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A Man and a Dragon (Greatmar2 & oOVacatedWisperOo)

They arrived a year and a half ago. The surviving Dragons, fleeing the invasion and destruction of their own planet, arrived on Earth in vessels considered small by them, but much larger than any space vessel mankind has created thus far.

The dragons usually walk on all-fours, however can also walk on their hind legs. They have opposable thumbs. Due to their scales, they have no need of clothing aside from armour for extra protection in battle. Provided they are not killed by other causes, they live naturally between 130 and 160 years, twice the lifespan of an average human. They can breathe fire, but it takes effort to sustain it for extended periods of time. They never truly stop growing, although their growth decelerates as they get older. An average middle-aged dragon is 10-15 metres long from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail and has a 12 - 17 metre wingspan.

At first there was much confusion and the occasional fight between the fire lizards and Humans, mainly due to the language barrier. Until about three months after their arrival, great minds from both parties managed to collaborate and create the first translator robot. A robot is most often required for translation, as it is hard for us humans to pronounce the dragon's gutteral language, and hard for them to speak ours. After the first prototypes, these robots started becoming mass-produced and are now commonly available both publicly usable and buyable. However, there are many Dragons and Men that chose to learn to understand the others' language, and do not need a translator robot to talk the other species, merely to understand what they say.

Through this communication method, Humans and Dragons brought together a semi-stable peace. Dragons have been assigned less densely-populated areas of Earth, particularly the more extreme environments, as the Dragons' thick, scaly hides protects them somewhat from the elements.

That peace lasted for just over half a year, but was brought to an abrupt stop when the leader of the Dragon survivors was assassinated, a little more than a year from when the first Dragons arrived. There was no proof that humans had done it, but there were groups on both sides that thought that only one of the species should have Earth, there not being enough space to contain both. The new Dragon leader declared war on the Humans a mere week after his ascension.

The war has been devastating to both sides, and the environment. The Humans have the advantage of numbers. The Dragons have the advantage of superior technology, being advanced enough that an uninformed human might mistake it for magic.

It is unknown whether one species has performed espionage on the other, or by pure coincidence, but both sides have recently started a new program. Think of Avatar. Each side has acquired DNA from the other and artificially grown bodies, which are then "driven" remotely by "pilots" who are bound to their own specific bodies. The pilot's own body would rest, as if asleep, while they controlled the artificial one. This was an unplanned, but greatly useful effect, as they pilots could live two lives mentally awake 24/7 for extended periods of time.

The aim of the False Body Project is to infiltrate the other side and gather intelligence as to the best points to strike, and how to prepare for incoming attacks. The vast majority of Dragons and Humans know not at all of this operation, even that others of their kind are doing it, since it is a select few.

Preoccupied with the war, both sides have forgotten about the species dubbed "Locusts" in English, who have drained Draconia of its resources and are hungrily in search of a new planet to devour...

Here is the map of Earth:


Here is a map with the population density of countries around the world. The countries where the most land was given to the Dragons are the yellow ones:


For reference, a political map of Earth, displaying the name of each country:


Larger map.

Character Sheet


Artificial body:



Name: Roluth Ave'rati


Species: Dragon

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Personality: Roluth is quiet and determined. He dislikes unfairness and goes to lengths to do what he sees as just. He may be young to his kind, but he is still determined and persistent. He has developed a hate for "locusts" and a strong dislike to humans, feeling they are inferior.

History: Roluth's father was involved in the military, and his mother was a scientist, researching new technologies. Having been encouraged to do well academically by his mom, he achieved highly in the 20th (and final) year in the dragons' equivalent of school, and also excelled in his tertiary studies.

His mother died in the fight to save Draconia, and his father was injured, losing a front right leg and having his right wing torn to ribbons. Roluth would gladly have joined, and given his life in, defending his planet. However, his dad said that his mother's dying wish was for them to leave the planet, in hope of surviving and aiding in finding a new home for the Dragons.

When the new leader of the Dragons, Lyrroth, declared war on the humans, his dad insisted on joining the fight, despite his injuries. Several weeks later, he was killed, having been picked off by a human aircraft, as he could not fly to it to attack, and he had already used all the charge in his rifle and the striker was out of range of his fire breath.

After his father's death, Roluth was approached to participate in the False Body Project. He gladly agreed, hoping to contribute to the downfall of the lesser species. Despite disliking the language, he learnt English quickly and shall soon "pilot" his human body for the first time into the human public.

Artificial body:

Name: Richard Seanson


Species: Human
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