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are you laughing at my brother?
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My Interest Check
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The Gomorrah Festival is a traveling carnival of debauchery that caters to the strangest of dreams and desires. Otherwise known as the Burning City due to the perpetual haze of smoke that enshrouds the festival, Gomorrah is home to several thousand performers. In the Uphill, which largely consists of performances and attractions, there are fortune-tellers, musicians, acrobats, magicians, firebreathers, and so much more. While few except for Gomorrah's proprietor are truly wealthy, these talented stars are more likely to be better-off than their Downhill counterparts. Things get a little more... lurid, for lack of a better word, in the Downhill, where you'll find your pretty(wo)men, booze and blow, and gambling dens. Crime runs rampant here, and many such individuals are living on the brink of poverty, with caravans that haven't been repainted in years pulled by horses that are a touch too thin. Uphill and Downhill alike, Gomorrah will typically spend two or three weeks in a town, mesmerizing patrons with parlor tricks, high-wire acts, and bourbon-soaked apples, before it's time to pack up and move on as a group, going either up-mountain or down-mountain.


However, it should be known that this is no ordinary circus. In this universe, it's not common for jynx-workers to be born, but neither is it a phenomenon. It's more common for jynx-workers to be Down-Mountainers or Gomorrah natives than Up-Mountainers, as jynx-work of all kind is viciously persecuted in the latter territory. Considered a grievous offense to Ovren, the warrior god, jynx-workers are thought to be blasphemers, and while the law technically doesn't allow for targeted violence to befall them, authorities have been known to passively condone such acts. Jynx-work is a somewhat hereditary trait, in that it's more common for two jynx-workers to have a magical child, but it's not unknown for parents with no magical lineage to bear a jynx-worker child. The Down-Mountain is less socially and financially conservative than the Up-Mountain; it's more socially acceptable for citizens to frequent Gomorrah and welcoming of jynx-workers of all kinds. Citizens here play a game of chance called lucky coins for fun, and the Down-Mountain is home to a variety of exotic wildlife: snow tigers, chimeras, leopard dragons, falcons and other birds of prey, and pandas.

Two thousand years ago, before Gomorrah became a traveling festival, it was once a true city in the Great Mountains. In fact, it was a narrow strip of land that divided the continent into two halves. In these days, it's skyline was blue instead of a smoky haze. During this era, fire- and shadow-workers could dominate entire regions of the world, and their powers were worshipped as divine by non-magical folk. However, the Up-Mountainers began the current stigma toward jynx-workers. People from the wintry tundras in the north to the humid bayous in the south united under their warrior god. Now, the Up-Mountain is the most prosperous region of the Great Mountains, and even the most capable jynx-worker is no match for their massive armies. As a result of the Up-Mountain's disdain, Gomorrah, the largest compilation of jynx-workers at the time, turned from a city to the largest group of nomads known to history. Within the past two thousand years, it's become home to all kinds of magics and mysteries, dreams and nightmares. The Gomorrah colors are red, pink, and purple, and their signature treat is licorice-coated cherries. Its most popular attraction is the Menagerie, a nightly Uphill performance in which the impossible becomes reality, ending every night with a fireworks show. Most Gomorrah residents have become nocturnal to accommodate their unique lifestyle, in which nighttime is peak business hours.


However, something has gone amiss within Gomorrah as of late. A recent string of murders has everyone shaken to their core, with several Gomorrah residents found stabbed to death or strangled, others drowned or made to look as if they'd had plausible accidents. So far, the proprietor's investigation has accomplished little. It's still unknown who's behind the murders, how they've gone undetected for so long, and most importantly, why? Perhaps an Ovren fanatic is the culprit, or just maybe it's a Gomorrah resident trying to thin the competition or set themselves up as the next proprietor.


OOC: Hello, everyone! If you've made it this far, I truly applaud your attentional skills, and you have my gratitude. Anyway, a few things to note: This thread is not an original idea but based off of Amanda Foody's Daughter of the Burning City. However, it's not a particularly well-known book, and I don't expect anyone to have read it prior to joining. But if you've had the pleasure, then that's great! As the previous paragraph mentions, yes, there is indeed a murderer within (or perhaps an outsider infiltrating) our carnival of debauchery. Once our initial cast of characters is created, I shall randomly select one character to be the murderer, and this will be a secret for only that RPer and me to know! Like, cross-your-heart-and-hope-to-die level of secrecy... until the time is right, of course. Other things to note: This will be an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! Your first language absolutely does not have to be English, but everyone please try to do the best you can with grammar and spelling. Lastly, the expected activity level is a post at least once every two weeks! Personally, I value quality over quantity posts, so I want everyone to take pride in their writings, even if it means a slower-paced thread.


That's all for now, folks! Thank you again for your interest, and please let me know if you have questions, my loves. Can't wait to meet you in Gomorrah! 🎡🍭🪄🎪

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Potentially interested, is it Real FCs only, and does it include any races that aren't human (on the Fantasy topic)?
Making an entirely new character, as all my ocs are too similar rn. So, sadly, Bennett will cease to exist
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My charrie sheet is close to done ^^ nd yes, I decided to make him a jynx worker with luck magic :)
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