the southside with Kat, doing whatever they want. It's extremely freeing, and she's pretty much left her northside life behind. Except for the credit cards.


theme song.

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EddieTeddie Characters - Dallas
Dallas West

name: Dallas
nickname: TBD
alias: The oldest West
age: 22
gender: male
birth date: October 23rd
sexuality: Homosexual
affiliation: The Wests
occupation: Works at the local gym, instructs some boxing classes, but mainly helps with maintenance.
hair: Dark brown
eyes: light blue/grey
height: 1.92 m
dist. features: Defined jawbones, bulky body.
outfits: TBA
face-claim: Sean O'Pry
Dallas is a young man born with a lot of love and care for those around him. His family is everything to him. Sadly the world has never shown him any care, only the cold, harsh reality of life. In his best ways Dallas wants to protect his family from this, and has dedicated his life to them, working hard so they can live a more comfortable life.
Normally he is a rather calm person, wanting to solve problems with words instead of fists, but if someone needs a punch in the face, he will do it without hesitation. When he's first in a violent streak, anger controls him and he can be hard to stop.
virtues: Hard-working, protective, family-oriented, prepared, reliable, devoted,
vices: over-protective, brutal, guarded, explosive, compulsive, short fuse, strict, constantly stressed
habits: foot tapping, cracking fingers, scratching neck, smoking and drinking.
Going too far during a outburst, losing his siblings, hurting his siblings.
To pave a path to a future where his siblings can do/become who they want to be, hopefully a life far from violence, drugs and despair.
one secret:
guilty pleasure: Relaxing to classic music, made for TV feel good movies (easily cries to sad scenes)
theme song: TBA
Bio + misc
backstory: Dallas was the first born child in the West family. From an early age he learned that he had to take care of himself, and his younger siblings, because his parents weren't going to. As soon as he could reach the stove, he learned how to cook. He washed their clothes, cleaned their rooms, helped them with homework and made sure they stayed out of trouble (as best as he could). More times than he could count, he took care of their good for nothing father, making sure he wouldn't die in his sleep.
When times were extra tough he stole them their necessities, and from the age of 11 he started working odd jobs for whoever in town needed help. The money he earned was spent on the most necessary things, a little extra for birthdays and Christmas and whatever was left then was put away for emergencies (someone had to be the one to pay medical bills if something happened). At 13 Dallas dropped out of high school, despite always having OK grades, he simply found out he had no time for school. Jackson Williamson, the owner of the local gym, offered Dallas free boxing sessions and some pocket money for helping out at the gym. As the years passed, Jackson became the only adult that Dallas has ever trusted and looked up to, and at 16 he was offered an official job at the gym where he still works. To Jackson's disappointment, Dallas is known around town for often getting into fists fights.


"Life owns you nothing, so protect what you love"

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EddieTeddie Characters - Annie
Annabella Trouble
name: Annabella Trouble
nickname: Annie
age: 17
gender: male
birth date: December 19th
sexuality: Heterosexual
affiliation: The Troubles
occupation: Student
hair: Brown
eyes: brown
height: 1.65 m
dist. features: scar on upper lip.
outfits: TBA
face-claim: Willa Holland
Annie is a Trouble that doesn't get into a lot of trouble. During her youth she thought it was her destiny to become like her family; druggies and criminals, but with a lot of encouragement from a teacher, Annie realized she could be more. Despite attending a party here or there, she has never drunk, smoked or done drugs. She much more prefers to read, play games and solve math problems.
She has little patience, a short fuse and is quite arrogant, believing her brains makes her better than her peers, often also her family members. Easily said; she feels out of place in her family, and does her best to distance herself from them. If asked by her father she will help, having learned from experience that he is not someone you disobey.
virtues: Intelligent, ambitious, hard working, studious, problem solver, rational.
vices: freaks out easily, short fuse, arrogant, self righteous, stubborn
fears: Being stuck in town, becoming a criminal, not being smart enough.
- going to a good college/uni and getting a good job (preferably within game development)
- that she is actually adopted and one day her real parents will come pick her up
one secret: TBD
guilty pleasure: making
theme song: tba
Bio + Misc
Annie is, like the other Trouble kids, born into a family lacking parental compassion. As a young child she was always reserved and quiet, mostly trying to stay out of the way and invisible. At school she was never popular, but always had some friends she trusted. At one of her friends' house she got to try a video game and fell in love. Going over to someone else's house to play became her escape.
The older she got, the more she realized that she was different, special. Her brain worked differently than others, math and numbers were a second nature to her; she was smart, maybe even a genius. The fact that she had a shot at becoming something became her comfort, and might have made her a bit too cocky. At the age of 14 she called her father dumb by impulse, and got a punch in the face back. The scar on her lip is a constant reminder that bane street is not her home. Her issues got worse when she shortly after encountered unwanted sexual attention at a party, and she despised physical contact since.
Annie continued her focus on studying, and with the help of a teacher she found her dream college, wanting to study game development and giving others great games they can escape into. To her great joy she found a programming competition offering full scholarship to the winner. Only one more year before she can leave.

"I'm getting out of this shit hole"
beeswaxie characters - morgan
daydreaming into the night
  • name
    Morgan West

    Morgs/Captain (Morgan)


    23rd of October





    The Wests
watch me while i bloom
code by valen t.
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beeswaxie characters - selene
must be love on the brain
  • name
    Selene Ross



    21st of February





    The Troubles
tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
code by valen t.
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korol characters - diane



"My last name is West
Which means
I am​
name: diane rat west

alias: the badass west

nickname: rat

gender: cis-female

age: eighteen

birthdate: May 28th

sexuality: homosexual

affiliation west

occupation: unempolyed/student

face claim: vanessa morgan
broken and​
height: five feet and eight inches

weight: one hundred and thirty-three pounds

eyes: hazel

hair: light brown, almost dark brown but dyed pink right now

piercings/tattoos: trigger warning x + x + x + x + nose piercings

outfits: x + x + x + x
scarred, but​
virtue(s): loyal, protective, bold, caring, adventurus

vice(s): closed off, blunt, distant, depession, anger problems

habits: biting her nails

fears: her siblings aside from Dallas knowing the truth

hopes: opening up about her depression to alll of her family

secret: she has tried to kill herself before
but i'm still here​
backstory: TRIGGER WARNING Diane, better known as Rat has always had the trouble life, especially being a west. Their dad was high all the time, their mother was barely around. Rat always knew that she wasn't like her siblings. Her darker skin tone, always told her that she was a product of an one night stand between an random woman and her father. He got stuck with her when her mother didn't want her. Dallas basically raised her. She consider him more of an father then anyone. Even sometimes calling her Pops as an nickname. She was an runner and always had been. Even as her kid, she used to run and explore the town until one of her siblings found her. She was an outgoing kid until she went to school.

that's where her struggles started to show. Turns out she was dyslexic, and she didn't find out until the 3rd grade. She was just passed through grades by teachers wouldn't want to deal with her. Classmates would bully her until she beat them and then she got into trouble and she would run again. She just thought she was stupid, so stupid that her parents didn't want her. Her stepmother always told her that. Jealous that her man had another child. She used to bully the child when her siblings weren't around. By the time 9th grade came around, she was depressed and was barely going to school. One day when she thought everyone was gonna, she tried to kill herself...luckily Dallas came to the house and saved her. She made him promise that it would stay between them. He made her promise to stay alive and attend therapy. She agreed and now 3 years later, she is still going to therapy and with dallas keeping an close eye on her. Her other siblings still don't know about what happened 3 years ago. They might never will.

relationships: wip

theme song: hold on
I'm trouble. my family is trouble.
if you know what's good for you, you stay away."



coded by korol | note: THIS WAS HARD









name: Jonas Weaver

nicknames: Jay

age: 22

gender: male

birthdate: June 24

sexuality: heterosexual

affiliation: N/A

occupation: bartender

• Observant
• Reliable
• Laid-back
• Amiable
• Charming

• Unambitious
• Easily discouraged
• Pessimistic
• Weak-willed
• Passive

• Chewing on the end of pens
• Bouncing his leg when he's nervous (or distracted)

• Ending up like his parents and being stuck here for the rest of his life
• Heights

• Not to worry about money
• Be better than his parents

One Secret:



height: 6'
hair: dark brown
eyes: blue gray
dist. features: dimples when he smiles and a scar across his stomach
outfits: sweaters, jeans, tank tops when he works out or in the summer when it's hot

Biography: Like many others, Jonas was born and raised on Bane Street and hasn't known much else in life.

When his mother was sixteen, she had a fling with an older guy that resulted in her being, well, pregnant. The first people she told were her parents and she fully expected them to understand and be there to support her, but instead they did the total opposite. Her parents kicked her out onto the streets and his mom had nowhere to go.

Luckily (or maybe unluckily), she found Jonas's dad. Although he allowed her to stay with him in his horrible studio apartment (which, to be honest, was less an apartment and more like a closet), he insisted that Jonas wasn't his and that he was doing this out of the "goodness of his heart." His dad was definitely physically abusive and once Jonas was born a mere nine months later, the first thing that his father demanded was a DNA test -- which just proved that Jonas was, in fact, his.

Growing up in that little apartment sucked. His father was abusive and started relying on alcohol more and more and Jonas's mother wasn't much better -- although, at least, she didn't hit him.

When Jonas turned ten, his mother took him and left his father. However, she had no plan or money and they ended up bouncing around from house to house, couch to couch. Eventually, his mother started taking on "jobs" that Jonas didn't know the extent of. Later, he kinda figured out that she was definitely prostituting herself out, but at least the money she made was enough for them to start living in a tiny, one bedroom apartment.

School for Jonas was almost like an escape from his home and with his easy-going nature, he easily rose up and was seen as a fairly popular guy. Everything seemed to be looking up for Jonas -- maybe. Chances were his good grades and football skills might just earn him a decent scholarship, until his mother ended up falling sick. Jonas graduated, but he had to stay back to get a job and try and support her until she -- unfortunately -- passed away just a few months after graduation.

Jonas got rid of the apartment and ended up moving into a different, cheaper one and that's where he's been ever since. He works at a local club as a bartender and for the most part, has given up on any dreams of grandeur or escape. But that's okay. He's... mostly happy.



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I'm not what I seem
  • name
    Rowan West

    Row, Fox


    18th of July





    The Wests
i want the world to believe there's a light inside of me
code by valen t.
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Fire is life







name: Kairos Trouble

nicknames: Kai

age: 16

gender: male

birthdate: July 13

sexuality: bisexual

affiliation: Troubles

occupation: just a student

• Optimistic
• Adventurous
• Sympathetic
• Imaginative
• Sweet-natured

• Indecisive
• Lazy
• Impatient
• Pyromaniac
• Childish

• Humming to himself -- he's not a fan of silence
• Actually decent at playing a guitar, would probably be better if he didn't only practice when he's able to borrow one
• He kinda sets stuff on fire when he's mad -- especially Kris's stuff


• Becoming a famous musician and getting out of the slums

One Secret:



height: 5'5"

hair: blonde

eyes: blue

dist. features: his lower lip is pierced

outfits: lots of black hoodies, dark jeans, a pair of old sneakers

Biography: As one of the youngest Troubles, Kai avoided some of the abuse from their parents -- not all of it, obviously, but he knows that he didn't have it as bad as his older siblings. Maybe part of that was his ability to hide in the shadows because out of sight, out of mind, right?

Well his siblings focused on other... hobbies like shoplifting or drug use, Kai tended to stick to the straight and narrow. Sure, he did his fair share of stealing, but he didn't have the cunning, sneaky abilities that Kris possessed. He's tried the whole drug thing but it didn't speak to him like it did to Jude. Basically, Kai was kind of the black sheep in the family. Or that's kind of how he felt.

He found his own joy in different things. Namely, fire. There was something about being able to control something that was so dangerous that brought some kind of joy to Kairos. So yeah, he's spent the better part of his time setting fires, namely in the backyard or wherever he might be. Kai also enjoys burning things from people that make him mad -- namely his siblings... well, mostly just Kris.

So yeah. For the most part, Kai has had one of the more boring upbringings in the Trouble house. He's learned to stay to himself, being able to ignore people and fly under the radar for the most part.



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.44 bulldog, make 'em get back I ain't with the talk or the chit chat (uh-huh) All you hatin' ass I'm uncultured better sit back (boom) Or y'all gon' be the next one to get they shit snatched (boom, boom) Free Milly Gz out the cage, he was buckin' (grrt) I need the alc' 'cause I'm allergic to the cuffin' (oh) And I ain't with the talk or discussions (look) Know some I'm uncultured that'll shoot you for nothin'… .44 bulldog, make 'em get back (bah) I ain't with the talk or the chit chat (uh-huh) All you hatin' ass I'm uncultured better sit back (boom) Or y'all gon' be the next one to get they shit snatched (boom, boom)
Free Milly Gz out the cage, he was buckin' (grrt)
I need the alc' 'cause I'm allergic to the cuffin' (oh)
And I ain't with the talk or discussions (look)
Know some I'm uncultured that'll shoot you for nothin'…

  • Full Name: Leopald Theodore Maddox.

    Alias: Leopald "Leo" Bailey.

    Nicknames: Hawkeye (police academy), Leo (friendly).

    Age: Twenty-two. January 27th.

    Gender: Male.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual.

    Affiliation: Chicago Police Department.

    Occupation: Detective (year one).
    Carpenter(cover job).

    Face Claim: Rome Flynn.



code by low fidelity.
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  • Drew Lawson
    Drew Lawson

    "Use Somebody" - Kings of Leon

coded by weldherwings.



  • Lydia Trouble
    Lydia Trouble

    "Just Like Fire" - P!nk

coded by weldherwings.

still wip

lucky mcgee

get over it, please.

Name : Lucifer "Lucky" McGee,
your "heart of gold" stripper
Age: 23 | January 3rd
Gender : Male
Sexual Orientation : Homosexual
Occupation: Go-Go Boy/ Stripper
Affiliation: Neutral

Eye Color: blue hazel
Hair Color: dark brown
Height : 5"9
Build: buffed, mesomorphic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Distinguishing Features: a slight green flicker to his eyes when he becomes angry or anxious



Personality: Lucky may come off a little gruff in the beginning, but what can you expect from someone who's name is literally Lucifer? To his siblings and his friends, he is a saint, literally dropping everything he does to make sure they have. But, to the rest of the world, he is full-on stone-hearted. Nothing is a surprise to him anymore. With a dad like his, it is the only option. It'd be paradise to have only a second of alone time to himself, but he knows what his life is like and how to handle it.



habits: cigarettes, lollipops, and a finger of whiskey each night.

one secret: His real father is Daniel Trouble, the uncle of the current Trouble family

History, as told by Lucifer:
"Life wasn't always like this," Lucky said, taking a long drag before putting his cigarette out on one of the many dirty plates before him. He slung a towel over his bare shoulder and proceeded washing. "Sure, my parents gave me the worst possible name ever, but they were in love. Ma was good to me. She kept food in our stomachs and kept Dad from being too drunk at any given time. She was the one who taught me to fight. But, ya know, she just couldn't beat the big C. Never smoked a day in her life, ate right...but it still came and took her away." Lucky slid a cup into the drying rack, then rubbed his eye with the inside of his arm. To anyone else, it'd only look like he was wiping sweat.

"Me and Dad had our first knockdown, drag-out fight soon after. Nobody would remember, but that was the first time I put his ass on the curb. He comes back every now and again, but it's up to me if he stays. Especially since Ma left the house to me. It didn't go well when Dad found out I was gay. It was worse when I started dancing, but that's his problem." He threw the towel in the sink and turned toward his guest with a half crooked smile on his face. "I have a lot of regrets. I wish I would have finished school. I wish I had kissed Danny Garfield during 8th Grade Prom. But, for the most part I think I came out alright...or, at least I hope you think so."

"Now then, Where the hell were you last week?" he asked before bursting out into laughter.

Theme: Ocean Eyes((BLACKBEAR REMIX))

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"All I've ever had was my brother
he's all i've ever known
What's Family​
name: tessa regan hail

alias: the asshole one

nickname: tess, and monkey [ only her brother ]

gender: cis-female

age: seventeen

birthdate: march 28th

sexuality: pansexual

affiliation n/a

occupation: student

face claim: pyper america
It's just​
height: five feet and eleven inches

weight: one hundred and twenty-nine pounds

eyes: ice blue

hair: dyed blond, natually brown, and short

piercings/tattoos: nose piercings, and gauges in her ears

outfits: x + x + x + x
A word​
virtue(s): loyal, bold, honest, adventurous, intelligent

vice(s): closed off to everyone but her brother, sarcastic, messy, arrogant, and moody

habits: she tends to spits out insults when she's scared or worried

fears: losing her brother

hopes: to actually know what is a family

secret: her and her brother are actually cousins of the west (their mother is the west's mom sister but left soon after the age of 18.)
Just a worthless word​
backstory: Tessa was born as a set of two. Her brother, Tenn and her were much attached at the hip ever since they were born. Not because of an twin bond but because they were the only one each other could count on to be there always. Their parents were business owners, as they grew up from the bottom and now refused to go back. They worked their asses off at the expense of never knowing their own children and their children always feeling left and abandoned by their parents. They grew up lonely, they got everything they could ever want but their parents. Nannies raised them until they were at an age where they could take care of themselves. The only reason they even knew that they had parents was because of the daily stipend of money to their bank accounts.

Tessa had friends but only because of the bank account she owned. They never wanted her for her. So the twins decided together that they would never leave each other and that they would never let anyone in. All they needed was each other.

relationships: wip

theme song: consequnces by camila cabello
So touch him or hurt him
and I will make sure that you'll live to regret it."



coded by korol | note: THIS WAS HARD
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"She may be cruel
to others but
All I have ever​
name: tenn reece hail

alias: the kind but shy one

nickname: reece, and re-re [ only his sister ]

gender: cis-male

age: seventeen

birthdate: march 28th

sexuality: heterosexual

affiliation n/a

occupation: student

face claim: lucky blue smith
Needed was her​
height: five feet and eleven inches

weight: one hundred and forty-six pounds

eyes: ice blue

hair: dyed blond, naturally brown, and short

piercings/tattoos: nose piercings

outfits: x + x + x + x
Without her, I​
virtue(s): loyal, dependable, mature, cam, intelligent

vice(s): shy, lonely, uncertain about everything, distrustful of everyone but his sister, and anxious

habits: he tends to go mute, away from his sister

fears: losing his sister

hopes: to actually know what it's like without anxiety

secret: her and her brother are actually cousins of the west (their mother is the west's mom sister but left soon after the age of 18.) Also, he has an anxiety disorder that he takes meds for.
I would be lost​
backstory: Tenn was born as a set of two. His sister Tessa, and him were much attached at the hip ever since they were born. Not because of an twin bond but because they were the only one each other could count on to be there always. Their parents were business owners, as they grew up from the bottom and now refused to go back. They worked their asses off at the expense of never knowing their own children and their children always feeling left and abandoned by their parents. They grew up lonely, they got everything they could ever want but their parents. Nannies raised them until they were at an age where they could take care of themselves. The only reason they even knew that they had parents was because of the daily stipend of money to their bank accounts. It was then that it was discovered that Tenn had separation anxiety, and just anxiety in general. Tessa became more protective over him as an result and barely leaves his side.

Tenn had friends. well Tessa had friends which became his friends but only because of the bank account they owned. They never wanted him even without his sister for him. So the twins decided together that they would never leave each other and that they would never let anyone in. All they needed was each other.

relationships: wip

theme song: can you hold me by nf
To me,
she was my hero and my protector."



coded by korol | note: THIS WAS HARD
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"You see, she means we'll... It's just... Everything about her is rather... Off, don't you think?"
Name: Maxine West

Alias: The Apathetic Freak

Nicknames: Max, Maxie, Bane Street Witch (Completely unrelated to crime, it has more to do with her twelfth birthday, and the subsequent Halloween than anything.), Ine

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthdate: October 23rd, 2004

Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic

Affiliation: The West's (One of the Younger Sisters)

Occupation: Student, Part Time Cashier
"Yeah, I get it. No need to sugar coat the fact you only want me around to feel better about yourself."
Virtues: Perceptive | Creative | Always Calm | Genuinely Kind

Vices: A Bit Detached To Everyday Things That Aren't Her Family | Paranoid | Depressed | Blunt

Personality: Indifferent.

If you were to ask anyone other than her family and ur Maxine West, they would say her entire personality was blunt, apathetic, indifference.

In reality, Max is feels a little to much, and a little to deeply, but she learned to disassociate from her feelings pretty fast growing up, more worried about hoe her older siblings would react to being forced to deal with one more problem than anything else.

Underneath all the snark and apathy is actually a pretty kind, understanding, if incredibly blunt and distrustful, kid who wants to make through life without any problems.

Habits: Whenever her father is brought up Max has a habit of quirking her nose in a way that suggests she just smelled something rancid, pulls on her hair in frustration, taps her foot when nervous, gets an odd quirk to her mouth, (not a smile though), whenever she realizes she knows something no one else does, and her eyes go wide whenever she's genuinely fearful of something

Fears: Her father, she may hide behind a mask of indifference and play up her bravery, but there are few things in the world that scare the shit out of Max more than her father off one of his trips.

Enclosed spaces, after spending the batter half of two days trapped in a tiny pitch black janitors closet in Grade School for a laugh, Max has learned to both fear, and despise small spaces.

That one day her mother will discover her art and rip it to shreds verbally. Its5less serious, but it's something she's always feared.

Hopes: To one day become a well known artist, a bit childish, but still.

To never see her father actually turn around and change, she's... Got a lot of disappointment to look forward to, but hey, what else is new?

Actually make it through highschool without a fist fight. Honest. Not a single one so far. Or so she claims, really, it might be more 'make it through highschool without getting a fight reported'.

One Secret: Max has genuinely contemplated suicide at least twice in her lifetime, once when she was thirteen, and the second within just days after her sixteenth birthday. (She still has the drafted suicide note from the second time stored in her personal laptop.)
"The kid is fuckin'tiny, it's almost surreal. You could probably lift her with one arm and throw her a hundred feet."
Height: 05"00

Weight: 110lbs

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Grey

Dist. Features: Long, thin, scar that runs from the back of her left ear, running under the wary, on the side of her jaw, all to halfway up her left cheek.

"What'd you do to get a name like the 'Bane Street Witch'?"

"Made our neighbors think I sacrificed the local stray cat population to Zeus."


"It was a weird Halloween."

Backstory: Max is one of the younger West children, and, for the lack of a better term, the one pretty much desensitized to all the bullshit that's happened to them.

Not saying she's healthy, because that's a completely can of worms, but she's probably the one person you can always depend on to never overreacting, verbally at least.

Growing up... Had been hard. It always felt like she was being singled out by their father. Either she smiled to much, it looked to smug, or maybe she just wasn't allowed to be angry. So she started to disassociate wuthbher emotions, sure she could scream and curse all she wanted in her head, that was holy ground, but her face would always remain indifferent. No emotion beyond a placating smile, it sift frown.

Shut your mouth and you might make it through the day.

And it's a habit she's never been able to kick, so. She turned to art, jewelry making, sewing, anything to get hands busy, forget about the wild, and just make something that conveyed her feelings, leading to... Quite a few morbid pieces.


The West Family - Max loves her siblings, honest, they can be a bit much every now and then, but she's more than willing to do anything for them if it comes down to it. Except maybe lie to one of the others.

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