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Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

The song that rings through the tavern has a pretty tune, Evendur finds, though he can't understand the lyrics. Based on the tavern name, he'd figure they would be Elvish.

As the group begins to gather, Evendur realizes the one member that ought to stand out the most isn't there. He actually hasn't seen "Dummy" (it feels odd to call someone sincerely by such a name) since they entered the tavern. Did he even follow them upstairs? Probably not, Evendur decides. The metal man coming up the staircase would be hard to miss, wouldn't he.

"I'll go fetch Dummy," he excuses himself and heads back downstairs. With most of the patrons having settled down to listen to the song, it becomes a little easier to navigate the tap room, and after a little while Evendur spots Dummy in conversation with another man at a table off to the side.

"Sorry for interrupting," he begins when he reaches the two. "Everyone's meeting upstairs to talk to Tarina," Evendur addresses Dummy, then glances at the stranger and decides to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Not everyone coming to this tavern would have ill intentions, after all, and Dummy seems... straightforward enough that he'd speak up if there was a problem. "Come join us when you can."
Eyes widening in surprise -they can only be glad their expression was hidden by their mask- they took the gold before returning it to their pockets, careful to keep the action under the table. These companions of Tarina certainly don't seem to be satisfied with the result of the game... They had never intended for the result anyway, but it was always welcomed. "Perhaps." They admitted politely "But yes, let us talk..."

Finally, the true intention of the night.

Seeing as most of the group is present and another volunteered to grab their missing member, they allowed themselves to finally relax a little, though still cautious of the people around them. The atmosphere of the taverns and bars never quite made Feyris comfortable... Urgh, who could even find comfort, let along peace to relax in this foul place? The song did little to aid their uneased spirit, considering they knew neither the lyrics nor the tune.
Eventually, you all meet Tarina in one of the bed chambers upstairs off the side of the main dining area. She closes the door behind you as you file in. The she lights the candles on the Nightstand.

"So many of you," Tarina says, eyeing you all. "Are you here to drag me off or something? What is the meaning of this?"

alabast alabast , DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird , Ilikepie Ilikepie , ValkyrieRose ValkyrieRose , Felix Felix , Felis Felis
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Shadow waits a moment and the realizes none of the others are taking charge in talking to the lady so she decides to do it after letting out a sigh. Shadow pulls out the badge she was given and shows it to Tarina. "As fun as that would be unfortunately we are here on Flaming Fist business, Captain Zodge ordered us to ask you about you know about the Dead Three. He is using this information as a favor you owe him." She did what she was told to do even though she really doesn't like doing that, but she had since no one else was doing it fast enough.
Evendur fidgets as the silence to Tarina's question drags out. Someone should speak up, but Evendur is uncomfortable being the first to do so. He's spent so much time just following orders that taking the initiative when he isn't formally in charge feels kind of... wrong? Rude? Presumptuous?

Finally, Shadow Star breaks the ice, and Evendur decides he can join in as well.

"Yes, that's right. More precisely, this is about their followers and them going on murder sprees," Evendur says. While the lore surrounding the Dead Three would surely be interesting in its own right (at least to the writer of their group, he supposes), what they really need to hear is information on the cultists themselves.
Tarina sighs and shakes her head. “Zodge.” She folds her arms and stares down at the floor. “Yes, I can help you.” She looks back to you all. “But, you have to do something for me first. It kind of works out. I’m in a jam myself. I’ve got some old pirate...buddies that are looking for me. And it’s not to share stories. I think they know I’m here and are coming today to kill me. If you stay here for a bit you can take care of them for me when they arrive. Do this and I’ll tell you where the Followers of the Dead Three are.”

alabast alabast , DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird , Ilikepie Ilikepie , ValkyrieRose ValkyrieRose , Felix Felix , Felis Felis
Something about Tarina's offer rubs Evendur the wrong way. He doesn't mind doing her a favor per se, but from the little he saw of her earlier, Tarina didn't seem particularly worried about attempts on her life. She was certainly quick to invite their group, strangers to her, to her room even before they had said anything about Zodge, in any case. Of course, maybe hiding weaknesses and the like just comes with the territory as a spy, but it still seems a bit odd to Evendur.

He looks at Tarina intently, trying to make sense of her. Is she really in trouble or is she hoping to rope them into some shady business of hers?

Eventually, he gives up. He is not used enough to dealing with people like her to figure out what they are thinking. If Zodge trusts her (at least enough to send them to her for information), Evendur supposes he just has to give her the benefit of the doubt that she is sincere. He nods at her and looks to the rest of his group to see what they think about Tarina's deal.

(Insight: 7+1=8)
Finding relief that their associates initiated the talk with Tarina -they did just best her in a gamble, albeit unintentionally, Feyris frowned as the other asked for them to protect her from ...pirates. They'd assumed given her supposed debt to the captain, they wouldn't be expected anything in return, but apparently, such was not the case.

The thought of remaining in this tavern any bit longer brought them little joy either, being impatient to finish their task at hand.

However, a study of Tarina showed no signs of deception- perhaps even better so, only made them trust her words more. She did gave up her five gold back in the game without a fight, after all. Surely she wouldn't lie about her life being in danger?
"For someone worried about an attempt on her life, you were very swift in inviting us " Melody says, though the smile doesn't leave her face as she says so.

The rest will depend on this insight check
Saoirse keeps quiet for most of the conversation, letting her associates do the talking. Often, it was best to just hang back and listen rather than to actively communicate. Still, she keeps a close eye on Tarina--she was a spy, after all, and from what Saoirse had seen of the lady so far, she wasn't someone who feared for her life. Was her story about the pirates really the truth? Her compatriots seemed to think the same thing, at least that's what Saoirse could gather with their resident writer's remark. Tarina did seem keen on inviting them, essentially strangers with one who just beat her in a betting game. Did she have something in mind?

Insight: 13 + 3 = 16
Shadow just stares. Pirates great more enemies that she likely will have to kill, and this kind of makes it so she would owe us a favor or that she will still owe Zodge a favor since this pirates would counteract the favor that's being cashed in. Shadow doesn't fully trust Tarina but knows it's highly likely that they are going to fight these regardless.

Insight 16+3=19
Dummy considered Tarina's plea. Evil was evil, so fighting some pirates was just ridding the city of more vermin. It was not their objective though. They had a job to do and the Dead Three were a lot higher on Ilmaters list of ennemies than some lowlife pirates were. He also had a girl to save whose predicament could get worse by the minute.

"If we do this, we can only hang around for the rest of the night. Can you promise us to tell the information if your pirates don't show up?"
Melody, Saoirse, Shadow, Dummy, you pick up on Tarina’s subtle movements and body language. She’s telling the truth, for sure. There are pirates who are looking for her. She hasn’t explained the whole truth, but that’s more about details than intent, from what you can tell.

“Well,” Tarina says, “I have a knack for reading people. You don’t strike me as the murdering types. And if you really wanted to kill me, you seem smart enough not to do it in a tavern filled with my contacts and friends. So, what do you say? You help me, I help you?”
"Certainly, then." They nodded, offering a hand to seal the deal, seeing no reason to not go through. Feyris would never turn down a chance to vanquish evil, in exchange for valuable information to find the nest as well. "Is there any chance you know when they'll arrive?"
"You aren't telling us the whole story, but that is acceptable." Melody says, taking a seat in a chair and pulling out a book to read, taking the opportunity to rest up and listen as her comrades begin planning the defense
"I don't see why not," Saoirse says, seeing no other option. They needed information about the cultists, after all, and if facing pirates was what it took then so be it. The tiefling sits on one of the nightstands, looking at her comrades. "So, do we have any plans or...?" she starts, not exactly sure what to say. "I mean, there's always the alternative of charging and hoping the pointy end does stick, but sometimes that ends badly."
Melody takes a bit of the time to rest, reading through her book as she focuses on recovering. Once she feels she has sufficiently rested, she gathers some ingredients from her bag, and makes a small fire. As it burns, she begins to write a series of runes on a blank page before tearing it out and throwing it onto the fire. The page crumbles and, from the smoke, her hawk familiar appears.

(Casting Find Familiar as a ritual)
Dummy observes Melody as she does her magical stuff, not interrupting her intense concentration. He is intrigued, but also questions if her power comes from a good place. He thinks she might be a useful ally, so he sticks around so he can protect her when the pirates come. While he stands around he tries to listen in on conversations of other patrons to see if he can hear something useful about the Dead Three. He also has his hands on his holy symbol, so he can say a prayer to Ilmater to show him what kind of magic people are using, for whenever he catches people murmuring spells again.

Prepare to cast Detect magic as a ritual if he notices magic being used.
Over the course of waiting in the tavern, you overhear a few different patrons talking and gossiping about the current circumstances in Baldur's Gate. A few things you hear in course of conversation:
  • "I'll bet my last copper piece that those so-called refugees are advanced scouts for an army that's preparing to attack Baldur's Gate!"
  • "The Flaming Fist is decapitated. The captains have already started bickering over who should be in charge with Ulder Ravengard gone."
  • "With Ravengard out of the way, who'll be the next grand duke, I wonder? My money's on Thalamra Vanthampur. Practically born in the sewers, she was, and more vicious than a swarm of rats."
Is there anything else anyone would like to do before we move forward?

alabast alabast , DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird , Ilikepie Ilikepie , ValkyrieRose ValkyrieRose , Felix Felix , Felis Felis
Hearing no response, Saoirse decides to stay seated on the nightstand, half-resting and half-preparing. She watches in awe as Melody summons a hawk from flames--she'd heard of familiars, but had never seen one being summoned before. It makes her wonder what tricks her other compatriots had up their sleeves.

Her right hand rests on the hilt of her rapier, ready to unsheathe it at any moment.

(Spending her only 2 sorcery points to restore that spell slot she expended earlier)
Not finding any particular activities to do before the fight comes to the group, Feyris spends more of the time glancing with intrigue at Melody's spell and listening in on a few conversations around.
Time drags on into the afternoon. Patrons come and go. Drinks and food are served and bussed. Drunks are escorted out. It starts to feel like these pirates might not show.

And then, eight motley humans saunter into the tavern. The leader is a brawny man with a cloudy right eye, a cruel sneer, and a pirate's swagger. The others are an unsavory, rowdy bunch who act as if they own the place.

Those downstairs (I think everyone?) hears the dead-eyed man call out in the middle of the taproom. "We're looking for an old friend of ours," he says. He sniffs the air. "Goes by the name 'Tarina,' or so I'm told. Loves to cheat at Baldur's Bones."

The patrons hush. There are a few murmurs. Some whispers. Then one of the serving wenches stands on her tip toes and calls back to them over customer's heads.

"You'll find 'er upstairs," she says.

Dead-eye nods in thanks and he and his men start for the stairs.

What do you do?

alabast alabast , DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird , Ilikepie Ilikepie , ValkyrieRose ValkyrieRose , Felix Felix , Felis Felis

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