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Multiple Settings A Very Cool Title That Makes You Interested In Rping With Me (Updated 05/28)


ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
fun mcelroy brothers GIF


Howdy .​


Hi, hey, how are ya? I'm Spink, a 25-year-old lady who's been doing this thing for quite awhile. Beyond writing, I'm a pretty generic nerd who enjoys typical nerd things. I'm real artsy, I play video games, I have 3 cats, and not to brag or anything but I can do a single magic trick.


The Cool Relevant Stuff:​

I default to third person, past tense.

I like writing the kinds of stories that are filled to the brim with angst but with a sprinkle of wonderfully tooth-rotting fluff to make it bearable. I enjoy all forms of nitty-gritty and it shows in my characters, who are all varying levels of awful. :')

Post length is totally dependent on what's happening. I think I'm what is considered a novela writer? and sometimes my starters can become absolutely HUGE but more action-based or dialogue heavy scenes will max out at about 2-3 paragraphs lol. I'm typically a pretty wordy writer and while I'm not a stickler for post length, I'd much prefer something chunky rather than quick go-go-go type posts.

All my characters will be adults.

While I'm a huge sucker for romance, I rarely write "and then they fell in love and it was all cool" type relationships. I don't care for any sort of insta-love, and I have a bit of a preference for writing M/M relationships just because I love writing dudes being guys.

I love fleshing out the world with an entire cast of characters, so much so that you can expect moodboards for characters I kill off in two scenes.

I currently work a full-time job and my days off are not consistent so don't expect a post every day. Once a week at worst!

I don't care where we rp and I'll happily go with your preferences - but I default to privage messages or discord servers.

I play all types of characters but I only do OCs. I don't mind stories based around elements of fandom though.

I don’t have any triggers but it’s completely alright if you do, just let me know and we can cut anything that squicks you out!

I don't personally use face claims and have a pretty strong preference towards written descrition but if it makes you happy, I don't care one way or the other.

I absolutely love ooc chat, I'm totally here to be cool internet friends! I might come across a little hoity-toity here but I'm super casual ooc and I fucking LOVE to gush about rp shit. Send me all your memes, all your pinterest boards, all your playlists, your shitposts, your plans, your aus, everything and I will absolutely match that energy! I’m here for it! I get hype as hell for these fictional angsts and kisses so I hope you do too.


Things about you:​

You gotta be over 18.

Besides maybe a side character or two, your characters will also be adults.
Multiple characters in one story is a strong preference, multiple pairings in one story is also a bonus! If you find yourself soley writing one kind of character/pairing/etc, I'm not the writer for you.

I genuinely will never care how long it takes you to get a post out! Life is weird, motivation is weird, I get it - it's all good.

OCs only :')

Details, please! Drown me in it!

What's On The Menu:


Each breath brings with it a sharp tang, a reminder of the nearby ocean and its ceaseless churn. There's no getting away from it, not from the fish gut stink of the sailors or the salt that first clings and then crusts. No, those born here are destined to a life of smelling brine in every mouthful of air, forever tasting the sea and all of its tides. Aka the weather is changing and the sun is making me want to write about pirates. I don't really have a good hook for this one but I'd love to do.. something! Maybe something supernatural, with mermaids and pirates and maybe mermaid-pirate-politics??, or maybe there's like,, ghosts?? I don't know, I just want the *vibes*.

Cowboys. I'm always down for Cowboys. What if.. what if we mixed Cowboys, and magic, so that the sheriff's revolver shoots silver bullets and the very charming devil-type comes in riding a unicorn? Old-timey, messy relationships, vaguely-red-dead-but-i've-only-played-one, guitar twang, hat! Woo!

Something fantasy, just so I have an excuse to write knights. :') I have a old kingdom I've been dying to spiffy up a little so perhaps we tip-toe in that direction.. I'd like to do something kinda grim-dark-y I think but I'm open to your ideas. :-0

The Apocalypse, somehow someway!

A random assortment of pairings that we could maybe build a plot around, yippee!

criminal x criminal
(is it just convenience or actual affection that keeps them together? they'll never tell.)

criminal x "normal" person just trying their best
(oh no, they've got a past!)

investigator/journalist/detective x ghost/monster/fae/crime-doer
(they think the journalist is charming but incredibly stupid)

immortal x immortal
(resolve fights by simply running away until you cannot remember what you were fighting about! it's healthy!)

witch hunter x witch
(maybe they think they're a good person, maybe they were expecting someone real ugly but whoops they're hot)

selfish asshole x bit of a pushover
(can they have 20 bucks? they swear they'll pay you back!)

stupid x stupid
(fucking bet they can jump over this moving car)

superhero x supervillian
(not the fix-me or corrupt-me type tho)

Hardworker x Slacker
(ride those coattails, baby!)

Apocalypse ❀ Fallout ❀ Royalty/Kingdoms ❀ Dark Fantasy ❀ Fear and Hunger ❀ Funky Fantasy Religion ❀ Vague DND Vibes ❀ Angst ❀ Cults ❀ Cannibals ❀ Small Town, Iowa ❀ Golden Town, CA ❀ All Edgy Tropes Ever ❀ whump lmao ❀ KNIGHTS ❀ Unlikely Heroes ❀ Unlikely Villains ❀ Morally Grey/Black Characters ❀ Genuinely Mean People who are maybe soft for One Person ❀ Genuinely Mean People who are soft for No One ❀ Found Family ❀ Bad Things Happening To Good People ❀ And Bad People ❀ But Sometimes They Get A Kiss, Mwah ❀ Drug Addicts ❀ Rowdy & Problematic Characters ❀ Slummin' it up, in a trailer, BABY ❀ Toxic Relationships ❀ Meanies (in love!) ❀ "I wish I could quit you" ❀ "I should've left you on that street corner where I found you" ❀ "but ya didn't" ❀ FIDLAR ❀ 40s-60s ❀ 70s-90s ❀ diners, drive-ins, and dives ❀ Soulmates ❀ Body Horror ❀ Cowboys

I know all my plot is SUPER vague but that's because I l would love to build it around what gets my partner excited too! :') I'm down to hodgepodge whatever together, I'm down to wiggle it around, hell - if you think we'd vibe and you just wanna write with me, I'm sure we can figure SOMETHING out, just throw something my way. I just really love writing and falling in love with characters, man.

Thank you so much for reading all the way through -- shoot me a DM and I'm sure we can figure something out, mwah.​

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