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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fifteen

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I guess it's my phone but I can't see a picture. I see a rectangular outline and the rest inside is black.
Ah! I see eyes in the dark now! Thanks again, Kaerri Kaerri !

Darlin', why are you having to fix the posts?
I'm not? Just adding to the fun ^;3^ (D.Rex's is supposed to be just pitch black.)
Ahh! I get it now. My head is on backwards at the moment, but I'll straighten out (probably after a good long sleep). Thanks for the silliness and for explaining! =)
Purr Purr At the Adventurers Inn, is it just the party, or did the various NPCs (family and such) come along with us? I don't want to post that Luna says something to her father if he's not there!
Hi, Sherwood! I've just woke up from a deep nap and I'm still in its grip. This is the most-efficient way I can think to answer right now. =)

...the tavern and inn called the Adventurers' Guild.
(ellipsis and bold mine)

Bren and Bria could reasonably theorize that tonight was either a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday given the sheer amount of people inside. Finding a table for a party your size would probably be trouble. For with the Wayward Wanderers were Luna's mother, father, and ghostly brother, Oreleth's buddy Dendarian, Glider along half a dozen smiling and robe-clad Ko monks with Bren, Bria, and Otiorin, wide-eyed Count Barathus and his four servants, and ever-cautious Tarros the Tamer.
(bold mine)

I'm going to take Kaerri out to dinner now (and wake up a great deal more first before I get behind the wheel). Be back later! =)

EDIT: Forgot to tag you. Sherwood Sherwood
Purr Purr At the Adventurers Inn, is it just the party, or did the various NPCs (family and such) come along with us? I don't want to post that Luna says something to her father if he's not there!

Back! I am glad you asked just in case! =)
Ok, here is a prime example of a case that my character will know more than the player does! I personally have no clue as to how to deal with a Green Slime. Can Luna get a Lore check to see if she has an idea of what is the best course of action to take?
Yes, she may! Which of her trove of Skills would she like to use?
Lore - Monster gives me a +17 on my roll. Lets try that.
Here comes the white d20 you selected for Sharseya...


It comes up an 11 for a 28 total! You beat the DC by 10 making it a Critical Success!

It pays to study like a Wizard, folks! =)
Powerpaw points excitedly, "Don't touch da trident! Whatevar ya do! Don't do its!
Getting caught up and thought I'd explain something as it may be a little bit before Kaerri does so in-character: the trident, named Wave, is a sentient item that is excessively pro-Poseidon. Anyone picks it up, it says, "Death or disfigurement to all who do not worship Poseidon" -- and this is your warning to either change religions or face the consequences! (I don't remember instantly dropping it being an option, but I suppose you could ask the GM. Better still would be not touching it in the first place.) The consequences being, Wave starts sucking water out of your body. We're something like 70% water, remember, so that's going to cause some massive HP loss! Unless of course you're looking for a new deity? Converts always welcome ^;3^
I do recall that weapon from the module "White Plume Mountain", if I am not mistaken in the name.
That's precisely where she got it. ^D^
excessively pro-Poseidon.

Very, very true! Great description, darlin'! =)

I do recall that weapon from the module "White Plume Mountain", if I am not mistaken in the name.

Ding, ding! Give that man a cupie doll! That is precisely where The Last Resort (Kaerri Rainshadow's team) recovered Wave from the foul hands of Keraptis! What a fun tabletop module that is! =)
I don't think I can recall a party of adventurers that actually returned the three weapons that they were sent off to recover.
Nor I. The Last Resort returned Whelm to the Dwarves (and were richly rewarded), donated Blackrazor (to Poseidon), but Wave by that point was just too good of a find and he and Rainshadow got along surprisingly well after they sorted a few things out first. Wave is True Neutral (like Boccob) and does not give a damn about many things. What he cares about, he cares about very strongly. And because of her actions, that includes Rainshadow. =)

Update: Grit the Kobold (D. Rex's character) will be entering the game shortly. I believe I have his O.K. to get a one-page prologue for him started (something much like Kaerri had for Rainshadow). =)
Update: Grit the Kobold (D. Rex's character) will be entering the game shortly. I believe I have his O.K. to get a one-page prologue for him started (something much like Kaerri had for Rainshadow). =)
Awesome. Looking forward to seeing the little guy.
Nor I. The Last Resort returned Whelm to the Dwarves (and were richly rewarded), donated Blackrazor (to Poseidon), but Wave by that point was just too good of a find and he and Rainshadow got along surprisingly well after they sorted a few things out first. Wave is True Neutral (like Boccob) and does not give a damn about many things. What he cares about, he cares about very strongly. And because of her actions, that includes Rainshadow. =)

Update: Grit the Kobold (D. Rex's character) will be entering the game shortly. I believe I have his O.K. to get a one-page prologue for him started (something much like Kaerri had for Rainshadow). =)
You indeed have my okay. I like the idea you put forward, and it works well.

Just give me the go ahead and I'll enter at my earliest convenience.
Hope to post later today or tomorrow at the latest! Stay safe and healthy, Gang!
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