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Futuristic Another Normal Day Reborn: Lore



Harbinger of War, Chaos, and Poptarts
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In the Year 2178 , Humanitgy did what it did best- wage war on itself and destroy the land we had inherited. As always we built weapons of death and destruction, determined to kill our enemies and their memory- their children and their history, but this time we went too far. Weapons went out of control, traitors turned our weapons on our own civilian populations that ha dtoiled and starved in factories to feed the machine of war, the weapons they built to kill a distant enemy turning on us. When the dust settled, few goverments remained in command, the few controlled territories crumbling into riots and chaos.

A truce was called as land surveyors confirmed over ninety percent of the earth was now barren, irradiated, or uninhabitable. Food ran low, the already decimated human population plummeted as diseases once cured by modern medicine ran free through the crude villages and walled off cities- things mutated in the radiation zones, striking at night on weary travelors and unprotected towns.

The remaining great minds of the Worst Generation scanned all information in the few uncompirimesed data banks, until they found it, land untouched by the terrors of the Century War. The worlds remaing organized forces abdned rtogether, queitly identifyying genetically pure individuals and shuttling them to an undisclosed location, where walls rose and skyscraperfs began to emerger like an old work movie or poster.

Once the surface was populated with genetically unaltered civilians, the surroudning wild and uncivilized shanty towns where evacuated to a system of caverns found under the new world, tasked with supplying the metal and materials to the new world in isolation until their genetic abnormalities disapeered from time away from the irradiated land they had been living on. After a decade of martial law, the now old and dying founders found their succsessor in a machine.

There where tests of course, but after months of isolation, the head founder Issac Crane developed a benevolent artificial construct, restricted from a physical body and omnipresent in the city. For years, the AI began improving lives- allowing Bottom Dwellars into the sunlight, no longer contaminated by the old world toxins, giving infrastructure to a bustling economy in the fertile lands and rich mines. Then, people divided. The Surface largely resented their socially and physically lower brothers, the human council frequently approving laws taht benefited the surface and harmed the lives of the poor undergrounders, before many decided it was enough. Security Agency Caches where raided, the eternal trains that transported the yields of Mines and Factories where blocked off- and fighting began.

The Surface built weapons fo mass destruction, while the underground gatehred a massive force to combat the superior technology, while their AI ruler stood by- inhibited by her rules to stop the conflict. The War dragged on for years, as the Surface suffered near economical collapse while the Underround continued to send their legions of rebels.

Eventually, the war ended as the surface finnally managed to cut off the undergrounds connection to the few agricultural facilities that sided with the rebellion. The Rebels surrendered their few freedoms, with the other revolutionary groups suffering the same fate, many exiled to the Underground. Little did they know, the little medical supplies and crowded conditions bred Disease. The Reckoning spread like wildfire, with a nearly complete mortality rate and one of the highest transmission rates recorded in virology. Entire Cities, and the Northern Sector of the Captial are abandoned to this day, with only criminals and vagabounds inhabitating the hallowed grounds where the secretive Biological Threat Division purged the remaining hosts of the viruses, many turning weapons on themselves and other infected agents in the bloody cleansing.

As the New World recovered from the horrors of war and pestilence, people began to change- do impossible things. The new Bioloical Threats Division struggled to contain the knowledge of this, until the villian Hammerdown attacked the Citadel, the home of the AI- nearly destroying herself and resulting in her creation of a private Security Company- and refusing Security Agents sent to patrol her seat of power.

As chaos took control once again, with Enhanced Veterans of the war taking revenge and criminals seeking to gain from the chaos and new abilities, a shining new hope appeared- The Heroes League. The first generation of Enhanced Heroes believed in Honor, To Defend all of the New Worlds Ingabitant, To be something better than what they where before they where blessed with these abilities.

The Heroes League quickly joined the Security Agency and the AI’s efforts to stop the crime wave, until nearly every major villian was imprisoned or dead. Those heroes have grown old, many corrupted by their newfound power and influence, allowing their successors to grow vain and greedy- until a team of gunman killed ten of the thirty First Generation Heroes, their motives are unkown, the sole captured assassin refusing to talk of an employer or higher goal.
The Fell

The Fell are the mindless slaves commonly used as servants for upper class servants, or laborers for jobs even Under grounders don’t use. They never question or resist orders, and would die if left on their own, due to their lack of brain activity.

Although their origins are Unkown, Their creators at the Shu Corporation have suggested Cloning is involved, also ensuring that the experiments and creation is humane, even though the creatures are barley considered as such.

The fell are humanoid, with pale skin and grey eyes, usually possessing an identification tattoo similar to the inhabitants of the Underground. This includes their Identification Number, Current Owner, and any symbols that report any crimes or incidents such as: Running Away, Crimes, or sicknesses.

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