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Fandom A Splendid Selection of Despair ~ Danganronpa (Trigger Happy Havoc, SDR2: Goodbye Despair, and Killing Harmony) (cc x oc, cc x cc) (doubling)

Kuroi Tamashi

♡ Sonadow, fight me ♡
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello wonderful person who's clicked on this thread, whether intentionally or on accident (in which case clearly you must read on, right? It is simply fate). Now, for the first time ever I've found a fandom I'm so fixated on, my adhd brain losing focus will not be a problem at all and we can most likely have a long and fun (or dramatic) rp together. If you're a Danganronpa fan, I welcome you to despair. Am 16 so don't respond if you're uncomfortable rping with minors.

My ideal rp partner;
  • Replies multiple times daily
  • Writes minimally 2 paragraphs per main character and 1 paragraph per additional character, per response
  • Is civil and willing to discuss ooc before/during the rp
  • Eloquent and writes detailed responses with few grammatical errors.
However, as such ideals are often unrealistic, here is the minimum I ask of you!
  • 1 reply per day (if you need time to yourself, have an emergency, etc, that's fine, just please message and let me know you'll be inactive for some time)
  • 2 paragraphs per response
  • Minimal ooc communication required to get the rp going and settle any issues
  • Put forth your best effort, and don't stress over minor errors

I am open to many types of stories and can usually adjust to my partner with some compromise to be expected. You want fluff? You got it. Angst and drama? Yep. The darkest themes one can rp without being banned from the forums? Also yep. However, romance is usually a must, though I'll be happy with most any dynamic between the characters.

Seeing as this is Danganronpa, one should probably expect a lot, a lot, a lot of death and chaos. This is one of the primary reasons I strongly recommend doubling, so that can occur without our main characters getting instantly killed off! However, if that's not your thing, I'm open to pre-Hope's Peak/Ultimate Academy and non-despair AUs as well.

As you can see, I've attempted to include all characters I believe I'd enjoy/be comfortable rping against so you have a wide selection. Bolded characters are those I'm particularly wanting to rp against and I would greatly appreciate if you picked them up!

THH: Makoto, Kiyotaka, Mondo, Byakuya, Celeste, Chihiro, Sakura, Yasuhiro

SDR2:GD: Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, Nagito, Hajime, Chiaki

KH: KOKICHI, Gonta, K1-B0/Keebo, Kaito, Korekiyo, Shuichi

Side characters/doubles only: Monokuma, Usami, Monomi, Aoi, Sayaka, Hifumi, Junko, Kyoko, Leon, Toko, Teruteru, Mikan, Akane, "Byakuya", Gundham, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Mahiru, Nekomaru, Peko, Sonia, Angie, Himiko, Kirumi, Maki, Miu, Rantaro, Ryoma, Tenko

This is a short list because I'm insecure and prefer to main ocs anyway lol.
Chihiro, Kyoko, Junko, Hiyoko, Nagito

Yami Manji, Ultimate Sharpshooter. Confident, blunt, strong, protective and caring. Puts others before herself.
Yume Aozora, Ultimate Pharmacist (I am aware there is someone in the animation with this designation. However, I don't care). Emotional, insecure, meek on the outside, can be manipulative, obsessive, "yandere".
Kotae Iro, Ultimate Translator. Very shy, sweet, lonely, absolute bundle of anxiety. Selectively mute due to severe social anxiety.
Ritsuko Ume, Ultimate Trickster. Playful, mischievous, a bit of a sadist, little empathy, craves attention, lonely. Her favorite prank is putting spicy hot sauce in peoples' food when they aren't looking.
Satsuko Rinme, Ultimate Criminal Psychologist. Cold, analytical, short tempered, egotistical, highly intelligent. She attended the same junior high school as Makoto Naegi and thus the legendary chair incident occurred.
Kura Yamitsuki, Ultimate ??? (Ultimate Despair member, referred to as Ultimate "Interrogator"). Sadistic, manipulative, compulsive liar, erratic and highly emotional due to an undiagnosed mental disorder.
Please pm to inquire about or begin a rp! I also have discord if that is your preferred medium.
Would you be open to doing a 8x8 RP?
With both of us playing 8 characters and going from there?
I'd want to play as OCs, but you can play as OCs or canon characters as you wish~
Would you be open to doing a 8x8 RP?
With both of us playing 8 characters and going from there?
I'd want to play as OCs, but you can play as OCs or canon characters as you wish~
Hey, unfortunately I believe that would be a few too many characters for me to handle. Best of luck in finding a partner that can meet your needs : )
Hello! I'm interested in your offer. Pm me if you want to. It will be a 1x1

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