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Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

As she walked up to the altar, Cindy thought to herself. Did she even have anything she'd consider precious on her? That was when it hit her. She did have something! She took out a small turkey toy from her inventory. It was a toy her parents had bought for her on one of her birthdays, a long time ago... The one keepsake she chose to bring along her journeys, to remind her of home. She wasn't too fond of toys herself, but her parents insisted that she brought it with her, and now it was all she had. For a moment, she'd take a good look at the toy, unable to part ways with it as the memories flowed through her mind. But eventually, when it was clear that there was no other options left, she would place it into the basin before her.

  • A wind-up, turkey-shaped toy with a mix of magical and mechanical innerwork. After being wound up, it will start clucking loudly until the internal spring unwinds. When it does, the toy will magically teleport itself into the hands that wound it up. A sticker on the bottom of the toy claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company. The product comes with [Undetected F – Hearing], and [Teleport F] included.
Thomas watches as Cindy places her item on the altar. In a way he was relieved that an actual heart wasn't required for this. He produces a painting from within his robes, and unfurls it to look at one last time. The painting includes him, his parents, and a few other close friends. He keeps it with him as a reminder that he isn't learning time magic for himself but rather for the sake of others. He holds the painting close to himself as he reluctantly walks to the altar, hesitating for a few moments. Mom, dad, and my dear friends... This is for you. The reason why this is so sentimental is because the original painter is no longer alive, so it's not something that can be recreated. He and everyone else is also older, so even if a copy were to be made it wouldn't be the same. The innocence of youth captured in this painting will never be recreated in the exact same fashion as it was here. Thomas places the painting on the altar with shaky hands, stepping back after wiping a tear from his eye. As he leaves the altar, he tells himself it's for a good cause, whether or not he wants to believe it.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII
The End
As Cindy placed her cherished turkey toy and Thomas his irreplaceable painting onto the ancient altar, a profound silence enveloped the space. The artifacts of their past, symbols of love and time unrecaptured, rested within the basin, gleaming under the moon’s gentle scrutiny. The air around them thickened, charged with anticipation and a hint of unseen magic.

The Lady, her form ethereal and shimmering, stepped forward, her gaze softening as she looked upon the offerings. "Precious memories, bonds that tie the soul to moments fleeting," she murmured, her voice a whisper that seemed to weave through the night air, binding the present to the echoes of the past. As she spoke, the basin glowed, a soft, ethereal light emanating from within, enveloping the turkey toy and the painting in a gentle embrace. The objects began to dissolve, their essence transforming into wisps of light that coalesced around the Lady, nourishing the hunger that had long plagued her spirit. A sigh escaped her lips, a sound of relief and a fragment of joy, as the sustenance provided by these pure intentions momentarily filled the void within her.

The Crow, silent till now, nodded in acknowledgment of their sacrifices. "Well chosen, well given," he cawed softly, his voice carrying a note of respect. "In offering what is most dear, you've demonstrated the strength of heart over the clasp of possession. Such lessons are the keystones of wisdom." His gaze, once sharp and assessing, now held a glimmer of approval, a recognition of the adventurers' growth and the sincerity of their journey.

The altar's glow intensified, casting long shadows across the sands, as if signaling the completion of a sacred rite. Then, as swiftly as it had begun, the light receded, leaving behind a sense of peace and a tangible change in the air. Where the turkey toy and the painting once lay, now there was only the smooth stone of the basin, but the air thrummed with a newfound energy, a promise of paths yet to be walked.

The Lady and the Crow shared a look, an unspoken communication that spanned the divide between life and death, before turning their attention back to the adventurers. "Your journey here is at its end," the Lady said, her voice carrying the strength of the sustenance she had gained. "The path forward is open, shaped by the sacrifices made this night. Walk it with the wisdom of what you have learned and the courage of what you have given."

The Crow spread his wings, casting a shadow that seemed to embrace the adventurers for a fleeting moment. "Come, there is nothing more to gain from here and everything to lose. Go forth and don't look back," he intoned. "The strength you've shown here will light your way."

In the aftermath of their offerings and the acceptance by the altar, the adventurers found the path forward leading out of the strange hourglass and back towards the entrance to the Crypt. Many hours had passed and not all of those parties that entered the crypt left.

While the promise of riches appeared to have been as much a scam as a lottery, at least the had taken new experiences and growth.
Thomas didn't know what he was expecting, but the conclusion of this adventure seems to have been a bit of a letdown. Was he thinking of a different sort of ending? Was there really any purpose to giving up his painting from so long ago that couldn't be replicated in the slightest way? Maybe he was anticipating a little bit more trouble to impede their path in the desert. Though he isn't sure his staff would've survived another encounter. Once he gets back to the city he'll probably look for another one. He turns to the group, who he's been going along with to say a few things. "Cindy. Good to have you along. Good luck on your future plans. Drunk guy." It was all he could think to say to the rambling drunk who had fumbled his way to the party before they had left for the crypt. He moved to Octavia, Lilith and Cassius. They had all been a big help with the challenges. "Fun seeing you all again, even though Damien went too far. Perhaps we'll do something like this again. I'm sure I'll see you all around the halls at the school, so no real formal goodbyes are necessary. And... that's everybody." He started walking to the exit of the hourglass, not really in a mood to say anything else to the crow or the lady. While this may have not been a permanent change, it helped a little bit.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII
While everyone was leaving the place, Axel stayed there, he then pulled a bottle of beer...
"Maybe one day, if i become the party beast is was once, and maybe, just maybe, i'll find my way to enjoy life, right god... i know your there, you crazy old man..." he said as he drank the beer bottle.

"Coming to think about it, i need to know how to fight, maybe learn a weapon... Y'know, screw it i'll go now..." Axel stood up, threw the bottle of beer to the ground, and began running to the exit of the city, it's time to learn how to fight...
Isekai Hell Grade

The group of students were sent into a crypt to get riches and the promise of gaining favor with the academy. The group endured many trials, eventually reaching the deepest part of the crypts. Where they met a lady trapped in a requiem. The students were told to offer prized items in exchange for their desires to be filled. However turns out wisdom was indeed the true wealth in that crypt. So the party left with their knowledge.


Emeron- 78 Points

Cindy- ??? PointsDm me if you want your points

Thomas- 54 Points
Acquired optional title: [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.

Axel- 10 Points
Acquired optoinal title: [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.

Eris- 3 Points

mentions: Darkbloom Darkbloom Scarletti Scarletti gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII

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